Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Working on the opening IC post and I have 2 more sheet reviews pending, apologies @Poet and @Fetzen for being so tardy with them. Hopefully IC launches this weekend! Latest Monday, as that's my next day off.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I have absolutely no idea what i’m doing, or where i’m going most of the time, but I think I’ve got most this stuff figured out by now. At least I hope I’ve got it figured it out... "

B I R T H N A M E: Lowe Harmond ♦ A G E: 12 ♦ S E X: Male ♦ A L I G N M E N T: Chaotic Good

Ω O R I G I N S:
Lowe was a boy whose entire family line has been sustained in the walls of the Barbed Church. His parents, though they cared for him, died pretty early in his life from a deadly disease that seems to be plaguing the whole country as of late. He was taken in at the age of 4 by Minister Florentus, a man who is as cruel as the punishments he serves. He was taken in as Minister Florentus’ ward, and Florentus taught him how to be a scribe and proper librarian. Lowe was not very good in his studies though, and this conflicted with him becoming a good scribe. Minister Florentus believed it was because of his incompetence that he could not work in a classroom environment, but it had more to do with the beatings he received than his comprehension. Or rather, the two were clearly linked. Due to the severe trauma from the beatings, he went deaf in his right ear at the age 6, and has not been able to hear out that ear ever since. Lowe is prone to sickness, and has a very weak immune system for a child his age. He had been told his parents died of the very plague striking fear into the citizens of Vassidia, but he’d like to think he will not fall pray to the same fate.

His sisters, who were never really around for him, worked for the other ministers in the Church, and the oldest worked as a scribe for the First Thorn herself. Lowe had five sisters in total, and he had always wondered what it was they did in their private studies. Lowe suspected it had something to do with magick, but he was forbidden from using it at the behest of Minister Florentus. Every week or so, a small caravan of ministers and peasants would venture out past the gates of the Barbed Church. Lowe thought that the things they packed with them must be food, or clothing for people in the neighboring towns, but was never really sure what it was for, and Minister Florentus told him it didn’t matter to him. “A scribe has no use for curiosity, Lowe. You’d do best to keep your heads in your books, and out of the streets below.” But Lowe didn’t listen. Every night, since he had first seen the mysterious caravan, he’d wondered what was inside of the covered wagons, and where his sisters and the ministers went every week? He tried asking around the Church, but they all seemed to think that the Caravan should remain a secret from him.

Lowe, to himself, thought that if it was really not that big of a deal, than there wouldn’t be any harm in him doing some investigating of his own, would there? The Church was always giving away to charities, so Lowe assumed he’d find clothing and food inside the wagons for poor people. One day, while Minister Florentus was away attending a small class of assistants and other wards of the Church, Lowe snuck outside and made his way to the caravan that was about to leave. His sisters were there, like they always were, and he managed to avoid them, by hastily jumping into one of the covered wagons, and shrinking down low to fit in between the large crates that were packed in the cargo hold. He heard the distinct voice of his sisters talking to one another, Maridia (The Eldest) seemed concerned the cargo wasn’t secure enough, so Erika (The Third Eldest) tied hemp rope around the cargo, locking the crates, and Lowe, inside of the cramped wagon space.

The journey through the woods past the Church was very bumpy, and Lowe didn’t get to see most of it because he was stuck in the wagon. They rode on for sometime, and Lowe could only guess that it had been an entire afternoon afternoon before something changed in the wagons path. The wagon gave a violent jerk upwards, almost sending Lowe flying out of it, and then it hit a tree making it break, and spill the contents it was holding. Lowe was laid out on the forest floor, completely disoriented. The wagon had somehow gotten lost from the group. The bolt that held it to the other wagons in front was snapped completely. He had been left behind near an old shack, with nothing but a few oil lamps and food. The shack held a very valuable secret though, that being a Cartographers Map making set and journal. Lowe was never really good at studies, but he was very well acquainted with maps. Minister Florentus thought reading maps was useless, but Lowe took a liking to them because they were somewhat easier for him to understand. The map was pretty straight forward, the journal not so much. The Cartography set held 3 maps, the first showing the way to a small town named River Sway. Lowe headed off to find River Sway, and made it there in the span of a few hours.

A nice inn keeper by the name of Maruna picked him up off the streets, and told him he could stay with her for a few days if he put his map making abilities to the test. “River’sway’s been cut off for about a week now, and I can’t get anyone to come to the shop. So what yer’ gonna do is make it so they get here.” She had said. “I’m not sure if its the plague that’s keepin’ em’ away, but I know it’s not my food. And them damned Knights blocking the river port probably have something to do with it, too. Find a different way into this town: you got yer’ self a new home. Fail, and it’s back on the streets with ya’.” Lowe solved his dilemma that day by showing Maruna the way he came into the city using the map. Maruna had patted him on the head, and gave him a closet of a room to sleep in.

As soon as news of this new road was heard around town though, it spelled bad news for Maruna. The “Knights” she had mentioned seemed strange, and not at all like proper Knights set for protecting a town. They were obsessed with keeping everyone inside of River Sway on the orders of a man named Minister Plike. Lowe had certainly heard of a Minister Plike, before. He had seen the man walking through the Church, communing with the First Thorn herself on matters Lowe didn’t really understand. Minister Plike was also his Second eldest sister’s master, and he was supposed to be training her to be a healer of magick. What a man of the Barbed Church, let alone a Minister of Healing, would need with Knights, Lowe did not know. The Knights weren’t too keen on giving explanations either.

They did not like that Lowe had showed Maruna another way into this town, and made him pay dearly for it. They attacked the inn and Maruna had been killed easily, but Lowe escaped on the only mount that Maruna had on hand running away down the river’s bend. His attackers would not leave though, and one loose arrow to the mounts legs later, he found himself falling in the river gasping for breath. His attackers, because of his small size, assumed that he would die from the river’s current. He didn’t though, and was washed up on the shores of Ferros, the Iron City.

When Lowe checked the Cartographers set again, he found that all three maps were still there, but that the strange journal was gone. He racked his brain for where he could’ve placed it, until he remembered he left it on his bed in Maruna’s inn. He’s far from home, both the Inn and the Church, and has no idea what the Knights were doing at River Sway, or why Minister Plike blocked off an entire town full of people. One thing he is sure of is finding his way back to Kafarra. He never found out what the caravan was for, but perhaps he can find out on his journey home. He has no idea how to get there though, and the maps revealed nothing. They all seem to lead to places he’s never heard of before. It is here that he has nothing but an apple core, a vial of oil he managed to pilfer from Maruna when she wasn’t looking, and a few pens and bottles of ink from his Cartographers set, as well as the last two maps he has yet to follow.

Ω A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

◼ Crawl Space | He is surprisingly agile when he wants to be, as climbing atop dusty bookshelves has added to his abilities. When he wants to hide, he’s also able to fit into small places due to his small stature.

◼A mouse’s Tread| He can be very quiet when he wants to be, and it helps him often when he wants to sneak around. He was able to sneak past his sister’s when getting on the wagon, but looking back that probably wasn’t the best idea.

◼Alter Boy | Lowe is very keen on telling the truth, and can tell when something is not right, or when he is being duped by someone. Years of piety in a Church has made him very aware of when someone is lying to him.

◼ Pigeon Soup | Minister Florentus thought it was useless for a boy to learn how to cook, but his mother knew better and taught him to make the basics of food when he was 3. Things like porridge, and pigeon soup (A simple dish made from bird bones, and mushrooms).

◼ Map Reading: He is very good with reading maps, and thanks to finding the cartographers set, has gotten a lot better at reading in general. He knows how to read the maps almost perfectly now.


◼ Non-Magick user| He is unable to do Magick, and can’t learn any spells because he, well- can’t read that well yet.

◼ House Cleaning| He isn’t very organized with his things, so they often get lost.

◼Collection Tithe| He is not a fighter, nor a lover, so running into sellswords or beggars would usually spell trouble for him.

◼Church Mouse| Because of his sheltered life inside of the Church he does not know how to read people very well. Which causes problems sometimes. He doesn’t fall for every trick he sees, but he is prone to promises of sweets and a warm bed.

◼ Sick Bay| Sickness: He is very weak, and may or may not be coming down with some kind of flu or worse. The Ministers were sure that if anything drastic were to happen, they would be able to help him with their Magick. But with Lowe so for away from home, he has a very high chance of getting sicker than usual. Most of the symptoms include dizziness, vomiting, and sometimes the occasional rash. Though it doesn’t happen often, he does get sickly sometimes,and when he does it could be days before he recovers fully.

◼ Hearing: Lowe is deaf in his right ear, and is not able to hear out of it at all. This never caused a lot of problems in the Church, but now it serves as a very difficult hurtle. He lost the right ear after getting multiple severe beatings from Minister Florentus, and any other ornery adults who needed a punching bag.

Ω N O T E S:

◼ Lowe’s only interaction with Pontiff Silvene was when he was a small baby in his mother’s arm. The Pontiff came to give blessings to the new parents, and then moved on. Lowe, of course, does not remember this. Whether or not the First Thorn remembers is not something I know. Lowe also has a deep seated bitterness towards knights. This is because of the incident with Maruna in River Sway. Lowe has never looked at a Knight the same way after that day.

◼ He has a pack with him, but it does not hold a lot of stuff. Most of the space is being taken up by the Cartography set, and some food. He has no means of healing himself, or vials of spells to help him heal faster. He has a few stones, and a long stick he found along the way to defend himself with. If need arises though he may just throw rocks to try to get away.

◼ He cannot last long in any environment that is not warm, cozy, and filled with lots of people. He is 10 after all.

◼ Is it wise if he knows not to cross Minister Florentus on a bad day? Jokes aside, he isn’t what one would call wise, as he is a small child of 10 who hasn’t actually experienced a whole lot, but he is wise enough to know when to keep certain things secret from now on. His time with Maruna taught him that.

◼ Despite not being the brightest or the strongest, he certainly has a sassy personality. He absolutely won’t let the other’s quiet him, or even speak over him. He’s thankful he was born with such a loud voice, otherwise everyone would probably look him over and ignore him. He’s very opinionated for a 10yr old. He will say what he thinks, as long as he thinks he can run fast enough to escape punishment. (And he usually is.) He can be helpful, and very dependable but only if you give him something in return. Maruna used to bribe him with sweets, and extra night hours to clean her kitchen and rooms, and even that was a hard nut to crack sometimes.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey so I decided to reupload lowe's cs so that people can review it. I changed a few things.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I would maybe consider bumping his age up to 12 or 13, but otherwise you've fixed all the major quandaries we discussed. Accepted! Go ahead and move him into the characters tab when you'er ready.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Alright, I'm so excited, and happy that Lowe gets to join the group!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

All good! Accepted, and glad to have Gaius on-board. Throw him into the characters tab when you have time.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I'm still working on Kassy's update. Aiming for Tuesday/Wednesday. >_< Work really cuts into my ability to write.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Still about, just waiting for PM.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh I'm so excited to see everyone's cs!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Still about, just waiting for PM.

I'm really sorry about my silence on this, I saw it, failed to reply the same day, and then it immediately flew out of my head forever. Will get a reply to you this afternoon.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by GreivousKhan>

I'm really sorry about my silence on this, I saw it, failed to reply the same day, and then it immediately flew out of my head forever. Will get a reply to you this afternoon.

NP. :j
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

so everyday when I go to school, this girl and her friends will come up to me and tell me "so an so" likes you. they've been doing it for the entire year, and if they're telling the truth then half the student body wants me, and I find that very disturbing. like, what's so great about me? I kinda wanna date myself just to see what all the fuss is about.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

IC IS LAUNCHED! If you have an accepted character in the active roster, you can now post as you like!

All accepted characters will henceforth be part of the same volunteer party, and will be required to travel and act as a group.

On that note, if there is anyone still waiting for a PM regarding their sheet, please let me know, as I'm not sure if I've missed anyone; it has been a busy week for me, as I've had a difficult week at work, and have begun to launch a reboot of an old flame of mine as co-GM, on top of completing sheet reviews and launching the over-due IC for this game. Apologies!
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Liseran Thistle
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Liseran Thistle The Lilac Doe

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Awesome I'm in Georgia at the moment but I'll start writing when I get back to the hotel
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sent a PM @Roman just so you see it. I'll make changes to my sheet when I get home.

Edit: made some changes.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Still waiting @Roman.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Waiting on your reapproval.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tangletail
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Tangletail Keyboard Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Got room for another? I'm thinking of a Bard inspired character, or a hunter.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

(Let me know if I need to make any other changes.)

Professor Cipherous

"I hope you're not down with the sickness..."

Darth Cipherous A G E: 31 S E X: Female A L I G N M E N T: Lawful Neutral

Ω O R I G I N S:
Darth Cipherous was born in the esteemed city of Ravenmire, which marked her among the few in the kingdom with access to a proper education. Her parent's had humble origins as commoners, though her father was a cobbler of some talent. Curious even from a young age, Darth appeared to be taken with the stories and tales from other lands. Taught to read by her mother, Darth explored the tomes and books she managed to get her hands throughout most of her youth. While many children played outside Darth preferred to instead stay indoors with her head in a book. Her interest coupled with an active imagination and an astoundingly mature disposition made it clear Darth seemed blessed with a towering intellect. This sadly left her with few friends as none of the children of her neighborhood matched her own maturity- with many of them finding her aloof and strange making her the butt of many jokes.

Darth was fortunate enough, however, to early in her life to benefit from the aid of a traveling scholar- who, lacking enough coin, decided to repay Darths father by tutoring his daughter while he stayed in the city. Seeing her potential- this same scholar, named Bertulf Scully, offered to sponsor Darth for a place in the esteemed college of Ravensworth. Seeing this as a blessing, Darth's parents agreed, fulfilling a long time dream of hers. At the age of sixteen, she was enrolled after proving her abilities through an arduous exam that she passed with near perfection. This impressed the Rectors of the university enough that she was one of the youngest novitiates to be taken in.

It was a long four years of hard work and study before Darth finally graduated, at which point she decided to stay on -- joining the ranks of the Ravensworth institute. Her intelligence and ambition soon saw her attain the coveted position of a preceptor within the institute. The rank proving she had mastered three fields of expertise within the college. After ten years working within the institute, exploring afield as often as she could to learn first hand of the history of each city within the kingdom, news of the dreaded new plague began to spread like wildfire. Though over the centuries the institute had become familiar with studying and treating new sicknesses, it became apparent this new strain was unlike anything they had ever encountered.

Darth's talents soon saw her superiors placing her at the forefront of finding a cure. Darth herself wished nothing more than learning all she could after hearing of the severity of the disease. Thus, Darth willingly joined the fourth talon of Ravensworth, the Sanguine Shroud. Known widely as plague doctors- and officially in their institute as Harbingers- with expertise in bloodletting, and magick treatment, these scourge hunters achieved their dread infamy in the infancy of their founding for disposing of victims, and even potential victims, before signs of sickness could manifest themselves. Though their methods over the decades have become much less extreme many still remember those dark days. Their beaked masks and black robes have since now become synonymous with fear, for many of these men and women know no mercy. The shroud investigators soon became less known as physicians and more so as executioners.

Darth herself has worked tirelessly to improve the credibility of Ravenworths Harbingers. Darth has made little headway in finding a cure, however, but the recent call by High Lord Jocun has given her hope all the same. She offers her skills in the hopes of finally ending this nightmare.

Ω A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:
◼ Idyllic Precpetion| Darth was blessed with an incredible mind that has served her quite well in her chosen profession. Her unmatched memory and intelligence are among the reasons she has remained top of her field. Her attention to detail often means she can recall anything she has learned of or come across in almost perfect detail.

◼ Black Blood Ministation | Harbingers of the Sanguine Shroud are all subjected to an experimental blood ministration that is both equal parts alchemical solution and arcane ritual. Black blood is an unusual concoction fashioned from the blood samples of survivors of past afflictions known to Ravensworth and stored in the college. This infusion effectively renders the recipient all but immune to most known diseases, along with many forms of venom or poisons, but at a great cost. This, of course, has long been proven to be worthless against the new stone flesh plague.

◼ Hippocratic Oath| Darth is foremost an academic and a doctor, but years of research has left her with a generous amount of knowledge in alchemy as well as history. This means she knows how to create- and possesses many- healing tonics, toxins, and poisons. Dr. Cipherous can thus make use of many experimental remedies and risky healing practices to mend or even cure her companions' of mundane ailments and restore their vigor. She also employs her talent for healing to do harm if the situation calls for it.

◼ Healer or Executioner| Though not skilled with, sickle, blade or bow, Darth was taught the Shourds execution techniques to 'pacify' sickened patients to grant them a merciful painless death. This includes the use of potent poisons or, in desperate situations, the bladed cane whip she carries.

◼ Who Likes Needles?| Due to the widespread fear, superstitions, and rumors of the preventive doctors of Ravensworth due to an unsavory past-- many have come to fear the arrival of a Harbinger. A few desperate souls may even attack a lone Harbinger outright before accepting their help through this is usually rare.

◼ No Hiding It| Thanks to ancient oaths and more than a few local laws, allegiance to Ravensworth fabled fourth talon must always be visible. This effectively means no agent of the Sanguine Shroud can obfuscate who they are. Thus the robes and beaked mask must always be worn when working on behalf of the Sanguine Shroud. The enforcement of this rule is to grant a measure of protection to their agents from infection, as much as to abide by current laws.

◼ Bookworm| Years spent studying tombs, scrolls and countless books, along with the occasional experiment has left Darth with no time for much physical exercise. She is typically weaker than most individuals she comes across, and her slight frame does nothing to aid in this regard.

◼ The Price of Health| The seemingly miraculous black blood ministration grants one an incredibly robust immune system, but this comes at a terrible cost. Firstly the process effectively causes the user to develop a mild form of aplastic anemia. They will produce little to no blood on their own, and must actively acquire regular infusions of healthy treated blood to remain functioning. To compound things further, one soon becomes addicted to the process of blood infusion. If no injection is maintained at least once a week, the individual will degrade rapidly in health. Growing weaker, and more feral with time. The one upside to this unseemly mutation is that the user of black blood can receive any blood for transfusion, what the college has come to call a 'universal recipient'. If not for this one fact black blood might never have been used as it is now.

Ω N O T E S:
◼ Dr. Cipherous is garbed in the cloak of dark black and cowl that, with her beaked mask, covers her entire head and face. The beaked mask carries some herbs, spices, and is blended to create a special incense. The perfume like substance serves the main purpose as a means of masking the scent of rotting corpses. Though it also serves the dual purpose of preventing any noxious gases, she may use to affect her. She also carries satchels that hold countless, ingredients, herbs, vials, tonics, and one bag houses her alchemist’s supplies.

Examples include a Moor’s Head, four alembics, a retort, the classic Mortar, and Pestle, a stirring rod, and a dozen empty flask. Finally, she carries a tome strapped to her side that houses recipes for countless things- from poisons, anti-venoms, or healing tonics. She also has a journal with her to document anything exciting or valuable she may come across.

Appearance: When not wearing her signature mask, Darth is not too different from most who live in the central homelands. Her complexion is rather pale from lack of sun, and her eyes are exceptionally dark from her black blood ministration. She has raven black hair and a gauntness to her features that hint at her unnatural condition.

Bladed Cane: A common piece of gear for Sanguine Shrouded agents acting as harbingers is a walking cane which is seen as both a badge of office and serves the more practical use to examine and direct patients without the need to make direct contact with the patient. As with nearly all equipment employed by Shroud, the cane serves the dual purpose as an execution weapon for those who have caught the stone blight. In extreme cases, the one might use the hidden blade feature of the cane to defend one's self as it is sufficiently deadly as a rigid bladed cane, that can serve as a bladed whip when its blade is split into over a dozen razor-sharp segments. The top of the cane is fashioned to resemble a raven's head.

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