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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei was silent for a few moments. In all honesty, she was not surprised at such news about Ahnasha. She had seen how she had been slowly changing over the years. She had been the one handling Ahnasha's reports whenever she was given an individual mission, so she knew that her methods had grown gradually more cruel. The very fact that she was willing to use black souls in her research was telling. And Meesei had done nothing to stop such progression. Meesei could not say that she had any right to denounce Ahnasha's actions when she had made similar ones at times. She had killed those that most would deem innocent, in the name of protecting her pack, or the clans. If someone learned too much about them, she sometimes felt that she had no choice but to make sure they could not be a threat. There were, of course, other times that Meesei had shown mercy, but the fact remained that she was not entirely innocent. Still, if Sabine was right, then Ahnasha might have gone too far, even for Meesei.

What truly surprised Meesei, however, was the fact that Fendros was seemingly accepting of what Ahnasha had done. Meesei would not at all have predicted that he would be complicit in something of that nature. Granted, Meesei did not have all of the information. Sabine herself did not seem to be completely confident in her version of the events. It was possible that Fendros disapproved, but was willing to ignore it since Ahnasha was his wife, or perhaps they had already dealt with the issue in private and did not want to trouble Sabine about it. In any case, it was a development that Meesei would need to keep a close eye on.

Meesei gave a deep sigh before responding to Sabine. "This was something that I have feared for a while. War...can be a frightening thing for many reasons. We have all been through so much pain and suffering ourselves, that it can make it hard for us to see the suffering in others. I cannot say what happened, as I was not there. Not for certain, at any rate. If the wound was relatively minor, Ahnasha might not have seen the pain she inflicted as being significant. As we both know, she had been through a torture more horrible than anything any person should have to bear. That might have been the start of something that caused her views to become...warped. For her, and perhaps Fendros, it may be that we need to be ready to help them down a gentler path."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Sabine cast a concerned look over Meesei's silence before her answer. What Meesei said seemed to confirm some of Sabine's fears, though not all of them. She felt surer about what to think, but not what to feel.

"After all of the years since she was tortured..." Sabine looked ahead and down again. She did not know where she was going with her thoughts. "I did not know it was still affecting her. She seemed as she always was for the past few years. She is still in pain, is she not?" The question was inflected rhetorically. Sabine was visibly worried.

Looking back to Meesei, Sabine spoke up more clearly. "What should we do to get them to go down a gentler path? I do not-...I cannot know what it is like to go through what Ahnasha and Fendros did." Sabine's eyes went down. "I do not know how to help if I do not know what they are thinking."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei hummed briefly as she considered the wording of her answer. "I would not say precisely that her torture those years ago is the cause of her current behavior. I believe it is a fair bit more complicated than that. That torture was the start. It was horrific, and it made it easier for her to justify cruelty against her enemies. After all, if those we fight are willing to do such things, then why would they deserve any mercy? In her mind, at least. The one who tortured her was not one of Vile's minions, but they are not always any better than he was. At any rate, when she began her research into necromancy, it was not difficult for her to view taking the souls of our enemy for her purpose. I do not know that I can fault her for it, honestly. Every soul that Vile claims gives him strength, so soul trapping his followers does weaken him in a small way. And, I completely understand her desire to live a long life with Fendros."

Lowering her gaze slightly, Meesei sighed. "But, the necromancy likely also plays a hand in this. Necromancers are often thought of as being evil, but that is not strictly true. A necromancer can practice their magic without crossing any real moral boundaries, but crossing those boundaries can be beneficial to them. As well, I think it has changed the way she thinks, in a way. In learning her craft, she has needed to learn a great deal about the body, much like a healer. I would wager that she knows just as much about the body as either of us, but instead of focusing on life, her studies have concentrated on death. I fear it may have shifted her views on pain and suffering, which are not as consequential to necromancers. I do not believe she would ever fall to a state where she would be willing to murder a child, but she may not see pain like we do. It also does not help that her methods have been quite effective. Ahnasha is one of the most self-reliant and efficient people under my command. Of our pack, I would say she is the most effective at working alone. She is quiet, cunning, and has all of the necessary skills to deal with unfavorable odds. Ever since she learned to reanimate multiple bodies at once, every kill she makes turns into an asset for her. If she views the ends as justifying the means, it could be difficult."

Meesei reached over and placed a hand on Sabine's shoulder. "I cannot say I have an answer for how to help her right now, but I am sure we can figure it out together. We can be there for her to help make sure she does not do anything she may regret. But Fendros...I am not sure what to make of him. It is unexpected to me that he would be so accepting. What do you make of him?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Sabine wished she could be certain of Fendros as well. She stopped to think about it, coming up with reasons in a similar manner to Meesei. She had been so anxious about it that any such thought had been shallow up until now.

"I think...it could be a few things." Sabine spoke cautiously, if only to let her mind run faster than her mouth. "Fendros said that they did not want to harm the family. I think he can tell that Ahnasha is being cruel and is trying to stop her. He has always been considerate when leading, and he was considerate with that family. He let them escape from Vile. He has not been studying necromancy, either." Sabine's shoulders sank. "Or he could be lying to protect Ahnasha. Either way, I do not know if he knows how to help Ahnasha either. If he wants to live with Ahnasha for a long time as well, maybe he does not want us in the rest of the pack to stop Ahnasha extending her life because of what it could be making her do."

Sabine rested her forehead on her knees and closed her eyes. "I asked Marcaille if I could learn how to extend my life. I do not want to do it anymore. Not if it will change me like that."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei's attitude was somewhat more tempered than Sabine's, though she could certainly understand the conflict it caused for her. It was unlikely that Sabine had been mentally prepared for the realization that one of her close friends, a member of her family, was capable of such cruelty. "Hmm, that is not strictly true. There is no magic that is inherently good nor evil. Magic is a tool, without thought or emotions of its own. The only thing that can give it purpose is the mind of the one using it. That said, some magic can make it easier for one to justify cruel thoughts, since cruelty can be the easiest, quickest path to power. But..."

Her voice trailed off briefly as a thought came to Meesei's mind. She did not know if it would be an answer to their problem, but it was a possibility. "I have learned something of this life extension process. I do not know the details, and it would take me years to learn the proper magical skills, but I know some of what is required. And I know that there are multiple approaches. About a year ago, Fendros and Ahnasha killed a mammoth for its soul. A mammoth carries a grand soul, the most powerful kind of soul short of a black soul. I know that black souls are not necessarily required to extend one's life. Regular white souls can be used to accomplish the same task, but it takes more of them, and is more difficult. Perhaps it could be advantageous for you to try to learn this life extension magic, but to do it the patient, proper way. And you can ask Ahnasha to help you. If it was her research that brought her down her current path, then this kind of research might, over time, show her that there is a better way. You already have intricate knowledge of the body and soul, so it may not take you as long as it did for Ahnasha. I can dedicate some of the clan's resources to helping you gather souls. If I had done so with Ahnasha from the beginning..." Meesei said, some regret showing in her expression. "...it could be that we would not be in this situation."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Sabine looked sideways at Meesei with a couple of extra concerns on her mind. "I will do it if it helps Ahnasha. It was really just a whim for me before. But...is it fair to use clan resources for it? It is really for ourselves, not missions that affect everyone." She lifted her head from her knees. "And I do not want Ahnasha to feel like I am getting preferred treatment by getting soul gems. If the clan can provide, should we not just help her now?"

After a second, Sabine added. "She never asked for help. Is that why?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei lightly shook her head. "No, she never did. Granted, our situation has changed quite a lot since she first started her research. I doubt she would have expected me to agree back then. Now, we already send out mages with those that go hunting to fill our abundance of soul gems. Our clan has plenty to spare, and there would be little harm in diverting some to you. And I would say you deserve some good treatment, in any case."

After a few moments, Lorag joined them in the chamber, right on time as usual. He gave a slight wave in greeting before taking his own seat to wait for the others. Meesei acknowledged him briefly, then returned her attention to Sabine. "I am not compelling you to accept Marcaille's offer, by any means, but it is a possible idea."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Sabine put her chin on one knee after giving Lorag a greeting smile. Meesei made her consider again.

"I will think about it more," Sabine said. "I just want Ahnasha to be okay. She has always been kind to me. Loving. She is my sister. I did not know she was capable of this before."

Quicker this time, Sabine sat up and and looked to Meesei with a resolute frown. "If I can get grand soul gems from the clans, I want to give enough to Ahnasha that she will not need any more black souls."

Ahnasha's research, at this point, had been an open secret among the pack for a while in Sabine's view. She assumed that Lorag knew about it, though she had never found out.
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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"Hmm, at this point, I do not know that she actually needs many more." Meesei commented. "But, I am sure we will be able to find a way to help her, with enough persistence on our part. Just, regardless of what approach you decide to take, be cautious if you confront her about this. Ahnasha has a silver tongue. She is quite adept at spinning both rationality and emotions to convincing others of whatever suits her goals. It is a skill she was taught at a young age, and that all of her work in recent years has only improved. She will argue against you, and she will do so effectively. She can easily make herself surprisingly sympathetic, and she will say things to you that make sense. You have to be strong in your convictions for her not to convince you too; likely stronger than you think. It might be why Fendros is being so accepting of her."


The next to join them in the chamber were Fendros, Ahnasha, and Rhazii, so Meesei and Sabine's conversation died down very quickly. Once the rest of the pack joined them, they set off. Their current destination, where the Evermore clan's scholars had set up Meesei's project, was about half a day's journey from the clanhome on foot. It was a fair distance to travel, but she had specified the location for the clan's overall safety. Indeed, their destination was quite isolated from any sort of civilization.

The pack made their way back into the mountains, far from towns or roads. It was not a convenient trek, but Meesei's pack was more than used to rugged conditions. Eventually, they ended up at the ruins of an old watchtower at the top of a worn path, which now overlooked a strategically unimportant passage through the mountains. The watchtower had not been maintained for hundreds of years and was partially collapsed, particularly at the top, but it had a basement that was large and structurally sound enough for Meesei's purposes. The Evermore clan could work on restoring the watchtower over time.

On approach, the pack was met by two Breton scholars, and about five stronger-looking warriors. One of the scholars, a Breton woman in a full hooded robe, greeted Meesei enthusiastically, then led them quickly down into the basement. The chamber had been a former storage room, so it was reasonably spacious. Though, upon Meesei's request, it had been cleared entirely of anything that was not attached to the stonework. In its place was a peculiar-looking creation, one that was entirely out of place against the old Imperial architecture that surrounded it. It was a three-sided stone pillar slightly taller than the average person with Daedric runes etched into all three sides, from top to bottom. It was sitting atop a round stepped platform, and had three more objects positioned evenly around it. They were crescent shaped with their points facing inwards, carved mostly from stone, and their inside edges consisted of a slightly translucent gem-like material. It was obvious they were enchanted in some way, though no magicka currently flowed through them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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The hike was a relatively quiet one for the pack. Whether it was due to the awkwardness between Meesei, Sabine, Fendros, and Ahnasha, or simply the altitude making them short on breath, they only spoke in short exchanges. When they finally arrived at the ruined tower, they were all keen to get into some kind of shelter.

Things had been kept fairly secret up until this point regarding Meesei's little project. Everyone looked at it in contemplative wonder. Even Sabine was not clear on its function.

"I've not seen anything like it," Janius commented. He stepped forward and leaned to one side to read another of its facets, and then turned his head to Meesei. He stuck his thumb in the pillar's direction. "Maybe now is the time that you could tell us what this thing is?" Janius pulled a pleading smile.

Fendros carefully placed Rhazii down on his feet in the basement after carrying him for the last leg. His eyes did not leave the runes on the pillar. "If I didn't know better, it looks like something we would only find in an Ayleid ruin."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei gave a slight grin. "Not quite Ayleid, no. In fact, I had to send teams from one of our Morrowind clans into ancient Dunmer ruins retrieve the index. Once I had that, though, I was able to use it to construct more of them, as well as to complete this masterpiece. I learned of the propylons in Apocrypha, of their function and how to construct them. It makes use of some old forms of magic, and some methods of enchanting that may not have been used outside the ancient Dunmer. Luckily, Apocrypha's libraries span all parts of the world, through all times, without restriction. The only limit to what I can learn is what tomes I can find. I have found books written far in the past by ancient civilizations, some from different planes of Oblivion, and some that seem to have been written in the future. Much of it is disjointed, but as you can see, I have managed to put together some useful information, and put it into practice." Even after she gave her explanation, the rest of her pack was unlikely to understand the propylon's function, unless they had specific knowledge of ancient Dunmer creations.

Walking around the spire, Meesei closely inspected every detail she could observe about her creation to ensure that the scholars had assembled it to her specifications. She charged a small amount of magicka into the central pillar, and each of the three crescent pilars around it to check for any damage. All the while, the Breton woman was rubbing her hands together nervously.

"Is, um, everything alright, Champion?" The Breton woman eventually asked.

Meesei nodded. "Yes, you seem to have done a fine job. The propylon should be ready to activate. It contains within it the capacity to sustain itself, it just needs an initial spark." She said before holding out her hand towards the center pillar. Her hand began to glow red, but not with fire, or anything resembling a from of magic that any of her pack would be familiar with. Suddenly, the crystals in the three crescent pillars started to glow with a vibrant violet color. Then, the pillars each started emitting the same kind of bright glowing red magicka from their base. The energy was disorganized for a few seconds, organized itself into three solid spirals of energy twisting around the center pillar. Finally, all of the runes etched into the pillars started to glow bright red."

"Now, just one last step." Meesei commented as she approached the center spire. Reaching into her pouch, she produced a small black object with a similar design and runes as the center pillar. She inserted the object into a slot in the center pillar for a few seconds before removing it, then handing it to the Breton woman, who was understandably amazed at the sight. "There we are; the propylon should be ready for us to use for about a minute or two. Now, this index is vital for the propylon to function, so make sure it is kept safe here."

Turning back to her pack, Meesei motioned to the propylon encouragingly. "Now that I have used the index, you need only step up to the center pillar of the propylon and touch it in order to activate it. Do not worry, I have tested it extensively back in Skyrim."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Janius breathed in with a hint of understand, and then his face contracted into confusion just as quickly.

Meanwhile, everyone else was still staring. Sabine looked left and right to see if anyone would volunteer to touch the pillar. Rhazii's clutching of Fendros' trousers told of everyone's reluctance.

"It looks impressive, Meesei," Fendros conceded, before looking at her and half-gesturing to it himself. "But what is its purpose?"

Sabine shrugged and spanned four leisurely steps towards the propylon with her arm outstretched to touch the central pillar.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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The moment Sabine touched the pillar, her whole body was quickly overcome with the glowing magicka surrounding the pillar. Over the course of a few seconds, she started to glow brighter and brighter until her body itself was hidden beneath the glow. Then, just as quickly, the glow dissipated, and she was gone."

Afterwards, Meesei maintained her smile. "See? It worked perfectly."

Kaleeth, quite understandably, was startled. "Worked?! It...she disappeared! What happened to her? She's just gone."

Meesei simply returned a light chuckle. "That she is. I would recommend you follow quickly." She responded just before reaching out, touching the pillar, and disappearing herself, just like Sabine.

On the other side of the propylon, Sabine would find herself standing on a near identical propylon platform, touching the same kind of pillar, with the same kind of energy surrounding her. For the first few moments, she may not have noticed that anything happened. However, she might notice that the air was a bit cooler. Once she looked around, she would see that she was no longer in the basement of an old Imperial watchtower, but rather inside an even older Dwemer building. It was larger than the basement she had been in, though not by too much. She was also surrounded by different people: three lycan guards sitting around a stone table that could possibly have seemed familiar to her, depending on how often she interacted with the Blackreach clan's warriors. They too were startled by Sabine's sudden appearance, though they calmed quickly. Naturally, they had been told what to expect before being assigned to guard the propylon chamber.

Seconds after Sabine arrived, Meesei appeared alongside her. Although, she allowed Sabine a few moments to collect herself before saying anything. While the guards quickly got out of their seats to stand to attention, Meesei calmly took the thick fur coat off of her backpack, put it on, then walked over to the tall Dwemer doors just in front of her. It took some effort to push them open, but once she did, the frigid air outside poured in. It would take a few moments for everyone's eyes to adjust to the blinding whiteness outside, but through the door was a rather spectacular view from near the top of one of Skyrim's many mountains, perhaps in Winterhold or the Pale.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Sabine held her breath as unknown magic coursed through her entire being. She charged a spell to dispel magic on herself as a reflex, holding it just in case it proved harmful. Not that there was anything she could do about it. It was as mysterious as it was powerful. Thankfully, it ended rather quickly.

The first thing Sabine saw upon the magic ending was, apparently to her, the same pillar as before. It was as if she hadn't moved at all. She looked down at her body, nothing seemed to have changed. She just felt a chill on her skin.

She wheeled around in place, "I don't unders-..."

Sabine did not see Meesei, or any of her pack. She saw a few surprised looking warriors -- smelling like lycans -- surrounded by Dwemer architecture. She was dumbstruck, blinking as if her eyes weren't working properly. These warriors were outfitted like the warriors in Blackreach. A wrenching disconnect roiled through her head just thinking that she might suddenly be back home.

As she stepped off the circular dais that surrounded the pillar behind her, she found her voice again. She was still very disoriented. "Um. Where am I?"

They only answered with the legs of their chairs singing discordantly on the ground as they suddenly stood up straight.

"Oh, Meesei." Sabine was surprised by Meesei's appearance as she walked past her to the doors with her coat on. Sabine kept talking while she heaved them open. The cold air rushed in. "I have never experienced magic like that before. It felt like it was taking me apart and putting me back together somewhere else, but it was doing it instantly, and I did not feel any pain, and...it cannot be." Sabine's jaw dropped at the view through the door, once her eyes adjusted.

Sabine slowly stepped up beside Meesei, staring out at the unmistakable landscape of north-eastern Skyrim. "That is impossible," Sabine could not think of anything else to call it. "Did...any time pass getting here? Was I put to sleep for the journey?"

To varying degrees, the entire pack had a similar reaction to Kaleeth. They had seen magical invisibility before, but this was something different. Their stunned silence was only prolonged by Meesei following along and disappearing as well.

After another few seconds, Janius released a single laugh. "Huh, she's having a laugh. It has to be safe." Janius strode up and touched the pillar.

"Wait, not so fast!" Fendros reached out too late. Janius disappeared in a flash of light just like Meesei and Sabine.

The moment of realisation for Sabine was still playing out. She hardly noticed Janius stride up behind them. "Meesei, where are we? I feel dizzy...and why are Redmond and his friends here?" Janius' own look was priceless when he recognised where they were. His entire face relaxed into wonder. A sudden huff escaped his lips, followed by a series of them. It escalated into an incredulous laugh that only got louder. He clapped his gloved hands. "Meesei, you clever magician!"

Moments later, Leaps-On-Elves was skittering off the dais with Fendros stumbling after him. The other members of the pack eventually began to come through as well.

Once Fendros got Leaps under control and got his bearings, his shock was contrasted to Janius' by his complete, mentally defeated silence. He had only heard passing mention of propylons from his parents when talking about Morrowind; he had no idea that they took people from place to place instantly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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One by one, the pack appeared from the propylon. The enchanted device did not seem to have any trouble transporting all of the pack at once. There was a wide variety of reactions from different members of the pack. Kaj-Julan had been frightened at first, much like Rhazii, but after arriving in the destination chamber, he actually found the strange experience to be exciting. He turned back around to touch the pillar again, but since the index had not been used from this side, nothing happened. Kaleeth very quickly noticed the frigid air pouring in from the door Meesei was holding open, so her surprise was cut short by the immediate desire to get a coat around herself and Julan, along with getting Leaps into his enchanted collar to ensure he did not freeze to death.

Even Lorag could not pretend that he was not impressed by Meesei's creation. Being transported halfway across a continent in an instant was not an average feat. He stepped out towards the door, ignoring the cold for the moment. "So...either that's Skyrim out there, or you've put a real tricky illusion on us all. Either way, it could be useful."

"Hmph, that's an understatement." Ahnasha responded, crossing her arms and beginning to shiver slightly. "I'm guessing you made two of these things, then that one back in High Rock brought us all the way here to Skyrim? Definitely useful, but, uh, you know you could have told us what to expect before we started touching it."

Meesei laughed. "Indeed I could have, but am I not allowed to have some fun occasionally, Ahnasha? At any rate, I have been speaking about this to as few people as possible. Other than the locations of our clans, it is one of the greatest secrets that I would like to keep from our enemy. Having this capability could turn the tide of the war, if I can spread them across Tamriel." She explained before directing her attention more to the group in general. "A propylon can allow a person or object to be transported near instantaneously from one to the other propylon that it is bound to. All that is required is to use the correct propylon index on the device beforehand. I left the index for this chamber back in High Rock, and there is another index here which can take us there. Effectively, these two locations are linked for instantaneous travel in either direction. It requires only a few seconds to be energized by the propylon before being teleported. As you can see outside, it is the same time of day as when we left. Well, it is actually later in the day here, since we are now much farther east, but only a minute or so has passed since we left."

Meesei closed back the door to keep out the cold air, then stepped back over to the propylon to look it over with at least a hint of pride in her expression. "These are an ancient Dunmer creation. They linked their old strongholds together, allowing for more effective communication and trade. The Dunmer placed these chambers in their strongholds themselves, but I am afraid that is too risky for us at the moment. If one of these chambers is compromised without us knowing, and the enemy learns how to operate it, then we could suddenly find ourselves with enemy soldiers in our clanhome. So, all of our propylon chambers are going to be a fair distance outside of our clanhomes, at least for now. Perhaps in the future, if we can develop adequate security measures, we will be able to move them within the clanhomes for even more convenient travel. In the meantime, these chambers could allow us to complete months worth of traveling in under a day. All I need to do is to create two propylons for each of Tamriel's clans. Each propylon can only link to a single other device, so a proper propylon chamber contains two of them. The ancient Dunmer arranged their strongholds into a circuit so that each stronghold linked to two different strongholds, forming a chain that linked back onto itself. We can do the same. It will require us to go through intermediate chambers to reach any destination not directly connected to this chamber, but that can be accomplished in minutes."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"So you are saying that with these...propylon things," Janius pointed to the pillar they emerged from. "That one could travel to every corner of Tamriel in only a few minutes?" He held a hand to his head. "I think that is just making me more dizzy."

Fendros was cold himself. He stepped up to Ahnasha and wrapped an arm around her. "I feel like I would have been told about such things," he said to Meesei. "I suppose my relatives did not see it as important enough to mention. I don't see why; this is amazing."

"Will we be delivering these to every clan or will other groups go out?" Sabine asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

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Meesei gave a brief shrug towards Fendros. "Well, these were used by the ancient Dunmer, in strongholds long abandoned and buried in ash. Long even as Elves see time. They may have simply been unaware of them. They are not commonly studied today, as most of the strongholds are fairly dangerous. It took considerable effort for our clans in Mororwind to be able to go to one of the strongholds and locate the index I needed."

Given their sudden change of location, most of the pack started to open up their bags to retrieve their thicker coats and furs. They were mostly packed deep within their bags, since they had not expected to be needing them so soon. "I hope we will not need to deliver them all ourselves. That would be inconvenient. I should be able to enchant the activation spell into a scroll, so with proper instructions, any enchanters or mages in the clans should be able to have them set up properly. As for creating them in the first place, our craftsmen can carve the stones into their final shapes, but it would not be a quick nor simple task to teach anyone else how to properly enchant them. It requires knowledge that has not been taught since the days of the ancient Dunmer, so anyone else would have to start from the basics. In all likelihood, I will need to enchant each and every one of them myself."
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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"This solves so much." Janius still had amusement occasionally bubbling up his throat. "We could move troops, we could move supplies, we could evacuate clans out of danger, it's..." He shook his head and held his palms out in front of him. "It means so much, it's-"

"Not so. At least, no need to get that excited," Fendros raised a hand to Janius and continued as he shouldered on a coat. "If these things are going to be secret, we probably can't use them to do anything too big. Also, Meesei," Fendros turned and gave her a curious look. "You said they were set up in a circuit. Are we going to do the same? Wouldn't that isolate any clan caught between two damaged or captured pillars?"
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"I do want to keep the propylon chambers a secret from the enemy, but I do not want to be too afraid to use them to their potential." Meesei responded. "They will not be useful to us if we are afraid to use them. What I would like to work on would be a way to ensure that we can use them without fear of them being captured by the enemy. Perhaps a way to destroy them from a distance? With enough security measures, we could use them freely within our own clanhomes. Saras can work on getting misinformation to the enemy in the meantime. Setting the chambers up in a circuit would require the least amount of chambers, which is beneficial considering that I am the only one that can enchant them. It does not necessarily need to be a geographic circuit, but a circuit nonetheless. If something happens and a clan becomes isolated, then they would be in no different of a situation than they are in right now."

Meesei walked back over to her bag and hefted it up onto her back. "At any rate, we should likely start walking. It is still a fair distance to Alftand. If we are to set up this network of propylon chambers, I suspect I have quite a lot of enchanting ahead of me, so I would like to get back soon."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"Indeed," Fendros said. He had no desire to argue when Meesei had clearly already put the requisite thought into the plan. He held a hand out low beside him. "Come along, little one. Let's go home."

"Okay, dada." Rhazii took Fendros' hand on the way out. His height was up to his father's chest already.

Now secure in a warm coat and recovered from the disorientation, Sabine walked up alongside Meesei and drew her into a quick, one-armed hug. "This is amazing, Meesei," she said with a smile.

Once Janius had Leaps equipped and the guards updated, the pack began to make its way to the nearest entrance to Blackreach.
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