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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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@Skylar so my Corp is shaping up to be one of the major players in the shipbuilding industry. They're a bit more ethical than North Star (Okay a lot more ethical) but it doesn't mean that they wouldn't have mutual interests. The way I've set them up they have small slips or yards on most stations and asteroids big enough to house them as well as free floating yards in and past the belt, which would mean it's very likely that our two companies would interact out of necessity.

Your company needs a way to keep its ships flying, my company needs ships to fix to stay in business. We both need to turn a profit.

So what I'm asking is if you would mind having some sort of a business relation with my Corp, not an alliance or anything but just allowing me to have holdings on your stations (but not all of them). Strictly business.

Also we build ships so come to me if you need 'em.

Logistics, ship maintenance subcontracting, and building merchant ships for Northstar all sounds good to me. Meanwhile Northstar provides business, habitat-building, possibly cheap manpower or android kemonomimi exports, potential security contracts, and usual access to the Northstar multimedia machine.

Northstar by itself has a very broad shipbuilding base, but not a exceptionally great on a per-ship basis. NS-SecFor or some of it's remote-control Tacticians may come to you for the kinds of specialist ships you can build versus the generic ones Northstar makes on their own. Stealth ships, refitting auxila into pocket-warships, artillery craft

As for the ethics question, Northstar doesn't see it as a ethics question. Its just a matter of supply and demand, and the supply of human labor far exceeds the demand for it, ergo the per-unit value of human life by default isn't high and must be earned through their own effort. However other companies treat their human resources is their business, but Northstar's method has worked in getting workers to pay for their own fare instead of depending on handouts they haven't earned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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I probably play as Space Hungary, a typical at best moderately powerful nation in the middle of all this madness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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@Keyguyperson what are your thoughts on a megacorp that specializes in ship building, I'm pretty sure it's what I'm going to do but I'd like an idea on what a good market share would be for one. China as of 2015 had 35% of the world market share by orders if that helps with anything. I was figuring Something in the mid-to-upper 20% range would work for a megacorp in a universe dependent on ships.

Last I'd just like to ask what the capabilities of ships are when it comes to stealth (Absorbent coatings, heat-sinks, etc).

RADAR invisibility is definitely a thing, as is visual cloaking (for all the good that'll do in space). Masking heat would be theoretically possible with insulation, but you would need some way of getting rid of it later so the crew isn't roasted alive. And of course, no burns while you're trying to be stealthy. It's impossible to have a stealth frigate or something that is always near undetectable, but a vessel that can mask its heat signature in the short term might the plausible. The only problem is that it would be built entirely around that function, so it would be expensive and sub-par compared to other ships of its size. Alternatively, you could have chaff on a massive scale and just launch hot stuff all over the place to confuse enemy sensors. But in that case, they know damn well that you're there. They'd just have trouble figuring out EXACTLY where.

If you do decide to have your engineers try to figure out stealth, let me know. The asteroid commies might be interested in some Realpolitik, after all.

Love this concept, a "Corporate Republic" of sorts is definitely an interesting idea. It's like the social democracy of businesses. Not quite normal, but also definitely not a full-on co-op.

(Still gonna keep arguing my case for space elevators: A nanotube cable isn't exactly a WMD, it'd cause some infrastructure damage if the elevator is near a major settlement and a few poor saps might bet chopped in half, but it's not a cause for major concern.)

Alright, breaking ground on the Northstar Megacorporation state. Of corporate rule, ruthless Alpha-Complex style underclass lifestyles and caste systems, RTS-gamers turned to LARP'ers/part-time field commanders, Soviet Russia Deep-Battle style space fleet doctrine, and nekos and VR-idols everywhere to make everyone happy! (Or else) Still tinkering with history, not quite sure where to start just yet, and probably going to be making a lot of edits when the actual OOC starts and other people begin putting up their NS's. But here is where I begin.

@Keyguyperson Yeah, an increase in my nation size might be called for for parity with the do-gooders. But rest assured I also am aware that size and strategic depth is a two-edge sword, and that also means I have A LOT to garrison and protect across the solar system even before going on interplanetary adventures. Won't be throwing around giant fleets and battleships willy-nilly. Measured escalation is NS-SecFor's way of dealing with problems and it's going to take a lot of effort to get them to concentrate forces outside of home stations because that means uncovering something somewhere else.

Not to mention, Black January is noted as a stock market crash. And given social position is determined by stock in Northstar.......

Faction Name:

Northstar Mega Conglomerate State. A.K.A. “Northstar MegaCon”

Faction Government:

Corporate state, ruled by a Board of Directors and all it's citizens determined by how much company stock they own.


Northstar is a megacorporate-state headquartered in Fairhaven station in the asteroid belt with tens of thousands of space habitats, outposts, ports, and trading houses across the belt colonies bearing the Northstar brand. It is estimated Northstar owns direct sovereign domain over 20% of the asteroid belt’s habitats and space stations, with “soft” influence over another 25% of habitats and mining colonies associated or dependent upon Northstar to varying extents and allied to it’s corporate agenda as subsidiaries, loyal allies, proxy-combatants, or debt-holdings (slave-states in all but name).






Space Forces Details

Loving it so far, and great detail already! It's nice to see everyone getting into their society so much.

I'm thinking of playing happy space-men who spend most of life in space, most of them are cyborgs or AI. they live lives that we might consider "spartan" due to resource shortages but they make heavy use of VR so the fact that they don't own any physical objects doesnt matter to them.

I'd really like to know what sort of direction you'll take their society, since you could basically have it be anywhere from "Comfy space nomads that play video games in their spare time" to "Brave New World".

I probably play as Space Hungary, a typical at best moderately powerful nation in the middle of all this madness.

Somehow I knew that if you joined in you'd go with Space Hungary.

I'm working on my own app right now, it's great to see all the interest this has been getting!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 4 days ago

Somehow I knew that if you joined in you'd go with Space Hungary.
Not hard to guess when I consistently done the same. I just wish to use them properly in an NRP for a change.

Anyways, are those concepts on space combat are set in stone?
I mean missiles with terminal guidance are neat but coilguns? They are far from non-viable but calling them the mainline direct weapons instead of lasers and particle cannons seems a bit off.
Also the idea of line battles sits oddly with me. Something closer to submarines or oversized fighter jets seems a closer approximation for space combat.
Of course people should be free to try some mildly space opera fun.
Speaking of which, how durable are the warships? Realistic as in paper thin and easy to destroy or they take multiple hits and behave more like naval ships in this sense?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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<Snipped quote by Keyguyperson>Not hard to guess when I consistently done the same. I just wish to use them properly in an NRP for a change.

Anyways, are those concepts on space combat are set in stone?
I mean missiles with terminal guidance are neat but coilguns? They are far from non-viable but calling them the mainline direct weapons instead of lasers and particle cannons seems a bit off.
Also the idea of line battles sits oddly with me. Something closer to submarines or oversized fighter jets seems a closer approximation for space combat.
Of course people should be free to try some mildly space opera fun.
Speaking of which, how durable are the warships? Realistic as in paper thin and easy to destroy or they take multiple hits and behave more like naval ships in this sense?

They're not set in stone, but I personally think they're fairly sensible. A railgun projectile capable of changing course is better than a laser at the extreme ranges which most engagements will take place. We're talking ranges measured not in kilometers, but in light seconds. The ability to correct targeting errors and respond to dodging is essential to get any hits in. As ships close in, however, lasers obviously become superior to railguns and take over as the main armament. Basically, railguns are for the first part of a battle, while lasers are for the "melee".

Fairly related to this is the fact that, yes, ships act like naval vessels in durability. Since the asteroid belt is being heavily exploited by now and (somewhat unrealistically) strong fusion drives exist, ships can be built using heavy materials in space and therefore armored. Advanced active-defense exist too, things like CIWS and plasma arcs (which we're experimenting with right now for shrapnel defense-they basically just make a short-lived arc of plasma close to the armor of whatever they're protecting to intercept projectiles) which definitely increase survivability.

Line battles are what I chose because upscaled fighter combat wouldn't work all that well with warships massive enough to take multiple hits using armor, and submarine warfare is largely focused around (what are in space) missiles and the importance of detection and stealth. Which, of course, is impossible if a ship is using its engines or firing its weapons. They're not exactly traditional line battles where a bunch of tall ships slug it out at ranges so close you can swing to to other on a torn sail, rather two lines of vessels that are individually making erratic movements to evade enemy fire while trying to close to effective laser distance and make sure the enemy can't use their own lasers. Doing battle at close ranges only makes little sense for an attacker, who would have to close a huge amount of distance while under fire. Missiles and railguns (which smart projectiles, of course) become useful at light second ranges, while lasers need to be closer to hit effectively.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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I do have a question, wouldn't something with advanced guidance systems and the propulsion necessary to correct its course while in flight be a bit prone to damage being fired out of a railgun? Don't those usually fire solid slugs?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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Snip snip.
Speaking of which, how durable are the warships? Realistic as in paper thin and easy to destroy or they take multiple hits and behave more like naval ships in this sense?

So I'll take a modern day naval ship such as an Arleigh Burke Guided Missile Destroyer. Now poke it full of holes with some high velocity tungsten rounds. Ships come with a lot of redundant systems and a rather large amount of empty space meaning that the possibility of something vital being it hit comes in rather low all things considered, but it's likely they killed crew and damaged other non-essential systems. Hit it with an Exocet anti-ship missile or two and it's essentially a goner.

Now imagine your ship is in space. Poke it full of holes again and it may explosively decompress, so you just depressurize the ship before battle. You attempt to intercept any missiles because those are death sentences in space and pray that close-in-weapons-systems don't manage to poke a hole through something (or someone) important. Railguns would likely be a rather deadly hit as well, don't imagine anything would be capable of stopping a super dense round traveling at a measurable fraction of the speed of light.

Lasers are far easier to combat than its likely thought. Ablative plating would be a huge defense against them and doing things like setting a ship on spin during combat would spread out a continuous laser hit lessening intense damage to a single area. Not to mention most lasers have to be either A) Massive to do any sort of damage at anything farther than 1 light second or B) within 1LS range to inflict damage.

I think the real question is are lasers as we think of them weapons (Really powerful laser pointers) or are blasters (charged particle beam) such as those we see in Star Wars the real weapons.

I wrote this a bit ago, but didn't finish it until now and will just post it anyway.

@TheSovereignGrave the conventional railgun does normally fire solid ultra-dense slugs. If there are correctable railguns slugs, then the possibility of a knife fight is essentially null. Who ever has the best railgun wins, hands down every time. Your plasma arc will do nothing to the slug other than turn it into a cloud of molten hot metal still traveling as fast as it was before, if the arc even has enough time to act upon it. CIWS will not be able to intercept something so fast and a missile would face the same interception problem. A ship could not out run a self correcting round, at least not larger ships. I find the idea to be a bit OP.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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I seriously doubt any currently known material can protect against anything but lasers. The sheer delta-V required for these weapons would make them absolutely devastating. On the other hand this is fiction and we can use the willing suspension of disbelief to not worry about this. So armor has some use and the energies involved won't be catastrophic enough to rarely need a second hit. I am completely okay with that. I mean we have other pop science or fantastic elements already so a bit of lenience for the sake of more enjoyable space battles is welcome.

Anyways, I described it as similar to the mix of fighters and submarines because maneuvering is a priority and so is the kind of cat and mouse sensor and predictory race within the thin confines of a sealed ship which is typical to these two armament types. Realistically it'd be the world's most complex math problem to fight in space and predict the actions of the enemy or throw off their calculations. Of course I am not against some Space Opera style fun, just saying.

I suppose describing it as modern naval combat with fighter like speed differentials would be more appropriate here. You can definitely outrun attacks like aircrafts do while multi layered defense and offense would be also relevant.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Oh @Keyguyperson, grace me with your presence so that I, Loki Jaquarious Hewitt Packard Leo the Third, may come to join you in this most revolutionary of NRP's?

Also, would it be to hard to ask for Africa as a territory?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polymorpheus


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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@Keyguyperson for stealth I figured a combination of internal heatsinks, reflective coatings and sweet angles to send things in the wrong direction. Of course the ships would be running dark if they were in this configuration and it wouldn't be manageable for extended periods of time (think less time the larger the ship, more time the smaller) if anything I would only have Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers be capable of stealth everything larger would not be able to hide themselves.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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So it seems Africa remains divided and primarily controlled by individual companies. Is it possible that a single company is able to unite them by monopolizing the space industry (mostly by buying up its smaller contemporaries)?

Edit: Never mind, someone seems interested in the region and I don't want to steal his thunder. @Sadko Did you plan on taking all of Africa in you endevors?

Edit 2: Nevermind again, I've come up with another idea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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<Snipped quote by Keyguyperson>
Since I'm assuming your faction is claiming all of Ceres, would it be too excessive for Momentum to have three bands of inhabited statites in the orbital paths of the inner system planets? I'm aiming for all three to have units with a light second between them, and two of the bands to have pseudo-statites in prograde and retrograde orbits.

If I'm understanding you right (inhabited space stations one light second apart in orbit around the sun) it might not be excessive from the point of view of balance, but that's a LOT of stuff that has to have been built. Really, I don't think it makes sense for anything of that scale to have been constructed. Taking part of the asteroid belt would make more sense.

@Keyguyperson for stealth I figured a combination of internal heatsinks, reflective coatings and sweet angles to send things in the wrong direction. Of course the ships would be running dark if they were in this configuration and it wouldn't be manageable for extended periods of time (think less time the larger the ship, more time the smaller) if anything I would only have Corvettes, Frigates and Destroyers be capable of stealth everything larger would not be able to hide themselves.

This makes sense, it's not DIAMOND HARD but we've got line battles anyways.

Oh @Keyguyperson, grace me with your presence so that I, Loki Jaquarious Hewitt Packard Leo the Third, may come to join you in this most revolutionary of NRP's?

Also, would it be to hard to ask for Africa as a territory?

Consider yourself graced.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

Consider yourself graced.

Ah, I am honored. With that out of the way, I think I will work on building a brutal, Luna based, expansionist faction. We need one of those, no?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FrostedCaramel
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For the sake of the RP, all tonnages are simply placeholder for the time being. I have no idea how much an average freighter would weigh, or how much an average asteroid miner would weigh, or the total tonnage of an Earth Destroyer vs a Carrier or Battleship.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polymorpheus


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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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@KeyguypersonWe can perhaps help differentiate by making these coilguns/railguns large spinal mounted monstrosities. Well, not quite taking up all space in the ship but rather it requiring length. There's only so much acceleration you can impart on a projectile before it's no longer a projectile. On the other hand there's a minimum velocity you'd want for the projectile otherwise it'd take too long to reach or would be too slow to be a viable threat. Based on these I devised quite a few weapon types that might use similar technology yet have completely different roles.

Also I think there are more alternatives than just orion drives and torchdrives. Last time I worked with somebody on a realistic "near future" space NRP setting. I distinguished the following methods.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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How densely populated is Mars? Is it at Luna level or a bit sparse?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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@LokiLeo789 Yes, sorry. I'm planning to take all of Africa and half of the Middle East as my territory, along with three asteroids on the belt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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@LokiLeo789 Yes, sorry. I'm planning to take all of Africa and half of the Middle East as my territory, along with three asteroids on the belt.

It's cool man, it doesn't hurt or nothing. I've moved on from that idea and have taken to building my Pan-African Sparta Empire on Mars and the belt. Subsidiaries...hostile takeovers of companies and turning them into subsidiaries everywhere.
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