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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza heard the shuffling as she instantly went for some within the room. Though no surprise it was a chair, she held it at the ready till a small section of the vent fell and seeing something jump out. About to swing the chair like a bat, she saw it was Robin and lowered it till it was on it's legs. She felt some relief for Robin being here and finding her, but hearing about Wolf, worried her. However she also noticed the claw like cuts on his cheek. Before she could say anything, she heard the open and looked quickly to them to see Batman who seemed amused by their surprise. Though explained a little further into what happened. Though for what she knew of batman already, she nodded her head side to side a little. She looked back to Robin. "Your cheek." She moved over to see it a little better. "I am guessing this was an accident?" She asked. Though made sure it wasnt bad.

Conner looked to Artemis when she asked about how Conner knew. Superboy looked around though looked to her again. "I could see it in her eyes. Looking around quickly, looking at the blood on her claws and how they dilated. Her body language gave off. I can tell the sign from that of myself. I've seen red plenty of times to know the signs. Takes alot of will power to keep yourself from letting it take over."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Robin nodded and said "I spooked her when I went to check on her...she snapped...I shouldn't have touched her...this is all my fault..." Batman waved to them and said "then let's go fix this...holding cells lets go"

Artemis pulled a wire and the doors opened. "Let's get her some help them...think you can help her Connor?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza seemed to understand what happened with what Robin said though looked to Batman. She nodded and followed. "So is there anything else to this lock down besides doors shutting and sealing themselves?" She asked, just wondering what she possibly needed to be prepared for.

Superboy watched Artemis work, though thought about this question. "I could try. If you want me help let out her frustration through a fight. But it would all depend on her." Conner though, as well as Meg'aan and Wally went to go find whereever Wolf maybe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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After a few minutes everyone was outside the cell block. They could all see which cell Solf had locked herself in. Shadows were wrappin around the door, keeping it shut. Batman looked at Connor and said "what happened when you saw her run thru?"

Wolf was shaking in the dark, holding her head in her blood covered hands. "Don't come in...please don't come in...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Arriving to the cell block and being greeted by Batman, Riza and Robin, Conner as well as the other looked toward the Cell block that seemed to be where Wolf has confined herself in. Conner had his attention on Batman when he asked him what they saw her. Looking to the Cell block with concern, looked back to Batman. "When Wolf ran through, she was scared and freaking out. Artemis tried to ask her what happen when I noticed that she had these bone like claws. There were blood on the tip of them. Then I saw that not only was she scared but she was seeing red. I could tell from her eyes and body language alone compared to myself. She seemed to resist the demand for what the urge wanted her to do and just took off. Meg'aan tried to take off after her but then after that, the lights shut off." Superboy explained to Batman.

Riza listened to Conner's explanation and answer. Her eyes widened with shock and looked to the door. She went up to the cell's door and lightly touched it with only her fingers brushing against it. "The dream she had as Robin explained to me seemed to have triggered something. Sometimes Logan, her father would have these incidents. If someone was near him while he was asleep, having a bad dream and someone tried to wake him or was near him and he woke up, he would have no focus and he would accidentally lash out as if he was danger. Once he would come back to reality a few seconds later, he would realize just then what happen. Though when I heard this, it had only happened twice. Though that doesnt mean it hasn't happened any other time. Though as for seeing red," Riza turned back as she seemed to be thinking. "The only time I noticed is when Logan raged. It wasn't hard to piss him off. But you had to really piss him off for him to see red. Only then he would seem like an animal, not matter who was friend or foe. But this seems different. Something out of explanation to me." The young Stark though soon back away from the cell block a little. "Wolf? Wolf! What happen?!" She asked, speaking loudly, unknown if Wolf could hear her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Riza heard a cry inside he door the Wolf said "go away! I'm not safe! I almost took robins head off..." Robin looked at Connor and said "what do we do?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Wolf inside was shaking badly, tears rolling down her face. Then she heard a soft voice say "Pup? Its alright...your safe...I'm right here..." She froze, knowing the voice. It was a mans voice, one she had only heard in her dreams. She looked around, the shadows gathering around her and almost hugging her, like a father would a weeping child. Wolf took a deep breath and sighed, closing her eyes again.

In the hallway only Riza would see a figure appear on the floor, the figure pointed to the door and nodding.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Hearing the cries from the other side of the door and Wolf shouting, Riza looked to the others, obviously having nothing she could think of. Conner honestly had no idea. All he did was shrug. "I wouldn't know. She's locked herself in a containment cell and made sure that no one could reach her. Might have to wait." He looked to Batman then.

Meg'aan looked to his friends with concern. "I don't think would be able to figure what happened. I wouldn't want to risk hurting her." She told them. Riza though sat on the ground with her back against a wall, looking at the ground. As she sat there, she noticed a shadow, one more then everyone elses. Looking closely, she saw the shadow point to the door. And, nodding? Riza up and headed to the door. She used her magic to open the door, feeling no resistance. She looked inside the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Wolf was sitting against the wall, her eyes closed. All around her were wolf looking shadows taking shape, each one different like living creatures. Robin looked around and said "Riza...how did..." Batman was looking at Riza, putting things together. He said "Riza, you better be the one to go in...make sure she's okay..."

The biggest wolf was laying next to Wolf, curled up against her and his bright silver eyes watching the door carefully
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza looked about the room from where she stood, having ignored the fact that she used her magic to open the door. She noticed the wolf like shadows taking shape. She looked over toward Robin when he spoke, having realized what she did though didn't show it. Her attention on Batman now and though a little hesitant, nodded. "I will."

Conner looked to those around him as did Meg'aan, honestly confused about what had just happened.

Walking into the room, Riza kept the door open as she showed no fear of the shadow wolves around Wolf. Riza showed her respect of the wolves and stood a good few feet and kneeled. "I wish to make sure that Wolf is alright." She told the shadows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Alpha raised his head, looking her over then nodded. He laid back down and closed his eyes, sensing the magic she had was one he knew well. Wolf hadn't moved, almost like she was asleep.

Robin looked at Batman and said "Bats..." Batman shook his head, not wanting to talk about Riza'a magic being able to get to Wolf. The things he was thinking about were much harder to take in. He would need a lot of time with the ending of this whole thing, and what he knew he would have to do
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza smiled when the Alpha had accepted her to check on Wolf, Standing up then and walking toward her more till she sat down in front of Wolf, rest the back palm of her hand on Wolf's forehead before checking her pulse. Her eyes watched Wolf before taking a calm relaxing breath. I have explaining to do later..." She mumbled. But for now needed to concentrate on Wolf.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Her temperature was higher then normal and her pulse was a little fast but it was slowly as Wolf took deep breaths. She stirred slightly when Riza touched her, her eyes moving under the lids. The Alpha looked up and Riza heard a rough voice say *She's in a trance state...I think her old training kicked in to help her get control again...she should be safe now...you can wake her...she will be weak so don't let her over do it*

Batman waved the others to leave, the others going to help get the base running back to normal. He watched the two girls as Strange walked up. Batman said quietly so Riza and Wolf wouldn't hear "She has to go doesn't she...when this is all over..." Strange nodded, sighing sadly. "This is just more prove that Wolf is from our world...and that her being here...now that her true powers are coming thru...I fear your world won't survive it..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza bit her lower lip a little when feeling the heat of her forehead higher than normal. Though seemed relieved that Wolf's pulse was slowing as she noticed that Wolf's mind was working with the proof of her eyes. Hearing this rough voice within her head made her jump a little but listened. Stark nodded. "Thank you. I believe she needs some rest. I'll ask Batman to help me take her to her room. I thank you for watching over her. Maybe you could explain to me what happen? How this incident happened?" She asked.

Conner, Meg'aan and Wally left with the rest to go help the base get back to working order. Even Jarvis helped however he could. It was least he could do while in the computers and operating the suit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The Alpha sighed then said *She was having a nightmare and the young man with the cuts tried to wake her. She pinned him to the floor, almost tearing thru his face with her claws...the blood and her stress pushed her to seeing red. Its been a long time since we have been called upon like this...and with ho much her powers have grown, we will be seeing a lot of each other, God Blessed...*

Batman left, Strange walking in and rubbing the heads of a few of the wolves. He waited till Riza saw him and he said "The Shadow Pack...they serve the Shadow Clan...I didn't think Wolf would be able to summon them out of their own realm...its very interesting what limits her powers can over come..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza listened, nodded. "Story matches. Thank you." She said, noticing another presence. She turned to see Dr. Strange. She noticed him pet the shadow wolves. "Why am I not surprised that you anything about this? Where did Batman go?" She asked, looking away from him to Wolf. "Guess I got some explaining to do. I didn't exactly tell them about my Asgardian magic." She told him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

He shook his head and said "I wouldn't unless asked. Batman is much like our captain America, don't tell unless it's life threatening" he walked over and cupped wolfs cheek. "We should get her to her room...and tea I think"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Riza nodded. "Alright. Dr. Strange?" She looked to him. "Could...take Wolf to her room? Jarvis can help. But I need to put some minds to ease. If I wish for them to trust me like they have, they need to know I wont hold something like my powers from their knowledge."

Conner paced in the main room of the cave, where everyone came and went. Meg'aan watching with with some discomfort. Wally was helping with some computer details. "Conner. Pacing will not do much." Meg'aan pointed out in a timid concerned tone. Superboy looked a bit upset, angry really. He stopped to look at Meg'aan, his blue eyes softened a little. "Sorry. It's just- what the hell happened back there? I know what I saw, what Riza did. How she just got up and opened the door with just a glow of gold on the door and a wave of her hand. Plus with how involved she has been with Wolf. I don't get it. Something isn't right. Something she isn't telling us yet we are trusting her because of these portals." Superboy said with some frustration. Wally looked to Conner. "He does have a point. I saw it too and thats making me feel a little edgy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Strange nodded and said "I will care for her. Go ease their minds"

Robin looked up and said "guys, we knew she had powers, it's how she saved my life from being frozen remember? We just didn't know what else she could do" Artemis nodded and handed Wally a jump drive. "Robins right guys, we can't judge too hard. Wolf is still figuring out her powers and we aren't edgy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Jazz Lord of Dragons

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Wally took the hardrive as Conner sighed. "I didn't know. I had no idea." Conner said. Wally shrugged. "I had no idea either."

Riza walked out of the containment room that Wolf and tried to keep herself in, looking as best as she could for the team that took her in. Maybe even find Batman. He most likely had suspicion. But she made her way around, checking the main rooms she knew about that the team maybe at.
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