Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nathan Campbell

2200 Hours

Nathan watched Kieran with mild amusement as the other man recollected the first time they'd met, at Nate's expense of course. "Well if I recall I got my payback and then some." At Kieran's question Nate once again arched a brow, "Are you doing something that the Alliance would send a spy for?" Nate shook his head either way, "I'm out...well if you count the reserves as being out. I'm in the private security business now, pays better and I can actually decline a job." There was a small shrug of his shoulders before he leaned sideways against the side of the ship and crossed one leg over the other, "I'm just trying to find where I fit in out in the big open universe like everybody else."

"What about you Mr. Blue Sun?" He asked with a smirk, "Being a mercenary fill that void of yours? Doesn't help your credit though, the council blew you off just like that." Nate regarded him carefully, as if trying to decide for himself if the council was right or if they'd just jumped to conclusions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kieran Hishamie


conversation with Kato'Reigan Nar Rayya

"I wasn't wearing a helmet so I do have any kind of helmet cam footage to show you but I can descsribe the battle and fighting the Geth to you."

Kieran could almost visibly see the scene before his eyes, thinking back to the Invasion on Eden Prime. He could almost fee the heat, could almost choke on the smell from the smoke, and could hear the cries of terror from the civilians that he could not save.

"It was.....well intense isn't the word that should be used. Focused sounds better. The Geth fought like a well oiled machine, even better then a team of fighters that worked together for years. While each Geth unit fought like a single soldier, every squad of Geth I fought acted in unison and covered each other. I won't say they hid each other's weaknesses but where one Geth was open, another would willingly be instantly covering that weakness. I mean unless they believed they won. That's a fault of theirs. If they think all enemies are dead they let down their guard immensely. Or surprise attacks work the same way. But once you engage a squad, you have to be ready to fight hard and fast."

Kieran clenched his fists.

"They were merciless that is for sure. They would target civilians near me so I would drop my guard and or leave myself open to protect them. So many died......but I saved as many as I could and that's what matters."

Kieran unclenched his fist but still stayed tense. Eden Prime was an unpleasant memory for him.

"What weird to me is they used fighting abilities and techniques that regular soldiers and fighters do. I expected regular gunfire, but they used tech skills I didn't think they could use. They used them so fast and accurate sometimes I thought there was some hidden human enemie."


Conversation with Orissa Korok

Kieran made his way down to the med bay, after hours passed since the group first got together in front of the ship, and found the new Drell addition. Kieran learned against the door to the med bay.

"Hey doc, just wanted to check in and see if you've settled in alright."

conversation with Nathan Campbell

"Well we are hunting a council specter that the council believes is innocent and beloved that I believe is rogue. Using the infamous Shadow Brokers intel. So I mean yea I maybe believe the council is paranoid enough to send a spy. Although now that I think about it no way your a spy. That would have meant that the council got off its ass and reacted in a short amount of time. I mean it's only been a few hours since it went down."

Kieran shrugged at Nathan's last comment. But spread his arms as he gestured all around him.

"Well I ended up filling the void with my own ship and crew so I think I'm doing ok right? Honestly I just wanted more adventure, to travel more, to see more. I wanted less red tape and more free space and being a mercenary gave me everything I wanted plus more. Trust me, that little paycheck the alliance gave us is nothing next to merc pay. Granted no retiremnet plan but hey something had to go for such a huge pay increase."

Kieran rubbed his beck and scowled.

"And f**k the council man. I mean yea I get why they chose to not believe me, but just being a mercenary shouldn't have been enough to discredit me. I was there in the heat of battle on Eden Prime. Where were the alliance soldiers or any other military when people were dying from Geth? And hell we don't even know what a reaper looks like or what it is, all we know is from stupid symbols carved in stone and my visions that make no sense."

Kieran gave Nathan a thumbs up.

"But it doesn't matter. I know what we need to do, somewhat, and the Shadow Broker has given me the tools to do so. We will take down Saren and whatever he works for and if we are lucky maybe we will be able to take down the Geth too."

Conversation with Rukt

Kieran walked up the mighty Krogan and soaked in his appearance. He was a fearsome Krogan indeed, much larger than most Krogan he has met in the past. Truthfully he was glad he was on their side, having to fight son of a gun would be a fight of a life time.

"I just wanted to come down and meet you, although I wasn't sure as to what I should say honestly. Most of the time when I meet a Krogan its on the battlefield and I am literally emptying every clip I have in my handgun.......anyways My name is Kieran."

Kieran held out his hand to shake.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 day ago


2100 hours


Rukt looked at the human's hand with clear disinterest.

"Using a handgun to take down Krogan...you're either brave or a complete idiot. Until I've seen you on a battlefield though, I'll just assume you're a very lucky idiot." Rukt said bluntly. Perhaps if he weren't a Krogan someone would have assumed that he was joking. In all reality he was dead serious. The fact that this human had fought Krogan and lived could easily just mean he had been facing whelps. Many mercenaries were less than competent, being hired for their size and brute strength. Rukt, on the other hand, was a warrior of Tuchanka. Had it not been for his mistake at the Hollows he would probably have been a true Warlord by now.

Pushing that thought aside he looked at the human's hand again.

"Rukt, and you can try that again when you've given me a reason to." He said pushing Kieran's hand away. "I'll follow your orders on the field, but right now that's all I can promise. Prove yourself, kill a few hundred Geth. Until then You're just another client."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 2 days ago


Zeral T'Amani

2100 hours

"Can we try not to tear into eachother on the first day?" asked Zeral, having checked out the ship further - having decided to check out the ship further, after she had finished her talks with Kieran a few hours ago. Looking around and memorizing where the various people had settled in and what their skill-set was. "Not to insult you big guy - but your kinda enforcing that Krogan stereotype here."

Or namely she was polite enough - not to say, that he was acting like an uncultured brute, that many in the Galaxy thought the krogan to be. Despite her having taken up the lab, and the appearance of a meek scientist - she didn't carry herself like that. One who knew about krogan or about them - was that krogan could smell minute differences in a person. What with them being warriors and all.

Zeral carried herself with a form that lacked fear - as the ton of bone and angry muscle was a simply another person, instead of the deadly warrior, most tried to project themselves as. For her case, it either meant two things - either Zeral had fought krogan before or had met something worse than krogan in her life. Plus, she was already a matron, meaning she had seen a good amount of stuff in her life.

"Name is Zera T'Amani. And yours is Rukt, yes?" she asked, arms crossed as she soon stood next to Kieran.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nathan Campbell

2200 Hours

"Just hunting one of the elite of the universe and essentially going against the council." Nathan shook his head with a small smile, "Yeah no big deal." He added sarcastically. Though Kieran had asked if he was an Alliance spy first but then switched to the Council real quick, something Nate noted that maybe he was more worried and paranoid than their leader was letting on. "I was recruited by whoever handled the recruitment Kieran, don't worry about it. But if I'm being honest it's way too much of a coincidence, sounds to me like someone was trying to bring someone you had a past and possibly trust with onboard. And if that's the case then they know enough about you and your past to know that we knew each other years ago." Nate flashed him a smile, "Just a thought."

Though the realization that they were working off the Shadow Broker's information and money didn't sit completely comfortable with Nathan he decided to keep it to himself for now. His old comrade gave a thumbs up and gave up his overall plan that had Nate chuckle. "Shooting for the moon aren't you? I mean you want to take down the Geth with just one ship, something the entire Quarian race couldn't do. Don't go on a power trip just because you have a ship and crew now." Nathan spoke jokingly, but he still meant it.

"So, you going show me where I'm going to be sleeping or what?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Kieran Hishamie


Conversation with Rukt and Zeral

Kieran shrugged and raised his eyebrow. He should have figured that Rukt would not be super easy to get along with at first, not that this turn of events upset him in the least. In truth he was thankful for a teammate that did not want to be all friendsy. While he was personally involved in the mission, it was still just another mission. After it was over he doubted that everyone involved would even want to stay together.

"Thats fair I guess. I mean....like I killed a ton of Geth on Eden Prime recently but whatever. But sure, next planet we go to we can kill as many Geth as you want. Then we can all go out for alcohol and strippers."

Then Zeral made her entrance.

conversation with Nathan Campbell

Kieran laughed and shook his head.

"I would but I need to check in with our remaining teammates. Then I need to give our pilot our destination. You will can crash in the crew quarters on the second floor, and your workspace can be wherever you want it to be on the ship, so long as the space isnt taken by someone else."

Before leaving Kieran gave Nathan a pat on the shoulder.

"Good to have you along man."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 day ago


2100 hours


"Alcohol and strippers it is, you have good taste human." Rukt said to Kieran chuckling slightly.

"I'm a headhunter, do you expect me to act meek?" He asked, walking past Kieran to stand in front of the Asari. A battle hardened opponent would realize that this was a way to test the Asari, to see if her act was merely a facade.

Despite the Asari's smaller stature she didn't show any signs of fear or even slight intimidation. That was good, it seemed he was right to assume she was competent.

"I'm Rukt, it's good to see we have more than one fighter with a few centuries' experience here." Rukt said nodding at the blue woman. "But, I stand by what I said to Kieran. I don't know any of you, so I can only promise to fight alongside you when we find the Geth."

Unlike when he said it to Kieran, it was clear Rukt actually expected Zeral to succeed. Humans weren't entirely pathetic, he had heard stories of experienced Krogan being taken down by them on the occasion...even the ones that were pathetic could prove themselves through sheer perseverance. There had been a few targets in the past that had gained a bit of respect before Rukt crushed them, the few he bothered to remember.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drachia Dron'celok

To say that Drachia had been surprised when he had gazed at his Ommi-tool at the job that was being offered would have been an major understatement. The message had been rather light on the exact details (which was fair enough; Standard procedure in the underworld was to keep it vague until the team was committed in order to prevent leaks) but even so it was hard not to immediately answer 'No' when the target was a rogue Specter. As far as methods of suicide went, sticking his shotgun in his mouth would likely be far quicker and less painful a death then whatever might have been waiting for him if he failed to kill the target outright...

However, his current situation was difficult to say the least and the bounty was large enough that it would give him a lot of breathing room to reorganize his life...

With nothing to really lose, he accepted the job and received directions towards where he was going to be meeting the rest of the team for the suicidal mission before them. It was on the other side of the citadel from where he was currently staying and factoring in travel time it was going to take a little while to get there but hopefully his team weren't stupid enough to leave without him...

Taking a few minutes to finish off his dinner of a meat pie with a side of cut and fried potatoes (a human food joint it might have been, but say what you will they knew how to prepare wonderful tasting food), Drachia calmly made his way back to where he was currently staying to pick up his equipment and current belongings, paying his bill to the manager of the crappy motel and making his why their a series of painfully slow moving elevators and public transit to finally reach the hanger that he needed to be at.

Stepping about the ship that was likely to be his home for some amount of time, he sighed a little to himself as he decided to have a look around to find a room to claim for his own.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by NecroKnight
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NecroKnight Elite Death Knight of Decay

Member Seen 2 days ago


Zeral T'Amani

"Yeah. Nice to meet you too," replied Zeral, before turning to face Kieran. "Where shall we be heading Kieran?"

Namely none of them knew, where their first target would be. And Zeral had a habit of researching about the planets, for atleast two hours - before she would set foot onto one of them.

"I know, we have just met. But as I understand, we have a mission. One that requires haste. As such, I would like the name of our first location - so I may prepare in advance and learn of our situation and what to prepare for."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Peaceless
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Peaceless Praise the Sun, skeleton!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Earlier, on the Citadel...

"...So how strong is he?"

The informant stared at the Turian in front of her in complete disbelief. "Are you deaf, or just stupid? He's a Spectre!" She hissed the last word at him, as if to not draw attention. "These are the council's Elite, and he's a high ranking one. You've been in special units, you know what I'm talking about."

"Yeeess... But how strong is he?"

The Asari almost lunged at her conversation partner, taking visible effort to stop herself. The Turian's even gaze at her face unnerved her. He picked at his teeth with a finger. She heard a slight crinkling sound, and her cape slowly slid off her shoulders, her brooch falling onto the floor, cut in half. Her eyes widened.

"You see, I have seen Spectres in action, before." His even, machine-like voice, emanating from his mouth as the rest of his face was completely immobile, seemed to fill the room. "They may have the best training, an almost unlimited budget. But they are mortal. This is boring. You cannot pay me as much as you offer for such a boring target."

The informant opened her mouth to speak. She couldn't, for some reason.

"So I figure there's something you're not telling me." He continued. "And by putting two and two together, I also figure this information would make me safer, but endanger you, and maybe even your boss. And he knows best that what makes a mission successful is not only the agent's skill, but the intelligence they receive. Especially that."

"That - " she finally seemed to regain her voice, "That's gonna cost you."

"Cut my pay in half. Speak. Now."

"He's ah... He's no longer entirely Turian."


The informant wiped her brow with her hand, and focused her entire willpower on looking the mercenary in the eyes again. "He's been doing... strange missions, getting with strange people. We have had reports of him being attacked. If these reports are true, he should be dead seven times over. But he persists. And look at his eyes - " she pushed a picture towards him.

"Beautiful eyes. Extremely lucky guy. What's your point?"

She sneered at him as she took the picture back. "The point is we have no idea what he is anymore. He's showing up weird on scanners. He survives deadly wounds. This is no longer only about him."

"So do you want to dissect him or what?"

"Maybe. None of your business."

"Fine. And I am to work with a team on this? To take down this one Turian-or-whatever he is? Who are they?"

She smiled at him, back in her zone again. "That's, yeah, that's gonna cost you."

The Turian made a weird face, then rose to his feet. "I accept. Food's on you." He said dismissively, his back already turned to her as he left the cafe`. "Say hi to your boss from me."

Dawnbreaker, Medbay, Present Time
Orisa found the ship's medbay in what they call a "new" condition, or in other words the kind of mess that only one who knows nothing about medicine can make. She would already plan in her mind the right location for all equipment and supplies when she heard the door slide shut behind her.

"Do not be alarmed." she heard a hoarse voice near her ear, with the typical metallic undertones of a Turian. "This is a test." A long, strange-looking knife appeared out of thin air in front of her face, attached to an arm that seemed to lead behind her. "We will play hostage and terrorist, see how the team reacts. I have chosen you, Doctor, because you wouldn't have time for this bullshit anyway. Come."

A slight pressure at the small of her back urged her forward, towards the desk and away from the door. And when it slid open a few minutes later, the Captain found his Medical Officer in the long arms of a strange Turian, knife-point at her throat. The Turian stared at the human silently, awaiting his next move.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ulstermann
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Ulstermann My name's Friday

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tom Carson drummed his fingers impatiently on the side of the lift as the doors slid open to the docking bay, revealing his home for the next while. Not the best looking ship he'd ever seen, but he knew full well that a ship didn't need to look good to fly like a gem. Carson crossed the landing bay, his large pack slung over one shoulder and his Mattock over the other. He climbed the ramp, wondering how they were gonna track down and kill a Spectre when the council didn't even believe that he was dirty.

The message had come through on his omni-tool after he had completed a simple data intercept for his Cerberus handler, a man who he knew as Kosk. Since he knew that there wouldn't be any contact from Kosk for the next while, Carson had accepted. Gotta pay the bills somehow.

Carson had left his apartment on the 37th Ward after packing his kitbag, heading for the ship.

He walked about the ship for a couple of minutes, checking some of the sights. He settled on the armoury as his berth. Setting his stuff down on the tabletop Carson went looking for his crewmates.

Carson had been looking for the captain for a couple of minutes when he walked into the medbay. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of a Turian holding a wicked looking blade to the throat of one of the crew. His Phalanx appeared in his hand as if by magic. The laser sight settled on the apparent attacker.

“All right, Turian.” Carson spoke calmly. “I've barely had time to put my kitbag down in here. I've not met any of my team mates. And now a hostage situation? So far this mission is great. I don't know what the Hell your problem with her is, but I really think you should let her go. Talk it through.” The man held the Turian's gaze. “I have a lot of respect for your people, Turian. And I don't want to leave a corpse in the medbay before I've even met the captain of this fine vessel. But make no mistake. If you don't drop that blade of yours pretty damn quick, I'll plug you.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 day ago

Drachia Dron'celok

Drachia had gone searching the ship in order to see if he could find anyone... by luck or fate he didn't encounter anyone until he had reached what could only be described as a hostage situation between two humans, a drell victim and a turian with a knife. There was no hesitation in the batarians movements as he raised his hand towards the turian and his captive, a quick burst of biotic power flaring up in his palm as he reached out to attempt a Lash on the knife users arm in order to try and violently pull it away from the drell woman's throat. freeing the woman from the threat of immediate death while hopefully throwing her captor off balance...

All the while giving the human with the gun trained on the turian the opening needed to take the shot.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Peaceless
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Peaceless Praise the Sun, skeleton!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the team's first responders piled into the narrow doorway of the medbay, guns trained, the Turian stranger attempted to lower his sillohuette to no avail. The M.D's head was roughly at his chest level, and he was pretty wide open if his reflexes weren't taken into account.

Which is why he leaned quite far back when the Batarian's hand flashed with the strange purple light of a biotic. An energy tentacle lashed out at him, forcing his mind into overdrive as he calculated its trajectory, approximated its target and juggled a few scenarios in his head as to where this situation can advance to.

What happened a split second later was the energy lash twisting around the Turian's wicked-looking blade. As it pulled, he stabbed it downwards, jamming it into the table. Sparks flew as it scraped the smooth coated metal until coming to a halt in a groove it cut, where Protus pretended to lose grip on it.

"Hah!" He withdrew his hand, as if stung by the biotic power. He slowly raised it, along with his other one, still standing behind the table and the doctor. "Well, looks like you got me, brave heroes. Well done. The drill is over. Summon your captain please."
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