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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Akio Haritama


"And lets go. That goes for everyone on this cat finding thing. I wanna get this over with so I can go back to drinking."

Akio scoffed at this comment, and gave a bemused look up to this alcoholic Oni. "You sure do drink a lot Shina, is that common between Oni's?" He asked. He could smell the alcohol on her breath from where he stood, and it didn't necessarily make him uncomfortable, he wasn't used to people drinking around him. He then shifted his attention away from her, and towards the other human.

He waved over at Tessai, and stepped towards him, "Nice to meet you," He said, and smiled, "I'm Akio, and forgive me for asking, but why are you here?" He was rather confused on why humans were here in the first place, as it seemed that monsters and human's wouldn't get along well. "I mean, you are a human right?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tessai Watabe

Tessai sat watching as the members of the Miyura Youth Organisation stired, and began making their way towards their assigned or chosen jobs. Not that he paid attention to much of it, mind you. He was really just scanning the room; less so watching and more so skimming through the pages of a book to find a desired point, or, as it were, taking in the barest of information required.

"Nice to meet you," the new boy said as he approached, "I'm Akio, and forgive me for asking, but why are you here? I mean, you are a human right?" he must have jumped to that conclusion, then. It wasn't like humans were really that rare in the Imaginary District.

"Pleasure. I'm Tessai. Watabe." he responded, standing to greet the boy whom named himself Akio, "And, yes, I'm indeed a human. You shouldn't be too surprised. We've got at least two others, not including us. With one of those being the leader, Makiko. he gestured towards the girl as she exited the building, before stopping outside the entrance to turn and face someone peering through a window.

Then he held out his hand, offering him to shake it. The moment he did and let go, if he shook it, Tessai motioned for him to follow and began to make his way towards the door.
"Come, we should probably get this finished quickly before Shina decides to rob a bar. It shouldn't be that difficult." but then again, knowing his luck, it would turn into some complex plot device where terrorists stole cats to feed a death machine.

It was a good job he wasn't a character in a novel or manga.

He approached Shina and walked past her, giving her a slight tap on the shoulder to indicate that they should be going. Out the doors, past Makiko who was still otherwise engaged, and onto the path; hoping slightly that Akio, the Oni, and the rest of the Cat Brigade were on his tail.

@Natsu@Rune_Alchemist[@EVERYONE KITTY RELATED]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Shikaze Miki

"... If you're here to join the Youth Organization, I'm sorry," she began, "But we don't have time for a proper introduction. You can accompany either our members going to exorcise an onryo, or our members trying to find a lost cat. Or you can wait for us to return."

Miki blinked as the club leader swept past her, clearly wanting to get on with what she was doing.

Huh. Maybe I should have blended a little less. And what kind of a club is this, anyway? Some of them are finding a lost cat, okay, cute. But then the other half are going after an onryo?

She grinned to herself as people began passing by her to leave. She noticed Tessai walk past, correctly guessed he'd be looking for the cat, and started casually following him.

This just might be my kind of club.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Seth stretched his arms as he got up from the couch looking at those who would be in the hunting for the cat team thinking only how potentially fun this mission could be just from the people on it, there was Shina whose major talents Seth had seen of her so far were drinking and fighting both of which would likely be absent from this mission, plus her having to put up with possibly looking after the new kid who was questioning Tessi was quite amusing in Seth head. Whereas Tessai was by far the most suited to this task seeing as he was the youth organisations unoffical head cat guy.

Walking over to the cat group Seth gave a short wave as an introduction to the new kid "I'm also human here. Seth, nice to meet you and please be careful, last thing we need is anyone making this job more complicated." His words sounded a bit harsh but that was just a mixture of the boys shyness around new people and a general word of caution about the world he accidentally stepped into.

"Anyway lets work well as a team." The boy added finally not really putting any meaning or effort behind those words as he slumped his hands into his pocket and walked behind Tessai who had already set off, a fitting leader for this mission he thought grinning a bit as a new girl started to follow them as well.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


[@Anyone else on kitty mission, because I don't have the time to go over everyone on it xD]

"Was common where I grew up." Shina replied with a shrug. "Can't say for everyone else...but I didn't exactly grow up in what you humans might call a 'respectable environment'." She didn't elaborate more on that, though. No reason too go into too much detail about her rather...less than illustrious past. Well, it'd be that way to the humans at least probably, but it was the perfect life as far as she was concerned. Fighting, drinking, making friends...and repeat. And of course, beating up any sorry fool that decided to piss off her family and friends.

"And oi! I haven't robbed a bar since I was twenty in your human years, ya little twerp!" She shouted after Tessai as he walked past her. That was true, for the most part. Usually she was the one making sure little idiot Oni's who thought they were tough didn't cause trouble in local bars. Most bartenders liked having her around, if only because she had a bit of a reputation among some gangs and deterred some violence. Of course, there were still those bars she was banned from for causing havoc when she was younger - she made sure to make up for those damages, though.

Well, whatever. She doubted she was gonna be needed for this anyways, so she left her Kanabo in the MYO, following after Tessai as he left. If anything needed protecting, she'd just smack it silly with her martial arts. Wasn't like anything could withstand a one-ton punch to the face easily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wolfram Thiess-The Hound of God

Wolfram looked at Hotaru as if she were some sort of holy angel descended from heaven to aid him in his time of dire need, which as far as he was concerned she was, at least from a metaphorical standpoint. The poor man looked about ready to cry tears of joy at the unexpected kindness of this girl he had just met, though he held back out of a sense of propriety as a priest. He wouldn't have to potentially sully the reputation of the Church or his own as one of its' premiere agents by sleeping on the street and begging for money and food! Not to mention a local shrine might make an excellent place to begin his observations of the Imaginary District, especially with a local guide in the form of this girl and her spirit assistants.

"Oh bless you miss! I promise you the Church will look kindly on you for such a kindhearted deed! When I can I'll even see to it that you're reimbursed the full cost of my staying with you once I get back on my feet! I promise you won't regret it one bit! If you like I can even help out in some way, with cleaning or shopping or something if nothing else!"

He stood up and smiled at her, his woes mostly forgotten now that he wasn't in immediate peril of homelessness. There was still the question of how to proceed with his mission, but so far the so-called 'Imaginary District' certainly hadn't proven to be the hotbed of bloodthirsty monsters and illegal sorcery that the more conservative members of the Church and Exorcist Corps had no doubt feared it to be. He certainly hoped his initial impression was right. After all, his job might be necessary but it would be a shame to have to go to work in such a nice seeming place.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Aamuu was slightly disappointed by being completely ignored by the new visitor.
"I... *sigh* I guess people still have weird reactions when they see a tengu... At least she didn't fled, terrified, tried to attack me or started reciting weird religious prayers..." she mumbled, getting away from the girl.

Jumping out of the building, she turned to Styx and Makiko.
"Aahhh~ My wings always get a little sore when I am inside buildings. So, what are we waiting for? Lets get going?" she said, stretching and opening her wings, assuming a flying posture.

Beating them gently, she started flying near the building.
"I can give you a ride if you want." she yelled to Styx and Makiko

@geminironin @Jedly @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaminari Hotaru

The Firefly Maiden

The shrine maiden blinked at him in mild surprise. His excitement seemed over the top, but maybe it was just Hotaru being very apathetic about everything. "It's really not much of a problem. I'm not really doing anything special... And please, call me Hotaru. 'Miss' is too formal..." Hotaru gave another weak little grin. "If you really feel like you need to do something, I'm sure Inugami will appreciate the help with the housework... Once he gets used to you." The brunette muttered the last part with an uncertain mumble, lifting up Juju into a proper setting in her arms as if he were a little teddy bear, he in turn taking the shopping bags from her hand so she wouldn't have to carry them any longer.

"The shrine is just a little ways from here. Juju's leaves can't carry two people." The girl explained, as if it were common knowledge about shape shifting leaves and tanuki's powers, which in this world it really was, before starting off towards the shrine.

The shrine stood atop a small grassy hill, the blades well trimmed and unbelievably green. It was surrounded by equally fantastic oak trees that led all the way down the grey stone stairs which made the path to the entrance. The shrine itself seemed well kept, everything freshly painted and cleaned in that warm inviting way of a home. Outside, pink daisies swayed gently in the spring breeze on their bushes, adding more color to the already bright place. A red torii gate stood firmly in its earth, the friendly blades of grass coinciding with the beams, as white paper talismans of peace, luck, and purity hung from the top banister and fluttered along silently in the wind with the daisies in synchronized harmony. It seemed everything was at peace.

Juju hopped from Hotaru's arms and onto the smooth cool grey stone of the entrance pathway once they were up the stairs, looking about with complete confusion. "What? Why is it so quiet? I swear, Master Inugami and Master Nure were fighting just a few minutes ago before I left!"

Hotaru pursed her lips. "Hm... Maybe they made up?"

Just as the hopeful syllables left her mouth, a deep voice erupted from within the household.


With a blur, a figure with long blonde hair flew through the wooden wall of the shrine with such ease it would be mistaken as nothing but a paper screen. The tanuki and the maiden sighed with empathy to each other's disappointment.

Out came a man, or rather a wolf spirit in the shape of a man with ears and tail, clad in an old fashioned light gray hakama with a matching darker colored haori over his upper half. Over this, a white apron and a white maid's bandana on his head, a wooden spoon gripped so tightly in his left hand it was a surprise it wasn't already in splinters. The fuzzy black ears were pinned back in aggression, his tail following suit as a bare clawed foot slammed down into the side of the fallen figure's face.

The blonde figure, not even attempting to fight back, groaned under the weight of the wolf's foot. "Well you never make me any food! What else was I supposed to eat?! I'm starving!" The whiny male voice cried, muffled under the dark haired man's brutal attack.

Hotaru, seeming to have enough of this, held out her hand as a golden flame appeared, beautiful as it shone in her palm. "Would you two quit it?!" She threw the ball of fire at the two, the wolf being apt enough to make a hasty side step to avoid the scorching attack, while the other man had just stood and was now hit full force by the flame. The fire slowly caught his shirt, creeping up slowly from his side towards his shoulders and neck.

"Huh...? Ow... OWOWOW! HOT! VERY HOT! OW!" The male ran into the house, most likely to find something to put out the fire.

The wolf spirit tucked his hands peacefully into the long sleeves of his coat, approaching Hotaru and bowing slightly. "My lady, welcome home." The dark haired male straightened, crystal blue eyes softened and calm. "I apologize for the wall. I will have it fixed after I prepare a new lunch for you. The previous one had been eaten by a certain pest so I will make you whatever you like." The icy eyes turned to Wolfram, lips thinning in a mix of interest and wariness.

The shrine maiden let out another sigh. "It's fine, Inugami, I'm not really hungry anyway." Hotaru followed his eyes to the priest. "Inugami, this is a visiting priest from another district, Wolfram. Wolfram, this is my shrine spirit, Inugami. Wolfram will be staying here for a while until his visit is over."

The wolf ears flicked in distrust immediately, eyes narrowing. "...nice to meet you."

Seemingly out of nowhere, a familiar blur of shiny blonde hair slammed into Hotaru, two arms reaching out to squeeze her in a tight hug. "Oh, Hotaru, my darling! Welcome home, I missed you so-AGH!" A foot slammed into the blonde's face, shooting him a few feet away and forcing him to face plant into the earth, leaving a rut to follow the entire distance.

Juju held up three claws in the air, similar to a referee. "Three points, KO!"

The blonde who had been kicked sat up and brushed off his face with disgust, Inugami eloquently returning his foot to the ground. The male shot up, pointing an aggravated finger at the wolf. "What the hell, you passive-aggressive mutt?! I didn't do anything wrong!!" The man was quite beautiful, almost to the point of a woman, his hair and skin seeming to be soaked in water. This could be chalked up to him rinsing himself down from the burn, probably...

Inugami cast him a threatening look. "How many times do I have to tell you? You are Lady Hotaru's shikigami. You treat her with respect, and that included calling her by the proper name and not tackling her every time she returns home."
"Oh yeah? Maybe you're just jealous, huh, muttly? Why don't you sit like a good boy?"
"Why don't you return to the filthy lake you came from and stop plaguing this shrine with your uselessness?"
Electricity seemed to crackle between the two.

Hotaru held out a hand to the blonde, seeming indifferent of their squabble, as if it were a regular occurrence. "Wolfram, this is Nure, my second shikigami besides Juju."

At the sound of his name, Nure perked up, grinning broadly in an almost goofy manner as he held out his hand to the priest in a much warmer way of greeting. "Hiya! Wolfram was it? Nice to meet'cha!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The MYO leader was quick to respond to her and happily took Nao and the others as her team. She had not much more to say to Nao so she only had to follow the girl to the location of the accident. The bird girl noticed that Nao joined the team and asked to be sure about it. The bird girl sounded nice but appeared to be a little cautious about the other girl coming with them. She had been muttering to herself for quite some time and did indeed seem a little unstable but it was fine really. If she did her task and didn't cause a huge trouble it would probably be fine. If they were lucky they perhaps didn't have to do much anyway so that was only to hope. Nao gave the bird girl a bit of a shy smile.

"I understand where you are coming from but don't be to harsh on her. She might have experienced something in the past that made her that way."

The bird girl thought they were pretty alike, her and Nao. Nao could understand why but they still had their own little quirks. Nao was a little shyer and quieter then the bird girl who was active and jumpy. Nao gave a small nod.

"I can sort of see that yea, I hope we can get to know each other better this way."

Nao walked after the others outside were a strange cat girl was staring at the MYO. The leader simply walked past her with only a few words clearly indicating she was busy at the moment. Nao gave the cat girl a quick smile but needless to say didn't say much to her either. Birdy took off into the sky and circled the MYO for a while showing that she was ready to go and hyped about it already. Nao waited for the leaders command on going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kuro Tamagi

From his throne-like business chair, the youkai man eyed up his surroundings minuciously. Several screens were flickery with red and green number, as statistics fluctuated in the stock markets. The man typed a few keystrokes, and smiled smugly, just like a veteran sailor would smile as they'd say through feisty winds, although in this case, the winds were made of digital data and virtual money, fluctuating through half of the globe like a maddened storm.

He eyed his cup, and took a sip of it. The bitter taste of the leaves concoction invaded his nostrils and brought him back to the real world. The young -looking man leaned forward, his eyes peering into the figure before him. A comely female, with no small amount of endowments was kneeling in a very forced dogeza position, her stylish office clothes and skirt strained under the weight and force of the gesture. She would pass out as human if her non-human smell, and rounded brown ears on top of her head, and a bushy ringtail weren't twitching around nervously.

"I am sorry, lord Tamagi." She said, her voice talking to the ground. "I didn't know..."

"Enough of the lord crap, this is a business place, not a 17th century palace. Call me Kuro."

"Yes, Lord Kuro".

Hrng The male grumbled internally as he took a deep breath as he pinched his nostril. "So you say, the apartments we just bought have some sort of haunting."


"And that this Myo-chan or whatever,is going to get involved."

"Actually, it's MYO, it's an organization, my Lord."

"Oh, just great. Fighting for justice, lots of property damage."

"I AM SO SORRY!" The female whimpered, as she couldn't find courage to raise herself to face her boss.

"No use crying over spilt milk. Please rise." Kuro eminently added, as he sipped the rest of the cup and rised to his height, putting his gloves on. "Prepare my car. Let us talk to that MYO and see if we can... get some sort of agreement to limit the loss of value."

The female tanuki blinked twice, and did so eagerly, before noticing that her shirt had actually...failed to resist her effusivenes, and now two buttons were standing in the ground, while a large gaping hole in her chest exposed things that would have been best left to imagination. Her reddening reaction was almost immediate.

Kuro facepalmed, and taking a single leave, pressed it against the female's forehead, creating the illusion of an intact shape. "Change that shirt, before we leave, please."

"Ye-yes, lord!" She replied as she hurried away at a brisk pace.

I really wish they stopped doing that kind of apology. Don't they know how hard is to find uniforms for tanuki for a reasonable price? Kuro mentally cursed, as he headed for the exit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ghastlyInc
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ghastlyInc sheep enthusiast

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sho Baba

Sho huffed as he sprinted through the streets of the Imaginary District, a breakfast burrito flopping unceremoniously in his mouth as he ran. “I’m so lateeee!” He says fumbling to tie the wrinkled silk train wreck that was his tie. As always, the garment ended up looking more like an unruly knot than anything resembling normal neckware. He was also pretty sure he wore this shirt yesterday, but both these facts didn’t matter for the moment The meeting was probably over by now, which meant Makiko already gave out the missions. Which meant he’d be stuck inside doing paper work. Again. His mind flashes to the horrific desk pile, stacks of paper reaching comical heights with deadlines far beyond passed. A good thing for absolutely nobody involved.
He curses his alarm clock while he chokes down the cheap breakfast food, wishing he’d not manage to have slept through it. ”I’m never staying up late again” he promises to himself, as he had most every day since joining the MYO. He turns into a small alley, the second to last portion of his daily route to the office. He breaks into a dead sprint, hoping there was still time to get out of the one utterly horrible part of his job. ”Just one more corner and I’m home fre-“ He thinks, bolting out of the alley and face first into a large Oni shaped obstacle he was fairly sure wasn’t there yesterday.

Sho rebounds off of Noa, being a comparative lightweight to most Oni, before thunking onto the pavement. There is a soft baah of pain before he looks up at the offending roadblock. He stares blankly for a moment, trying to remember the girls name..and why he was rushing. Something about a meeting? There is another beat of pause before the name comes to him. ”Good morning Noa-Chan!” He chirps, waving at the oni from the ground, previous urgency seemingly entirely forgotten. He looks past the oni, spotting other people. “Good morning everyone~!” He chirps, there being too many people to name.

@liferusher@13org@VitaVitaAR@geminironin @Jedly
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ennui
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Ennui A Multifaceted Puzzle

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Generalistic post, interaction available to those whom deem it fitting. A case of indulge or ignore. Also on the short side due to the current situation.]


The sole word that ran through her head was the predominant thought. Stumbling, nervousness, slight fear or anxiety, excitement, a few among the many possible feelings the different MYO members had at the time. Setsura plainly stares at the mass "gathering" at the front door of the building along with her slight grin. In the few hundred years she had to experience the world, being an observer sometimes tended to give her quite a lot to work with. Especially when it came to simply watching and beguiling some of the time she had in her hands.

This time was no exception either. Without almost doing anything but plant a slight suggestion, the young cub took matters into her own hands. "I do wonder how Makiko is going to handle the little one. Not that I can say anything back at her anymore." Considering her placement up on the roof of the building on the opposite side of the road, it wasn't too much of a hunch to think that perhaps Makiko already knew she was there. Well, that and the contrasting clothing & figure were somewhat notorious of her these days.

Taking another glance at the people around; Two onis, a tengu, a few humans while one of them being unfamiliar to her, Karu, and the young kitsune. Along with Styx whom she could never really understand nor make sense out of, or just any ankou in general that is. It seemed to be that more or less all of the people had been less... somnolent this time. With the people in place, perhaps she could derive some fun out of the results of their current expedi-...

A thought cut short as an intrusive but slight yell came into her ears, with the next thing in her eyes then being Sho... having bumped into Nao. If nothing else, she could barely contain her laughter to herself as the demon boy literally bounces off Nao as if nothing happened. "Either he's as light as a feather or Nao just has extreme resiliency..."

With a shrug, she lightly hops on the metal fencing and jumps back down to the street with a light thud from her feet. Though preferring not to move but instead only lean back towards the wall of the building she just jumped down from. The only motion afterwards is a simple hand wave towards Makiko, merely wondering if she was actually paying attention.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yuina Fujioka

"B-b-but..." Yuina clinged even tighter to Makiko, her knees shaking. "B-b-but g-g-ghosts..."

She had never liked ghosts. Never, ever, ever. It didn't matter that she was a youkai, they just... They were just wrong! They freaked her out so much ever since she was a child, ever since that one time not long after she met Makiko... But she didn't want to think about that. How could Makiko stay so cool when faced with pure, unbridled supernatural terror? How could she be so...

"...WAAAH!" She'd popped out of nowhere as soon as they left the building. Was she there the entire time? Had Yuina just been trying her best not to notice her? The moment Karu spoke to Makiko, Yuina practically jumped out of her skin and rushed behind the onmyouji, clutching to her shoulders as she ducked behind her, trying in vain to hide as her entire body trembled. "D-d-do we r-r-really have to d-do this, M-m-makiko? I... I d-don't trust her..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Online

That look from the observer had been a little startling, given she initially appeared to be human... but her presence indicated otherwise. Some kind of youkai, that much was evident... for an onmyouji, recognizing types of youkai was a simple task, and yet this girl... she looked like a particularly tall schoolgirl, but somehow felt... off. Makiko couldn't really discern what she was, but at least her words seemed sincere, somehow. She hardly looked like an adult, but she was a youkai. Looks could be quite deceiving in the case of youkai.

"... Yuina-san," Makiko sighed, as she felt the terrified futakuchi-onna hide behind her, quivering like a leaf, "If you calm down, I'll treat you to some yakitori after we deal with the haunting, alright? It'll be all on me, as much as you want."

Almost instantly, Makiko regretted saying this. Yuina had the appetite of an entire starved pack of wild dogs. Who were also forty meters tall. Her wallet would be in poor condition, but there was nothing she could do about it now that she'd said as much. It was time to focus on the strange watcher.

"I have to wonder why you were watching our meeting," the black-haired girl began, folding her arms, "But I'm not going to turn you away if you want to help."

It was around then that the demon showed up and walked right into Nao. Makiko sighed. Well at least he'd actually got here... and the kitsune was waving to her.

"... We don't really have any more time to waste, so if you want to help, follow me," Makiko said, growing impatient as she started down the street. The apartment complex wasn't horribly far from here, but they still needed to get going...

As for the group going after the cat, their trip would take them a few blocks down. The girl's house(a rather small, but pleasant home colored a light blue) wasn't distant. It would just be a matter of reaching it, and speaking to the child about her cat. Ideally, it wouldn't take to long to locate her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Hikaru was having trouble staying awake. Most people would presume that it was a bit early to be tired and that was exactly the problem: it was early. Actually rising whilst the sun was high? An early morning from her perspective, one not aided by having to remember to not just walk outside like it was dark. Nevertheless, the samurai had risen in order to make an attempt to reach the new ice-cream shop she had heard about before it closed for the day.

The path from her apartment lead through a slightly more up-market portion of the district, with actual separate houses. There seemed to be a little group gathering outside one and she looked at it curiously for a second, wondering what it could be about. Then it clicked: a few she recognised as part of that little youth club and the rest she had seen around the district. One of them, though, was definitely new and had no unusual features...

"This one is sorry to be a bother, but could it be that you are human?" Akira asked, stepping forward to look at Akio. It was a strange question for her to be asking, from a stranger's perspective: nothing about her seemed that off, even if the sword pressed against the deep blue kimono was a little unusual. The paper umbrella suited the weather, after all...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Akio Haritama

@Vocab@Rune_Alchemist@Raineh Daze
"I'm indeed a human. You shouldn't be too surprised. We've got at least two others, not including us. With one of those being the leader, Makiko." Akio found this to be quite surprising, that humans not only heavily comprised the organization, but that they also seemed to run it. "So, if there are so many humans, why were people thrown off by me exactly?" He inquired, " It almost seems like humans are as common as monsters." He chuckled, before Shina had burst out at Tessai.

Akio gave a laugh at Shina's defense, and continued down the road with her and Tessai, only to be stopped by a woman with bright red irises. He looked up at her, and turned his head as she asked, "This one is sorry to be a bother, but could it be that you are human?" He raised an eyebrow, feeling a slight sense of irony as the question that he has imposed upon Tessai was suddenly facing him. "Uh, yes." He nodded. "But I've come to understand that that isn't entirely uncommon here." He was a little put off by the woman's eyes and overall disposition. She looked almost malicious with her stony-faced expression. He took a step back, feeling rather small all of a sudden, "Why do you ask?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by easy modo
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easy modo knight decimal

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


There's a trembling little girl right behind Makiko, shuddering with great concern over something. And for reasons even she herself haven't even figured out, Karu somehow enjoys the sight of quivering knees and standing hairs.

"Rumors, myah," Karu replied, eyes still fixed on the terrified futakuchi-onna. "I like to check on this little onryo, myah."

From somewhere else in the District, a little close around the markets, the muffled pounding noise of a hammer ceased sounding through the yard of a small house. The rabbit within began molding the fruits of its labor, shaping a strange white paste into round balls with her clean, delicate hands.

There's no special occasion to behold; it's just a lunarian's natural liking to oddly-shaped masses of glutinous rice.

But before she could nibble them, however, a disembodied voice resonated from within her head.


Make it quick. I got a bunch to chow down.

You said things about "a band of youths wanting to do patrol duties", right?

That's the MYO, if I'm not mistaken.

A few thousand yen has been added to your account for that information.

Geez. Big money for cheap work.

She additionally recommends you check on their activities. That's all.

Noted. Well, anything of other interest?

You mentioned that this "District" is teeming with youkai, right?

What of it?

Seen any "mind-readers" lately?

Negative. Additionally, our ESP lines appear uncompromised as of this moment.

That's well, but stay on guard. I'm closing the line.



Ayame stepped out of her home, nibbling on a ball of marumochi in hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"What is happening down there? What are we waiting for? Such commotion..." She thought, diving down and landing in front of the MYO building. Or at least trying to land, instead, crashing on top of Sho, knocking him down.

"I-m sorry! You just appeared there and..." She said, blushing still on top of Sho.

She was very embarrassed, due to the awkward position she was, but her attention quickly shifted to the newcomer, and Yuina acting very, very strange. Even more than usually.

"I was flying over the building, waiting for us to go... but suddenly everyone stopped. My name is Aamuu by the way." She said looking to everyone, and saying the last sentence especially for the strange girl who were staring at them.

"What are you doing here?" She asked to the newcomer
"Maybe you also want to join MYO?"

"Miss Yuina, why are you so scared? Is everything ok?" She asked, oblivious to the fact that She was still on top of Sho.

@ghastlyInc@Rin@easy modo
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


With a heavy tud she stumbled backwards somewhat. Something from the alley hit her full on. Nao took a quick gasp and directed her gaze towards the alley. Her sight glanced downwards onto the guy that had bumped her. It was no more than someone from the MYO. She was happy he had somewhat remember her name but not entirely. Or perhaps he was just confused by the hit? Nao gave an awkward laugh at him before talking back.

"Good evening Sho-san. I humbly apologise for making you fall and for the next time, it's Nao."

She gave a kind smile at the downed boy as she wanted to pick him back up again but was interrupted. Bird lady crashed down onto the poor boy. Nao gasped once more covering her mouth with her hand as she patiently watched the drama unfold. What had she done. Birdy was relaxed as always. She didn't seem bothered by the whole fact that she had landed on top of the guy. Nao tried reaching out to help but didn't know how with the bird in the way. She didn't want to hurt her by grabbing her by the wing.

"Aamuu-chan, I think you are causing a bit of trouble to the one underneath you."

Nao gave another awkward laugh and waited a moment longer to try and help the boy up before jogging a little after Makiko to catch up on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wolfram Thiess

Wolfram was...surprised at the very least at what had occurred right before his eyes. This certainly was a lively place and at least one of the young Shrine Maiden's spirit attendants seemed...well unconventional for sure. Still, he took all of it in with a slightly forced and impassive smile though he was quick to note Hotaru's rather...unusual seeming flame-based power. It was definitely an impressive-looking power, beyond what he'd seen just from a flame affinity in the past though he had no idea of the specifics. In any case what was equally impressive was her holding such a rowdy group together and managing a shrine at such a young age.

He was about to voice the thought when he was formally introduced to the wolf spirit. The wariness there was plain for Wolfram to see and from a...less human perspective it made perfect sense. Priest or not, he was an unknown male intruding on a wolf's territory, potentially threatening the members of his pack. As things stood the priest was surprised he got as polite a greeting as he did. He gave an equally guarded smile in return, also not sure if Inugami could sense his true nature as a...somewhat similar being.

The other spirit did seem much warmer, though Wolfram wondered at his nature and exactly what sort of familiar he was supposed to be, considering the creature seemed to think they were something like boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife...or perhaps he was just lecherous in general? The priest certainly hoped that wasn't the case, though the miko seemed capable enough at taking care of herself. Still, Nure gave him a much warmer reception so he beamed at the serpent-spirit and shook his hand warmly.

"It's nice to meet you too. I owe quite a debt to your Lady Hotaru, helping me like this in my time of need. I promise I'll be no bother at all. If you like once I get settled in I can even help out around here." He also took another chocolate bar out of his bag and offered it to the shikigami. He wasn't foolish enough to offer chocolate to a wolf spirit. He knew from personal experience that generally that ended badly, though on second thought maybe the rules were different in Japan...

Ah, well if he wanted some for himself, Inugami was more than welcome to ask.

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