Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Apartment 3C >> The Mighty Bean
Interacting With: Claire in person; Tas via text@Lady Amalthea
Date: April 25th

The morning had started off well. Cass had woken up before her alarm could start beeping at her from across the room, she’d had the most amazing stretch and was listening to music while she took her morning shower. She’d actually been able to decide what to wear today without too much debate. Her biking gear was hung up on the front of her wardrobe door as she stepped out of the shower in a cloud of steam. She blasted her hair dry, brushing it through and giving it a spray with various products to keep its natural wave in place. Time to get her gear on now. She glanced over to her travel case which had been packed the night before with all of her essentials for the trip to Disneyland that Claire had invited her along to. It was really nice of her and Cass planned on using the trip to get to know everyone a little better, at least as much as she could handle.

Her phone buzzed a couple of times on her desk but she ignored it for now and got herself dressed. She slipped into her black leather trousers, black ankle-high biker boots and a white, rolled sleeve tank with Pink Floyd – The Wall across the front of it. The bottom of her shirt was frayed but it was deliberate, more than well worn. She grabbed a few thick wooden bracelets for her left arm, her karma beads for her right, a silver thumb ring for her right thumb and her grandmother’s wedding band which she slipped onto her left middle finger. A floral choker and Celtic cross pendant later and she was ready to face the day.

Wandering over to her desk, Cass grabbed her phone and raised an eyebrow at the first message.

From The Brew Crew:
Back, at the Mighty Bean. We're leaving for Disneyland today right? Who's riding with me?

It was Tas. Well Claire was bound to be relieved now, maybe the trip was going to turn out alright after all. Cass had only had a small amount of interaction with Tas since she’d moved into 3C. They had exchanged numbers, Tas letting Cass know that she could contact her in a medical emergency, and that had been it. Tas was an Intern at UCSF Medical Center, that much she knew, but beyond what little Claire had shared about her Cass wasn’t too aware of what kind of person that Tas really was. She seemed hard on the outside, softer on the inside. Pretty much how Cass saw herself these days.

Cass then looked through the remaining messages. She didn’t really know the other numbers so she decided not to send a mass reply out. She only really needed to contact Tas right now, she’d see everyone else in The Mighty Bean in a matter of minutes anyway once she left. It was funny seeing someone calling “dibs” on another person though, another reason not to respond. Cass shook her head and huffed in amusement at it all.

To Tas:
Welcome back! Glad you’re home safe. I’m taking my bike, but would you mind taking my case in the boot of your car please? I was going to ask someone else but since I know you, I don’t feel quite as awkward asking for this kind of favour. I’ll owe you one? Cheers either way.

Cass slid her phone into her back pocket and grabbed her grey canvas messenger bag from beside her bedroom door and unhooked her blue biker jacket from the coat rack. She sorted herself and made her way into the hallway of the apartment. “EDDY! If’n yer still ‘round, that’s me headin’ down The Bean! See ye there hopefully.” Cass knew that Tas was at The Bean and she pretty much figured that Claire was off training at the gym as usual, she figured it’d be nice to at least acknowledge Eddy if he were still here.

She could quite easily be talking to herself right now, she knew that but figured screw it, she wanted to be on good terms with all her roomies while she was still fresh off the boat. Claire had shared her thoughts on Eddy more than once and, as much of a dickhead as he sounded, she reserved her judgement for now. She hadn’t even seen him in her two weeks here, but that was granted considering she’d barely left her room for more than two minutes and even that was just to go to her bartending gig in the centre. Cass made her way to the front door before realising she had forgotten to grab her case. She ran back, grabbed it and finally made her way out of 3C, her earphones being slid in and the music blaring.

Cass was bobbing her head along to the music and did a couple little shuffle steps while dragging her suitcase behind her. She was pumped for this trip! She’d never been to Disneyland before and was super excited to try and make some friends here. A wide grin was plastered on her face as she crossed the street. She wandered inside and was greeted with a very confusing sight. Claire was sprawled on the floor, blood trickling down the corner of her mouth and everyone seemed to be just standing around as if some tornado had just came through and smacked Claire around for shits and giggles.

”Claire. The hell happened? Where’s Tas? I got ‘er text ‘nd figured she’d be here.” Cass stooped down and offered a hand to help her up off of the floor. ”Someone get some ice or somethin’ for cryin’ out loud. Y’alright?” The worry was clearly etched on Cass’s face and she really hoped that she wasn’t getting in Claire’s face right now. Hopefully nothing too bad had happened…

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rougeLily
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rougeLily boiiiiiiiiii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kazuhiko Ippitsusai

Location: Apartment 2B --> Mighty Bean
Interacting With: Tas - @Lady Amalthea Via Phone

Days have been passing by like single frames flashing on and off screen with Org activities, portfolio building, projects and some minor academic works and before Kip knew it he was just drowning in a mess of his own tired distressed self, well in a less emotional state due to an inclination to just heave through the work but he loved what he was doing so it wasn't entirely out of passion.

And while he was zoning out with his works a lot's been going on in his background: Didi going on vacation, MIA Tas, all the couplings that's been happening, Ben moving out and a new roommate moving in? Hell, he hasn't even checked up on the lady, all he knows is she has amazing pink hair.

One redemption from finishing all this work however is Disneyland, thank God for Connor and his unlimited supply of moolah. Too bad Didi's out, the two could have such a blast. "Whatever, video call, technology, I can still have her with me at least digitally."that should take care of the minor crowd anxiety. besides Tas is there, mami Nat, Dom, most of the gang everything'sgoingtobefine. "Just a little excursion away from schoolwork, should not be such a deal it is afterall, a reward."

Settling in his beloved camera and the long ass zoom lens in his backpack, he was ready to head out dressed up in his black everything like a cult leader.

"Wait, head out where exactly?"

It was usually Didi who worked out how to go places in this kind of situations and she was not there to fix things up. Shit.

From: Natasha
Back, at the Mighty Bean. We're leaving for Disneyland today right? Who's riding with me?

Oh, Tas you lifesaver! He sighed with relief.

To: Natasha @Lady Amalthea
"Please take me."

"Shit, that sounded desperate." he realized, like what "Please take me, adopt me and become my mom?!"

Before heading out he checked for his new roommate but she was already gone so he just ran down to the Mighty Bean with the following running through his head: "Did I just imagine someone moving in? Wait, did I messed up with the seance from a week before?! Is she an actual ghost?! It would explain the silence and the dreariness the past couple of days."

He is a bit of a mess right now but that's not really anything new in his life. So he kept on keeping on, fringe swaying left to right because he's been to busy to even trim it. All will be well, he wished in the back of his head, hoping nothing will go wrong this time around.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: The Mighty Bean
Interacting With: Claire @Lady Amalthea & Cass @Charnobylisk
Date: April 25th

She had gone wide-eyed at the exchange as it got louder and louder. The two women who had entered the Might Bean before her went from harsh whispers to basically yelling at each other. She shuffled slightly away for a moment, but watched the exchange regardless - neither of them seemed to notice. It was apparently over the fact that Tas - also known as Natasha - had disappeared for two weeks and now looked like she had spent binge-drinking the entire time. On the other hand, Claire, just didn't want to let it go even though Tas clearly felt less talkative. Before everyone knew it, a bombshell was dropped and Tas hissed that her father had died before slamming her fist against the other woman's jaw. The reaction made Rose flinch back a little and furrow her brows for a moment.

Then it was over. Tas was huffing herself out of the cafe and Claire was on the ground. Melrose had figured Claire could take care of herself, being as pushy and unrelenting as she was, but at the same time could not relate to how your father dying provoked such a strong reaction. Obviously there must of been history.. but that was something Rose was unfamiliar with.. all she knew about family was loneliness and pain, so if her mother had died, she doubt she'd be so upset as to punch someone. Then again, she realized very few people could relate to her in return - how often did someone grow up in the world without a single soul to lean on? At the very least, you had a sister, a cousin, or a best friend.

Though she was slightly irritated when Cass came rolling in, judging everyone for standing around. 'Ugh,' she mentally sighed. She did hate that - everyone always thought best, didn't they? For Rose, she figured Claire would want to be independent, but instead she faced judgement from someone who didn't even know her. Rose huffed quietly and wandered over to the counter quickly, getting a small glass with ice in it - after all, cafes didn't really have bags. Walking over to the pair, she offered the frozen water to Cass and said, "here." Yes she might've been annoyed by the judging tone of her apparent companion, but at the end of the day, Rose just enjoyed being nice. Then with a glance upwards, she spotted one of her room-mates - Kip. There was no way she could pronounce his actual name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago


Location; Parking Lot/Mighty Bean
Interacting With: Via Text: @rougelily @Charnobylisk : In Person @lydyn @Aewin @SgtEasy @ChaoticFox @Universorum @Charnobylisk(Either speaking with or yelling in the vicinity of)

Tas closed her eyes as she sat in the car and waited for Alex to show up and join her. Looked like it would just be those two on the ride up to Disneyland; should be interesting or maybe it wouldn't be. Tas wouldn't exactly complain if things were uneventful, she could use some lack of events these days. The last month had been bad enough; sprinting to the ER with Eddie after reinflating his lung, rushing to the ER to find her roommate bleeding out on a gurney due to a car wreck, sitting with Jeje for hours talking about his issues and trying to be his personal psychiatrist, constantly being on the look out for Dom in case his heart gave him any issues, her birthday passing without anyone remembering. Was all a bit much.

Instead of saying anything she just left, went home. It wasn't something she had ever done; her father and her had not exactly been close since her mother had died when she was young. He pushed her away, she looked too much like Anna for her father to ever be able to see Tas without thinking about her. Why she have moved out to San Fransisco in the first place. Then to arrive home, spend a couple of days in silence only to be sitting at dinner at one night when suddenly her father had a massive stroke in front of her. She tried everything she could but it was no use and by the time the paramedics showed up Tas was sitting there sobbing on the floor next to him. To lose a parent is hard enough, to lose one without closure even worse. To feel as if you had failed both of your parents by being unable to save them was unbearable.

Tas had spiraled over the next days, there was no funeral; just an urn of ashes she spread over Lake Michigan like she had her mothers nearly 15 years before. She didn't eat, she didn't sleep; just hopped a plane and headed out to Boston. They had contacted her a while ago about a job but she had blown it off basically; opting to chose between the ones she had received from Chicago and San Fransisco. With everything going on in San Fran and now with her father passing away in Chicago she didn't really want to be in either city. So why not? A flight later, pulling herself together just enough to get through the interview and the job offer was full on the table once she finished up in San Fran in May if she wanted it. They gave her until May 1st to make a decision. That would be two days after they returned from Disneyland. Would she stay or would she go? Right now she felt like hopping out of the car and get started packing.

Her phone going off snapped her out of her thought trance and she pulled it out. It was Cass. She hadn't spoken much to the girl before she had left. She was new but seemed alright enough. Perking a brow, that was the first real welcome back she had gotten; other than a quick text from Connor earlier. Thumbing in a reply she sent it through.

To Cass:
Thanks and yeah sure. I'm out in the Blue PT Cruiser in the parking lot waiting on Alex before we leave, just bring them out and toss them in the back.

Then another text came in, it was Kip; her Shadow. Kip was quiet but he was sweet and he spent a lot of time with Tas up at the hospital shadowing her. He wasn't in medicine but liked to film and take pictures of things and had a love for gore. Tas had let him come into the ER and Morgue with her a lot, trying to get him to come out of his shell. She wasn't really surprised when he asked if he could tag along with her. Least she knew if Kip was along he wouldn't press her to talk about things she didn't want to. Kip was good like that, he seemed to understand dealing with stuff alone.

To: My Shadow
Yeah sweetie, I'm in the car. Alex is going to ride with us, so might want to hurry if you want shot gun.

With that she hit send and put her phone back up, closing her eyes again and just listening to the wind kick up through the open window; trying to enjoy the feel of the breeze over her skin and the warmth of the sun. It was actually annoying to her right then.

Claire on the other hand was just sitting on the floor and had yet to pick herself off the floor; which was odd. Plenty in the group had seen Claire fight; either in person or on video. She was never one to stay down, especially after a single hit. She wasn't knocked out cold but she felt horrible for pushing Tas so far.

"Me and my big mouth," she said as Cass came over, still not looking over to her new roommate. "I should have known better. I shouldn't have pushed her so far... Damn it..." Looking up she had a grumpy look on her face. "Basically Tas knocked the fuck out me. I deserved it."

Claire looked back down. Tas was an explosive person but Claire had never been on the full receiving end of the womans wrath and after that hit it was the last time she wanted it to happen. She kept playing out everything in her mind that had happened over the last month and now this. It had been a roller coaster. Then Claire's eyes widened as the light-bulb clicked in her mind.

"Son of a bitch! I am the worst fucking friend!" she exclaimed as she planted her hands on each side of her head. "Tas's birthday was the day before she left... I totally forgot... I was too busy planning to get ready to leave for this trip for Nat's birthday that was a month ago to remember my best friends birthday. We had a party for Nat, gifts and now a trip for the whole group. Tas has saved several of our lives, literally and she didn't even get a happy birthday text... I SUCK!"

Falling she landed on her back and rested her hands over her face, letting out a slew of curses in various languages berating herself over the entire situation. Slowly she spread her fingers as Rose came over and tried to force a smile but only managed a a frustrated "Thank you." The frustration wasn't at Rose, that much was clear. It was at the entire situation and herself. She felt like a complete jack-ass right then.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago


Interacting With: @Lady Amalthea
Location: Alex's room >> Parking lot

Alex smiled as he got his answer. He was pretty happy not to be alone for several hours. Even better, he could check his emails ever now and then! He wasn’t even driving himself! The solutions became better and better for Alex. Who quickly grabbed his bag up again. He stared at the keys a few more seconds, pondering if he should take them anyway. The key ring on which the car keys hung was massive. Almost every key for every server room was on it. Taking them was kind of dangerous. But then again, they were a lucky charm in creation.

He put them in his pocket and went outside. Skipping the Mighty Bean and heading straight for the parking lot, where he found the described PT Cruiser. He walked up the back and first waved in the rear mirror, so the sudden opening of the trunk would scare Tas.

After he put his bag away, he quickly walked around the car to sit in the front, passenger seat. Making sure he passed the front window making absolutely sure Tas saw him, so he didn’t surprise her. Slowly he opened the door and popped his head in first: “Thanks for letting me ride with you. You’re a lifesaver.” He said as he beamed his near-trademarked smile. One he practiced for several years now. He took his place in the passenger seat and strapped on his belt already.

He wasn’t entirely unprepared for a boring trip. His phone was a near-literal goldmine when it came to entertainment. But it was Alex’s kind of entertainment. Looking at the guy, you’d say he listens to the usual stuff on the radio. The normal things. Nobody successfully guesses the music he listens to. Death metal, doom metal, heavy metal. The louder and the more incomprehensible the lyrics the better even. That mixed with a healthy dose of all kinds of electronic music formed Alex’s music taste. And he had entire playlists ready in case the trip would become boring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 15 days ago

Eva Jones

Location: At work
Interacting with: Connor [@Uninversorum] (but thinking about Tas @Lady Amalthea

Upon arrival at the Bean, it looked like Tas and Claire were at each other's throats. Or, that's what Eva would describe it as. They were whispering harshly to each other until it was suddenly Claire on the ground with Tas storming out. Eva barely had the chance to greet the other girl before she was already gone. Claire still looked like she was in shock, hell Eva was too, and the light mood in the Bean was now gone.

Eva and Tas weren't close. Whether they could be classed as friends, Eva couldn't tell. Sure, Eva didn't hate Tas, but nor did she go out of her way like she would to those she feels are closer to her. It was sad, really. Eva would've loved to get to know Tas better; she was seriously cool! A doctor that could deal with this group's bullshit? Absolutely respect-worthy. But the problem was that Eva simply didn't know how to approach the Ice Queen. She was scary to the goofball teenager, and that was on a good day.

It was also the reason she bought Tas some tickets. Not just a way of thanking Tas for dealing with everyone's bullshit over her own problems, but as a way to get into Tas' good books. Tickets for two on a long, relaxing cruise to Southampton, England. It was a nice short trip - only a week long, but long enough for Tas to relax and destress after a long month. Eva would've approached Tas earlier, before Tas' disappearance but after the break-up? It didn't seem like a good time.

Instead, Eva slipped out of the tense environment, taking a deep breath of fresh air before making her way to the carpark - where she could find Connor. Finding the car, Eva slipped into the passenger side and immediately pressed a kiss to Connor's cheek in greeting. "Seems like this group is destined to not enjoy time together." She sighed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Mighty Bean
Interacting With: Claire & Rose in person. | Tas via text. @Lady Amalthea @lydyn
Date: April 25th

Cass had been used to Claire’s temperaments over the last couple weeks but she didn’t think she’d ever seen that kind of look on her face before. Well, she’d seen worse when she was talking about Eddy but this was something different. She listened to Claire and nodded, her face fell when she heard that Claire had forgotten Tas’s birthday. That had to be hard on Tas but it also seemed to be pretty hard on Claire too. Cass withdrew her hand when she realised that Claire wasn’t going to get up anytime soon. It was pretty shocking to hear that it had been Tas that had floored Claire, although it did explain why she wasn’t getting up off of the floor… Cass opted not to ask why Tas had decked Claire. At least not right now.

That was when her phone buzzed in her pocket and startled Cass. She stood upright again and grabbed her phone. It was from Tas.

From Tas:
Thanks and yeah sure. I'm out in the Blue PT Cruiser in the parking lot waiting on Alex before we leave, just bring them out and toss them in the back.

That was a good sign? Seemed like Cass might be out of the line of fire since she was new around the scene. That seemed fortunate. Cass typed up a quick reply that she hoped might cheer Tas up a little, but figured it probably wouldn't work. She could but try.

To Tas:
Don’t mention it! Happy to have my other roomie back. You’re a lifesaver! I’ll come out in a few with my case. Now that I owe you one, would it be cool if we go out for dinner one night once we’re at Disneyland? My treat of course. And yes, this is my blatantly obvious way of getting to know my newly returned roomie better. If not, that’s cool too. I’ll find a way to pay you back for this solid.

Cass looked up and saw a cute girl with stunningly pink hair walk over with a glass of ice. She was pretty sure she hadn’t met her yet because she was sure that she’d have remembered her. Cass gave her a soft smile and nodded her head towards her in gratitude. ”Thanks muchly, pal. Appreciate the help.” It was always nice seeing another person being kind but she did detect a small hint of agitation with her curt use of “here” when handing the glass over. Cass normally would have shrugged it off and dealt with it when she got a chance later but she did feel bad for snapping now that she was a little calmer. She always felt calmer when she had essential information to tense situations. Cass looked back to the pink haired cutie and gave her an apologetic look. ”The name is Cass and I’m sorry for ‘eh attitude. I get moody when I’m worried ‘bout people.” She nodded towards Claire and gave another small smile to Rose.

She then turned to watch Claire again as she lay on the floor. Cass grabbed the handle of her case and gave Claire a light nudge with her foot on her thigh to get her attention. ”I asked Tas to take m’case to Disneyland for me since I’m drivin’ m’bike. She jus’ got back t’me there agreein’ to it. Am I safe in assumin’ ye’d rather not drive several hours wae Tas right now? I’ve got a spare helmet ‘nd seat on m’bike if ye don’t mind goin’ fast. I’m gonna drop my case out now, I can take yours out too if you wanna bump a ride wae me?” She waited patiently for Claire’s answer and gave a questioning smile. She looked up as the door dinged as someone left The Bean but she didn’t see who it was.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rougeLily
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rougeLily boiiiiiiiiii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kazuhiko Ippitsusai

Location: Mighty Bean --> Parking Lot
Interacting With: Claire @Lady Amalthea, Cass @Charnobylisk, Rose @lydyn -non-verbals | Tas-Via Phone and also non-verbals creeping on Alex @Legion02.

As Kip scanned the room for Tas, he noticed a pink-haired fairy who was standing out a lot in the neutral shades of the Mighty Bean.
The man also noticed a knocked-down Claire which is not right, because it's usually the other person lying down all unconscious on the ground. Which means it could only have been Nat, or Dom... or Tas? Did something happen again? He wondered, while fiddling with his fringe.
Oh but the day's just starting, hopefully it's nothing that bad.

He went towards them and noticed an unfamilliar figure, a pretty, tiny, doe-eyed girl.
Something in him wanted to ask what was happening, like really encouraged him but nothing came out. Just one of those things, again.
Damn it Kip, it's just a few words. Dealing with strangers, he's still working on it.
He was lost in a daze for a few moments before his phone buzzed.

From: Natasha
Yeah sweetie, I'm in the car. Alex is going to ride with us, so might want to hurry if you want shot gun

on my way. also what's an Alex?

Well, better dash now.
And so he did but not before he nodded at Claire and urged a smile at the two ladies, who he hoped saw it somehow.

Out in the parking lot Kip immediately spotted Tas' Blue PT Cruiser and as he approached he noticed what probably was the Alex who took shot gun, should have dashed faster, he thought. He could be taking better photos on the road through the windshield but at least he has a bigger space to work with in the back seat and he probably would have just distracted Tas with his wide ass zoom lens.

He knocked on Tas' window and discovered what now looked to be a shattered Ice Queen, her eyes just told Kip everything. She must have cried a lot, what in the hell happened? he thought. There's something hurting in Tas' and he can almost feel it but he won't pry that's just not how it works for her, so he smiled and went in to sit. Settling his tiny ass down, he spied at Alex through the reflections in the window, sharp and quite pretty. His fingers were itching to get some *clicks* but he'll just save it for later. And so, he sat in the silence staring at Tas' eyes from the rear view mirror, there is beauty in sadness but this one is drowning in pain.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Natasha Brinne

Location: Parking Lot
Interacting With: Via Text: @Charnobylisk : In Person: @rougelily @Legion02

Natasha took note of Alex as he came up; had she been in a better mood she would have chuckled at his overly apparent attempts to ensure she had taken note of him. Granted with everything that was going on and the mood that she was in she had to admit she was grateful he took the time to make sure she didn't get startled. In her current mood she might have ended up decking her second person this morning. When he opened the door and spoke she nodded slightly, just resting her head back on the head rest.

"Sure thing, glad for the company," she said in a weary voice, trying to half force a smile but in the end she just let it fade. Her fake smiles came off as creepy and not reassuring. She wasn't exactly the best at putting on any type of facade other than just going stone cold ice. Right then she was too tired mentally and physically to even try just then. "We'll leave in a little bit, waiting on Kip to join us and Cass to drop off her bags."

Reaching over to her phone she started to go through her various playlists but had to stop when her phone signaled that there was a message. Checking it she perked a brow, that was a bit of an unexpected thing. Someone wanted to take her to dinner? What was she up to? Oh who cares, free dinner and small talk with someone she really didn't know. Better than one of the people in the group she was closer to that would probably press her to talk about things she really didn't want to deal with right then.

To Cass:
Yeah, sure. Anything but Korean or with Lemons.

Tas sent the text through and went back to going through her playlist. She wouldn't mind food, she never did but after everything that went down with Sam the last thing she wanted was to be reminded of him; so that cut out anything flavored with lemons or anything Korean cuisine period. Another incoming text stopped her playlist searching and she responsively chuckled at Kips question of what an Alex was. She opted to wait to explain until he climbed into the car. Once he did she pointed over to Alex.

"That's an Alex. Alex, this is a Kip," she said with a smirk as she lowered her hand. "Soon as Cass brings us her luggage we can head out. Oh and Kip.... I know your finger is itching to *click* - go ahead, just no instragramming, facebooking, interneting or any publications okay?" she said in a rather understanding voice. She knew how Kip was with his photography. Long as he didn't go posting them away to everyone she didn't mind. It was his way of dealing with stuff.

Claire McManuc

Location: Mighty Bean
Interacting With: In Person: @lydyn @SgtEasy @ChaoticFox @Charnobylisk(Either speaking with or in the vicinity of)

Claire looked over to Cass and nodded a bit as she clamored to her feet and dusted herself. Reaching over she grabbed a napkin to clean up the blood and let out a rather frustrated huff. "Yeah, that sounds like a good call. Could you take my stuff out there? I really don't want to get tackled by Doc Glacier right now and pummeled," Claire said as she rolled over her suitcase to Cass. "Not that I wouldn't deserve it."

Collapsing into a booth she groaned. Today had turned out to be a bad start. Well perhaps not bad entirely, least she knew Tas was okay; relatively speaking. Tas was breathing, so that was good, and apparently still had some strength and fight about her; enough to knock Claire on her back end. Which was saying something, the Irish Rose was not one to go down easy.

From: The Boston Banshee
Have you heard from Tas yet?

The message made Claire smirk, of course Murphy was messaging her about Tas. He had been nearly every couple of hours since she had called him asking if he had heard from her. The man got nearly as worried about Tas as he did when Claire was in the ring. Not that he thought that either woman couldn't take care of themselves but he was that way with anyone he gave two shits about. Claire he adored because she was his only sister. Tas on the other hand he had kind of developed a crush on the first time he met her. Since Nat's party that had really gotten to be much more than a simple crush. Working with Tas and Claire for her finals he had been talking to Tas more, working on songs with her, videos and such. Crush had escalated into something much deeper.

To: The Boston Banshee
Yeah, she's back here in San Fran but seems a lot has gone down. She seems to be... Nevermind, I'll explain later when I call you tonight after we get to Disneyland. Let's just say your Russian Sparrow's feathers seem to be ruffled; like she went through a hurricane.

Hitting send Claire slipped her phone back into her pocket and rested her head down on the table as she waited for Cass to take care of the bags. Hopefully Tas wouldn't chuck her luggage out the window on the highway. Least riding with Cass would mean she wouldn't get left on the side of the road. So that was good wasn't it?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 2 days ago


Location: His car
Interacting with: Eva @Aewin

Connor was spacing out in the car, testing out the new stereo system he’d had installed. Of course, an audiophile like Connor had impeccable music taste, and of course Connor’s choice in music was something that all of his friends would have applauded him for, a song choice that would have made the internet not in silent approval. Right? Wrong. Dead wrong, as it happens. Connor’s choice of music was America’s Sweetheart: Taytay. Taylor Swift, of course.

The car was nearly reverberating from the bumping of the speakers as Connor started the song for the third or sixtieth time(he wasn’t sure anymore). ”And he’s long goneeeeeeeee, when he’s next to meeeee, and I realizeeeeeee, the blame is on me,” Connor paused for a second, drawing in a deep breath as he pulled his fist down to his side, ready to belt the objectively best part of the song: I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE WHEN YOU WALKED INNNN~ So shame on me n-” Connor felt a kiss on his cheek and immediately pressed the volume knob, killing the stereo.

”I swear on my mother’s life, I was listening to Raining Blood by Slayer, not T-Swift.” Of course, Connor didn’t like his mom very much… A slight flush was apparent on his normally white cheeks as he cleared his throat, nodding in agreement with his girlfriend. ”These dudes are never gonna be happy because they won’t allow themselves to be, y’know? If you buy a group of people tickets to Disneyland and they still have drama problems, then they’re just unhelpable.” Connor shrugged and leaned across the console and kissed Eva’s lips gently.

”Some people think I got the Disneyland trip as a gift to Nat, but that just… doesn’t make any sense to me? If I was getting it for Nat, why did I buy like 10 tickets? I’m not that rich, come on. The surprise was for the group, not Nat.” Connor shrugged again and leaned back into the seat. ”So are we ready to go or what? There was some commotion, but I kind of missed it. I was too absorbed in, uh, Raining Blood.”

Connor coughed.


Location: The Mighty Bean
Interacting with: Melrose @lydyn, Claire @Lady Amalthea, and Cass (by proxy) @Charnobylisk

Belle wanted to go, but seeing the explosive interactions between Tas and Claire, she knew they’d likely have their trip delayed. Which was… alright, it seemed like Tas was even more strung out now than she had been before, and Belle wasn’t about to make a big deal about leaving on time when someone was in a bad mood; it wasn’t her style. Now standing in the doorway of the Bean, Belle moved closer to the pink haired girl, who she knew was her charge for the trip. She slid beside Rose and smiled brightly at her. ”Hey. I’m the girl who called dibs on you! My name’s Belle, I’m the girl with the kitty.” She explained, before clasping her hands together and looking at the others.

”We’ll be riding alone, I think, everyone else is all buddied up. So, if you’d like, we can go get our stuff crammed into my trunk and get on the road. My car’s super clean, Daddy paid for a detailer while I was in France, so don’t worry about anything like that, if you were? I don’t even know. We’ll probably be a little late, but that’s just because sometimes I get hungry and want a McFlurry, and, well… then I have to get a McFlurry. C'est la vie,” the red head smiled and hooked a lock of hair behind her ear before looking at Claire and frowning.

”Trouble in paradise? What’d I miss? I was just, y’know, making sure Tigger was in a spot where he could survive without me for a week or so, laying down the law and making sure he knows how to handle any annoying birds and stuff that gets on the windowsill. He’s still a kitty, so, y’know, gotta teach him all this stuff now.”” Belle explained. ”Let’s just all take it easy and remember we’re literally going to a land of magical happiness and joy and that there is literally zero reason for this to be a bad day, at all, ever.”

Nothing would ruin Disneyland.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Location: The Mighty Bean
Interacting With: Claire @Lady Amalthea, Cass @Charnobylisk, & Belle @Universorum
Date: April 25th

It seemed like a bit of a whirlwind, especially as Claire starting ranting about forgetting her friend's birthday, to which she could only furrow her brows at for a few moments. 'She's upset at not being wished happy birthday? ... I haven't been wished happy birthday, let alone given a present in nearly ten years. Do I have permission to throw a fit too?' Of course, Rose understood it was more than that, but it seemed kind of small, though it was be more accurate that Melrose had lived a life mostly void of any sort of care and had simply gotten used to it - as sad as it sounded.

Then Cass addressed her - or at least that's what she said her name was. She had to admit, she was absolutely loving her choice of outfit. Right now Rose was wearing something very causal in her terms, but normally rocked the punk style - which Cass' own outfit reminded her of. The accent was definitely interesting too, causing her to give the woman a small smile. Still, she barely had time to say, "no worries. I understand." Then the woman was off talking and focusing on Claire again, who seemed to have mostly ignored Rose, but again - it was something she was mostly used to by this point in her life. It didn't help she was quiet and an introvert.

Before she knew it though, another girl was just inviting herself to sit down and placing herself right next to Rose. She was pretty cute, like Cass, but more in a princess-y way. There was mention of kitties though! "Kitty?" she asked, instantly drawing her attention. That was really all she was able to say though before Belle cast a hurricane of words. 'Fuck...' she thought quietly, 'will I ever get to talk?' It was both an amusing and slightly irritating thought as the woman went on about Mcdonalds (which Melrose loved) and then ranted on about her cat and how this trip to Disneyland had to be perfect by it's very nature. In that sense, Rose was right - she did act very much like a princess. Kind of a shame she figured, since she enjoyed being called princess herself sometimes... well, at least from potential girlfriends. Regardless, she slowly got up and made her way to her bag which had been left in the middle of floor and looked, silently, in Belle's direction.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Might Bean >> Tas’s Car >> Cass’s Bike
Interacting With: In person: Claire, Tas, Rose, Kip, Alex, Belle. | Via text: Claire.
@Lady Amalthea @lydyn @rougeLily @Legion02 @Universorum
Date: April 25th

A buzzing caught Cass’s attention and she looked around and noticed a timid looking Asian guy smiling at herself and the others before he left. She gave a small but confused smile back to him and a tiny wave that she was sure that he had missed. She shook her head, blinking a couple times, trying to understand why he had walked over then just walked away. Some people had some odd quirks in the group it seemed.

Her own phone went off and she checked it to find a message from Tas again. Cool, so no Korean and nothing with Lemons. That was oddly specific but she figured she wouldn’t ask questions. Steak and whiskey it was then. She would just let her know when she went out with the bags, rather than texting her. Claire accepted Cass’s offer. “Yeah, ‘course. I’ll take it out in a sec ‘nd try not beat yerself up too much. She’ll forgive ye when she’s ready but I’m sure ye already know tha’.” Claire wheeled over her case and Cass took hold of it, sitting it beside her own while the girl with the pink hair, who still hadn’t told Cass her name yet, seemed to accept her apology. She gave her another smile as acknowledgement.

Talking to so many different people at once was going to be difficult. Hopefully once they got to Disneyland they’d be able to break off in smaller groups or something. As much as she wanted to get to know everyone, Cass was not enthused about spending the entire time in a huge group with everyone talking over everyone else. Not that Cass couldn’t make herself heard, it was more a case of not wanting to rock anyone’s boat without realising it, that she preferred to avoid.

Cass had to raise an eyebrow when a red head that looked like she’d had a silver spoon ingrained in her throat stepped up behind PinkTink (this was what Cass had decided to call this quiet lady until she introduced herself) and went off on a tirade of self-absorbed, self-entitled and anti-empathetic words. Holy bloody hell it was impossible to explain just how much Cass instantly disliked this girl. She had her reasons, but they were her own and she wasn’t about to share them with essential strangers.

She crinkled her nose and looked more than a little bit disgusted as the girl known as Belle finally stopped talking. Cass turned to face towards Belle and kept a look of judgement on her face as she took a deep breath before beginning the coming onslaught.

“Well I see at least one reason why this day might nae be so damn magical, happy or joyful.” She began to raise her fingers, one, two, three, as she rhymed off her reasons. “It’s got ginger hair, a gob bigger than ‘eh Grand Canyon ‘nd a silver spoon shoved so far up its arse tha’ it’d need to be removed by a crowbar. But beyond tha’? People have some shit goin’ on ‘nd jus’ because ye dinnae fancy dealin’ wae it it disnae mean tha’ it’s not gonna be fuckin’ there, needin' dealt wae. Now hop in yer car ‘nd mind yer fuckin’ own ‘fore I knock yer arse on ‘eh floor an’all.” Her accent became really heavily Glaswegian at this point and she spoke so fast it would be a wonder if many of them understood everything she had said, with the exception perhaps of Claire.

She curled her hand into a fist as she finished but not out of anger, just out of habit. She might have just let loose on Belle now but in about ten minutes, it was all going to be just another fart in the wind. She grabbed the two cases and began to walk out of The Bean to head to Tas’s car.

Cass found her way to the parking lot and found Tas’s car. She gave a nod of the head as she walked towards the car from the driver’s side. “Heya Tas, cheers for this.” She called out as she headed around the back of the car, opening the trunk and fitting the cases inside, playing a little bit of Tetris to make them fit. She shut the door down and walked around to see Tas properly for the first time.

Cass was a little bit more than worried now but didn’t want to put Tas in an uncomfortable position by mentioning it. She noticed a cute guy sitting in the passenger seat and the adorable Asian guy from The Bean not long ago. She gave them both a wave and smiled to Tas. “I was thinkin’ steak ‘nd whiskey once we’re over there. If ye fancy anythin’ else jus’ gimme a buzz ‘nd I can reorganise things. But for now, I will see ye when we get there! Drive safe guys.” She grinned as she gave two gentle taps to the car as she made her way towards her bike.

She grabbed her helmet and slung her leg over, resting her backside on her seat. She then realised she hadn’t told Claire that she wouldn’t be back for her. Slipping her phone out, Cass fired a text her way.

To The Irish Fire:
Heya, meant to say I’d get you out on the bike but that entitled little prick made me lose my train of thought. I’m here now, cases are safely in Tas’s trunk and I’m ready to go when you are.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Claire McManuc

Location: Mighty Bean --> Cass's Bike
Interacting With: In Person: @lydyn @SgtEasy @ChaoticFox @Universorum @Charnobylisk(Either speaking with or in the vicinity of)

"Thanks Cass and I know she will. What she does. No matter how bad things get she'll still do what is right. Freaking Eddie ruined Nat's Birthday party. Tas still jumped in to save his life, rode with him to the hospital and tended to him the next week," Claire said as she sat there. She was glad for Cass as of late. Girl seemed alright in her book and rather cute, which didn't hurt.

Then something happened she wasn't expecting. Cass pulled a Claire... "Oh my fucking god... Hit her! Come on!" Claire thought to herself but didn't say it. Right then Claire wanted to hit Belle as well and was right about go to off on the woman but she held her breath and let Cass have her go. She struck first, it was only sportsman like to let her finish. Like the fight at the party. Claire let Dom get his licks, or fists as it were, in and then she stepped in. Same thing this time. Soon as Cass was out the door Claire laid into Belle like there was no tomorrow.

"For a psych major you are as dumb as a box of hammers. I swear Belle, you need to learn you to keep your trap shut. I'm just glad you aren't saying this around Tasha. That woman has literally saved the lives of at least three people who live in these apartments. Two in the last month - Echo and Eddie. Their lives in her hands, their blood staining her skin and clothing. Are you comprehending this? Now her father died. She already lost her mother ages ago to cancer, watched the woman fade before her eyes for a year before she finally passed and now she has had to bury her father; her last family member. So yeah, she's going through a bit more than worrying if a cat coughed up a hair ball. I really don't know what the fuck is wrong with people these days, seems as long as it isn't them they could care less. Really a fucking shame to, I thought better of you Belle. Always thought you were a ditz but never knew you were so heartless to think that just a trip to Disneyland could fix anything. Do us a favor, keep your trap shut and go back to playing with your pussy. It'll save us all a headache," Claire said as she narrowed her eyes. How dare that pretentious bitch dare to say something like that, especially now. Turning she made her way to the door. She had to spend a week with these people? Dear god help her. Least the place was big enough they wouldn't have to see each other the entire five days if she was lucky. Stopping at the door she pivoted and glared at Belle.

"So yeah there is trouble in paradise sweet cheeks. And yeah, I feel like an ass for forgetting the birthday of the woman that pulled me out of the gutter. That's what happens when you care about someone. You feel bad when you forget to do something special for them. Sorry if that isn't enough to disturb your paradise but it is enough to mess with mine," she added before walking out the door and heading over to Cass's motorcycle. Claire was surprised she didn't deck Belle but in the end the woman was not worth her time or anyone else's in her book and she had just proven that in spades.

"Freaking judgemental heartless creeps, thinking that a stupid trip to cartoonland will just suddenly make everything better. This isn't some high school bullshit of someone getting upset over someone dating someone they have a crush on. This is stuff that can really break someone. I swear, maybe it is better if Tas takes that job out in Chicago. She'd be better off away from most of these creeps. Why she considers any of them important enough to give the time of day is beyond me," Claire thought to herself as she picked up the helmet and put it on; securing the strap under her chin and climbing on. Least Cass seemed alright. Hopefully that would hold up. God this trip couldn't be over soon enough. That thought alone was weird for Claire, she was always happy go lucky, even when fighting. She loved life but even she was starting to feeling the emotional drain of just being around some of these people. She didn't know how Tas kept it up and was surprised she had held up as long as she had looking back.

"Girl, remind me to buy you a round of drinks when we get there, you earned it," Claire said as she wrapped her arms around Cass's waist and pulled close. Well if she couldn't ride with Tas because of what went down at least she knew she was riding behind a woman with a hell of a mouth on her and just the right amount of sass. Who cared if she was Scottish, least she wasn't Italian.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 1 mo ago


When the text came through about a trip to Disneyland, she was very excited. She went out and brought new outfits and shoes even a pair or two of shades. Natalya had been to Disneyland, once before she was close to toddler age but this was a bit different. It was a getaway for her and her friends. The previous night before she had made herself and Dom a checklist, which she had handed over to even made an extra copy just in case he had lost the other one. She was packed up and ready to go, going over the checklist before dragging her bags out of the room and into the living area. Natalya felt her phone buzz inside of her pants pocket then grabbed it and saw that text from Tas.

To: Tasha
No, thanks. Me and Dom are riding together. :)

Her eyes went back to their room door as she called out. "Dom! Are you ready yet?" She said while going over her checklist one more time. She had to make sure she had everything she needed before venturing a few hours away from their home.

Emerging from the bedroom, Dom finished drying his hands and through the towel into the laundry basket. "Babe, I've been ready for two hours. You're the one that takes every little second she has to rinse and repeat everything on her check list" He joked as he picked up some of Nat's bags. "I'll go put these in the truck" Carrying the bags out of the apartment, Dominic quickly began to throw them into the bed of his truck. Sometimes the mountain man felt like a Gypsy; he had only just gotten back from one of his expeditions and now here he was again heading off on an adventure, albeit this time he was going to Disneyland of all places. He had made sure to load up his medication. Both Nat and Tas had been hounding him about it as soon as they knew they were going on this trip. The girls were dubious were Dominic's heart could take the strain from the rides. He climbs mountains for a living, I'm sure he can handle a few rollercoasters.

Heading back into the apartment, he pressed a soft kiss against Nat's forehead. "You excited?"

Natalya rolled her eyes playfully at Dom as she smiled with a soft laugh escaping over her parted lips, too. She even looked at him when he picked up her bags and started carrying them to the truck. "Okay. Be careful with those." She snickered as he left the apartment and she reviewed over her checklist again. She was ready for this trip and needed this getaway with her friends with everything that has happened between the whole group. A slight sigh escaped over her parted lips as her ears twitched, hearing the click of the door and turning around to see Dom entering their apartment.

Natalya blushed as he delivered a soft kiss to her forehead and heard his question as she slipped her hands into his, eyes gazing up and locked with his. "I am. I feel like we all need this." She replied while standing on her toes to deliver a kiss on his lips. "So, you ready to go? You do have your medicine, right?" She asked him back to back questions while heading towards the door. "I don't want to be worried about you out there." She said bluntly while sighing and running her slender fingers through her hair then placing them on the doorknob as she waited for a response from Dom before proceeding out the door.

"Yes, Nat. I do have my medicine and I am ready to go." Dom said while placing his hands onto Nat's arms, looking at her in the eyes. "No need to worry about me. I promise." Dom gave Nat a quick peck on the lips, which made her smile as she turned the doorknob and exited the apartment, waiting for Dom as he locked and closed the door.

Dom and Nat walked hand in hand down the stairs, talking and laughing about whatever came to their mind first. Nat really needed this getaway more than anyone of her friends, which was a matter of her own opinion but she knew that this trip would hopefully bring the group back closer together. Natalya was honestly a little bit worried about this trip as Dom opened the door for her and she climbed into his truck and bit onto her bottom lip before Dom got into the truck himself.

To: The Peepulation
Me and Dom are heading towards the destination. Last one there buys dinner on the first night? LOL.

Natalya hit the send button and the message was sent towards her friends as Dom started up the truck and maneuvered the vehicle out of the parking space then hit the open road - Getting a brief head start towards Disneyland.

To: Eddy
Going to Disneyland for a few days. I'll send you a gift later. ;)

Her eyes glanced over at Dom, who was singing along to the song on the radio. Natalya chuckled while shaking her head and looking out of the window at the scenery and rolled her window down some while the wind blew against her face and through her luscious locks of hair. She was extremely excited and so ready to have fun at Disneyland with Dom and the rest of her friends.

Disneyland, here we come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Derreck Richard Howell

It had been almost two weeks since he arrived at San Francisco, looking for things to do and questions to answer. Derreck soon found The Daffodil Building and saw that the last room was for rent. With the cheap price, that he can pay until he gets a job, he got the room and moved in. At first, he wasn't interested in talking to the people; but, he knew that he needed people that knew the city well. And he also needed to make some new friends. San Francisco, California wasn't like Austin, Texas. San Francisco is almost surrounded by water, while Austin only had one lake and river. San Francisco is a very liberal city, their LGBT-friendly history is proof of that, while Austin is more conservative. It was one of the reasons why his friends and teachers from Austin questioned him about going to San Francisco; but, they didn't change his mind at all.

He closed his brand new laptop, that his parents brought him for his move, and moved it away from him. He placed his earphones on top of the closed laptop and got up from his chair. He stretched his arms and hands as he had been typing for most of the day on an essay about the Industrial Revolution. But, he didn't want to think about the essay until he turns it in and gets his results. The Galaxy S5 was laying on his bed as Derreck grabbed it and saw the missed text message from Natasha.

Back, at the Mighty Bean. We're leaving for Disneyland today right? Who's riding with me?

Derreck had totally forgot about the trip to Disneyland and grabbed his phone, earphones, and his wallet as he tried to rush out of his room. He didn't really know Natasha or the other roommates, but this trip was a great opportunity to meet everyone. He made sure that he looked good as he looked at the mirror before he started to pack his things (stuff that he needed for the trip) in a suitcase and then left A1. He walked down the stairs and walked passed the people in The Mighty Bean Café. Derreck always forgot that he lived above a café; but, he was interested in a job at the place. Their coffee wasn't the best, but the pay would be good enough and he didn't have to waste more money on a taxi or a public bus.

Now, he was outside of his apartment and walked towards the parking lot. He didn't know what he was going to do for a ride until he saw Natasha nearby her car. Derreck didn't want to walk to her and ask her for a ride, it would felt awkward, he reached for his phone and send out a text to her and made sure that she couldn't see him nearby the parking lot. Then, he waited for her to answer.

Hey, do you still have room left for me?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 23 days ago

Natasha Brinne

Location: Parking Lot -> Her Apartment
Interacting With: Via Text: @The Spectre : In Person: @rougelily @Legion02 & Claire/@Charnobylisk kind of

Tas sat there in her car, waiting for everyone to get situated and for Cass to bring over her luggage. Nodding at the girl and giving her a bit of a wave as she came over and loaded her things and what looked like Claire's as well in the back of the Cruiser. So Claire was riding with Cass? Probably for the best. She loved Claire but she wasn't exactly happy with the woman right then. Better if they were apart a bit so she could calm down. That was the way things worked with them; a blow up, few hours to cool down and then everything was back to normal. She knew Claire had meant well but she was still irked and rightfully so.

Then Tas's day just got worse. Looking at her phone as two texts came in from Nat she nearly chucked her phone out the window. Tas had been missing for ten days and while she hadn't expected Nat to go crazy that she had returned, she had at least expected a welcome back or something from the woman that called her sister. Tas put her phone down, her hands trembling as they rested on the steering wheel. That hurt, some friend. Seemed Nat was only focused on the trip and nothing else. Right then Tas made a hard decision, that the woman she would have once given a kidney to if she needed it was not longer worth her time. Friendship was a two way street and she was tired of being alone in it.

Tas wouldn't say anything though, she'd play nice. Like she did with everyone. She'd do it for Dom, even though she had to wonder. She had to hope that Nat was more caring and paid more attention to the mountain of a man than she did others. For his sake at least. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm down and get her mind right. She really didn't want to go now, she had been going for Nat but why bother now? She was stressed, her father just died and now her sister just left without nothing more than a text to the rest of the group.

She wanted to just chuck her keys to Alex, tell him to enjoy the drive and go up to her apartment to start packing. Packing? Tas guessed she had just made her decision; she would take the job in Boston. Stay long enough to pack and help Claire out with her finals and then make the five day drive from west coast to east. It would be better this way. Too trauma, too much stress, to much everything. A new city and a new start. Yes, that was exactly what she needed.

Pulling her keys out of the ignition and separated her apartment keys from her car keys. Sighing she handed them over to Alex, a man she barely knew, and forced a smile. "Something came up. I have to stay behind. Tank is full, should get you half way there. Bring it back in once piece," she said quickly before grabbing her phone and slipping out of the driver seat.

Stepping to the backdoor she opened it and gave Kip a big hug, leaning back she smiled at him gently. "Take lots of pictures, I'll want to see them when you get back," she said softly before stepping away and making her way to the back of the car.

Grabbing her luggage, she slammed the door shut as her phone went off again. Sighing she pulled it out and checked it. It was Derrick, another one of the new comers to the apartments. The one that had moved in after Sam moved out. Taking a deep breath she shot him a text back.

To: Derrick
Yeah, you're free to catch a ride in my car, there is room for more. Something came up for me and I won't be going but I handed my keys to Alex. Him and Kip are already all loaded up. Just head over to the Blue PT Cruiser and climb in. Have fun!

Hitting send she slipped her phone back in her pocket and slung her bag over shoulder. Passing Claire and Cass she didn't say anything but gave Claire a knowing look. It was clear she wasn't going. Claire nodded slightly, wishing Tas was going but knowing if she had decided to stay there was nothing to change the woman's mind. Pulling out her phone she sent a quick text to someone and then slipped it back into her pocket. Tas didn't say anything to anyone as she made her way through the cafe and then up the stairs. Unlocking the door to her apartment she sighed, this was going to tale a while. She had some things over at Claire's and the rest here in the apartment she shared with Echo.

Pulling out her phone as she sat down on the couch. "Good morning, this is Doctor Natasha Brinne. I'll take the job. Yes, I can be there by the end of May, that won't be a problem. Thank you, I look forward to it. Goodbye," she said before hanging up and tossing her phone down on the table.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Derreck Richard Howell

Yeah, you're free to catch a ride in my car, there is room for more. Something came up for me and I won't be going but I handed my keys to Alex. Him and Kip are already all loaded up. Just head over to the Blue PT Cruiser and climb in. Have fun!

Derreck didn't care that Natasha wasn't going to the trip; but, he found it odd that she would let Alex borrow her car. Besides that, he took his suitcase and walked towards the blue car. The parking lot wasn't that big in size as he could see the car and the people inside it. Alex was sitting in the front seat and another person, which must of been 'Kip', was sitting in the back. He walked up towards them as Alex was on his phone, not knowing that Derreck had arrived. And he decided to get his attention by hitting on the top of the car as hard as he can without damaging it.

One or two hits on the car must of got his attention as Derreck started to introduce his self towards Alex at the front seat. "Hello. It's nice to see you again, Alex. I am coming with you guys on the trip, Natasha told me that she gave you the keys. I hope that you know how to drive or we are fucked. Anyway, I will be back. I have to put my stuff into the truck."

He headed towards the truck with his suitcase and discovered that it wasn't closed all the way. He put his suitcase into the truck with the others as he closed it and checked if it was locked. Then, he remembered about 'Kip' in the backseat and walked towards him. The new guy looked casual and the only thing that bugged Derreck was his hair almost covering one of his eyes. He wanted to introduce to the new guy as he stuck his hand out towards him, but he didn't wanted to see like he was forcing him to shake back.

"Hello, my name is Derreck. It's nice to meet more people in this interesting city."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 15 days ago

featuring: Connor's dorkiness
NOTE - It was @Universorum's idea to name this collab Tater Tots.

To see her boyfriend jamming out to Taylor Swift almost lifted her moods immediately. Especially when he immediately tried denying to the girl that he wasn't listening to America's Sweetheart - an artist that a teenaged girl like Evalyn Jones was very familiar with. Instead, she tried humouring her boyfriend by nodding, even adding a little "sure, baby." before Connor continued on.

”These dudes are never gonna be happy because they won’t allow themselves to be, y’know? If you buy a group of people tickets to Disneyland and they still have drama problems, then they’re just unhelpable.” With a shrug, Connor leaned over the console and kissed Eva's lips gently - a kiss that sent shivers down her spine and curled her toes in her boots. Each kiss felt like it was her first, which was total and utter bullshit because she knew that they spent a fair share of their time lip-locked whenever they find the time together.

”I just want this trip to go well, y’know? Everyone’s been so stressed and tensed lately with the whole Eddy thing and then Echo’s terrible crash and…” She hesitated. It wouldn’t do her, or Jay, well to mention that.

”So are we ready to go or what? There was some commotion, but I kind of missed it. I was too absorbed in, uh, Raining Blood.” Rolling her eyes at her boyfriend, Eva leaned back against the seat, readying herself for a long trip ahead. ”Let’s go, chauffeur,” Eva grinned over at Connor.

Connor rolled his eyes and pushed the button to fire up the car, looking over at Eva and grinning. ”Here we go, eight hours or something stupid crammed in a car together. At least I have a comfy one, right? Look, check it out, we’ll open the sunroof.” He hit a button the dash and the sunroof slid back, ”ta da. It’s a new car, so I’m still checking out all the fancy stuff.” He hit another button on the steering wheel and an electronic voice spoke to him through the speakers:

”Voice control activated.”

”Oh, swagger. I didn’t know it had that…”

”Locating ‘Thai Restaurants.’


Eva burst out laughing, hiding her face behind her hands as Connor pretty much dorked his way around the car. ”Turn it offfff!” She exclaimed, between her fits of laughter as the car began listing the closest Thai restaurants nearby.

From: Mama-Nat @ Scooby Gang
Me and Dom are heading towards the destination. Last one there buys dinner on the first night? LOL.

Looking over at her boyfriend again, Eva nudged him, ”if you want to end up paying for dinner, I’d suggest we get moving now.”

”You know damn well that we’re the only ones in the group that can afford paying for everyone to eat anyway…” Connor shrugged and took the CD cases from Eva, slipping into the side of his door and putting the car into gear. He pulled the AUX cord out of the floor and shoved it into his phone, frowning slightly. ”I forgot this car has an aux port. I’m dumb, we don’t even need the CDs.”

”We may be able to afford it, but it’s nice to have your meals paid for, y’know?” She nudged, still giggling from the voice control mishap from earlier. Watching Connor fumble with the phone cord, Evalyn decided; ’It’s confirmed, my boyfriend is the cutest of them all.’

He pulled onto the road as the music started playing and he pushed the windows down. With a dumb grin on his face, Connor screamed along with the song: ”Alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll aboarddddddddddddddd!” He spun the dial until the screen screamed at him: Volume: MAX. Satisfied, Connor turned onto the highway.

Let’s go!

Was it too late to switch cars? She barely resisted the urge to press her hands to protect her precious eardrums as Connor belted out to the music beside her at the driver’s seat. Whether it was the music, or the fact that Connor was singing along to said music, Eva wasn’t sure which was worse.

The girl looked down at her phone that was still resting on her lap before an idea struck the teenager. Taking the device in her hands, she quickly began typing out:

To: Mama-Nat & the Scooby Gang
Me and Connor are totally going to get there first !! Prepare to pay for our meals! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

If Mama bear wanted a race, so be it. Eva believed in her boyfriend, he would win them the free meals. Hell yeah, free food!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rougeLily
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rougeLily boiiiiiiiiii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kazuhiko Ippitsusai

Location: In Tas' car/Parking Lot
Interacting With: Tas @Lady Amalthea, Cass @Charnobylisk, Derreck @The Spectre | Tas, again-Via Phone, still creeping on Alex @Legion02.

A few moments after the cozy silence.
"That's an Alex. Alex, this is a Kip," Tas smirked, Kip motioned a tiny wave towards him beaming a smile.
"Soon as Cass brings us her luggage we can head out. Oh and Kip.... I know your finger is itching to *click* - go ahead, just no instragramming, facebooking, interneting or any publications okay?" she said, to which Kip felt very thankful for, something about consent brings out comfort especially with photography even though he can sneak his clicks away it's always nice to catch people's faces looking comfortably and directly at the lens.

After a while the doe-eyed brunette came walking to the car, Kip waved and smiled back once she greeted them. Lots of smiles and waving today, I feel like a beauty queen minus the crowns and glory. he thought, it wasn't tiring though for once he was actually happily giddy about meeting new people, quite a change.

Their phones buzzed out simultaneously and the message went as follows.

From: Mami Nat
"Me and Dom are heading towards the destination. Last one there buys dinner on the first night? LOL."

Damn, a race to Disneyland? now that would be fun... if traffic wasn't a thing but it is and it can get pretty heavy and --
Keys rustled as Tas handed her keys over to Alex "Something came up. I have to stay behind. Tank is full, should get you half way there. Bring it back in one piece." unclear whether it was a Dr. Brinne situation or it was a Natasha one.
Before leaving, she went and gave Kip a surprisingly warm hug followed by a gentle almost melting smile, "Take lots of pictures, I'll want to see them when you get back," she uttered in a soft tone. " I definitely will, you take care." he told back with his rusty voice squeaking at the end as he beamed his smile while he tapped the side of her shoulder. Then she proceeded to the back of the car, Kip started ruffling his hair upon realizing he was alone with Alex now, wondering if the man can deal with silence just fine. "shitalonewithacutemanstrangerinacartodisneylandwhatislife" the slur of thoughts ensued.

Finally settled down, all calm but not at all composed as he slouched in the back seat hugging his backpack, a new hunk of meat comes in the scene.
"Hello. It's nice to see you again, Alex. I am coming with you guys on the trip, Natasha told me that she gave you the keys. I hope that you know how to drive or we are fucked. Anyway, I will be back. I have to put my stuff into the truck." the Bronze-Eiffel tower said.
He was huge, dark eyed and adorable, his brown skin luscious and his physique meaty... and juicy, Kip swallowed then brushed the malicious thoughts away by playing Piano Tiles on his phone, still slouched and covering his embarrassed face with his fringe as the man walked to the trunk, not that he was following him with his gaze.
A few minutes into his little calm, the guy went ahead and approached the slouched excuse for a tiny asian man, he stuck his hand out
"Hello, my name is Derreck. It's nice to meet more people in this interesting city." his voice was velvet, no... silk? damn it's smooth Kip assessed in his head. "H-h-w.. welcome to meet you, I'm Kip." he stuttered with his soft, shaking, rusty, confused effort of a voice as he shook the man's hand, who had a very firm and inviting grip afterwards awkwardly letting go. He went back to his phone, fingers going a bit numb. Good grief, you're a mess.
Geez, is this guy a Bodyguard? Bodyguard... Kiba. That one was a bloody gutty treat to the eyes. Takashi Miike is a blessing to gore, he distracted himself with another train of thought.
Which reminded him:

To: Natasha
"Oh and I had some slasher dvd's I left in your unit, I went over but didn't knew you were out, thought you might want to check it out when you got back. It's Takashi Miike, A++. Good Luck with your thing too :3"

Ding, the message went.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lopsided
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lopsided (・ε・`)

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Didi Sabello

Location: Diner -> Outside the Mighty Bean
Interacting with: Bob, Everyone outside the Mighty Bean - @Lady Amalthea, @Charnobylisk, @rougeLily, @The Spectre, @Legion02

Spending time with her father's other family hasn't been the most pleasant week for Didi after Geofrrey asked, no, pleadedfor her daughter to come to Venice with the Mrs and children, just exactly a few days after he came clean with his wife of Didi's exsistance. The wife took the news lightly, in fact, the first few days were all smiles and kisses until the wife got bitterly drunk during the family dinner, and the facade slowly crumbled before her. She hated her, hated what her mother and her husband used to share together and the shame it brought upon them, she was the very product of it and it makes her skin crawl with hate just by looking at her. The next day Didi asked Geoffrey for a plane ticket back to San Fran, but he insisted for her to stay for a few days, to sort it out. She didnt care , and got the hell outta there before things got more shittier than it already is.

Didi looked out of the window of the 24 hour diner as she played with her half eaten plate, it was already morning when she arrived to San Fransisco.

" I can take her calling my mother a bitch, hell I'm not even gonna argue with that. Or how I'm such an utter disgrace because of the fact that her husband once shagged a gutter rat at some dingy bar."

She turned her bloodshot eyes to the rugged man who was ravaging his plate full of pancakes on the other side of the table. Despite showing callousness on the situation she had been crying the whole trip home, even Bob was able to see past it. Bob, who was hanging outside the establishment recognized Didi with a smile, was more than glad to keep her company for breakfast. Somehow Bob has been a part of the gang, ever since Felix left his presence was always there to remind her of him and their crazy karaoke together.

"I aint even mad, it's all the truth anyway. Just... Why would Geoffrey even care to bother with me in the first place? He hadn't known about me for 12 years and he should've left it at that. I wasn't even his problem anymore, I never was. " Bob hadnt had a response but his frequent nods and inane chewing, at least somehow, he was there to listen.

"He's a good guy. He has everything, wealth, fame, I just don't want to ruin that for him."
For a second there Bob showed genuine sympathy in his eyes, he smiled as if to assure her "Don't worry hun, everything will all work out fine. Just so you see." He then turned his gaze to the hash brown and bacon strips on her plate. Didi noticed, smiling as she slid her plate towards Bob, "Knock yourself out." where he proceeds to gobble it.

She walked a short distance to the apartment, and could see a bunch of her homies getting ready for the trip.
"Ugh, right. Totally forgot about Disneyland."Perhaps this is what Didi needs right now, to get her mind off things of the recent events, besides, who would wanna miss a trip to Disneyland? And it was great timing that she's already packed. She went over to them, noticing the new faces amongst the homey crowd of friends. "Have you guys been breeding while I'm gone? Also, I hope it's not too late to come with."
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