Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Another empty box flew across the room, landing in a pile now large enough to encompass the entirety of the large balcony just outside the bedroom. A warm summer breeze made its way easily through the opened French doors causing Sarah’s fallen tendrils of hair to dance around her cheek bones. The majority of her morning was being spent unloading box after box as she attempted to find room to organize her old life amongst the new.

Sarah still couldn’t believe she was thousands of miles from where she grew up all of her life. Virginia was a stunning state, surrounded in lush beauty far comparing to the open planes of her hometown in Texas. There weren't unbearable summers, or tornadoes to worry about....still...looking at a picture of her friends she couldn’t help but feel a twinge at her heart.

Sarah reminded herself she had to be positive. If one started to let themselves think the glass was only half full they would never make it out of the rut. She merely shook her head as if sending the negative thoughts beyond the reach of consciousness, never to return. Putting the picture on the shelf she thought, ”This is a good thing. There are endless possibilities here. I can paint, have adventures...a new start.” With this she finished unpacking, stacking the mass of cardboard outside into a pile taller than herself. Deciding to reward herself by painting, she searched for her art bag to no avail. No matter how hard Sarah looked around she couldn’t find it. Instantly, she searched the house for her dad, following the sound of a hammer, “Dad do you know where my art supplies is?”

Needless to say, after being given several dead ends and dishing out much parental harassment she finally was told to check the attic. Climbing the rickety ladder, she was greeted by a stagnant atmosphere and dust. Waving her hand in the air to shoo away cobwebs she located the string leading to the light, illuminating the room. Muttering to herself she scanned her surroundings, “I swear if I fall through this roof over this I am going to Spartan kick my dad into a well.” Sighing, she carefully made her way over the rafters, only allowing her feet to make contact with sturdy two by sixes, until making it to the portion of the attic that had a functional floor.

It took several minutes, (and a variety of sassy comments) but Sarah as last had her hands upon the box with her name plastered in dark black sharpie. Opening the lids she grasped the bag (leaving the rest of the contents to worry about later). Giving a small pull she found it rather reluctant to come with her. Tugging harder, the bag slipped free causing her to lose her balance, collapsing to the floor with a loud thud. Stunned for the moment, her pride felt no penalty as she at last had her prize. Announcing she was fine to concerned parents, she held her trophy up with a smile but was distracted, noticing an odd glow coming from the distance. Confused, she crawled towards the illumination to only to find a small door encased in light.

The average person, in finding a small glowing door, would more than likely high tail it, never to return to the attic again. Sarah was no such coward, turning the knob she simply mentally shrugged What is the worst that could happen? Carpe Diem and all that jazz. . Crawling through the entrance she continued on for what seemed like forever, until she at last saw a small light in the distance. Coming out the other side Sarah found herself surrounded with clothes, and hats stranger than she had ever seen. “Where am I?” she questioned aloud, standing and dusting herself off. In the distance she saw a peculiar fellow wearing fake rabbit ears. “Excuse me sir….”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The garden was behaving unusually lively today, many of the plants appearing to be agitated for reasons Katrina herself could not entirely understand. From her understanding there was not to be a storm coming in today and the Queen’s troops were not scheduled to be coming through for the next few days. She did her best to speak to each of the plants in the hopes of calming them down, but even they did not know what was coming. Worry washed over her for the moment, a natural reflex to the fear of anything that could happen to those closest to her. She stared at the town for a moment, eyes wandering the Wonderland until resting on the woods. She sighed knowing there could be nothing to prevent the unexpected, one can only go with it.

Focusing on her work once more, she placed on a pot to boil for tea before going onwards to water the plants. She was always meticulous in her gardening her duties, her pride shown in the beauty of it. It was a nice day out, the weather warm, but not too hot. The trees were dancing, and horseflies ninnied, chasing one another round and round. There was so much life here, one of the reason Kat first fell in love with the location.

After watering she grabbed a basket, starting to fill it with sweets for Chess to take back to his home with him. Taking glass bottles she filled them with the liquid from the waterfall; she never knew what he tasted when drinking the liquid, it could be different each time. Placing lids on the bottles she placed them in a line on the bottom of the basket. From there she collected candied roses, snazzleberries, peaches, plums, and variety of other fruit from her trees. She rearranged them again and again until she was pleased with the overall aesthetic appeal.

While lost in thought Katrina suddenly remembered her teapot, which was now screaming at her from the stove. Running in, (in a rather spazzy gape one might add) she placed her basket on the table, turning off the fire wiping her forehead in relief, “Kat, you have got to quit being so scatterbrained or you are going to end up burning your home down.” Sighing, she began to hum as she placed the teabags in pouring the liquid into several cups. She always liked to have the tea prepared in case she had visitors, the Hatter in particular hating to wait very long for his tea.

Continuing her humming, she proceeded to place the cups on a tray with sugar and cream. Adding finger sandwiches, she placed the assortment on the counter and grabbing a cup herself took a sip moving towards the kitchen window looking out towards the majesty of the Red Castle wondering once more what could be coming in Wonderland’s future.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
Avatar of Midnight Howl

Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. Oh how the Hatter hated such tedious affairs. Sheets covered his desk, overflowing from around it in piles like a sea of white. To onlookers the area probably appeared to look as though a natural disaster recently struck, no order to be found in the mass. For Marcus D. Hatter, on the other hand, every slip was in its place, and every place had its slip. If one of the White Kings men came in in this moment the Hatter could produce whatever they desired in moments.

Closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, Hatter groaned while leaning back in his seat simultaneously. Tossing the papers in the air with his free hand he couldn’t keep from complaining, “Had anyone of mentioned I would be drowning in papers for the rest of mile life just to own a town I would have simply called them mad! I should have stuck with hats but NO I decided to work myself to death…”

Rising from the massive chair he placed on his pea coat, grabbing hat from a peg and placing it on his head. “I must get away from this room, it’s stifling.” Gliding down the hall he muttered to himself, “If only I had been born a disappearing cat I wouldn’t have so little to do and so much time to do it in…” catching himself in the phrase he laughed, pondering, “No that’s not right. Flip it, reverse it. That’s what I am.” At last, he made it to the main hall, yelling to the dormouse he was going on a stroll to patrol the town. Today was going to be curious; he could tell.

He waited for the massive mansion doors to open and made his way across the vast courtyard, his shoes clicking against the cobblestone as he stepped onto the street. He already decided to check each of the shops to make sure all was in order. More than likely a few store owners would talk to him and then his executive duties would be done for the day. He had nothing to check in with the King about and the Queen herself had not sent any scouts as of late, or rather the Hatter knew about that is. There was no need. There hadn't been an 'Alice' to appear in sometime now.

Momentarily, he was thrown into a deep pit of despair, not something all that uncommon with the ever varying Hatter. The original Alice. He could remember the first day she appeared here as if it just happened. She was one of the bravest girls he ever came into contact with, slaying the Jabberwock as if it were nothing but a balloon to pop. How many times had the two walked down this very road together laughing with one another over peculiarities. In the end, he was not enough for her and she returned to the real world, something he could never wrap his head around. Perhaps it was one of the many things to cause him to be such a mad fellow.

As the memory passed, Hatter's mood once again changed to that of indifference then joy; similar to a pendulum he could never remain in one emotion for long. With this change of pace his mind wandered to what he would do with the little free time he had, deciding to himself that after he was done patrolling he would stop by Katrina’s. I do believe today is her unbirthday….as is it MY unbirthday. This calls for a celebration. His mind span in circles at all the possibilities, but first he must tend to his duties. Today would be curiouser and curiouser indeed.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 31 min ago


Dorothy stood in the halls, holding a broom in her hands, her eyes closed and she was lightly snoring. Last night, she thought that she should do one last sweeping before heading to bed, but apparently, she had fallen asleep some time in the middle of the night due to exhaustion. She jumped with a yelp when she heard Marcus call to her, telling her that he was heading out to patrol. She squeaked to herself nervously with realization, "Wha-?! Wait, it's morning already?! Oh no! I fell asleep again?!" She then ran to a window and peeked to see that it was indeed daytime, and Marcus was walking away from the house. As she looked at Marcus's retreating figure, her heart yearned for her to go with him. But alas, she has her own job, or rather jobs, to do.

As per routine, she went to Marcus's study and sure enough, the paperwork was scattered about once again. She sighed and shook her head. Now normally this would annoy someone, but not her. She had a feeling that he was irritated by the paperwork, and thus he threw the papers to get rid of that irritation. She'd bet that she would be irritated too if she had to deal with so much boring paperwork. She picked up the papers and reorganized them before stacking them into a neat straight stack and setting them on the desk for the Hatter, so that he wouldn't have to go around and search for everything he would need later.

She then cleaned the Hatter's study until it was practically sparkling with cleanliness. She moved on to sweep, mop, vacuum, and dust the rest of the really large house. As she cleaned, she noticed that she seemed to be alone so she sang and danced while she cleaned in order to get the chores done as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Her anxieties melted away as she perform cleaned the house, treating it like a partner as well as the setting in her dance. She also thought about what else she needed to do. There was the fact that she needed to set up the tea room for teatime. Also, wasn't there an event coming up that she needed to plan a party for? ...Maybe she was just thinking of the Unbirthdays again. Of course there will be a party to plan! Her melodious voice started a different song, improvising on a melody, making it fast and upbeat than what people would normally sing for this song,

"Twas brillig and the slithy toves,
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the momeraths outgrabe,

Beware the Jabberwock, my son,
The jaws that bite,
The claws that catch,
Beware the Jub Jub bird
And shun the frumious Bandersnatch,

King Reginald Salazar

King Reginald sat on his throne in the Grand Hall in the Castle of Light, going through the paperwork in his hands, while playing chess with one of his knights. He had already sent a couple of his men to go and pick up some paperwork from Marcus D. Hatter. Most of the paperwork he had, held good news showing that his people were prospering for the most part. Of course, there were the ones that involved the Red Queen. He sighed tiredly and he wondered to himself mentally, "Scarlet....What would it take to sate your boredom forever? What will it take for you to stop?" As he thought this, he moved his white knight and told the knight patiently and with a small smile, "Checkmate, Ash. I believe I have won this game," The knight sighed and answered Reginald, "Indeed you have, Your Majesty. You still remain undefeated," Reginald told the knight, "Don't give up on winning just yet, Ash. Next time, try to think five steps ahead and of every situation, and you'll win next time," Ash nodded and thanked him, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I believe I should go on patrol now,"

Reginald nodded and the knight asked, "Your Highness...if we stumble upon an Alice, should we bring them to you?" Reginald answered "Only if they are lost. If they explicitly state that they wish to go to Hatter's Estates, or anyplace other than the Red Queen's castle, then you are to help them there. Is that understood?" Ash nodded and answered "Yes, Your Highness. Thank you," Reginald shook his head and chuckled "No no, Ash. Thank you. Now hurry along," Ash bowed before he headed out of the castle.

Reginald leaned back against the throne. He wanted to go out and check on his people for himself and see if there were any Alices out there. But...he knew it was folly to leave the castle unprotected. He stood up from his throne and decided to head for his Gardens. As he walked, he pondered in thought. He had a peculiar feeling in his stomach. Something about today...told him that this day would be much different than any other day. He wondered if the Queen was planning an attack or if she was planning something else that was just insidious. He hoped that the cause for the feeling was better than what he was thinking. Well, only time will tell him.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago


All that could be heard from the cracked bedroom door was the shuffling of cardboard before the distinct sound of packing tape dispensing as a new box was created. A silence fell in the room once more as the wavy haired blonde inside sat unmoving in the middle of the glossy cherry wood floor with personal objects of her grandmother scattered around her in a circle. She didn't know how long she had sat in her knelt position but if the twinge of pain in her knees or the muscles in her legs that seemed to be begging for a position change was anything to go by than she probably didn't want to know. Alison was finally down to the last box and somehow she couldn't quite bring herself to pack it up, every time she managed to pick up an object to start was the moment her hands began to shake and tears would build in those chocolate brown eyes. It was like she was losing her grandmother all over again and that Alison herself was the one throwing her grandmother's memory under the rug. Of course, that notion was ridiculous but she could not help but feel that way just a tiny bit.

She shook her head lightly, tossing the thoughts from her mind and brushing her hand under her eyes to rid herself of any stray tears. Grandmother Alice would want her to stay strong and happy, not to drown in grief so that is exactly what she would do. Alison steeled her resolve and actually looked at what she had left pack. Most of it was clothes but she still had a range of photos,nicknacks, and the small amount of jewelry that her grandma had treasured above others around her as well.

Alison went to pick up one of Alice's rings, wanting to have a look at some of the ones she had never seen before,only to clumsily have it spill from her finger tips and clink on to the floor. She groaned in frustration as she watched it happily sail under the bed which made her have to slowly move from her seated position. Stretching out, she quickly bit back a wince as her legs complained loudly now about the previous torture. She carefully pushed herself up, waiting a few second to regain her footing and curling the toes on her bare feet to work the blood flow back in before maneuvering around everything. Once she made it to the side of the bed, she slid to the wooden floor and glanced around until she spotted the small item she was seeking. Alison slithered her way under the bed as much as she could and reached her arm out to brush and pat around in the area of the ring until suddenly a floor board gave way under her pat.

Alison tilted her head, noticing the popped up board in confusion. She pulled her arm back, quickly popping up as she leaned down to grab the bed frame and giving it a firm yank. It was a slow process by herself, especially with the calls from downstairs about the noise but swiftly reassuring her family that it was nothing to worry about. Once the bed was cleared of the area above, she curiously moved to the lose board and gently pried it open to find many hidden objects. "Curiouser and curiouser, why did you go through such trouble to hide these?"

She pulled out some notebooks, one even having a dried flower as a book mark but nothing Alison had ever seen before. There was a something wrapped up in a unnaturally glittery fabric that had bells attached the edges as well as other strange things inside like pink feather, a thimble, a marble, an empty vial and so many other adorable items a child might save."Wonder what these meant to you..."Alison spoke softly, touching the items as if they were glass ready to shatter. No, she couldn't pack these ones away. They were special.

Alison stood up, running over to the bag by her shoes and emptying it out of all her papers and junk. She shoved the important items back in before moving back over to the hidden items. She took one of her grandmother's old dresses and wrapped the smaller items into it before setting it in the bag. She was gentle with all the books, placing them in only after she placed whatever was wrapped in jingling fabric in. Once those were tucked away she looked to the other things she had yet to pack. Alison moved some of the jewelry into her bag more specifically a locket before zipping it up and setting aside. She needed to get back to the task at hand after all. It killed her, a knife to the heart with each item she placed into that box but this has to be done and she would be strong.

The sound for the tape sliding over the box sounded so final. It was hard to believe that she would never be in this house again after today. Alison slung the discarded bag carefully over her shoulder before picking up the last box awkwardly as she tried to get a good grip on it. She should have known better than to try to carry two items at once since as she tried to adjust the box, the bag on her shoulder started to slip which she quickly grabbed which meant holding a heavy box with one hand. This caused the box to almost tumble which meant she tried to catch it and of course it lead to her clumsy self slipping. Alison's eyes snapped shut, waiting for the sound of the crashing box, to feel the slam of her skull against the full length mirror on the wall behind her since she has backed up to close while trying to catch her items and to smell the iron tang of blood in the air once the glass fell around her but none of these things happened. She didn't hear a box crashing but instead heard the twittering of birds sing songs only they understood. She didn't feel the slam of her skull but instead almost a floating feeling before the a sensation of wet grass slowly seeping into her clothes. Alison surely didn't smell her own blood for it could not smell as wonderfully candied sweet as it did now.

Ali's eyes opened and she laid there for a moment, unmoving and slightly stunned as her toes and fingers curled into the grass. She jolted up, looking around with one though on her mind.
'Am I dreaming?Did I hit my head so hard that I passed out?'
She was no doubt confused but she was also in breathless awe at the garden around her. Everything so vibrantly beautiful and smelled like anything sweet you had ever craved or maybe never knew you had craved. If this was a dream, than it was one of the most amazing she had ever had. She carefully stood and turned in a circle, taking it all in until she noticed the bag next to her feet since her ankle had brushed into it.She picked it up, placing it over her shoulder once more. Alison had planned to blindly pick a direction to go in when she spotted something familiar. She reached out her hand, planning to touch one of the flowers since it look similar to the dried one she has seen in the notebook when she was grabbed by a thorny vine. She pulled her arm back as an instinctive reaction and gasped in pain. This garden suddenly didn't seem so peaceful and beautiful as even the flowers themselves look agitated and threatening.
"Let go of me!"Alison yelled bravely, wishing she had some shears right about now as she moved her free hand to try and pry the plant from her arm since the thorns were painfully digging at her skin, not even noticing anything else that could be a danger like say the other plants she wasn't focused on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Meiyuki
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Meiyuki I eat cute things

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

”What will I do today?” The Castle of Hearts was bustling, as usual. Her subjects flitted about her throne room with stack of paper that were undoubtable important, as usual. Her card soldiers kept vigil over her, lining the wall behind her throne and surveying the skittering throng with soulless eyes, as usual. Some nameless performer played some nameless tune that, while pretty, was entirely too familiar, as usual.

Scarlet suddenly drew herself to her feet, causing her servants to pause in their tasks, and the unfortunate musician to miss several notes. She gazed at the poor man, smiling sweetly. ”You missed a few notes there.” Her features turned icy as she turned to her soldiers. ”Flog him.”

He protested meekly as two of her card constructs drug him out of the room. ”Where’s Julius? Bring him to me.” She declared as she strode out of the room.

’Wonderland’ she scoffed internally. In spite of its name the land held no wonder for Scarlet any longer. Every day brought more of the same, brightly colored, drivel to her doorstep. Her ‘Collection of Hearts’ was a small comfort, a personal harem of adorable Alices to regale her with stories of their wondrous homeland.

Earth, they called it, or the ‘real world’. They seemed overawed by the luxuries of her castle, and the beautiful landscapes of her kingdom, but Scarlet didn’t care about that. She wanted to follow them home, to see this ‘Earth’ for herself. Witness their strange customs and eat their strange foods. To spread her influence across a new nation, with new challenges, and new enemies.

Speaking of enemies. ”Julius?” She called from her new perch on the railing of her balcony. ”Are you here yet? Or should I flog you too?”

A man’s voice came from behind her. “Yes, your majesty. I arrived moments ago, no need for flogging.” She turned to face her General.

Julius was a man carved from rose quartz, black highlights running like veins through his stony complexion. He bore a spear whose head was an inverted heart, and was clad in gleaming black armor spotted here and there by red hearts. He, just like everything else, had been around longer than she cared to remember.

”Hasn’t it been awhile since we attacked Reggy?” She asked, her lips curling into a pout. ”I’m bored, and I’d hate it if he thought I was mad at him.”

“Aye, it has been awhile.” Julius had long ago learned not to discourage his Queen’s whimsical battles. Card soldiers were easy to make anyway, and she didn’t really care about victory so much as being entertained most of the time. Other times she’d lead the charge, and Julius was pretty sure this wasn’t one of those times. “I’ll gather the soldiers and the men. We’ll march out in a day or so.”

”Do I really have to wait that long?” The Queen’s voice was low and dangerous, her eyes sparkling with what a more foolish man might have considered amusement. ”Are you trying to get flogged?

“Of course not your majesty.” He quickly bowed. “I’ll see to it that everything is ready as quickly as possible.”

”See to it my palanquin is available and ready as well.” She added before waving him off and forgetting he existed.

She cast her gaze out from the balcony over her lands. ”Maybe I’ll snatch up a few Alices on the way.” She sighed. ”Maybe something cute will alleviate the dreadful banality that veils my thoughts.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jester
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It had been a foolish thought, one based in selfishness and escape. Death had been an easy choice once he realized that living was about to become very difficult. As much as he wanted to think that leaving his mother there had been a mercy to both of them, Al knew better. These thoughts and other flitted through his mind as he miserably attempted to starve his body for oxygen. At the bottom of the murky river bed, the bubbles of his last breaths were the only thing visible. At this point, even if he wanted to go back, there was little chance of success. The fierce undertow of the river had a tight grasp on his flailing limbs and soon it would claim his life as it had those of so many others over countless years.

Underwater, he couldn't cry. Any tears would be lost in the current.

Was he really killing himself out of guilt?


Al had always thought it was his responsibility to keep his mother alive. She would have died several years ago if he hadn't been there. Was it the guilt of leaving her in that state that led to this?


Suddenly, his body got tired of his week-willed facade and was forced into motion. Instincts that bore no heed to his selfish desires propelled his limbs upward as his chest grew tighter and a pressure began to mount behind his eye sockets. He swam, and dimly, Al could make out the surface. That's funny. Isn't it deeper than that? Surprisingly, the current proved a week obstacle, and he quickly made his way toward the light above.

His soggy head broke through, and he inhaled the sweetest air he had ever tasted. Al found the river he was suddenly in to be disorientingly smaller than the one he had flung himself into. Ignoring any observations, he darted to the shore with heavy limbs. If he waited much longer, he would drown regardless of his efforts. He clawed his way up the muddy side of the bank and collapsed into a heap on the greenest grass he had ever seen. He gasped in exhaustion.

Sitting up from his sprawl, he rubbed the water from his eyes and took in his surroundings. "Where's the bridge?" he asked. He then swiveled his head. Where's the town? And suddenly, he was in the most bizarre looking forest he had ever seen.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa Oyasumi~

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The asylum was silent, everyone in their rooms (cells as some call it) were asleep peacefully as they were certain that one day they may be able to leave. All except one, who was basically there for years ever since she was a child. All because she was trying to protect her family from harm. She lost all track of time except a window in her bed room, and that only helped her know when to go to bed. She was certain that she would never leave until....

*Screeeeee* The door opened and a nurse peeked inside. "Is, Amanda Remington Present?" A woman who was looking out the window that was mentioned before turned to the nurse and replied,"Yes'mam, what it's it that you need?" The nurse said,"I needed to inform you that your needed at the front next ASAP." Amanda nodded and said,"Understood.",then walked to the first floor. Flashbacks begain to appear in her head as she walked.

When Amanda was 10 her life went to hell in a teapot, and she wasnt prepared for it too. The town that she used to live in was the sight of all of the crimes known to man, she was a witness to all of it. Her family had to move away until further notice. Although, there was 'one problem.... Amanda was tramatized by the events and begain to have nightmares and halucinations that made her parents take her took a mental doctor. It was confirmed that, yes, she was mental, Scizophrenia really. She was told to take a certain kind of pill to calm it down, but it got worse...much worse...

One night, she heared a bump in the night while she was going to sleep. Curious, she went to investigate. She saw a shadow in the living room with a lighter and a gasoline tank. Her mind thinking the man or woman was gonna light the house on fire, Amanda grabed a knife from the kitchen and attacked the shadow. Her parents then ran downstairs to find the young child covered in blood, the same blood on the knife she held. Amanda turned around and her parents' faces went from worry to shock and fright. She had a look on her face and gleam in her eye that could be seen in killers and insane people. "Mommy...Daddy...? What's wrong? Why are you so scared? Im still your child, you shouldn't be afraid of me! Hahaha!" Amanda said. In their eye, she was clearly driven to madness. They called the cops and they took her into the asylum, where she is now...

The flashbacks ended when she made it to the front desk. The secretary was orginizing papers when she looked up at Amanda and said,"Ah! Ms. Remington, nice to see you up tonight." Amanda replied,"Sure but, why am I here again..?" The secretary answered,"Oh, yes. The staff had been talking about you and we beleve that you should be free to go after all these years, its been a LONG while since you've had any fresh air anyways.." she chuckled at the last part. Amanda was shocked at the news,"R-really?! Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" she said and ran to pack up.

One of the patients of the asylum was watching her pack when they asked,"Hey Alice...?" Amanda rolled her eyes at that nickname, she had it ever since she talked about the imaginary world she had when she was 14. She never really knew why thay gave her that nickname. "What are you doing putting your stuff in that case..?" Amanda replied,"Well, if you must know. Im finally leaving!" she clapped her hands in excitment, closed the suitcase, and ran to the entrance. (trying not to trip on her dress along the way) She slowed down and had her hand on the door. Lots of thoughts ran through her mind, but she shrugged it off and opened the door.

Amanda's face was hit with a cool breeze as she walked outside to the gate. "I had forgoten how nice it was outside...." Amanda said as she took in her suroundings. She then saw a grey rabbit near her. Thinking that she could keel it as a pet, she followed it and waited for a chance to grab it. She went deep into the forest, possibly getting more lost as she continued following the rabbit. It then dissapeared into the woods. Amanda looked around and spoted a well and what she thought was a grey blur (it was a rock). She walked to the well and searched around it, then looking in the well itself. She looked deeper, and deeper. Until she fell in.

"Woah!! AAAAAAAAH!" Amanda then closed her eyes before she was close to impact, suddenly, instead of a muddy surface Amanda felt a patch of grass that broke her fall...only for her head. The rest of her body was inpain from the fall. "Ow....I think I broke my leg...and everything else..." Amanda sat up in pain, wondering who planted the soft grass. She then looked up and took notice of her suroundings. "Woah...where am I...?" Amanda stood up (trying not to hurt herself in the process) and limped around to find her suitcase, or anything really.

Then she saw a corpse of what she thought was a dinosaur. No, that was to normal. She then thought it was a dragon. Amanda searched the skeleton and found a knife. She picked it up and inspected it. "It looks like a knife, but it's as big as a cleaver...perfect for a self-defense weapon." Amanda nodded and walked away (she got used to the pain),knife in hand,to find some sort of sign of life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sylvia genevieve

It was night, Sylvia parents is having party at their home and having a fun time talking with their friends, Sylvia two sisters are at their room and talking with their friends while Sylvia is at the backyard in the garden around the woods in her Green Dress with her hair up in a bun.

Sylvia was nerve for telling her parents about her in front everyone in the party. She clear her throat and begin her speech "Mom, Dad, you may wonder why i'm wearing this? well I been thinking over a year and I want to tell you guess that i'm....i'm...." she trying to say the final but she can't she it, she feel nerve like the scare kinds. She groan "GRRR I CAN'T DO IT! No matter how hard I try I just...can't." she sit down on the grass and bury her head in her arms, she sigh "What the point? they will just hate me if I tell them."

She was about to head in her room window to change but something caught her eye...something shining under the tree. Out of curiosity she walk toward the thing, probably one of her sisters got into a fight at one of other and threw their jewel in the woods.

As Sylvia lay on her knee to see what is shining under the hole but she didn't know how really deep it is. As she was about to get up she hear something crackling...it was a ground right next to the hole, her hands lost the touch with the ground and slide into the hole along with Sylvia she start falling.

When Sylvia is falling it felt like forever, While Sylvia is screaming she closed her eyes before she was close to impact. she fell through the ceiling...wait the ceiling!? she grab something wooded she guess it a balcony but she look around and it look like a library even tho her mind is still ditzy and lost right now. As she try to climb up she stop and spot a women in a blue and white outfit with a brown ponytail in surprise and scared face "um...hello" Sylvia she said nervily.

The blue lady scream which cause Sylvia fell again on to the sofa and fell into the floor, as she struggle to get up after all that she got hit in the back of the head with book, the blue lady to throwing books at her Sylvia try to block herself as The blue lady kept throwing books at her "STOP! can you stop throwing books at me!" "why should I?!" she said angrily "um...because I have come in peace...well I came out of no where... and I'm not going to hurt you...ok?"

As the blue lady stay calm she put her book down and she clear throat "sorry about...you know throwing books at you." "no it ok I mean I came out of no where right?" Sylvia smile a little bit and the book lady smile back "where did you come?" she say as she help Sylvia up on her feet. "well I was in the woods and fell into a hole and came out of the..." when Sylvia point up and look up she saw that the hole had disappear "...the hole"

"Well my name is Claire Henrietta, proud owner of yellow daffodil library. What's your name?"
"my name is Ste-" Sylvia stop and think about how she is how in a new place and meet a new person, she can finally be herself for once "Sylvia...Sylvia Genevieve"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After explaining her situation three times, answering a slew of questions of how she came to be here, the kind man (who she found out to be named Hare) led her in the direction of some strange mansion where she would be staying. She still was unable to tell if she was dreaming or not…at worse she fell through the floor of her home and was now in some sort of coma taking years to be resolved. Still, here she was in a beautifully strange land and by Geminis’ crickets she was going to enjoy herself.

Tuning back into the Hare he was telling the history of the town, but Sarah could not bring herself to find interest in a civil war. Her mind only held on to snippets Evil Queen, mischievous woods, diabetic garden, ya dee dah. Feigning as if she was paying attention her mind was in some other place entirely. What is a Hatter? Why did the strange man in front of her have rabbit ears? She could vaguely remember a similarity between this world and a story her mother told her once long long ago.

“Yes, yes. Don’t let myself be kidnapped, look both ways before crossing the street, and eat my vegetables. How much further until we reach this “Mansion of yours.” She could practically hear the rabbit-man roll his eyes. “We are here and it is there. We are there and it is here. Don’t be in too much of a hurry.” This time Sarah smirked, rolling her own eyes still uncertain of what any of the babble coming from the man’s mouth meant.

“Okay riddles, whatever you say.” By the time he started to explain his name certainly was not riddles the Hatter Estate folded out before them. Coming up the drive, Sarah’s jaw dropped. Yep I am in a comma or I’ve had a psychotic break….there is no in-between here.

The man opened the door for her and began yelling for someone named Dorthy. Sarah only caught the bit asking where the Hatter was located and then her own thoughts drifted off to the décor in the room. A long stretch of royal blue fabric made its way down the marble steps on either side of the main room. Lush, heavy curtains covered the windows, and the ceiling itself was covered in odd paintings of strange looking creatures.

By the time she came to the Hare was staring at her with impatience. “Come along. Dorthy will take good care of you and will tell you all you need to know while you stay here. The Hatter will be back later.” With this the man disappeared while muttering about cooking for guest tonight.

Sighing to herself for his rudeness Sarah merely wondered aloud, “Well he could have at least TOLD me where this Dorthy woman was. She glanced around the room, remembering the man went up the stairs. Taking that route herself she cupped her hands around her mouth, “Hellloooo?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kat’s blissful morning disappeared in a moment with the sound of her plants attacking some unknown object in an effort to protect what has always been theirs. Leaves, rustled against one another and there appeared to be a sound of surprise and shock as a retort. Her eyes opened wide for a moment as a fearful thought crossed her mind It’s the Red Queen. Dropping her teacup, she ignored the sound of the pieces breaking in the sink and the feeling of hot liquid stinging her skin.

Heart beating wildly like a caged bird, Katrina came upon the scene of the crime only to be befuzzled herself. All fear subsided and instead a light laughter appear. There was no card soldier but merely a a blonde girl who was no doubt from the other world. Grabbing the girls hands Kat pulled her away from the anger plants who calmed themselves when they saw their owner showing kindness to the girl .

“This girl is not an enemy; she is a guest now. I expect you all to treat her as such!” With that she left scolding the garden and back to the figure before her. “My dear are you alright? You must be full of fright with popping in another dimension and being attacked. I am so sorry about that,” looking back at the now calm flowers she made a small gesture, “They usually aren’t so misbehaved. They thought you were a scout of the Red Queen that is all.”

She sat on the ground with the girl for a moment worried whether she would be able to take this all in. It has been years since the last ‘Alice’ had appeared and every now in then they can become so afraid of what they see they can now handle it. Katrina preferred to give each person a moment to gather their thoughts before giving telling them the truth about this place….They would be here for a long time.

Kat now realized why today seemed so different. Surely, King Salazar would be here in no time, sensing the disturbance as well. Maybe even the Hatter himself has found an ‘Alice’ though the one before her may be the only one. The real fear is whether the Queen herself would find out about them. The King always was a gentlemen towards the outsiders, but the Queen only used them as playthings. If she did not do enough rounds now, she surely would start to soon.

Ignoring the fearful thought, Kat refused to let these ideas make their way towards the surface of her face. They would not manifest into an expression to scare who was before her. Standing she out her hand she smiled at the small figure, “Here, take my hand and I’ll help you up. I live in the small cabin right there. Let’s get you a cup of tea and let you gather your thoughts. Then I’ll answer any questions you have.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The business in town past more swiftly than usual allowing the Hatter more time to play then he previously expected. His shoes no longer were clicking against the aged cobblestones but now were silent in the plush grass of the meadow which separated the town from both the Wandering Woods and the garden. Soon enough the thick tufts would no longer be in the open but surrounded on one side by tangled trees whispering secrets and lies, playing tricks on all who dared to enter.

Hatter had no fear for the trees, but had no habit of entering them. On many an occasion Chess would trick him into the labyrinth with the promise of tea. Each time Marcus would excitedly follow the cat only to end up lost in the end. He would always find his way back to the meadow, of course. In which case he would come home late to be scolded by Dorthy just to fall for it time and time again. He never got his feelings hurt as he also had his fair share of pranks on Chess one of which may have left the cat’s tail hairless for several weeks.

Speaking of the devil...where is that cuddly ball of fur anyhow? Today is his unbirthday too! And the fuddy man won’t get out of this a sixteenth time for sure!. Scanning the tree line he saw the silhouette of a male figure on the ground. Well he fell asleep sunbathing after all…today must be my lucky day.. He grinned in a fashion similar to the sneaky cat. Truthfully, he had never been able to get his friend when the man was off his guard. How can you sneak up on someone who can disappear at will?

Creeping in on the figure, the Hatter was ready to pounce on his prey, a large change of events for how this usually went. He came in closer until he noticed the person in front of him did not have pink hair and was most certainly not part cat. His eyes widened with realization as he shouted, rather loudly, “A male ‘Alice’! I’d call myself mad as a hatter if I wasn’t already THE Hatter and if I knew where my sanity was.”

Laughing aloud he heard the boy mention a bridge. Lifting up his hat from atop his head he pulled out a tea cup and took a long sip, looking down he added a little darkly, “Oh, you have been on a bridge all right, although this one may not be exactly what you were expecting. You’ve crossed the bridge between worlds,” using the cup he made a toasting gesture, “Welcome to Wonderland my boy.”

Placing the empty cup back into his hat he placed the fabric back on his head a smile widening across his face, “But you have nothing to fear. See we are all mad here.” Bowing slightly he added, “The name’s Marcus D. Hatter, just call me Hatter.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago


She desperately yanked at the vine, the thorns more than a bit uncomfortable at this point in time as scratches were clear as day against the pale of her skin.Alison had to admit to herself that this was the most realistic dream she had ever had and now she was ready to wake up. Her mind made up, Alison let go of the thorny attacker and pinched her upper arm which only caused her to yelp loudly inside of doing the desired effect.

Why hadn't her parents found her yet? Had they not been able to wake her? A coma didn't sound as amazingly exciting as she would have first thought when the dream started. It was only when she heard a light tinkling laugh of another person, that Ali soon realized that the vine had loosened its hold ever so slightly. She had been prepared to take the chance at freedom but found it to not be necessary as a pair of hands gently took her own, the plant going limp as the new person pulled her away.

Alison had heard that talking to your garden could help it grow but scolding them as if they could understand was a little beyond her. She wasn't going to complain though as her rescuer could have been a dancing monkey for all she cared since she was grateful for any help. It made her very aware though that a weapon might be nice. Why oh why couldn't she have had a weapon just appear? This was her dream wasn't it? Where was the control?

The blonde was so lost in thought that she almost missed when the woman next to her spoke up again but this time directed at her.
"I'm fine, really, it is just a couple of scratches and they will disappear when I wake..." Alison paused in her reply, her brain catching up with what the woman actually said.
"Another dimension? Wait, this isn't a dream.... she muttered more to herself than to the other woman as she tried to process the thought of not being on Earth as well as having no clue where she was.

Alison felt like she couldn't breath and that she needed a good cup of tea right about now.
If I am no longer on Earth than where am I? Who is the Red Queen and why are the plants so afraid or hostile towards her? Wait...did I just ask myself about a plants 'feelings'? This is complete madness
She shook her head softly, completely oblivious that she had been sat down in the soft grass and being allowed to get her thoughts and questions in order. She was honestly startled out of her thoughts when a hand was offered to her and she couldn't help the warm smile that tugged at her lips.

Alison reached her hand out, placing it in the other and giving a light nod as she slowly stood, trying to not put all her weight on the one helping her up.
"Thank you, for saving me. If I am to be complete honest, that sounds wonderful. I already have a lot of questions seeing how I now know this is not a dream...."Alison replied calmly but hesitated at the end of her sentence for a moment to glance over her shoulder at the plants before her gaze slowly met with a scratched up red arm that looked none to pretty, keeping her brown eyes locked there and as she continued to speak,"or a nightmare."

Ali had so many questions ringing in her head at this point. She didn't know where to begin. She was just letting the garden owner or who she assumed was the owner lead her since there wasn't much better options that she could see. She didn't even know if she could trust this stranger but at least they gave off a good vibe and she has always trusted her gut with that kind of thing. It suddenly occurred to Alison that she was being rather rude to her savior though since she realized that she hadn't even given her name and yet this woman was going to welcome her into her home. It didn't feel right to accept such hospitality and kindness without so much as an introduction."It seems that I have forgotten my manners with all this confusion. My name is Alison and it is a pleasure to meet you." she stated during their little stroll.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

On the way to the cabin Kat couldn’t help herself but to be concerned for the scratches on the girl’s arms. The skin was so similar to that of ivory or even a smooth marble the red inflammation stuck out like angry cracks in a dry earth. Protection from her garden always caused her to feel safe as well as loved, but now all she could seem to muster was regret for harming an innocent person who seemed to possess a kindred heart so similar to her own.

Placing her hand on the oak door, covered in vibrant green soft moss, she gave a gentle push gesturing for her new guest to go in first. “Alison? That is a beautiful name! With your blonde hair and that name you remind me of someone I knew a very long time ago.”. Inside the home there were several places to rest one’s burdens including a loveseat, a thick and plush lounging chair, as well as several wooden ones of various colors in the kitchen.

Heading to the kitchen to make the tea Kat began talking over her shoulder, “Sit wherever you like. If you’re hungry there is finger sandwiches and sweets on the counter. You can welcome yourself to anything that isn’t in the basket…those are for my friend Chess.” . She began to hum to herself as she methodically started preparing the water which became lukewarm during her absence with all the ruckus.

Glancing back at the girl her eyes fell on the red marks once more. She believed she had some of the bandersnatch’s saliva in a jar mixed together with aloes, mint, and beeswax to make it into a pleasant smelling balm.

“If you head down the hallway past the living room and open the first cabinet on your left you will see a bright yellow jar with butterflies and dragonflies on it. Inside is a balm that will help clear up those scratches and prevent an infection.”

Checking the temperature of the water she noted the tea would be ready by the time the girl returned. Picking up the tea tray she placed on the table earlier, she removed the glasses on it leaving a small mint one with gold trim in the style that reminds one of a flowing dress upside down; next to it she placed a light blue cup with little white daisies dancing about it. Pouring the water she decided on honey vanilla chamomile, to sooth the nerves.

She placed down a glass container with brown sugar and one with white. Beside those she placed a bottle filled with cool fresh cream. Rearranging the items she finally was satisfied with her work and brought the tray into the living room, setting it in the center of the coffee table. She grabbed the glass with the daisies, taking a seat, preparing herself to answer Alison’s questions.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jester
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Al was startled from his gaze. As much as he tried to make sense of it, he simply couldn't. Had the current swept him down river? Had he been unconscious? The sun shone with radiant beams, which was fine of course, barring the fact it had been evening when he had jumped. Instinctively however, he knew, on some level, that he was a long way from anything that slightly resembled home. As if to confirm suspicions, he was greeted by the strangest man he had ever laid eyes on.

It wasn't his appearance that distinguished this man, but his manner. The loose gait in which he carried himself would seem uncomfortable and awkward on anyone else, but for this man, it was his natural state. His distant, unfocused stare never seemed to truly meet Al's own gaze, but instead hovered just around the edge of eye contact, as if the consequences would warrant some disaster.

And then there was the talking.

Al winced.

"You're going to have to slow your roll, buddy," Al replied. "And you're speaking to Allen, not Alice." Even as he said it, Al still tried to put that together in his head. None of this was making any sense. He ran a nervous hand through his still soaking hair and moved to stand up, still shaken from his incident. His eyes swept over the scenery again. It's as if every color was truer in this place than it had been five minutes ago. Green was somehow greener here.

In a lot of ways, it wasn't too dissimilar to what he remembered his childhood vision of heaven being after a sleepy session of Sunday School. Maybe this was the risen Christ come to judge him. Perhaps he had actually succeeded in ending things.

If only. Successful suicide is the only sin that cannot be confessed.

He reached a hand out to the strange man. "Well, if I can call you Hat, I suppose it's only fair that you call me Al." Even then, there was something that compelled him to trust this unknown individual. There was also the part of him that said it would be a foolish thing to trust him entirely. "Wonderland you said? I'm assuming you know where I should go?"

Well, if this is death, heaven, or some crazy dream/vision, why not see it through at the present?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Marcus could not help but assess the boy and in an instant he could tell he likes something about Al, perhaps it was the darkness that could be similar to his own at times. Though he would not comment on it he couldn’t help but assume the boy attempted to do himself harm…with the water stain from the ground and mention of a bridge….then again Hatter could be wrong. In the end it wouldn’t matter, so long as the boy didn’t try anything of the sort here. Marcus was personally responsible for each person who crossed here. A promise he made to himself after Alice.

Watching the boy decide what to make of such a place, Hat couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Al’s mind. People were always coming here but no Wonderlander could begin to comprehend what it felt like to pop in somewhere new. He personally never wanted to know what such a land was like with its tall buildings and Big Ben’s or whatever Alice spoke to him about. Too often he did not hear good tells of that land.

Meeting the boy’s hand with his own the shake symbolized at least a little trust between the pair and Marcus couldn’t help but smile at his new acquaintance, happy to be relieved to the dullness following the last few weeks of complacency. “Well, I own a town not to far away from here and we can start there…it’s where you’ll be staying…well until you aren’t staying any longer.”

Gesturing for Al to follow him he began to lead the way back pointing out the directions of both the castles and giving information about the two ruling siblings…to avoid the Queen, don’t go into the woods, the average “Safety” spiel. As they walking into the town he pointed out various buildings as to their importance.

Stopping in front of the library Hatter grabbed the brass handle, beginning to pull it open before looking back to Al, “I promised my dormouse I would bring her a book home with stories from your world. You can come it if you like, the librarian is usually nice so long as you don’t try to burn down the place. Might even hear some rumors as to if you’re not the only one who has popped up. Then well go to the Manor.”

Hopefully, the Queen hasn’t found anything out otherwise we are all in trouble.

In reality, Hatter was more worried about the gossip regarding Her Highness. If anyone would possess the information he needed it would be Claire; sometimes, he couldn’t help but wonder if the woman was an actual oracle. No doubt the Queen was beginning to fall into an insatiable boredom. No need to allow her a reason to fill it.

Stepping into the foyer Marcus noticed no one was at the desk. Cupping one hand around half his mouth he half yelled, ”Claire my lovely wife! I have come to seek your knowledge once more. Really, whatever would I do without you!!” He always loved to lay it on thick with the Librarian seeing how there was never any harm. He was not exactly what one would call her taste.

@Jester @sassy1085
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 31 min ago


"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms my beamish boy!
Oh Frabjous Day! Callooh Callay!
He chortled in his joy...

Twas Brillig and the Slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
All the mimsy were the borogoves
And the momeraths outgrabe,

Dorothy finished singing the song as she finished dusting the last part of the house, which was a large teapot perched on the top of a dresser. The teapot was much too large to be used as a teapot (unless Hatter wanted to use it for parties), and she never much liked it. It was always the last thing she dusted. She stepped off the stool she used to reach the decoration, just when Hare called out to her. She turned towards the voice, unaware that the teapot was wobbling on the edge from the reverberations of Hare's voice. She asked "Huh?" and before she knew it, her vision was in darkness. She was clearly awake, and still standing. She dropped the duster and placed both hands on the object, and realized it was the same teapot...now covering her head.

She groaned in frustration as she headed towards the lobby, knowing the layout of the manor by heart. Along the way, she struggled with the teapot that seemed quite determined on staying on her head. She called through the teapot as she continued trying to pull it off, "Hare? Hare, are you there?!" With a couple of grunts and one stronger pull, the teapot finally came off of her head with a pop, and her head remained in tact (even though her hair was somewhat disheveled). She huffed with relief that the cursed thing was finally off and she smoothed her hair down. She looked in front of her to see...an Alice.

She could feel her heart sink already. She knew how Marcus flirts with Alices, and she heard about how he had fallen for a previous Alice. She dropped the teapot, feeling herself stiffen with anxiety. This was a new person...!
After a few moments of awkward silence, she blushed in embarrassment, and she started talking,
"Oh! Uh...Yo-You must be an Alice! I-uh-I-um," She then cleared her throat and tried again, "I-I'mDorothyIt'snicetomeetyouIhopeyouenjoyyourstayhereinWonderlandPleaseletmeknowifyouneedanythingI'llshowyouyourroom!" She then blushed even redder in embarrassment and hesitancy now. She had just spoken way too fast! She wasn't sure if the Alice in front of her caught it all. She wouldn't be surprised if the Alice wanted to leave now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Midnight Howl
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Midnight Howl Skeleton in the Closet

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Only able to yell twice, Sarah’s voice was cut off by the sound of the unknown figure making her was closer. Unable to see the person due to the winding hall, she could only assume it was the Dorthy in question. However, just as she was about to wave to the person who just now popped into her vision her hand instead flew to her mouth to stifle a small giggle. Whereas, she knew the people in this world were strange, she could easily gather the teapot incident must have been an accident. That and it was obvious the woman didn’t know she was here.

As Dorthy managed to pull the teapot of her head Sarah instantly gathered she must be a sweet, and cute person inside and out. Making eye contact though caused her to feel slightly uncomfortable. The dormouse (as Hare referred to her earlier) stiffened at the sight of Sarah.

Sarah didn’t allow herself to feel such an emotion but for a second, then she only knew of her hands instinctively reaching out to catch the large teapot before it shattered on the ground. Luckily, she managed to slip a few fingers around the spout and stop the disaster before it started. Moving it up towards her, she tucked it under her arm for a momentary safe keeping. With her other hand she tucked away the free tendrils tickling her at her mouth.

Looking back up to the bright red face and fast talk Sarah was able to catch nearly every word and couldn’t help herself but to have a short laugh followed by a smile that couldn’t help itself from spreading across her face. “You are by far the most charming and adorable person I have ever had the honor to meet. I’m Sarah and it’s nice to meet you too.”

Turning her attention to looking out the large bay windows she added, “Wonderland you say? It’s official I have absolutely lost my mind,” at this point she turned back to Dorthy and smiled once more, “But that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll be able to help me find it once more. So what does one do in a place such as this?.....Oh, and who or what is a Hatter? He sounds like a peculiar one too.”

Sarah could already tell she was going to like it here...for however long she would remain.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sylvia genevieve

Sylvia was on the sofa reading a book about knight while Claire was making some tea for her guest, Sylvia can't stop thinking about what is this place? she is in a library sure but she doesn't know what the outside look like, so she got up and look out of the window to take a peek.

what she saw is like no other town she never saw. There houses and shops shape like hats, teapots and so much more, Sylvia was really certain she really hit her head.

"I see that you are looking at the town" Sylvia turn to see Claire holding Sylvia tea, "Oh, um yeah I was just wondering where am I?" Sylvia say as she seat back down on the sofa "well this is wonderland but as of right now, you are at Mad Hatter Estates." "Wonderland? Mad Hatter Estates?" ok now she is certain she hit her really hard.

"Yes in Mad Hatter Estates there are so many shops like Bakery shops, Trinket shops and among many more, and this town is run by-" the door swing open which cause Claire to be irrupted by the man himself ”Claire my lovely wife! I have come to seek your knowledge once more. Really, whatever would I do without you!!” The Mad Hatter.

Sylvia jump a little bit as the door swing open and the mad man half yelled at Claire wait she marry? Sylvia though but I see no ring on her finger. Claire didn't jump at all as the mad hatter make a surprise entrance "Hello Mad Hatter" Claire say with a warm smile, Sylvia though the two of them are great friends or couple or something "Is there something you need?"

@Midnight Howl

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago


"I hope that someone I remind you of was pleasant. I would hate to bring up memories of someone you possibly disliked"Alison replied with a little bit of nervousness in her tone as she stepped through the moss covered doorway. In that moment,any of those previous doubts that were still rolling around in her mind were completely washed away by that instant feeling of being home or somewhere completely safe. It reminded her a lot of how her grandma's house looked and it gave her a warmth, even comfort in the unknown. She barely registered the being asked to sit though her head nodded in response, her eyes were taking in everything and wanting to know so many things that she didn't understand. Alison found herself sliding into a plush red chair, relaxing as her savior flitted around the kitchen in preparation of making tea to go along with their conversation as Ali absent mindlessly light ran the tips of her fingers over the scraps on her arm. They were red before but now they were actually a little painful if not itchy but she didn't want to bring up her discomfort since she could still withstand the irritation.

She perked up, her attention focusing once more to the other woman in the room as she spoke up about hallway, mention a cabin that contained a balm to help her with her current injuries. A blush of embarrassment made its way onto her features as she was wonder if she was really that easy to read or if the other had been worried about her. Alison quickly moved down the hallway, looking for the cabinet that the other spoke of and was fighting being curious enough to check out other rooms in the hall. She didn't want to be rude after all but it was very tempting to say the least. It was relatively easy to find the small cabinet, thank goodness and upon opening it she was also thankful that she was given a description or she could have easily pullout out the wrong one. She carefully removed the butterfly stopper, smiling a bit at what a wonderful design the bottle had. Alison lifted to her nose first, surprised by how pleasant the mysterious contents smell before she took a good enough amount to cover the wounds she had received. Once a coat was applied, she put the stopper back in and returned it to its original spot before heading back to the kitchen and finding a happy mint colored cup of tea awaiting her as well as the one to answer all her questions. She sat down before the cup of tea, pouring a splash of cream in as well as a spoonful of sugar and giving a light stir before placing the spoon aside.

She left the teacup where it was for now, her eyes moving to look at the other before she spoke."I have so many things to ask that I don't really know where to start. I guess the most logical would be how I got here? And where here is exactly because I know I am not dreaming or at least it doesn't feel like a dream....Also who is the Red Queen and why are you so worried about her?
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