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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


~Claudia~ & Evelyn

~"Oh! My goodness!"~

Suddenly, as Claudia was perusing the beverages hoping to find a nice Chardinay or Pinot Noir, a flying, creamy confectionary happened to land safely...nestled between her blossoming bosoms. The woman nearly dropped her plate with a gasp, her face a hot shade of pink. No harm done, honestly, by the cutie, Reiko her name was if memory served correct, so there was no need to fly into a vehement rage.

Besides, it would be crass of the woman to berate a sweet little girl like her in front of everyone. No....she'd just have to punish poor Reiko another way when they were all alone.

Ah, but thoughts for later as she was becoming more flustered by them. ~"Do be more careful next time, dear Reiko."~ Claudia smiled calmly removing the dessert from herself and tossing it aside. Still a bit of cream left on her bosom she wiped away with her finger and savored licking it off. ~"Mmm, no wonder you're so sweet, my darling."~ The woman purred to Reiko, a charming smirk. She of course was hinting to the plate full of sweets the girl was carrying. Quite an appetite she had.

Another eclair was sent flying by the peculiar Reiko. My, what mischief, Claudia thought with a tempting smile. Oh what trouble those two could get into, but such thoughts were halted when Claudia quickly discovered Reiko's intended target...the goblin Evelyn.

She was too late to stop it, Claudia. The girl turned at the sound of her name...and ended up with a face full of chocolate cream.

Evelyn stood silent for a moment, the discarded cake slowly slipping from her chocolate stained face and plopping on the floor.

Her eyes glowed viciously, a hellish red gleaming like the fire of namesake, yet she was...oddly demure as she approached the guilty girl quietly. Claudia didn't like it. She bit her lip anxiously, standing behind Reiko in case Evelyn decided to do something brash...and perhaps violent.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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"That is a very logical explanation." He ignored all the commotion on the other side of the room until an eclair was thrown at Evelyn. As Aaren saw it happening, his face was white with shock. When Evelyn approached the girl...Reiko, was it? He stepped in front of her. "Hey, how about we all talk this out, then we can eat? Yeah?" He laughed weakly. His eyes swiveled between Evelyn and Reiko.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James merely watched on amused as all this was happening, and simply picked up an apple rather than even bothering to look at the other foods that were set out. He wasn't interested in food that society considered to be delicacies. He walked over beside Claudia, a small smirk on his face as he stood beside her while watching Evelyn approach Reiko. "I'm not the one who refers to you as a harlot, succubus," he spoke quietly to the woman. "Nature is what calls you that. The plants, animals, and even the stones call you a harlot, a succubus and a nymph."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fiona Mitzuki

Madam Mitzuki entered the dining hall after a few moments. She sat down at the head of the table where a plate of food was waiting for her with a small sample of each of the main dishes laid out on the buffet, though no one remembers seeing it there before. She began eloquently cutting into her food and taking small bites. Her movements didn't cause any friction on her plate so if you couldn't see her eating, you would not know she was there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Silverlight138
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Silverlight138 DRAGURNRIDER

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Both of Reiko's hands went up in surrender, and she offered the glowering girl a sheepish smile.

"I mean no harm, truly. Nice to meet you, Evely-"

The Lady approaches, cooed a familiar voice. Ooh, how beautiful she is, yes indeed. Lady of Ivory, Lady of Porcelain - fair and delicate, she is, but strong too - her soul.

Feeling a tug in her gut, Reiko cast a backward glance towards the fine dining table, where Lady Mitzuki now sat at the head. A dignified air surrounded her even as she raised each spoonful to her dainty lips. She made the simple affair of nourishing one's body a refined, elegant series of well-calculated movements.

Interesting. Reiko wondered if she would have noticed Lady Mitzuki enter the dining hall, if Reiko V2.0 hadn't given her a heads-up.

"Sssh, before you start biting my head off," she murmured to Evelyn, before addressing those in her vicinity, "Shall we go over for a little chat? I'd like to find out more about our host."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


~Claudia~ & Evelyn

Claudia continued to chew her lip nervously as she stood protective over Reiko. She wasn't much of a fighter, save for a bit of fencing practice mostly done out of boredom...and a date with the lovely instructor, but Evelyn, the malice she sensed in those blood red eyes, cold, brutal malice. There was no telling what she would do when she dug those claws into poor little Reiko...or to Claudia for that matter.

A wolfish, sharp toothed grin etched its way across the girl's face, Claudia shivering somewhat. She hissed at Reiko, "Let me quote the great Corey Taylor, bitch. I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound!"

What?! Swearing?! How dare she!

Claudia intervened, both hands upon the cutie Reiko's slim shoulders as she glared daggers at Evelyn, her tone firm and reprimanding, ~"My dear goblin, consider yourself lucky I did not decide to backhand those filthy utterances from your mouth! Everyone has a right to speak their own way, darling, but I will not have you spewing such vile verbose around this sweet little girl! Now then, if you've any quarrels or qualms, then by all means relinquish them. Now is not the time for violent retribution, especially for such a petty faux pa as a chocolate eclair to the face, my dear. Now, run along~. Go listen to that wonderful screaming and wretching you call music and talk about all things dark and scary with your little boy toy."~

Claudia smirked ending her sophisticated yet venomous diatribe towards Evelyn's hot headedness. The girl was completely dumbstruck, her jaw gaping wide as her eyes, a few sporadic blinks as she fumbled her words absolutely flustered, "B-b-b-but he's not...a-and you... UGH! We're gonna have words soon, you hoity toity panty snatcher!" Evelyn huffed throwing her hands up in frustration and stormed away. Panty snatcher? Well if Claudia hadn't heard that one in a while, or the other choice words the boy beside her had.

A sideways glance, her lips curled into quite the insolent smile as she cooed, ~"And what stones you cast at me, dear boy. I'm beginning to suspect you and nature are quite jealous. Call me what you wish, but it will not change anything. A woman needs her pleasures, honey. Mine are just a little more intimate."~ Claudia giggled delightfully with a sly wink to the boy. Oh how she was going to love it here.

She slipped her hands away from the girl's shoulder, just as everyone's attention was drawn to....the lovely Lady of the Manor, Madam Mitzuki herself. Claudia's face was already burning hot, her cheeks glowing a bright shade of fuschia. She swooned, her crystaline eyes sparkling as she beheld her porcelain maiden. What she would give to feel the touch of that smooth, delicate skin against hers. Her heart swelled with such passion for her, how graceful and dignified she was, calmly sampling her afternoon meal in tiny, delicate morsels.

~"Ahhh....Ravie de te revoir, ma belle dame."~ She whispered in a lustful sigh, a soft, languid look in her shimmering blue eyes.

((Translation: So wonderful to see you again, my lovely lady))
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

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Aaren blushed furiously when the bitch (there, he said it.) dared to call him a boy toy. As the woman probably thought about undressing everyone in the goddamn room, he glared at her, his teeth bared. He then spun on his heel and followed Evelyn. When he caught up to her, he sighed in defeat. "Wanna just watch a movie now? I lost my appetite."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

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Cheren was flat out lost...wandering around the grounds of some sort of mansion area. All he had on him was a strange ripped up military uniform and a weird knife that was attached to a loose string around his finger. For some reason, he had no clue on who he was except for his name that he got on a pair of dog tags around his neck...thankfully, his name being the largest on the tags due to the tags having multiple names on them for some reason. He keeps on wandering, wishing he had a hood or some sort of dark area to hide in.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cicero Monacelli

Cicero, nearly fainted in Rieko's should felt her movement towards to dining hall. His head bobbed with dizziness with each step she took. Her heart beat gave him something to count his own to. His lips were dry with dehydration and with the rush of scents that filled the air as she stepped into room began to breath life in him.

Cicero's stomach ached, felt hallow and small. He took in deep breaths, each one shooting pain down his throat to his empty stomach. As Rieko neared the table the smell of cheese filled his senses, he knew this scent anywhere. He wriggled out of her arms, dropping to the floor and proceeded to crawl towards the buffet. With a hand clenched around the clothe that covered the buffet to pulled himself up until he was eye level with the cheese. In one movement he grabbed a fistful of cheese and stuffed it into his mouth. Each piece was barely swallowed as it ran through him and landed in his stomach.

The little boy fingered his way to a slice of honey chicken and stuffed that into his mouth as well, barely giving himself time to chew between bites. His stomach began to hurt from lack of sustenance for so long. His vision began to come more into focus, the fog that surrounded his sight was slowly lifting. He stumbled to the end of the table where he found a glass of water. He picked it up and began to drink it. Water dripped down the sides of the cup and down the front of his shirt. He grabbed another cup and repeated until a pool of water began to form under his feet.

Finally Cicero grabbed an éclair and waddled his way over to the dining room table where he began eating the dessert. At the last bite, his head slumped down onto the table and he fell asleep.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


~Claudia~ & Evelyn

Evelyn growled under her breath narrowing her eyes at the bitch, Claudia Lu-whatsherface, balling her fists up till her pale knuckles were even whiter with how much they burned underneath. She scowled at the whore, now trying to get into Madam Mitzuki's pants of all people, fawning over the chick like she...well she probably was imagining Miss Mitzuki naked. Ev would admit herself though, she wasn't bad looking, but her whole mysterious persona bullshit...it did kinda creep the girl out.

"I would love for that slut to get nabbed by Jigsaw." Evelyn muttered aside to Aaren snickering, a vile grin as she imagined what diabolical, gore inducing trap the skank would be put in. "Hehe~ Hello Claudia, I wanna play a game. It's called shoving this chainsaw up your nasty pudding hole!" Evelyn laughed after mimicking Jigsaw. When asked if she wanted to see a movie though, she shook her head. She had a better idea, "Actually, I kinda wanna check this place out a little more. I mean it's creepy, but kinda cool."

Meanwhile, Claudia sat beside the lovely Madam Mitzuki, her eyes a longing stare unto their graceful and mysterious hostess. Her smile was lurid, suggestive of such licentious thoughts only a mind such as hers could contemplate, thoughts of how to woo her lovely prey and get her away for a little alone time. She sipped of her glass, chilled apple cider with a touch of cinnamon. It was quite good honestly. ~"My dear, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"~ Claudia asked with a wry smirk. She couldn't deny the woman was stealing her heart with those pale blue eyes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Oliver
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Oliver Stupid Kid

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Cicero's blonde head sharply hitting the table was more than enough to wake him right back up. He briefly thought he should apologize for acting so peculiarly in his famished state, but decided to shrug it off. He didn't want to start in on apologies just yet. He'd missed most of the goings-on of the room, and the few people in it seemed to be mostly conversing in English. The ten year old immediately stopped any attempt to listen in as he recognized the language he so despised.

He wiped a smear of chocolate off his cheek with his hand, no longer seeming as starved or dehydrated but still more than a bit fatigued. 40 straight hours of being lost in the wilderness had taken a considerable toll on the kid, but he'd likely be alright by morning. He rested his elbows on the table and propped his head up with his hands, looking around.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Madam Mitzuki gently placed her fork on the side of the plate then took the napkin that was resting on her knee and pressed it to her lips delicately before folding it and placing it on the side of the table. She then reached before her for the still steaming glass of tea that was before her. The blue porcelain glass had barely touched her lips when Claudia sat down next to her. She graciously put down her glass and gave her a gentle and welcoming smile.

"My, What an absolute privilege it is to speak with you, if I may, you go by Claudia, do you not? What a pleasure it is to make your acquaintance." Mitsuki's piercing eyes gazed into Claudias. "How are you finding the manor, it has never been open to guests so I would love an additional perspective on it."

Madam Mitzuki's hands were gently placed over on another on her lap as she spoke. She glanced down the table and saw the little boy barely keeping his eyes open and stood up quickly, "Oh my." She said, though her stature didn't seem surprised. She looked on towards the crowd of others that were standing next to the buffet table. "Would one of you please help this young man to his room? There will be fresh clothes for him in his dresser. I assure you, you will be rewarded for your effort." She spoke just loudly enough to be heard among their chatter and stole a moment at each of the guests, meeting their eyes and gaze.

She looked expectantly at Claudia, "I'm terribly sorry, I truly don't mean to be rude but, it seems we have another visitor, I must go and great him. I would like to continue this conversation at a further date, you will receive notice of a time to meet." She bowed graciously and left through a door at the end of the dining hall that wasn't labelled.


In the gardens, Madam Mitzuki found the boy wondering. She appeared before him and spoke a calm voice, "Welcome to the manner, please accept this key to your room." She peered in his eyes and handed him a silver key with a room number attached to it as she had done with the others. "Now, if you will follow me, I will lead you to the entryway where you can join the others in the dining hall. Please ask them about dining hours. Anything you don't wish to carry, please leave it here and it will be taken to your room."

Madam Mitzuki turned elegantly and began navigating the maze of the garden at a slow enough pace to be followed but, not looking back once to be sure the young man was following her. She made her way to the entryway where the voices were still coming from the dining hall on the left and just continued up the stairs were she disappeared down a hallway.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'll come with. I got nothing better to do." In truth, he didn't want to have to talk with the others. They would probably judge him, honestly. "Besides, the movie probably wouldn't work...So, what do you like to do? I'm just curious..." He looked at his feet, peering at a praying mantis. "Aw, check this bloke out!" He picked the insect up and looked closer. "Haven't seen a praying mantis in a while. Not very common where I'm from." He showed it to Evelyn. "Wanna hold him?" He didn't care for insects too much, but if he saw one he thought he wasn't going to see for a while, he'd check it out.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


~Claudia~ & Evelyn

Claudia didn't exactly know how to...well, indeed she did know how to take the woman's delightful invitation, but it would be crass of her to take advantage of such a sweet, generous, and absolutely beautiful woman such as Madam Mitzuki. Maybe a little casusl conversation would be nice for a pleasant evening together. Claudia wanted to know all about their mysterious lady...and then maybe they could get to the fun part. The red haired woman sighed pleasantly with a longing expression glued to her face, enjoying the sight of her lady's smooth hips swaying underneath that elegant kimono. How she couldn't wait to see it slip from those creamy shoulders in the pale light of a full moon.

Claudia, her face was burning hot just thinking of it. Blissfully she sighed to herself leaning against the table with a happy, lazy grin swishing her wine about. ~"Ahh~ mon amour, vous serez le mien...!~"~

((Translation: "Ahh~ my love, you will be mine...!~"))

"WHAT THE CHRIST?!!" Evelyn was pretty much jumping out of her skin upon seeing that...that...fucking evil thing! She jumped backwards nearly fifty feet, shuddering uncontrollably towards the disgusting green alien thing. The mantis sat peacefully in Aaren's hand cleaning off its antennae with its....its scythey arms of death. "D-dude! I'm cereal! G-get that fucking....THING away from me! Now!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aaren was caught off guard. "Okay." He said, a grin on his face. "So, you're afraid of Praying Mantises? Good to know." Aaren set the creature down a good distance away. "Shall we explore?" He asked, his arm outstretched. "I hope there's a lounge. I could go for a game of Billards." His teeth glinted. His eyes seemed to see right into Evelyn's soul.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The manor was still but for the movement and conversation coming from the dining hall. The time was now 2pm and two hours had passed since the arrival of the visitors.

After only such time two of our arrivals, James Hunter and Charon Takahoto decided to take their journey elsewhere leaving a handful left to explore the old house. The doors however stayed open for new guests to arrive.

Madam Mitzuki, in her tucked away corner of the house, took two game pieces carved from wood, one an apple and the other a small dog and placed them in a chest, leaving on a large table etched with the layout and blue prints of the house the remaining figures.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago


♥~Claudia~ & Evelyn🗡

After her meal, Claudia had some time earlier to scope out the mansion before she decided to enjoy the view, and a lovely glass of wine, from the conservatory. The place was indeed gargantuan, but didn't feel so overbearing and sparse. She could tell Madam Mitzuki had put alot of work into it, and good on her for that. Everything was just so extravagant and beautiful, from the plush crimson rugs lined with gold accents, the black and white tiled marble floors, to the dazzling chandeliers made of pure crystal glass and the large pillars carved so ornately that stood rank and file, and that was just the main foyer.

There were all the other ammenities one could think of for an elegant and cozy abode such as this, including the attached conservatory. As many bedrooms as one could imagine being in this place, all so artfully decorated with priceless paintings and lavish curtains and sconces, a kitchen downstairs next to a lovely dining room with a long pinewood table, a fairly spacious common room with many chairs and plush, comfy leather couches and loveseats and a grand fireplace already crackling with a few cedar logs, giving the room a pleasant, warm aroma, a study with bookshelves stocked with all manner of books, easy chairs and a glass cabinet filled with various whiskeys, scotches, and ales, and a lounge with a billiard table, a few antique flintlock rifles and medieval swords donning the burgundy painted walls, along with a few animal heads, some deer, some mooses, even a bear or two. there was even a bar in the corner, well stocked with booze and cigars.

But the room that caught Claudia's eyes the most was the breath taking Roman bath.

Two large wooden doors led into the room, the inside so lavishly decorated, paying fair tribute to its ancient roots. The bath itself was quite large, almost like a swimming pool with its rectangular shape and cerulean tiles. Wisps of steam danced upon the sheen, crystal surface of the water, sparkling from the pleasant light of chandeliers and torch sconces. Lining the bath were great columns carved from the finest marble holding up the open air balcony and the roof above, painted with a lovely scene of cherubs frollicking in the clouds.

The air inside was so warm and soothing and smelled so clean with the scent of fresh mineral water.

A pleasant smile crept across Claudia's beaming face as she closed the door behind her gently and wasted no time undressing and wading into the soothing hot waters, melting into the bath with a relaxing sigh, ~"Ahh...I do enjoy a nice, hot bath."~ Pleasantly she mused, taking a cloth from beside the bath and a glass vial of chamomile body wash. She bathed herself, quietly humming and enjoying the delectable scent of chamomile.

Ev felt a little uneasy with how much this guy was gazing into her eyes. Not necessarily creeped out, but a little personal space would have been nice. Sheepishly she grinned backing away a little, "O...kay there, Walter Sullivan. I know I'm every goth kid's dream, but you can stop ripping my clothes off with your eyes, dude."

She snickered. Strangely though no blush to her cheeks, despite Ev feeling like she was running a hundred degree fever[url][/url]. "But uh...yeah! Let's check this place out! You think Madam Mitzuki probably has relatives buried here?"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DriveEMOut
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DriveEMOut Worst Name Ever

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Sorry. And if she had dead relatives, I'd want to see the corpses first. Regardless, we'd have to ask her. Where should we start? How about the lounge? I still stand on that Billards game." He looked under his nail and picked at some dirt. "Where do you think the perv moved to? I bet a million bucks Mitzuki's quarters." He shoved his hands into the pocket of his jacket.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heap241
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Heap241 The Inquisitive Improvisationist

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Katsumura Reiko

Reiko finished eating the honeyed foods and watch was the two men who'd only been in the manor momentarily left without a wood or a goodbye. The familiar voice echoed within her "We didn't talk to the mistress.". Reiko put down her fork on her empty plate sullenly before getting up.

Her white hair glistened under the light of the crystal chandelier in the dining hall as she approached the two others still chatting in the hall, Evelyn and Aaren she thought their names where. "If you two are going to be exploring, mind if I tag along?" she smiled, more at Aaren then at Evelyn, the heat of throwing an éclair at her still surrounded her aura when she stood near her.

Cicero Monacelli

Cicero woke up after his nap in a large ornate bedroom. He was wearing soft clothes and seemed to be bathed, though he couldn't remember how he got there, only that he felt much better then he had when he first entered the manor. He climbed out of bed and explored the room some. There was a large dresser in the room and when pulling open the drawers found clothes, new and his size inside. Cicero scratched his head, "Am I still dreaming?" he thought to himself.

He found his way to the bedroom door and opened it. The hall was lit and vibrant, the carpet seemed new and sharp though the designs on it seemed from another time. The walls were well manicured with exquisite paintings and tapestries. His little feet shuffled down the hall until he reached the entryway staircase. One step at a time he descended the stairs and still heard voices coming from the dining hall.

He quickly ran down a hall on the first floor, not wanting to be forced to interact with strangers again, he wound down hallway and hallway until he realized he was lost. Soon in his wondering, the aroma of chamomile and the sound of humming. He made his way towards the sound where he found himself before a large door. Will all his strength he pushed it open, the door opening swiftly and without warning. He slipped, trying to catch his balance when he fall face first into the large warm pool-like bath right onto the bare chest of Claudia.

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