Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Shikaze Miki

The young kitsune awoke and stretched, looking around the small storeroom where she'd taken a nap after stashing her latest acquisitions. The room used to be part of a small bakery, but it had lain empty for months by the time she found it. A few minutes of lockpicking later, Miki had herself a nice little hideout.

She stepped outside and checked the alleyway, which was empty as usual.
"Hmm... Man, I just woke up and I'm already bored... Might as well grab a bite or something. Maybe I'll run into something that'll liven up the afternoon."
She took her trusty longboard out from inside and started cruising down the streets of the Imaginary District.

An hour of aimless cruising later, she had nothing to show for her efforts except a takeout container full of yakitori. She sat down on a bench across from a hobby shop she used to frequent until the owner retired and set to eating.
Huh... Seem to be a lot of people going in there. They look decently cool... wonder if it's a party?
She shrugged and settled for people-watching instead, relaxing on the bench and waiting for something to happen on the quiet street.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ennui
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Ennui A Multifaceted Puzzle

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A slight but gentle breeze. The wind was something akin to perfection in the mind of the woman now walking the streets. Attire resembling a light blue and loosely dressed kimono, which seemed to be only held by a tight knit around the waist. Her hair a trimmed black, which was long enough to be resting on her shoulders alongside a rather fancy ornament at the back of her head. Standing at a relative 175cm / 5"7, she was quite tall even for someone of her kind. Body proportions were reasonably average, if not slightly above. Except perhaps for her bosom, which was quite well above average. But that was simply a preference that she never seemed to change or give up on.

She gave off a vibe of being somewhat higher in status, even if she actually wasn't. It was just simply put, a habit. A habit learned years ago to be exact.
To others, she would seem like a fairly normal woman otherwise, but on the inside was the spirit of a youkai. A fox spirit, prideful and old to boot.

A scent, something very familiar had caught her senses. Perhaps she was merely overthinking it, but it was worth checking out. As she travels among the many streets of the Imaginary District, she ends up on the same street where it seemed like a group of people had gathered around. But the one she had sensed was the young lass sitting on the bench eating a fine amount of yakitori. "Oh.? A fellow young'un appears at a time like this?" A passing thought.

Green emerald-colored eyes stared at Miki, whom merely enjoyed the yakitori she had bought for herself. A few words came to her head while she saw the little one enjoy the food; "Bold, lively, and sometimes insolent or arrogant to a fault." Or so she believed most kitsunes to be at their youth. With a slight grin on her face, she slowly passes by Miki. Hiding her defining features, namely the ears and tails, almost on purpose just to see if the kitten would even notice her go past, or actually realize who she was in the first place. Which is why she stole a quick glance before hitting the yakitori stand. It happened to be a very popular stand too, as the food there was just irresistible to ignore at times. Chicken so happened to be one of her favourites as well.

She bought a few pieces herself before hopping straight up to a relatively close roof, coincidentally right above Miki. And without a second thought, she munches one of the pieces down instantly. Satisfied, she leaves the other piece to wait for another moment. Consequently she opens her mouth to speak; "So, to whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting a youngster of my own kin?" Her eyes stared directly below from a diagonal line, straight towards Miki. Her voice had the feel of a ladylike tone, which she had also adopted over the many years she had to observe many different kinds of people. "Or perhaps you don't even share that same sentiment, now do you, my adorable little cub?" Perhaps even condescending on purpose, but that was up to the sole discretion of Miki herself to decide.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Shina didn't really believe the things Nao said about fighting not being fun. It probably sounded weird for an oni to say it but Nao was just trying to back up other races too. She could already see a fight breaking out at the MYO because of Shina her recklessness. All these different races together made it difficult to co operate sometimes. And to be honest, Nao didn't think fighting was completely stupid, there were 2 sides to her as well from time to time. She enjoyed drinking with others and fighting too but she just showed it less other than Shina who would wreck a whole city if she couldn't hold herself back a little, that was her thought at least about her. She had seen oni completely going wild before so she wouldn't be surprised really.

Her conversation with the boy continued while the headed straight for the MYO building. So the boy didn't have any special kind of powers or the likes. Maybe it was still an undeveloped something? He didn't look all to young so it was a little unlikely he still wouldn't have any signs of it. Nao didn't really know much about how the human powers and such worked, it wasn't really her profession despites looking quite human herself.

"That is something good though, I think at least..."

Nao didn't really read herself in her free time at least since she thought it was quite boring to be honest. She rather do other things instead but everyone had his own thing right! Maybe humans liked reading a lot? Most houses had book shelves she believed, well whatever. The kid thought he did something bad perhaps but Shina cared to explain the kid that he didn't and that he was just being taken to a safer place. She glanced back at Shina who had lighten a smoke. It was not the first time she saw the oni smoking this stuff.

"It'll be alright. Don't worry, just taking you there for a quick talk."

She gave the boy a slight smile and turned her eyes back to her path. His hand was moving so much, she softly tightened her hand more around his wrist without noticing it for the first few seconds and suddenly let go of him thinking about how hard she was actually holding him.

"Oh sorry, that must have hurted, I'm truly sorry. Please follow us instead."

She stumbled backwards a bit and gave the boy a humble apologizing bow. It was not so far anymore before they reached the MYO.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Before Makiko could respond to the first person to arrive, her friend(and the futakuchi-onna) Yuina, the blonde girl had already wrapped her arms around her and, well... turned on the charm. This was embarrassing, to say the least, and Makiko felt her cheeks coloring slightly. But at least the girl was the first to arrive, so maybe it was worth not getting too annoyed about... well, at least until the black-haired girl smelled the yakitori on the youkai's breath.

The retribution was swift and merciless. Makiko's hand went up, and her fist pressed down onto Yuina's head, grinding into the top of the other girl's skull(careful to avoid hitting the girl in her other mouth) as she hopped to her feet. She was still blushing, somewhat.

"I'd have forgiven you if not for the fact that you obviously just stopped for yakitori," she commented, irritating sharpening her tone as she folded her arms. Her gaze drifted back up to the others who had entered in the time it took for her to deal with Yuina. Now she wanted yakitori...

"As for the rest of you," she began, brushing off attempts to apologize, "I hope this doesn't become a habit. You all know when the meetings take place, so it shouldn't be hard to avoid being this late. Besides, what we do here is important, isn't it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wolfram Thiess


A rather unusual man walked down the streets of the Imaginary District today, unusual in that he was a foreigner dressed in the garb of a Catholic priest and holding a bible in one hand and several shopping bags in the other, the weight of several bags hanging from his fingers apparently no trouble at all. He scanned the streets with a look of observant befuddlement on his face for he was not just a foreign priest. He was Wolfram Thiess, the Hound of God, a High Executor of the Catholic Faith entrusted with determining whether the District might be harboring dangerous entities or else pose a threat to humanity and the Church's mission on Earth...

But he was also hopelessly lost. He'd received the assignment more-or-less last minute and...well frankly been so eager to carry out the assignment in the name of the Church that he hadn't bothered with a map or any study of the area not that it would've mattered since it was invisible to the normal world. If there WAS a local branch of the Church within the district he'd forgotten to inquire about it, so he was essentially homeless and without directions for the moment. Worse yet, a slip of his impulse control meant he had spent most of his initial funds for the trip on well...chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate, not as a mission critical resource but for more personal reasons. All in all, things were going unusually poorly for one of the Church's most reliable agents.

Wolfram was quickly distracted from his attempts at finding his way as he stumbled across a much more lost looking soul. A young girl in a bright yellow dress that seemed to be drowning in the throes of despair to his keenly honed sense of empathy while hugging a...strange raccoon. He would much rather have tried to find a place to stay for the night, but his duties as a priest demanded he put that aside to comfort the young woman in her apparent time of need. Fortunately the local language was one of many things with which he was flawlessly competent.

"Excuse me my Child, is something troubling you? I was trying to find my way around town when I couldn't help noticing you look a bit emotionally lost yourself!" Wolfram gave her his most beatific smile, figuring taking the time was worth it though also inwardly irked with at himself for yet another delay.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaminari Hotaru

The Firefly Maiden

Deep brown eyes raised up to the man, the girl hesitantly getting on to her feet to face him. The tanuki blinked up at the stranger as well, dressed peculiarly in his actually quite cute shrine messenger's outfit. Juju still stayed in her arms as Hotaru hugged him tight to her chest, looking even more uncomfortable now. Social interaction... Her archnemesis.

"Oh... No, I'm fine." Hotaru murmured shyly, lowering her gaze so as not to make eye contact.

The raccoon sighed, leaping from his Lady's arms and saluting the priest with what could only be classified as a smile. "I apologize for my Lady, she's no good when it comes to conversations. She did live in a shrine her whole life, so you can't really blame her!"

Hotaru hung her head again in embarrassment, whining quietly under her voice. "Who's side are you on, here?" The brunette glanced back up again as the tanuki continued to speak, tucking his paws behind his back formally.

"My name is Juju, I am the shrine messenger of the largest shrine here. This is my Lady, the shrine maiden herself, Kaminari Hotaru!" Juju paused to hold his paw out to Hotaru, she blushing lightly and quickly looking away again, silently cursing her overly friendly shikigami. "Speaking of lost, you seem new around here. Do you need help finding where you're going? I'm sure we can be of some assistance!"

Hotaru scanned her eyes over the male, quietly inquiring. "Your outfit... Are you, a modern priest?" Her voice was a near whisper due to her shy personality, seeming wary still of the man who shared nearly the same job as her, people blessed by the heavens to help others.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A sigh escaped Styx through Mizar as the Ankou took in the unprofessional discord of the place. Then again, they were a youth organization, so being kids was in the job description. But he couldn’t deny that they were a tad lax when it came to technicalities, which wasn’t a bad thing. As the newest of the three elders of the MYO, the other two being the bony titan and the oni who takes up a tenth of the alcoholic beverage market, it was their job to steer the younger members in the right direction. And it was safe to say that Yorick was the most appropriate for this certain position, since Shina and Styx weren’t always the most affable people.

Styx regarded the club leader’s berating words with a slight shrug as he got up from the couch, removing the medium between Seth and Yuina, which left the girl the perfect chance to sever herself Makiko and glomp onto the teen for comical results- should she wish to do so of course. ”It’s not like I decide when somebody keels over in a street. IDPD gave me a hard time, as per the usual.”

The Ankou ungracefully brought himself over to a desk sequestered in a corner kept far away from any other valuable furniture, which didn’t really entail much. ”I’m still getting used to juggling this job and my duties. Give me some more time time to acclimate… But yet again, my apologies.”

”Sorry, sorry!” Alcor chimed in, bobbing her vermillion form through the air to emulate bowing. Mizar in particular didn’t have anything to add and merely awaited more thoughts to orate. Styx golden irises fell onto the desk’s scorched surface, covered in enough singe marks to make one believe they scavenged it after a house fire. In all actuality, the scars were caused by the older Oni on her crusade to entirely comprise the district’s carbon emissions.

Styx wrapped cool fingers around a knob and after some elbow grease forced the worn drawer open. He carefully brought a hai-otoshi into the light of the room and set it down on the desk, keeping his ears glued to the flow of conversation to his behind. The undead then produced a bottle of untapped whiskey from his coat pocket to accompany the wooden ashtray, just so the latter knew it wouldn’t be alone in the imminent plight. Luckily he ran enough side jobs to be able to afford such a premium item, then again, he was still getting a grasp of how high Shina's standards were. Well, no worries. If she didn't drink it, he sure as hell would.

With the sacrificial pieces of appeasal now arranged for the deity of booze intake, Styx made his way to the back of the couch and shot Tessai a curt nod upon his entrance. Arms crossed and stature slacked, the young adult exuded no vestige of formal demeanor. Rays of sun baked the interior of the room in glistening evening light. Hopefully this was to be a normal afternoon in the Imaginary District. As already mentioned, unfortunately ID has its own unique sense of “normal”. "So what's on the agenda?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yuina Fujioka

"H-hey!" That wasn't quite the reaction she expected, to be honest. At least Makiko had learned to avoid her second mouth, since... Well, a handless Makiko was something neither of them wanted, really. Still, did she have to do it so hard? It hurt...

"You try living with two mouths, see how you cope with it," she mumbled, before turning to glare at the others. Couldn't they have barged in just a little later? I mean they were already late to begin with anyway... Read the mood, guys...

Fortunately for everyone else, though, her disgruntlement was swiftly dispelled by the loud grumbling emitting from her stomach.

"...Aaaah... Anyone bring anything to eat~?" she smiled coyly, twirling her hair innocently without actually touching it. "I'd be so grateful if anyone shared something with me~"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 3 days ago


The moment she was going in, she felt a hand on her shoulders. Surprised, she flew up with a single, powerful movement of her wings making a strong gust of wind that blasted the door open again.

"I didn't see you there, you scared me!" She said to Tessai, slightly annoyed, after recovering from the the shock.

"I-I'm sorry for the door... It wasn't my intention to cause such a commotion." she mumbled, checking her book to see if it was ok, it was a very old book after all...

She slowly followed him inside, only to see Yuina and Makiko hugging and... hitting each other?

"Am I... interrupting anything? I can get back later if you want to..." She said embarrassed. "I will not interrupt you, if you need me i'll be on the roof reading." she said, blushing and slowly walking to the stairs that led to the rooftop.

@Rin @VitaVitaAR @Vocab
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Seth listened to Makiko only nodding at the end not wanting to make an excuse for his late arrival since it was just him loosing track of time due to his training. He tilted his head to look up the roof thinking of the progress he had made over this last year yet the boy still felt he was a mile behind everyone else in terms of both ability and drive.

In that way Seth almost admired Makiko a bit since she was a few years younger then him and had made the Miura Youth Organization and helped to keep the peace though he was sure something else must of spurred her to make the Organization as well but he had no intention of asking her since it was likely personal.

He came back down to earth from his own thoughts when a strange gust of wind slammed into the door once again and saw Aamuu and Tessi walk in giving a short wave as a substitute for a verbal greeting. Upon hearing Yuina's stomach growl Seth tried to subtly move a bit away since the living barrier between them that was Styx had moved and he was really not sure if the girls kind could eat humans so instead he reached into his bag and pulled out an apple passing it over to her "This is all I have leftover, if you are still hungry after this I can try and make something later if we have any ingredients in." The red head offered as both being kind and also as sort of an apology since he interrupted her fun before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Interacting with @Ennui

Shikaze Miki

Miki's ear twitched as Setsura passed by, but she thought little of it. Her attention was focused more on the building across the street, where she could hear the sounds of people congregating. At least, it was until she heard a voice from above.

"So, to whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting a youngster of my own kin?"

Miki looked up to see the same woman sitting on the rooftop above her, now with some food of her own... but what did she mean, kin? Miki had never seen this woman, at least until a few minutes ago. Perhaps she was a kitsune as well?

"Or perhaps you don't even share that same sentiment, now do you, my adorable little cub?"

Ah. Definitely another kitsune, then. She had her vulpine features hidden, but from the tone, it was clear the other woman had at least a century or two on her. Miki turned herself sideways and addressed the person above her.

"Well, we haven't met. So I don't consider you kin just yet, even if we are the same race. My name is Shikaze Miki, traveler, merchant, and human-culture enthusiast. And, yes, often regarded as adorable."

She gave a small bow, which looked rather awkward due to her position on the bench.

"So, to whom do I owe the pleasure?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Arriving at the MYO.

"The MYO will get you sorted out. Make sure you don't get offed by something while you're here." Well, that was the plan at least. Now that the pipe was doing its job of mostly calming her she'd at least probably protect the kid in her usual way of smacking somebody around with her Kanabo. She was at least slightly obligated to make sure he got home safe, since she was the one who found him. That said, she fell silent after that and instead took the lead, leading them to the organizations building. It didn't take them long to reach it.

Shina entered first, throwing the door to the building open with her usual 'enthusiastic' way of doing things, almost knocking the door of its hinges. Likely interrupting whatever was going on, though she didn't seem to notice.

"Yo, boss. Got somethin' I need to talk to you about." She said rather nonchalantly, not caring if she was interrupting anything at all at the moment. Instead, her eyes drifted to a desk near the corner of the room. Upon which, sat a rather delicious looking bottle of alcohol and and a hai otoshi. An ash tray perfectly suited for her Kiseru. The Otoshi was something she was familiar with, but the alcohol? Well, someone was either wanting to get friendly with her or the gods saw fit to gift her for her good behavoir.


Yeah right.

"Ya know, once this whole thing gets over with or whatever." With that, she took a seat at the desk, knocking some of the ash out of the Kiseru into the ash tray, leaning the pipe against it as she reached for the whiskey. Wasn't her favorite thing in the world, but alcohol was alcohol. She popped open the bottle, the strong smell of the whisky causing her to smile. "I'll just be over here...uh, doing my usual if you need me. Take a seat somewhere or whatever Kiddo." She said to the human, motioning for him to sit somewhere before proceeding to take a long drink of the whiskey.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Yuina Fujioka

The blonde could only glare at the tengu for a moment, but thankfully for Aamuu her attention was caught by one of the human boys.

"...An apple?" Yuina leaned across the couch, unconsciously (although you never knew with her) wiggling her hips in front of Makiko's face as her hair whipped out towards Seth. A few tendrils wrapped around the apple, snatching it out of his hands and bringing it towards her. "Aw, thanks, cutey~ I'll remember this~" Her words had the seductive, honeyed tones of someone who would most likely forget to pay back any small favours. And with a cute wink, her hair whipped upwards, tossing the apple into the air...

...And then the back of her head opened up, revealing a cavernous maw filled with sharp, dagger-like teeth. When the apple fell it closed like a beartrap, making rather short work of the fruit before a thick tongue emerged to lick the lips usually concealed by her hair.

"Aaaah, that was good~" she smiled contently, slumping back into her seat. "...Wait, what was that you said about cooking~?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 10 days ago

Akio Haritama

Akio crossed his arms as he was released from Nao’s grip, a bit to his surprise. “These people- er monsters aren’t that bad.” He thought to himself, and shrugged, before continuing to follow them contentedly. He wondered what they needed to talk to him about though, “Maybe I’m some kind of chosen one, from an ancient prophecy!” He considered, and then laughed at the ridiculousness of that idea. He was actually comfortable now, mostly because Nao and Shina seemed to be nice, and not horrifying monsters from legend.

They arrived at a plain white building, which made him smirk a bit. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it seemed to be a juxtaposition for these fantastical things to be so mundane at the same time. "The MYO will get you sorted out. Make sure you don't get offed by something while you're here." This statement caused slight worry to Akio, as it implied he may be here awhile, but he put that thought out of his head, there wasn’t much use in worrying about things that he wasn’t sure about.

He also saw a Futakuchi-onna and his jaw dropped. That was insane. He wanted very much to learn about the entities of this world, and if he had to stick around, she would definitely be the first person he'd talk to and get to know.

They entered into what must’ve been their meeting room, and nobody in the room seemed especially weird looking, except for a… bird lady. That was interesting, and he wondered what she could be. He looked towards the girl Shina had addressed as boss, and gave a bemused smile. This big Oni answered to a human girl not much older than himself? This was certainly a strange world.

He stepped towards the boss lady, and gave a bow. ”Hello, I’m Akio Haritama” He introduced himself,” I’m afraid I may have accidentally found myself in your world. I hope that won’t be some kind of security issue or anything.” He said, half-jokingly. “Do you think you can get me home?

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ennui
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Ennui A Multifaceted Puzzle

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interaction w/ @geminironin

She was slightly amused by her ear twitching just from passing by the younger lass, and even more so since she still kept her focus towards the building across the street. The moment she had jumped on the roof she stole a glance at the building in question and immediately had a sly grin on her face.

"Well, we haven't met. So I don't consider you kin just yet, even if we are the same race. My name is Shikaze Miki, traveler, merchant, and human-culture enthusiast. And, yes, often regarded as adorable."

Careful, polite, perhaps only slightly rude, and receptive to minor praise. Those were the thoughts Setsura went through as the young cub introduced herself. Nothing she couldn't get along with, especially for a young'un.

"So, to whom do I owe the pleasure?"

The bow Miki offered before those said words made her laugh a bit internally, but not in a degrading manner. Quite the opposite really, as she thought it was fairly laudable. While Setsura herself hadn't met with many of her kin, old nor young in recent times, she could always appreciate the politeness of a youngling. A very good first impression, she thought in her own mind.

With a quick but devious smile, her ears formed back on her head. Revealing the apparent vulpine feature she had hidden before from prying eyes. While it was somewhat a show of acknowledgement for the younger one, she did do it for another reason. Hearing voices from another building clearly wasn't exactly easy, as the sounds never came through clearly. But it wasn't impossible either, since the ears of animals and the spirits of said animals tended to be very perceptive.

"I could say you can owe the pleasure to my own curiosity. It's not everyday I see and actually get to talk to one of my own people, you see. And that said, I don't think I would mind getting along with a cub..."

Among the pause between her speech, she somewhat confirmed the situation inside the building across the street. And after seeing the two Oni pass by with someone unknown to her, she was quite sure of it. It seems Makiko had ideas in mind for them.

"While I won't tell you what to do obviously, I do have a slight suggestion for you. Since you seemed to be fairly interested in knowing what was happening in over that building over there." A finger of hers pointed towards the white building that had coincidentally also been the choice of residence for the MYO. Nothing she could say against it, since it was basically unused otherwise. "If you're that interested, how about I show you in? Or would you rather prefer your current lifestyle, hm?

Setsura had no ill thoughts. She knew Makiko quite well and thought it might actually not be a bad idea at all to introduce someone to them. While certainly small, the group could potentially become quite potent in ensuring peace among the District at the very least. Makiko definitely wasn't someone lacking dedication or determination to make it happen. But forcing someone wasn't a forte of Setsura, she'd rather want the people to decide for themselves. And thus, she waited to see what answer Miki would eventually end upon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ennui
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Ennui A Multifaceted Puzzle

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 3 days ago


As she was walking to the stairs, Aamuu heard the door slamming again, flinching with the loud noise, she said, turning back to the door:

"It wasnt me this time, i swear!!" she walked back to look at what was happening there.

Two onis, a big one and a smaller one walked through the door, the big one was the responsible for the slam, almost breaking the door, after that she just to sat down and drank some alcohol. "Are all the onis like that? She seems to be very... impulsive." She thought

"Our world? What do you mean by that?" she said, looking curiously to the man that walked in with the onis. He was so tiny compared to the oni that she havent even perceived he was there.

"Are you from outside? Like... a regular human? How have you entered here? Are you lost?" she asked.

Realizing that he was staring at her for quite a time, she blushed, looking away.

"I-I am a tengu... Please, dont keep staring at me like that, its embarassing... I'm not a monster or anything..." she said, blushing and covering her face with her book.

"I mean... yeah, I have claws and talons, but i can retract them... its not like i will harm anything that i touch. My hands are normal, just like a regular human's they only have feathers... well... claws too. And my feet is just a little different from humans... its not like i sometimes rip my shoes apart because i was careless, and forget to retract my talons and my wings they..." she kept mumbling, very embarrassed and a bit insecure, trying to explain herself stumbling on the words.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Of course Yuina was still hungry. Well, at least someone had indulged her without anyone having to get too distracted about that. Or by those wiggling hips. Yuina wiggled them an awful lot, really... Quickly looking away, Makiko waved her hand towards the tengu who was rapidly apologizing.

"You didn't interrupt anything. I'd just have preferred if you got here earlier," she said, simply. Today, it wasn't just a simple meeting they were holding, after all. The ankou, for all his excuses, was at least apologetic and quick to focus on the matters at hand. Though... someone had died? That was unfortunate to hear... Makiko sighed.

Before she could move on, however, the oni, Shina, had proceeded inside. She was late too. But she'd brought someone along with her? And then he explained himself as a boy from the outside world.

Someone from beyond the barrier. Someone who'd come through accidentally. Wasn't... was't that impossible? Of course, Makiko knew that most youkai could come and go, and humans with supernatural abilities could enter and exit the barrier, but to accidentally pass through it... That was impossible. It was something you did intentionally. It had to be something you did intentionally. You couldn't just walk through it.

"You... say it was an accident?" Makiko asked, taken aback at the news. "I've... I've never seen someone accidentally come from beyond the barrier before. At least, not a human."

After all, youkai could come and go as they please.

Makiko wasn't sure how to handle this. But they were the Miura Youth Organization. They were supposed to handle these sorts of things. It was exactly what she'd formed them to do! But she'd never seen a human just pass through the barrier by total accident before.

"... We'll talk in a moment," she said, finally, addressing both the boy and Shina. She still had to introduce what they'd be doing. Makiko turned to address the Youth Organization as a whole.

"Normally I'd give us some time to talk, but since everyone was late, we'll be jumping right to business," she continued. "Firstly, there's a haunting in the Amakura Apartment building. The police aren't involved yet, but as always it's alright for us to see if we can do something about it. Residents have said they've seen something watching them as they've used the elevator, and one woman reported the sheets in her bed forming a human shape. She refused to get in it afterwards."

Makiko stretched.

"The one consistent thing everyone mentions is that whatever it is has long, black hair. So I'm guessing it's an onryo," she stated, plainly. Onryo were vengeful female ghosts, and nearly always highly dangerous. The only exceptions to this were the few cases where onryo totally forgot why they had a grudge in the first place. But that rarely ever happened. "If it is, we'll have to be careful, but something like that is always less dangerous towards anyone who's prepared for it."

Next, Makiko picked up a sheet of paper and displayed it to the others. On it, there was a black cat with white-tipped ears, with a phone number and name beneath it.

"Hasegawa Mii, a ten-year-old girl at this address, has lost her cat, Himiko. She says she thinks someone might have stolen her," Makiko explained. "We're going to split up and deal with each of these problems."

Once things had gotten organized, Makiko was going to deal with the sudden appearance of an outsider.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Akio didn't reply back at Nao for apologizing to him, Nao didn't really mind though since he didn't look hurt or mad at her but rather quite relaxed being in this situation. Did they hit a switch or something that caused him to calm down... Oh no she knew already, it was that damn pipe again with some kind of drug in it that made you calm. She knew that Shina used it sometimes and felt quite calm herself short after she fired up that pipe. Talking about it her worries seem to float away with the pipe so close to her. Hopefully this product wasn't all to damaging to the lungs.

Shina lead the way into the MYO, definitly the not knocking kind of way. If Nao had been in the club she was sure to have a heart attack the moment Shina entered. As rude as can be Shina got the boss's attention and hit right of the bat with the subject they had to bring up. Nao gave a short sigh knowing that this trouble wasn't as much her trouble anymore. Well at least not completely. She had people that could help her and Shina now. Nao walked into the room further while Shina did the same. Shina fell in love with the alcohol by the cabins as Akio introduced himself to the boss. Nao greeted everyone separately with a small smile and a.

"Good evening."

Nao headed for the same spot as Shina and placed her shoulder bag down. She took out all the cans and the bowl with grapes and placed them together on the counter/table thing at the back of the room. She selected a few and began handing them out without word like it was an usual thing for her to do. She placed them either in front of them or in their hands if they reached out for it. She kinda knew what everyone liked so their taste was pretty accurate if she said so herself. She headed back once she made a round and selected a few drinks again that would probably be left knowing some people wouldn't show up. Nao walked over to the new boy and held the drinks in front of him so he could see what they were.

"Chose whatever you like. There are also some grapes on the counter if you'd like and I guess you know where the alcohol is now."

Nao gave him a small smile and headed back again where she got the grapes out of her bag and placed them on the counter too whilst removing the plastic. She got something else out of her bag and went over to Shina again placing an ice cold beer in front of her.

"Something cold with it makes it taste better."

Without another word she walked over to some kind of locker and pulled out an apron. From the side of the locker she pulled out a watering can and filled it with some water to water the plants around the MYO. First she did the outside where she had planted some flowers that she liked and then on the inside of the building which were a lot less. She took her time with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Seth cautiously watched her tendrils approach, her words not helping to put him at ease around her at all but quickly became distracted by the door being swung open suddenly and Shina entered in her normal noisy fashion for when she bothered to show up though this time she bought an unfamiliar face with her.

Turning his attention back to his palm that the tendrils had been approaching before his cautiousness stance had been broken by the distraction the boy looked taken back by the now absence of the apple from before and looked now over at Yuina with no apple in sight and now suddenly posed with a new question. "Oh yeah." He responded with no particular tone in his voice still trying to get over how quickly she devoured the apple without him even noticing though he quickly cleared his throat to give a better answer to the girls question realising how absentmindedly he had responded at first "Well a few members can come round my place after the meeting and I will cook for them." He offered to Yuina but the invite was open to anyone who was interested as an attempt to make new friends himself and bring the group closer together.

Though now was not the time to continue talking for the leader had taken the stage to give out todays missions. Listening intently the red head put his hand to his chin to start pondering where his talents would be most useful. Sure, the lure of getting to possibly fight a dangerous Onryo sounded fun and a good challenge to see how well his training in combat had gone. But, that also carried a risk of getting himself possibly hurt and being a burden on the others was something he wanted to avoid.

Thinking about the other mission, tracking down a cat sounded a lot less exciting but possessed its own challenges. If it was just that the cat had gone for a prolonged walk then it would be a simple tracking type mission but if the cat had been kidnapped like the child believed it could get more complicated.

Making his decision Seth raised his hand to get Makiko's attention "If its ok with you leader I would like to go with the group that deals with the missing cat, I can use the wind to look around and see if any cats are walking around or if anyone in the area is acting suspicious at all and if there is a fight I should be able to hold my own" He put his case forward hoping she would accept his proposal but would not argue with her if she thought his talents would be best put to use elsewhere.

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