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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

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[hider=Juniors]☯J A C K S O N . H U N T
"The guy keeps to himself, mostly. I don't blame him, of course; I'd be a hypocrite if I did. I should talk to him at some point. Us loners have to stick together, right?"
Jessica and Jackson have yet to interact.

M I T C H E L L . D A N F O R D
"Haven't spoken to him. Never want to. Everything about the guy just screams creep. "
Jess and Mitch have yet to interact.

L U C A S . F A R W E I G H T
"He and Samuel are assholes. Seriously, I can't stand watching them prey on the weak and defenseless. It's despicable. I've been tempted to step in a few times; luckily for them, other people always seem to get there first. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he tries and hits me and ends up almost breaking his hand.""
Jess has watched Lucas for some time now, but the two have yet to interact.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James Spinne

Location: Dorm Room → Outside
Interacting With; Brenna via creepy-ass dream | Milo via yelling - @Angel Eyes | Carmen via text @AbandonedIntel
Mood; Exhausted → Happy → Exhilarated

James Spinne couldn't help but grin as he ran his fingers through Brenna Lancaster's hair. It was so incredibly soft and fluffy as he twirled a strand around his fingers. Spinne's other hand lightly touched the woman's arm as he ran it back and forth over her porcelain skin. Just looking at her brought lightning shooting through his veins. He'd convinced himself that she was the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. (That wasn't very difficult, by the way.) She smiled back, life dancing in her hazel eyes. One of her slim arms was wrapped around James' waist, with the other resting on his chest. Goosebumps formed wherever her freezing hands made contact with his skin. "I am the luckiest man alive." He whispered. Brenna inched closer, tilting her head to the left seductively. "Yes you are." She teased, her voice just as quiet as his. James leaned in, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. He was close enough to feel the cold radiating from her lips. A shiver of pleasure ran down his spine as the two began to kiss-


Brenna broke it off first. "Are you going to get that?" She asked, annoyed. James offered an apologetic smile. "It'll be fine." He reassured her and moved back in.


The Ice Queen placed a finger to Arachnid's lips. "Get your phone." She ordered. James groaned as he rolled onto his other side and faced the nightstand. He reached out for his smartphone. His finger tips dashed against the object, pushing it away. He scooched a little ways further, swiping at the object. He just needed to get a little closer...*BZZT* The phone went off again, causing both Brenna and James to grunt in frustration. Absolutely done with the stupid piece of technology, James lifted his butt off the bed and moved off just a little too far to the right.


James groaned in pain. "Ow." His eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of his dorm room floor. He struggled to move, trapped in his blanket. He eventually got an arm free and grabbed for his cellphone. He pulled the object down to his level and turned it on. "AHHH!" The phone's light was on full power and successfully blinded the poor teenager. "I hate this." He muttered. James glanced at the thing for several seconds, wondering why it had went off. He didn't see any notifications. No calls...No texts. Come to think of it, his phone never made that soun- *BZZT* "Son of a bitch." That was Milo's phone, he realized. "Miiiilooo." James groaned in frustration, his voice muffled by the floor. It was way too early in the morning to be dealing with this shit. *BZZT* "MILO!" James brought his head up off the ground and was greeted by the sun's warm rays hitting him right in the face, blinding him for a second time in less than five minutes. "Damn it!" James, totally sick of this now, shot a string of webbing into the sleeping Asian's face. "GET YOUR DAMN PHONE, BRO." He screamed. "SHUT UP." Someone called from down the hall. "Sorrryyy!" James responded, just as loudly.

Knowing he couldn't fall back asleep after that mess, James forced himself to stand. He haphazardly tossed all of his stuff back onto his bed. Grabbing his backpack, James exited the dorm room and jogged over to the public bathroom. He took a second to freshen up before changing into a pair of ripped jeans, a basic red T-shirt and a dark hoodie adorned with a black widow's hourglass. "Tch." James snapped his fingers and pointed at himself in the mirror. "You are one sexy, sexy man." James made his way back out of the bathroom and toward the exit. He stopped at the stairs on his way. I wonder...He thought to himself. Spider-boy whipped out his smartphone and shot Carmen a quick text:

"hey chica. doing anything today? oh, and is Brenna up yet?"

A moment passed and there was no reply. She was probably already out and about. A frown crossed James' face as he moved over to the kitchenette. He poured two bowls of frosted flakes, as well as a cup of orange juice. He grabbed a tray out of one of the cabinets and made his way up the stairs. He stopped at the second floor, searching for a particular room. Once he spotted it, Spinne jogged over and knocked quietly. When no one responded, he pushed on it as lightly as he could. Upon spotting Lancaster inside, James quietly closed the door and suspended the tray from the ceiling via webbing. Perfect. The spider didn't admire his work for too long before he made his way to the nearest window. He slid the glass up and perched himself on the edge. James placed his ear buds in his...ears...and flipped his music on.

"Standing in the hall of fame..."

Arachnid jumped. A web fired out of the spinneret on his wrist at hundreds of miles an hour, attaching to a nearby building. James smiled from ear to ear as he soared through the sky. He loved this.

"And the world's gonna know your name..."

"Hell yeah they will. WOOOO!"

Jessica Sterling

Location; Bathroom → Outside → Control Room
Interacting With; Harold via nervous greeting @beefydork
Mood; Terrified → Better

Hot water washed over Jessica's impervious skin. The shower was set to maximum, yet she could barely feel it. It was quite early in the morning and she'd been at the Control Room all last night. A feeling of drowsiness washed over the young woman. Jess closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting as she began to doze off. She was immediately greeted by the sight of a man in a black trench coat standing in the middle of her burning living room. The air smelled of ash and blood. The figure turned toward her, his face hidden behind a wall of smoke. He began to walk toward her, his massive frame towering over the terrified Jessica. A feeling of dread overwhelmed Jess as she tried to move away from the approaching silhouette. The movement brought her elbow colliding with the shampoo. The bottle hit the floor with a crash; the sound of it jolted Jess awake. She bent down to pick up the fallen item, her handing shaking as she placed it back on the shelf. Calm down. She ordered herself. Jessica's knees felt weak. Like she could collapse any minute now. "Bulletproof...Nothing to lose.. fire away, fire away." Jess sang softly, her voice quieter than a whisper. The girl took a deep breath. Her hand was still no

She quickly washed up, not seeing a point in staying in there for longer than necessary. She dried herself off with a towel and slipped her clothes back on. Sighing, Sterling adjusted her favorite black jacket, grey long sleeve shirt and plain dark capris. They weren't very elegant but they got the job done. No classes today...great. What am I supposed to do with myself now? She groaned internally. Today was not a good day; not that she'd had many of those in the past year. She dreaded waking up in the morning and having to be someone she was not. All of this isolation and restraint was progressively driving Jessica Sterling insane. Maybe she needed a day off. But what was she going to do? Maybe Ellie and I- Nah. She has better things to do. Jess slipped into a pair of generic sneakers and made her way out of the restroom. She stopped to take one of Sam's muffins. Mmm. That girl can bake. With that small bit of a pick-me-up in her stomach, Jess waltzed out of the dorms, past Samantha and made a beeline for the Control Room.

It was a quick run from Mayweather Old East to the Control Room. Jess didn't bother greeting any of the other students on her way. She had places to be. Not that she spoke to any of them anyway. Invincible pulled open the front door and stepped into the Control Room's lobby, looking around the room. It was relatively empty; there was only one other person there. Upon further examination, Jess recognized that it was Harold. Knowing that this day couldn't get any worse, she decided to greet him. [color=silver]"Morning, Harold."[/color

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Klaus Van Untergang

Interacting With; No one
Mood;Happy → Angry → Sadistic

Klaus sat on one of the garden's many benches, surrounded by his closest allies. His inner circle, as it were. They were seated in a small out cove, a distance away from the more populated sections of the park. "...And then she fell to her knees and begged me to stop!" The group burst out in a fit of laughter. Van Untergang was sharing the tale of his recent encounter with one of the Mayweather students who had taken it upon herself to confront Klaus for his wrong doing. Needless to say, it didn't end well for the poor girl. Übermensch adjusted his white button up shirt's collar and the adjoining red tie, a smirk forming on his pink lips. Thankfully, it wasn't too hot out today; which made dressing in formal wear far more bearable. And based on the clouds, they wouldn't have to worry about rain any time soon. Unless, of course, Samantha decided to change that. Ugh. That woman's outlook on life was disgustingly bright. It made Klaus physically ill to see her dancing in the flowers like she was in a Disney movie.

"Good work as always, sir." One of Klaus's favorite minions, Clark, said. "You're an inspiration to us all!" Dawn chuckled. Clark and Dawn were an interesting duo. They were brother and sister, orphaned at a young age. Klaus had gathered that their mother had some sort of ability, but she hid it from everyone; even her family. At some point her husband found out and proceeded to murder her with a kitchen knife, claiming she was 'a demon from hell.' Clark and Dawn put the beast down and ran away to Delphina. Convincing them to join his dark crusade had been extraordinarily easy. Klaus offered a slight bow in their direction and turned to address the rest of the group, seven in total (not counting Klaus.) "Now, how did the week's recruitment drive go? Any newcomers?" Chike removed a tablet from his backpack, adjusting his glasses as he checked the data. His ebony fingers moved across the screen with all the finesse and speed of a seasoned technician. "We have two awaiting initiation and a third possible, sir." The man reported after a moment. Klaus nodded a few times, placing his hands behind his back as he began to pace back and forth. "We are gathering men rather quickly. I'm proud of you all, truly. Now, let us-"

The nazi's speech was cut off by an unfamiliar sound and a rush of air. The gathering turned to face the source of the interruption. Five strangers stood in a quickly dissipating purple mist, each looking decidedly pissed off. The one in the front, a young gentleman with red glowing eyes, took a step forward to speak. "What did you do to my angel?" He growled. Klaus raised an eyebrow at that. "Pardon me, but I've done quite a lot of things to quite a lot of people. You'll need to be more specific." The man's eyes shone brighter as his face contorted out of rage. "Jemma. Jemma Watts? The telepath you put in the hospital?!" He practically screamed. Van Untergang looked at him, searching for the name in his mind. When it finally clicked, he gave the man a wicked smile. "Ah, yes! Gem! I remember her now." He chuckled menacingly. "She's got quite the scream." Red-Eye swung his arm around, aiming a wild haymaker at Klaus's face. "You bastard! I'll kill you!" Klaus took a casual step to the side and dodged the blow completely. Before the attacker could move to defend himself, Untergang struck him in the ribs with a powerful right hook.

"Ballista!" One of the heroes cried. She pushed past her allies and stuck a hand out to catch this 'Ballista' to keep him from falling. "Pathetic." Klaus spat. The shortest of the bunch moved to the front, a knife in each hand. "I'll cut ya to pieces, bub." The brute charged forward. His speed was incredible as he ran the blades across Klaus's back before he could properly react. Übermensch spun around to face the hairy little dwarf, smashing into the side of the guy's head with a crushing heel kick. "Boss?!" Dawn asked, her voice breaking in panic. "I'll handle this!" He barked back.

The rest of the heroes tried to move forward to engage but suddenly found themselves hesitant to do so. "Enough." Klaus whispered. Each of the aggressors slowly fell onto their knees, one by one. The only one who remained standing was the one called Ballista. "W-what are you doing to us?" There was fear in his voice. Good. Let them be afraid. "Simple. I'm putting you where you belong. On your knees!" Van Untergang pointed at Ballista and focused his powers on the struggling hero. "You don't scare us!" One of them shouted. Klaus merely chuckled."You think yourselves brave. But I can taste the fear; it rolls off of you in waves." The leader of the team looked up at Klaus, hatred in his eyes. "If I were scared of you...I wouldn't have come here." Klaus laughed once more. "You mistake your confidence for courage, boy! You came here thinking yourselves better than me. You thought you would destroy me, yes? That is confidence. Trusting yourself to achieve victory. Courage only comes when defeat is certain, yet you fight anyway..

"You were fools to come here. And now you will pay the price..." Klaus slowly turned his hand over, sweat dripping down his forehead. A scream of utter terror echoed through the empty garden.

James Spinne

Location; Outside → Near Mayweather Old West
Interacting With; Brenna via text | Carmen via text |
Mood;Exhilarated → Bored

"YEEEEEHAAYYYY!" James yelled at the top of his lungs. He disconnected from his current strand of webbing and fired another using his other hand. The sticky substance attached to a rather large tree, wrapping itself around one its branches. Spider-boy swung past a group of Mayweather girls, his sheer speed whipping up enough wind to send skirts flying. He snickered at the barrage of curses that followed. When he reached the highest point of his current swing, James snapped off the web and flipped backwards. "I'm on top of the wooorld!" He fired off another web just as he spun back into his original position and continued swinging. This would never get old. Seriously, was there a better feeling than soaring through the air like a bird? Or maybe a plane.. Whatever the case. It was an amazing feeling. "Spectacular, spectacular Spider-Man~" The young villain sang to himself as he flew about the Mayweather campus without a care in the world. From the looks of things, he'd be passing the Mayweather Old West dormitory soon. That was Lucas's dormitory! James idly wondered if his friend was still there.

Down below, Spinne noticed a girl in what looked like a sun dress booking it toward the dorm. "What's the hurry?!" James shouted down at the figure; she didn't respond, which meant she probably didn't hear him anyway. Oh well. He shrugged internally. He swung on past the dorm, trying to find a decent place to land. The ground or one of the roofs would be the most logical spots. Buuuutt James liked a challenge. His search proved successful when one of the school's flag poles came into view. Archanid fired off another web at the pole, attaching it directly to the top. He shot past the metal object and was carried high into the air. Again he waited until he'd reached the highest possible point before disconnecting the web. James preformed two consecutive flips before landing on top of the pole. "Style points! Booyah!" He shouted to no one in particular.

After making his his feet were properly gripped to the tiny steel object below him, James took his phone from his pocket and checked his messages. Both Carmen and Brenna had replied! Sweet! It looked like Chica had run off with one of her friends to that old firing range she'd found. That place was pretty rad. Strange and totally out of place, but rad all the same. And it Brenna liked the breakfast he'd left her. Woo! Mission accomplished. He fired off a pair of texts to the two of them:

To: Elsa
my pleasure. you doing anything today? im so boooored.

To: Chica
lol. have fun with that. you actually want me to talk to her?! and i thought i was crazy. but nah, she got my present. see u around later?

Jessica Sterling

Location; Control Room
Interacting With; Harold | Jackson
Mood;Awkward → Calm

No one wanted to be here. That much was obvious; and a little expected, given the trio of people in the room. What Jessica didn't expect, however, was the compliment. Harold...said something..nice? About me? Who are you and what did you do with Harry?! A brief look of surprise appeared on Sterling's face. She was able to get a handle on the feeling quickly and return the smile. "Uhh, thanks." She replied dumbly. Ugh. Why is this so hard? I used to be good at this! Just..talk to them. Form words with your mouth, Jess. She urged herself to continue, despite her reservations with contacting other human beings. The situation became even more awkward as Harold started to...what was he doing, exactly? For the life of her, Jess couldn't tell. But it looked like he was trying to back away? Damn. This isn't going well at all. Maybe I'll come back later. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. But how do I bow outta here without looking like a complete douche?

Luckily for both Harold and Jessica, Jackson seemed at least mildly competent at small talk. He answered Harry's inquiry about the weather, taking a jab at her roommate at the same time. She grinned at that. Jess held no ill will toward Sam but she had a weakness for 'Mother Hurricane' jokes. Hunt's next question, however, provided her with something she could actually work with. Thank you, Jack."Oh, I come here all the time. The Control Room is like, my second home." She gave a short chuckle. "And what brings you to the control room, Hunt? I imagine there are a hundred different things you'd rather be doing than torturing yourself working ou-" Jessica stuttered over the last word, noticing that Jackson had gone from right in front of her to sitting down nearby. "God, that is so cool." She muttered. "Uh, why don't we head inside? We can finish this while we're- unless you don't want to. Keep talking, I mean. We don't have to. Not that I don't enjoy this, but-" Sterling stopped herself with a sigh. She turned on a heel and pushed through the doors and into the main room. Invincible looked over her shoulder at the boys. "You coming?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lost Haven, Maine?

The Smith family's living accommodations were modest. They owned a duplex apartment in Little Sicily, right on the edge of the Carver waterfront. Unlike most places in Little Sicily, it was a quaint little neighborhood. Crime was statistically low and had been dropping like a rock since the heroes made their debut in Lost Haven. The house itself was nothing special. The apartment's exterior was well-maintained and the walls were constructed in glazed-headed Flemish bond with bricks of various shades and lengths, as was standard for that type of construction in Lost Haven. Unlike most other duplexes in the area, the landlord had paid for a duel garage attachment for the benefit of his residents; it was one of the main reasons Peter had chosen the apartment over others. He loved to work on his '68 Ford Mustang. It had become his obsession ever since he retired from the ring and was physically unable to fight any longer.

"Could you hand me that knife, dearest?" Mrs. Emily Smith asked. Laura crossed the kitchen and grabbed the small knife off the counter, returning it to her mother's hand. "I'm glad we could finally get everybody together. Seems like its been ages since we all sat down for dinner together." The young journalist chuckled. Emily placed the last bit of beef onto one of the finishes plates, glancing at Laura as she did so. "You two make it a little difficult to arrange anything, what with the two of you never answering your phones. Or returning my calls. Some things never change." Her mother was nearly done preparing the Beef Stroganoff, one of her best meals. "We have-" The heroine began, only for her mother to finish the sentence for her. "-Work. I know. And I'm proud of you. It's nice to know you're off saving the world and not wasted in some bar in Chinatown every weekend. Your uncle Mark's a wreck."

Laura sniffed, allowing the delicious aromas of the various food stuffs to flood her senses. "Mmm." Emily passed a couple of plates over to Laura. "Put those on the dining room table." She ordered. Laura took the dishes in hand and carefully carried them out of the kitchen and into the adjacent dining room. She put the food down in the proper place as requested and made her way toward a small hutch in the corner. A number of family photos sat on the top of the chest. A brief smile graced Boom's lips as she ran a single finger over her favorite picture of her family and closest friends, standing in front of a waterfall in the Amazon. "And could you find your brother? He's supposed to be helping your father with the car but Peter hasn't seen him all day." Of course he hasn't. Harvey had been pouring over old case files day and night for the past week. He barely ate and only slept when he couldn't see straight anymore. Laura had to literally drag him out of the office and over to their parents' place for dinner tonight. "Can't even spare a second for your family, can you?" Boom grunted under her breath.

The door at the top of the stairs exploded into splinters. Harvey tumbled down the stairway and crashed into the wall behind him. Laura crossed the dining room in an instant, not caring if her parents saw her using her powers. They didn't know about their children's double life and Boom would've liked it if it could've stayed that way; but she had more important things to worry about at the moment. Like her bleeding brother. Who, by the sound of his rasping breaths, was having trouble breathing. "Harv?!" Her hands immediately went to the dark red splotch at the corner of his shirt. She practically tore the material to shreds trying to get to the wound. The source of the blood turned out to be a splinter the size of a small knife, impaled up into Thunderbolt's ribs and likely right into his lung. "This is gonna hurt." Laura warned moments before she grabbed the spike and ripped it out. Harvey screamed, but his healing factor quickly went to work sealing the gushing hole in his side. "What happened?!" Harvey continued to gasp for air for a second and a half before his lung stopped collapsing and moved back into place. "Look ou-"

But the speedster's warning came too late. A powerful hand had already wrapped around the back of Laura's throat and chucked her across the room. The young woman soared right through the dining room wall and skidded to a halt in the kitchen, right at the feet of her terrified mother. "Laura?" She croaked, unable to process what was happening. "What the hell hit me?" The speedster whispered. She tried to stand. Halfway to her feet, she felt something impact her chin and she was off her feet again. This time, Boom flew straight up and through the kitchen ceiling. "Mhmmph." Laura crawled to the corner of her parents' room, her eyes glued to the hole in the floor. Fear crept through her very soul. She had no idea what was happening or what was attacking them. All Laura knew is that she was afraid. Completely petrified. She felt a brief tug on her hair. "H-" Boom went for another ride, dragged along the ground at frightening speeds and rocketed through yet another set of walls, ending up sprawled in the grass of her front yard. Pain wracked her body. She begged for the nightmare to end. Every bone in her body ached. Her muscles screamed for the sweet release of the void. "What are you?!" Laura cried.

A figure appeared above her broken body. It was an image like no other; one that would be burned into Laura's memory for the rest of time. The monster was ten feet tall, towering over her. The giant's skin was darker than the very night. So black was it that it appeared to absorb the very light around it. Hideous claws adorned its skeletal limbs, longer than any blade Laura had ever seen. The beast lacked any discernible features, aside from its emotionless white eyes. The thing couldn't have weighed more than a hundred pounds; it was skinnier than bones. When it spoke, the very earth seemed to stand still. It had no mouth yet it echoed louder than any other sound could have. Yet, at the same time, it was but a whisper within Laura's very skull. Her attacker spoke a single, powerful word. A word that could shake the heavens. It was inevitable. It was eternal. It came for all men, no matter how weak or how mighty. It was the end of all living things.


Death's hand wrapped around Laura's entire head. He lifted her from her feet with such ease, one could've sworn Laura weighed nothing at all. The creature slowly applied pressure. His grip became a vice, crushing the girl's skull. Boom could only scream as the monster gradually murdered her. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Harvey appeared from the front door, charging head long at the monster, lightning-empowered fist held behind him. The beast caught Thunderbolt's hand in its disgusting claws. Harvey stared at the beast in utter horror, unable to even move. Death snapped Harvey's arm like a twig and shoved its clawed hand into the speedster's chest. Blood poured from Harvey's mouth as he turned to look at his dying sister. "Boom." He gurgled. "Boom." The hero repeated, defeat in his eyes. "Wake up."

Boom shot upwards, her hands instantly at her throat. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she fought the urge to scream. It wasn't real. It wasn't real. It wasn't real. The young heroine repeated to herself over and over until her heart stopped racing. Laura looked around the warehouse, trying to distract herself from the vivid dream she'd just awoken from. Radiance, Bast and Lyger were all standing around a fallen Lion hybrid. They appeared to be the only other ones still conscious. Boom stood to her feet and quietly joined them, her arms locked around her chest and her eyes staring at the floor. "H-have you guys seen my brother?" She muttered.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Klaus Van Untergang

Location; Garden
Interacting With;Emilia | Will | Elijah
Mood; Ecstasy → Determination → Curiosity

One by one, the mortified Mayweather students began to drop. Fear was a funny thing. It could trick your body into believing you are in pain when you are, in fact, not. The mental anguish that Klaus Van Untergang's powers put people through was enough to drive the mind to the brink of insanity. He could only imagine the terrifying images flashing in their minds; to them, whatever they saw was as real as their own flesh and blood. The heroes screamed for help. They cried for mercy. One of them, the young woman whom had assisted Ballista earlier, went so far as to beg. The young Nazi leader chuckled, a grin dancing on the edge of his mouth. He loved to watch them squirm. He couldn't explain it. Whenever he used his abilities a flood of ecstasy washed over him. It was addictive. A drug, one might say. Perhaps that is why Klaus was always so intent on using his powers on others. Whatever the case, Van Untergang would draw the feeling out as long as possible. He had time. "You know, people believe me insane." Klaus said, his eyes fixated on Ballista. "What was your name again?" He asked. The man merely groaned in pain. "Hmph. Chike?" The group's tech head quickly scanned over Mayweather's student list for Ballista's real name. "Mark Winters, sir. His abilities include heat vision and minor energy manipulation." Klaus nodded. "Thank you. Since I have a captive audience, I might as well give my usual spiel.

"Do you watch the news, Mr. Winters? I assume so. There was a recent story about a hero in Saudi Arabia. He used his abilities to feed the hungry. The man built a hundred homeless shelters with his own two hands. I imagine you'd like him. A real nice guy. Do you know what happened to him? He was found hanging from a street lamp with a noose around his throat. His body mutilated and burned. But that isn't the worst of it. Oh no. The animals don't stop there. No, they decided to write a message in the street with his blood. Do you know what it said? 'Al mawt li shaytan.' Or death to the demon. He protected these people. He fed them, clothed them, gave them a roof over their heads. And you know how humanity repays this saint? THEY FUCKING KILL HIM. Slaughter him like...like a pig! This isn't uncommon, either. Super powered beings face the most discrimination of any 'ethnic group', bar none. Mankind thinks us hellspawn. Monsters to be destroyed. You heroes need to realize that they are the true enemy, not me. I am fighting for our people. To protect them from that filth. I want to rid the world of hatred and murder. And the only way to do that...is to cure the disease. To cut out the tumor. I-"

Someone called Klaus's name, causing him to stop. He looked toward the sound and was rather surprised by its source. "Elijah?" He inquired. "Starting to go soft, are you? These...students...attacked me. I was merely defending myself. I believe I have the right to self defense, no? Or have they taken that from us as well?" With a flick of his wrist, Übermensch knocked Ballista unconscious with one last burst of fear. "We'll finish that later. For now.." He turned back toward the pyrokinetic. "I'm curious. What stake have you in this conflict? You're not one to get involved in things that are none of your concern. Not that I have seen. I doubt you care about these insects." Masterson was an enigma. Klaus knew little of him. No one knew much of anything about the man. He had considered approaching the villain, convincing him to join the cause. Van Untergang had never followed though. He knew there was something off about the pyro. Perhaps it was his ability to resist Klaus's fear manipulation? After all, a lack of control was one of Übermensch's greatest fears. It made sense; on a subconscious level.

Before Elijah and Klaus could continue their lovely conversation, yet another figure appeared to save the day. This one, however, was far less welcome than Klaus's fellow Delphina. He recognized the Mayweather student as William Blake. The boy represented everything Klaus hated about Mayweathers. The cocky, joking mannerisms. The arrogant, 'I'm better than you' attitude. Oh, and the self righteous way they glared at the Delphina kids just for being Delphina. "Ah! Mr. Blake! What an unwelcome surprise. If you truly believe that defending our people is a 'shitty idea,' then I cannot fathom how unbelievably stupid you really are. Now run along, boy; or face the same fate as your friends."

But of course, that wasn't all. How could it be? It only made sense that others would arise to further escalate the situation. A rather skimpily clad young woman marched right into the center of the Mexican standoff, shouting complete nonsense at the top of her lungs. Klaus could already tell she was the most annoying, infuriating creature on the face of the earth by the first six words that came out of her mouth. The typical jabs at his heritage. The constant stream of vulgarity. That accent. Her apparent telepathy. Oh yes. I hate you already. Klaus took a deep breathe before addressing the girl. "I don't know how you know about that, but I will only tell you this once: stay out of my head or you will not live to regret it." Emilia had made a mistake getting so close to Klaus. The potency of his powers increased exponentially the closer you were to him. The nazi's cruel eyes locked with the young woman's as he resisted smiling. He stopped sucking the terror from the unconscious heroes and poured all of his power into Robinson. The feeling would be immediately discomforting. She would feel compelled to recall her most terrifying memories. To dwell on her worst fears. That compulsion would grow until it completely consumed her every thought. From there, Klaus's power would dominate the girl's senses; she would begin to see and hear things that weren't there. Hallucinations led to unimaginable pain. Most lost consciousness once the phantom pain reached its climax. Those who didn't, however, suffered a far worse fate...

"I am Klaus Van Untergang. I am the Übermensch. The Superman. And I will not be trifled with."

James Spinne

Location; The Fountain
Interacting With; Brenna | Gianna | Kayla
Mood; Excited/Nervous/Allthefeels

Arachnid stood on the tips of his shoes, hanging precariously as he looked out at all the passing students below. He wasn't looking for anyone in particular; he was just sort of hoping something interesting would happen so he didn't have to just swing around all day. As much fun as web swinging is, its extremely tiring on the arms. And work is not Spinne's forte. James grinned from ear to ear when he got Brenna's text. He wasn't expecting her actually invite him to do something. Sweet! Alright. I'm going to be spending quality time with the literal girl of my dreams. Don't screw this up, Spidey. Letting out a wordless shout of pure bliss, James allowed himself to fall off the flag pole and go plunging toward the ground. Moments before he was too close to correct, James thwipped off a line of webbing toward the nearby dorm building. His feet barely touched the top of the grass as he soared across the ground and back into the air. The fountain was just a short web swing away from where he currently was. A shame. He would've loved to put in some more air time. But alas, Brenna was far more important than simple thrill seeking.

Spider-Boy spotted the fountain after a short flight through the air. He saw three distinctively curvy figures standing around, likely waiting for his arrival. Or maybe not. Who knows. James tucked his knees in and took in a gulp of rushing wind. He had an idea. A stupid, stupid idea. But if it worked...Yeah. Totally worth it. He shifted his weight to the left to change the direction of his swing juuust slightly. His eyes locked on his destination. This was the riskiest part. He had to eyeball the landing and hope he could stick it. Here goes nothing! Spinne disconnected from his final web line and flipped forward, soaring past the clouds and rocketing toward the ground at incredible speeds. James stuck his arms and legs out in a specific way to hopefully slow down enough to avoid breaking any bones. Brace for impact! James fell to the ground with a thump. He rolled with the collision for half a second before bracing himself on one knee in front of Brenna Lancaster.

"My lady." He said, taking a short bow while attempting to hold back a giggle fit. James stood to his feet and looked at Gianna and the girl he didn't recognize. "Hey." He said, offering Gia a short wave. Spinne approached the stranger, offering a hand to her. "My names James. I'm the one who leaves the white sticky stuff all over the walls." When James let go of her hand, he popped off a small ball of spider silk into the girl's hand. "Heh. So, I was told we were going shopping?"

[color=?]Jessica Sterling[/color]

Location; Control Room
Interacting With;Harold | Jackson

"Sounds like fun." Jessica said in response to Jack's story. She had experienced such a thing but had witnessed a similar level of negligence before. It seemed the three of them had reached an agreement and made their way inside the primary section of the Control Room. All this talk of learning to socialize was great and all but Jess was here for one reason: to train. She came here every morning to do this. In Jessica's mind, there was nothing more important than learning how to properly harness her abilities. Control was everything for her. Growing in strength was just a positive side effect at this point. So she came to the gym every day for as long as she could manage and taught herself how to achieve that control in even the most volatile situations. Most people didn't understand and likely never would. Whatever. What they thought of Sterling didn't matter in the slightest.

She wandered over to one of the many combat drones throughout the expansive room and began tinkering with its settings. She did stop, however, to watch Jackson demolish one of the AIs. The speed with which he won the bout denoted that he did so without difficulty. "Didn't give it much chance to think. You know, stopping time is the definition of cheating." Jessica pointed out with a grin. When Hunt took a moment to rest she decided to turn her attention back to the task at hand. Jess changed the machine's setting to red mode, increasing its difficultly. The machine came to life, its artificial limbs unfolding from its body as it stood to its full height. The thing was thin, with a pale armored hide. It was shaped like a human but without any kind of detail. The drone's arm opened up, a crimson energy cannon popping out of its appendage. Jessica dove to the ground to avoid being blasted apart; the energy impacted with the small combat zone's invisible barrier, causing it to ripple. She sprung back to her feet, uppercutting the robot right in the jaw. The machine flew backwards into the barrier with enough force to crack its metal torso.

The machine wasn't done, however, as its other arm produced a blade out of the gauntlet. It charged forward, firing off another round of energy at Invincible. Jessica brought her hands up in front of her face and absorbed the energy with a grunt. The robot was already on top of her, swinging its sword arm at her head by the time she lowered her guard. The cut hurt but didn't manage to break the skin. Jess took the opportunity to grab the thing's outstretched arm and pull it out of its socket and palm strike it where a human's solar plexus would be. The previously damaged chest piece didn't stand up to the force and crumbled inward. The drone's eyes went black as it deactivated. A pair of smaller machines appeared from the walls and went to work cleaning up the mess and reassembling the robot. "See. Now that was a fight." Jessica placed her hands on her hips, her breathing only slightly heavier than before. "That was just a warm up, though."
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Oliver Wilson


Speech Color:

Character Alignment:


Character Personality:
Oliver Wilson is a soldier. He is a warrior, through and through. He has fought to survive his entire life. He has fought to protect those he cares the most about. But when those people were taken away from him, when his entire life was shattered in a single, brutal instance, Oliver Wilson changed. He became something...different. Something terrifying. It has been said that Oliver Wilson died the day his brother did; all that is left is a shell. A walking corpse, who's only purpose in undeath is to continue to fight. He is called the Reaper, for he brings death on those he believes to be responsible for his brother's murder and his own imprisonment. The Reaper sees the world in black and white: you are either with him, or against him. You are either an ally...or a target. There is no in-between. No room for gray. Despite his overwhelming drive for vengeance, Oliver does not enjoy this 'life.' Deep down, he hates everything he has come to stand for. But he knows that there is no going back to the way things used to be. No home to go back to. No family to take him in after the campaign is finished. All that awaits him at the end of the line is the sweet embrace of that endless abyss. The sweet kiss of death. Wilson prays it comes for him every day. He'd end it himself, if it weren't for his mission. So for now, he merely waits for himself to slip up so that his enemies can end his torment. Until that day...The Reaper comes to harvest.


Origin Info/Details:
Not much is known about the life of the Reaper before he began his crusade. Oliver Wilson is a descendant of Irish immigrants. He spent his early life running around the Bronx with various gangs, getting into trouble with the law. At the age of sixteen, he faked his enlistment form and joined the United States Marine Corps. Training was grueling and difficult but Oliver's body had been hardened by years growing up on the streets. He was molded into the perfect killing machine. He was disciplined, capable of following any order without question. He was immensely skilled, able to place three shots in an area the size of a playing card at a range of 400 yards in less than a second.

Hero Type:

Power Level:
Street Level

Strength Level: Peak Human
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human
Agility: Normal Human
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Mastered



Oliver Wilson is a normal human. Additionally, he's getting on in years. What he may have been able to do back when he was in the peak of his conditioning is only a dream now that Reaper is an old man. He's slower, weaker and lacks the endurance of a young man.

Supporting Characters:
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Character Name:




Career (if any) and Skills:




Physical Description (as detailed as possible please, pictures not accepted.):

Mental Description/Personality:

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Vessel Name: Nova Liberatus
Vessel Type: Light Corvette
Vessel Class: Castle-class Light Scout Corvette (LSC)

Armament loadout: The Castle Class LSC comes equipped with two high powered, long range railguns that fire depleted uranium shells. These are the main striking power of the Corvette and allow the tiny ship to do a surprising amount of damage to ships out of the Nova Liberatus's weight class. The guns slow firing and travel rates, however, mean that they're practically useless on anything smaller than a Light Corvette. To compensate for this, Castle-class ships have a single three barreled rotary cannon that fires superheated spikes at 3000 rounds a minute; the weapon tears apart anything without shielding, making it ideal for taking down fighter craft. Aside from the main armament, the Castle-class makes use of four torpedo launchers, eight point defense laser turrets, two air-to-air missile pods and various types of mines.

Onboard vehicles: The Nova Liberatus carries a pair of Vulcan Multipurpose High-Altitude Gunships (MAGS) onboard at all times. Vulcan MAGS are designed for use within the atmosphere of a planetoid, however these two have been retrofitted for brief use in a total vacuum. Vulcans carry two anti-personnel rapid fire laser guns as well as a single anti-armor rocket launcher for personal defense. Their main power, however, comes from their impressive selection of sensors and communications technology. A single Vulcan can map out an entire planet's surface in less than two and half weeks if it is working at full capacity. MAGS are also designed with a full suite of electronic warfare equipment for use during wartime.

Crew: A full crew compliment would be over fifty, however the Captain has been able to narrow down that number to just over thirty-five with intelligent placement of drone workers and high-productivity sailors.

Overview: (Description of the vessel, its combat role, brief summary of its history if it is a seasoned warship. Treat this like the ship's bio field.)

M/F: Male
Rank: (If applicable)
Bio: (Brief history of your captain. The point is not to recount their life story, but to sow the seeds for your captain's motivations and aims by grounding them in a backstory.)
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Everything is so...cold.

Steve Rogers, better known to the world as Captain America, was going to die. He knew it. Sure, Steve had been in plenty of life threatening situations before. Many of them were worse than the predicament that he currently faced. Danger was a part of the job. Danger had encapsulated Steve's life ever since he agreed to take part in an experiment that would change the face of the world. Project: Rebirth had ripped Rogers from the comfort of his impossibly ordinary life and thrust him into the extraordinary world of super spies, Nazi dictators, scientific nightmares and mythical monsters. Steve had wanted this. He had asked for the danger. Practically begged for it. Some had called him nothing more than a thrill seeker. His neighbors had thought that skinny little Steve Rogers only wanted to go to Europe so he could kill Nazis. Steve had never been about that. He didn't want to kill anyone. When he watched the propaganda reels before movies or listened to the battle reports on the radio, Steve had seen only one thing in Germany: bullies. And Steve Rogers didn't like bullies. So he tried to sign up for the Army. Many, many, many...many times. They never let him in, no matter what he tried to do. It wasn't until that fateful encounter with Doctor Abraham Erskine's aide that Steve was given the chance to fight for what he believed in.

That life would soon be behind him. Freezing water surrounded the sinking body of Captain America. He desperately struggled against the current, trying and failing to swim toward the surface. His muscles screamed in horrific agony, begging Steve to stop moving. Every bone in his body ached, demanding that Rogers just stay still. A sharp pain stabbed through Cap's skull, threatening to tear his cranium in half. Darkness appeared at the edges of Steve's vision. He was losing consciousness. The American war hero kicked at the water beneath him, flailing and thrashing about. Despite all of his strength, despite all of his skill, despite all of his unbreakable resolve...Captain America could not win. This is it, isn't it? This is the end. He had fought so hard, only to end up here. Dying in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Not the heroic ending I'd always imagined for myself. Steve mused as water rushed into his lungs. I'll miss you, Peggy. Tell Bucky I- wait. Bucky. Barnes is still stuck on that island, fighting Kleiser. He can't beat that kraut on his own...I gotta help him.

I'm comin', Bucky...Just hang on. I'm comin'-

Light poured into Captain America's eyes. It stung like hell. It was as if he hadn't opened his eyes in nearly a century. Steve couldn't feel anything. Every appendage, digit and organ was numb. He was so cold he swore he was on fire. Rogers struggled with all of his might to move even a centimeter. But he was encircled by ice. Where am I? His thoughts were groggy and unfocused. His vision was starting to return; that was good news. Somewhere in the distance, a quiet beeping repeated itself. Where am I? What is this place? Doesn't look like the Pearly Gates...And I imagine Hell would be a bit hotter. Life flowed into Steve's hands. He could twitch them now. Feeling returned to his toes. He felt stronger with every passing moment. The cold was rapidly evaporating as well. I- Is this a coffin? Got to get outta here. Captain America flexed his super soldier serum enhanced muscles, shattering the ice around him. He shoved his knee through the frozen water over and over, digging a small hole in the home grown glacier. It wasn't until flesh met metal that Cap paused in the endeavor. What could that be? So many questions- now its time for some answers! Captain America wound his fist back as far as he could in the tiny space, throwing it forward with all of his might into the metal object in front of him.

The front of the cyropod flew off, right in the back of an unsuspecting AIM scientist. The other guards turned toward the source of the attack, finding only the freezing mist rushing from the now open pod. An AIM goon raised his rifle in the direction of the pod. The man took a tentative step forward. "What th-" A lone shadow appeared in the mist. It didn't move, yet it looked almost...humanoid. "He's awake!" Was all the agent could shout before he was over taken by the shadow and pulled into the expanding fog. One of his companions went flying away, shrieking as he was catapulted twenty feet into the air and out of sight. Glass shattered, a red fist effortlessly smashing through one of the scientist's helmets to punch the man inside right in the nose. The others were incapacitated in short order. Whatever took them down had yet to step into the light.

A powerful arm wrapped around Sam Wilson's throat. Another gripped the hand wielding the shield. Whoever was holding him down was impossibly strong. The voice that followed had been heard and adored by millions; yet few had heard it uttered in such a threatening tone and lived to tell the tale. "I don't know why you're dressed like that or why you have my shield, son, but you have three seconds to tell me where you're holding Bucky Barnes. Or else."
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An expression of shock was plastered on Captain America's face. At everything. Everything around him was pure insanity. None of it made any sense to him. First, what looked like a man in a suit of armor straight out of science fiction burst through a nearby wall. Then the future knight pulled off his helmet and things got even stranger. Howard...? He wondered briefly. But something was off. Aside from the missing facial hair, Stark looked like a kid. But there was no denying the similarity. Steve had a man dressed in his uniform and holding his shield in his arms while a man in armor right out of War of the Worlds stood a few feet away, wearing a face likened to one of his closest colleagues. He was confused and, frankly, frightened by what he saw. He couldn't begin to wrap his mind around what was happening. Rogers' state of total perplexity would multiple tenfold when his hostage started to explain. Seventy years? He'd been gone for seventy years? Impossible- even in a world of super soldiers, magic and aliens, Steve never would have guessed that he'd up surviving; led alone being woken up nearly a century later by a winged colored man draped in an America flag and carrying his signature shield. He was so far out of his depth...What was the world like now? Had they won the war? Were his friends still alive? Steve was glad to know Dugan was still kicking. But Bucky...Had Klaiser- No. There's no time for that, Cap. Keep your head with the mission and leave the rest of it for later.

"I won't pretend to understand a single word coming out of your mouth. But if you know Dum Dum..." Steve released his grip on the now unarmed man. "We'll beat our gums about this whole thing later. Let's get out of here." Captain America (or the old Captain America, he supposed) looked down at his shield. He had bled with that thing in his hand. He had killed with it. And for a time, Rogers thought he had died with it. And now it was being offered back to him. Steve reached for the weapon. It was a completely involuntary action. But he stopped himself before he picked it up, looking at the red, white and blue stranger. "I'm out of my depth here. I haven't held that thing in seventy years. You keep the shield. You're this era's Cap. Not me." Steve turned toward the robot-man, staring at him. "If this is the future, and you're who I think you are...Are you Howard Stark's son?"

Steve caught sight of a muzzle flash in his peripheral vision. Instinct kicked in and he dove to the ground, his fingers wrapping around the downed shield. In one fluid motion, Rogers rolled, turned and threw the disk. He was fast enough to be little more than a blur of bright colors to the human eye. The shield smashed into the chest of the attacker; a man dressed like a bee keeper, holding some sort of machine gun. The weapon bounced off its target and ricocheted into the frame of the doorway. The shield tagged a second AIM scientist and then the third and final one, before flying back into Steve's waiting hand. He grinned, handing it back to Sam.

"Saw the flash from the devil's piano." He explained. "I didn't catch your name, son. I'm Steve. But you already knew that."

Nrosvekistan, Eastern Europe

"Help! Please, can anyone hear me?! HELP US!" Andrei Beckstov screamed at the top of his lungs. In all fifty-six years of his long life, Andrei had never been so terrified. The sounds of explosions and gunfire were deafening. No matter how loud he yelled, no one would ever hear them over the accursed cacophony of war. The building shook from a bomb going off nearby, causing the rickety apartment to creak and shudder. The roof had already partially collapsed, blocking the only stairway to the first floor. A group of his strongest neighbors had been digging at the rubble for fifteen minutes, yet had made no semblance of progress. With every excruciating minute that passed, another piece of the building fell apart. The structure had survived a single bombing. It was a miracle they were all alive. But their residence was crumbling by the second. If someone didn't find an exit soon, they would all perish. There was no fire escape to climb down. They were far too high to jump to the ground; and the building next to them was rubble. Some of the women had tried to create a makeshift ladder out of sheets. That plan had failed, resulting in the death of two young girls who had bravely volunteered to go down first.

All hope was lost. If the buckling roof didn't crush them or the floor didn't cave in underneath them, then the battle raging outside would do the job. Death was inevitable, as it always was. Who could save them? What divine intervention could free them from the grasp of Hell?

"Look, daddy! An angel!" Andrei's youngest daughter of seven, Vera, tugged on her father's tattered shirt. He bent down and picked his little angel up, tentatively kissing her forehead. "Oh, baby. I love you." Tears formed in the aging man's eyes. "We'll be with mommy soon. I promise." His words of encouragement fell on deaf ears, for the girl merely smiled. "Look out the window, daddy! He's right there!" Andrei placed Vera back down, taking a knee so as to look her in the eye. "There's no angel, Vera. Now I told you to stay away from the windows. Come on. Let's go see miss Dinah." But the persistent child wouldn't have any of it. She grabbed her dad by the hand and practically dragged him to the window. "What did I just s-" Vera placed one hand over Andrei's mouth and used to the other to point. His eyes instinctively followed her gaze. He didn't see it at first. He was blinded by the sun's light peaking through the clouds. But when he did see it, Andrei openly cried. A silhouette of a man. A shadow of a god. His flowing cape distorted the picturesque scene but the humanoid shape was unmistakable.

"Over here, angel! We need your help!" Vera stuck her head out of the window, waving frantically. "I don't think he can hear us, daddy-" The little girl leaned further out of the room. She didn't notice when her feet left the ground. "Angel! Look-" Vera went toppling out of the window, screaming at the top of her lungs as she rocketed toward the concrete road below. "NO!" Andrei tried to reach out to her. He nearly dove out of the window himself, only stopped by the hand of one of his neighbors. "Andrei. Andrei, don't." He comforted the broken man. "She's gone. Dear Lord, she's gone." Beckstov placed his hands over his face. "I can still hear her voice." He whispered. "Its like she's-"


"What?!" The two men gasped simultaneously. Hyperion floated in front of the window, Vera in his arms. "That's my daddy. And that's Piotr; he's my neighbor." Piotr fell prostrate, praying in Latin. Andrei held his hands out, his mouth agape. He tried to speak. All that came out was a rasp. Zhib-Rhan carefully set the youngling down, allowing her to run up and hug her father. Then, as quickly as he came, Hyperion vanished.

He had a war to fight.

A war to win.
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James Spinne

Location; Roof Top
Interacting With; Brenna
Mood; Worried/Angry/Surrender/Hopeful/Joy/Dreary/Confused/Concerned/Shocked/...

"I'mlateI'mlateI'mlateI'mlate-" Pieces of clothing went flying in all directions as James dug through his sorry excuse for a wardrobe. He placed a tee shirt against his nose, sniffing it for cleanliness. Spinne gagged and tossed the shirt aside. "Not you. Not you. What the hell is this? Did when I get this shirt? No. No. AGGHHHH!" He grabbed the last thing in the drawer, throwing it into the air with the burning fury of a thousand suns. "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" He shouted. Spider-boy turned his head toward the door, where a group of three floating heads were silently observing him. "Don't you have something better to do?!" The curious onlookers made their retreat, leaving Arachnid alone. In a pile of dirty clothes. He checked his watch, despair plain on his face. "Brenna's gonna kill me." He moaned. James buried his head in the laundry; perhaps if he pretended to be an Ostrich, this would all magically fix itself. Ya know, this doesn't smell nearly as bad as it should. The Delphina student brought his head back up, shirt still attached to his face. He pried the thing off and gave it another sniff. "YES! CLEAN!" Overjoyed by this discovery, James immediately removed his filthy, sweat-soaked outfit and covered his perfect washboard abs torso in the black and red garment. Spidey moved as quickly as he could. With one hand, he started to pull on a pair of ragged jeans. With the other, he shot a web out of his spinnerets and pulled a can of spray on deodorant toward him. "Come onnnn- stupid button...there we go!" James dashed out of his room and down the hallway, only to stop halfway there and turn around. "I forgot my shoes!"

The party was taking place on Spinne's roof; which meant he didn't have very far to run. A normal person would've taken the stairs, of course. That sounds like the most efficient way to traverse the interior of a dorm building. Oh, but James wasn't going to go charging up the stairs like a rapid animal. He knew there'd be three heroes there to stop him. Spinne was in the process of scaling the side of Mayweather Old East. An easy task for James, considering he could stick to walls. Based on what looked like a rope ladder laying on the ground below, he wasn't the first one to try this. He imagined the culprit had been successful. Boy, this is going to be fun. I hope. Is there pizza? I bet there's pizza. I love pizza. James allowed his thoughts to wander as he reached the top of the building. With one mighty pull, Arachnid cleared the half wall that kept exceptionally stupid people from accidentally killing themselves. The first thing he noticed was how bright everything was. Literally every decoration screamed happy-happy joy-joy; but what else could one expect from a Mayweather only event? Better than the Delphina only Halloween parties, I guess. James' mood darkened ever so slightly as he vividly recalled October of last year. So much blood...I still don't know if it was fake or not. The music was decent; fast paced, upbeat and exciting. It was your typical party dance music.

Spinne rotated his head from left to right, scanning the roof top for his friends. The mob of party-going Mayweathers made it difficult, however. Unable to find either of the girls, he decided to slip his hand into his pocket and retrieve his cellphone. He was in the process of texting Frosty the Snowwoman when a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, slamming down onto the roof. A roar of thunder followed moments later. I wonder who did that... Everyone's eyes were glued on Gianna and Samantha, James' included. He had no idea what Gia had done to piss off the Mayweather queen so badly; she didn't seem like the type to go starting fights, even with Delphina's top baddie. The two exchanged venomous words, the heat in their voices obvious. Sam definitely meant business. Yet, Gia wasn't worried at all. She had something up her sleeve. Spinne wouldn't be all that surprised if he learned this was part of some grand scheme, orchestrated by his school's elite. A number of students James recognized moved to intercept Sam before she did something she'd regret. Mitch was just there to make jokes and egg Youngblood on. Avalon appeared to be genuinely concerned for her friend-

An unmistakable voice called out to Sam's right hand girl. Brenna! James pushed his way through the crowd, following the sound of her sneering voice. If this whole thing turned sideways and a fight broke out, James wanted to be near Lancaster. To, like, protect her and stuff. His pushing and shoving came to an abrupt halt when Kayla ran right past him to stand between Gianna and her prey. Poor girl. She actually thinks Daniels' is in danger.

Once Kayla was out of the way, Gianna went on the offensive. She struck every nerve she could with her little speech. She didn't just insult her. No, that was below the queen. Gianna used the most painful weapon of all: the truth. She pointed out Hurricane's failures and faults. How she'd broken her precious moral code. How she had risked everyone's lives for the sake of her ego. Things that would dig into a hero's very soul, making them question their every decision. The attack ended in a way James would've never suspected. It was horrible. Heart-wrenching. He wanted to tear his eyes away from the scene, but he found he could not. Gianna had used her pheromones on Will and Avalon, forcing them to...Right in front of Sam. He'd heard rumors about the senior's budding relationship with Blake; and everyone was aware of how inseparable Ava and Will were. In his short time at the academy, James had never seen Gianna go this far before. She wasn't attacking Sam physically. No, Gianna Daniels was ripping her heart asunder. And nobody was doing anything about it. Even the so called heroes were just standing there, watching.

People started to leave. Sam had already run out, leaving them all covered in rain water. "Rained out again." James' joke wasn't taken so well, given the number of middle fingers he received for it. The dispersing of the crowd was enough for Spinne to spot Brenna once more. He made his way over to her, his emotions all over the place. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. His mind was still reeling from the previous display. Mustering all of his self control, James took a step between Lancaster and the exit. His voice was calm and steady as he asked her a simple question, "Did you know- know about all of this? That this was going to happen?"

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Jessica Sterling

Location; Roof Top →
Interacting With; No One
Mood; Groggy → Thankful → Tired

Light crept into the corners of Jessica's vision. Her head felt like there was a jackhammer inside of it. The heroine's stomach churned, threatening to spill what little she'd eaten all over the floor. Sterling's hazel eyes flickered open. There was another student leaning over her, shaking her shoulder. His mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. Jess swung her head back and forth in an attempt to clear it. At first, all she could hear was ringing. But as her hearing started to clear, Jessica caught the tail end of whatever the stranger was saying to her. "-ake up." He repeated. She slapped his hand away with more force than she intended, causing him to wince in pain. "Sorry." She muttered. Her voice was groggy and slurred, as if she was underwater. "You missed the party." The boy grinned, pulling Jess to her feet. Sterling stumbled forward but he managed to catch her before she could fall. Everything after helping Eliana had been a blur. She remembered taking a drink of the punch...But it hadn't tasted right. Was it spiked? She briefly wondered. But that didn't make sense. Plenty of other people had been downing the punch when she arrived earlier, and no one else had passed out. At least, she hadn't seen anyone drop. "Looks like you had a little too much to drink." Another voice, this one more feminine, spoke from beside Jess. "I-I guess..But- I didn't have any beer. And I only had one punc-"

"Shhh. Dawn, would you be and dear and get the door?" The man asked his sister and Jess went silent. "You've had too much to drink." He repeated. "Y-you're probably right. I guess I blacked out. I should be getting back to my dorm. It's late." Dawn returned to Jess's side and the two students each put an arm around Jessica, leading her down the stairs. "Where do you live?" The woman asked. "Uh, Mayweather Old West. Room 1C on the first floor. T-Thanks for helping me. Uh, I don't think..I know you.." At this point, the two of them were practically carrying Jessica. She couldn't stand up straight, led alone walk. "My name's Dawn. And this is Clark." Their names sounded strangely familiar. Yet she couldn't put a finger on who they actually were. She mentally shrugged, allowing her fellow students to drag her back home. The sweet embrace of sleep slowly edged further into her distracted mind. She was glad she'd been found by such nice people. Jess shuddered at the thought of a Delphina finding her in such a vulnerable position. A month ago, Sterling could've fallen asleep anywhere on campus and had nothing to fear; after all, she was surrounded by aspiring heroes and selfless do-gooders. But now that those villain freaks were running around her school, Jess would need to learn to be more careful. No more long nights out. And certainly no more drinking until she dropped.

The three of them stopped as they arrived at Jess's dorm room, soaking wet from the rain. Sterling reached a shaky hand into her pocket and pulled out a key chain. "Here-" Dawn took the key from her and slid it into the locked door, pushing it open. "-you were holding it upside down." She explained. The two led Jessica to her destroyed bed and set her down beside it. They shared confused glances. "Um. What happened?" Clark asked. Jessica dragged the mattress clear of the rest of the bed frame, tossing it down in the middle of the room. "Lucas Farweight happened." She growled, falling face first into the soft fabric of her blankets. Dawn took a tentative seat next to Jessica and placed a hand on her back. "Before we go, I think you're entitled to know what happened before you...passed out. Farweight and Lovelace got into it. There was a lot of yelling...Both of them stormed off and disappeared. It was bad."

"That wasn't even the highlight of the night." Clark jumped in. By now, Jessica had rolled over and been listening rather intently. "Gianna Daniels went after Samantha. Not with her fists, of course. She's too much of a coward for that. No, Daniels went after Youngblood's soul. Suffice to say, that rain pouring out there isn't natural." Jess placed a tired hand on her forehead, sighing. "I'll deal with it in the morning." She declared. "If you would be a dear and meet the two of us in the cafeteria tomorrow for lunch, we know just how to knock Delphina's queen down a few notches." Clark's voice was seasoned with malice when he spoke of that she devil. "Come on, Dawn. Let's leave the lovely lady to her rest." With that, Jessica's heroes melted into the night.

And she was alone once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jessica Sterling/Klaus Van Untergang

Location; Cafeteria
Interacting With; Each other; mentions of Keats, Lucas, Elijah, Brenna and Gianna
Mood; Anxious → Guilty → Angry → Creeped out → Totally Done with this crazy mofo → Reluctant agreement → Excited

Jessica stepped into the cafeteria, her heart threatening to burst. What the hell am I doing? Sterling spotted Clark and Dawn the moment she entered the building. The two of them were standing in the midst of a number of other students she didn't recognize. All but one of them were total strangers. But the one she knew... Why is he here?! Doubt and anxiety were familiar entities in Jess's turbulent life. She'd grown accustomed to their constant appearance long ago. Yet, on occasion, that dastardly pair would surprise her when she least expected it. How could she have guessed that Klaus Van Untergang, literal Nazi fearmonger, would be meeting her for breakfast? Every fiber of her being told Jessica to turn around and leave without looking back. That man was trouble. She was so curious, though. Clark had mentioned a plan to pull Gianna down from her throne. Daniels and her thralls had made life for Jessica and her friends a living hell ever since she showed up at Mayweather a month ago. Almost every one of Sterling's problems could be traced back to that bitch. Life would be so much simpler if she just...ceased to exist. But working with Klaus? That was wrong. A disgusting, perverse corruption of Jessica's morality. How could she justify throwing away everything she believed in?


Every memory of every fight Lovelace had fought against Lucas came crashing to the forefront of Invincible's mind. Every tear the Dream Catcher had shed. Every wound that needed to be healed. Every battle she had fought. Eliana was the closest thing Jessica had to a best friend, even if Sterling refused to acknowledge that. Lovelace had put herself between Gianna's lapdog and Milo more times than Jess could count. All those times, Jess had watched her friend fight while she sat to the side and did nothing. She could only imagine how much heartbreak could've been avoided if she had only stepped in earlier. Every time that bastard has hurt Eliana...That's been my fault.

"Miss Sterling?" Jessica looked up. Klaus was motioned for her to come forward. Hesitantly, she placed one foot forward. And then another. It wasn't long before Sterling was standing before Untergang and his band of liars, thieves and murderers. "I can't tell you how delighted I am that you decided to join us this fine morning. Please, take a seat." Jessica pulled out a chair opposite of the Hitlerite and did so. "If I had known I was meeting Captain Nazi, I don't think I would've shown up." Klaus merely smiled at Jess's venomous tone. "Oh, I'm well aware of my reputation. That is why I had Clark and Dawn invite you instead of doing so myself. Forgive my deception, dearest, but I know you'll be more than willing once you hear my proposal." Jessica crossed her arms and cocked her head, doubtful that Klaus could ever convince her to help him. "Fine. I'm listening." Clark took a step toward the table and tossed down a small pile of Manila folders. "Excellent. Let us begin." Jessica removed the first folder from the pile and opened it up. Inside was what looked like a rap sheet for Delphina's queen herself. "What the hell is this?" The information contained in the folder was staggeringly detailed. Things no one would've known without careful observation over the course of many months. It was creepy, disconcerting and a gross breach of privacy.

"You must be aware, miss Sterling, that I've known Gianna since she was a Freshman. She's very different from the girl I met when I first arrived at Delphina. She's changed, and not for the better. Without her...second half...to guide her, Daniels is bringing this school to ruin. Her putrid excuse for a reign is breeding nothing but weakness! I remember a day when a Mayweather wouldn't even dare to look a Delphina in the eye, they were so afraid of us. Look at us now. We're nothing but petty pranksters and muckrakers! How can hope to change the world when all that I have at my back are braindead children like Samuel Keats and spineless worms like Elijah Masterson?! USELESS, THE LOT OF THEM." Klaus slowly sat back in his chair, adjusting his collar. All eyes were on him as he silently stared at Jessica's dumbstruck expression. "You think me mad." Klaus sighed. "Perhaps I am mad. But I'd rather Delphina follow a madman than a weak-willed little girl." Jessica pushed her chair back and stood to her feet. "This was a mistake. You're crazy-" Klaus slammed his hand down on the table, raising his voice. "Would you be a dear and SIT. DOWN. I am not done yet."

"Look. You're not doing this for me, I know that. You're here because Gianna has hurt people you care about, and you want her gone. So do I. the moment we beat her we can go back to being moral enemies. In fact, I wouldn't have it any other way. If I had my way, we'd go back to the way things used to be. Back to a time when everything was black and white. Everyone knew which side they were on. Now its all just...grey. Do you know how many of my followers are Mayweather students? It's mind blowing to think about it. So many good people are sick and tired of the way the world's spinning. They want change and they don't care where it comes from. If you agree to help me dethrone Gianna, I'll agree to a sit down with Samantha. She's generally considered Mayweather's leading lady, yes? We can discuss a way to keep the peace between our two schools. All I need is for you to sit back down."

Jessica slid back into the chair. "What do you need me to do?" She whispered. Klaus opened up the remaining folders and spread them across the lunch table for Sterling to see. "Samuel Keats. Lucas Farweight. Elijah Masterson. Brenna Lancaster. These four represent Daniels' closest assets. If we are going to destroy her, we must first take down her pillars of support. Only then will she be vulnerable. I'd suggest going after Lucas and Samuel first. They're the veritable muscle of her little group, and are most likely to cause you trouble down the road. Elijah will be...tricky...but for other reasons. Brenna rarely leaves Gianna's side, which will prove problematic in and of itself. Once they're dealt with, I'll assist you in breaking Daniels. Physical force alone will not be enough for her. Before we begin, you should known that this will not be easy. Our operation will take time. And patience. And above all, savagery. You cannot let your morals get in the way of finishing the job. Can you do that, miss Sterling?"

"When do we start?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Japheth Shem/Red Dagger Pirates (.6m)
Start Preference

Basic, Standard and Advanced piloting; Ship Gunnery and Ship Weapon Specialization; Nuclear; Mechanics, Standard and Advanced Combat Training, Mercantile; (8m)

Sabre/The Defiant )26 mil - 6 = 20)

Blueberry/Nuclear Fission (20 mil)/ Advanced Shielding (12m)/ Tribe (6m)

Cloaking (12m)

Scout Drone (1m)

10x Heavy Particle Blasters (33m)
1x Tesla Overcharger (12m)
2x Artillery Cannons) (9m)
= 54m
Drones/ Vehicles/ Mechs

Cargo Space
Engineering Bay (3m)
Arsenal (4m)
Holding Cell (1m)
Teleporting Platform (5m)
= (13m)

11x Android (3.4m)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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Roy Harper

Red (His friends aren't very creative people)

Red Arrow

Early Twenties


Does 'sexy' count as a short written description of his appearance? No? Okay.

Roy Harper stands at five feet eleven inches tall and weighs approximately one hundred and eighty five pounds. His hair is bright copper red, creating a striking contrast with his sharp emerald eyes. Roy has spent almost his entire life honing his body to the peak of human conditioning. Because of this, Harper possesses a lean, muscular figure, tainted only by the occasional beer and that one time he tried weed in high school.

Expert Marksman: Red Arrow is one of the best archers in the world. He's trained with a bow since the age of seven, traveling the world to learn from the greatest marksmen alive. He's studied every piece of ancient literature on the craft, and spent countless hours at the range. He considers himself second only to Oliver Queen, though there are some who would dispute Roy's claim. He can consistently hit a moving target at 200 yards. He is able to hit human targets based solely on the sound of their breathing. He's also practiced a number of different firing techniques, such as holding a certain number of arrows in his draw hand to allow for quicker reloading, instead of reaching around to pull from his quiver. Roy is able to fire with the bow in either hand, and can fire off three arrows in less than .5 seconds, hitting all of his targets with ease.

Skilled Martial Artist: While Roy is no Nightwing, Green Arrow made sure his sidekick could handle himself if he ever lost his bow. To that end, Harper trained with legends such as Ted Grant and Black Canary for a number of years. Red tends to rely a little too heavily on boxing when he's unarmed but is well versed in the arts of Judo and Tae Kwon Do. He's also a verifiable master of Moo Gi Gong, a fighting style based entirely upon the use of conventional and improvised melee weapons.

Other Notable Skills: Roy can speak English, Spanish, French, Arabic, and Mandarin. He's a proficient hacker, a skilled driver and a novice pilot. He knows how to traverse an urban environment thanks to a handful of acrobatic lessons from Nightwing while they were on the Titans team together. Roy studied Guerrilla Warfare in Indochina, learning the arts of stealth, sabotage, interrogation, subterfuge, intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence and many other tactics fighting alongside rebels against hostile governments.

Roy Harper was born on a Navajo reservation to two loving and very wealthy parents. They had been visiting a business partner on the reservation when Mrs. Harper unexpectedly went into labor two and a half months ahead of schedule. The family returned to that same reservation for their honeymoon a year later, where they were caught in the midst of a forest fire and lost their lives. Roy was then raised by medicine man known only as Brave Bow, who was listed to be Roy's legal guardian in his father's will. Despite Roy's young age, Brave Bow put Roy through the wringer. He trained Harper to be sharp in both body and mind. The Navajo man tutored the Harper child in conventional classes such as mathematics, various sciences and history, as well as in less traditional disciplines such as archery, tracking, hunting and even knife fighting. At first, Roy loved the lessons. Brave Bow was an excellent teacher and an even better man. But as Roy's twelfth birthday approached, he began to wonder why his life was so different from other children his age. He presented the question to Brave Bow, who, at first, refused to tell him. But after a number of argument, Brave Bow relented.

Roy Harper's father, Jim Harper, was the superhero known as Guardian. Brave Bow was meant to be the first of many teachers Roy would live with to learn all of the skills (and more) that Jim had used to fight crime. At first, it sounded preposterous. But all of Roy's investigating and digging only proved to confirm his mentor's story. In the dead of night, Roy left the reservation and headed for his family's private residence in Star City. There, he uncovered a secret safehouse containing all of his father's old equipment from his time as Guardian. Roy took up residence there for a time, spending every waking hour training himself to be the very best he could be. It was on Harper's first night on patrol that he encountered the Emerald Archer. Roy had gotten a little in over his head, trying to fight an entire gang on his own. If it weren't for the Green Arrow's timely arrival, Harper's story would've ended there. The two fought side by side to finish off the gangsters. Oliver was impressed by Roy's skill with a bow, while Roy was completely enthralled by the older hero. It didn't take long for Oliver to offer to further Roy's training. He accepted, and thus, Speedy was born. It was also during this time that Brave Bow died, leaving Roy's guardianship up to the court. Oliver was quick to adopt his sidekick's alter ego, allowing them to live together without anyone getting suspicious of their nightly activities. That sound so very wrong.

The next few years were a bit of a blur for the boy. He assisted Queen in taking down any number of villains who reared their ugly heads in Star City and beyond. He fought everything from ninjas, to cyborgs, to even zombies on one occasion. The battles he recalled most vividly, however, were the ones alongside the Justice League. Seeing Superman on TV was one thing. Talking to him, fighting aliens alongside him, that was a whole different ballgame. It was during one such team-up that Speedy became acquainted with Batman's sidekick, Robin. The two exchanged contact information in case an emergency ever arose where the other would need assistance. Training was temporarily replaced by field experience. Oliver didn't have enough hours in the day to keep up the extensive regime he was putting Harper through while simultaneously protecting Star City from the League of Assassins.

Life took an ugly turn for Roy when Oliver started dating Dinah Lance, the Black Canary. The two ran off to Seattle together, dragging Harper around for months as their third wheel. Speedy hated the way Green Arrow was treating him. He practically forgot Roy existed whenever Dinah was around; and whenever the two of them were alone, Oliver showed little interest in the boy who looked up to Ollie as his adopted father. Filled with anger and contempt, Roy abandoned Arrow and struck out on his own. He spent a few weeks running around Chicago, fighting small-timers and cleaning up the streets the old fashioned way. One day he got a call from Robin. He and a handful of other young heroes were stuck in Kahndaq, Roy pulled out all the stops to stage a rescue mission. Of course the plan went awry and the 'team' barely made it out of there in one piece. Robin asked Harper to stick around, pointing out that he could put his abilities to better use helping the Titans than beating up street thugs in Chicago. Roy reluctantly agreed. The team had a hard go of it, especially in the beginning. Nobody took them seriously. The league had even left them with a Kryptonian babysitter. The Teen Titans had to quite literally move heaven and earth by stopping an alien invasion to get the world to recognize them for what they were.

Good things never last forever. The team disbanded after a couple of years and everyone went their separate ways. Roy returned to Green Arrow, who had since apologized a thousand times and made a thousand promises to be better. And to Queen's credit, he really was better. But Roy had outgrown his mentor. The two didn't see eye to eye on anything any longer. Speedy stuck around with Oliver until he was eighteen years old and no longer under his adopted father's legal guardianship. Roy took up the identity of Red Arrow and moved to the neighboring Gem Cities, the home of the Flash families. Red Arrow made a name for himself. He worked out of the darkest, crime-infested parts of Central City and Keystone City, slowly but surely wiping out various mob families and widespread gangs with the help of Wally West, his former Titan partner and close friend. Roy made similar moves across the United States. He would settle in the worst part of a city and spend six months to a year fighting its organized crime. Once he deemed a city cleaned, Roy would move on. This led to a disproportionate number of team-ups, which in turn led to the name 'Red Arrow' getting around the superhero community. During this time, Roy also continued his training by travelling the world and working with various martial masters, assassins, rogues and rebel leaders to improve his already diverse array of skills and abilities.

Motivation for joining the League?:
Roy Harper knows that the world needs heroes; the League especially. Without the likes of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman to wage war against the forces of darkness, villains would grow more bold. Crime would systematically rise everywhere. It was likely that Justice League's disappearance would inevitably lead to wide spread panic and rioting. People don't know just how much they rely on figure heads like the Justice League until that image of hope and good is torn away from them. Red Arrow knows that the League needs to exist for the world to continue to spin, so he's volunteered his talents to hopefully fill the void.

What do you bring to the League?:
Roy can't lift a mountain. He can't evaporate a building with his eyes. He can't even breathe under water and talk to fish. But just because Red Arrow is a man doesn't mean he doesn't have something to offer to the new Justice League. Aside from his extensive combat expertise, Red Arrow is a master strategist (having literally lead soldiers into battle during his time in Indochina) and excellent field commander (he assisted Robin as a bravo team lead while he was a Titan-Even if his lone wolf tendencies disqualify him for a more serious leadership role). He sees his more grey morality as a strength to be used by the League. He's willing to do things others might not be. Every squeaky clean army has its black ops unit, and the JLA is no exception.

Red Arrow has numerous safe houses scattered throughout the United States and beyond.

He thinks Luthor Jr.'s robo-arm is cool.
Doesn't like stupid Trucker Hats.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stryker's Island, Metropolis

Roy Harper had spent the last two weeks setting up a sting operation in Metropolis. He'd been working with the police to locate and infiltrate a human trafficking ring that had popped up in Superman's absence. Everything was going off without a hitch. In fact, it all seemed to be going a little too well. Roy was scheduled to meet with potential buyers in a couple of minutes on the docks. But of course, Red Arrow was headed in the exact opposite direction. His police scanner had warned of a prison break on Stryker's island, as well as the presence of starfish-faced 'zombies' both there and in Tokyo. It looked like Starro, an old enemy of the Titans, had returned to earth to exact its revenge. Perfect. Roy had been so close to taking those guys down and the sky starts to fall. So Speedy did what he does best: he took up his gear and costume and commandeered a police patrol boat and sailed across the bay to the extensive island prison. Roy used his grappling arrows to rather easily scale the prison's unguarded walls and traversed across the roofs of various facilities before reaching the eye of the hurricane.

The compound's main courtyard was swarming with prisoners, guards and heroes alike. The orange greatly outnumbered the blue in this situation, which meant trouble for Roy. He decided to stay on his perch for a minute or two, observing the battlefield below. As much as he wanted to run half-cocked into the fray and start shooting anything that moved, the situation called for planning and tact. Red Arrow pulled out a miniture set of binoculars from his handy dandy utility belt and placed them against his masked eyes.

He spotted a number of recognizable figures in the melee. The Question was locked in a duel with...was that Bloodsport? Roy could barely recall the D-list villain's name. Whatever the case, Guy-With-Shotgun wouldn't be a problem for Hub City's best and brightest, so Harper turned his eye to the rest of the fight.

The Red Archer also saw a villain by the name of Shrapnel trying to scale the prison walls. Now that guy was trouble. Roy could rather vividly recall that the weakest Leaguer to ever beat the Metal Man was Wonder Woman. He didn't have arrows big enough to hurt that guy.

The most interesting fight Harper saw, however, was the duel between Manchester Black and Captain Comet. Great. Comet was infected by one of Starro's parasites and was in the process of assimilating one of Stryker's most dangerous inmates. That wasn't going to happen. Not if Red Arrow had anything to say about it.

Roy raced across the building, jumping between light poles and flag poles and whatever other kind of pole he had to dance over to reach his objective. He needed to get within a hundred and fifty meters for one of his electric arrows to hit its mark. Lucky for the bowman that the alien planet conqueror was afraid of a little shocky shocky action. Harper clambered up to the highest point he could find, a guard tower, and took aim. The arrow was made of a special carbon alloy to allow for the heavier load attached to the front. The tiny cylinder contained a battery potent enough to kill an elephant and tickle Martian Manhunter. Hopefully Captain Comet is as strong as people say he is. Because otherwise, this might do more harm than good. Roy glanced down the sights of the compound bow and confirmed that his aim was true before releasing the specialized payload. The arrow cut through the air and...

Was promptly knocked off course by the invisible telekinetic tug of war.

"Damn." Red Arrow strung up a second electrical arrow and changed his aim to compensate. If he'd done his math correctly and physics didn't turn everything upside down as it usually did, Roy should be able to use to two psychics' personal gravity well to his advantage. Roy took an extra minute line up the shot before firing away. The second arrow soared. For the untrained eye, it looked like Harper had totally missed his target. However, the arrow rotated around the two battling superhumans twice before coming in right between their faces. "Come on, come on, come on..."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Stryker's Island, Metropolis

"I don't miss." Roy gloated as his arrow hit its target, freeing Captain Comet from Starro's telepathic grasp. The two superhuman telekinetics started to plummet toward the earth below, much to Speedy's annoyance. He went for the set of grapple arrows attached to his hip, placing one such projectile on his string. Luckily for the archer, Jon and Donna were already on the case, the former catching the unconscious superhero before he went splat and the latter lassoing Manchester. "Nice of you to join us, Wonder Bra!" Harper rather cheekily called to his former teammate. Despite his mocking sarcasm and insincerity, Roy was glad the Amazon and the Kryptonian had shown up. Things were looking quite bleak a moment ago when their only heavy hitter was a Luthor. A quick look around the battlefield revealed that the heroes seemed to be victorious. Shrapnel was being held captive inside a force field of some sort, Black was seconds from getting his clock cleaned by Wonder Woman's kin, and Bloodsport was...well, Bloodsport. All that was left was to clean up the rest of the escaped prisoners and infected civilians. "A job well done, I'd say."

It was at that moment that the entirety of Superman's rogues gallery decided to make their escape. The gaping hole in the prison's wall turned out to be directly connected to the maximum security wing, which housed the most dangerous individuals in Metropolis. Harper's frustration built as he watched Livewire, King Shark and Metallo enter the main yard. "Me and my big mouth." He grumbled. It looked as if Livewire and King Shark had no intention of sticking around and killing their captors. Metallo, however, set his cybernetic eyes on Superboy. None of them presented the most pressing issue to the red-clan vigilante, however. No, his biggest threat came in the form of Shrapnel tearing his bubble prison to shreds and shouting, "EVERYBODY DIES, STARTING WITH YOU FUCKING CAPES!" Ugh. This guy was a pain in the ass. A very deadly, exploding living metal pain in the ass. Roy quick grabbed a handful of his own razor sharp arrows and took a step forward, taking aim at the incoming shrapnel (sorry not sorry.) He managed to pin two of the oncoming projectiles before finding himself being grabbed by the quiver and thrown to the ground. "Agh!" Roy's attempts to ignore the completely insane umbrella wielding crazy person seemed to have backfired, because now she was trying to save his life with an umbrella. Granted, the thing was capable of sustained flight, which in itself was extremely interesting. But he doubted it could stand up to a barrage of explosions from the rapidly approaching bits of razor sharp metal.

Without warning, Red Arrow tackled his savior over the railing of the guard tower, causing the two of them to free fall. "Fly!" He ordered a bit too harshly. He wrapped his legs around the woman's waist and bent backward to get a look at their attacker. Thankfully, the Question had used one of his smoke pellets to blind Shrapnel, keeping the two powerless 'heroes' safe. For the moment, anyway. "I appreciate the shield, Alice, but I don't think your contraption can block Mr. Explodey over there. And I don't like taking chances." He yelled up to her. "Just try to keep steady and avoid any more of his surprises, kay?"

Harper had to take a moment to silently thank Oliver for the special quiver as he racked his brain for a way to take down Shrapnel. Each arrow was held in its own designated compartment within the quiver, and wouldn't come out (even when flying upside down attached to a nutty scientist) unless it registered the touch from the sensors in Roy's gloves. "How to stop a metal man from blowing himself up..." He muttered, running his fingers over his many different trick arrows. "I've got it! An explosion needs flammable material, oxygen and sufficient ignition energy, right? Hatter, you see where Luthor's forcefield shorted out? Can you try and get a hold of those drones and get them working again? We need to create a vacuum around Shrapnel." With that, Red Arrow strung up one of his grapple arrows and fired it at the opposite prison wall. "I'll try and get his attention while you do your thing!" He let go of her waist and soared across the prison yard, landing two dozen yards in front of Shrapnel. "Hey, ugly!" He called. "Your mom's a toaster!" The archer fired a pair of explosive arrows at the metal man before turning tail and running in the opposite direction, hopefully having his full attention.
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