Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Before Ajax could lambast the halfling once more for her constant use and abuse of her powers, the owner of the house took charge and shouted her down, apparently not for the first time. My my, what a temper she showed, how the mask of harmony and control fell every now and again. What explanations followed fell on deaf ears, there may be truths in them but now Ajax had no doubt that it was in his best interest to see this adventure through. Not out of some sense of duty or altruism, but simply because he could see the dagger in the dark, the obvious deceit, and if anything about the power this woman sought was true, he wanted to be the one to crush it.

Of course, this didn't come through visibly. Instead, he simply clapped his hands together once when offered comfortable lodging. Well, it was more like smashing the two palms together rather forcefully, causing a booming noise and perhaps making others wonder what it'd be like for something caught in between and the likelihood of it happening during their travels. "Ah, now that is a good attitude from a host! Yes I will accept your hospitality. I also require food and drink! A man should enjoy himself before he heads off to face death!" He still had things he would discuss with the beastess, but this was not the time nor the place. He might as well enjoy himself while he could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve glanced around the room as they chattered lightly, agreeing not only to the terms, but to the accommodations that were offered.

"Actually, I was wondering if I could talk to you privately for a few minutes. Please? It won't take long." the hin spoke up, her voice was much softer than before, near a whimper, with eyes that matched those of a child, pleading for something. She pursed her lips a moment before answering.

"There is no need to beg for my attention, you don't have to look at me like that, you are not a child. I can spare a moment or two, but then I really must start working on a enchantments. One never knows the dangers that creep about at night."

One by one they each chimed in a response of some sort to their hostess. She relieved herself from her seat and headed towards the archway. A small golden bell rested on a shelf just beside the intricate molding of the large open arch. Ionathan posed a question to Erran, as the young knight was the only one who hadn't added much to their conversation. She glanced him over briefly, waiting for his words. He was a handsome young man, with much potential, she only hoped he didn't get himself killed out there. It wasn't long before the brute had spoke up, tearing her gaze away from the young knight. "Ah, now that is a good attitude from a host! Yes I will accept your hospitality. I also require food and drink! A man should enjoy himself before he heads off to face death!"

"Very well." She reached for the bell, giving it a quick shake. The gentle ringing must have reached the young woman quite quickly, for she suddenly appeared beside Genevieve. "For any that wish to speak with me, state your business now. Otherwise my aid will escort you upstairs. I will have food and drink sent up to your rooms shortly. If you wish to 'enjoy' yourself however, there is a tavern down the road. I'm afraid that is the one thing that my household lacks. But if you truly wish to leave this house, you will not be able to re enter until the morning. Once the protection spells go up, there is no coming or going. And while the tavern does have decent food and drink, and if you have the coin, the means to 'entertain', I do not think they have much in the way of protection. I will send someone to fetch each of you at sunlight. Have a pleasant evening."

She offered a small nod to the woman by her side. It was the same woman from earlier, the same simple face, void of any expression, hands folded behind her back, waiting for each of their guests to follow her upstairs. Genevieve turned to Regina and ushered herself back towards the table.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Have you any last questions for the lady?" Ionathan asked Emil, as he stood to go. Following suit, Emil stood up as well, the offer of warm bedding and bathing a wonderful respite from the last week and a half of traveling and sleeping against his horse. Emil was almost giddy at the offer- catching himself before he appeared immature. Strange that he enjoyed the idea of warm food, bed and bathing moreso than he had before- this wasn't his first time on the road for any stretch of time, and it certainly wouldn't be his last. But perhaps the idea of something that reminded him of home that had him this way.

Remembering that Ionathan had asked him a question, Emil slowly shook his head. "Ah, no, Sir Ionathan- and Lady Genevieve, I have no further questions that have not yet been asked."

Lady Genevieve reached for a bell and gave it a shake, almost magically producing the same young girl from before- the one with the simple, yet charming appearance. Giving the young maid a small smile, Emil would follow the maid and the others as they were led to their respective rooms.

The "Personal Quarters" the Sage spoke of, were quite lavish to say the least. While not a massive room, it was plenty spacious for a single person, and featured fine, dark wood flooring, a large soft bed with a trunk at its foot was the most prominent piece of furniture in the room. On the opposite wall was a small seating area, with a short table, and a few cushioned chairs, alongside a desk, and small bookshelf. The bookshelf itself was only sparsely populated- Emil doubted the lady would leave many books in a guest room as opposed to a library, and the entirety of the room was set a warm yellow-orange from the glow of various lamps placed throughout the room. Steam filtering out of an open doorway in the corner of the room implied that the bath was also heated and ready for him to enter.

Taking a moment to walk around the room and take in his surroundings, Emil gently rested his sword and shield at the foot of the bed by the trunk, and took his time removing his armor from his body. Now free of the weight of his armor- which admittedly wasn't that heavy, Emil rolled his shoulders and stretched, his muscles whining from not having been properly stretched in days.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina watched Genevieve as she spoke to the group, taking note of everything. Some of the other spoke as well though she was barely listening. She was deep in her thoughts, her eyes trained on the floor. She waited for everyone else to leave the room before looking back at Genevieve, who was beginning to usher her towards the table. With a small nod, she sat at the table, looking down.

"It's been twenty-five years since we met and you're still as beautiful as ever. Smart, wise, everything I wish I was. I've always been brash and hot-headed. Even now, though I've mellowed some with age." She glanced up at the woman with a frown. "When we first met, I was young, dumb and full of... well, you know. I could see anything from someone's mind and took advantage of it more often than I'd like to admit. Even on you. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry. I wish I could make it up to you but I don't know how except letting you see all my life. I want you to be able to trust me. I don't want to hurt you like I did that day. I..." She stopped and sniffled, a tear falling down her cheek.

With a deep breath, she looked down at the table again. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. I don't even deserve your kindness. I forced my way in your mind. You didn't deserve that. Nobody does. If you want, I'll go. I'll leave and I won't return." She looked up at her again, tears slowly falling down her cheeks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Very well." The human woman remarked before reaching out for the fine metal bell not far from her grasp and its faint ring summoned the younger woman from nowhere quite abruptly to her side. Beneath the archway, golden bell returned to its resting place, the arcanist carried on in formal conversation, but little of it drew the monstrous half beast's attention aside from those most obvious and what was worthy of note.

Sakaala was not fond of the notion of these abjurant wards Lady Genevieve was referring to, but the warrior-mage was less concerned about their actual existence and more so that that they would even be deemed a necessity as it was so inferred; nothing that liberal dispel magic could not overcome with sheer force and time, something of which the beastly woman could perform through sheer force of self and person. All the same, it did not sit well in heart or spirit.

Watching at first as the lady of the manor withdrew, this time beckoning the halfling woman to her, the enormity of the leonine form turned lightly, watching then the youngest member, this "Knight of Edessa", as he carried himself too and with the maid as she awaited the rest of the company; her hands characteristically folded behind her back. Looking back once more to the woman that was their host from over her shoulder, the Huntress' blind eye provided a cold stare and the flick of an ear accompanied it with subtle and inhuman body language. It was the sort of message that conveyed underlying distrust, but it was short lived, for she carried on after, allowing herself to be led to her quarters.

The moment the door shut behind her, the room seemingly to herself and the sound of footfall disappearing, she produced a long sigh. Both eyes clenched for a moment, her jowls curved lightly at the upper lip in a grimace; the expression revealed her long, pearly fangs, some of which bore faint marring of days long past. No more than another moment later and having shaken off whatever ill memory fell upon her, she seemed to relax and utter a growly incantation - eyes still tightly closed, turning emotion into fuel to stoke the flames of power that naturally resided within her.

"Deh'a Ahalak." Her voice willed foreign magic into existence and a faint illumination calmly burnt from within her stare, shielded only by the lids of her eyes while the utterance itself was a forgotten tongue.

Preparing to open them and see what magic filled the environment around her in the stately domain, she knew she might not be fond of what she would find, which may very well all be a trap. Instinctively, her left hand motioned toward the bound hilt of the large elven blade which hung across her back where then each of her padded, powerful fingers then rested upon it. The right arm however, remained motionless and still. Exhaling once more, the former hunter of men allowed her eyes to gaze upon the environment around her and take in whatever magic might visibly linger in her sight, prepared if need be for conflict. This time however, she would be able to see what effects existed within the environment.

Then again, this sort of behavior was not out of the ordinary for one who had been captured before.

@ArenaSnow@AdamantiumWolf@Belwicket@IcePezz@Zero Hex@vietmyke@Jon Y
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ajax had no need for that sort of 'enjoyment', both because he'd had his fill recently enough and because he was surprisingly tame as far as his sexual appetites went. A combination of living away from people for most of his life and an old saying of his father's, "women weaken legs", meant that while a human with urges, Ajax wasn't quite the brute people expected as far as that went. He did, however, cheekily pat the serving girl and motioned for her to stay in his room, more to see what would happen and to contradict the owner of the house than any real need. The lady in waiting simply stared blankly at his grinning face before leaving.

With that dealt with and ample food and drink soon provided by the same girl, who once again refused the invitation to stay and enjoy herself for the night, Ajax simply enjoyed the given hospitality as was his custom before engaging in any adventure. Let others worry about sinister magics and daggers hidden in the dark, for the truly strong saw no need to fear what couldn't harm them. Skin tough as an ogre's, a stomach that could survive any poison, enough muscle and skill and presence of mind to crush the supernatural in his grasp, yes, Ajax felt quite secure that he could face whatever was thrown at him by this point in his life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Across the ornate darkwood floor she carried herself with those dimly lit eyes proving to scan intently, hunting; her vision enchanted with the subtle effects of the divination's scrying. Within her view, as her head panned from broad shoulder to shoulder, soft, light auras caressed the edges of the room in a color reminiscent of carnations. All the while her powerful palm rested upon the binding of the sword, for she proved as ready as any woman of her ability and stature should be.

Abjuration. The sorcerous beast noted, approaching the corner of the room where several lines of the soothing pink pooled.

Crouching, careful not to contact the field itself, she drew out her hand from the sword and but inches from the spell as she felt out its presence with her own. Willing the magic that imbued her sight stronger, she quickly assessed the spell in question, which was as she had hoped and its familiar arcane energy was welcoming to her; not an ounce of her person or the spell resisted.

Warded against evil. But there was more to it, cleverly hidden, for as her concentration grew, her search shifted about innately as if drawn to the energy that lingered silently in the air.

Turning her attention up, scarred muzzle following the lines, she noted the presence of another school of magic that traced the fixtures of the walls, specifically those that were trimmed in polished brass. No surprise for the home of a mage, the golden aura about the finery that were the candelabras and similar additions was more than mere candle and flame; they were sheathed in divining magic. Some sort of mystic sensor, but it soon became evident why they were there at all.

The room itself concealed a powerful evocation in the form of a purge, and the warrior-mage carefully examined it, rising to standing and thus not far from its resting place atop the ceiling. So tall was the beast-woman that if she wished, she could have reached out and touched the chandelier that hung not far above her, but the whole ordeal of doing so was most unneeded. She knew enough by observing the concealed spell what its purpose was, and there existed no question to it as both her eyes and memory focused in upon it; it was an evocation to dispel concealment, be it invisibility or otherwise. The "bane of shadows", so to speak.

Chest concealed beneath the beaten breastplate of tarnished silvery metal rising and falling in a deep, snarly laugh, she chuckled. "Wise."

Content with her findings, she withdrew at last her demeanor of extreme caution and instead turned her attention to the bath that awaited her; the steam rising lightly from the doorway beyond, just as she had been promised. She had mostly ignored the furnishings of the lavish room, not wishing to disturb them or mar their fine craftsmanship in her search, be them the plush chairs or fine wooden accompaniment. But it was at last the time to attend to the matter and with a gesture of her hand, directed at a distance, she willed the magic within her blood and person to secure the door to her quarters behind her, and an invisible force answered her beck and call.

It locked audibly, with bolt rotating into place as though manipulated by intangible fingers. While the defense was mundane and certainly not a match for any mage capable of warding a home such as this, it did provide a delay for most uninvited guests... not that she of all persons was likely to have any.

Now however, the time to settle in and wash away weeks of travel had become an opportunity. And then? Perhaps sleep would be in order...

@ArenaSnow@AdamantiumWolf@Belwicket@IcePezz@Zero Hex@vietmyke@Jon Y
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve was relieved when the lot quickly followed behind her aide and disappeared up the stairs. Her night was not over just yet though. She turned to the hin, offering her to sit at the table with her. She had expected some long tale of loss and woe or adventure and gain .. something, anything but what had been given.

"There will be no pity party here. I have called each of you here for a reason and your job is not over yet. So don't sulk your way into oblivion." Genevieve's words were a bit cold, but they were merely a reflection of her own discomfort. A soft sigh escaped, her eyes scanning the lines in the floor as if to try and find the correct words to say.

"The truth is, I am not good with people. I have spent most of my adult life in solitude and study. I realize that I may come off cold and drawn out. Flattery will get you no where, but I do appreciate the sentiment, and the apology." she nodded once and offered Regina a handkerchief before continuing. "Your ability ... it effects me somehow. I suppose it has to do with my own magiks. It becomes hard to focus, perhaps I'm just not disciplined enough as a mage." her words were meant to try and cheer Regina up, however her tone, even as it was, hadn't seemed to acknowledge the tears and sadness emanated from the hin.

She bit her lower lip in frustration. "Please do not go. You are a valuable member of this team, we need you if we are to succeed. Ok?" Something was different about her. Twenty five years ago, Regina may have picked up on the awkwardness and lack of social interaction, but one thing that Genevieve constantly displayed was compassion. And it was one thing that was completely lacking just now. Genevieve knew it too, she just hoped her words were enough.

~~~~~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Finally coming upon their cottage, the rogue scaled the walls, inspected and examined every crevice and crack. She was determined to make her way inside somehow. There was no room for failure. She made a note of the spells she could detect, they seemed to be wearing off some. Which meant that Genevieve didn't yet have a chance to cast new ones. It could mean she had an opening, however it was a small one at best. No ... there had to be another way.

The guest rooms lined the back of the house, illuminating as each guest was shown inside. That was it! Genevieve expected magic of some sort. A forced entry, a shadowy figure ... The key would be to enter without using magic then. Dangerous as it may be, there had to be one person at least who wouldn't try to slit her throat. The walls of the courtyard climbed high enough, allowing the rogue a perfect view of the rooms. Heavy curtains draped over the windowpanes, but most were left open enough to allow her a glimpse inside, and more specifically, at who had occupied each room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina nodded and stood from the chair. "I'll leave you be for the night," she said, turning towards the hall. She stopped as if to say something else but could think of nothing to say. She sighed and shook her head before heading down the hall towards the room that had been set for her. Halfway down the hall, though, she stopped and began looking around. She sighed as she looked back the way she came. She didn't know which room she had been assigned.

She walked to the end of the hall with a frown, dragging her feet. With her mind seeking others, she could sense where everyone was. She felt Sakaala's hesitance and instinct though could not see into her mind as to why. She found Ionathan and considered asking him if the maid that had led him to his room had pointed out her room as well but decided against it. In the end, she stood at the end of the hall, looking out the window.

It was then she noticed another mind in the area. "Someone's here," she said to herself, her eyes opening wide. She focused on the intruder's mind, hoping to see who they were and why they were here but all she could see was that she wanted in. She ran to Sakaala's room and knocked loudly. "Sakaala," she called out, trying not to sound hectic, "could we talk for a bit?" While waiting for Sakaala to answer, she sent a quick mental message to Genevieve.

"I'm sorry for invading your mind again but I just sensed the mind of an intruder on the wall. I have a plan to deal with her and I need you to not panic. Please just trust me. If you want to talk, I'm outside Sakaala's room."

She cut the mental connection with a shake of her head before connecting to Ionathan's mind.

"Come to Sakaala's room. Bring your student. Remain calm. I need your help."

She shook her head again before looking up at Sakaala's door. She expected her to open the door rather quickly but wouldn't be too sad if the Lioness took her time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Entering his chambers, he looked around and observed the room. He suspected his room was just like the others which showed the generosity of the host. Walking across the room, he came to a wooden tub that was filled with steaming water. Just what he needed after a long journey.
With a heavy sigh, he unslung his pack and placed it inside the beds trunk. After stripping out of his armour and attachments he dipped into the bath which was at the perfect temperature.

The maid soon came in with some dinner and drink, she remained stoic even though Ionathan was in the bath tub. She arranged the table while engaged in some small talk. After a rubbing some herbal paste around his body and hair then rinsing it out he left the bath and began drying himself with some towels before dressing in a long black dressing gown that came down to his feet.

He was just tucking in to some smoked fish when he heard a small tapping at the window. Assuming it was some heavy rain decided to go back to his fish, but the tapping noise persisted, setting his fork aside he walked towards the windows. It was almost pitch black, his bath may have taken longer than he anticipated.
He opened the window and looked down. There was not an person to be found, he was about to close the windows when he turned his head to the right and found himself staring right into the eyes of Isabeau. He froze on the spot but realised that she hadn't attacked. He raised an eyebrow and decided to play it cool.

“If you’re here to kill me. Make it quick”

"Is that what she has told you then?" The rogue would have normally just let herself into his room, but considering she was the one under suspicion, she stayed her position, hoping he would invite her out of the rain.

"I suppose I shouldn't sound so surprised, I had suspected as much. But no, I have no intentions of harming you." A spark of warmth lit her face as she offered him a genuine smile. "It is good to see you though, it has been a while."

It had been so long since she had seen the group of them from Waeldeshore. She had imagined most of them to be dead, and was quite happy to see that Ionathan at least had survived the brutal years. If she could somehow gain his trust, she knew the rest would soon fall into place.

With a sigh of and smile of relief he opened the window further to allow her in "It sure has been a while, hasn't it” he said giving her a hand into his room, quietly shutting the window behind her.

He closed the curtains and began to whisper, if someone did overhear what they might speak of, he could easily be branded a traitor himself.

“You should know that Genevieve has become quite hostile towards you, she calls you the witching, which I'm sure is not meant as a compliment and has gathered all these people for the soul purpose of hunting you down and retrieving the relic"
He offered her a seat and looked at her with a knowing gaze “but I’m sure you knew that already”.

Looking down, he remembered that he was still just in his bath robe, quickly sitting himself down to mitigate his embarrassment he moved the food across the table towards her, gesturing that she was free to share the smoked fish that was by this time growing cold.

“Anyway, I’m sure this wasn’t just a chance for a quick chat with an old companion, but before we go any further I must know, why did you steal the relic?”

She gracefully stepped into the room, lowering her hood once inside. She had aged, but not much. Her light green eyes sparkled in the candlelight as she moved towards the door. Pressing her ear to the dark wood, she listened carefully, for any movement on the other side.

Satisfied, she turned to face Ionathan. "When I had returned with the lot from the mountain, Genevieve had sent me on another quest, one to find the third and final key. It took me many years, many dead ends ... I had come across a group of people that were more than willing to help me in my quest and in allowing their aid, I learned things. When I returned, I noticed a great change in Lady Genevieve."

She crossed the room and rested in a nearby chair. "I went to speak with her about my concerns, my findings, and the more we spoke, the more possessive and hostile she became. That was when I realized, it was the relic that was making her behave this way ... The greed, the desire. She went to kill Jeltheor not out of some righteous rage, but out of greed. She wanted his power, and any information he had on the last key. That is why I stole it. I had hoped that her greed would subside, and when it didn't, I had to hide it. I knew it was only a matter of time before should would come out this way. But I had to do something until could figure out how to destroy it"

Ionathan rubbed his forehead with hand "you've put me in a very difficult position, if what you say is true were does that leave -”

"Come to Sakaala's room. Bring your student. Remain calm. I need your help."

Getting up slowly he walked towards the trunk and rummaged around for some casual clothes
“I’m sorry to cut this short, but I just got a message from Regina, she wants to meet me. You wouldn’t mind turning around, would you?”

Turning his back to Isabeau he stated to put on a green tunic and brown trousers “Regina still got a soft spot for you, she took the news about you turning traitor by slamming her fist against the wall”
Putting on some thick cotton socks he made his way towards Isabeau and gave her a warm smile “one last bit of advice for you, don’t engage Regina in combat, she will use everything in her power to bring you down”. He walked over to the door “Stay safe old friend.”

Opening the door just enough to get through he left Isabeau in his room. He wondered if he would next see her on the field of combat. He went to Emil's door and gave it a rap with his knuckles.

“Apologies for the intrusion, but Regina requests you presence in Sakaala's room, you can come with me if you like?”

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

The mage could not wait. He needed to act this very evening - and with any luck destroy the dark sage before she went on the offensive.

Of course, he was fully aware that the possibility existed of things being a little too difficult to handle on his own. He would have let the rogue in, but at the end of the day he didn't trust her. That meant he would have to do it by himself. But do I need to go in the flesh? he asked himself as he looked into the lifeless eyes of a well crafted golem, shrouded in the darkness of the cave. If the plan failed, he would know that more extreme measures would be necessary, and he would be able to tell the Council of the threat. There were too many thing at stake to let the sage roam the world, attempting to undo the last pure order left.

He pulled the yellow talisman out of his pocket and clasped it into the golem's hands. The one valuable that could be at risk, but the mage was quite sure that even if the golem fell, the talisman would be safe from being used against him. After all, the sage could only be recruiting those of dark hearts - she wouldn't be able to touch it and neither could her cronies.

He stared into the lifeless eyes of the golem and began the procedure of possessing it...


The mage stood at the bottom of the hill, looking at the mansion with talisman in hand. Well warded against intrusion. Certainly, the sage had prepared herself well. But then, he was a Magi Ritari - and he knew every wall, magical or physical, could be broken.

The trick was, of course, to enter without being immediately detected. He issued a cloaking spell to begin; sufficient against most means of detection, though possibly vulnerable to direct magical probes. But then, there was little reason for him to be sought out.

As he climbed the hill, he noticed a strange feeling; a familiar presence. He identified it with a scowl. The rogue. Whatever her reason for being there, she could damage the mission. If he felt her she could almost certainly detect him back. But it was too late to retreat.

The mage walked low and approached the exterior of the sage's home, talisman in hand. The first thing he would need to do is identify exactly where his target was. He began scanning the windows, straining to find the one he sought.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The comfort of bathing did not distract the old lioness, and the flick of one of her golden ears in the direction of the loud knocking alerted her to something being afoot. Before the woman before the door even had chance to speak, the beast had set her powerful hand about the handle of the elvish blade and turned her attention, or a scornful unsettling gaze in truth, toward the source of the sound. A surprise visitor was among one of the last things she wished to contend with, particularly here and now where she laid soaking in a basin of warm water that could barely so much as fit her enormous frame.

"Sakaala," a familiar but muffled voice called out a bit hastily, "could we talk for a bit?"

Uncrossing her feet, for they had rested one upon the other while she bathed, she proved to rise slowly and tread carefully. She ignored the ornately folded night robes presented atop a small shelf as they would not fit something so large as she, instead willing the free hand to take up her own robes while she began toward the door. Shouldering the tattered ebon cloak, changing the heavy blade between hands in doing doing so, she left a trail of dripping water behind her as it rolled off her pelt and in part soaked her clothing. The sound of water trickling in this manner was audible for a moment or so more to the halfling woman as she stood there beyond in the hallway...

... but as quickly as it had come, it disappeared.

Sakaala's fingers finished some obscure gesture and the will of the arcanist herself made itself present. She was as dry as though she had not yet bathed, but the water spots among the floor told a very different tale; something she would handle later, so not as to offend the lady of the house and her servants, but for now, at least she was not soaking. It helped with her demeanor in this moment, giving her some comfort as she donned her leather leggings and the enchanted breastplate as it this was many times better than being both soaking wet and cold all while having her presence requested.

She spoke at last in reply, knowing the other had been listening all along, cinching the leather of her broad belt down about the densely muscled fur of her waist, "I have time, yes."

Settling the blade across her back where it hung freely without scabbard or sheath, she closed the divide between the bath and the rest of her quarters, cognitive to gently shut the door. The illusion of her being less than prepared against attack was a crucial thing to maintain; she had no real reason to trust these people enough with her life yet. Just as so, when the Huntress' large digits set themselves to the door's workings, unlatching the bolt and drawing back, her body, mind and spirit tingled with anticipation, but were met with what she truly expected.

The halfling of earlier, Regina Hills, proved to be looking up to her and her demeanor was... strange. Stranger than before, as this was a different emotion and presentation altogether. As to what it meant, the beast did not know, but it struck her as though something had surprised her - and for worse no less. Sure not to lose her advantage so soon, she instead made no remark on it.

"What was it you wished to speak about?" The warrior-mage said, regal voice rumbling with a underlying growl.

Providing a step back, she opened the doorway further, arm outstretched to provide the visitor entry if she so wished it; the leonine woman clearly did.

@ArenaSnow@AdamantiumWolf@Belwicket@IcePezz@Zero Hex@vietmyke@Jon Y
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina looked up at Sakaala with a small smile of relief. With an unspoken invitation from the Lioness, Regina walked in quickly. She glanced at the water on the floor before shaking her head. "Sorry for interrupting your bath," she said, looking up at her. "Ionathan, Emil and Genevieve might be joining us. I sensed the mind of an intruder. I think she's inside now but it's always been hard to tell exact location with my psionics." She sat at the foot of the bed.

She closed her eyes and focused harder but still couldn't find the intruder. Instead, she decided to Search for other people she knew to be in the house and send them a small warning that there was an intruder. "It feels like a strange woman is in the house. Please keep alert and tell those who have mental blocks. I'm meeting with a select few to hunt her down."

"Are you dressed yet?" she asked, her eyes still closed as her mind continued its search. "I think Ionathan's already on his way. The intruder seems to be inside but there's something blocking me from seeing where she is. Her mind feels familiar too but I can't say who it is." She shook her head again before risking a glance towards Sakaala. She stared at a wall for a few seconds with a small smile, seeming lost in thought. Her eyes showed a mixture of anger and sadness,
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Since no one had gone to fetch him or done even the slightest bit to warn him, and since he didn't have the capacity to listen in on the sounds of windows and rainwater on a room which may or may not be anywhere near his own, Ajax simply continued to enjoy the hospitality offered in his own room, gorging himself on the delicacies provided as he took his first bath in a long, long, long time, his battered and beaten robe carelessly discarded on the floor.

Given his size, his admittedly thoughtful host had provided an appropiate container, which was more or less a large, bisected wooden cask likely originally used to clean up animals or multiple people in hospitals and the like and which required enough water to fill that many a dehydrated villager would likely consider killing over. Of course, none of the particulars really bothered him and he just enjoyed a quiet time, reminiscing about the public baths of his finely civilized homeland.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Genevieve had taken every precaution she could think of in the time up to now. It never even dawned on her that one might try to enter her hold without the use of magic. The rogue had been so predictable up until now. And so she continued casting the protective wards over the cottage. She was almost finished when Regina had sent the message that someone was looking to enter, her efforts hastened and were almost even half-assed as she finished the last incantation. But instead of joining her merry band of warriors, she rushed up the stairs that led to the northern towers of the cottage, her gown billowing behind her as she fled. She went straight to her quarters, with only one thing on her mind; her precious stone, the last relic she had called hers. She needed to see it, be sure that it was still where she had left it, that it was still hers. There was no doubt in her mind that whoever the intruder was, they had come to steal her last, precious treasure. They were warriors, the best infact. Which was why she had chosen them. If a threat was to be unveiled, she had no doubt they would protect her.

Isabeau quickly placed her ear on the door, listening as others passed in the hall. The racket that was being made over the intruder nearly made her chuckle. She knew Regina was doing her best to find this intruder by means of her mind powers, and from what Ionathan had said, the rogue had almost dreaded coming face to face with the Halfling. In her time with the magi, she had trained to protect her mind, ideally from threats much greater than the hin had posed. But it seemed to be the perfect chance to see how much she truly learned. Closing her mind off to Regina was the easy part, using her own skill against her though, that took concentration. Isabeau took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. She focused on that prodding energy, forcing her voice back through the void. If it worked, only five words would have went through and hit Regina like a ton of bricks. “I am not your enemy.” Yes, it would’ve given her away, but she had to take the chance. She hoped that it, along with Ionathan’s meeting would smooth things over, if even just a little bit.

As soon as the halls had quieted, Isabeau slowly opened the door and slid out of Ionathan’s quarters. She didn’t have much time, but while she was here, she may have as well at least attempted to acquire the second key. She paused for a moment in front of each door before passing, hoping to get a sense for where everyone was. Something had stirred; a doorknob had turned just as she reached the first room. Panicking wasn’t going to do her any good, but she needed some place to hide, and she couldn’t depend on her magic. Assuming that all others had flocked to Regina when she had beckoned for aid, she figured the room would have been empty, and if it was designed anything like Ionathan’s, there were plenty of hiding spaces within.

Her hand grasped the knob, what luck, it was unlocked! She cracked the door open just enough for her form to fit through and softly closed it behind her. The shadow of the doorway concealed her just enough, however any conscious person that paid attention to their surroundings would have known they weren’t alone. Her back resting up against the hard wood, her eyes scanned the room from under her hood. “Shit” she muttered under her breath …

@Zero Hex
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It struck the aging ranger with some surprise that, of all places, the halfling came to her room to inform her of the danger that had befallen the manor rather than trip some ward or alarm to gain the attention of many, if not perhaps all within it. Just as quickly, she questioned why there was no attempt to invade her mind - as this had become a trend - not that she would have easily overcome the aura of mental stability and calm that came with the lioness, but there had previously no lack of time and trying to be had until now. All together this, and at the same time an assailant, brought her to some unease.

The surprise of these combined effects, which then played out upon her face as her worn brow rose its fur, was much more skeptical in appearance than it was in reality; within she really had little idea as to what was or was not even transpiring now. Everything in her wanted to hunt down her enemy, here and now, to eliminate a threat where it potentially was weakest; devoid of many of its magical abilities.

Regardless, the woman's indifference to this event, particularly that she was so idle as to sit on the room's bed rubbed the metaphorical fur the wrong way; Sakaala twitched, the knap of her neck's hairs standing lightly on end. The barrage of things she wanted to say to the psychic, some of which were less than kindly, found themselves withheld as her expression then changed, returning to a more thoughtful and insightful approach. Now was not the time to instruct more tactful efforts.

Before she could speak, the small woman visibly closed her eyes, and the massive bestial woman then shut door as quietly and casually as she could manage; a sly foot, of which supported her enormous weight, sat firm against its path. That door, if there ever was a time to be opened, was not about to find itself so now - not unless a man of immense strength wished it to be, in which case she reasoned the door itself would just splinter to nothingness, and a man of such power was fortunately among her company rather than the enemy's. Then guiding her body so as not to be along the door's path, as her silhouette was anything but small, the warmage carefully drew the blade from its free resting place across her back. Then held in the grasp of her left hand, now the better of the two, it hung quietly - seeming to weigh no more than a quill in the monstrous being's graces despite its scale.

"Regina," She started, eyes never once having left the brown eyed woman across the room despite her careful positioning, "Do tell me which presences come to the door - I would rather not liberate the head of a companion from its place upon their shoulders. All you need do is but nod yes or no."

The padded, worn fingers wrapped tighter about the elven blade's leather grip once she finished speaking; its deadly single edge and angular shape toward its bite meant it struck truer than most upon flesh. Its ominous, almost nonexistent hum when put into motion, made it the sort that favored lethal, clean blows.

Other hand braced, she continued in conversation, hoping that any oncoming eavesdropper would be fooled into thinking no such trap was readied. As simple was it was, to break into the room that was, one would likely not expect immediate danger where there had not been any previously in the doorway itself, or so the huntress' rationale went. Turning the tides of surprise was all she could do until others were gathered, particularly so if the halfling was as ill prepared for a skirmish as she seemed to be sitting there upon the plush bed. Then again, such things could not be known; if a wizard could be idle, content and reading a book, and suddenly gesture into reality some conjured monstrosity, what was to say the psioncally gifted could not do something similar? She had seen her levitate before, and that was all she needed to know.

"As for my bath, this would not be the first time I have been interrupted, but I accept the apology." She said, jowls coming to rest in a confident smile.

There was a slight lull in the conversation as Hills proved to stare off momentarily, and thus the subject was changed. Silence was not a friend in this very moment, so new words and thoughts were brought forth. "The lady of the house, you seemed to know her - well, perhaps even."

@ArenaSnow@Belwicket@IcePezz@Zero Hex@vietmyke@Jon Y
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ajax, having just climbed out of the bath after the water had turned a disgusting yellowish-brown, cocked an eyebrow and studied the newcomer under the room's revealing light, looking her up and down without minding his own lack of garments of any sort. He could make out the features of a fairly attractive woman, strong and lithe but with wide hips and meaty thighs. He stood tall as he was with hands on his hips and elbows bowed outwards, though he slighty turned to profile himself, to better put one of his own legs in the path towards his groin. Even the invulnerable have more sensitive areas, and that was a universal weak point of just about every humanoid race.

Still, he towered over the sneak and was clearly well above her weight class. His scarred, leathery hide and powerfully chiseled muscles gleamed and steamed from the recent cleansing, and as Ajax tensed ever so slightly to ready for an attack they bulged with barely contained power. It made for a strong show of poise, and perhaps it would make the intruder think twice about trying to start anything with someone that looked, for all intents and purposes, unstoppable. "Well well well, please come in. I was told there would be no entertainment tonight, but you'll do nicely", he grinned at the woman.

"Or would you happen to be the assassin my clearly unhinged employer talked about? She'd pay handsomely for your head but the psyker kid really wants a piece of you. You know, the tiny one? You really upset her, she even threw a little tantrum".

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Stepping out of the bath, Emil had been in the middle of running a towel through his hair when he heard a knock at the door. It was Ionathan, apparently Regina, the tiny halfling mage had requested their presence in the beastwoman's room. "Yes, of course!" Emil called out as he quickly donned a pair of sturdy off-white trousers and his deep blue tunic. Quickly pulling on his boots, Emil paused as he reached for his sword- should he bring it? Would it be in bad taste to carry a weapon to a companion's room? Back in Edessa, the knights always wore dress swords with their finer livery when they were out in public or visiting others- Emil had opted not to bring his finer clothes or dress sword as it appeared to be unnecessary for such a quest. Besides, it would be foolhardy to wear plain cloth and gold and silver encrusted swords when on the treacherous roads.

Deciding not to bring his sword, Emil quickly made his way to the door and opened it. "Sorry to keep you waiting, sir." Emil apologized, "Let us go then."

"Did Regina say what this was all about?" Emil asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jon Y
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Jon Y

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Did Regina say what this was all about?"

Ionathan shrugged his shoulders “I’m afraid not, but I doubt she would disturb everyone if it was some minor matter.”
Walking down the hallway Ionathan had to get something off his chest.
“Sir Erran, to avoid any misunderstanding I must say that although I try to live by the rules of chivalry as any knight would, I myself am not a knight , my title of Sir was awarded to me after the Waeldeshore incident, I took no vows to the state or to the crown, so please, just call me Ionathan”. He disliked using his title almost as much as he disliked people recognising the he was a half elf, in his view, he played a small role in the Waeldeshore incident, rallying the guard when the chain of command was broken and yet he got a title while others who contributed more got little more than a thank you.

Upon knocking on the door, it was soon opened by Sakaala. As he entered he saw Regina who probably walked in and sat on the bed without asking.
“I apologise for my halfling friend for her lack of etiquette, her boldness is not meant to irritate I assure you” Ionathan said giving a polite smile, slightly bowing his head in apology, he had expected nothing less from the Halfling who invaded people’s minds.

Turning to Regina he noticed that she was either day dreaming or in deep thought. Not knowing whether or not to grab her attention, Ionathan stood upright hands clasped behind his back and waited for her to acknowledge the presence of himself and Emil.

@Belwicket @vietmyke @AdamantiumWolf @Zero Hex @The Harbinger of Ferocity @IcePezz
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Regina nodded upon hearing a knock at the door, feeling Ionathan's and Emil's minds. With them both there, she finished the last of her thoughts. "We have an intruder. I don't know who they are, where they are or-" Here eyes widened then narrowed quickly. "Isabeau is here. Somehow, she's learned Psionics, which I'm not all too surprised at. I guess she was expecting to have to face off against me." She jumped off the bed, looking at the three of them. "Do either of you know anything?" she asked the men, looking up at them. She then turned to Sakaala. "You look to have strength but what else do you have?" she asked, looking her over. "Magic?" she asked with a shrug. She then looked at the door, having heard their answers, and narrowed her eyes again. "She's hiding again." she sighed. "I think she's still inside but I don't know where. We should get to her before Genevieve if I am to converse with her exactly what she means. Sakaala, Ionathan... Emil, was it?" she asked glancing up at him. "I think we should begin the search."
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