Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 4 hrs ago

Opinions on the members of Samara Cell according to Gregor Sibassius, 4E208

Brynja: She's a soldier. Dutiful, protective, capable, but I've seldom met a more blunt and unsociable woman. You know, now that I think about it, we've never exchanged more than a few words, if that. But that's not a requirement for a dependable ally and considering her... well, size, and skill with Restoration magic and the blade, I'll be glad to have her by my side in combat. You'll have to ask someone else if you want to know what she's like as a friend, I can't help you there. Sorry.

Megana: Ah, yes, Megana. Sometimes I think the poor girl is way out of her depth with us. I believe she was the one who accidentally freed the prisoners during the infiltration, right? Yes, well, that was unfortunate. But her heart is in the right place and she has a strong sense of justice, naive as it may be. She tried to have words with me over Nblec's death, if you catch my drift, and I think by the end of our conversation she was even less sure of herself than before. I took no pleasure in doing that but it was necessary to set the record straight. Aside from that, I have no qualms with her whatsoever. She's perfectly lovely. I like that she's trying to be there as a friend for Jaraleet. He could use friends. Gods know he's had a difficult life. The support of someone still relatively innocent and noble shall do him good. As for myself, Megana is too young and too inexperienced to really be friends with. When I was a young man, then perhaps, but now I've seen and done so much that separates us that we just have... very little in common. But, like I said, perfectly lovely.

Calen: I said this to Raelynn before but I really think Calen is the best of us. I realize that, having said this, my next few words will make me sound like I'm full of myself, but Calen reminds me of when I was a young man. Beauty, friendship, love, wonder... these were the things that I cherished most. Calen keeps these qualities alive through song and charm and action and I admire him for it. He composed a song for me, did you know that? It was very touching. It saddens me that I cannot be more like the man he thinks I am, and it nags at my conscience that he almost died for nothing. A man like him should not have to be caught up in a war like this. It’s tragic, really.

Raelynn: I think you already know what my feelings for Raelynn are. Words cannot describe how grateful I am that she is a part of my life now. She… understands me in ways that I cannot expect from anybody else. No, I won’t tell you how exactly, those are my secrets to keep. Just know that I love her, all of her, and that I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy. Anyone who interferes with that will surely perish. That’s the oath I’ve sworn to her and it’s one I intend to keep.

Latro: An interesting man. There is much more to him than meets the eye. I think he has had a rough life but his capacity for empathy and tenderness is… admirable. He’s got a sound mind and while he looks like more of a soft-hearted man than Calen, he can be hard and ruthless when the situation calls for it. I like him, I think. Perhaps I shall learn more about him, one day. I won’t pretend to understand what he sees in the Khajiit but I wish them all the happiness in the world.

Rhona: I have not spoken to her, nor do I know what she’s capable of. Truthfully, I have no opinion about this woman.

Nanine: Very perceptive. Too perceptive, I think, for her own good. She’s a soldier as well, like Brynja, but fortunately not quite as brusque. From what I’ve heard about her combat prowess as a battlemage, I shall be glad to have her on our side when things inevitably go to shit. She keeps to herself mostly and that is fine by me.

Alim: Hmph. Yes. Alim. What’s the nice way to say this? He’s a free spirit, if you will. Look, I don’t think he’s a bad man or anything, but he gets on my nerves. I don’t care for his flippant attitude or his flirtatious behavior towards women who are quite clearly spoken for. I wonder if there’s anything of substance behind all that glib charm. So far, I have not been convinced that there is.

Shakti: I don’t know anything about her and I’ve only ever seen her at the party the other day. She looks young, and after she’d been drinking with Daro’Vasora and Mazrah she looked quite drunk. I don’t know what else to say.

Solandil: Who?

Anifaire: Another elf I am not acquainted with, but I have seen the way she looks and walks. Very timid. I’m not sure what she’s doing here with us, truth be told. I think she might be good friends with Alim, or something more, but I don’t know and I don’t care to know.

Mazrah: Gregor laughs. Right, Mazrah. I’ll never forget the way she and Raelynn were giggling on the floor during the party after they ingested too much moonsugar. I think she was quite nice. Said I was a lucky man for being with Raelynn, which is an astute observation. The whole… you know, tribal Orc look, half-naked and tattooed from tip to toe is a little much for civilized society, perhaps, but who am I to judge. I’ve heard that she’s a terrific warrior and I’m inclined to believe it, with a body like that.

Judena: I’m sure she’s very nice, but… I don’t want to talk about it.

Jaraleet: Quite possibly the single most useful member of our group of misfits. I didn’t like throwing him under the wagon for what happened to Nblec. I’m quite fond of Jaraleet, actually. We have a professional, mutual understanding, and I respect his ability to approach things with an objective and pragmatic point of view. I think it would be good for his personal growth to leave Argonia behind and become an independent mercenary or something of that ilk, but that seems unlikely. He has been entirely forged and moulded by his country and his service… until recently, anyway. Either way, long story short, he’s dependable, capable and reasonable. I like him.

Daro’Vasora: We don’t agree on everything, I suppose, and she’s struggling with the burden of responsibility that she shouldered after Rhea Valerius died, but I have no qualms with her. She’s doing what she thinks is best for herself and for us and I can respect that. Her relationship with Latro strikes me as… unusual. I guess it’s true what they say; war brings the strangest people together. I’m not inclined to become close friends with her, however. I think she would react quite poorly to some of my, ah, habits. Just a tad judgemental, you see.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Amaranth
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Amaranth the Kasaanda

Member Seen 2 days ago

Shakti's thoughts on the Party as of 4E208

Brynja: Ah, who? Oh. I think she was part of the party that helped me break out of prison? I haven't been introduced to her yet.

Meg: Meg! She is so sweet! We are from such very different places, but I feel a kinship with her. Like she's a sister from a far away land. I only just met her, like most of them, but Meg is the one I would never forgive myself for if something bad happened to her. She was instantly kind to me and opened up about her homeland, which I get the sense she misses, like I might if I ever leave the sands of Hammerfell.

Calen: Shakti laughs. He seems good-hearted but I'm not sure if I can ever forgive him for taking advantage of my ehh... impaired state and feeding me those tales! He is quite attractive though. Did I just say that out loud?

Raelynn: Who? Breton girl? There are like five Breton girls in the Three Crowns! Oh. I do not think I've met her.

Latro: I haven't been properly introduced to him. He is pretty though. Guys can be pretty right?

Rhona: Who?

Nanine: I like her. She is strong willed. Her sword scares me. (Why is it black and glowing???) When she broke me out of the wagon I saw her disintegrate metal with magic. That also scares me. I still think her clinky-clank armour is worse in a fight than no armour though. (Sorry Nanine!)

Alim: Fellow Redguard? I haven't gotten a chance to speak with him! We have so much to talk about!

Anifaire: High elf? I saw her at the party dancing with the other Redguard. I don't know her though. I hope she's not a Dominion spy. I will have to kill her if she is :)

Mazrah: Maz! So loud! She helped rescue me! She is like a rowdy sibling that you admire for breaking all the rules and encouraging you to do the same thing. She was the first person to come see me after I got back to the hotel and she was so friendly and she even helped me get healed after I got cut on the arm. What's not to love about her? Why doesn't she wear clothes? Do Orcs not wear clothes? I hope she wears clothes in the desert, or else she will get a nasty sunburn.

Judena: Argonian! Ju-den-a. I have not properly met her, but Meg told me about her. She literally broke me out of my chains and I NEED to get around to giving her a gift for that. She was also the first Argonian I've ever seen. Freaky. Is that mean??

Jaraleet: Another Argonian! I don't know him though. I heard he did something bad?

Daro’Vasora: She found my sword! She is very fair and level-headed, and listened to my story and gave it back without even getting angry. Not quite what I expected. I hope she reconsiders her stance on tomb robbing though. I will forgive her for it though because she bought me goat's milk and dates! Most of the others seem to look to her for leadership, or at least guidance. She reminds me of my mother.

Gregor: Imperial? Beard? Black hair? Black clothes? Is he mourning? I do not think we have met.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 9 days ago

Gregor: What do you want me to say? We’re close. We’ve gotten to know each other. We’re intimately close, yes. He is older than me, he’s seen a great many more things than I have and experienced much more. He is brave and beautiful and he protects me, keeps me safe. He is my Knight. He carries a great weight on his shoulders, and has carried it alone for too long. I help him - he is no longer alone now. Am I in love with him? Madly.

Daro’Vasora: I’m not afraid to admit I was wrong about her. I still think she can be conniving, and she is not afraid to get out those claws when it suits her. She is doing well with the burden that was left on her following the passing of Rhea. Whether she will lead everyone is something I cannot see. Nobody knows what will happen from one day to the next right now. I think that she is a strong woman who will do what is within her power to ensure we all make it through this with our lives. Whether we do or not… It remains to be seen.

Judena: People tell me that Judena is forgetful, but not once has she forgotten my name. She has my respect, it’s not often that I can so clearly see a spirit of a person, but with Jude… To me, her spirit is as clear as day. I don’t know much of her life before all of this, or of her goals, I just recognise her value and warmth and the way she is able to make people feel at ease. Need I say anything more?

Brynja: Fancies herself to be quite the Chef. She is loud and brash, but look at her - you would expect nothing else. She’s a giantess of a woman and she knows it. I don’t know her very well, but we shared a moment in the Infirmary. She is just a woman keeping her head above water in trying times by drowning it in a bottle.

Alim: Aside from Gregor, Alim is the member of our group that I trust the most. He saved my life and swept me quite literally off my feet. He is a smooth talker and a flirt, I’ve met charming men like him many times and I know how to work them, I’ll leave it at that. He has been a good friend to me, and has never judged me. I worry for our relationship, he and Gregor have shared terse words. I don’t want to be in the middle of something like that, or even spark the flames, but I need my friend…

Anifaire: Alim says that she is cute, but I disagree. Typical snobbish Altmer with her head up her arse from what I’ve seen. Wouldn’t say boo to a goose, wouldn’t hurt a fly. I can’t recall saying a word to her at any time in my journey - so I could be wrong.

Solandil: Another Altmer - they tend to stay away from the group, don’t they?Perhaps plotting their own schemes. Who knows? I have no time for them. He has a look in his eye that suggests to me he’s seen some shit, pardon my tongue. He seems unpleasant and sour, even if he did wish to talk with me, I’d be put off by him, honestly.

Jaraleet: A strange one. Something about him doesn’t add up - and he may be very professional and skilled in his… Profession but his naïveté and lack of social understanding betrays the maturity he tries to show. He sometimes blusters through conversation like a hurricane leaving no room for grace or tact. In a way it is both endearing and entirely offensive. I like it. He doesn’t mince his words, at least.

Mazrah: She is exactly the type of beastly woman I would hate, but one must admit that having someone with that skill and brash nature is helpful. I look at Mazrah and see her tenacity above all else. I feel that she hides much of her emotion under her sense of humour and lewd behaviour. I feel safe with her around, and dare I say it, I do like her more now than I first did even if I fear I’ve set a precedent for her to get handsy with me.

Latro: I… Didn’t realise how much I needed a companion like Latro until I needed him. His words, his manner. I will never forget what he did for me, I feel like the two of us have a bond that the group will never fully understand because of an encounter we had together. I trust him, wholeheartedly. We are both Breton from entirely different worlds, we are entirely different in our ways and personality and yet there is opportunity there for real friendship. I wonder where he came from because there is a real gentle nature to him but I sense further down there lies the opposite, a raging storm currently quelled. He is a man who will do the right thing, no matter the cost and remain true to his convictions.

Calen: For some reason when I look at Calen I am looking at a younger brother, I have this desire within me to protect him and keep him safe from further harm. He has the purest nature of any of us, and I think to see that disrupted or damaged in any way would be horrible. Having Calen around reminds me that there’s hope for us all.

Rhona: I’ve shared a room with the girl, that’s about it. She is as meek as a mouse and yet apparently she has a violent streak for ex lovers. I also believe she and Calen to be an item, I don’t blame her - he’s effortlessly charming after all. If you’re attracted to men like that.

Shakti: The young Redguard from the party? We just seem to be welcoming in all manner of riff raff now. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I jest, I jest. I have not said a single word to the girl but she seems affable enough to me, from a quick glance I saw a fire in her eyes for something. Or was I just drunk? We will find out in the coming days.

Megana: Commoner. That incessant chatter, the accent, the dropping of her consonants constantly irritates me to the point where I don’t like to have to speak to her. Yes, I am being harsh, I am sure she is nice. Is nice enough in this world? One needs a thick skin, teeth, and claws to survive in this harsh climate. I think she is currently ill-equipped and will learn soon enough of the horrors that lurk in the shadows of night… I did hear she procured and item for my father, I guess this says something of her skill and desire to work. People like her though, I wonder if there is something to be said for being pure of heart. I am envious of her innocence.

Nanine: The battle mage? I know only that she is nosy and persistent and likes to read people as a party trick. Other than that, I don’t know her. Perhaps I should invite her along with Shakti for tea and biscuits and get back to you...

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Daro'Vasora: Not gonna lie, I was kinda wary 'bout her first? She had a way of talkin' tha'... well, I'mma say snarky. But when she an' Latro came back in the ruins, I was so damn happy t'see she was doin' a'ight. An' the same's for when she came for me in Anvil. She's a good person, a leader even though it's a weigh' on her. She's my friend, an' I'mma see whoever tries t'hurt her see's the pointy end of m'sword.

Brynja: She's my sister from Skyrim. I gotta say, she's the firs' person roun' here tha' I truly felt close to. She kinda remin's me of Ma, or what Pa used t'say 'bout Ma. Strong, beau'iful, brave. She can be a wee bit scary but only 'cause she cares. When I don' see her 'round, I miss her even though she's not gone long... I guess that's kinda silly, eh? *chuckles sheepishly*

Latro: My drinkin' buddy! He's such a nice fellow, very pretty too, prettier than any girl. I'mma say I'm happy he foun' his way back t'us... it had been awful thinkin' maybe the dwemer had gotten him in Imperial City... But anyway, 'nough of those thoughts. I'm glad t'see he an' Sora are more'n just friends. They both need someone like that.

Judena: I just love her. She is just so... nice. Kind. Friendly? Just, everythin' ya wan' in a friend. I feel I learned lotsa stuff from her, but besides that... just bein' 'round her makes m'feel like I can be better, do more. She's inspirin', an' even if she's got problems, she doesn' let them bring her down. She even got Durantel t'stop bein' a prick t'her... that's amazin'.

Alim: Now here's another one of our good lookin' boys. More t'him than that though! He's sneaky like me, an' he's got more charm'n most people. He's also almost always gotta smile on his face, 'least whenever I see him. It's kinda endearin'.

Solandil: Honestly dunno much 'bout him? He's a real quiet one, an' strange even among other Altmer I feel. 'Least he doesn' walk round lookin' like he thinks the rest've us're scum.

Anifaire: It's sometimes easy t'forget she's an Altmer. Aye, she looks like one, but she acts so different than Sol or Durantel. She's so... shy! Like a wee li'l girl hidin' behind her ma's skirt. I'mma say one thin' though, she's gotta be brave to be stickin' aroun' still. I hope t'talk some more to her!

Raelynn: Hmm... I dunno what t'think here, t'be honest. She's kinda a mystery t'me? She seems like most've those rich folk who'd rather a peasant not walk too close in case they got dirty, nose in the air lookin' down at others... but then she's still with us, so I'm pro'ly wrong? I dunno... She was nice 'nough t'tell me 'bout the job her father had though, an' now I got a buncha septims.

Jaraleet: He's my friend and I like him. I don' care what the others' think 'bout him. I mean... We've all done stuff we know ain' right... right? I don' think he's a bad person like he says he is. A bad person wouldn' say they're bad. 'Sides, he's always been nice an' friendly t'me, an' he listens t'me when I need t'talk or cry or even jus' wanna have a drink. Uhm... Yeah. *fiddles about with tunic and falls silent*

Calen: A fellow Nord! I dunno him as well as I wanna, but the little I see of him, he's a real nice person. Shame he got hurt in the mission.

Gregor: I... dunno. He scares me. T'be honest, I kinda feel bad 'bout bein' scared of him, ain' like he talked anythin' but nice t'me. An' he's friends (I think?) with Jaraleet. It's... weird. He makes me feel like I'mma child who doesn't know her nose from her ears-no, not feel, I'm sure I would believe it if he told me so. He knows how t'talk, silver tongue an' all. I feel he's dangerous- Jaraleet didn' want me t'talk to him about... somethin', an' now I get why. Still... at least he's in our group. It'd be scarier if it was the other way.

Rhona: Haven' seen much of her, but when I did, she was really pleasan'! She enchanted Ma's armour for me... now I don' havta worry too much 'bout it. I hope she's doin' well... she was with us in our mission in Gilane and did a damn good job distracin' the guards. Real brave, tha' one.

Nanine: We haven't talked much 'side from when we first arrived at Gilane. 'Twas nice though. She's seen much more'n I have, tha's for sure.

Mazrah: I don' know her well 'side what've seen in the party, but even that li'l bit tells me she's a force t'be reckoned with! She's so open an' friendly an' maybe a little too forward? But so kin'. She just met me an' was happy t'give advice. I really wanna know her better, I feel we could be great friends! *grins*

Shakti: Another one I really wanna know better. The little I've seen of her just has me thinkin' she's sweet like a sweet roll. So eager t'listen an' learn of new things. I'm glad she's free. Someone with so much life shouldn' be stuck in a cell.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Character Opinions ft. Daro’Vasora

Brynja: Ah, miss Whitehands. I didn’t always see eye to eye with her, and she’s a typically stubborn Nord, but she’s grown on me and her heart’s in the right place. She’s a bit of a mother bear and has been mostly looking after Rhona since her unfortunate encounter with her prick of an ex, but she could stand to lighten up a bit and stop letting herself be played like a fiddle emotionally. Sure, she can’t really help if one or both of her parents were probably trolls, but she’s an attractive enough woman, by man or mer standards. She just needs to get laid.

Megana: Behind a simple and unrefined tongue lays one of the most empathic and pure souls I’ve had the surprise and pleasure of coming across. Meg is kind and full of compassion, something that would normally make someone like her vulnerable to this world we live in, but she possesses grit and is willing to do hard things to survive or protect others. She’s one of the few people who are both able to put others before herself while being able to be unflinching in her resolve to set things right in her eye. It causes friction, but look who’s talking. I’m surprised anyone’s still left after my earlier conduct.

Calen: You know, he’s not as shifty as I’d first thought. Initially, Calen struck me as a snake charmer of a Nord who disarms people with his musical talents, large personality, and charming voice, and I’d had him pegged as a swindler. Turns out the only thing he’s swindling is Rhona’s heart, the way she looks at him. He’s been surprisingly dependable and has a set of morals and values he is loathed to compromise on. I hope this war doesn’t take that away from him, he’s good for morale and if he crumbles, I think it would be like seeing a historical landmark become destroyed; the sense of how things were would be gone forever and something truly valuable would be lost.

Gregor: There’s two sides to this man. The first is the somewhat soft-spoken and considerate family man who just happens to be incredibly unfaithful to his wife by fucking Raelynn like a man half of his age but still maintains this air of trustworthiness and courage that’s reassuring. And then there’s the other, a mask slips and there’s this dark maelstrom that emerges from the pits of his eyes and takes control of his body; he becomes more rigid, jerky, and he speaks like a man truly possessed by the same impulses that serial killers seem to employ to justify abhorrent behaviour. That on its own isn’t enough for me to feel he’s dangerous to any of us, but I worry that the day may come that he’s going to snap and that mask is going to evaporate in an icy fury that threatens to consume the rest of us. He assures me he is entirely focused on the Dwemer, our mutual enemy, and the rest of us aren’t in harm’s way. But what happens if any of us cross these invisible lines he’s laid out? He’s a man of absolutes who does not see the Dwemer as people, just a pestilence he feels he is the cure for. It’s haunting to think about, and I try to think of him like how he usually presents himself; that’s the part I could see myself befriending and trusting. However, it’s but a ship floating precariously on a sea, and there’s a storm on the horizon. I fear for Raelynn’s safety, but I warned her. I just hope she can curve those impulses he has.

Raelynn Hawkford: She’s tightly wound, pretentious, and a tad arrogant thanks to her dear father and an opulent upbringing, and once I thought that’s all there was to her. After her… incident, I’ve seen a side to her that’s soft and vulnerable and caring. Even before all of that, she found a romance with Gregor that seemed to really let her hair down, so to speak. Maybe they’re good for one another? Mara, I hope so. But lately, I think we’ve actually come to appreciate one another and she’s something I actually consider a friend now; we have quite a bit in common, and she chose to trust in me when she was at her lowest point. I hope that still means something in the days ahead, because truthfully, true friends are hard to come by and it’s not a word I use lightly. She’s lost so much of herself the last while, I need to try to help her hold onto what’s left. It’s the least I can do.

Latro de Couteau: Had you told me a couple months ago that I’d have fallen for the androgynous pretty boy with long silky hair and a soft voice that happened to be a fetching musician, I’d probably have assumed you meant a quick fling, but he turned out to be so much more. We’ve survived so much, and come to depend on one another to the point where it became clear that both of our lives would have been emptier without one another. When I thought he died in Imperial City, my heart broke, and I’d never experience such joy as when he came back into my life. I was an idiot and almost lost him again in Anvil because of my own insecurities and jaded, stupid ass, but this is new for both of us. I’d only loved once before, and that burned me. This burns in another way, a hearthfire if you will. I know who he really is, and I don’t care he tried to hide that from me; his heart is pure and he feared what I’d do. I understand that, and he decided to level with me a secret no one else knows. Besides, the Reachman bard’s good with his hands. It’s always the quite ones who have the most skill and dexterity. giggles Look, he’s better than someone like me deserves, and I think he feels the same way. We’re both slightly bent and damaged goods that make a nice matching set. Scars tell a story, do they not?

Rhona Amoretto: A pretty and polite girl who got picked up by Rhea because she liked to collect sad and broken things and see the good in people, I barely had a chance to talk to the girl. She’s not a fighter and doesn’t really do anything practical for the rest of us, and we haven’t eaten her goat yet, so I suppose she’s accepted as a part of the gang. I feel like she’s kind of a liability and way over her head, but then again I’m an anti-social treasure hunter with trust issues pretending I’m Ysgramor leading his companions against a dominant group of elves who’s really good at picking locks and sneaking about so I don’t have to get in a fight. She’s barely talked since she basically beat her deadbeat husband to death with a cudgel, and Brynja’s been mothering her. It wouldn’t surprise me if she finds somewhere safe to lay low, this isn’t her fight. She probably sticks around because Calen’s her knight in shining armour, or similar metaphor you find in some pulp romance novel under some teenage girl’s bed. I know I had a few.

Nanine Tilhart: Here’s an enigma. So some affluent-looking, based on her armour, Breton woman who carries herself like she’s grown up being fed from a silver spoon her whole life shows up in the refugee camp and joins up with the Colovian Rangers, right? She sits down, and immediately tries to analyze people like she’s a head doctor and gives her prognosis of what’s wrong with a few of the party without being really prompted and then she lays low for the next few weeks, emerging for a few quiet chats. She’s just kind of there, like a wall fixture that you get used to seeing but wouldn’t notice it right away if it disappeared, but as soon as you have use of it would be strange. She’s a talented mage, perhaps a bit smug, but I couldn’t tell you anything else about her. I can’t even remember what her voice sounds like she talks so little.

Alim: Speaking truthfully, I subconsciously pat down my pockets and belts every time he brushes by me. Man’s a thief, which I respect, and he’s done absolutely nothing to slight the rest of us, but he carries himself in such a way where it feels like’s he’s casing us and plans to make off with a big haul of our valuables. It’s irrational, and as odd as it does sound, I do trust him, he just reminds me way too much of Roux. I gave Roux my heart and my unquestioning trust and he fucks me out of the biggest discovery in my life that paved his way to fame and fortune and ended up with me having a burnt down apartment and barely a Septim to my name. Anyways, he’s a brutal flirt, sometimes to the point where I cringe and die inside but the rest of the ladies in our company seem to dig it, except for Mazrah for being the most aggressive lesbian I’ve met and Judena being a very… ah, distinguished Argonian who is the most low key lesbian I’ve met. I don’t think he’s made a pass at me, but that’s not surprising. He probably has feline allergies, the wuss. That aside, he’s been very dedicated and kind to everyone and he’s dedicated to us all, and he adds an air of normality and comfort to the group. I’m glad he’s around, I like him.

Tariyeh "Shakti" Nasaaj: How can anyone not find her enthusiasm infectious? Shakti is a charming girl with a huge heart and a spirit I hope never gets crushed. She reminds me a lot of when I was her age, just starting to take on the world and make my own way outside of Leyawiin. She’s naïve and has no idea what life’s like outside of her family enclave, but she’s learning fast and she went through great lengths to get her family sword back. She was generous to me, and it turns out a bit of compromise went a long way. I had to lie about what happened in the Jerall Mountains, I just don’t want her to hate us… me for our part in fucking up her life. I really don’t want to have to justify Rhea’s fuck up and the fact I didn’t punch Rhea in the face and let us all die. Life’s funny like that.

Solandil: Remember how I was talking about pulp romances? Solandil is basically the stoic and tough love interest for our female avatar in those stories, only in the books he eventually warms up and gently makes love to the main character for thirteen pages by a moonlit river. Solandil so far has not done that, and I think he never will. Brynja kind of likes him, I think. I think it’s because he looks like a silver medal to the gold medal of the rest of the Altmer, so maybe he feels like he’s second best, so the defective-feeling Altmer and the defective-feeling Nord are probably going to make defective babies if they get together. That was cruel, wasn’t it? Look, I never claimed to be a paragon. I’ll get the little runts little ancient Nord and Aleyid helmets to hide their pale and homely faces like a good aunt…

Brynja’s standing behind me, isn’t she?

Anifaire: When I describe to you an aristocratic Altmer who was born and raised completely in Alinor, you probably think of the Thalmor, right? Authoritarian bigots who basically treat my people and the Bosmer like sword fodder and think that the races of Men are a blight? Anifaire apparently skipped all of those lessons, because she’s a meek, quiet girl who can’t seem to loosen up and seems overwhelmed by the idea of her forks and spoons being mixed up for dinner, and probably wouldn’t fucking eat if there weren’t any. She’s overwhelmed by the real world, and the fact that she wants Alim to sneak into her pants to lockpick her chastity belt and make another 13 pages of love by a moonlit river…

If you tell anyone I read that trash, I will break your legs when you sleep.

Mazrah “Maz” gra-Durash: Ohhh boy, so here I am in Hammerfell for the first time in years and avoiding curfew and I stumble across a mostly naked and physically robust Orsimer named Mazrah who is brutalizing a creep. I break his fingers, we bond, and I decide hey, let’s bring her home to show the family. Turns out being a great choice on my behalf because besides annoying the piss out of Raelynn, Maz legitimately enjoys our company and is devoted to our cause and she’s flattered me to the point where I’m starting to wonder if I like women or not. I never really thought about it, but had I not been with Latro, I maaaay have taken Maz up on her offer to see what the fuss was about. Did you know Khajiiti fur feels great on bare skin? So I’ve been told, I’m somewhat of a deviant and I’ve barely had Khajiit partners. Apparently my type is vaguely feminine Reachmen. Anyways, Mazrah’s an impressive warrior and she is blunt and to the point where she’s certainly not plotting anything devious in the shadows. She strikes me as the kind of person who would be offended by the idea of stabbing anyone in the back because then she can’t see the look in their face when she murders them. I missed such simplicity in my life.

Judena: My oldest and most endearing friend, I’ve known Judena for years, ever since I first got started treasure hunting and doing historical research for a living. She’s a kind hearted old woman, even by Argonian standards, and she’s lost so much in her life, her homeland, her wife, and of course a lot of her mind. She gets up every single day, reads her journals and carries on with a smile on her face and the warmest disposition of anyone I’ve ever met; she struggles each and every single day and asks nothing in return because she wants other people to feel good about themselves. It bothers me when people are not patient with her for things she cannot help, and I’m glad she trusts me. Once you learn how to work around her limitation, she’s the most pleasant of company and she has decades of experience and knowledge that anyone would be a fool not to appreciate. I don’t tell her how much she means to me enough, and I fear that I’m running out of time to do so. She means as much to me as Zegol did, and I don’t think she knows that.

Jaraleet: I respect Jaraleet for what he can do as a fighter, and he’s a sneaky shit who operates from the shadows. I feel like he might have been born under the sign of the Shadow, but I have no way to prove that and I don’t know enough about Argonian internal politics to know if the Shadowscale practice is still in effect. He claims he was a simple soldier, but simple soldiers aren’t proficient torturers who are socially stunted oddballs who handle relationships with the same amount of tact as a Skeever going through your trash bin. He seems to think his way of doing things is unquestionable, and while he fumbles when this perspective is challenged by someone with a bit more mental agility than he’s accustomed to, he entrenches and refuses to budge. He strikes me as someone who doesn’t believe in the divines and if Alkosh himself came and scorched half of the world in divine fire, he would still refuse to accept the obvious explanation. Meg fancies him and good for her. I just don’t know if she’s going to find what she’s hoping for there, but he seems to be thawing a bit with her around. I’ve been wrong about people before, and despite everything, I do trust him… just maybe not to make the most sound judgements on his own.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Leidenschaft
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Leidenschaft Relax, only half-dead

Member Seen 17 days ago


Alright, duderinos.

Due to the extended periods of time between now and the last posts you were in, collabs or solo, we are hereby setting a deadline for you. If activity from the both of you both OOC and IC do not pick up by Dec. 16th, you will be removed from the RP. We have an obligation to the players of this RP to keep this going, and we can’t add the responsibility of puppeting the characters of inactive players to the list of responsibilities we already have.


Executive Thot
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Additionally, participation will have to be maintained going forward; any noticeable long term absence or inactivity will be considered grounds for removal. Life happens, but we also need to make sure that everyone in the game is putting in a similar amount of effort. If things are simply too busy, then it would probably be best if this game wasn't distracting from it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"Executive thot."

Also, trying to get caught up in this is great. There's so much good stuff to read. Especially Sora and Latro.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Lemons Tell me yer thots friend.

Merry Christmas, btw!
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Mungry Crempsus!

Current thots: I wish I hadn't had to drop this, the plot is so thick you have to stick it in a forge to shape it. Wonder if I could jump back in at some point.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago


Mungry Crempsus!

Current thots: I wish I hadn't had to drop this, the plot is so thick you have to stick it in a forge to shape it. Wonder if I could jump back in at some point.

Always an option, if you have time! I'd be happy to have you back in!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hmm, to Gaius or not to Gaius. I feel like Skingrad would've given him rich development, but I do so love making new CSes...

And a belated question: could someone hit me up on that Discord?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DearTrickster
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cause I've made a few playlists so far for our deer characters, gonna post 'em here. You guys should post up your links as well! Ship playlists too~ <3

Ruby Red Memory - Judena Callisar Spotify

The Truth is Easy to See - Maj Noor Spotify

Loose Ends - Latro de Couteau Spotify

No Filter - Daro'Vasora Spotify
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Spoopy Scary
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Spoopy Scary ☠️🌸soft grunge🌸☠️

Member Seen 4 mos ago

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 9 days ago

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hey gang! While we're waiting for our big honking collab to finish up, I figured it would be fun to have an optional writing prompt.

So here's the idea; writing as if your character is recording in a journal or in an interview, have them recount their personal journey over the course of the RP as if they're looking back, sharing their thoughts and opinions on events, people, and places and how it's all affected and changed them over time. I thought it would be interesting for people to consider how much has happened to their characters so far and this stemmed from a chat over how a character sheet is more like a snapshot of who a character is at the start of an RP vs. How they develop and change to experiences they have.

It can be any length, it's just for fun!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by spicykvnt
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spicykvnt Sponsored by Yorkshire Gold

Member Seen 9 days ago

Imperial City ransacked and made ruins,
I fled in new boots with my familiar in tow,
And then an unfamiliar face came to my side,
Became a friend over time,
A river was crossed in a boat filled with holes,
I felt my robes tear and unravel,
Thread by thread over time - slow.

To a camp with a fire,
Matron by my side,
I cried that night.

A hike to a camp with a young princess,
She was me,
Eyes blue and hair was fair and I carried her in my arms,
To her safety and I should have stayed with her,

Soldiers weeping for their mothers,
Wounds seeping blood onto wet ground,
The smell of iron and piss and war,
But something else loomed over,
Leather and steel.

Another fire I abandoned,
Silent screams in the night,
Who am I becoming?
The threads continue to pull free.

A golden coast,
The smell of salt and sand,
Alto wine in hand,
I chased the darkness,
Eyes of obsidian I wanted for myself,
My robe was torn from my back.

To the temple to pray,
I rejoice at the sight,
Of a man stooped low,
Denied a blessing,
I bless him instead.

More chaos and madness and I'm thrown to the ocean,
Everything left behind,
The abyss might swallow me,
But there are eyes of coal fixed on me,
I am burning for them.

A reunion and a dinner which I shall never forget,
Finding myself in the embrace of a shadow,
He unravels for me too,
I take the threads and find a place for them,
We become entwined.

The Dwemer dies in our care,
Blood must be given back,
First the Nord,
And then me,
Flesh to steel to wood,
I never leave that room.

My Knight,
He loves me.

A celebration,
But there is nothing to celebrate,
My love tells me things,
Threads unravel again,
Memories of his I wish I could cast into the fire,
A woman like me.

Once again I am taken,
This time I'm not alone,
I fight back,
It's okay if it's not me.

Who am I now?
What is left of me?

Insecurity and fear tug at me once more,
There is little left to give,
A battle between demons,
A dance with death,
I made a mistake,
I pay with everything.

There is nothing left of her,
Something else takes her place,
A maelstrom at Dawn,
His lover,
We fix ourselves,
Tie our limbs in knots through the night.

For my love,
Everything must be done,
I bottle vigour and bravery,
We storm the palace,
I his shadow,
He is not alone.

Threads are gone,
All that remains is me,
Hard as steel,
Fierce as a dragon.

I am not alone.

Raelynn reads her poem back to herself and rolls her eyes, immediately tearing the page free from the journal. She abruptly scrunches it and tosses it into the flames; "fucking stupid."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

Moderator Seen 4 hrs ago

An unsent letter to Razlinc Rourken.


First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the spectacular defense you put up in my attempt on your life. Never before have I seen a sorcereress of such skill and power and I don't think I ever will again. I will readily admit that I severely underestimated you. Thinking back on it, I should have known: the Dwemer hail from a time in which kings and warlords were the most powerful warriors that walked Tamriel. Dumac, Nerevar, Ysgramor... the list goes on and on. In today's political climate, after many centuries of Pax Imperialis provided by the Empire, rulers have become bureaucrats and delegated the role of general and champion to their subjects. You mentioned that you had trained in various styles of weaponry during your exile when we visited the palace and had our audience with you. I took this to mean something ceremonial, a hobby of yours, and certainly did not expect your destructive power to rival that of the Dragonborn. You were wise to prepare yourself this way. Tamriel will never accept your presence -- you will have to fight to carve out a space for your people. Forever.

That said, it is a shame that your people are not as well-prepared as their matriarch was for their arrival in my realm. All it took to come face-to-face with you was taking advantage of a coordinated attack by the resistance on the palace and following in their shadow. None of the guards I encountered were capable of stopping me. You saw what happened to them. Now you know what is necessary to keep your people safe: you are. And you cannot do this from the confines of your palace. You cannot be everywhere at once. Hell, you could not even keep your lover safe. That's what he was, wasn't he? The clean-shaven officer? I saw it in your eyes when you destroyed him.

You defeated me in single combat. Yet, when I consider the balance of the scales, it seems that I have come out on top. The Khajiit you sent after my lover did not succeed in his task. I made a promise to Raelynn that I would have my revenge for the crimes committed against her. First I sought out Zaveed, your instrument, and broke him. But that was not enough. You gave the orders and you were still unscathed. Zaveed means nothing to you. In order to complete my promise, I had to go after you. The ideal outcome was that I would have taken your soul and sent it beyond, to the maw-beyond-the-stars, the ever-hungry pit of the Soul Cairn. Instead, I stumbled upon the bloody and battered form of your lover, nearer to death than to life. I saw that he was important and that his spirit was strong. The hatred in his eyes was potent. I can still feel it when I hold his soul in the palm of my hand. He will serve me well in my quest.

What quest, you might ask? All you saw was a ghoul and a charlatan. This is because you know nothing about me. My family suffers from a degenerative disease that destroys our brains when we reach middle age, taking our memories before killing us slowly and painfully. For us humans, this is as soon as between our fiftieth and sixtieth year of life. A pitifully short time. You, as an elf, must understand. To avoid such a fate for myself, my brother and my sister, I seek the immortality of undeath and for that I need souls.

The realm your people built for themselves in Oblivion is crumbling. You told me as much. That is why you have come to Tamriel with fire and fury. You fear for your own extinction. Through despicable methods, you seek to avoid the inevitable. Tell me then, Governor, how we are different? I cannot see it. You trade the lives of your people for power and security for the survivors. I, too, trade the lives of your people for my own survival. That I raise the corpses of your slain subjects to achieve my goals is of little consequence. The Dwemer create machines fueled by the souls of my people and utilize them for the war effort. Once again, I see no difference between us.

My lover still lives. Yours is dead and you will never see him again. No afterlife can ever reuinte the two of you. You can scour the realms forever but no matter where you look -- no heavens, no hells -- will you find him.

Fear not. I have the power to bring you together. Supplicate yourself at my feet and I will gladly send your soul to spend an eternity together in the Cairn. Remember that I am out there, getting stronger with every soul I gather. I will become immortal soon enough. No matter how long you live, how long you wait, I will always be there. You will spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder. Every shadow could be me.

Is it not easier to just give up now?

Yours faithfully,
Gregor Sibassius
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

From the mind of Meg

14th Rain's Hand- Well, here I am. Just 'bout t'head off into dwemer ruins for the first time. It's kinda scary? A li'l. I wonder if J'raij ever wen' down in one of 'em? I hope the rest've the people here know how t'get shit done... Talos, don' let me die please.

17th Rain's Hand- I'm alive... but lotsa people died. It... doesn' feel good. I wanna cry but I'm too tired. I just wana get paid an' go home. Wherever that is...

23rd Rain's Hand- Finally we're in Imperial City! It's... so much bigger than I thought. Whiterun looks nothin' like this place. Thank Talos Judena was 'round t'show me an' Latro 'round the place. There's so much t'see here. Why'd Pa leave? Oh right, soldierin' ain' his thing... Maybe I'mma stay here a li'l longer 'fore headin' back to Skyrim.

26th Rain's Hand- I... dunno how I'm still alive. They just- outta nowhere, they're here. Dwemer. HOW?! They're s'posed t'be dead, gone, somewhere NOT here. So many bodies, so much blood. How... how're we gonna get outta here?

Are they goin' t'Skyrim? Will Pa an' Sylven be alright?

4th Second Seed- Tired... but at least I helped out! Everyone's doin' somethin, couldn' just be a useless lump. Went out with Judena, an' Durantel. They sent me away an' I was sure he was gonna... He didn' though. Maybe I'm just thinkin' too dark now. 'Least I got some food. Wish this damn cut would stop hurtin' so much.

15th Second Seed- We havta leave again. I dunno much what happened, but the Dominion's here an'... well. I dunno. Maybe it's better t'move, like Rhea's sayin'? Brynja's agreein' with it. Sora seems pissed though. Heard someone close t'her died in the city... maybe 'cause of that?

At least the new people are comin' with us it seems. T'was nice meetin' 'em. One was friendly, shared his drink.

21st Second Seed- I kinda wanna cry right now? Sora's just... left. It doesn' make sense I'd feel bad, right? Just thought the group would stay together. But tha's stupid. Why would it? Maybe it's time I figure out what I'mma do... after some drinks.

24th Second Seed- Rhea's... dead. By the Dominion. I can' think anymore, it hurts too much inside.

30th Second Seed- Tired... sick... urgh. 'least I'm not on a bloody ship anymore. It's so hot here, feels like Oblivion. And what in Talos' name is with all the dwemer. I hate them. I hate the Altmer. I feel like I hate everyone... no, no, tha's just stupid. Can' be like shitty folk who think all khajiit are thieves... ugh. I need a drink.

31st Second Seed- Talos, I feel alive tonight, finally doin' sommat I'm good at. Raidin' the garrison reminds me of headin' down in the crypts, 'cept I don' havta worry 'bout livin' people. Hrmm... hope I didn' let anyone too terrible out.

1st Midyear- I heard somethin' maybe I shouldn've... I dunno what t'think. Did he really...?

I talked t'Sora... couldn' not since she caught me listenin'. T'was nice... we never really had a talk like that. I always saw her as someone strong, smart... maybe a li'l aloof. Bu' really, she's just like us. Ain' fair for her, havin' t'hold all've our lives on her shoulders. T'was nice though... I know she can do it. Now I gotta do what I gotta.

... her and Latro. Heehee.

2nd Midyear- I talked t'him. It was kinda... hard? I got pissed. There somethin' differen' 'bout him an' I just... don' know what. But I don' wan' t'lose my friend. I like him. Bah. Mara, I didn' know you played jokes.

3rd Midyear- Met a boy in town, li'l skeever tried t'rob me, should've know better. Poor thin'... brought him back t'the hotel for food, told 'im no more stealin' else I'mma kick his ass. He's gonna be my own li'l guide.

Got m'hair cut too. Shorter than ever... I like it.

4th/5th Midyear- There was a party. It was nice 'til it wasn'. Drank too much an'... I shouldn've asked him. I feel small, smaller than an ant. I jus'... wanna hide.

'Least I did talk to Jaraleet. Shudda listened t'him 'fore. 'Least he didn' get angry. Hugged him... t'was nice when he hugged back.

7th Midyear- Sora's gone. She's been bloody gone for a while an' no one noticed. NO ONE! I shudda noticed. I'mma fuckin' awful friend. I'mma find her. Even if I gotta do it myself.

Jaraleet's gonna come too. Glad for help... he's better'an me at this stuff.

He's hurt. He's hurt 'cause of me. I'm awful. I'm the worst. I hate m'self. Mara help me.

Dunno who this... Sevari is. I think he hates me... it's okay, I hate me too. Still, he's helpin' Jaraleet, an' that's all that matters.

Latro is gone too. Why... why didn' I know this? I really am a shitty friend.

We went t'another place, where Gregor an' Raelynn are stayin'. They... they were nice. Both of 'em. Funny how that happened. I said sorry t'Gregor. I still think... well, it doesn' matter. He was nice t'me. I feel kinda better.

8th Midyear- Do not fuck with my friends. Gottit, world? Else I'mma pummel you somethin' fierce.

12th Midyear- Finally got t'tell them. I hate I couldn' b'fore... but I couldn' leave Zahir alone.

Judena is pissed. Never though' I'd see that. Still... good. We should be pissed. All of us.

Latro... How?!? Doesn' matter. 'Least he's back now... but then, tha' means Sora's alone. Ugh. All this chitter chatter an' she's by herself... 'least we're gonna do somethin' though... I need a drink.

Jaraleet foun' me. He's actin'... strange. But I like it... he's more 'an people see him as. Wish he'd see that too. This feelin' in me, it's like it was with J'raij. Lost once, I ain' gonna lose again.

13th Midyear- Latro came t'visit. It was a surprise but it was nice. It felt like... ol' times, 'fore the world went t'shit.

14th Midyear- We're gonna do it. We're gonna get Sora outta there. No matter what. Oblivion take us if we don'.
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