Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

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I like your take on mirror teleportation. Seen it used before, but not quite like that. Would she be able to use other reflective surfaces as well, such as glass or water?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

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Hi all! Here's my CS :)

Welcome Mirror Man- I mean, Aleyna.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Daisedconfused
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@SecretlyDiscord First of all, I love that creepy little deer. He's wonderful.
I had a feeling that was going to happen since we got so many new people. Now we have a lot of girl characters, makes me wanna make a dude... hmm. 030

And as far as the plot goes, I dunno yet (Gosh, I'm so helpful. What would you do without me?). I kinda want to see what life is like in the facility before trying to decide how they're going to overcome it, I guess. Speaking of life in the facility, what sort of stuff is going to be going down? I know they're supposed to be learning to use their abilities, so are they going to actively force them to train or is it more like they're stuck in there until they're deemed beneficial to society (Kinda like a psych ward where they're essentially stuck there forever because no one's going to believe they're sane, or in this case, more usefull than they are dangerous)? And if they are training, what sort of stuff will they be doing? Is it training by themselves, as a group, or even against each other? Or does it just depend on the kinda powers they have? And have the characters been giving their bomb collars or serial numbers yet (do we just make up their serial numbers? If so, should we add it into our CS?)?

It's nine am here and for some reason I woke up three hours ago and can't get back to sleep, so excuse me if I'm rambling. I like to ask lots of questions. :B
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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@witch cat Haha that's the first person I found with the same power... Dunno how I feel about his costume :/

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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@treue Hypothetically yes, but the amount of comcentration/skill it would require depends on the opacity of her reflection. Meaning that Aleyna can't right now 'cuz she's really unfamiliar with her power and kinda hates it. Right now her power basically applies exclusively to mirrors, which she hates anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Witch Cat
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Witch Cat C.A.T. Cat / Coolest of All Time

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@witch cat Haha that's the first person I found with the same power... Dunno how I feel about his costume :/

Are you implying that Mirror Man doesn't have the moet fabulous costume ever?

@treue Hypothetically yes, but the amount of comcentration/skill it would require depends on the opacity of her reflection. Meaning that Aleyna can't right now 'cuz she's really unfamiliar with her power and kinda hates it. Right now her power basically applies exclusively to mirrors, which she hates anyway.

I got a few questions too! (Hopefully it wasn't answered in your CS already so i dont feel dumb.)

But will Aleyna only be able to travel through mirrors she can fit through? Or can she just transport to her mirror world using a pocket mirror? Will a broken mirror still work as a pathway? (Seeing as you technically can't break a mirror, you'll just make more mirrors.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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@Daisedconfused Yes, good. You asked a few questions I had forgotten to. Also, I agree with your stance on just living in the facility for a bit.

@Dusksong That's about what I figured. I was just curious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Daisedconfused
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@Treue Someone agrees with me, yay! :0 Either way I think it'll be good. If the characters are actively training I think it would be fun to have it be group training since it works best with the group roleplay style by making us interact more. Plus we'd be developing our abilities at the same time. Private training would make it hard for us to develop character relationships so we'd need something else as a motivator, and the battling thing would be interesting but it might be difficult for some of our abilities (like what is Marlowe gonna do? Make 'em sneeze while they're trying to attack her?). Although it could also encourage them to get better with their powers a lot faster and it would be a huge motivator for getting outta there as soon as possible (if Vincent had to fight Margaret he'd be finding a way out hella fast.).

Buut those are just my thoughts on it, they'd all be fun in their own way. And if we're not actively training it would be interesting to see how to story moves with the focus not being on their powers initially.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PrettyWings
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Working on my character, it won' be long! :-)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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@Crazy Doctor I think that everything in your Weakness area belongs under Personality. You're supposed to put your power's drawbacks and limitations in the Weaknesses section.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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@witch cat all mirrors, but its harder since you need to project yourself into the mirror

And um, no. I'm just saying that Mirror Man's costume is to... Unique for my character to pull off haha.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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@Crazy Doctor Sweet :3 Your CS looks really good! The power is supah dank. As far as weaknesses goes, just make sure you explain what impact something has on the power. For example, fear of the power is an okay limitation just as long as you explain how the fear would prevent the actual use of the power, not just create reluctance. Fear as an inhibitor not as a side effect. The social anxiety bit (I'll just call it that for now) and emotion thing needs to go under personality. You could talk about the power being tied to her emotions (like in Stardust where the star glows when she's happy) and then keep the social anxiety stuff in weaknesses because, when Nikki isn't happy, she isn't glowing, or something like that. The nightmare bit could go under quirks and habits. I like your content, it just needs a bit of sorting and tidying. :)

@Treue and @Witch Cat You guys answer all the questions when I'm not here and I love it. And with all this community stuff! Helping everyone out!! I love it so much! So helpful. <3

@Dusksong I think that the questions everyone are asking are good, but feel free to take or leave them. You could add your details to what you have and make it the most thorough CS in all of RP history. I think that you're clear to put your CS up now if you'd like. There aren't any inconsistencies or against-the-rules things happening. Welcome aboard friend!

@PrettyWings Sweet! I look forward to it!

@Daisedconfused I actually really like the idea of having the characters spar with each other. Maybe at some point the wardens supervisors would assign "superhero teams" so that these kids could learn to use their powers to help each other. I don't know about serial numbers, but that could be something to look into. The system could be first initial, last initial, 6 digit birthday (i.e. VA082802). I guess Vinny's b-day is oct. 28th now. :P

About the gender balance in this RP, so much estrogen. I don't know if I should feel bad for Vincent, Alexander, and Daniyal or not, LOL. Go ahead and create a male character if you want. We can also gently encourage newcomers to create male characters...

I LOVE YOU NERDS! This is going so well, I'm so happy. X3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

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Well I mean, even Alexander is a source of our excess estrogen. He never did any hormone treatments. That said, I'm working on a male character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

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@Treue@SecretlyDiscordaye aye. I'll edit it up today. This was just a rushed CS done at 2 in the morning. I'll fix it up then post it again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

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@SecretlyDiscord October is the tenth month tho... in the original (I took a peek) the mods had their ID numbers as TEF149-XXXXX, x's being numbers and letters which were seemingly random.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Daisedconfused
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@SecretlyDiscord In the Student Life Guide section it says, "You will wear your uniform at all times and answer to your serial number." and that everyone wears bomb-collars. So I thought they had to have them, but I don't care either way.

And maybe I will make a guy. I haven't decided if I just wanna focus on the one character or not yet... Hmm... -3-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Typical
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@Crazy Doctor

Hey, just skimmed your CS and wanted to say that your power's really cool :) (She's like the human glowstick... and dark hole??)

Maybe you could bullet point the specific parts of her power (ie: glowing, absorbing light) and weaknesses to make it an easier read, 'cuz right now I got a lot of questions haha
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SecretlyDiscord
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SecretlyDiscord Back in the Metaphorical Saddle, baby.

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Lol, right. I always forget that the octo in October does not mean eight. :/ Ah, english. It's greek and latin roots or nothing at all...
How do you all feel about a system of TEF149-(group number from 1 to 9)(ability category (T for transportation, K for kinetic, P for personal/physical, E for energy, El for elemental, etc.))(randomly assigned 3-digit number)? That can also be information we include in the CS's.

I also don't know how we're gonna do bomb collars... Any ideas?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Daisedconfused
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Sounds good to me. And we could always change it so that we don't need to have the bomb collars in this version of the RP. I'd be fine both ways, but they don't sound super necessary, so whatever everyone else wants to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Treue
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Treue MIRACLE / <|°_°|>

Member Seen 1 yr ago

We do have a bigass forcefield. We could just say it fucks with powers, and then even teleporters can't escape. If we do go with bomb collars, I'd like something sleek that doesn't get in the way.
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