Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: High School Gym
Interacting With: @Nallore@Lady Amalthea

Time was dragging. Really dragging. Why won't they stop looking at me? Did i interrupt something? Slowly the crowd went back to their business, once the echo from the door had subsided. After spotting Cynthia and Riley; the only two that made sense in this chaos, and the two he consequentially wanted to avoid, Cynthia called over to him and waved. Jacob sighed. It was a deep hearty sigh, years of loneliness and seclusion all compacted into a single breathing motion. There was no going back now however. Social convention now dictated he must speak to Cynthia and approach the duo. While it had been a decade since they had interacted like this {Although with Cynthia that wasn't exactly true} it still felt like high school to him. Taking those steps across the gym were almost as hard as the initial steps he took only a few minutes ago. That feeling of strange nostalgia hanging in his mind, clouding his judgement and overall making everything he saw a living hell.

What was he actually expecting? Cynthia to mock him and Riley punch him? Things had changed. People had grown up and lives had moved on. What happened at high school stayed in high school right? Actually no, ignore that. They were in high school, so that metaphor was actually true rather than being some sort of witty statement. But still, people had changed. After completing the necessary steps to reach the crowd he heard Riley's words. Okay, maybe things hadn't changed. Those words almost went through him like a dagger. Well actually more crawling under his skin. His name wasn't exactly hard to say or pronounce. It couldn't have been a nickname as they were shorter than the actual name; Jackie was longer than Jacob. The whole concept of calling him Jackie made no logical sense, and they frustrated him. Even now, 10 years later he was scrunching his face slightly, avoiding the urge to correct her, visibly it had become clear that Riley had pushed one of Jacob's many buttons.

"Hello Cynthia..." Despite the fact he had lived in the US for most of his life, and the fact that he had only been in England for at best 4 years, he still had an unshakeable British accent. It actually frustrated him. Looking over at Cynthia he remembered the day he went to visit her in her isolation. He still couldn't shake off the fact she had been released. Even if she wasn't the murderer, was she really ready for the outside world? Then again, many thought Jacob should have been in Cynthia's situation growing up, after all he had a mental illness in many peoples minds, in others it was a condition. Still at least Jacob had somewhat adapted to life. For Cynthia it was going to be a process of doing that all over again. At first he wanted to ignore Riley, but he knew that was rude. So once she got back from her drink he just muttered some words, not though about, no emotion, heck not even malice attached to them "Hello Riley" Jacob didn't want to speak to Tim just yet. he was only comfortable speaking to a few people at a time, and despite his previous relationships with the two of them, Jacob knew them a lot more than Tim. So for now, Jacob would remain silent
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Marc Tender

Location: Coaches Office Grimm H.S. Gym

Marc lightly wrapped his arm around Ashley as she rested in the crook of his shoulder, pulling her closer and trying to give her some much needed comfort. She was a wreck, it was clear and simple to see. He didn't look at her phone as she went through it, giving her the privacy so many others tried to steal away from her just because she was a well known celebrity. He understood why they did it but he he didn't think it was right and he wasn't about to do that to her, not now; not ever.

He smiled softly as she looked up at him, his hand reaching up and brushing back a few tendrils of her hair from her cheek; tucking it lightly behind her ear. "I just want to keep you safe," he said gently as she rested her head in his lap. He was a bit surprised by the action and the kiss to his cheek but he wasn't going to complain. Just chuckling slightly as she wiped the lipstick away. "Well of course I am, I doubt you would let anyone that is less than spectacular be a pillow for you," he teased her as he tapped the end of his nose.

Nodding as she took the call he waited patiently for her to finish and his brows sunk a bit at the tone though; then she mentioned Atlas and he sighed as he slipped off the couch and knelt down in front of her, gently pulling her hand away from her face as he did. "Right now, you are just going to take a few deep breaths. I will be right by you the whole time okay? No one is going to get close enough for you to have to answer anything while you are here. If I need to, I'll go back to LA with you until things calm down," he reassured her as his hands came up and cupped her cheeks with a ginger touch; brushing the streaks of mascara away as he gave her a small but comforting smile.

"I promise, no one is going to hurt you, not even the press," he said as he leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to her temple before sliding back onto the couch and pulling her into his arms, letting them encircle her as he held her close. "I've got you, it'll be okay."

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The Gym

Tim looked back over towards Riley and rubbed the bridge of his nose for a moment as he thought to himself. "Right now, we are not saying anything to the press or any one else. Though, from what Marc told me he has instructed everyone to try to stay in groups while they are in town. Now that we know the Superlatives are targets, that is even more important. Do you are a place to stay tonight? You and..." he said looking over towards Cynthia.

Cynthia was beaming as she looked at Jacob, grinning form ear to ear. She didn't wait for Riley to answer and just dropped in her two cents, or a buck fifty, depending on how long her newest ramble would last. "Yup yup, Riley and me are staying together. We are? Well yeah don't you remember? Oh right, capri sun. Exactly! And Smores? Smores! Yum! Okay, us two. Three. Whatever. No, I don't mean us, I mean him. Him who. That him!" Cynthia said before pointing over to Jacob.

"Oh, that him! Yes! Jacob! Come here! Think he will. I don't know. Should we go to him? Yes!" she continued on her ramble as Tim just shook his head. He really wondered if anyone could keep up with her ramblings. Rushing over to Jacob she stood on her tip toes and got nearly nose to nose with him, just giggling like the madwoman she was.

"You to! We're having a sleep over! Yup, yup! You have got to come. Lot's of death. Bad Juju, want to keep my eye on you!" she rambled even more an as Tim heard her wanting to keep an eye on Jacob he perked a brow and stepped over, taking ahold of Cynthia's arm and leading her back over to Riley.

"I don't think it would be safe if you two roomed with him tonight," he said quickly. Cynthia looked at him and then Riley and then Jacob and then back again. Her head tilting to the side until a light bulb went off in that crowded mind of hers.

"You think he did it! He thinks what? He thinks Jacob did it! Did what? Killed everyone! Did he? You know who did. I do. Well I do. Are you sure. Um... no. Shut up. You shut up!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Grimm H.S.: Coach's Office

Ash melted into Marc and nodded along with his words. She knew that the way she was acting with Marc was wrong and that Al would be mad if he were to walk in on them now but she knew that wasn't a possiblity. She had just gotten off the phone with him and he was still in LA but had suggested that he come to Indiana to help her and keep her safe. Resting her head in the crook of Marc's neck, Ash played with the buttons on his vest as she considered everything that had happened today.

Her two oldest friends had gotten back together after a decade of silence and bad feelings between them. Old classmates of hers had been found dead, one of which was found in her best friend's old prom dress, another that had been found in her old prom dress and yet another was her ex-boyfriend. And now? Now Ash was laying wrapped around and being held by her other ex-boyfriend who's tuxedo had been found on the now deceased ex-boyfriend who had been alive only hours previously. This was getting complicated and was starting to hurt her head. Who would do something like this? What had this class done to someone that was so bad that they would resort to this? She felt like crying still but her body had apparently ran dry as her eyes couldn't produce any more.

Looking up to Marc, Ash smiled a little, as forced as it was, and pulled herself away from him and stood up dusting herself off and smoothing her dress out. "I think I need to freshen myself up a little, excuse me for a second." She grabbed her purse and walked over to the Coach's desk and sat down as she grabbed out her make-up case and handheld mirror as she began to fix the mess her face had turned into in her moments of hysteria. She kept glancing towards Marc in the reflection of her mirror and felt her chest tightening like it had used to do all those years ago.

When she was done fixing herself up, Ash turned in the chair and looked to Marc with a questioning gaze in her eyes. "Marc... Why did we never work out?" The question had been one she had always meant to ask but never really had the guts to do it. Now with people dying from their class it seemed that if she didn't ask the question now, she might never get the chance to do it. She didn't want to live her life with regrets and doubts anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

"Thank god, please if you can just keep it between all of us if word gets out i'm pretty much fucked and my music career would pretty much be down the shitter with my fans thinking I killed someone." Riley said as she gulped down her drink looking towards Cynthia as she started to approach Jacob like getting uncomfortably close to his face, she couldn't help but let out a soft laugh at the situation that Jacob was in though she felt bad she wouldn't want anyone right up in her face either. Riley took another drink before setting her cup down as Tim started to pry Cynthia from poor Jacob.

"So yeah Cynthia and I guess will be bunking together, not sure who else would be going with us either or if we are going to be bunking with anyone else." Riley answered Tim as she turned her attention towards Jacob she felt bad for her greeting and that happened years ago even though they had gotten into physical fights with one another. Back then Riley was at least willing to try and burry the hatchet with him she had done it with Cynthia already. "So whats been new with you Jacob what have you been doing since graduation?" Riley asked trying to be friendly with him she could get a hint of an English accent from him.

Riley still however thought that it was really suspicious of him coming into the gym just after she had found out another murder happened to be Valencia in her own prom dress. But she wasn't going to start pointing fingers at him, she was trying to be genuinely friendly with the guy who one of many tried to make her life hell in high school ten years ago.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Marc Tender

Location: Coaches Office Grimm H.S. Gym

"Think you look fine but hey, that's me," he chuckled a bit as Ashley got up and moved over to the coaches desk to clean up the make up smearing thanks to her tears. Leaning back on the couch he rested his hands in his lap, lacing his fingers together as he watched her from time to time. Ever the perfectionist when it came to her looks, seemed she hadn't really changed that much since high school. At least not in that respect but he knew she hadn't. Ashley was Ashley, he wouldn't ever want her to change.

At her question his brow rose slightly. He wondered if she was really even expecting an answer to the question. He hadn't exactly been known for expressing his feelings. In fact that was exactly why they had broken up and he knew she knew that. Seemed like she was wondering if he actually knew that and perhaps wanting more. Oh well, she was in for a bit of a surprise right then because Marc wasn't going to hold back this time.

"You know, if you had asked me that question ten years ago I would have either clammed up or told you it wasn't the right time to answer that question because you are dating someone. Granted that second reason would have been an excuse to cover the first," he said laughing a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck. Looking over at her, a cheekyily shy expression on his face before he shrugged and stood up. Tugging at the bottom of his vest to smooth it out before he stepped over to the desk she was sitting at and standing in front of her. Then his expression exchanged and became softer and yet so serious.

"Why didn't we work out? Simple really. It was me, not you. And I don't mean that in that whole well it really was you but I am trying to be nice. It was me. I didn't say those things you needed to hear but just because I didn't say them doesn't mean I didn't think them. Like how much I enjoyed being around you because of the way your eyes lit up a room every time you smiled. Or how you made me laugh being the over the top girl you are. How I could be happy just holding you and watching the rest of the world wander by. Or how your perfume drove my allergies nuts but I put up with the sneezing cause you wore it. Or how the best you ever looked was waking up that morning on the lake, with no make up and your hair all over the place," he said as he stepped around the desk and squatted down in front of her, reaching out and taking her hands gently in his, running his fingers along the length of them before looking back up at her.

"Or how even the night of prom when I lost someone I cared about my first thought was getting you out of the gym and with someone who could protect you because I knew I wasn't strong enough then to. How everything I have done since High School was to make sure I was never that weak again. Because you deserved to have someone you could call on any time, anywhere, to be there for you. We didn't work out because I wasn't the man you deserved back then. Just wish I had figured that out before it was too late but I still wouldn't change any of it. Long as you are happy Ash, that's all that matters." Pulling her hand to his lips he pressed a soft kiss to the back of her hand before letting go and standing up.

"And I think your make up looked fine, had a very Bride of the dead look to it and you rocked it," he chuckled a bit as he stuck his hands in his pockets and gave a slight shrug.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: High School Gym

The steps Jacob took were small. Much smaller than what he would have normally strode. He was nervous. Nervous as hell. He was walking right upto his past and pretty much confronting it. The past quickly came to him in return. Cynthia had darted forward, closing the gap between them before Jacob could even speak, Cynthia had gotten right into him, almost nose to nose. On instinct, the muscles in his legs tightened, adrenaline levels soaring. The fight or flight response upon which he had mastered in high school had kicked in. Cynthia had invaded his personal space and his body had arched backwards, trying to avoid letting Cynthia getting any closer to his face. He was almost happy when Tim removed her, though Cynthia's words had struck him as odd. Before he could say anything, Cynthia was swiped back into the group, Tim saying something that Jacob couldn't quite make out as he got closer. Cynthia however was louder and gave it away quite quickly. Now with the group, he wasn't exactly happy.

"What did Cynthia say? Lots of death? And something about Jacob doing it? I hope this is all her crazy speak going on?" For Jacob that was the best he could muster. He didn't hear enough to say anything else, and as far as he knew everything was fine. He had just arrived here, blissfully unaware of the events unfolding around him. Were the referring to the death of Simone? On the various interconnecting flights here, Jacob hadn't given Simone much thought. The bitch was dead. End of. However now he was here it began to dawn on him - then events that took place that night.

Jacob had been at the back. As far back as was possible without melting into the wall. This part of the prom was the bit he had hated. He hated popularity. He couldn't stand it. And now they were about to announce the biggest titles of them all: Prom King and Prom Queen. At that point, after the two obvious names were announced and Jacob was about ready to leave, the body of Simone came crashing down, hanging there for everyone to see. At first Jacob wanted to throw up, his haemophobia kicking in. But at that point. When his mind registered that it was Simone, suddenly he didn't give a crap anymore.

"I have been working around the clock..." He started in response to Riley's question, trying not to let the previous statement he had made longer on for too long. "Travelling the world and selling my latest microcopmuter. as well as trying to enjoy wealth. How about you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The Gym

Cynthia giggled and being as Cynthia was she darted off away from the crowd for a few moments before returning with a chair, a soda and a bag of popcorn. She was tried of waiting around for snacks and such and figured she might as well eat something. Adelaide had made sure the entire thing was catered and people were not eating as much as she thought they should. What was it about death that made people not eat? Wasn't that way for Cynthia, granted Cynthia was not a like most people that was sure enough. Maybe back in High School she would have lost her appetite but these days she figured if there was death running about she might as well eat. A little habit she got into during her time at Shady Pines. Eat while you can because it is better to be medicated or killed on a full stomach. Seriously, in the end no one is going to regret that last Twinkie.

Things seemed okay as Tim stood there next to Riley and eyed Jacob a bit; while Cynthia watch Riley and grinned as she sat there with her cheeks puffing out from the over stuffing of popcorn held in her cheeks like a little chipmunk. When Jacob spoke she giggled, nearly spitting out her food before she was able to force it down and take a slug of her drink. Smacking her lips a bit she smiled as she looked over towards Tim.

"Now watch this. Riley has opened the conversation with a non-committal question that could easily be brushed off with an answer of "nothing much you?". Yes yes, as many people would answer towards someone they really had not had contact with over the years and who they did not get along with during those days. Now Jacob has retorted in a confrontational manner by spouting off his achievements over the last then years. Yes yes, see that. Yes I do see that. He is informing us that he is busy, owns his own business and is wealthy. The How about you nearly challenging Riley to out do him. Yes, I see this. A tango of the demented? In a way. Both suffered from bullying and issues growing up. Yeah, well we didn't help with that. True but it wasn't just us. That makes it okay? No, it doesn't make it okay but plenty of people get bullied and they don't turn out bad. Okay true but doesn't mean we should have. No, but it also shouldn't be used a crutch for the rest of ones life. No it shouldn't but these two seem to have done alright. Have they? Financially they have. True but in other ways? Well I don't know, they aren't breaking down their therapists notes for us. They have therapists? Well we do. Well yeah but that is for a different reason. True but doesn't everyone have one these days? Do they? Well isn't it the in thing? How so? You know, fuck up, see a Freud wannabe and then come out with thumbs up that everything is fine? Maybe but I am not sure. Neither am I. So what do we do now? Watch? Watch! Then shut up! Oh right!"

Cynthia finishing her ramble she shoved another handful of popcorn in her mouth as Tim shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair as he pushed it back and put his sheriffs hat back on and hoping that Marc would get out there soon enough, he wasn't exactly sure he could put up with any more of Cynthia's rambling and kind of felt sorry for Riley being the one stuck with her for the evening. Letting out a short breath Tim looked back over towards Jacob. "So where were you yesterday at 4 p.m. until now?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Grimm H.S.: Coach's Office

Ash had no idea what she had actually expected when she asked the question. She had grown so used to asking things and getting no response back from Marc but that had been years ago. She knew why she asked the question now, but she hadn't expected anything and his lack of reluctance took Ashley out of her element. She was utterly speechless as she listened to Marc open up to her for the first time in their entire lives having known one another. It was not something she ever thought she would get to experience in her lifetime and yet here it was, right now, right in front of her and all it took was for her to ask the god damn question to get the answer. Her mind began to drift back to the day that they had called it quits but she forced herself not to bring that up. Not now at least.

She watched his face as she listened to him, she hadn't seen such emotion on it before, sure she had seen inklings of the emotions that she now saw, but it was different to have the full effect of the words and tone worked along with the expressions on his face. She almost scoffed at the mention of that cliche until he continued onwards with his answer. Ash felt like he was practically gushing over her now and she stared at him, her eyes beginning to water and her mouth slightly agape as she heard what he had really thought all those years ago. As Marc mentioned the lake, Ash's cheeks flushed as she thought about memories of them skinny dipping, playing dumb games like marco polo, curling around each other while listening to mellow music and reading and then the meals they made together while there that became messier than they probably should have...

Her train of thought was then cut off as she realised Marc had mentioned the night of prom. He had lost someone he cared about? But they had broken up weeks before prom... Did that mean? She felt her jaw tensing a little and she eyed Marc's face as he finished speaking. The rest of his words were sweet and would normally have pushed her over the brink of tears but she was too focused on the night of prom. She let her eyes dart between Marc's, looking at each eye individually as if looking for an answer without speaking the question that was fore front in her mind right then. She swallowed the dry lump in her throat and took her hands back from his, the soft warmth of his lips lingering on the back of her hand as she steeled herself to ask this next, brand new, question. Her face was set and she listened to his little joke to bring matters back to a less heavy and serious state but she was about to bring it right back down again.

"Marc. You said you lost someone you cared about. We broke up weeks before that so I know it isn't me you're talking about. The only other person that was gone after that night was..." Her brain wracked itself thinking through everyone and then it hit her but it didn't make sense. "...Simone?" The question was there, lingering in the air and Ash had a look of utter confusion and hurt plastered across her face. Why was she hurt? She didn't rightly know but it was there, that pain, it was real.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Marc Tender

Location: Coaches Office Grimm H.S. Gym

Marc knew that question was coming. Sighing slightly she stepped over to the couch and sat back down, rubbing his hands together as he looked at the floor. Thinking back on that night, what had happened, how he felt seeing Simone like that. He had to take a deep breath before he was finally able to form the words. "Yes..." he said quietly before looking up at Ashley. He was surprised that Adelaide hadn't eventually told Ashley but then again, Ada was good at keeping her mouth shut about things.

"Simone and I were close, for a very long time Ash. We dated off and on in high school. She was my date to prom," he said before looking away and rubbing his face. Taking a bit a breath before continuing and finally opening up to Ashley about everything. Telling her about how Simone and he were close, how he had cared for her. That she actually cared for him. How prom was supposed to be the night he told everyone but she wasn't at her home when he showed up at her house that evening. How he still visited her grave every year.

"It's kind of become a yearly ritual now I guess. I got to her grave and talk. How silly is that? I sit there tending to a tombstone no one else in the world gives a fuck about, pulling weeds and planting new flowers while I talk to no one at all," he said shaking his head a bit. It sounded a bit off the wall as he said it out loud.

"I know you didn't like her, no one really did. And I am not making excuses for her actions but she had her reasons for being the way she was. Trust me, that wasn't who she was underneath it all Ash." Sighing he lowered his head and ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back and smoothing it out. Now she knew. Maybe him opening up wasn't the best idea but she had asked and he wasn't going to keep everything bottled up anymore.

Standing up he walked over to the water cooler and got a small paper cup full before downing it and crumbling up the material in his hand before tossing it into the trash. "Funny thing, she kept trying to push me away. Like she did with everyone but you know me. I was never one to give up. Found this in her room after the funeral," he said as he pulled his wallet out and picked out a small piece of paper that had been thumbed over more than once. Unfolding it carefully before handing it over to Ashley.


Listen, you're great. You know this and I owe you a lot but after tonight, well I can't anymore. You know, us. I'm leaving town, get away from my parents. You know why. Now, you need to do something for me. Opening that fucking trap of yours and actually tell Ashley what you need to okay? If you can tell me, you can tell her. End of story.


"I wanted to tell you, god did I want to. After she died though, well I just felt like I wasn't the man for you. You had your path, I needed to find my own. By the time I got my act together, well it was too late." Shrugging slightly he looked back over to Ash and smiled a bit. "Sorry, I shouldn't have just dumped all that on you."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley looked towards Jacob as he actually answered her and got the feeling he had been busy the last ten years doing with whatever it was that he did. Then he asked her what she had been doing, once her career finally picked up she spent a lot of the time working on her music. "Well mainly I've been working on writing songs, touring and putting out albums." Riley answered him as she looked over her shoulder as Cynthia got up and grabbed some popcorn and a soda, she knew that the evening was going to be either really interesting or really weird and creepy as Cynthia babbled on doing her own crazy talk.

Riley would reached over while Cynthia wasn't looking and snatched a handful of the crazy girl's popcorn hoping that she didn't mind as she ate it and tried not to laugh as Cynthia rambled on and on. She looked towards Tom as he approached Jacob as he asked him where he was yesterday at 4:00PM yesterday afternoon to now. She still was slightly suspicious of him and then looked towards Cynthia once more before getting up. "I'll be right back gonna go use the lady's room." Riley said as she started to make her way towards the locker room once more where she knew there were the restrooms were at.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: High School Gym

Jacob didn't seem to be getting the answers he wanted from people. Cynthia had gone off on one, in a way that seemed to really disturb Jacob. Instead of getting any answers he had to deal with Cynthia's little speech, Riley mentioning something about her music career taking off. Jacob wasn't paying full attention to what she said. He knew what Riley had been upto. He couldn't avoid her music at one point, as her popularity climbed several people pointed out that both Riley and Jacob attending the same school. So in the odd interview he would get asked about it. Jacob therefore has to know what Riley was upto. She had done well for herself too. Even if Jacob wasn't that keen on her. He did sometimes wonder if any of her songs were about him. Though he would never let anyone else know about that.

Before Jacob could say anything back to her, she took her leave. He couldn't help but feel that it was his fault slightly she was using the bathroom as the excuse to go away. It did seem however that Tim had wanted to say something, putting his sheriff's hat on. 'Since when has Tim been in law enforcement' The question was probing. Jacob couldn't really tell if there was any weight, authority or malice in those words.

"And why would you need to know that exactly? What exactly is going on? Cyntiha mentions death and then you ask me where i was... what the hell is going on!?" His voice started to raise slightly towards the end of the sentence. Not because he was angry, it was more because no one had answered his first question and now he was having to reiterate to others again. One of his pet loathes. And while Jacob might not of meant it, it could have been viewed as confrontational.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The Gym

Cynthia didn't mind Riley taking some of the popcorn; in fact she smiled and looked a bit more at ease when she did. Riley was the first person other than Adelaide that had treated Cynthia like a human being really over the last decade. She found the rock stars presence a bit comforting. She wasn't as at ease around Riley as she was Ada but it was something. The voices were still there, unlike when Ada was around and they went away completely but hey, it was still something. As Riley excused herself she nodded and turned her attention back over to Tim and Jacob.

Tim shook his head. "Listen, just because you have money doesn't mean you get to demand anything. You hear me? I'm the one asking the questions here. I am an officer, you aren't. Get that? Or I could just have Marc come and question you? Prefer that? Member of the FBI questioning you should make for a great headline for tomorrows paper. Especially after all that has gone down. I can see the headline now. Tech Mogul suspect in 3 Murders at Alma Mater," he said quickly as he stood there, holding his hands up to emphasis each word of the headline before crossing his arms over his chest. "So, again, where were you from 4p.m. yesterday until now?"

Cynthia lowered her eyes and then let them travel back over to Jacob. You see what I see? Yup, I do. Are you sure you do? What do you mean am I sure I do, of course I do! Well I am not so sure about that. Do I need to explain myself. Please. Thank you. What? You said said please, so I said thank you. Ugh, answer me. Answer what? If you see what I see. I told you I did! I mean explain it! Oh that! Yes that! Oh, I see stars! So do I! See, I told you I see what you see! That you did. So we are in agreement? About what? The fucking stars! Oh yeah, that. Yes that! Stars? Stars. Stars!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Grimm H.S.: Coach's Office

Unsure how to take Marc's silence, Ash gripped the back of the chair that she was sitting on, her arm resting over the back as she watched him gathering some form of courage to just speak to her. She was used to him keeping his mouth shut about his feelings but this silence was different. When the single word rolled out of his mouth, Ash turned away from Marc and willed herself not to get upset. She knew that she and Marc weren't exclusive when they were broken up in high school, but for some reason Ashley never once imagined that Marc was seeing anyone else. She knew she was being hypocritical, especially considering he saw her dating Atlas when they weren't together but she couldn't help how she felt.

As he opened up to her, Ashley could barely bring herself to look at him. Her chest was tight, constricting each breath that she tried to take. Her mouth dried out as if cotton balls had been shoved inside. Her hands shook and felt numb while her head was swimming with emotion and strain at everything he opened up to her with. Ten years... it had taken him ten years to actually open up to her and she didn't know exactly how she felt about what he was telling her. She was already in a poor mental state and she had opened up this can of worms with her questions. She had brought this on herself.

She didn't know what to say, what to think, what to do... so she just sat there. Her eyes glanced in his direction every so often but she couldn't maintain eye contact with him for more than a second. When Marc made his way over to her, handing her a piece of paper, a note that Simone had left for Marc. She eyed the words, recognised the handwriting due to the amount of bad girls' room graffiti that Simone had written about Ashley and others throughout high school. Ashley didn't know why Simone wanted Marc to open up to her. She and Marc had been in puppy love not true love, they weren't like Kai and Ada. Those two were soulmates, sweethearts, a true pair that were so in love that every other relationship paled in comparison to them.

When Marc was finished and looked to her, smiling as if he hadn't just turned her world upside down, she didn't know what to do. Ash still couldn't speak, she looked over the note, waiting for Marc to tell her that it was all some stupid prank but it never came. She handed the note back to Marc with a shaky hand and pulled her hand back from him so quickly that it looked as though she thought he was going to bite her if she didn't move away quickly enough. She could feel the blood pounding in her ears as she tried to gather thoughts and words together.

Slowly, very slowly, Ash began to breathe a little smoother but it still caught in her chest some as she did. She licked her dried out lips and looked down to her hands, not wanting to see Marc's face right now. Her voice was shaking and uneven as she practically whispered her words. "What do you expect me to do now?" No sooner had she spoken than her cell began to ring again. It was Al, his face on her phone made her feel physically sick and she turned her phone over on the table, hiding his face on her screen as she let the call ring out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Jacob Blackwell

Location: High School Gym

Despite Jacob not wanting to come as such, it seemed that Tim had taken his tone the wrong away. Tim pretty much went into 'i am the law' mode and started acting high and mighty, swinging his authority around almost like a bat. And while Jacob usually wouldn't let that slide, on this one occasion he did. Mainly because of the beginning of Tim's statement. Three Murders? The very thought if having been near or suspected of another murder caused a dry lump to form in his throat. This really was a nightmare. It had to be. Cynthia and Riley, being questioned for murder again... Was someone playing a trick on him? Was someone going to come out from nowhere and point out a hidden camera? This had to be set up. It had to be.

So why didn't the fear or the strange pain he was feeling go away? It seemed that he couldn't really do much at this point. Jacob tried to speak, raising his finer up as if to make a point, but nothing came out of his mouth, opening it revealed nothing but slight groans and the escaping air of his lungs. Eventually a few more seconds later, Jacob was able to start forming some words.

"Murders... Three? Now?... Oh god... This is like Simone all over again. Well... I... i wasn't here. I have only just arrived in town.. I was on the plane to LA from Tokyo from 4pm yesterday. Haven't stopped travelling since... There, he covered his back. Gave his statement. It was the truth, so no more suspicion could come upon him. But he couldn't help but ask. Curiosity had now started gnawing at him and he had to satisfy it before it consumed him. Even if part of him didn't want to know the answer. "Who... who has been killed?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

As Riley went into the women's restroom she quickly went to do her business as she sat on the toilet Riley closed her eyes and slowly ran her hand through her hair letting out a soft sigh as she thought about the murders and all who have been killed so far. Once Riley was done she got up from the toilet she looked at herself through the mirror seeing some of her makeup had been slightly messed up, she reached for some paper towels and slowly started to wipe it off. Once it was gone Riley quickly started to was her hands, she grabbed some more paper towels and dried off her hands and tossed them into the trash can.

Riley walked out of the lockeroom seeing the group was still there Riley slowly approached them and covered her arms over her chest and looked at Jacob as he asked who has been murdered so far. "Valencia Grey, Jessica Flaggstaff and i'm not sure who the third is." Riley said as she looked over towards Tim and wondered who the third person was she just remembered Val and Jess were murdered. Riley then sat back down next to Cynthia letting out a soft sigh as she looked between the two of the men in front of her. Riley then turned her attention towards Cynthia. "Did I miss anything?" Riley asked her grabbing another handful of popcorn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Cynthia McMillan

Location: The Gym

Tim was about to answer Jacob when Riley came back and at least partly answered it for him. "Atlas, he was the third," Tim added as he stood there and eyed Jacob. "Well that is good, that you weren't here. Just will need some proof is all. You know, ticket stubs or something that show when you came into town and such. That way I can scratch you off of the suspect list," he said, not really sure if he should buy it that Jacob wasn't in town until not.

Cynthia said there and grinned as she leaned forward. "Atlas? Yeah Atlas. Wow. I know! I wonder if my pretty picture survived. I dunno maybe they made a new picture. They who? You know who. I do. Yes you do. Are you sure? Yes I am sure. Then why am I not sure? Beats me. If I beat you then I beat me. I guess that's right. I know that's right. That would look odd. I dunno, they pulled it off well in Fight Club. Hey, rule one! Rule one? You know.... Rule one! Oh right, first rule of fight club is we don't talk about fight club! You just broke rule one and rule two. What was rule two? Same as rule one. Then why do they have it down twice? Because, ti say it twice! But if we aren't supposed to talk about it, why have a rule about it? So you don't talk about it. That makes no sense. What do you mean? Well if I have to say the rule then I am talking about it aren't I? Um... See... Well fuck me. No thank you. Bitch."

Another rant from Cynthia that made Tim's head spin and he said a little prayer to himself that either Riley would take the woman out of there for the night quickly or that Marc would get back over to them so he could run. He was starting to get a headache.

Marc Tender

Location: Coaches Office Grimm H.S. Gym

Marc looked at her oddly as she pulled away from him, she had never pulled away from him before. At least not like that. It hurt that she would jump like that from him. He had never done anything in his life to make a person want to jump like that, especially not her. Tilting his head to the side at her whispered question he shook his head a bit and stepped away from her. Wandering over to the couch and sitting down as she turned her phone over, not answering the call.

"I wasn't expecting you to say anything about it Ashley," he said as he rubbed his hands together and looked down at the ground. "I don't get it Ashley, for years you begged me to open up. You asked these questions. I answered them, truthfully, honestly, and let you know all what was going on. Like you always wanted. Now you are acting as if I just told you I killed someone," he said shaking his head a bit before standing up and smoothing out his vest. Turning he stepped towards the door and rested his hand on the knob before looking back over his shoulder towards her.

"I'll be just outside, going to see what is going on out there. You are safe in here, if you need anything I will be within ear shot," he said before opening the door and stepping out. It was clear he was a bit confused and a little hurt. All those times she got onto him about not saying things, now that he had he felt like he was being punished for it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob Blackwell

Location: High School Gym

Why wouldn't that lump go away? It's dryness was crippling. How could one tiny little dry spec cause so much damage? Jacob was trying to keep himself composed, or at least sentient for the time being. His mind was processing things at break neck speeds, his mind processing nearly 1000 things a second. Or at least that was how it felt. Countless Possibilities. Countless conversations that could be. Every conversation there ever was. All of this rising up in Jacob's mind, before it came crashing down in a crescendo of confusion and worry. That culminated with Jacob burying his hands in his face. He had realised something. Something bad.

"Well i don't think i am going to miss Atlas, almost glad he is gone. Yeah, gone is good" Jacob muttered through his hand covered face. His words were audible, but his expression covered. Jacob had on instinct covered it, to hide the strange set of expressions pasted onto his face. Right now, Jacob's mind didn't know what expression to show. What was normal? It was a question he couldn't answer. Tim however had asked him a question. And he knew he was going to have to answer. The answer he was going to give, wouldn't have been the answer Jacob would have liked to give. He wasn't so sure if Tim would have liked the answer. If he wouldn't then he was going to love the answer Jacob would actually give. "I don't have any evidence to prove i was on those planes" Jacob said bluntly, Practically handing Tim a loaded gun. There was more to it than that. But right now Jacob had felt so deflated inside he didn't even want to fight for himself. Were Jessica and Valencia really gone? Sure they weren't friends at high school. But it felt wrong. It felt bad. Cynthia had spoken, but Jacob wasn't listening. Tim was his only focus right now. He was going to speak up, expand on his statement. But again... what was the point. He had been through this before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Riley Ridgeway

Location: Grimm High School Gym.

Riley looked towards Tim as he answered her question who the third victim was, and honestly she wasn't that surprised someone had actually finally cut the bastard down. Riley didn't really show any emotion to Atlas' death, he had made her life and those that she was friends with in high school life a living hell. "Well, honestly I am not surprised about Atlas, he was pretty much hated by everyone in the school for the way he treated everyone." Riley said with a slight shrug.

Riley looked towards Cynthia as she started doing her crazy ramblings again she couldn't help but let out a slight snort and laugh at the last bit of Cynthia's crazy ramblings. She turned her attention back towards Tim and Jacob as he answered Tim's question about his alibi which was surprisingly weird. "Well do you still have your luggage with you somewhere, if you had some of your belongings go to baggage claim then you'd have your stuff tagged. If you have that stuff if you don't have your ticket that could prove it." Riley said with a slight shrug she had traveled around a lot herself over the last ten years. "Or if you have your online ticket on your phone or something like that as well."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Grimm H.S.: Coach's Office

Ashley was a mixed bag of emotions. She had no idea whether she was coming or going and she could tell she had upset Marc. She didn't know what to do or say so she just sat there, silently, letting him leave the room as she just sat, staring at the back of the door. He was being a little melodramatic, she had to admit, but he had just turned her life completely on its head and he didn't even realise. She heard her phone buzzing again and sighed, knowing that it was Al. She didn't want to speak to him right now. She had enough to process without his accusing words piercing through her mind as well. Hell, they were still piercing through her mind before she'd even heard him say anything of the like yet.

Sighing hard, Ashley moved from the chair at the coach's desk and curled up onto the sofa. She knew Marc would need some time alone, and right now, so did she. She'd be safe in this office for now, everyone was right outside so it wasn't as if she was truly alone but it was the most she could get without someone physically being in the same room as her. She curled into the corner, her legs tucked up beneath her as she got herself comfortable. She rested her head on her hands and propped it up with her elbow on the arm of the sofa. She had to gather herself before talking to Marc again. She knew she owed him an apology but he also owed her one. Why admit something like that to someone that is in a relationship? Even if that person may love you back?

Uncertainty washed over Ashley as she thought more and more about everything. What could she do? Her phone began to buzz again and Ashley rubbed her temples before reaching over and grabbing the phone. She pressed the power button and let the phone shut itself down. She was not dealing with Al right now. She had to get her head back on straight first. She needed some alone time. He was going to kill her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 19 days ago

Cynthia & Marc

Location: The Gym

Marc made his way out of the office and glanced around, needing to find Tim and get an update of what all he had found out already. Craning his neck a bit he spotted him with Riley and a face he hadn't been expecting to see, Jacob. When had he gotten there? Must have been while he was with Ashley.

Rubbing the back of his neck he glanced back at the office and sighed. He wasn't exactly sure what to do about Ashley at this point. He had opened up to her, like she wanted. Maybe there was nothing he could do. It wasn't like he had asked her to leave her boyfriend for her. as far as he knew she had not feelings for him anymore, hadn't since before the prom. They had been distant friends at best over the years, she had dated many other guys from Atlas to Al. He hadn't been in the equation in a decade.

Turning he made his way over to the small group that was talking, over hearing Jacob saying something about not having proof of his tickets and Riley chiming in about how he could prove such a thing. He had to chuckle a bit, Riley way a blunt one wasn't she? Perking a brow he heard Cynthia mumbling a bit. Instead of her usual flat out talking to herself, this was more quiet and it made him wonder just what the crazy girl was up to but figured it was better not to pry right then and wait to talk to Ada tomorrow abut Cynthia. She was always able to get through to the girl.

"So, what's going on?" he said as he stepped over to the four. Tim stood there explaining what he had learned so far. That the dress in the image was Riley's and that Jacob had no alibi for the last day.

"Well you picked an interesting time to show up Jacob," Marc said as he took the tablet from Tim and started going over the images that were being sent in on the other murders.

"Oh and well, Cynthia was going on about stars. Turns out the crazy girl over there was on to something," Tim said as he handed over the year book and pointed at the superlatives image. Marc looked at the picture and his brow arched.

"So anyone of these people are a potential target, isn't that peachy. Time, it also means that Jacob is a potential target," Marc added as he thought things through. Tim rolled his eyes a bit.

"And him just now showing up, doesn't that make him a suspect?" Tim quipped.

"No more than you since you haven't been here all day," Marc noted as he went back to looking at the tablet. Tim narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Accusing me Tinder?" Tim snapped.

"Nope, just saying it is very easy to point fingers at almost anyone at this point. So pull back some and get over to the office to coordinate your officers. We need to try to contact the rest of those that could be in danger before we do anything else."
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