Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Alva Jay Zolkin

Location; The Great Hall
Interacting With; Eva Drake @WhiteStar19, Gregory "Slick" Jones @WittyWolf, Hyacinthus Trivett@Celeste, and Sarah Dundainson@Legion02, Elize @Aspen Wren.

Officially taking her phone out of her pocket, wrapping her earbuds around it, and shoving the device into her back pocket after handing the cat back over to Elize, she would slip on her robe over the clothes. "Well, if you to mighty fine people don't mind..." she said, smoothing her hair just a tad just in time for the train to pull up at the school, "I'll be on my way now." Flashing a bright grin Jazz's way, the girl would be sure to add, "Hope to see you both around sooner or later." And with that, the figure would grab her bags and rush out of the compartment into the jumble of other such people. Catching a quick glance out of the window, she would frown ever so slightly. Hm, no boats this year. Strange. Finally off of the train, she would catch a quick glimpse of the students surrounding the vast building while taking in a deep breath of the familiar, comforting air. Doing so sent a wave of excitement through the girl, as well as the crowd of faces around her, both old, new and familiar. Appointing a few first years in the right direction, she would continue about her way upon entering the school.

It seemed to her as if everyone was pawning off their bags and trunks off on one poor person. Oh well. If this is what new administration called for, then, that's what it called for. Handing over her trunk and her main bags she would give a friendly smile to the man. "Miss, I have to take your other bag to the common room as well," said the man. "I'm sorry," Alva responded. In the bag that she had decided to keep -a small one, obviously- was her favorite make-up, pen, note-book and potions book. He was lucky he was getting her cat. After all, if there was one thing AJ didn't like, it was putting her things in the hands of others.

"Your other bag, Miss. I have to take it with the others."
"Dear Sir, I do apologize, but I'm not ready to part with this one just yet. Valuable items, you see," her voice was deadly calm with a hint of kindness, almost a warning. The man sighed. "As you wish." "Thank you for the understanding," the girl responded. Ugh. Her first words inside the castle had been so... proper. She shrugged off the thought before walking to the Great Hall. It seemed as if she had subconsciously ended up at the Gryffindor table, taking her place near Eva, Slick, and, last but not least, their darling Sarah. She flashed a bright grin in each of their ways.

As usual, there was the sorting hat, AJ giving a whistle, or whoop each time a first year was added to the ranks. New, fresh blood. People to teach, annoy, and be all motherly like to. The thought only made her smile more. Hearing Gregory's speech, she admitted, she playfully tossed a roll at the boy's head. Easy to dodge. After all, she would never cause home to the boy. At least not on purpose. After words, she would applaud and cheer him own. Then again, what were friends for? Well, Alva want more than just friendship.... Stop thinking, dammit, she mentally scolded herself. Evangeline would kill her if Alva ever even came in within a mile of messing up the team dynamics. Besides, she was almost positive there was something between the two of them. Catching his signal with the cards, she would just smirk and give a nod of the head his way. Of course she was always up for a friendly match.

Before grabbing a spoonful of mashed potatoes, among various other items, she would turn her attention to a friendly conversation with the first years as well as going over in her mind what to wear to the Ball. Then again, who would she ask? Who would ask her? That was beside the point. The main objective: Have fun and pass her classes this year.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Elize Vanzant

Location: Train / Great Hall
Interactions: Hyacinthus@Celeste, Alva Jay@HaleyTheRandom / Johnson Leeds@HushedWhispers

Elize bobbed her head politely at Alva as she met her at the compartment door with Persia, when she spoke in french it didn't phase her though. However, when Hyacinthus spoke in English to her she suddenly realized she had spoken in French and that the younger boy wasn't likely to have understood her. "I'm very sorry to have interrupted, I fell asleep and Persia is big enough that she can open the doors enough to get out." She took the rather large feline and snapped her leash to the harness she wore before dropping her to the ground and allowing her to sit down beside her on the ground. Soon though the feline stood up on her hind legs where she was tall enough that she reached the middle of Elize's stomach even in the tall heels the young woman was wearing. Persia had been bred to be unusually large as well as friendly. The serval was nearly as elegant as Elize herself, a true embodiment of what her grandmother had instilled in Elize and a constant reminder of what was expected of her.

When Hyacinthus spoke up about a book of some kind Elize nodded, cool blue eyes perched easily upon the blonde. "Of course, simply bring it with you to the first meeting whenever we decide to have it." It was always good to look through new books that had information in them, rare herbs were always helpful to have information on. It wasn't long after she spoke that a professor came through the isles and told them to get their robes on. "Auvoir, mon amies."

Elize of course waited until the last moment to change into her robes. She quickly slipped into them, the skirt was the last thing she particularly wanted to wear tonight. She didn't really want to be in the Great Hall with all of the loud people tonight so after filling her plate Elize slunk quickly outside, only to find her fellow Ravenclaw, Johnson Leeds outside. He was absolutely nothing but trouble but she could keep herself out of whatever he was involved in. She sat down on the steps several feet away from him, "Bonsoir, elle est belle extérieur est-il pas?" She murmured softly, her voice was always a warm one despite her normally reserved demeanor and though it was high it was smooth like the finest whiskey.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evangeline Drake

Location: On the Train, in the Great Hall
Interacting With:Gregory "Slick" Jones @WittyWolf, Thomas Creviki @Chromane

"No, no! I don't mind." Eva tried to say this with confidence, but it was failing miserably. Taking a deep breath and just shaking her head, she smiled broadly and said, "I don't mind at all. Go have fun." She was curious if she could get some time on the pitch tonight, as what she normally did whenever she was frustrated with herself or with Slick. She turned her eyes toward the front table and looked at all of the teachers. She didn't think any of them would mind... Most of them knew her habits and they knew she would be in before curfew.

She took another bite out of her apple, munching on it thoughtfully. She moved her eyes between Alva and Slick. They could make a cute couple... she thought to herself with resignation. She sucked in her cheek and took another bite of her apple. She really shouldn't even be thinking like that, though Slick had given her many reasons to actually think like that. He would probably never think of Eva as more than a friend.

"Who are you taking to the ball?"" Eva asked Slick nonchalantly. Her eyes scanned over the people in Great Hall. If she wasn't going with Slick, which she most likely wasn't after his glance toward the Ravenclaw table after they had announced the ball, she could probably go with Thomas Creviki as a date. He was cute, funny, and friendly. She smiled at him from across the Hall and waved at him before setting her hand back down on the table. "I might go with Thomas, if he wants to go with me." Eva turned her eyes toward Slick, smiling at him. "You gonna try and find the girl with the biggest rack to go with you?" she snickered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tadeo Diaz

Location; On The Train, Great Hall
Interacting With; Wyatt Blackwood @Heathen

Pleased that the cat seemed to take well to him, Teddy looked up at the other boy sitting in his seat. With his face hidden by the giant book and the sunglasses he seemed like someone playing at being a spy. Once the cat began purring, he was sure he wouldn't be the target of any spells just yet. People tended to trust you if their pets did, most of the time. And to Teddy's credit, pets almost always tolerated him. It didn't really help him filter people out though, Gus didn't really like anyone.

It depends. Are you going call me a Mudblood and other obscenities at me or are you going to behave?"
The other guy's accent was strong. But then again, Teddy wasn't sure how his own accent sounded. He was easy enough to understand. Mudblood, though? "Uh, no... You can be sure I won't call you anything right off the bat. As for behaving," he just laughed. "I don't really behave. I promise not to mess with you if that's what you mean though."

Still, the boy was unconvinced. Clearly he hadn't picked the friendliest compartment to walk into, but he had been drawn in by a Confundus Charm fired at a passerby. "I've read about that American team. They're pretty okay. And...you are?" Tadeo was taken aback. His head jerked backwards slightly as he raised an eyebrow at him. "'Pretty okay?'" He looked down at the hoodie he wearing, confirming which set of Houston Rockets the boy was talking about. Wyatt was still staring, clearly more concerned with an answer than what Teddy thought of his team. "Well buddy, I'm the guy who for sure as hell won't be behaving if you're not giving the Rockets their proper credit. We're taking the Championship this year. And I'm talking the U.S. League, not this mediocre backwater League you got going on here." He gave the boy a friendly half-smile to show it was all in good fun. "I'm Tadeo, by the way. Tadeo Diaz, but you can call me Teddy if you want. I respond to either one." He had been petting the cat the whole time, but he removed it to reach out and shake hands.

Despite Wyatt's initial reservedness, the two managed to hold a friendly conversation through the rest of the train ride. Tadeo asked about Hogwarts. While he had read up on what he could, he had plenty of questions as to what life was like at the castle. He asked about what the teachers we like, the make up of the Quidditch teams, curfew rules and their enforcement, the logistics of getting some... alone time with someone, and of course the potions stock and equipment available to students. He went on for a while himself about his own life at his old school, friends and girlfriends, life in Houston, his trip to Brazil. He had gone on for quite a while before he even though to ask Wyatt about himself. What house was he in, what did he like to do, did he have a girlfriend... uh, boyfriend, and so on.

A while into the ride, Teddy drew three other students into the compartment as they walked past. While Wyatt was friendly and good to talk to, he was sure the ride could only be improved by more company. The look on Wyatt's face told him that maybe he didn't enjoy the company quite as much. But of course, that was because would rather be reading. Teddy just had to show him it was just as much fun to be around other people for such a long ride. Besides, he seemed to know one of the students from the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Talking of how excited he was to join them all at Hogwarts, Teddy pulled out the chocolate frogs his mom had bought him and passed out two to everyone.

When the school came into view, Teddy's stomach jumped. This was it. A reminder from a passing professor to put on their robes, only served to excite him further. Despite all the excitement, dealing with his bags and one unhappy owl made him the last out of compartment and one of the last out of the train itself. He stood before the castle, looking up at it in awe. It was somehow even bigger than he'd imagined. Strolling forward in something of a daze, he was caught off guard by the man taking his bags. Was this normal here? He wasn't quite sure he trusted them to be taken, but a couple of charms should keep anyone out of them. Or at least deter anyone looking for an easy bag to get into.

He followed the crowd into the Great Hall where the young witches and wizards separated out to their respective house tables. Teddy walked over to what he was pretty sure was the Slytherin table and took his seat among them. He drew a few looks, but no one really questioned him. He wasn't the first transfer. Still, there was still the hint of novelty and within a few seconds he was engaged in conversation with a few other students. A few fifth and sixth years as well as a second year, one of the girls' little brother apparently, who seemed convinced that everyone in American big cities was trying to kill everyone else.

Soon the ceremonies began with the Sorting. Something Teddy would have loved to participate in, but as no one wanted to steal the moment from the first years, transfer sortings were handled over the holidays. The idea of a back to school ball and Quidditch matches excited Teddy. The problem was who would he take? He looked around the Great Hall, truly aware for the first time that all these people already knew each other. Then again, the fact that none of these girls knew him while a problem also meant they were all equally as likely to say yes, right? He chuckled to himself. He had only just got here and there was already some fun to be had.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gregory Jones

Location: The Great Hall
Interacting With: Eva @WhiteStar19

Gregory looked at her sideways with half-lidded eyes for a moment, trying to decide if Eva was being genuine or not. Sometimes she said things just to make him feel alright, but he never wanted to call her out on it and piss her off. He decided to take Eva's word. "Thanks Eve, you want to join us in the common room? I'll make you a cup of cocoa just how you like it! I know you need a pick me up after the day you've had." Gregory wanted Eva to say yes, if only because she had that look in her eye that said she was going to be doing some night time Quidditch. With that shoulder, she was just asking for trouble and he didn't want his captain getting benched because she was just being pigheaded.

He didn't notice her darting eyes between him and AJ, going back to eating his large helping of food with gusto. What he did notice was Elize slinking out of the Great Hall, which only inspired him to eat faster. After one particularly ambitious mouthful, he started choking until he washed it down with his goblet of pumpkin juice. He took this moment to answer Eva's question and respond to her news about possibly going with Tommy, which had led to the choking aforementioned.

"Hey, that's great! He's a good guy." Gregory said, enthusiastic that Eva was taking the initiative once again in her love life. "You're on a roll! First the Muggle, now Tommy? Man eater!" he joked, finishing his juice and clearing his plate. "No, as a matter of fact. I think who I'm taking just took her leave of the Great Hall... So if you'll excuse, I'm about to make the magic happen!" Gregory smirked with a mischievous grin. He shot out of his seat and started after Elize with a confident gait. When he finally got to the steps, he spotted her with Johnson and hung back for a moment, wanting to see how their talk played out before barging in like a madman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chromane
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thomas Creviki

Location; Hogwarts Great Hall
Interacting With; Madison @HushedWhispers Lucas @WhiteStar19

For the most part Tom was happy enough to keep eating and chatting with Jazz, mostly ignoring Lucas who seemed to be concentrating on his food. He always made an effort to be at least grudingly civil to the other boy, if only because they had to work together on the quidditch pitch. He'd given Lucas a quick nod when he'd sat down, though that had quickly changed to a frown when he saw how he'd greeted Jazz. He knew Jazz got on with LUcas even worse than he did and tried to raise the other boy's spirits as they ate.

He was halfway through a portion of roast beef when he head the shouting coming from the Gryffindor table and turned around in his seat to see Slick giving his speech to the rest of the Lions. He grinned at his friend's antics as he riled up the rest of team and got various food items pelted at him. The Lions were his favourite team to play against, both because of his friends on the other team and the prospect of a fair, tough game. He turned back to the table to continue eating when Lucas finally chipped into the conversation with a mouth full of mashed potato.

Thomas snorted, "If we really are the best team, we won't need any tricks to prove it, will we?" he asked rhetorically.He didn't think Lucas was being too serious about it, but he never liked dirty Quidditch. "Badgers for the cup though, eh Captain?" he said jauntily, looking at Madison. He took another few bites of his dinner as Lucas asked how they were going then started talking to Jazz. Lucas name-dropped Johnson Leeds and he watched as Jazz stopped and sat there blushing. Tom almsot said something but suddenly Jazz was up and walking away, presumably to find Johnson. He didn't believe Johnson had actually said anything about Jazz, mainly because he knew Lucas didn't like the younger boy at all, so they only reason he'd be saying it would be to stir things up.

He sighed inwardly. Too late to do anything about it now anyways - he'd just have to try and do damage control later or pick up the pieces. There went any doubt he'd had about Lucas having a sudden change-of-heart over the summer. "If Jazz goes and gets his heart broken I'm blaming you" he said evenly, then kept talking, "Summer was good - worked, studied, got a new broom, you?". He took a few more bites of his dinner as the conversation around him resumed.

From across the room he saw Eva catch his eye and wave at him and he waved back happily. He'd have to try and catch up with her sometime soon, see how her summer had been.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laurel Demirci

Location: Great Hall
Interactions: None / Open

Though Laurel had attended Hogwarts throughout her academic career, having grown up in England she never really got over the beauty of the place when the train arrived. She stared dreamily at the looming castle as she gave away her bags, all but the cage that contained Ever. The big pied crow would stay with her and she would take him personally to her room before the fest in the Great Hall. He was clever enough to unclip the latch on his cage and then terrorize anyone that was nearby. It also didn't help that he refused to allow anyone but Laurel to catch him.

She gave a light chuckle as she thought about the first year she had come here and made the mistake of letting someone pack Ever to her room for her, or attempt to before she pursed her full lips while delivering the crow to her bedroom. She had quickly changed into her robes and so she took a bit of time to tidy them and make sure her makeup was correct and looking reasonable before making her way to the great hall for the welcoming speech. There was much fan fare over the new Headmaster but she was more interested in catching up to her fellow quidditch players.

Laurel was one of those players who if you played, even on an opposing team she still considered you part of her family, at least off the pitch anyways. On the pitch the girl was ruthless as a beater, she'd destroyed several good players in her day. Her body was strong and lean with solid bands of muscle that rippled and rolled as she moved instead of bouncing like most people's did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: Train/Great Hall
Interacting With: Ophelia (@PhunkyPhoebe); Charles (@WittyWolf)

When the train slowed to a stop, Zeke felt his heart lurch forward. Just the momentum, he told himself as anticipation drummed through his veins, a numbing morphine that made his tongue feel thick and dense in his mouth.

Hogwarts was within view from the train, and in the moonlight Zeke didn't think it had looked any better, any more grandiose. He slid open the windows and leaned his torso out. Whimsically, he gazed over its candle-lit windows and stone walls that promised a warm first night. "Didn't think I would miss it over the summer," Zeke said, looking back over to Ophelia. There was a muted glow in his eyes. "Probably just need the homework to - oh buggering shit."

With a flutter of wings and one launch from his shoulder, Kymmen cawed and flew out through the window. Zeke made a grab for the bird, but Kymmen burst ahead in inky windswept feathers. Soaring over the heads of students meandering in a stream towards the castle, Kymmen flapped his wings and glided smoothly with them while Zeke watched, a frown deeply-set on his face. At least he knew which direction to head in. Hogsmeade was not a pleasant place to go looking for pitch-black birds. Zeke seized his trunk and Kymmen's wire cage, and flung them both out the window, before heaving himself after them. Squeezing through the frame he rolled heels over head and landed on the damp earth beneath him. Wasting no time, Zeke jumped back to his feet, dusting his jeans and robes off, before grabbing his possessions. “See you in the Hall, Ophelia!” he called over his shoulder. “I’ve got to go after that damned bird!”

Lugging luggage and cage in tow, Zeke elbowed his way by students who seemed to be content trudging at the pace of a bogey. Indignant oomphs and heys were left in his wake, but no second glance was cast their way.

Zeke had tossed his things into the arms of a bewildered man standing sentry in the middle of a growing pile of belongings, when he glimpsed the midnight wings of his raven swooping around a corner. Panting hard, Zeke swept his fringe out of his eyes. That was the way to the rookery. So Kymmen did know where to go, Merlin’s beard.

By the time Zeke got settled in the Great Hall, the tables were a thriving mass of heads and arms bobbing and reaching to graze the food, heaped upon platters and platters. The aroma was heavenly, and Zeke felt himself buoyed along to the Slytherin table, where he seated himself in a spot that wasn’t crowded with warm bodies. While the Sorting was carried out, Zeke gathered himself for a solo dinner, flaring his hair a brilliant emerald once for a pipsqueak of a girl who joined their ranks. She glanced his way, attention drawn by the act of solidarity, and perhaps meant to smile toothily at him. But the grin withered impressively when met with cold eyes and a scowl.

It was a poor habit; Zeke’s mannerisms grew atrocious when by himself. But it kept nosy people away, and enthused first-years with the complex of a puppy at bay.

Settling into the comfort of a slouch, Zeke poked at his dinner-plate, sifting foodstuffs aside absent-mindedly. His eyes panned over the Great Hall, and he caught a raucous cheer from the Gryffindor table. Entertaining to listen to, but thoughts about the ball to come precipitated slowly in his mind. A grimace rippled across his face, appearing and disappearing seamlessly like the heaving roll of a wave. He would have to dig up some formal wear, or perhaps just not go.

Suddenly, there were noises of a body moving closer to him. Zeke looked up just in time to see Charles Kemp sliding to place near him. Zeke’s eyes raked over the sixth-year for a moment, while Charles greeted him.

The boy might be the furthest thing from good news in the school, but he wasn’t hexing Zeke over dinner at the moment, so he offered a lopsided smile, and sat up. “Sparingly little,” he answered. “Summer was uneventful.” Kemp didn’t seem like one to strike up unheralded conversation, but it was courteous of him, and he was part of the family Zeke had in Hogwarts. Nonetheless, puzzlement festered while Zeke continued conversation. Spearing a piece of pork on the end of his fork, Zeke returned the question. “Yourself?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 27 days ago

Johnson Leeds

Location: On the steps outside of Hogwarts.
Interacting With: Hyacinthus-@Celeste Eliza-@Aspen Wren

Johnson felt a presence behind him but knew that they weren't a threat to him as much as he was to them. His eyes glanced at the male that had sat beside him with a raised brow then scoffed while shifting his hand away from him and staring back out towards the sunset. He didn't say anything for a moment then spoke. "Hey. Isn't it beautiful? The sunset." He finally muttered then eyed the boy beside him, it was Hyacinthus. Johnson never really met the boy, well, that one time but didn't feel attracted to him or anything else at all. Hopefully Hyacinthus wasn't attracted to Johnson because he promised not to break any more hearts this year.

A soft and hushed sigh escaped from over his parts lips then looked up at Elize. His nose turned up towards her at her greeting then watched as she sat down. "I told you. Only English around these parts, baby doll." Johnson said with a wink and a slight chuckle then looked over at Hyacinthus with a raised brow before returning his gaze down towards Eliza. "So, who are you guys asking to the dance? Anyone in special in mind?" He'd ask them while bouncing his gaze back and forth between the pair then shrugged his shoulders while answering his own question.

"I don't really have anyone in mind though if anyone asked me, I'd probably say yes. Depending on the person." Johnson said a bit sarcastically then eyed the two people around him again, still waiting on their replies.
Madison Li

Location: On The Train/Hogwarts Great Hall.
Interacting With: Thomas Creviki-@Chromane Lucas Weston-@WhiteStar19

Madison eyed Lucas as he asked her if they had the best team in Quidditch and she gave them a thumbs up. "Damn straight." She covered her mouth with gasp, realizing that she had just cursed. That could've caused the house a total of ten points, if some of high importance had heard her. She wiped the bead of sweat that had began to form then eyed Lucas, again. "A few tricks? Sorry, Luke but I actually like to play the game fair." She shook her head at his words then eyed Thomas with a firm nod of her head, who basically agreed with her.

"I've been swell." She said. Not really bothering asking him since she was still a little steamed after his last choice of words. "So, Thomas, who are you taking to the ball that is coming up soon?" She asked him with the nudge of her shoulder and the wink of her eye. She then bit her bottom lip nervously as she really wanted to go with Thomas but wondered who the potential prospects were before saying anything else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Elize Vanzant

Location: Train / Great Hall
Interactions: Johnson Leeds@HushedWhispers

The tall young french woman only laughed as she heard Johnson and glanced his way and saw the wink, "Pardon, I forget I am not at home anymore. It is always hard to adjust back to speaking English. She turned her eyes to the sunset to watch as the clouds became colored with sunlight and warmth. The night would steal away all the warmth of the day here. During the Summers she lived on her grandmother's summer home in Nice where it was warm most of the year from being so close to the sea. She would miss the waves, the lovely sound they made as they crashed upon the beach near their home.

When Johnson asked about the ball she shook her head slightly, long hair falling into her face. Her blue eyes stayed fixed on the sunset as she spoke, "No, I'm afraid not. I'll probably just end up going alone. Stag I believe is the word. I don't usually get asked anyhow." She pushed her hair back behind her ear as she looked down at the stone blocks where her feet were sitting. She tapped the toe of the tall heels she was wearing, "I suppose there is no use in knowing how to dance when one is taller than most of the males here." She murmured softly before sighing. She sat her plate down on the steps as she glanced at Johnson and Hyacinthus. They would have made a cute pair but Elize was quite sure Johnson was up to no good.

She stood easily in her robes and laughed as she kicked off the expensive heels, settling down to her natural height before pretending to be waltzing with an invisible person. Though one might assume someone as tall as Elize would be less than graceful she was utterly the opposite. Years of training and lessons to be as graceful and elegant as possible had taken their toll. Her movements were smooth and calculated as her skirt swirled around her softly tanned legs. She was one of the few girls who left her skirt the full length and did not spell it up several inches, her legs were long enough it wasn't needed. "One of you come dance with me." She called easily, her high voice warm for once as she gave a bit of a smile as she moved into the grass. Nature seemed to love her, even the whomping willow often seemed reluctant to swing at her though it always inevitably did. She knew her feet would be wet with the coming dew but it wasn't much matter to her, it would not be the first time. The small creatures that scurried around campus and the birds all sang their goodnights as she moved easily across the grass without a pause or misstep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gregory Jones

Location: Just outside the Great Hall, entrance steps
Interacting With: Elize @Aspen Wren

Gregory admired Elize from afar for a moment, just watching her lithe form glide over the grass. Although a couple inches taller than himself, he wasn't intimidated by the difference. Not when it was such an elegant and beautiful girl such as Elize. He rubbed his hands together in a little bit of self-encouragement, psyching himself up to step up to the plate. He didn't really care that Johnson was there, the guy was barely a blip on his radar. And Hyacinthus was a nice guy, no way would he ruin his chances right now but stepping up to take the dance the French beauty offered. And Slick couldn't have asked for a more romantic setting, the sun making the sky light up with colors. He could easily hear their conversation and he inwardly crowed at her confession. Stag? No one had asked her? Well, let him be the first!

Making sure his hat was on an acceptable looking angle, he quickly shed his robes, rolling them into a ball of sorts before storing it behind one of the pillars. Underneath, he'd worn a black button down shirt and slim black jeans, ending with his usual converse. He just hoped the tread on his shoes would last and he wouldn't slip in the slick grass that Elize now gracefully danced in. She was a sight... Walking up with a jaunty stride and a confident smirk, he bent low at the waist, looking up at Elize from under the brim of his hat. "If you wouldn't mind Elize... I'd love to take that dance." His eyes were alight with mischief. The luck he had of catching her in such a mood was fairly surprising. Slick never looked a gift horse in the mouth, however. He'd spent a long time learning to ballroom dance for his mother's wedding and knew that his body would remember the motions. He just hoped he lived up to Elize's graceful expectations.

He'd been entranced by her dancing, the movements looking almost like breathing to the girl. Slick had known she acted the consummate lady, but it seemed it wasn't so much as a personality trait as something learned. So the higher class of wizard still put their daughters through that kind of etiquette training? Not for the first time, Gregory wondered at the exact hierarchy and culture of Purebloods and the noble blood lines. What made them better than other wizards, was it this? This culture and history bred and taught to their children since birth? Yet, Elize had none of the arrogance Gregory had learned to expect of the upper class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Celeste
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hyacinthus Trivett

Image belongs to Criedwolves

Location; On The Steps of the Entrance Hall
Interacting With; Johnson Leeds @HushedWhispers & Elize Vanzant @Aspen Wren

"Yeah, it is. Although I like sunrises more, specially in days when the sky is clear save for a couple of small clouds. The world looks like an impressionist painting in those moments. Besides, sunrise means that a new day is starting, and I like days more than nights." The string of sentences escaped from Hyacinthus' lips without much thought, his voice growing calmer and calmer as he settled into contemplation. He smiled his warmest, widest smile at Johnson, squirming a bit on the steps as his nerves continued to unravel like self-untying knots.

That Johnson did not return his smile stung a little bit, as did the swift loss of the handsome Ravenclaw's attention when the president of Hyacinthus' Herbology Club unexpectedly appeared once more. Wont as she was to deprecating herself, she had an undeniable grace, made all the more visible when she began to dance on her own.

"Madam President, anybody would be lucky to dance with you at the Ball." He commented with sincere laughter in his voice. The thought of asking her himself crossed his mind, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. As much as he wanted to make her happy by being true to his word, Johnson Leeds was right there.

Elize's motions had captivated him enough to almost forget Johnson's question, and the unique opportunity it entailed. But when he remembered it, Hyacinthus Trivett did not miss a beat, and spoke with a firm confidence that, he thought, would have made his father proud.

"Actually, I want to attend the Ball with you, Johnson." He stated almost matter-of-factly, still very much smiling, his eyes unwavering and his nose held up high. He restrained the desire to say more, to let himself release another string of sentences and lose himself in tangents, to make a case for the two of them going to the Ball together. He found his inner discipline and used it, if only for this moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chromane
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thomas Creviki

Location; Hogwarts Great Hall
Interacting With; Madison @HushedWhispers

Thomas snorted at his friend's language, then laughed at her own horrified reaction to her swearing, covering his mouth with his hand as he temporarily forgot he was still chewing some dinner. She swallowed it quickly and returned Madison's nod with a slightly feral grin as she shot down Lucas's comments about Quidditch tactics. He was looking forward to flying again - the chaotic, fast-paced battle that was a tense game. He'd tried muggle sports before, even joining a local rugby team over the summer, but it just hadn't held his fascination the way Quidditch had.

He looked over at his friend as she gave him a meaningful nudge and a wink as she asked him who he was planning to take to the ball. He knew Madison tended to low-level flirt as a matter of course, but even he wasn't that oblivious as to miss the hint. Too be honest he hadn't really thought about it, figuring he had some time - but if Madison wanted to go with him... For a second he tried to think of a clever line or quip, but nothing came to mind. "I was thinking of asking you actually" he said, "If you don't mind?"

He'd have to fish his fancy clothes out of the bottom of his trunk. He wasn't sure if they entirely fit anymore, but he was plenty proficient enough with charms and transifguration to make any adjustments he needed. He was pretty sure actually that he'd end up as the de-facto head of the Transfiguration club if no one else was interested in the position.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tadeo Diaz

Location; On The Train, Great Hall
Interacting With; Laurel Demirci @Aspen Wren

Tadeo sighed. He was not one to get embarrassed easily, but what had just happened had been a little much for him.

"You trying to move in on my girl?"

After five minutes talking to a Persephone, he had found out she had a boyfriend. A towering, powerfully built boyfriend. Supposedly she wasn't too happy with how long it was taking him to formally ask her to ball, and had gladly let Teddy make him jealous. Supposedly.

In the midst of threatening Tadeo, Corvus had burst into laughter, followed by Persephone and a few of the others nearby. Tadeo had unwittingly chosen the female half of a notorious couple known for their pranks. And no one had thought to warn him. Still, once it was said and done they seemed like relatively friendly people. Though he had to admit, he wasn't sure if they were just setting him up for another joke.

Excusing himself from the group, he walked further down the Slytherin table, trying to spot anyone from the train ride. From what he remembered though, none of them were Slytherins. His eyes wandered over to the Ravenclaw table, wondering if Wyatt was even there. Tadeo wouldn't be surprised if he had just grabbed a bunch of food and headed to his common room to do some more reading. He'd have to make sure the kid found a date to the ball.

Then he spotted something quite interesting. A girl. The way she moved initially caught his attention. It seemed so... deliberate? He couldn't describe it. But he could definitely identify it. That was the walk of an athlete. As he took in her appearance, the strong form, the full lips, and long hair he found himself moving to her.

Here we go again, Tadeo muttered to himself.

Of course she was on the other side of the table, so he had to awkardly walk around. Of course, if he had been back at King Cove he likely would have called out to her from across the room. He didn't know the people here to feel comfortable doing that just yet. As he walked, a small voice tried to dissuade him. She didn't know him, she probably had a boyfriend. Was he really going to ask in the middle of the Great Hall? Of course, those kinds of thoughts only ever served to motivate Teddy further. Life was more fun this way. Besides, she had no reason to say no.

"Excuse me." Tadeo gave her just enough time to look at him. "Hi! I'm Tadeo Diaz. I'm an American transfer who just got to Hogwarts." If she had meant to say anything to that, he didn't give her any time. "So I just found out there's a ball to start off the term. Not sure if you've heard, but it was definitely news to me. So you can expect what kind of situation I'm in. I don't even know anyone. But luckily, I happened to spot an attractive young witch who carries herself in a way few can." Was it flattery if you were being honest? Tadeo wasn't sure, but he didn't really care right now. "You're stunning really. And I doubt anyone here would disagree." He gestured to the small group at the Ravenclaw table who had been leaning over to watch the exchange. "So naturally, I thought, you need an equal by your side at this ball if you're gonna be out in front of everyone. An upstanding, handsome, fit, charismatic young man with a prestigious reputation." He then paused, looking around the Great Hall as if searching for someone then shrugged. "Luckily for me, no one here seems to fit that description. Would you settle for going with the new kid instead? I'd love to take you." He beamed. His smile, which his friends often saw, was one that conveyed how pleased he was with himself but also his expectation that the other person was also pleased and was about to contribute something equally as enjoyable to the situation. He watched her with that smile awaiting an answer. He realized as he stood there, that he had laid it on just a little thick. That was okay though. What else were you supposed to do with first impressions?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhiteStar19
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WhiteStar19 Queen of the Seas

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Evangeline Drake

Location: In the Great Hall, the Gryffindor Common Room
Interacting With: Lucas Weston

Eva watched Slick disappear and she felt that ball of jealousy unfurl in her stomach. Why couldn't he see? Tears burned at the back of her eyes and she stood up suddenly. A few of the newer kids looked at her but she didn't care. She had to get away. She just needed to be by herself for a bit. She took a deep, shuddering breath as she exited the Hall, not seeing Luke, who actually stood up from the table and excused himself to follow her. His dark eyes carefully watched her as she disappeared out the door, and no one seemed to see him as he made his way after her.

The tears were free flowing now as she made her way toward the ever changing stairs. She paused at the bottom of the stairs, leaning up against the wall. She didn't feel like she had the strength to go any further. What was the point, anyways? It's not like Slick would actually notice her. Notice her anymore than a friend anyways. She slid toward the ground, covering her face with her hands and letting out a large groan as she wiped away tears.

"You are ridiculous," Luke's deep voice echoed out over the hallway. It seemed they were the only two there; at least he could see no one else.

Eva looked up from her moping and glared at him. "Thanks for the update. I would like to wallow in peace if you don't mind."

Luke ignored that part. Shaking his blond head, he ran his fingers through his hair, slightly exasperated. "Love is blind, but idiots... idiots are deaf and blind. You can't see that in Slick, can you?" Eva glared at him, but didn't respond. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and gritted her teeth. She wouldn't let that liar get to her... She wouldn't... "What do you even see in him, anyways? He's a ladies' man! He can never be good with one person, especially someone like you." His voice seemed like a snake's hypnotic hiss.

Eva stared at him, climbing slowly to her feet. "Stop it."

Luke stared her down, moving ever closer. "He could never be happy with just you."

"Stop it!" she screamed at him, anger overtaking her sadness and frustration from earlier. Luke actually took a step back. "You don't know shit about me and you don't know shit about Slick! You don't understand anything because you're a slimy snake. You couldn't understand love if it came up and bit you! I love him! I don't care if he loves me back, but I will protect him because through everything, he is still my friend. He is still my best friend and there is nothing that you can do to take that away from me!"

Eva panted after her rant, getting slightly dizzy. She pressed a steady hand against the wall to steady herself and stared Luke down. Luke smirked. "We'll see about that."

He turned and walked off, heading God knows where. Eva watched him go, curiosity pegging her at his last words. She shook her head and hurried up the stairs, heading toward the Gryffindor Common Room. She said the password to the Fat Lady and she moved out of her way. She went inside and immediately went to the dorms, getting into her room. There was no one else in there at the moment, which was perfect for her. She flopped down onto her stomach and screamed into her pillow. What the hell was wrong with that boy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Elize Vanzant

Location: Outside
Interactions: Slick @WittyWolf

As Elize twirled easily around in the damp grass as the fog rolled in heavily from the waters that surrounded Hogwarts. When she heard a voice that did not belong to Hyacinthus or Johnson she stopped short, her steps ceased quickly enough that it would have made most stumble but her body was too strong and well conditioned to do such a clumsy thing. Stumbling was excessively unattractive, even when one was as graceful as a willow even in complete stillness. It was something her grandmother had always said. Especially when Elize had first learned to walk in heels. Being from France heels were kind of a given even when she was nearly six feet tall when barefoot.

She gave no mind to the others who were there as some of the other students had come outside to talk and hang out despite the cool air. Elize was not used to such cool air and goosebumps rose across her porcelain flesh as she stilled nearly completely. The only motion was the soft rise and fall of her chest as she inhaled and exhaled the cool night air that was settling in around the castle behind her.

When her vision collected she found herself looking at someone she hadn't spoke to in a long time. Gregory Jones stood before her bowing and asking her to dance. Though slightly startled at first Elize laughed softly before she replied, her azure blue eyes lit like a bioluminescent bay in the tropics in the light coming from inside. She picked up the edges of her skirt and bowed as well, looking up through dark lashes instead. She spoke softly when she answered, "Only if you dare, monsieur." When she returned to her full height she held out a slender hand in offering.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gregory Jones

Location: Just outside the Great Hall, entrance steps
Interacting With: Elize @Aspen Wren
Music: youtube.com/watch?v=ClCD56V3hBk

"Oh, I dare, mademoiselle," Slick replied with his usual air of certain confidence. His hand covered hers and his grip was sure as he pulled her closer, closing the distance until they were a hand's breath apart. His free hand dipped into the inner pocket of his robe, pulling out his wand. "But how about a little music? Melodiam initium!" Slick chanted, summoning an enchanting melody. As the song came to the real body of the composition, his wand was away and his free arm came around her side, resting comfortably upon her lower back. He kept it respectful, however. He realized tact was needed when dealing with such a proud and elegant woman. As he led her through graceful steps, they twirled and spun in unison. Slick was, maybe surprisingly, very graceful of a dancer. His movements held no hesitation and were as fluid as his partner. He grinned broadly at Elize, who nearly stood taller than himself barefoot and he was suddenly grateful she wasn't wearing her customary heels presently.

"I overheard you don't have a date to the Welcoming Ball, on my way out here." Slick started, his brow raised in curiosity. He didn't miss a beat and continued to hold Elize's gaze as they moved through the steps. Faster and faster they danced, Slick wanting to show off just a little to impress the noble young lady. The night seemed lively indeed as students watched the pair in fascination, but Slick paid them no heed. His full focus was on the sight before him, those large blue eyes entrancing him. Why had he waited so long to make a move? The young man couldn't come up with a good answer, although intimidation might have been a factor. Elize was a force of nature, he felt. Slick felt ready to take on that challenge now, however. "I was wondering if I could have the honor of being your escort, milady?" Slick's tone was playful, yet hopeful and his eyes bespoke of his eagerness.

Charles Kemp

Location: Great Hall
interacting: Zeke @Mivuli

Charles listened to the sparse words of his senior, noting the customary uneasiness people held around him. He took heart in the fact that even his elders held a measure of such caution, in turn respect, for his reputation. "Oh, the usual gauntlet of studies my parents set for me, a bit of Quidditch training." Charles replied offhandedly, adding to himself silently, "And the task of assassination of a certain pesky Headmaster" Charles real concern was this, wanting the duty to go off without a hitch. He wondered if this boy might be amenable to such an undertaking, he'd have to feel him out.

"Sounds like a bore, Zeke. How are you feeling about the team this year? There a bit more of a force than last year, that's for sure." He wanted Zeke's opinion of the line-up. While their skills were polished, Charles didn't always understand sentiment and wondered if their spirits were stout enough to hold up under the pressure. This was something he knew the observant seventh year could help him with. Charles hated to depend upon anyone, but this was a necessary evil, this assistance. He wanted to win this year! It would be quite a feather in his cap and he always thirsted for victory, academic or extracurricular.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Laurel Demirci

Location: Great Hall
Interactions: Tadeo

A luminous set of cool green eyes settled upon the source of the voice she'd heard as she was heading for her teammates. She'd been stopped short by a young man, perhaps her age or a year younger. She gave a quick and brief assessment as he spoke to her, fairly tall but not overly so, the darker complexion matched with dark hair and eyes and an american accent made her think Mexican in decent, he spoke very good English which led her to believe that his grandparent or parents might have been from there as he seemed to not be mixed with anything else. If he was it didn't show.

He was clearly used to impressing people and seemed rather please with himself after he finished his little speech of sorts. She pursed her full lips as she looked at him, remaining silent for a moment. "There are things a lady must know before she goes to a ball with a lad she's never even met before." Laurel was as poetic as always, though she was an athlete she was exceedingly intelligent, it was the difference from a good beater and an excellent one.

She gestured to the table full of her friends and teammates as she looked at him, her green eyes not leaving his face. "Would you dress up for a woman you've never met and then attempt to dance with someone you've never even walked with before? Any one of my teammates or even the other players would know how to walk or dance with me. You, however, haven't a clue. " His reply would tell Laurel more than enough about this boy, a Slytherin, for her to make a call on whether going to the dance with him was a good idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Prints Avoid
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Prints Avoid Disgusting Loser

Member Seen 11 days ago

Tadeo Diaz

Location; Great Hall
Interacting With; Laurel Demirci @Aspen Wren

Tadeo stood, that grin still plastered to his face, waiting as the girl considered him. He glanced at the table, but the faces of her friends told her nothing. They seemed amused, but that was about it. No angry boyfriends either, it seemed. What she gave him wasn't exactly an answer. He was surprised how seriously she regarded him after his over the top proposal. She spoke well, he could see. She seemed to strike all the points she wanted to with each sentence. He had to say, he was impressed.

Then question that followed nearly made him burst into laughter. Of course she had no way of knowing what a ridiculous question it was to ask him if he was really willing to do that. His grin widened in response, and she continued speaking, pointing out how a friend or Quidditch player would be the clear choice for her. Her last words to him were a little blunt, but at least it wasn't a no.

"Would I dress up for a woman I've never met and then attempt to dance with someone I've never even walked with before?" he asked, restating her question. "You could also ask me 'Would I travel across the globe to go to school in a country I haven't lived in?' Of course! I'm here at a school in which I know no one, so really it's either go alone or ask a woman who is a complete stranger." He gestured to her and and nodded his head slightly in acknowledgment.

He made a conscious effort to speak carefully, in contrast to his stream of words from earlier. "I'm than willing to go with a complete stranger for the very same reason that I'm here in the first place. There is the potential here for the unique experience of getting to know someone while enjoying a good night of some of the best this school has to offer. That's an opportunity I can't help but embrace." He paused. "Going alone wouldn't be bad. I'd get to mingle and dance with just about everyone without being tied to someone all night." He shrugged and continued. "But I'm wondering if someone else doesn't also see the allure of that experience. Because going with a woman willing to take that plunge would easily make for the most interesting night. Like you said, I don't have the first clue how to walk, talk or dance with you, and the same goes for you. I'm looking for someone who isn't put off by that, but excited. Is that you?" There was a twinkle in his eye as he waited. He could feel the attention of the students at the table on the two of them. It didn't occur to him until just then that by the end of his little speech, he'd somehow made it sound like he was screening her rather than the other way around.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mivuli
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: Train/Great Hall
Interacting With: Charles (@WittyWolf)

"Sounds like a bore, Zeke. How are you feeling about the team this year? There a bit more of a force than last year, that's for sure."

Zeke speared a triangle of potato with his fork, as he considered Kemp's question. "Yes," he said after some thought. "I s'ppose they are." He looked down one end of the table, spotting their lightest player laughing, encircled in a ring of his friends. Zeke personally thought the boy looked rather like a weasel, but the third-year was a fast, nimble thing, with an even quicker and more agile broom in his possession now. "Our Seeker has gone through growth spurt," he mused, watching as said boy snorted with a chuckle. "But more importantly he just celebrated his birthday and his parents bought him a Firebolt 4000. He was boasting about it on the platform." The model was top of its line, an enviable thing. Zeke supposed the Galleons pureblooded Slytherins traditionally inherited gave the team an edge that way, in the equipment sector.

Zeke's eyes flickered back to Charles, before they flew to a fifth-year girl. Her hair was in corn-rows now, but she looked tanner. In the light of the candles her dark skin glowed with several bruises. "Leah's been working hard over summer," Zeke murmured. "She did promise to improve on being a Catcher, and she does keep her word." Shrugging, Zeke sat back, and rolled his shoulders and neck to work out the kinks. "After that atrocious fumble last season, I guess she thought she should if she wanted to stay on the team. You might have to keep an eye on that one though. She's like to kill herself on the pitch if she tries to practise too hard."

Picking up his fork again, Zeke bit off the potato. He chewed, swallowed, before asking the sixth-year, "Try-outs will have to come soon, yeah? And what about you, Kemp? You're the captain, what are your thoughts on the team?" The previous captains Zeke had been under had all been strict sadistic arses who had stoically whipped their charges into shape. But they had produced results and scores, and none too bad. Piercing pieces of food absent-mindedly, Zeke wondered what sort of captain Charles would be.
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