Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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@PKMNB0Y: Accepted since I basically already saw it last night. ^^;

@Noodles: Will look shortly!

@liferusher: Hi!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grey
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If PKMN is accepted does that mean there are no more Our Worlder spots? @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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@Grey: There is one more by my last count, since AtomicNut dropped.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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@Noodles: Accepted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Wew, looks like I'll have to work fast then. Gonna try to get it up by the end of the day.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Sheet will be ready in a hour or so~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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@Rosette Christopher: Looking forward to it!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Just to be clear, I decided against using someone reincarnated to this world and decided to do a native instead. I didn't want to take @Grey's spot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Tomato
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Queen Tomato
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Queen Tomato A Tomato

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That perfectly coordinated CS strike. Excellently done, squish~!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rosette Christopher
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Rosette Christopher Smug Militant Nun

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Just two Elves Alves hiding from those mean, nasty human slavers on secret islands.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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@Queen Tomato&@Rosette Christopher: Okay, um...

There's one thing I'm confused about with both of them and that's the whole thing with the islands and agelessness and stuff. ^^;

But for more specific details, um... Alves aren't totally isolated, so I'm assuming this would just be a specific group of them? Also I'll note that Alv trafficking is really illegal so massive abduction parties are unlikely if they want to remain hidden.

Otherwise... Isi seems pretty much fine? But I think Enna's abilityset is a biiit overly broad. ^^; She should be more focused.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

So a smol elf with great magic potential, a half-breed who was once and engineer, and "one hell of a butler" walk into a bar....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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I'll kick off the RP in the next few days!
4x Like Like
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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To add a bit of an update to that:

Start date is for sure tomorrow!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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  • Name: Vivienne Felvarre Croix
  • Age: 13
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance: "It's not foolish. Hmph."
  • Personality: Vivienne is a very headstrong, stubborn girl. Once she has her mind set on something, it is very difficult to dissuade her no matter what the matter is. Additionally, she is extremely self-confident and has something of an arrogance to her, a belief that if she can do it, she will do it no matter what gets in her way. Of course, this attitude might be somewhat... troublesome for those around her. For example, Vivienne firmly believes that, because the to-be Empress of the Grandian Empire is a young girl of the same age as herself, she would be able to talk to her and end the war just like that. It's what she desires do do, even, though obviously she has not been allowed to. Vivienne also claims that even though she seems small and frail now, she will obviously grow up to be mature in every sense of the word, citing her older sister as a reason for this. In spite of her demanding and stubborn attitude, deep down Vivienne does truly care about the people of Felbar, and her desire to talk to the future Grandian Empress is born not entirely about of confidence and a stubborn attitude but because she legitimately wants to prevent the war from becoming worse. The young girl looks up to her elder sister a great deal, as well.
  • Brief Backstory: When Vivienne was born, she was very weak and sickly. As a result, she was often left inside and pampered a great deal, even as she began to grow more healthy and strong after frequent visits from the royal physician. Her weakness lasted until she was around eight years old, but had a lingering effect on her body, rendering her physically frail and small even as she entered her early teens. Her childhood of pampering and isolation, on top of being a daughter of the royal family, have certainly contributed to her stubborn, somewhat spoiled, and incredibly arrogant attitude. She was quite demanding about proceeding to a town near the border, insisting that she wanted to see how people were dealing with the possibility of battle not too distant from their homes. Eventually she was granted this chance, with a heavy escort and her whole compliment of employees, including her most loyal maids and her loyal butler.... However, something seems to have changed when it comes to her butler...
  • Abilities: Vivienne has a fairly high potential for magic, a common trait in the Croix line of the royal family. However, she is not suited for direct combat and instead has been taught several summoning and contracting spells, including one that allows her to call fairies to her location to serve her. She can also summon a flock of maids and her butler, but that's less magic and more having a bunch of maids and a butler.
  • Skills: Compared to her elder sister, Vivienne is quite lacking in many departments in terms of skills. However, she is actually an excellent artist, especially given her relatively young age.
  • Equipment: Vivienne carries a sketchpad with her rather frequently.
  • Origin: Native
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Blackstripe
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Blackstripe That superhero/magic/pirate person

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Name: Siobhan Ó Donnabháin
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Human/Alv
Current Appearance: Siobhan has a soft and curvaceous figure, one that's far more comfortable casting spells from a distance or piloting her Greatarmor than trying to engage in any kind of melee combat.

Personality: One would expect somebody who has endured a lifetime of being feared and rejected to be bitter and cold, and yet Siobhan defies these expectations with her plucky and energetic personality. Usually carrying a grin on her face, and a take-no-shit attitude towards her peers – particularly the Regent, she is deeply loyal to Princess Yvette of Grandia, treating anyone that would do her harm as a mortal enemy. Beneath the surface of this supremely confident Archmagus, however, is a deep desire for acceptance, a wish to be seen as valuable, to be needed.

Brief Backstory: Siobhan Ó Donnabháin was born to a Human father and an Alv mother in the Kingdom of Albion. While her mother was pregnant, her father proved to be abusive, oftentimes beating his Alven partner when drunk. One night when he threatened to beat her to death, his heart suddenly ruptured, killing him...the actions of Siobhan, lashing out from the womb.

So terrified by this display of power from one not even born, and mourning at the death of her partner - abusive though he was, her mother proceeded to try and kill Siobhan by slamming her stomach in the door. This merely caused her to go into labor prematurely. Her mother seemingly died in the process of giving birth to her, though this was never confirmed.

Discovered by a small group of fairies as she lay on the brink of starvation, the creatures took her and raised her as one of their own for the next fourteen years. It was this upbringing that turned her into the energetic and playful prankster she is now. Unfortunately, good things seldom lasted for her, and even among these magical beings, her magic prove uncontrollable. After an arcane outburst nearly burned their forest to the ground, the fairies she had once called family exiled her. From then on she would wander Albion and the lands beyond the channel, struggling to control her power.

Through years of diligent training, she would succeed in doing so, yet her reputation for destruction remained. When a shipwreck left her on the edge of starvation within the borders of the Empire of Grandia with little to her name, she felt like her time had finally come. That was when saw a carriage pass her by, one that was unusually ornate and flanked by guards. They ignored her, and she ultimately ignored them as well...until the distant sound of gunfire drew her to the scene of an attack.

She found the carriage besieged by cloaked figures. Most were armed with guns and were fighting the numerically overwhelmed guards, but a number were quite clearly Magi. To Siobhan, it seemed obvious that the carriage and its guards stood no chance, and while she couldn't be certain of the circumstances behind their attack, or who was truly in the right here, something nevertheless compelled her to act. Unleashing her power against the Magi first, she engulfed them in a stream alabaster flame that left barely even ashes in its wake.

Stunned by this display of power, the men armed with guns did something that shocked her: They turned their weapons on themselves, committing suicide en mass. For that reason, their origin was never discovered, their bodies containing little in the way of evidence linking them to any individual or organization.

Quickly moving to check on the carriage's occupants, Siobhan was stunned to find it was none other than Princess Yvette Von Einstreth of Grandia herself! Seeing that Siobhan was starving, Yvette was quick to offer her what food they had, as well as asking her to journey with her back to the capital. Once there, she was asked to display her extraordinary abilities as a spell caster for the court, and over the next couple of years she successfully rose to the rank of Archmagus of Grandia.

Despite - or perhaps because of - her fierce loyalty to the Princess who gave her this opportunity, many today view Siobhan as an unwelcome and potentially dangerous outsider, and would very much like to see her removed and replaced with a more "traditional" candidate...

Abilities: Siobhan possesses magical potential that cannot be properly measured, and can barely be controlled even by her, despite her years of training to do so. While she has managed to attain enough focus to at least prevent herself from unintentionally lashing out with arcane fire, she still sometimes struggles to keep her raging magic under control during combat. Despite this, her control when employing summoning, healing, and teleportation magic is exceptional. It is her talent with those types of spells that is the primary reason she was chosen as the Archmagus of the court, rather than her powerful yet barely constrained offensive spells.

Skills: In addition to her wide array of magical talents, Siobhan is an exceptionally skilled Greatarmor pilot, particularly when behind the controls of her personal Greatarmor, "Gringunfatz". Outside of magic and Greatarmor piloting, however, Siobhan has little fighting ability.

Equipment: Siobhan always carries her Faewood staff with her, her last connection to her homeland of Albion. In addition, she usually carries (or levitates) a grimoire of spells and incantations, as there are some spells even she cannot instantly cast yet.

Her most notable possession, however, is of course her personal Greatarmor "Gringunfatz", a nine meter tall war machine and the original prototype that the cheaper, less powerful mass production Greatarmors of the Empire are based off of. It's armor is thicker and it possesses far greater strength and speed than the standard model. Designed to take full advantage of Siobhan's immense mana reservoirs by feeding directly off its pilot, its primary and most devastating weapon is the "Mana Gatling", a Gatling gun designed to fire hyper-condensed mana instead of bullets. Use of this weapon would quickly kill most pilots, making it impossible for all but a few to safely use this Greatarmor. Additional weaponry includes a chainsword for quickly slicing through any tank or infantry foolish enough to get close, and a series of rocket powered grenade launchers installed along the torso.
Origin: Native
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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@Blackstripe: Accepted.
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