Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I will eat peppers if they are in a cheese dip. My favorite dip is chock full of peppers. God that shit is good and spicy. I could live off that stuff and the stuff to dip it in.

If one day my employer hired someone like that I would tell him it's me of that child. If they say they rather have the child then I will hand my two weeks notice in backdated to two weeks ago.

Hadn't thought about Scrubs in years, this thread brought back great memories. That show wouldn't survive today if they made it because it is not PC enough for these limp wristed pansies that suck the fun out of everything with their constant belly aching, screaming, & crying.

J.D. Or Elliot would probably be gay. They may still have had the child but it would be from IVF.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UmbreonRogue
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UmbreonRogue Random Memelord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

And I thought I was picky about vegetables, especially bitter and/or strong tasting ones like spinach, or the dreaded beans. I would expect a small child to throw a fit over something as insignificant as a type food one doesn't like, not a FULL GROWN WOMAN. Not saying I'm a shining example of healthiness, but still.

Can someone please explain the appeal of sitcoms? They just seem so boring to me, even though they're intended to be comedic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mistiel
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Mistiel Edgier than a Sphere

Banned Seen 5 yrs ago

Explain the appeal of people telling someone that they suck at something and then not proceeding to tell them how to fix it. Such a prominent theme on the 'Net these days. It's like all the internet gamers who like to teach have just fled to RPGuild or disappeared entirely. O,o
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Can someone please explain the appeal of sitcoms? They just seem so boring to me, even though they're intended to be comedic.

Sitcoms are an evolving genre, so without knowing which ones you've tried to watch, it's hard to say what the appeal is.

In general though, they present interesting characters in loosely connected episodes. They are easy to get into, and because the overarching plot doesn't drive the show, it more lends itself to more casual tv watchers. I do feel that sitcoms are becoming less relevant now that we have services like Tivo and Netflicks, as you don't need to be home at a certain time to catch your favorite show.

Explain the appeal of people telling someone that they suck at something and then not proceeding to tell them how to fix it. Such a prominent theme on the 'Net these days. It's like all the internet gamers who like to teach have just fled to RPGuild or disappeared entirely. O,o

Is this a serious question? I'm going to pretend that it is.

The reasons are numerous, and I can't cover them all. Some of them are trolls that do the things they do because there is some anonymity on the internet. Other times it's just very hard to give people advice that will help them improve. I know my writing wouldn't be as good as it is today if I expected everyone to tell me why I sucked at it. Sometimes you have to put in the work, and that means pouring over English books and actually reading. That's not to say you shouldn't write too, but only writing is just as dangerous as only studying. The opinions of others are not always the best teaching tools. Sometimes the student has to put in the work to show he/she is worth the effort. And that goes for more than just writing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

Explain the appeal of consoles over PC. Seriously, these plebs need to upgrade their shack!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Bishop PC is usually better when it comes to graphics. If you're going to have a computer in your home anyway, it's cheaper too.

But consoles offer a more attractive entry price, and you get to play "exclusives" sooner. You also don't have that problem when a game has such a crappy pc port it's actually unplayable unless you pad the game yourself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

@BrokenPromise Nothing can justify the controller. Moving the cursor with your thumb, even in hell they have a "Banned Torture Methods" room. And you guessed it, the controller is right there.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Bishop Yea, I wouldn't want to play a fps on a console. Or anything that requires the precise movements of a mouse. But a fighting game, or a beat em' up? Controllers are so much more ergonomic than a keyboard. But those things can be plugged into a computer if and when desired.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Publius
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Publius First Consul / 245 - 2529 a. u. c.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Explain the appeal of posting this message, as well as the appeal of responding to it.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 8 days ago

@Bishop Nothing beats the feeling of joy sitting down with the most recent console to play what one considers to be their new favorite game that they got the physical copy of. I do suppose it might come down to how you were raised; I grew up with consoles and prefer to play them any day. It just FEELS right. Can you explain the appeal of playing on a computer over consoles? jk, no need. I play games on all consoles, including PC. There are exclusive games that could not be played if you don't own the newest console for it, so there's that detail too. Many of my favorite games would be unavailable to me if I kept to the PC, only. Playing an RPG or a platformer on a PC... just feels unnatural to me. The same way, FPS-es and real-time strategy games belong on the PC to me. They CAN be on consoles, but it feels less natural.

It's not a matter of having the greatest tech to me (though yeah, the sheer joy of opening the box to the newest console is unparalleled), it's a matter of playing the games I want to play and play them the way I want to play them. And I want to have a machine sitting by my giant TV while I sit back in the sofa across the room with a controller in hand and a giant smile on my lips, and other people in the building perhaps coming by to have a look and, who knows? Perhaps grab a controller and join the fun on the same machine without needing an extra PC of their own! We can all group together in front of the TV and play on the same console with a multitude of controllers! Ain't that just the greatest?

Granted, we probably COULD set up a PC to do the same, but... We wouldn't be able to do it in front of Super Smash Bros, Mario Party, or whatever other exclusive and hilarious games. Haha. ... Then again, we probably could with the right set-up and illegal ports, but EH! I mean legitimately! The authentic experience!

I do understand your appeal of PC. I wouldn't want to play Overwatch or Age of Empires on console even if I could (oh, yeah, I can on the former, oh well). But to me, I just plain prefer my PC to be for other things than gaming and have the consoles be my bundles of joy that I go to only to be entertained. And for the exclusive games. That's my appeal of consoles. And that's about it. Heh.

Edit: Now, I don't actually have a giant TV, nor a particularly large room to be across as I play on my normal-sized TV, nor actually anyone else in my buildingapartment who might come by while I'm playing... But it was a matter of painting a picture! Okay!? XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Explain the appeal of consoles over PC. Seriously, these plebs need to upgrade their shack!

PC gaming is very configurable because there are a lot (LOT) of buttons. This is obviously nice in a lot of situations (I can turn on the windshield wipers in Battlefield), but also kinda sucks, because it feels like every damn day I have to open the control menu to find out which button I push to do some random thing, and/or spend half an hour setting everything up differently. I also have to fiddle with the display options to optimize everything for my unique combination of components, keep up with driver updates, and balance ten different launchers (was that game on Steam or Origin or Ubisoft? Wait shit it's battle.net. I mean no, shit, it was this other thing....) Online gaming is way more hit-or-miss than it should be; ports are often clumsy, the ridiculously massive game library is obviously a big plus but let's be honest, the VERY GOOD games are also on console; modding adds a TON of enjoyment to games, but again I spend more time fucking with the mods than I spend actually playing the modded game, so in the end that's kind of a wash.

Now with a CONSOLE, I flop down on the couch, press the PS button, and I'm in. It's fucking simple in all the right ways -- okay yeah, I'm losing some FPS and my graphics could be sharper -- but I'm playing on the big screen, sprawled out on a recliner with my entertainment system's 7.1 surround. It's hard to care. Online support all runs through the same service, reliably (I can play three games with friends on PS in the same time it takes to launch one decent battlefield party out of the goddamn internet browser for some fucking reason on PC). Hackers get their systems deactivated because there's uniform hardware and everything's easy to spot.

TL:DR -- people who care deeply about performance, who get enjoyment out of maximum performance, yeah, play on PC -- I can appreciate that. I just care about gaming. PC is like cooking a meal and Console is like eating for free at a nice restaurant -- I don't have to work for it, and even though I don't get to fuck with the little details, it's still delicious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

@mdk "Eating for free" consoles and all their games cost a shiit ton more than the free ones you can torrent for pc. PC has better performance and is super cheap.

You have to fiddle with the display options every single time you open the game? It's only the first damn time and then you don't have to move and adjust them anymore.

I spend more time fucking with the mods than I spend actually playing the modded game, so in the end that's kind of a wash.

That's your problem, you can play an unmodded version of the game just as well on pc. No one is forcing you to waste time on that, it is just an extra option which many many people like and enjoy.

And as far as balancing the launchers goes? You don't need to with torrented games.

And if you can't remember the controls then that means that you don't really play or like the game enough to remember so why complain about it? The same core controls you have on a console controller you have on your computer. You can ignore the extras and additions.

Well it all depends on what you like to play most. And seriously if you play RTS and FPS games on consoles..... I mean seriously. Even most of the console players on the top ladder use a mouse and keyboard that they have attached to their console. But in that sense, you can connect your pc to the tv, sit back on the couch and play with your Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 26 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Explain the appeal of posting this message, as well as the appeal of responding to it.

I posted in this topic a few times because I was genuinely curious. Could the fans of something I detest/take no interest in say something that I can relate to or understand? I like to understand why people have a different opinion about something than me. It's fascinating. Sadly, none of my questions have been answered, so I've stopped asking.

as for why I like responding, it depends. Sometimes it's just a topic I know a lot about, and sharing my knowledge about that topic makes me feel good. Other times it's something I enjoy, and I enjoy telling people why I enjoy things. I'm also discussing things with someone who's open to hear answers (usually) instead of someone who is prepared to "debate" me on why I like something.

One of my favorite threads.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@mdk "Eating for free" consoles and all their games cost a shiit ton more than the free ones you can torrent for pc. PC has better performance and is super cheap.

You could shoplift games for free on console too if that's what you mean. PC is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOT super cheap, at least when you're talking comparable performance -- for the price of my (already obsolete) video card I could put a PS4 in every room of my house, and still have leftover cash for doritos and mountain dew.

You have to fiddle with the display options every single time you open the game? It's only the first damn time and then you don't have to move and adjust them anymore.

Well firstly that's not what I said, but still, numerous games beg to differ -- the one I'll arbitrarily pick is Total War. A decent PC might be able to run the game fine on high settings for a while but by the late-game, I had to start fucking with things on a battle-by-battle basis. That will never happen on consoles. Of course, you don't get to play Total War on console, or any worthwhile RTS really, and that's a shame. My point was, in answer to the question, part of the appeal of a console is the plug-and-play simplicity.

That's your problem

No kiddin

And as far as balancing the launchers goes? You don't need to with torrented games.

Ease of theft is not a point I count in PC's favor, but you do you.

And if you can't remember the controls then that means that you don't really play or like the game enough to remember so why complain about it?

Don't honestly tell me you've never typed "wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" into party chat. A keyboard has more buttons than a controller, is more complicated and less ergonomic. These are facts.

The same core controls you have on a console controller you have on your computer. You can ignore the extras and additions.

Well not really, because tilt-sensitive joysticks are great and so is rumble feedback and every great while there's a motion-control feature in a game that's pretty cool, and that's without getting into all the clever shit Nintendo has been doing for the last several generations. And you can't necessarily ignore the extras and additions -- you've got to program all of them out of the control menu first, and then god help you if you get to a spot where the game expects you to toggle on the flashlight manually and you've bound that to shift-control-F-something because it was right next to the jump button but now the game can't remember that you bound it there and it just keeps telling you to mash the key that stabs your companion to death with a rusty shovel and then overwrites your quicksave because fuck you that's why.

Well it all depends on what you like to play most. And seriously if you play RTS and FPS games on consoles..... I mean seriously. Even most of the console players on the top ladder use a mouse and keyboard that they have attached to their console. But in that sense, you can connect your pc to the tv, sit back on the couch and play with your Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.

Because god knows at the end of a long day at work the thing I want most is to balance a billboard on my crotch. I'm not a top-ladder player (well I was top 500 in Destiny for a minute....), I'm just having fun comfortably with some pals on a thing that works and isn't a headache. That, sir, is the appeal of a console.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

As a debate where consoles and PC's, one thing over looked is the consoles not only have WAY more expensive games with fewer and rarer discounts...Humble bundle gives you a handful of decent games of a single buck. Steam has massive sales...games on console cost 60 a pop, almost always. That DOES add up if your a gamer worth your salt. And the fact that you cannot use online services, without forking over 60 extra dollars plus your existing internet costs. So play FPS's online and online only? Like what I can only assume most console gamers seem to consist of aside from the Nintendo fan. Well you're getting easily screwed in the long run, buddy.

I have over 100 games on steam...at least. I did not spend 6000 dollars on those games. But it's about that much if I bought those games in console's online stores...

Also the console USED to have a plug in and play aspect to them, but with how god damn long it takes my PS4 to update and re-update and restart, it takes far longer than my PC does at actually playing the damn games I purchased. The newer generation really are just crappy PC's to begin with. Xbox One nearly became exactly that during its reveal.

And buying a PC that can play almost everything perfectly fine, and give you the access to patches and mods done by fans to make the games better than the Devs were bothered to. Among the plentiful amount of other benefits...I'd higher consider, at least giving PC gaming a try. The elitists are lying. It's not that expensive. I'd argue it's cheaper overall, by a long shot. :P

You could build a PC for 600-700 bucks that would run most things perfectly fine. (and youtube tutorials exist people.) A console is 400-500 bucks. Now unless you literally play offline games and buy one or two games and nothing else. A PC will get you playing many more, better designed, better free to play, better in nearly every way games...All you lose is your couch.

(and I had more to say but I just realized I really should be asleep, so I'll let it end here.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

but my couch is like the most important part.

I did plenty of PC gaming, with a pretty solid system. I did the research, basically, short version... console is where I landed. You can get plenty of great games on the cheap there, too -- okay yeah if you preorder the deluxe edition you're paying a premium, but don't though. Titanfall 2 is a steal at $22 right now, though it's been cheaper (and it's also a free week, so you can just play it) -- just one example. I did NOOOOOOOT pay $6k for my library of games, let's put it that way. Network subscription is a service and I ABSOLUTELY feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of it -- just to play with my brothers on PC, we'd have to run third-party chat in the background and ha-ha-ha if you wanted to rope anyone else into the chat ("We're on Discord." "Well we're on Mumble." "Plebs, get this other thing." "But we were using Gmail....." "Hey it's not working, is that your internet or the game server or the chat client? Fuck it, I'll just call you." "Woolooolooooooooo." "God damn it.") And then the game STILL didn't work like 10% of the time. AAA titles like Battlefield, early-access titles like fuck I can't remember but some capital-ship MOBA type thing.... it's a pain in the crotch.

With PC, the shit I pay for is shit I have to manage. With console, the shit I pay for includes somebody else whose only job is to make sure it works perfectly forever. I like that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

and still have leftover cash for doritos and mountain dew.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

With PC, the shit I pay for is shit I have to manage. With console, the shit I pay for includes somebody else whose only job is to make sure it works perfectly forever. I like that.


Just because I think that last bit is humorous in retrospect. And almost every game on my PS4 I've stopped playng through rage quitting that it hard crashed through hours and hours of progress. But I guess personal experience comes into play a bit.

I totally understand when consoles were plug and play, and why they were useful and fun. But now that you can actually use your t.v as your PC monitor and play on the couch with a controller. And get more and better and cheaper games. (on average. And that seemed to be a promotional store deal, not actually done by the devs themselves. Correct me if I'm wrong.) And its still not as impressive as it can get with online services.

But I get it, I have my Wii U and PS4 along with my PC, I'm certainly not an elitist by any stretch...I'd honestly be hard pressed to call myself a gamer, as weird as it sounds.
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