Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin Alimore

Vuduin stared at his Budew in awe. That... HAD BEEN THE MOST AWESOME THING EVER! He'd never even considering a Pokemon hitting itself with its own attack, much less doing so to win a battle. Vuduin let out a little, very unmanly, squee of excitement and ran over to his Budew, snatching it off the ground and briefly pirouetting like a ballerina, surprisingly gracefully, before stopping and giving the small bud pokemon a big hug, though delicately as not to squash him. "That was the best! You hit yourself with your own attack and nearly took yourself out to secure your victory but were saved by the draining effect of the attack! So cool!" Budew naturally was pleased with the exuberant praise and although clearly tired from the fight, still managed to do a little strut from his perch on Vuduin's hand. Vuduin then paused as he remembered that other people were here.

"Ahem. Good work Budew. Same to you two, though I'm sorry about your Poochyena and thank you for using your Houndour to save Budew, we couldn't have gotten this far without working together." Vuduin said to his teammates. Surely Arren would understand Budew hitting her Pokemon as well, it'd been for the greater good! Still, perhaps he could try to do some accuracy training with Budew later on, perhaps even hitting multiple targets at the same time. Saving thoughts of future training for later Vuduin then turned to the Broletariat and bowed formally, Budew still carefully held in one hand at his side. "I apologize for my mistake by interfering in the battle." At this Budew softly bonked his head against Vuduin's leg, as if to say, 'that's alright'. Vuduin started a little and looked down at his Pokemon, giving it a brief smile before continuing, " I'd like to thank you three very much for battling with my friends and me. I think it was a valuable experience for all of us. And uh-" Vuduin glanced at his two companions who'd had to return their Pokemon. "Would you happen to be able to direct us to the nearest Pokemon center?" He asked somewhat sheepishly. He assumed there was one on board but he wasn't quite sure where to find. These sailor folks should know though, right?


~Current Team~

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lynn Haywood~

A few tense moments passed as the pokeball rolled on the ground. Lynn simply smiled confidently, quite sure that she was going to succeed in catching it. She didn't take into account she barely injured the thing at all, really, and just let Quill have the thing run into a tree. Luck seemed to smile on her though, and soon the pokeball stopped its rolling. The button on the center of the ball flashed a bright red, signaling the capture of the small panda like pokemon.

"YES!~" Lynn jumped, in quite the un-cool and somewhat child-like excited fashion. She quickly composed herself though, clearing her throat as she tugged her jacket closer to her body and looked around to see if anyone saw that little excited outburst. Quill simply chuckled quietly, before picking up the pokeball that contained Pancham and walking over to Lynn as the girl checked her pokedex which was now vibrating. Information began being typed out on the screen, giving her all the information about the small Panda like pokemon.

HT: 2’ 00”
WT: 17.6 LBS






A name, huh? Well, she certainly did want to give him a name. But what? It needed to be equally as cool and unique as he was...but what? Hmm...that acorn stem in its mouth might work then? But what sort of name would come from an Acorn? Oak? Nah. Nutty? Nut? Nutso? No, they all sounded insulting in some way...hrm...there wasn't much she could use to name him based on appearance. Maybe those dark patches of fur under his eyes?...Patches it was!

Lynn took the pokeball from Quill, placing it back in her pocket.

"Well, that was easy." She smugly replied. "Come on girl, lets go meet up back with the others." Quill happily grinned up at Lynn, excited that this went well. She quickly followed behind her trainer. Well, she hadn't caught a Xatu, but this worked too.

Eventually, she met up with the others, and ventured deeper into the forest. It was quiet...kinda bad quiet. Like the quiet someone experienced before they got jumped in a dark alley. She didn't think much of it though and just kept walking.

Location: Route 1

~Current Team~

Notable Inventory:
Potion x1
800 P (Pokédollars)
Ficus Pokeball x1
Ficus Pokedex
Lighter x1
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail Lowe

Route 1

Abigail cheered as Tesh's Meowth defeated the Zigzagoon, giving the older trainer a thumbs up. Realising that they'd have to travel pretty soon, she returned Cookie and Waffles to their pokeballs. Didn't want them to get too tired on the walk! With the usual spring in her step, she turned to go, waiting for Tesh to catch up. A couple of minutes later, Lynn came out of the forest, looking slightly less grumpy than usual for once. Once they were all together, they headed a little bit down the route and into the woods.

A few minutes into their walk, Abigail was getting creeped out. It was so quiet, and she really didn't do quiet very well. Maybe there was some kind of noise-cancelling machine around. That seemed like the only logical explanation for how quiet it was. Seriously though, she was wondering where all the Pokemon had gone. Had they headed on a walk or something? Were they on holiday?

For some reason, the image of a bunch of forest Pokemon on a beach holiday sent her into a fit of giggles, which cheered her up a little. It was kinda awkward with the place's atmosphere though. Once she'd calmed down, she decided to say something to break the silence. "So, uh, it's kinda quiet, isn't it? It feels like something's gonna jump out and eat us or something." she said, then went pale at the idea, calling out to the forest.

"Hey, if there's anything out there, you should know that these two would probably make a way better meal than I would!" she looked at her companions with an innocent smile. "Better safe than sorry, you know?"

Pokedollars: 800

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tesh Yama


Was that it? As Kaz spun around, he almost looked disappointed that his strike had finished the Zigzagoon off with little trouble. It's almost like the entire fight wasn't even fair from the get go. Well, to be fair, it really wasn't. Wild pokemon were predictable, and Kaz had a trainer to guide his otherwise chaotic claws. Tesh was happy though. Not that they'd won, but because Kaz had heeded his commands. The little Meowth turned to Tesh with a quizzical look at first, but eventually padded towards his trainer with a subtle grin and a happy little mewl. But the Victory was short-lived.

Apparently, Abigail had started watching the encounter. Tesh turned to the little girl's cheers, taken aback by her praise. He reluctantly returned her thumbs-up with a light grin, but Kaz refused to acknowledge Abigail in her entirety, instead sitting at his trainers feet like a little soldier awaiting his next command. Then, Lynn appeared from the opposite direction, not saying a word. He supposed that heading deeper into the forest was the best idea at this point, anyways. Kaz was still full of energy, and the road ahead was sure to be filled with many worthy pokemon. Perhaps he'd find a better challenge for his Meowth, or even a pokemon worthy to join his roster.

As the three made their way into the forest, Abigail starting talking again. Of course. Why would she stay quiet? Tesh sighed and surveyed their surroundings carefully. "I wouldn't be surprised. Forests like these are teeming with bug-type and grass-type pokemon. Thankfully, there aren't many common bug-types that are particularly territorial," Tesh explained to Abigail. Kaz followed him by his side staring straight ahead, only deviating his gaze to glance at Quill every once and a while. "Of those species who are, Zero will attempt to eat us." Tesh assured Abigail, slightly annoyed by the girl's cowardice.

600 pokedollars
Ficus Pokedex
1 x Potion

Pokemon Team
Kaz ~ Meowth ~ Healthy
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Pikmin Eye@Morose@PlatinumSkink


Pokedollars: 500

Team: Lulu the Yanma
Level 7
Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack
Status: Fainted

Just what in the hell were Rowan and Mara doing? Were they really trying to win a moral battle and recruit the Dwebble? Of all the stupid things that they could've been doing, they really shocked Yasha with just how stupid they were acting. Lulu had removed the Dwebble's shell and had leveled the playing field, but the Rowan and Mara had just squandered it. They could've overwhelemed the bug type pokemon regardless of type advantage with sheer numbers alone, but they decided not to and look where that got them! Rowan's Purloin was out for the count and only Kira was left to fight.

The situation had gotten much worse. If the Espurr had knocked the bug pokemon back it would've been sent flying into the river, but if not then the Dwebble would knock the last pokemon on the field out. Mara had ordered Kira to throw the pokeball into the river and send a scratch attack at the Dwebble though it was obvious that the Espurr would go down first if it got hit. Without even thinking, Yasha dashed forward into the battlefield and got in between the two pokemon. He held his arms crossed over his face and the next thing everyone knew, there was blood dripping on the bridge.

Yasha had blocked Dwebble's Fury Cutter with his arms and his arms bore the deep gashes where the pokemon had struck. He grit his teeth, trying his best not to scream out in pain. His blood ran down his pale skin and dripped down his elbows to the wooden bridge.

"I hate bullies. People like ya who prey on the weak, ya don't care what happens to anyone else except yourself." He spoke with a gasp of pain, trying to remain composed even though he felt like his arms were on fire. "When push comes to shove, you'll push everyone else aside and run like the coward you are. Ya wouldn't even stick your neck out for your own pokemon would you?" He glared at the opponent with a fierceness that seemed a little unnatural for a person to have. His fists balled up and he stood his ground. "If ya want to steal our pokemon then ya gotta get through me first. I'll wrangle y'all like a livid Tauros!"

Perhaps the Dwebble saw a difference between Yasha and Charles. Here was Yasha, standing with blood dripping down his arms to protect a pokemon that wasn't even his. No matter what, he put everyone else before him even if it meant his own safety, but what about Charles? Would he do the same thing for Dwebble?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
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Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Red Hand




Purrloin was so easily defeated, much to the surprise of it's trainer. Panicked, Rowan was preparing to run away, making sure to first ask his teammates. The situation was dire, it was already down to Dwebble versus Kira in a solo match favored against Kira. He saw the odds were low, so he made his decision. He had to get away before Charley could get a chance to swipe their Pokemon. He was the only one prepared to run, though.


Charley was sure this was the end. That was, until Kira threw the pokeball into the air. Charley was speechless for a second, did the cat just throw HIS Pokeball? That was the last straw, they were really getting on his nerves. He's been Scratched, Leered twice, and stolen from. How could these trainers possibly think they were any better than him? No time to speak, he had to catch that ball. He ran as fast as he could, this was important to him.

Dwebble on the other hand, was going for the kill. With cold eyes it skittered towards Kira. With deadly accuracy, it struck at it's final opponent. However, no one could have expected what happened next.


Despite Yasha being down his only Pokemon, he still wasn't done here. With quick action, he ran in front of Kira, arms crossed in anticipation of impact. Dwebble was too committed to the attack, claws striking the flesh of the intervening Yasha. Blood splashed from the wound, trailing down his elbows, pooling down into the cracks below him. Dwebble's claws glowed even brighter from the attack, reaching full power.

There was a brief silence as Dwebble had to comprehend what just happened. This left a golden opportunity for Kira to jump around Yasha and use Scratch. Catching Dwebble off guard, she hit deep into it's side.

-Critical Hit-

This caused Dwebble to stumble back, claws embedding into the wood of the bridge to stop it's momentum. It was a lucky break it's Fury Cutter was at full power, or it would have failed to dig in deep enough. What wasn't lucky was that this bug still was able to battle, despite looking hurt. One more push will end up sending it over, an all too true realization for Charley.

With a speech, Yasha continued to lecture Charlie, who stopped running to stare at him. The Pokeball went flying over the edge, quickly forgotten by Charlie. He knew this guy was trouble, yet he felt respect instead. Charley was covered in bruises and torn clothing, while Yasha was bleeding.

He stared at Yasha and said, "You really are something. You just took a hit instead of letting this end. You are the single reason I haven't walked off with your money yet. So who are you, a rival group? I guess now's not the time. Finish that Pokemon with Fury Cutter, I'll take care of the trainer myself." He pointed at Yasha, these trainers were nuts. Usually the trainers sat to the side while he beat their Pokemon down. With fists raised, he ran towards Yasha. All he had to do was make sure Yasha didn't get in the way again.

Dwebble felt pity for hitting a trainer, but he didn't aim for Yasha. Either way, he was told to finish this battle. Claws glowing with the intensity of the sun, he charged for Kira. Perhaps the battle was turning with Yasha jumping in the way, or was it delaying the inevitable?

-Dwebble Used Fury Cutter-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Professor Evergreen smiled at you like a hearth might warm your back on a wintry morning. She lifted her sliding elbow off of the chair arm to accept your handshake. Her grip was surprisingly firm. Not too hard, not too soft, but just enough to cup your hand perfectly against your own. Her fingernails momentarily skidded across your palm as she retracted her hand once again.

“Pay me back by catching them all, how about that?”

She laughed at her quip, eyes arcing upward and mouth just slightly open. She sighed and slid the blunt side of her thumb against the side of her chair as you spoke.

“Of course, I appreciate you giving me their number. Well, the mart’s just down the road outside of the lab, on your left. I’m not sure if they’ll have any Poké Balls, though, the route has been frozen over until recently, and I’m low on my own. Delayed part shipments and busy with other things…”

Her smile turned into a smirk, and she leaned against a palm with a pointed finger. The tip of the finger bounced against her cheekbone as her eyes met your own. Her voice became quieter, less carried, but you could still hear it perfectly well. She spoke slowly, calculating each word.

“So, this road. After sampling the ice crystals, the permafrost was likely the activity of-”

Her mouth was open but she paused. She cocked her head at you and her pupils travelled downward, toward the floor, for just a second. A blur of the eye.

“Not yet. I’ll tell you another time.”

Her pupils came back from the floor and the ends of her mouth turned into a smile once again.

“But you gave me your parent’s number, so I’ll give you a hint about a rare Pokémon. I know Cubchoo are in the area, but you’ll never find them in the snow. They blend in too well. So walking down the route normally won’t do it. Where I hypothesize your find them… well… I’ll leave that to the person in training. I can’t give you all of the answers.”

She’d say no more of the matter, having giving you more information than most. With this, she would send you onto your duty with parting words and a friendly gesture of the hand. As you turned away, you would immediately hear her speaking with an elevated voice and conversating with a little girl in a pink dress. You’d make your way through the technological marvel, past moving furniture and floating pixels. The door was ajar and ready, revealing the rolling, white elephant hills of Argentglade. A strong breeze nestled into the cress of your back, almost urging you onward through the gate. Where would you begin? And where would you end your journey?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Mara Scelus
@Pikmin Eye @hatakekuro @PlatinumSkink
'M-Mara. You won't win.' He stuttered. 'Return Kira to his Pokéball, and let's run.'

Mara shook her head. "We're finishing what we started." Kira, Yanma, and Purrloin had already given it everything they had. It didn't make sense for them to not do the same. They owed their pokemon the same protection and loyalty that they were given. It didn't make sense otherwise.

Kira chucked the ball into the river, causing Charley to have a bit of a fit. The dwebble began to attack her precious espurr, only to be blocked by....

"Yasha!" Mara screamed, her eyes wide. She started to run forward, taking in the blood that was rolling down his arms. She hardly even noticed Kira's attack hit the dwebble, nor did she care. It was...it was her fault that Yasha was hurt. This wasn't some sort of mental exercise, some sort of fantasy "what if?" battle. This was real. Her friend was hurt.

And it was all her fault... Mara's blood chilled. "When push comes to shove, you'll push everyone else aside and run like the coward you are. Ya wouldn't even stick your neck out for your own pokemon would you? If ya want to steal our pokemon then ya gotta get through me first. I'll wrangle y'all like a livid Tauros!"

"You really are something. You just took a hit instead of letting this end. You are the single reason I haven't walked off with your money yet. So who are you, a rival group? I guess now's not the time. Finish that Pokemon with Fury Cutter, I'll take care of the trainer myself."

The dwebble charged at Kira, its claws glowing. It had already taken a decent hit from Kira's scratch. Mara took in a deep breath, thinking on her feet with resolve. "Kira use....Kira?!

The little espurr was glaring. The dwebble had attacked his trainer's friend. After they tried to help him. Completely furious and outraged, Kira charged back at the dwebble, his large, demonic like eyes unblinking. Perhaps it would have unnerved the dwebble. It certainly would have done a number on Dogwood.

”Es....PURR!" Kira practically roared, as he used scratch on the dwebble, ignoring the incoming attack. If this succeeded and took down the dwebble, Mara would then go to help Yasha beat up the thug. It was all she could do to make things right.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Pikmin Eye@Morose@PlatinumSkink


Pokedollars: 500

Team: Lulu the Yanma
Level 7
Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack
Status: Fainted

Well, this battle had devolved into a fist fight between Yasha and Charlie. Just how in the world did this come about? It doesn't matter how it happened; all that mattered was making sure that this bastard left the town alone once and for all. Yasha had stood his ground and his fists relaxed into open hands, the young man waited for Charlie to get close. There wasn't any nervousness, just pure determination though there would be many shaking in their boots if someone came at them with ill intent so why wasn't he nervous? It was quite a simple answer; he's dealt with stronger, bigger things on the farm.

Back home, they were much too poor to be able to afford tranquilizers for all of the cattle. If the pokemon such as Tauros or Milktank had gone berserk or would try to hurt everyone else because of pain, they had to wrestle them down to the ground. It was typically a group effort though in some cases Yasha was capable of stopping non-fully grown Tauros, which is still an impressive feat of strength and endurance.

Charlie was almost within reach and quickly, Yasha leaned forward and quickly dashed underneath Charlie's guard so that a punch wouldn't get him. His right hand went down to grab his thigh while his left went to grab Charlie's shirt. If he was able to get a grip on him with both hands, Yasha would lift the man in the air with strength that wasn't to be expected just from looking at him and then throw him down to the ground as hard as he could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago


Derrik Sculler


It was a simple handshake; one that ended up surprising him with how firm her hand was against his own, which was hard as rock and felt rough like sandpaper. A palm that were once covered in blisters now harden into calluses; hands of one who had gone through countless hard labor and properly showed those trained muscles of his were by no means simply for show.

Here he wondered how to possibly repay the woman who gave him the tools to start his journey and of all the possible suggestions, hers outright trumped any he could possibly think up. As catching all poke; by no means a small feat and one that only the very special few have probably achieved, if any at all at that.'Ya askin a beyond the black stump with that task o yours. Cour, I ain't a bloke to turn down chaggers. Laughing boisterously at receiving such an impossible and endless task, one he looked forward to taking on.

Derrik released his grip while noticing a playful smirk on the young professor's face, seeming about to tell him something important and listened earnestly to every word.

What she said, however, only confused him; perplexed on what she was on about regarding ice crystals and permafrost? Whatever this bit of info was about would be left unanswered for the professor cut herself off to be left said at a future time. This just made the aussie disappointed, but hearing she had more to see and chirped up with renewed interest as he watched her look up from the floor till her gaze peered up into his eyes.

The next bit of advice given to him; actually coherent and helpful or at least to him and though he was curious about the ice crystal part, thought it best to let it wait as she wanted.' a g'ood onya lass to be givin the advice.' Gracious for all this assist and kindness, the foreign male had bent down to give her a hug to show proper appreciation, not knowing the custom of hugging strangers would be odd to these folks.' Ya have a g'day and till next we meet eh? lets get off, Gazzo! One last nod to Evergreen before turning his attention to the ghastly who had been floating there, apathetic to everything around him.

The gas ball let out another scoff before turning its back to him, the action showing it still refused to listen or even acknowledge this human as its trainer.

Rubbing at the back of his head with an exasperated sigh.'Still bein a ruddy ratbag ain't ya? Get on with it ya prat.'He stood there for half a minute in hopes the ghastly would comply, but showed no sign of doing so; most would be right pissed. Yet, Derrik had dealt with many stubborn pokes and just gave a shrug of his shoulder before taking the pokeball out, giving the button a tap as he was still figuring out how to use this spherical device. Not till he heard the hum did he aim it at the ghastly and got to see as a red beam of light basically suck the pokemon inside and thus leaving him flabbergasted at how such a small object can hold creatures of such size.

This was only the beginning of the strange and new exotic wonders he would see along his travels; a tip of his hat to Evergreen and he was heading off to the front door. Passing through the labs to see the mysterious technologies and moving furniture until he stood before the door, ajar with the ice cold breeze blowing through to brush an caress his scarred skin and messy black hair.

An adjustment of the hat and a deep breath followed creak of an opening door, then Derrik made his first step out, officially a trainer from this moment on.

A long and arduous adventure with no end in sight that traveled for as far as the snowy white glistening hills that sprawled on into the unknown. A briefest of moments, Derrik could swore he saw himself standing at the very top, the sight of his back; strong and unmoving like the mountain he stood upon...an unparallelled strength of that of a pokemon master.

-A foreigner's prologue ends, a trainer's story begins-


The moment now gone, his first decision already made as the new trainer went left, making his way to the mart. Heading inside to check the wares to see if they might have anything worth needing for he had no idea how far the next town was, and a pokemon who refused to listen didn't help him none.

Depending on what they had, he would spend what he needed then left the mart after pocketing any possible supplies. From there, he trekked off to the gateway that lead off to a road covered with snow packed down by countless trainers, carts or unknown pokemon.'Right..well don't know what a cubchoo is, but trackin one will be a pie o piss. With his skills in tracking, it certainly would be a breeze to find one, especially after taking what the professor took into consideration.

only problem? A ghastly that refused to give him the time of day to even take even a single command he issued.' Best be avoidin any bazer till we get Gazzo's attin.'Pulling out the pokeball to call out ghastly who simply blinked with an bored look on its face.

Without a word, Derrik just smiled at him then took a step forward...exiting and leaving behind the town where it all began...

A roll of ghastly's eyes, it floated reluctantly after.

((will leave any possible things he might of bought from the mart from whimsley's next post then go right to continuation of this))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Rowan Branchers


Route A

'A-ah...' Why? Why were they still fighting? Why had Yasha ran forward and taken that attack? They weren't defending anyone but themselves. They had nothing to lose by running. They were new trainers facing an experienced one, nobody would expect them to win. It was much more sensible to go tell adults about the problem. This wasn't how he had imagined his Pokémon journey to start out. Not at all.

Yasha was facing the opposing trainer. Kira was still facing the Dwebble. He didn't know how Yasha would do, but he did know that Dwebble had the advantage over Kira. And this time, there was nobody defending between Kira and a fully-powered Fury Cutter... This was a bad match-up, Fury Cutter was now a high-level move, and as it was, Rowan was useless...

Rowan made his decision. There was no time. He wasn't brave enough to rush into the way like Yasha had, but he could do this. He quickly let his bag slide off his back and then grabbed it by a rem. His hand sought and retrieved the Dogwood Pokéball from the easy-access side-pocket.

He threw the bag. He threw it at where he predicted the opposing Pokémon would be on Dwebble's path to Kira when it landed before actually coming into contact. Regardless of if Dwebble dodged the bag or just shred right through it, the moment would hopefully distract it long enough for Kira to get the advantage once more. … That, or maybe Rowan would just completely botch his aim, that was always a possibility.

'I-I'LL BE BACK!' Rowan spun around on the spot, and dashed for the trees that were located around behind him. Even if he didn't necessarily see them... There could be Taillows in them! THERE COULD BE! While without Purrloin he had no chance of weakening one... Taillow was still a low-level Pokémon! It should be possible to catch one without weakening it...! I-if he could quickly catch one and get back... if... IF...

Of course, the entire battle could very likely be over already by the time he came back. That... was a risk he had to take. Because as it was, there was nothing else he could think of doing.


Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex
Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball
678 P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pikmin Eye
Avatar of Pikmin Eye

Pikmin Eye The Simple Distraction

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Red Hand




Dewbble was running, glowing claws ready to end this. Kira was running in return, anger visibly showing on his face. Both were intent on ending this fight, the question was how who would remain standing. With a mighty roar from Kira, and a cold silence from Dwebble, they met for another clash.


Again they were destined to end this, until Rowan threw his entire bag in the way. A momentary confusion is what he was hoping for, and that's exactly what it did. Although the thing offered little protection from Dwebble's attack, anything was better than a direct hit. The backpack was shredded through in one hit, with a weakened attack colliding with Kira. Kira in return had to hit through the makeshift haze of fabric. His attack still hit, guided by the bright light on the other side. Rowan saved Kira's skin from a devastating hit, running off to find a Tailow. He knew his plan could fail, but he had to try.


Charley was set on his charge up until he found his world flipped by Yasha. Held high in the air, he quickly realized it was a mistake to fight directly. Yasha easily threw Charlie to the ground, something cracking loudly. Turns out two leers really makes anything hurt, a lot. Being thrown on the ground, Charley was already seeing stars. Woozy, and far too exhausted, he turned to expect Dwebble triumphantly cheering his win. Instead there were scraps of fabric everywhere. What happened over there?

At a first glance, it looked like both were still standing. A few seconds later one of them collapsed. As the scraps of fabric blew away on the wind, it revealed the truth. Slumped on the ground, was Dwebble. It's eyes were rolling around as the fight finally left it's eyes. Kira was saved by Rowan's split second action, being spared a knockout. Food and fabric sprawled over the bridge, with a single unbroken potion rolling away.

-Dwebble is Unable To Battle-

Charley sat there, in disbelief. Not only was Dwebble beaten physically, but so was he. It hurt to stand up, not as much as the thought that they just beat him. With a scowl on his face, he said, "No way, that's impossible. You can't be new trainers, who told you I was here?" with a deep breath he pointed at Yasha and continued to speak, "I will get revenge on you bug boy."

He didn't care what they thought, he walked over to pick up Dwebble. They went through a lot, and both suffered for it. The least he could do was make sure they left in one piece. He gave one last glare, he almost did it, he could taste victory. He simply said one last thing, "I suppose you want a reward too, huh? Take it, just don't beat me or Dwebble any further. Oh, and I'm sure you guys might be tough enough to be in The Red Hand. If you are interested, look for a girl named Pearl" Digging in his pockets, he quickly threw paper on the ground, wads on the ground from a balled fist.

-Charley Dropped 600 Pokedollars-

A horribly beat up trainer carrying his fainted Pokemon, one hand on his side, the other holding Dwebble. He struggled to walk away like the pain was nothing. With a sharp breath, he dashed as fast as he could away from his opponents. Common sense says they might try to take his Pokemon away now. The bridge was cleared finally, with the three trainers successful.

-Mara Esclus, Suzuki Yasha, and Rowan Branchers Are Victorious-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Xan the G@Eklispe @BlueSky44

The now incapacitated Magikarp became surrounded by a field of red energy. The laser returned to the closed palm of Sailor Puck. His fingers rubbed against the side of the Pokéball. He held the top to his head, standing silently and not saying a word. He began to nod as his two sailor bros approached. They had secured their Poké Balls to their belts much earlier, and had been anxiously awaiting the results of their battle. Their faces no longer seemed dejected for losing, but determined with sparks in their eyes. They each embraces each other and exchanged his fives, fist bumps, and chest bumps all around. They made their own scene of excitement, despite their monetary and battle loss. The Sailor in the center, one of ginger hair and fire in his eyes, broke the silence between the two groups first.

“That was some solid battling, bros. Your Pokémon made sacrifices for each other, that was choice.”

The other two sailors nodded, having acknowledged the other trainers for their skill, not their luck. Even if there was a bit of rule bending here or there.

“Houndour saved Budew, that was mad brave bro.”

“And Poochyena kept Machop busy, not easy to do dude. He lifts more than I do.”

“Then, Budew came in to put the team on his back. Smart, real smart bros. You’ll see the Broletariat again soon… and we don’t lose twice!”

The group of fraternity sailors hollered and laughed, continuing to bump into each other and exchange praise for what they had done in the fight. Your concern for healing caught their attention, and each of them looked to each other to find no information. They exchanged confused glances and mumbled words, shrugs, before Puck turned his neck to face all of you once gain.

“We don- GAH!”


You heard a robotic, drone voice come from behind you. Holly would walk between the three of you with a strange looking device in hand. It looked as some sort of scepter, and at its tops were three prongs that would contain the perfect area of a Poké Ball. The material was translucent, and you could see tubes of red coolant surging through the device.

“I’ve been notified that your Pokémon require healing.”

Again with that monotonous voice. And how could she possibly know that? Perhaps the ship’s technology was more advanced than it appeared. She would offer her hand to each of you. Given that you accepted and placed your Pokémon in her hand, she would place them into the device. The three prongs of the device would clasp the Poké Ball and rotate erratically, spinning at an unseen RPM. As a centrifuge, it would come to a maximum speed and loud whir before ticking off, requiring a moment to slow momentum.

“Your Pokémon has been cured of all status effects and is restored to optimal health.”

The sailors, first looking to each other, hesitantly handed over their Poké Balls as well.

“This is kind of freaky, bro…”

Holly never commented to what anyone asked, and she would merely go about the process as if it were a regiment or program.

“Please forward any concerns to the upper office on the main deck.”

With this, Holly walked between the lot of you once again. She descended the metallic stairs, not making a sound as she moved. She was likely returning to the terminal room to assist with new trainers.

“O-Okay. It was nice meeting you, bros and broettes! Next time won’t be so easy, let’s train up tomorrow boys.”

The three sailors waved, returning to their respective rooms for some good rest before the evening dinner event that Palm was holding. From the position of the sun in the open archway in front of you, you could tell you had a few hours to go before you the dinner was being held. The captain and Holly had asked you to attend, but never was there a mandate of it being mandatory. The main deck was in front of you, the S.S EXPEDITION traveling triumphantly through the route bustling with Pokémon of all types, shapes, and sizes.





Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Arren Malla

She was surprised when Holly just appeared out of nowhere, and the device in her hand was weird. Arren watched as she handed Holly her Pokeball, and the device started spinning. When she got it back, she looked at it. What type of device was that? Can it really heal Pokémon that quickly? There wasn't much time to think about it or ask questions, since Holly immediately left after healing everyone's Pokémon. She's a little weird if you ask me. She waved to the sailors as they left, maybe we'll see them again someday, and turned towards the other two.

She still wasn't very happy with Vuduin, but at least he apologized for it, she could move past that. Now a question came into her mind and wouldn't leave, what was she going to do now? There was at least a few hours until the dinner, and she didn't want to miss it.

I could catch Pokémon, explore the ship, or maybe just train Poochyena a little bit. Well, I don't really want to try and catch any Pokémon until Poochyena is a little higher level. I think I'm going to train him a little bit before I run off to catch Pokémon.

"Hey, I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to go train my Poochyena for a little bit. If you want to join me you can, if not I guess I'll see you at dinner," she said to them, and started walking away.

Wonder what Pokémon I'll encounter first? I'm just curious as to how this will play out. Training is going to be a lot of work, but I know that Poochyena and I will be fine,she thought to herself as she wandered out onto the main deck.

Option 2: Arren will go off to train Poochyena

Location: Route Z


Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
700 P (Pokédollars)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Pikmin Eye@Morose@PlatinumSkink


Pokedollars: 700

Team: Lulu the Yanma
Level 7
Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack
Status: Fainted

They won the...battle? At this point it wasn't even a battle, but more of a clumsy, chaotic brawl, but hey they won! Charley probably had a broken bone and the Dwebble was completely out for the count. Before they could do anything else, the thug had told Yasha that he'd get his revenge on him and told them something about a group called the Red Hand and meeting someone named Pearl before he dashed off

"If I see ya again around here I'm gonna hog tie ya to a tree and slather ya in honey! All dem Beedrills will have a hayday!" Yasha yelled out as Charlie ran away from them. Who would've guessed that this sweet country boy had a vicious side? There wasn't any point in chasing after the bastard and besides, they had more immediate problems. Yasha was bleeding and their pokemon were all wounded, especially Lulu, who sacrificed herself to get rid of the Dwebble's shell.

Walking over to the balled up money, he took 200 dollars as his share from the battle and would had the rest to Mara and Rowan. He was just glad that this whole battle was finally over though he had a sudden chilling realization. "Wait a minute! We're no more closer of finding the proffesor's assistent!" Yasha groaned loudly and sat down on his bum, face paling himself hard, but not as hard as that sudden realization.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Mara Scelus


Mara stared at the portion of her money, the guilt continuing to eat away at her. It was her fault that the battle hadn't ended sooner, that Yasha had to take the blow for her pokemon. "Here, I don't need any of this," Mara said, offering her share of the spoils to Rowan and Yasha. "I...I shouldn't have tried to save the dwebble."

She glanced down at the dirt, before rummaging in her bag for her pokedex. Hopefully, there'd be a way to figure out how they could get Yasha medical attention, and replace Rowan's backpack. She'd pondered briefly whether or not a potion meant for pokemon would help to heal Yasha's wounds, but thought better of it. The medical professionals would have a better idea of what to do.

"Wait a minute! We're no more closer of finding the proffesor's assistent!"

"She's probably just across the bridge somewhere, didn't want to pay the toll fee or something..." Mara offered, biting her lip as she looked at Yasha, sitting on the ground in pain. "We should get you medical attention, Yasha...And a new backpack for Rowan..."

She recalled Kira to his pokeball, tucking the pokeball away in her bag. She didn't need him trying to do anything heroic, and he deserved a rest. Pulling the potion out of her bag, she offered it to Yasha, uncertain as to whether or not it could revive a fallen pokemon--but it was the least she could do. It was her fault that things had ended this way--and she was going to do whatever she could to fix it.

Location: Route A
Current Team:

  • Kira the Espurr

    Status: N/A
    Level: 7
Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (800), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago



Pokedollars: 700

Team: Lulu the Yanma
Level 7
Moves: Tackle, Foresight, Quick Attack
Status: Fainted

"Don't apologize, just don't do it." Yasha wasn't even looking at her; he was just rummaging through his sack and pulled out a roll of bandages. He unwraveled some and wrapped them around the gashes in his arm, tearing them off the roll with his teeth. At some point he figured he was going to need them though not as early as he had anticipated. He glanced up at Mara and gave her one of his cheerful grins that she had seen him with for most of the short time she had know him. "Shucks Mara, I appreciate the concern, but it's just a flesh wound. I've been kicked by Rapidashes, headbutted by Taurous, and rolled over by Milktanks. This ain't anything to work ya self up over." Yasha lifted his arms up and flexed with a grin on his face though winced from the pain of his wounds.

He hopped up back on his feet as if he never got hurt in the first place and looked at Mara's share of the winnings. "Ya did what ya thought ya should do. I may not had liked what ya did, but it'd be an insult to Kira if I didn't acknowledge his actions." He pushed the money back to her palm and handed her potion back to her. "We need to head back to town to regroup. Our pokemon are beat and we need to rest ourselves."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Mara Scelus
@Whimsley @hatakekuro @PlatinumSkink

Mara took the money and the potion back, sighing softly. Kira and she had done the best that they could in the situation, she reminded herself. She didn't instigate the conflict, and she made the best choices she could with what was presented to her. She couldn't beat herself up about this forever.

"We need to head back to town to regroup. Our pokemon are beat and we need to rest ourselves."

"Quagmire might be closer, at this point," Mara pointed out, hesitating slightly. "I'll go look for Rowan, he ran off somewhere..."

Collecting the tattered ruins of Rowan's backpack, Mara headed towards where she had seen Rowan dash off to. As far as she could recall, he was convinced that he'd be able to catch another pokemon, all by himself. As much as she doubted it, having more pokemon than just their own would likely be a good idea, what with the Red Hand -- or was it the Green Arm? -- running about.

"Rooooowan!" Mara called out, making her way through the clusters of trees. "It's okay! The Blue Finger guy is gone!"

Pausing, she let out another sigh. She didn't see Rowan anywhere. Perhaps he had gone deeper in, maybe he had ran off back to the road. Yasha could have found him already. Maybe something happened to him...

"Rowan?!" Mara called out again, continuing on in her search. She clutched the remains of his backpack to her chest, glancing around and hoping that he'd just be behind the next tree.

Location: Route A
Current Team:

  • Kira the Espurr

    Status: N/A
    Level: 7
Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (1000), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Rowan Branchers


Route A

Rowan dashed with all his energy, looking around the landscape. Wh-why was the place so incredibly bare NOW!? It felt like it had been filled with Taillows earlier! Now they were, like, gone! The mud made this really hard to run, but, Rowan ran around all the time with his friends in Dewmeadow. You didn't get anywhere fast in Dewmeadow unless you ran, and as impatient kids, this resulted in that they typically ran everywhere. So, if it was something Rowan definitely could do, it was run. He had never considered using it for running away, though.

But that wasn't what he was doing! He reached the first tree and gazed upwards with panicky eyes as he grasped onto the tree.

'T-TAILLOWS!?' He asked loudly, staring up into the tree, looking for any kind of movement. None. He didn't even startle a bug. 'K-KH!' Rowan ran on towards the next tree, however far that might be, his mind also trying to keep track of where he was so he could run back when he was done. For now... 'TAILLOWS!' He shouted a bit more as he ran as quickly as he could trying to catch up to an unsuspecting Pokémon.

After numerous trees he'd likely realize he was maybe scaring the Pokémon away by shouting like that, and stopped doing that, hoping that he'd have better chances when not shouting. He kept running, attentive and panicked eyes looking around and up into trees for Pokémon. He had no idea what might have happened back in the battle.

Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex
Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball
678 P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin Alimore

Vuduin was glad the sailors were more excited about the battle than angry about his little mistake. Their excitement and rivalrous spirit were contiguous and Vuduin grinned along with them, "Next time it'll go down the way its supposed to. Then we'll really see which team is better!" It occured to him that he wasn't quite sure which they were, Pokemon Trainers or Sailors. Surely they couldn't be both? Was that allowed? Any further thoughts on the subject were interrupted by the sudden, somewhat disturbingly silent, appearance of Holly, with a high-tech gadget no less. Naturally Vuduin temporarily put Budew back in its Pokeball and handed it to Holly. To his suprise the device seemed to have the same capabilities as a Pokemon center, just more condensed. How handy would it be to carry one of those around! Before he knew, Holly and the three bros were gone, along with Arren who said she was going training.

Vuduin nodded and waved her off, releasing Budew from its pokeball and talking out loud to the Pokemon. "Hm. We need two things!" Vuduin explained, putting up two fingers for emphasis. Budew, understanding the importance of this, nodded and paid close attention. "First off we need a name for you. Something that defines you. You kicked butt in that battle and seem to have a natural talent for it. Plus everyone else worked hard to protect you, like you were the most important one. So maybe like a general. Yeah that's it, Alexander! I read about him in a book somewhere. From now on your name is Alexander." Budew spent a few moments considering this, then nodding approving, "Buuu dew!" Vuduin smiled again, "Glad you like it. Now we need to start building up your army. Let's go!" Vuduin snatched up Alexander in one hand with a Palm Ball in the other and ran off to find a new Pokemon for his team!


Route Z

~Current Team~

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
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