Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Summer, oblivious to the darkness that weighed heavy about her, charged into the forest, hands angrily brushing at branches that blocked her path. She ignored the feeling of the foliage as it swiped against her legs, leaving small scratches dotted about the skin of her calves. Nothing mattered apart from putting as much distance as possible between herself and the camp. If she saw Dakotas stupid little face again...well, she didn't know what she'd do.

Eventually though, the cold, that was creeping in to rest uncomfortably against her exposed skin, caused her to stop in her tracks, arms coming up to wrap around her chest as she realised how inappropriately she was dressed for her current predicament. Her summer dress had been a pretty choice for the garden party but for a traipse in a forest containing who knows what, it was possibly the worst thing she could be wearing.

“Shit...fuck...I hate this bullshit!” Summer raged as she kicked at a tree trunk in frustration, biting her lip at the pain that shot through her foot. As agitation ran through her body like wildfire, she brushed icy-cold fingers through her hair, trying to release a few of the knots that had tangled there. If her mother could see her in this state...well, she’d probably disown her. If her father could see her like this...well, he’d probably just laugh and tell her to stop being a dumbass. Just the mere thought of her father was enough to improve her mood, or at least to calm her enough that she could think sort of rationally. Smiling lightly at the memory of him, her attention was suddenly brought back to the present by the voice of another shouting out from amidst the darkness.

"I have a bracelet...I have your bracelet.”

Summer paused, her whole body still as she listened to his words. It took her a few moments but eventually she was able to recognise the voice as Jean-Lucs. A small bloom of gratefulness began to gather in her chest. Was he actually being kind to her? It was more than anyone else had done. Or it had been...until he mentioned pity. Who did he think he was? The last thing she wanted was anyone feeling sorry for her. To be hated, despised, envied. All of that would be preferable to pity. “You can take your pity and shove it up your ass!” The teen yelled back as a new wave of frustration overcame her, voice penetrating like a knife through the heavy silence.

After a moment of standing there, Summer, despite her words, began to look for her bracelet. She expected it to be on the ground and had been wholly unprepared for it to suddenly land in front of her, as if god himself had tossed it from the heavens. Crouching down to retrieve it, she looked up just in time to see an owl flying past, wings gliding silently through the cool air. “Weird...” She commented as she squinted her eyes to look at the delicate piece of jewellery. She couldn’t see very well in the near pitch-black but it didn’t look too damaged...or at least not so bad that she wouldn’t be able to fix. Clutching it to her chest, Summer released a breath she hadn’t realised she’d been holding. She had it back and she was never letting go of it again.

Still standing there clutching the bracelet, Summer had to bite back a scream as three figures suddenly appeared from amidst the trees, at first being unable to recognise their dimly lit forms. She’d been so caught up in her own thoughts that she hadn’t taken notice of their approaching footsteps. Her eyes glanced over them impassively as they spoke, offering what anyone else would take as words of comfort. Charlie she could understand being there, maybe. But Jeremy she’d only just met and Kate...well, they’d never exactly seen eye-to-eye. It seemed strange to her that they would seek her out, just so they could make sure she was okay. Afterall, that’s not something she would’ve done.

“Fuck off...” Summer muttered halfheartedly, arms moving to fold against her chest. “I don’t need your help, or your pity.” Deep brown eyes rolled at the last word, a small bitter laugh escaping from her throat. “I’m perfectly fine on my own, thank you very much. Now if you don't mind...I’m off to find a tree to sleep in.”

Internally Summer cringed at the idea of having to sleep in a tree. Not only would it be incredibly uncomfortable but it was also likely to ruin her clothes even further. It was still better than returning to the camp though, so she promptly turned on her heel, striding off in the opposite direction to the trio. She didn’t get far though, before she had walked into a very large and very annoying rock. Letting out a yelp of pain, she crouched down to clutch her foot, which was now aching for the second time that night. “Damn it...” Summer muttered as she moved to sit herself down on the offending rock, no longer caring that she was getting both herself and her clothes extremely dirty. "Stupid wilderness..."

@Hitman @Rabidporcupine @sassy1085 @KaijuBaragon
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 7 days ago

Charlie hoped that his arrival would soothe the situation over and perhaps even break up the fight totally - but it didn't exactly go like that at all. Despite a silent "thank you" from Maggie (who he quickly smiled back to) and a thumbs up from Calypso, he seemed to be mostly ignored just like Jeremy was. The screaming and the yelling continued, more people were coming over and joining the fray or trying to stop it just like he was, it was a total mess of a situation. And then the yelling did soothe, but that didn't make the situation better. Charlie watched on as Summer strolled up to Dakota and blinded her. Even for Summer, that seemed like a massively extreme action, and Charlie regretted that this situation didn't solve itself with politeness and good manners.

Charlie crossed his arms and continued internally rueing about the situation when he heard a fairly unfamiliar voice call his surname from a short distance away. He looked over to see Jeremy, the new boy from earlier, suggesting that he go after him to try and find Summer and calm her down. "I don't know if that's the best solution. Summer is fickle, she might just require some alone... time..." He trailed off as Jeremy had already gone into the woods. Charlie elected that it was not responsible to have the new boy go after Summer on his own - he might come out of the woods in 5 minutes being hit with a horrible curse from the angry girl - and so took a quick glance over the rest of the campsite before hastily following Jeremy inside.

The pair took around 10 minutes to eventually find the moping Summer, Charlie following closely behind Jeremy for the entire dark journey. When they reached her, Charlie crossed his arms and leaned against a tree as Jeremy began an attempt to talk Summer down from her sulking state. Charlie didn't exactly expect it to work that well... And then suddenly Cassandra appeared out of what seemed like thin air right next to Summer. He frowned as, in Charlie's eyes, Cassandra just said something that would make it worse. "Cassandra! You shouldn't be encouraging things like that, that was an awful fight!" He scolded, before Summer reacted negatively to their presence and stormed off in the other direction.

Charlie sighed. "You two remain here." Charlie then went walking in the general direction of where Summer had gone. For the first few minutes he could hear her footsteps, but then they faded out, and Charlie was left unsure of where to go. He picked the direction he thought was right, before casting a spell to spawn a ball of light that would float around his head and illuminate his surroundings. Unfortunately, he did it too late, as he immediately walked straight into a massive spider web. "Bloody... Damn!" He exclaimed as he felt the large inhabitant of the web moving on the back of his neck, slapping the back of his neck and walking quickly before he went sprawling into the leaf litter, the light continuing to float above his head.

He looked, seeing a large rock in front of him, thanking his luck he didn't hit his head on it, then sitting up and noticing there was a certain readhead sitting on that rock. "Summer!" He quickly stood up and brushed himself off. "I know things got rather out of hand back at the campsite, but you can't sit out here and sulk, it's not safe! Please, follow me back." He paused. Maybe he was going about this the wrong way. "That bracelet is nice... Why is it so important to you?"

@Melissa @Rabidporcupine @blackdragon @Danvers
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 6 days ago

Meanwhile, back at the original campsite, Arken must have dozed off. He blinked back to consciousness, looked around his surroundings. He noticed the s'more Hana had made for him. Just before he had fallen asleep, he had apparently set the sweet treat down on a semi-elevated surface that he had created through his magic. Glancing at the sweet treat, he picked it up, taking a rather large bite out of it. Sweet, slightly charred taste of sugar immediately rushed over his taste buds. The treat had cooled considerably from its pinnacle form when it was freshly made. But that did not deter Arken from thoroughly enjoying it.

Standing up from his makeshift sleeping pit, he glanced around and noticed that most people have gone off somewhere. Catching a slight case of FOMO, Arken finished off the dessert, and dusted any crumbs from his shirt before wandering off into the woods, in the hopes of running into one of his new coven-mates.

Or at least coming back with a cool story of seeing some sort of shadow beast in the deep, dark, forest.

Off in the distance, he could see small glints of light, and hear very very faint conversations. The sight of humanity was reassuring. His primary magic was rather useless in the pitch black woods. His runic writing isn't good enough for him to rely on. He more likely would misspell something and create an explosive tag rather than an illumination tag. So, there he was, blindly traversing the woods, heading towards what sounds like Charlie and Summer.
"Charles, Abernathy? Is that you?" Arken called out blindly. He wasn't too worried for his safety. After all, they're still in an area that is well-controlled by the senior members of the coven. The most that would happen to him, or the rest of his new friends for that matter, is a telling off and maybe a slap on the wrist for wandering into the wood so late at night. Nothing sinister, of course...

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alayna gives her new companion a look of amusement but chooses not to argue with her. The other's words may be a little cheesy, but they do hold some truth to them. She's never been alone in the woods this late at night, so who knows what she might come across. Instead, she motions Hana forward with her head and turns to lead the way, looking back once or twice to make sure that she is following.

The trees are quiet tonight, not a whisper of movement anywhere in sight. Even the crickets seem to have fallen asleep, their chirps no longer audible as they were at the campsite. Alayna's breath is a cold mist on the air as she walks, and she keeps her head ducked low as if in contemplation. In reality, however, the girl is too busy trying not to make eye contact with the person beside her.

"So...what do you think of all of this so far?" the young witch asks, breaking the quiet of the night finally, "Did you also have a weird experience during the ceremony?" Alayna herself did not, but she cannot recall spotting Hana in all the havoc.

Speaks to: Hana @Akayaofthemoon
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

Hana’s grin widened, ecstatic that the other girl had not rejected her offer and was allowing her to join. She skipped forward a bit, her fingers linking behind her as she did so, only her pace slowing back down to a casual stroll once she was at Alayna’s side. They didn’t speak, just enjoying the nature around them even if there was a current lack of activity within it. There was no rustling of trees, scurrying of animals, or even the sounds that came naturally with the veil of night strewn across the sky. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence for her though, just a peaceful stroll to relish in and a much better situation than the one at camp. The night always being one of her favorite times of day plus who could resist the smell of the wild that lay in the forest. It was getting rather chilly though and she found herself rubbing her arms a bit.

She was pleasantly surprised when Alayna struck up a conversation, seeing as how she had seemed to be avoiding her a bit. Heck, they had never really talked much so maybe the other girl was somewhat shy like her. She smiled gently, thinking about how the day was so far and answered, ”Truthfully, not at all like I had expected it to be. Even though it was different than I had imagined...all and all, it has been a good day….well, minus the boiling tension and anger at camp. I could have done without that. I had hoped we could all get along or at least try to play nice.” It was what it was though and they couldn’t be expected to change over night. Hana has really been looking forward to just camping and doing normal activities though. ”The ritual was a strange feeling but it didn’t cause too much trouble.”, she added, while thinking to herself that the location had been a much more pressing problem for her.

She looked over to her companion, tilting her head slightly as she asked,”What about you? Did you have trouble with the ritual? There were so many of us, it was hard to make sure everyone was alright.” Hana had really wanted to check in on everyone after the ritual, even the ones she hadn’t healed but that had been impossible once the panic settled in. She could only hope that Alayna hadn’t needed her and that she didn’t fail to assist. It was possible there were problems, just look at the reactions some of the others had had. It was at least behind all of them now.

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

Speaks With:Alayna@Qia
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Loosey Goosey

Member Seen 13 days ago

Dakota smiled warmly as Calypso, always a sweetheart, ran off to make her some s'mores. Ah, well. Dakota did not particularly like being mothered, especially after essentially losing a fight, but Dakota, like any reasonable person, would not say no to s'mores. She crossed her legs and sat down on top of her sleeping bag, running her finger underneath her eyes to catch the remaining tear water and toss it. Her smile widened as Calypso returned with a pair of s'mores, eagerly taking one and taking a big bite. "For future reference, I like them a little burnt," Dakota said with a wink, though she still voraciously devoured the entire s'more in moments. Somehow, slicing her own wrist and doing a magic mumbo-jumbo ritual had not hurt her appetite in the slightest. She listened as Calypso rattled off a long list of ways that she wanted to help Dakota with, but Dakota only shook her head. "You're sweet, Cal....I'm feeling fine, I have water, my eyes are fine, and I'll get her back tomorrow." Dakota smiled at Dakota. "And I think you deserve a hug!" she added, shifting over and giving Calypso a friendly hug.

She shifted back, watching as Rowan came over with a cup of tea. "Guys, I don't need to be catered or anything," Dakota said with a half-chuckle, but she took the tea nonetheless, opting to just gulp it down instead of sipping it. She listened to Rowan, giving a cocky smile as she spoke. "Yeah, I got her pretty hard, it'll leave a nice bruise," Dakota said with a sneer, miming herself punching an imaginary Summer in the air. "No regrets." She smiled for a little longer before her face turned a bit more stern.

"Rowie, you're very optimistic and all, but you know as well as I do that Summer Abernathy is never, ever going to forget this," Dakota said with a serious face. "She started this war, and she's going to see it through to the end. And anybody who has ever gone to war with Dakota Lawson knows that it does not end well..." She trailed off there, her eyes looking around the area as she dreamed up potential ways to infuriate Summer. She had plenty already in mind. She looked over to Calypso fleetingly. "I think I'm gonna get some sleep, though. Thanks, you guys."

Dakota slid into the sleeping bag, looking over to Calypso. "Sleep with me?" she asked, before her face turned beet red. "Not like that! I just figured...in case Summer comes back and decides for Round 2, you'll be here...argh, forget it!" Dakota said, laughing off the embarrassment as she curled up in her bag. "Night, y'all," she said, before closing her eyes.


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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Rowie, you're very optimistic and all, but you know as well as I do that Summer Abernathy is never, ever going to forget this," Dakota said with a serious face. "She started this war, and she's going to see it through to the end. And anybody who has ever gone to war with Dakota Lawson knows that it does not end well..."

I guess it was a little optimistic, Rowan thought. She knew Summer was the type to hold a grudge. But Rowan had hoped now that they were all fully fledged witches that everyone could just resolve their problems like magic. But that doesn't happen in the real world, just because everyone linked to the wellspring doesn't mean we all handle our problems like adults, merely the ability to be dangerous like adults. Maybe the wellspring be the solution to everyone's problems like Rowan had first thought.

Not that Rowan could blame Dakota, she would probably have done the same in her position. It is a lot easier to sit back and state that peace is the right approach, but Rowan wasn't the one who got blinded and her pet threatened. All she could really do in the end was sit back and hope it worked itself out. It would take someone who is a lot better with people than me to work this one out, Rowan thought to herself, clearly not confident in her ability to solve this if it was even her place to do so.

"Night, y'all." Rowan shook her head a bit and blinked somewhat frequently as if coming out of a daze. She had lost herself in that trail of thought. But it was best she went back closer to the campfire to let Kota and Cal sleep. "Uh yeah good night."

Rowan didn't have an appetite so she hadn't partaken in the classic camping art of s'more making. She just sat around the fire, waiting for everyone to come back. The woods at night can be pretty dangerous and its easy to get lost. It was best she just wait a while, to make sure the whole group is safe. Then she would be just about ready to knock out, it has been a long day.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rebecca sat apart from the others, but she didn't mind putting her two cents in, either. "Just be careful, Dakota. There's a saying I've heard- 'If you going looking for revenge, dig two graves first.' You've seen how powerful Summer is firsthand. Hell, she already blinded you, for crying out loud! Go to war if you want, but remember that she will, too. And she'll play to win." As she readied her sleeping bag, the redhead made sure that she was extra comfortable- she was going to need to be- and then she stepped out of her body.

It was a weird sensation, almost like wading through pudding, or something similar. She looked down at herself, her physical form stuck in a state of suspended animation. No movement, no breathing, not even any brain activity. She walked through a fallen log and plopped herself down on a stump- she was getting better at controlling when she was tangible and when she wasn't. A faint blue aura surrounded her, it always reminded her of Obi-wan in the old Star Wars movies. "If anyone wants to stay up late and chat, I wouldn't mind. I'm already asleep."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 5 days ago

Kate roll their eyes at the boys poor attempt to calm Summer down but to their non surprise, Summer snap at the three witches, specially with Jean-Lucs, who is trying to return the bracelet back to her. Kate laugh at Cassandra, who is trying to be buddy-buddy with Summer "Oh come on, Charlie. Cass was just letting Summer to know that she got some serious game, is it that right, Cassandra?" Kate say to Charlie while padding Cassandra head. After Summer tell everybody to fuck off, Kate sigh and just shrug "Welp, we try and it obvious that Summer just need to be left alone. I'm going to head back to the campsite, if you guys come too, just follow me." Kate tell Jeremy and Cassandra while headed back to camp. Along the way, Kate spotted Arken, who is trying to look for Charlie and Summer "Don't bother, the two are probably kissing under a tree or something" Kate say Arken while they walk back to camp.

After eating their s’mores, Kate finally made it back to camp, only to find that Dakota, Isolde and Rebecca are already asleep....Perfect. Kate pull a marker right out of their pajama pants and kneel right next to Rebecca, they then feel that Rowan is staring at them "...What? Just because I am now a witch, that doesn't mean I'm done with my pranking" Kate quietly to Rowan with a devilish smile. Just before the tap of the marker almost touch Rebecca face, out of nowhere, Rebecca blue spirit appeared, sitting on a log. Kate eyes widen and slowly move their marker away from Rebecca face. "Ummm...I wasn't about to draw on your face while you were asleep....You're good, Rebecca" Kate say nervously. Can't draw on Rebecca because she is astral projection, can't draw on Dakota because Kate doesn't want to get sucker punch in the face, which only leaves Iris to draw on, yay, a victim.

Kate kneel right next to Iris and slowly draw some glasses on her face and a twirling mustache on the top of her lips and into her cheeks. Kate try their best to hold on to their laugher, after Kate was satisfy for a night well done, they were about to hit the hey.....Until, they spot something right next to Iris, it was a book. A smile form on Kate, a diary full with juicy secrets.

"Hmmmm, I hope Isolde doesn't mind if I read her book while she sleeps" Kate say to the group, when they try to open the book however, it wouldn't open. "Rrrragh, come on, open. You. Dumb. Book." Kate say to themself while struggling to open the damn book, they look around book to see what it up and they see a tiny little lock beside the book, they then look at the group "....You guys want to help me opening this book?" Kate ask everyone, hoping that one of them help Kate open the book.

@KaijuBaragon@blackdragon@Infinite Cosmos@Rabidporcupine@Jumbus@Blizz
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Undefeated Grandmaster of Gif Warfare / 4-0

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Isolde Morden

Isolde had looked away for a few minutes, she was staring up at the clouds when the fighting had chilled out. Honestly, she was almost asleep when she hear some stuff to her side, it was a girl trying to peek inside her book, which shouldn’t be open unless it’s Isolde or someone she let’s look in it, especially since, it’s bound in runes... The inside cover of that particular book was protected the runes Algis and Uruz, this basically meant the book was going to be very mean to the wrong person who opened it. ”Oh, that wouldn’t be a good idea, you’ll g-“

Too late.

The book was opened, but Kate didn’t have time to read it due to the very sudden and very violent blast of light the shot out of the pages like a bomb, letting loose the force of a thunderclap, as well of the punishment hit Kate square in the face, she wouldn’t be killed, and she wouldn’t be blinded, but the book was rigged to essentially detonate a flashbang in the face of whoever chose to wrongly read it, nobody around Kate would actually be affected by the flash, but they’d certainly hear the explosive sound that rang out for all of two seconds before the book snapped shut and fell to the ground, it even almost snapped Iris out of her sleep, almost. Isolde just watched as Kate learned about not reading books without asking. She wasn’t phased by the book’s defense, after all she knew it would happen, even if it did sound like a gun just went off next to her.

”Those books are protected by magic. You can’t read what they contain unless someone from my family allowed it.” She said to Kate, after the miniature nuke she called a book had gone quiet.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Play nice for one night? Way too challenging for newly formed teenaged witches, is the thought that drifts across Alayna's mind that she reluctantly shares, albeit worded much differently.
"Well, the whole thing between Summer and Dakota...that was bound to happen eventually, I think," she replies, sticking out her hand pensively. Was that a raindrop she'd just felt or did she simply imagine it? She brings the fire in her hand closer to her, almost as if she is the flame itself about to be wiped out by unexpected forces. The heat that radiates from the glowing embers, however, both calms her and reminds her of her earlier experience during the ceremony.

A strange feeling. Yes, it had been the same for her. Except the feeling she'd experienced had also been familiar and much softer than how it had felt the first time. The scar on her left arm twitches a bit, as if it still remembers the event, but much more clearly than she preferred personally. Reaching out a hand, she rubs it gently as her eyes trail to the ground once more.

"So, you like to take care of everyone, huh?" Alayna asks, seemingly unaware of how odd this exchange might be, considering this has been the longest the two girls have ever spoken. How could she possibly know anything about this girl?

"I didn't really have any trouble if that's what you're concerned about."

Speaks to: Hana@Akayaofthemoon
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 5 days ago

As Kate almost say something back to Isolde, before they even reaction, the book just flashbang in their face. It's was like one of those forget-me-stick from one of those man in black movies, Kate vision was pure white and their ears were ringing from the bang, then slowly their sense of seeing and hearing went back to normal. After the book close and fell to the ground, Kate was just standing there in full shock, trying to progress what just happened, then Kate take a deep breath and breathe out. "...…….You know what? I think I'm tired" Kate casually say while picking up the book and hand it back to Isolde "I had enough craziness for one night, so, um......Goodnight." Kate then carefully flop on to their sleeping bag while their mind trying think what the fuck just happened.

While trying to fall asleep, Kate open their eyes for one second and then they spot something in a distance. It has glowing yellow eye, two ears and a long tail, Kate adjust their eyes to see it cleaner but then, the shadowy creature was gone. Man, that book did something to me Kate thought, or maybe it wasn't and they know why but that creature look oddly familiar somehow.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassandra waited for Summer to say something, but the other witch kept her trap shut. Oh, fine, girl. If you want to be Little Miss Sulks-a-lot, I sure as hell ain't going to stop you. The cursewright walked off, heading back to the clearing where the rest of the new coven members were gathered. Finding herself a spot closer to the center of the action, she started setting up her bedroll. As she worked, Kate opened Isolde's spellbook... or at least tried to.

The explosion was damned impressive, and though she wasn't directly targeted, Cassandra had to avert her eyes. "Well done, Kate. I trust you've learned not to go poking around in other people's stuff?" She simply had to do something similar to her purse when she got back to the coven house. Maybe making the hands of anyone else who reached where the weren't supposed to rot off? The blonde started to brainstorm ideas for her hexes as she drifted off to sleep- not exactly the healthiest thing to be thinking of, but it got her through the night.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Looking up from her seat on the rock as Charlie approached, Summer tried to feign disinterest, lifting up her nails to admire them before realising that she could barely see them in the darkness. She could hardly see the outline of her own hand, let alone the pastel coloured pink she had carefully applied to her nails only the night before. So sadly she was forced to focus her attention of him instead, eyebrows narrowing a little at his words. “I’m not sulking. I’m just choosing to distance myself from annoying little witches.” She offered him a sarcastic smile, eyes rolling at the thought.

“Why do you even care anyway? It’s not like we’re friends.” Summers words were blunt as her gaze lifted up to stare at him, eyes unflinchingly looking into his. Her look might be construed as predatory by some, her brash nature radiating off her in waves. “Like I said before, I don’t need anyone’s pity...” Letting out a small sigh, she looked at the bracelet which she still had clutched in her hands. Despite its unclean state she decided to slip it onto her wrist, a small pulse of magic washing over her body like a gentle breeze. Whether it was because of the familial bond or just because she was used to its presence, the bracelet always put her at ease.

Lips pursed at his question, instinct telling her that he was asking it for vindictive reasons. Maybe so he could make fun of her later or something. Eyes narrowed as she looked at him, trying to figure out what his motivation was. The guy had always been surprisingly nice to her. Maybe it was a British thing...she had heard that they were known for being polite. It seemed kind of stupid to her but the thought that he might actually be genuine, drew an answer from her lips.

“My father gave it to me. That’s all.” She said as she stood up, brushing down her bare legs where a few bits of dirt and foliage had clung to the freezing cold skin. Summer wasn’t sure whether Charlie knew about her father, he was relatively new to the coven after all, nor did she feel like going into the details. Not that she’d be able to. All she knew was that one day he had been there...and then the next he had been gone. Telling other people seemed a pointless exercise in self-pity.

“We should head back.” Summer finally admitted after a moment's silence, although her tone made it sound like it had been her idea all along. “I don’t really feel like getting killed by some stupid animal. I’ve heard there’s wolves hanging around here...” She added, walking into the darkness before Charlie could respond.

“Are you coming?” Her voice called out as she strolled into the dense gathering of trees, body soon disappearing amidst the foliage.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 7 days ago

Charlie crossed his arms and leaned against a tree, watching Summer's very obvious attempt to seem unbothered and aloof, even though she was sitting on a rock in the dark woods after a huge fight where she was punched and temporarily blinded the person who punched her with a particularly nasty curse. "You are sulking Summer. But there's nothing exactly wrong with that. Everyone needs to sulk sometimes I suppose, especially after something happens of the scale of what just happened with you.". For a moment he heard what sounded like a voice somewhere in the distance behind them, and Charlie looked over his shoulder, but he couldn't spot anything there. Must have been his imagination.

Charlie felt a little hurt by Summer's blunt words. It wasn't like he considered them to be friends, exactly, but he was one of the only people who wasn't immediately hostile to her or avoided her. So it hurt a little. "I am not trying to pity you, Summer, it's simply that..." He tried to find an explanation as her hazel eyes stared into his blue ones. But he couldn't, because in truth he was pitying her, at least a bit. She was only one night into this whole thing and she had seemingly already scorned a whole group of potential friends because a bracelet of hers had been stolen. It was undoubtedly a pitiable situation.

And then, to Charlie's genuine surprise, Summer actually answered his question, at least somewhat. "Ah. I see." He responded. He didn't know what had happened to Summer's father, but from her tone and the importance she placed on this bracelet Charlie could at least infer that her father wasn't around anymore, at least. Well, that made two of them, he thought, deciding not to question Summer any further - that was a conversation to happen at a time when tempers were less flared up.

"Good idea." He replied, before the next thing she said made his blood run cold. He clenched his teeth and peered back into the darkness, quickly darting off in the direction of Summer's voice. While going after her back to the camp, he nearly crashed into Arken who was coming the other way. "What are you doing? Why are you going that way, that's foolish... Come on, we're going back to camp, we've spent more than enough time in these woods..." He (presumably) led Arken back to the camp, before settling down in his sleeping bag, and intending to have a bit of a read before he went to bed.

@Danvers @Infinite Cosmos
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Calypso went to sleep soon after Dakota did. She was awake for the whole book shenanigans, but didn’t quite care enough to stay up and see what had happened. The day had been long and stressful and wonderful, but now it was nearing the darkest parts of the night. Crickets chirped nearby, and a brilliant blanket of stars floated over them. Sleep whispered for her, the bone-deep desire for rest pulling her to the earth. Her dark eyes fluttered closed and, once the noise had ceased, she zipped up the sleeping bag with the last of her energy and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

8:00 AM
June 21st

If Calypso was anything, it was not a morning person. She had never adored the early hours of the day. So, when the first light of dawn streaming through the maple trees had woken her earlier that morning, she had groaned, pulled the sleeping bag over her eyes, and drifted back into dreamland. She was sure that other people had gotten up then- Charlie, briefly, came to mind. He seemed like the type to greet the morning with a cheerful smile and a hearty, British laugh rather than a sour face and a request for coffee. But Calypso couldn’t be bothered. So, when she was shaken awake, she reacted less than positively.

“Calypso, darling, it’s time to wake up,” a voice, which she identified as Sister Lark’s, said. Lark shook her shoulder gently, and Calypso opened her eyes to see the older woman’s face up close, blue eyes staring into hers.

“Oh, fuck off,” Calypso muttered, glaring, and sat up reluctantly. She had to listen to Lark, after all. The sleeping bag dropped to waist level, and Calypso squirmed out of it as Lark went around, waking up all the other still sleeping witches. It seemed that some had already woken up and gone… wherever they had gone. Calypso, now out of the sleeping bag and standing, yawned and ran a hand through her curly, cloudy hair. She frowned… and pulled out a twig out of her hair. Her face soured even further. This was why she hated camping. Stupid twigs and stupid leaves… she couldn’t wait until they went back inside.

Which seemed to be what was happening now. One by one, Lark was waking up the witches who were still asleep, much in the same way she had woken up Calypso. Calypso’s eyes followed her across the clearing until she finished and everybody had their eyes open and was awake in some form or another. Her own eyes hung heavy, her mind fuzzy with the aftershock of sleep. God, I need coffee…

Once everyone was awake, Lark stood in front of the group. She wasn’t wearing the ceremonial robe like the night before. Instead, she looked much more casual. She wore a long-sleeved white and blue blouse and a pair of cuffed mom jeans. Her wavy brown hair was tied into a messy bun low on her head, and she wore comfy-looking red sneakers. Calypso thought, however briefly, that Lark looked a bit like a mom. She supposed that the comparison made sense. Elders were forbidden to have children, but they cared for and raised witchlings who didn’t have parents to raise them. “Good morning! I hope you guys all slept well.” Lark grinned at the assorted teens, completely unaware of the shitshow that had gone down last night. “Some of you guys already drifted back to the house, but I just came to get the rest of you. We’re gonna show you who you’re rooming with for the summer. We’re also going to have pancakes! Everybody likes pancakes, right?”

Lark walked out of the clearing in the direction of the house, talking over her shoulder to the group. “I printed out a list and pinned it to the board this morning, you’ll see it when you come in You’re all in groups of three, and you’re staying on the third floor of the house. Sorry, you’ll have to walk up the stairs. We had to kick some of the kids out of their rooms for the summer.” Lark laughed at this, and kept walking. They were near the house, now, and the smell of something cooking wafted from a slightly ajar window. When they got there, she jumped up onto the porch, opened the door, and beckoned everyone in.

They came into the foyer. The floor was a light lacquered wood, and the walls were painted a light baby blue. There was a coat rack to the right, filled with a surprisingly mundane array of things. Children and adult’s jackets, hats, and even a few backpacks hung on the rack. To the left, there was a bulletin board. Calypso had seen the bulletin board before, because she had been here before. It usually had some sort of coven news on it, reminders for the kids who lived here, etcetera. But today it had something extra special on it. The list of roommates. She craned forward with everybody else to catch a glimpse.

Room 1
Maggie, Calypso, Alayna

Room 2
Cassandra, Kate, Hana

Room 3
Summer, Isolde, Rowan

Room 4
Dakota, Iris, Rebecca

Room 5
Charlie, Jean-Luc, Jeremy

Room 6
Uaithne, Arken

Oh. Calypso tried to mask her disappointment, but cast a look over to Dakota. She had kind of been hoping that she’d get to room with her friend, but, well… the chances had been low anyways. And Maggie was nice! And Alayna… the other girl had always honestly kind of skeeved her out. Maybe she was nice, though? Still, Calypso waved at Maggie and Alayna, giving the both of them a wide smile and a big thumbs-up. She would’ve hugged the both of them, but they were already moving into the kitchen.

They were met with a scene of chaos. In a small, crowded kitchen, there were a lot of people crowded, making themselves plates and chatting amongst themselves. As soon as they saw the initiates making their way in, everybody kind of squished further towards the stairs near the back of the room. Nobody seemed to be cooking- rather, a spatula was flipping pancakes by itself, putting them onto a paper plate.

“Oof, it’s crowded in here. That’s why I volunteered to go get you guys!” Lark grinned. “You don’t have to eat in here or anything. Go up to your rooms and set up, or go outside and eat some and chat. Today’s for setting up. Tomorrow we have something for you to do.”

Calypso squeezed into the hullabaloo towards the food, grabbing herself three pancakes, a fork, and some maple syrup and heading out of the kitchen. She didn’t care where- she mostly cared about who. She didn’t particularly want to go upstairs yet, either. So, she waited by a window for somebody to find and talk to her.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Loosey Goosey

Member Seen 13 days ago


Dakota's groan was almost guttural in nature, a most unpleasant noise escaping her lips as she felt Sister Lark's hand against her shoulder. She tried to prattle through some excuses at first. "Sister, it's too early, I had a long day yesterday, I need sleep, my body clock is gonna be ruined, please~..." Dakota attempted, having since rolled onto her stomach, but it seemed as though Sister Lark was not going to budge, so Dakota reluctantly crawled out of her sleeping bag like a butterfly leaving its cocoon for the first time, giving a couple stretches as she listened to what Sister Lark had to say. Roommates. Dakota was surprised that she was so troubled about the rooming list. Dakota was the type of person that could get along with most people pretty well, and she thought that she had a pretty good relationship with most of the girls, at least, but the events of the previous night had planted a seed of irritation in her chest.

"Pancakes sounds nice," Dakota noted, taking in one last whiff of the wonderful outdoors before picking up Astro, who was still curled up by her sleeping bag. "Come on, little guy," Dakota cooed, carrying the ferret in her arms while simultaneously following the rest of the group back to the house, her hands linked behind her head as she strolled back. The smell of pancakes wafted through the air, and Dakota couldn’t help but crack a bright smile as she strolled into the doors of the Coven house. It was when all the newly-inducted witchlings raced into the foyer like a pack of wild dogs hunting meat that caused Dakota to suddenly remember the rooming situation. Dakota did a quick sign of the cross before crossing both her fingers and her toes. She then elbowed past a couple of witchlings and stood on her tippy-toes to see...no Summer! Sadly, Dakota hadn’t ended up with Callie- she matched Calypso’s look of disappointment quickly before looking back at the board- but Rebecca seemed pretty chill overall. And Iris was...well, interesting. Overall, it wasn’t a bad haul at all. Dakota was a little disappointed that she wasn’t with Calypso, but it wasn’t like them being in separate rooms would compel them to live separate lives until the end of time. Dakota had ways, anyway.

The brunette entered the kitchen and deposited Astro on a table, snagging a pancake and tossing it over to the ferret like a frisbee. "Bon appetit!" she called to the familiar, who began to devour the pancake, before she then promptly piled up on pancakes with zeal, the four flapjacks stacked so haphazardly that they looked like a toppling Jenga tower. Syrup dripped like raindrops from the pancakes as Dakota located Calypso and made her way over, aggressively sticking the fork directly into the stack to free up her hand. "Looks like you have a fun room!” Dakota said with a warm smile as she spoke. "Fun rooms for a fun summer, right? Anyway, make sure you leave your window unlocked tonight. I might swing by once it gets dark out if you don’t mind. Maybe bring Curly and Beck too." Dakota smiled. "Might want to hurry up and eat those pancakes before they get all soggy," she commented, using her fork to cut off a corner, before promptly stuffing it into her mouth. She swallowed and smiled again. "I packed a ouija board that I'm 99% sure has a real ghost in it, we totally have to try it at some point. Plus, nobody can possibly stand going a whole summer with no Astro!" Dakota chuckled as she cut off another piece of pancake. "Thanks for...well, thanks for everything last night, Cal. I owe you one, big time."

Unlike Dakota, who would have slept through the whole month had she not been interrupted, Jean-Luc was an early riser. The early bird catches the worm, after all, and Jean-Luc was not the type to give up the worm so easily. And so he had gotten up a good bit before everybody else, just as the sun began to creep its way into the sky, and made his way back to the coven house. He kept his hands in his pockets, walking casually through the dewey forest, looking down at the path as he went.

Jean-Luc was quite happy, truth be told, to be done with the forest. He liked nature as much as the next guy, and certainly didn’t have a problem with forests, or trees, or living things. However, when he was forced to sleep surrounded by these things throughout the entire night, with only a sleeping bag to comfort him, he became less fond of the natural elements. Jean-Luc audibly sighed with relief as the coven house came into view from behind the trees. Civilization again, at long last.

As he made his way over to the porch, he saw one of the elders- Sister Lark- pass him by and walk out to the forest, from whence he had come. "Just a touch early, then," he said to himself as he made his way into the house, hearing the hustle and bustle of the kitchen immediately. His eyes, instead of wandering towards the source of the commotion, however, instead moved towards the bulletin board; notably, a new document that had been freshly pinned moments before. Jean-Luc walked through, glad he had just dodged the crowd, and leaned in to take a glance. "Charlie..." he noted, again to himself, as he looked at the list. He was rather familiar with the other youth, though neutral in opinion of him, as he was of a great majority of people in the Coven. He was a bit too nice, in his opinion, but not too annoying, which was good. Jean-Luc didn’t know who this other Jeremy fellow was at all. Maybe a younger witchling that got thrown into the bunch? Still, Jean-Luc would’ve thought that he would have heard of them by now. Lovelie was a gossip machine.

"Well, let’s get situated," Jean-Luc instructed his luggage, before waving his hand. His bags gently lifted off into the air and followed Jean-Luc up the stairs, into the as-of-yet empty room. ”Go. Unpack. And hurry," Jean-Luc snapped, and the bags wasted no time, immediately depositing all manner of stuff on top of the nearby single bed and into the closet as if all his luggage had a mind of its own. The last bag was less of a bag and closer to a carrier box, which Jean-Luc happily flicked open, a tanned and patterned boa constrictor slinking out. Jean-Luc took the snake into his hands, looking at it with much more appreciation and joy than he ever did with any of his peers. "Here’s your new home, Ghede. Hope you find it suitable," Jean-Luc said, allowing the serpent to slither from his arms into a glass vivarium that had unpacked itself. Smiling as he fell back on his bed, Jean-Luc snagged a book on charms that he had left on his bed, and began to read, kicking his feet up and relaxing. Soon the other two would be coming to disrupt him, but for now, Jean-Luc was alone, and that was the way he liked it best.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Undefeated Grandmaster of Gif Warfare / 4-0

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Aderast

Breakfast was pretty good. Iris listened to some jams as she scarfed down some pancakes that Lark made...nice. She didn’t pay much attention to who her room was gonna be shared with, after all, she wasn’t bunking with them, they were bunking with her. Iris grew up in this house and knew every inch of it, Dakota and Reb were the outsiders, so she was gonna have to do some rearranging when she got done eating. Her books, her golem books, her altar...Oh yeah, the altar. Iris was a little smelly, staying outside all night to sleep and getting blood on her hands didn’t make a girl smell very nice, she could really use a shower. She looked off to some other part of the eating place to see Dakota all perky and taking with some attractive girl, be more specific Iris, she was almost done with her pancakes, actually, where was Hana? Oh well, didn’t matter. While she was enjoying some cakes made in pans, Corvus was “asleep” in her pocket, his heart was currently uncharged and therefore Corvus lay dormant in the pocket of her Jeot...her jean coat. She could recharge him at any time by giving him a little boost to magic energy later when the important part of the day was settled.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Rowan was a morning person, but some days she wished she wasn't. She woke up the same time she always did but with far less sleep. The events of the previous night had been a little crazy to say the least and had done nothing to help her settle down before she slept. She didn't care for the feeling and she would prefer to avoid it. But as she reflected on the people she would be with for the summer, Rowan thought she best get used to this feeling.

There were very few people up and at it went Rowan got out of her tent. Quietly, she went about some morning routine activities, a glass of water, stretching, going into the coven house to shower then most importantly getting out of her pajamas and back into her regular clothes. Stumbling around in pajamas was no way to enter the coven house, especially not on the first day.

Before the final group of campers was rounded up, Rowan saw fit to start setting herself up in the alchemy room. Stepping inside, her heart was warmed by the fact everything was here already. Sitting in the corner were all of her belongings from the greenhouse back home with a single note on the top 'Love, Mum'. But sitting in a room like this made her proud, as if just being within the coven house gave her work some gravitas. Taking off her coat, she rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair into a short neat ponytail, then got to work.

By the end, she had set herself out a bench facing the window. The morning light shone through nicely and it looked as though this spot would keep a good amount of light until the afternoon as well. A pin board leaned against the wall at the back of the bench. Its entire surface was practically covered in a messy assortment of notes, most of which looked (and were) ripped out of a journal in a hurry.

Just off to the left of this pin board was Rowan's box garden. To the untrained eye, it may look rather pleasant. It was a neat wooden box with no overflow of soil, the plants were growing strong and healthy without any taking up space of the other plants, and there was a note on the front 'Property of Rowan: Please don't touch without asking'. All gave no indication to the fused amalgams that garden actually contained, nor the unpredictable and potentially dangerous effects they could have if used without knowledge.

This would be Rowan's place of zen and peace from it all. She had imagined after last night it was going to be much more hectic than just dabbling around with witchcraft in her back yard. At least she would have this to come back to. It only needed one final touch, and that was ceremoniously placing her current journal from her coat into the bench draw. This was a if to say, 'this is my place now.'

The rest of the group had all come in now. Popping her head from out of the alchemy room and down the hall she noticed everyone crowding around the bulletin board. Why was everyone doing that? Maybe she had missed something? She wandered back to the group taking an unintrusive position in the back. "Oh, room assignments" Rowan was excited about who she would room with. All things considered she felt she had met some great people already, some old and some new friends. Any of them would be great to room with... "Oh dear..." she wouldn't be rooming with any of those people. Summer was down right intimidating and after the incident with Kate opening that book Rowan was not so sure about Isolde anymore.

Rowan was in no rush to pack into her room after the news and decided it would be best if she packed in a bit later. Instead she collected her pancakes and returned to the alchemy room. There was always more she could do to set up after all... Not really but she was going to eat over there anyway.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 5 days ago

The morning sun shines on to Kate face, they let out a morning morn and then pull their cover over them, hoping the sun would go away but that didn't last long when Sister Lark cheerfully wake up all the sleeping witches, her morning tone reminds Kate of their father, when he wakes up young Kate every morning for school "Hmmm...Just give me five minute, dad. I want to sleep mor-" Kate stop themself to realize they are not at home anymore, they are at the forest, full with angsty teens and just get flashbang last night. With a big stretch, Kate then say "Welp...Let's start the day."

When Kate enter the house, Lark announce who is rooming who in the summer, Kate knew about this part, their mother told them about this one time, one of her roommates brought her boyfriend into the room one night and let's just say....She didn't sleep that night because of the noises that her roommate and her boyfriend were making,

Kate walk toward the board to see who they are roommate with, when they see Cassandra name, they smile, finally someone that they recognize and it's ain't Summer! Kate look at the another roommate name and they frown a little bit, Hana Song is going to be their and Cassandra's another roommate. It's not like Kate hates Hana, they think she is the nicest girl in the house but after looking at Hana flawless healing magic, they just feel....Indifferent toward her. Kate then look at Rowan disappointment face, they find Rowan name and then makes a 'oof' face, she is roommates with Summer. "Man...That unfortunate....Well, good luck with living with her for the summer, Rowan. You are going to need it." Kate jokingly say to Rowan, giving her two thumbs up.

Kate feel their stomach rumbling when they spot the pancakes on the table, they haven't eaten anything last night. After grabbing four pancakes and putting maple syrup, Kate decided to eat outside at the front porch since they are still tired from last night. Kate walk out outside, sit in porch chair and start eating away their pancakes and just enjoying the peace and quiet while hearing the nature of the forest.

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