Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Minami Shouko/Minako
Age: 17 Height: 1,65 m

Personality: Minako is a bright and cheerful girl who's eager to make lots of friends and enjoy the wonders of Aincrad with them, though, deep down she feels a little selfish for not wanting the game to end so soon, she doesn't want people close to her to die and does her best to protect them even if she's not that good of a fighter.

Bio: Shouko is the only child of a family who has been dealing with real state business ever since the post WWII period. Though they aren't exactly super-rich,they could afford a comfortable living even on times of economic unrest.

When she was three years old, her parents car crashed and, while everyone survived, she was never able to walk again because of a lower spine injury. She wasn't really concerned with this fact though as she learned to appreciate life in a different way than most people. However she wished to one day again do simple things like walk on her own legs or playing until she fell out of exhaustion.

When one of her friends told her about SAO, and explained that in that world she would be able to feel how it was to be able to walk again, she was quick to urge her parents to buy her a copy of it.

Preferred Weapons and Armor: Medium metal armor and a light shield along with a one handed war hammer, or mace.


- All forging skills (she'll be kind of a blacksmith)
- Equipment appraisal
- Extended Weight Limit
- Metal Refining
- Purchase Negotiaion
- Sales Negotiation
- Tool Appraisal

- Parry
- Battle Healing
- Lightweight Shield Equipment
- Light Metal Equipment

- Blade Throwing
- One-handed War Hammer

- Cooking (she'll bad at this, but will still has learn the skill)


Level 2

Health 425
Strength 7
Agility 6


Light Mace, Light Shield, Light Metal Armor, Healing Crystal x2, Belt Pouch, Rye Bread x2, Sweet Milk x1, Basic Tools, Beginner's Guide, 500 col.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asuna Yuuki
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Asuna Yuuki Second in Command Of The Order of the Blood Oath

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name in Real Life: Mayuri Akayo

In Name Game: Asuna (^_^ I had to.)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

She wears a cloak over the top of her clothes also.

Short Bio: She lives with her mother and older brother. Her father died a few years ago, making her mother withdrawn, but she still tries to help the family. Mayuri has been addicted with gaming almost her entire life, and has even tried to make her own games occasionally. Her brother bought her the NerveGear and SAO as a present, and she has been addicted with it ever since. She loves the anonymity and the ability to be who you want to be.

Personality: She is usually quiet and determined, refusing to let anyone stand in her way. When she is with people she knows and trusts, she is more relaxed, excitable and outgoing.

Preferred weapon and Armor: Currently copper armour and a one handed curved blade.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name in Real Life: Toda Akira
In Name Game: Geist
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Looks: Akira’s hair is a dark blonde, well-trimmed in a longer style that gives him an older appearance. His features are fine and handsome, a perfect blend of Scandinavian and east-Asian with a tight jaw line and large dark eyes.

Personality: Akira is most often cold and calculating but displays a two-faced split in his countenance; the perfect sophisticated socialite on one hand and a sneering highbrow elitist on the other. He doesn’t make friends; or at least he’s had little success in the past; but will strive to make allies if he thinks they can help further his own agenda (which often works simply because he often brings a lot to the table). Still, even his mutual allegiances don’t often last long when the other party has fulfilled their usefulness.
Despite his positively terrible attitude and abrasive nature, there is a glimmer of something else beneath the surface; something that wishes to connect with another person in a wide and seemingly empty world. It just takes a keen eye and a patient mind to see it.

Noncombat Skills:

Combat Skills:
-Battle Healing
-Leather Equipment

Weapon Skill:
-One-handed Dagger

Dagger Skills:
-Armor Pierce: single strike attack that lowers target's armor.
-Side Bite: 2-strike attack with a small chance to bind the target.

Preferred weapon and Armor: Light leather armor, thrown weapons and one-handed daggers.

Level: 3
HP: 625
STR: 6
AGI: 10
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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hivekiller SCP

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name in Real Life: Jason
In Name Game: Scythe
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Short Bio: Born and grew up in Malaysia, being the only child in the family, Jason pretty much lived a normal life until an accident occurred. Jason broke his left arm when he was 17 years old during a mountain bike racing competition where he fell down to a deep cliff and the bike that fell with him hit his left shoulder. Jason and his family moved to Japan few months later, after the recovery treatment for his arm finished. He never participates in any related activities since that time. Jason finally found what he likes to do when his friend in Japan introduced him a game called SAO.
Personality: Before the accident happened, Jason was a talkative person. He had many friends and he was always the center of attraction. Friends described him as an honest and responsible person, even teachers praised him often. But after the accident, he became a gloomy person, having zero interest about everything happened around him.
Skills: Combat Skills->Scythe Skills, Heavy Metal Equipment.
Non-Combat Skills->Extended Weight Limit, Slash Weapon Forging, Tracking.
Preferred weapon and Armor: Light leather armor and a one-handed curved sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name in Real Life: William Osbourne

In Name Game: Fenros

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Obviously from the looks of him he is not a normal addictive Gamer, but is in very great shape due to his love for Kendo and many other sports.

Short Bio: William grew up in America, but was constantly moving back and forth between Japan ever since he was little. One of the things he picked up in Japan was the love for Kendo. So much so that he quickly excelled at it and competes on a regular basis. He often feels as though he was born in the wrong time, and because of that he looks to video games for that release. Which is why he was so excited for SAO, and to his luck managed to become a Beta Tester for it.

Despite having to juggle his senior year, work, Kendo practice, He still managed to find time to play... ALOT.

Personality: He has a laid back attitude, while still serious enough to get things done. He doesn't have any Best friends, but he has many friends at school, kinda what made him popular is because he was so friendly to everyone, and often going out of his way to talk with someone who seemed alone at lunch, quiet in a group, What ever. Because he used to feel that way when he traveled alot and wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. He's the type of person to jump head first to help anyone in need. Feeling that chivalry is not a thing of the passed. But should be brought back. He hate's bullies and often confronts them to protect who ever they are picking on.


-Heavy two handed sword
-Body guard

-Black Smithing

Preferred Armor and Weapon: Pictured above.

Current weapon and Armor:
Beginner's two Handed sword and Light Armor as pictured below, with the same cape

Health: 600
Strength: 10
Agility: 6
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Name in Real Life: Rivaille Tatsumi

In Name Game: Tatsumi

Age: 18

Gender: Male


Short Bio: Rivaille was a sickly child. He was infected with a multitude of viruses and bacterial infections from a very young age. This is because of his inability to fight of disease, due to a condition called Cystic fibrosis. It causes the thickening the mucus lining in the lungs, allowing infections to get stuck right at the heart of the lungs. Cystic fibrosis is usually fatal, shortening the life span of a human to about 30. It is currently incurable, gene therapy so far being unsuccessful. Not everybody is so lucky to live to 30 however. Some people don't even make it to 20. That is the situation that Rivaille is in. His target is still to make it to his 21st birthday, so he can at least die a true man. However, it looks very unlikely. He was told by his doctors that 19-20 was more reasonable. Rivaille had been in the hospital, for long term care, when the new MMVORPG game, 'Sword Art Online' had been released. His eldest brother had bought the game the for him, to enjoy something of life, at least before his passing.

Personality: Despite his personal issues, he is a genuinely friendly young man, seeing the good things about life, living every second to it's fullest. He see's the fun aspect to everything, and has no fear. After all, what has he to fear? Death? Yeah right. He won't tell his friends in game about his condition. How else could he determine who his true friends are, from those who just feel sorry for him?

Level 4
Health: 775
strength: 6
Agility: 13
Col: 600

Weapon Skills -
Knife Throwing
One handed dagger
One handed straight sword

Combat Skills -
Battle healing
Leather equipment

Non Combat Skills -
Metal Forging

Passive Skills -

Current Equipment: Silversmith Dagger (cheap, but upgraded), Leather Gauntlets, leather boots, cream shirt, working bottoms, bandana, rucksack (x4 Health Potions, x1 Town teleportation crystal)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Real Life Name
Bridget de Blois




Yui is a really cheerfull girl that is for the most part hyperactive she wants all the attention at all the times and want to stand out above everybody else. She is mostly in the front lines of the battle where everybody can see here despites that she is really scared most of the times. She doesn't like to be lonely especially when it's dark she even sleeps with a nightlight on in real life just because it makes her feel better and safer


Bridget was born with a mutation in her right arm and had to have her right arm amputated till halfway between her hand and elbow. Further on she lead a normal life just like every other. Her dad is boss of a big business company which made it possible to afford a robotic prosthetic for her right arm. It took some time to get used to it with some weird quirks now and then. She did get bullied over it a lot, but nothing all to serious. When she got older she developed something for gaming and bought a few cheap small games that seemed like her taste. But when she finished she was out for more. She started buying some rpgmmos where you could do whatever you wanted and with her dad his help she layed her fingers on the game she heard everyone about. SAO sword art online.


Medicine mixing
Heavy Metal Equipment

Sword - Sword Skills

One Handed Sword

Sonic Leap
Snake Bite


Level 3
Health 650
Strength 11
Agility 5
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name in Real Life: Gunter Reinmarc
In Name Game: Slygunner

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Short Bio (In character):

“Not much to talk about really. Rebellious bastard tossed out by his old man once he’d had enough. Ran odd manual labor jobs till I just get fed up with it. Had to be more to this world than just another building to tear down or farm to tend for the summer. So, I signed up for the army. Steady gig, good pay- had to get my attitude reigned in, but it was worth. Finally felt like I meant something to this world, and to my family. Ten years I served, making my way up to Staff Sergeant before finally ending my service. It wasn’t an easy decision, but with my father on his way out and my mother in a panic, I figured I’d tend to the family before moving on. My father passed away that following year, my mother a year after… I won’t lie, it shook me up pretty bad when I got the news. But, life goes on, and here I am. Can’t say I did much more with my life after all that- took a job at a local army depot and helped them repair whatever made it’s way to base.

Funny thing about being in the military, there is always someone who’s going to be pedaling something odd or hard to get. You want booze, they’ll get ya booze. You want an ‘adventurous woman’ they have that too. How else do you think I got my hands on this thing, eh? Now I’m not much of a gamer, but when something get this much attention, You’ve got to be willing to give it a shot. Besides, I had been trying to find something to kill time, and this seemed to be pretty interesting with it’s whole VR helmet-nerv… Thing. So, how bout we give this a shot, hmm?
Link… Start.”

Weapons and Armor:

Beginner’s Spear
Lacquered Leather Chest piece (forest green)
Long sleeved under shirt (black)
Leather bracers and greaves (forest green)
Black and Silver cross necklace

Level: 3
Strength: 9
Agility: 7

Weapons Skills:

Two handed spear
One handed sword

Combat Skills:

Howl, Parry, Leather Equipment

Passive Skills:

Detection, Sprint

Non-combat Skills:

Metal Equipment Repairing
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PhoebeCarlisle


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name in real life: Cody
Name in game: Imogen
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Short bio: Imogen was the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter and was born in the woods. Her father died trying to protect her from a witch. Now she has to take over his role. She has the power to communicate with the dead. She can see ghosts and hear them. She often went into the woods to practice with the staff that her father had. If shes not found their than she will be in the woods reading her fathers journal. She had 2 dogs and 3 cats. One day her mother surprised her by borrowing a game system and getting me a game.
Personality: Imogen is kind, caring, loving and over-protective. But if you mess with the one she loves she can get violent. She is very shy, and keeps to herself. That can sometimes come as a problem when she locks in her emotions. Once you get to know her she is loyal and will never leave you and also protect you with her life.
Skills: Musical instrument, Familiar recovery, familiar communication , woodcrafting, detection, battle healing, meditation, leather equipment
Preferred weapon and armor: Two handed spear. Shield for armor.
Stats: Level two
Health: 425
Agility: 8
Strength: 5
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

Name in Real Life: Akkina.

In Name Game: Black Star

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Short Bio: Her friends told her about this new game, Akkina was quite interested in the game and she researched about it and saved up to buy it. She eventually bought it and she was impressed with it. She was one of the people that were in The Virtual World, ending up trapped and now tries to beat the 100 floors even though she is only a level one player, She continues to try to become stronger. She will also seek out some friends. So she could have some company

Personality: She is quite outgoing in the social department. But if a player tries to attack any of her friends ( if she makes any) she will protect her friends with them with the most extreme loyalty. Although whenever the situation shows itself she is quite shy, and tends to lock herself away, but as she gets to know people, She opens up to them.

Upper cut
Vertical Slash

Preferred weapon and Armor: A Simple Sword
Armour depicted in the picture

Level 2

Strength: 6
Agility: 7
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