Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Athena's small body tensed up upon sighting the increasingly familiar figure of her own servant, as her hands ruffled Medea's skirt even more. Stupid servant. She had given her the order to stay there! She threw a pouty glare at her would-be protector. Her eyes narrowing so slightly, she let go of her prey with no fanfare at all, before stepping away from the other servant, not before giving her a longing stare. She was so beatiful, just like her own mother. Perhaps even more.

It was then when the little Master charged with all her might and kicked her own servant's shin. "Stupid Chuchu! You're a dumb doggy!" She said, her eyes watering so slightly. "Who are you calling a witch? Do you know she's my ancestor. The great grandmommy of the grandmommy of my grandmommy... You're insulting me too!" Athena's hands balled at her hips, as she stood in her tiptoes, like an angry cat.

"Apologize! OR I WONT SHARE CHOCOLATE WITH YOU ANYMORE" She demanded, crossing her arms. She was positively fuming.


El Cid

El Cid stroke his beard once more, as he oversaw the situation. Most of the servants were more or less subdued, but some were licking up old wounds. Some had decided to go directly into savouring earthly pleasures again. El Cid sighed, as he did a very visible shrug, deciding to give up on making any kind of sense or authority in the scene.

"As you wish, Master. Knowledge is power as they say. If I may be so bold, may I request perusing some modern books? It seems like my knowledge of the situation could use a little more work." The ancient knight answered as he followed suit.

"Maybe a cup of wine...no, that's not right...a glass of wine would be nice too." He mumbled to himself as he followed Cecil.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Victoria & Scathach

After shaking hands and making the contract formal, Victoria stretched, feeling a whole lot more cheerful all of a sudden. She had managed to actually make the summoning work, summoned an actual Heroic Spirit, AND managed to connect with her. Things were going so well she was slightly afraid there would be a catastrophe coming for her soon. Maybe there was, but she was getting hungry and all that thinking could wait later.

"Well, Lancer, shall we go off for breakfast? I think the old man said there was a cafeteria somewhere."

She turned to find Scathach staring at someone, the lancer in blue.


With a small smile Scathach waved away her questions, and started walking. Having food on her mind, Victoria didn't really think much of it, and went towards the cafeteria. Once there, they chose a table, where soon after Victoria brought back a tray overladen with food. Well balanced with meat, vegetables, and bread, but piled up high on the tray.


"Fine, do what you want, but I won't hide like a coward while you're out fighting. I can take care of myself without getting in your way. Fight at your own discretion, but using your Noble Phantasm is at my discretion only understand? If I'm not ready for it, you don't use it."

EMIYA simply spread out his hand and shrugged, smiling all the while. At least his Master was understanding. However, he did not say that because he wanted her out of his way. He had simply thought she was seemed rather inexperienced, and was more likely to die on this sort of war before gaining any meaningful experience. This was war after all, one that had gathered a lot of Heroic Spirits to fight. Just Diarmuid alone was enough to fight an entire army if his legend was anything to go by. It would be a rather grueling war, at least in his predictions. EMIYA didn't say any of that of course, all he needed was his Master to stay safe and not do anything foolish.

"Look, I'm hungry and tired, and we need to talk in private so I know what you can do. We'll stop by the cafeteria then head to my room to talk."

"Very well, Master. It would do no one good if you faint from starvation after all."

With that, he walked after his Master, remaining highly aware of his surroundings even as he wore a nonchalant look.

Dr. Jekyll

From what his Master had said, the situation is indeed rather grave. However, his Master was mistaken on one thing; he was hardly a simple servant, or rather Hyde was. If need be, Hyde can take on even the strongest foes for a time, with his immense strength, durability and regeneration. He was loathe to turn into Hyde however, for he had made the elixir not to bring out his evil side, but to get rid of it.

Losing the serious look on his face, Richard continued. "While we have a moment to ourselves, would be comfortable telling me your name? I've been wracking my brain as to who you may be, but when that child claimed the name of Jack the Ripper I had lost my best guess. No offense, but a well-to-do Englishman of the Assassin Class of a more recent era leaves me with few guesses."

Jekyll gave a small laugh at that. He did not take offense, considering, in his own opinion, he was worse than even Jack. Taking out the knife, he started fiddling with it, flipping it around his fingers with practiced ease.

"Of course Master. I am not Jack the Ripper as you say. My name is..." His voice faltered, as he noticed someone following them. "May I help you?"

One of the servants, he knew not who, was following them. He was possibly looking for a favor from them, or wished to introduce himself. In any case, he was not hostile, or he would have attacked as soon as he was in view of them.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Katenka Makiri

Katenka blinked. And then she blinked again. And once more...

She wasn't entirely sure how to react to this, really. This wasn't what she'd expected at all. What she'd expected was someone less... Impressive, a lower ranked Servant, a minor hero...

And yet here she was, the tug on her mana reserves making it abundantly clear that this girl, this knight in shining armour, the most beautiful girl she'd even layed eyes on, was no minor hero. She couldn't really focus on anything else except the girl before her, and it took a moment for her to even realize the... Weapon she held. Whilst it was sheathed in winds that shrouded its full appearance, there was no doubt that what the girl held in her hands was a sword.

"...S-saber?" She mumbled, her thoughts spilling out past her lips. "I... I can't have... Summoned a Saber... Especially not one so... So beautiful..."

A red tinge crossed her cheeks as she realized what she had just said, and as though trying to cover it up she began babbling rather incoherently.

"I... Um... Yes, you are my Mast- I mean I am your Master and um it is a pleasure to meet you really but you don't have to call me "Master" unless you really want to since my name's Katenka um that's not besmirching your knightly code or anything right I mean you can still call me "Master" if you want although I'd prefer Katenka since I'm not really worthy of being anyone's "Master" and oh my I can't shut up um um..."

Saber of Red

The green grass of the hill was stained red, red with the blood of fallen heroes, a deep red whose stain would forever mark the annals of history. This day, this fateful day upon the hill of Camlann, would forever be engraved in the memory of legend as the day the knights of Camelot came to an end, the day treachery and hatred won over justice and honour.

This was the day the dream died.

And alone on the hill, surrounded by the stench of corpses and the ruins of hope, abandoned by their allies and cut down by their own blood kin, a single knight breathed their last breath, cursing the cruelties of fate and knowing full well that they would forever be remembered as the worst of villains...

As the light of Murdoch's circle faded, a figure clad head to toe in heavy steel slowly came into view, an iron guantlet clutching their sides for a moment as though feeling some phantom pain. The moment passed soon, as the knight fell to one knee and offered their sword, a deep voice echoing from the blank face of their horned helmet...

"I ask of you..." The voice intoned, a voice that seemed twisted and distorted. "Are you my Master?"

@Nanashi Ninanai
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Arturia Pendragon, Saber

Saber paused for a moment. Pretty...? Well, that was... hardly relevant, and a somewhat awkward comment to make, truthfully. Even if it were true, which the blonde knight hardly believed was the case, she was a knight before she was anything else. Still... such a comment make mild heat spread in her cheeks from the awkwardness, but she swiftly managed to dismiss it. After a few moments, in which her Master seemed to degenerate into near-incoherency, Saber simply waited until she was done speaking before making her response.

"My class is Saber," she replied, simply, nodding her head as she did. It was, indeed, the only class that Arturia Pendragon could be called into. Her Master also seemed intent on avoiding being referred to as, well, 'Master'. While Saber was uncertain as to why, it was not exactly something she was unfamiliar with. After all, during her previous summoning...

... Irisviel...

No kind thought was in Saber's mind for her true Master in the previous grail war, unlike the lady of the Einzbern. But this girl appeared to be a different sort, at the very least, and her circumstances were an entirely different one. And that was exactly why she had to swiftly remind herself to focus on the present situation. The entire world, after all, was at stake.

"Katenka," she said, affirming her Master's request to be referred to by her given name, "We should immediately begin coordinating with the other Masters and their Servants in order to quickly halt this threat."

Naturally, preparing for the upcoming conflict was immediately Saber's intent.

"As such, we should follow the others."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Cecil Lavernth

It really didn't matter that much given the nature of their relationship, but Cecil was glad to see that Cid was willing to go along with his request without needing to be coerced to do so. It promised good things for their interactions, and he was already finding himself comfortable with Saber, even if the man was a bit more protective than might be useful. But he wouldn't fault him for that in the situation. They'd just have to see how he acted when they were in the field.

Hearing Cid's request, Cecil nodded in approval. "I'm sure we could manage that," he reassured his servant as they left the room. The others were as well, but most of them looked like they were headed to the cafeteria. He was sure that there was a library around here somewhere, if only so the Servants they summoned could be educated about the world that they were now in. It was just a matter of finding the place.

But for now he headed for the gym, making the trip fairly rapidly. He was looking forward to seeing what Cid could do, beyond the simple words that had highlighted his abilities. This much could be seen as they arrived at their destination, to find an open gym waiting. "Well then Saber, how do you usually practice?"


Alexander Nevsky

It came as no surprise that Nevsky found his presence caught on quickly by the other Servant in front of him, both because he wasn't really trying to hide and also because he wasn't an Assassin himself. he lacked Presence Concealment to hide himself, though in a place such as this he didn't really have a reason to hide.

So he accepted it and stepped forwards, joining the duo as they stood in the hallway. "Greetings," he said to them with a bow of his head, looking between Servant and Master before focusing on the latter. "I am here bearing a request from my Lord. Walgrave wishes to speak with you whenever you have the time." He still didn't have a solid idea why, but he had delivered the message nonetheless. Whether Assassin's Master accepted wasn't up to him.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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Cu Chulainn, Lancer

@Raineh Daze

“Alright, alright. I understand, Master,” Lancer says in a rather nonchalant manner of tone. Of course, he was the sort to act in the defense of his Master. Even if his master was a child, he was still obligated by the oath of his contract to protect her. There were a few cases where perhaps he would not listen to the orders of someone holding his seals, but they tended to fall under “absolute evil” and “people who should not have had the seals in the first place.”

“Sorry for any intrusion I think I caused in this here ‘family reunion’. It isn’t my place to say what my Master can and cannot do. They are their own person, after all, even if she is a bit young. If my worries were unfounded, then I suppose I am the one at fault here.”

Perhaps there was a bit of jealousy in Cu’s voice as to have a descendant. He had been someone who had burned the candle at both ends. A fantastic light, but one that burns out quickly. There were things he imagined that with his current knowledge he could better avoid or prevent, but he had no regrets in his life. Even to the son he had killed, if he were to regret his choices there it would merely be an insult to the entirety of those who looked up to his legend and to those he had inspired with his tales throughout history.

“But still, I didn’t expect a cute face like that under that hood. Maybe you should wear something cuter if you look a lot prettier.”

Her features were, at the very least, modest. Perhaps it was the cloak she wore, but it seemed to hide away her beauty as if someone wished to conceal her; as if she could not appear before others. Perhaps that wasn’t completely untrue. Even if she was a witch, Cu wasn’t the sort to completely hold someone to their actions so long as they didn’t affect him. “Affecting him” could have any varied meanings like simply doing something he doesn’t like.

Cu was the sort to be able to change his emotions in a situation on the fly. Perhaps not exactly “on the fly”. It was more like within his conversations with Servants he always saw his opponents as “someone I should have to fight”.

But there was no one to fight in the current situation. At the very least the person before Cu was not an “enemy”, and likely, considering the circumstances, would not be someone he would have to fight in the future. At least he hoped not. If the Caster-class Servant was going to simply allow for his Master to do as she pleased, Cu would be content in this situation.

“Besides, I have to look good in front of my Master, no?”

But that was when he had heard a voice that he had not heard in … well, his life was short and one could say that the throne of heroes doesn’t truly have a concept of “time” or anything along those lines, but in ages nonetheless. A voice that he respected and cherished, though perhaps not as much as the “other Cu” would.

A beautiful figure of a woman stood before Lancer. And in her voice she simply said the words ‘Lancer’.


It was a bit of a confusion for the hero known as Cu Chulainn. The woman he respected as both a warrior and a teacher. And not only was she an extremely capable warrior, but someone who’s looks Cu did fancy.

Cu had thought that due to her disposition, she would have never been able to see him again. He had not been able to rightfully end her during his life. Perhaps not a regret that Cu did have, but like his descendant he did wish there was someone to have ended his teacher, whom of which had placed much of her faith in being able to die to his spear.

There were many things he wanted to ask her but couldn’t. Even Lancer, who was simply a warrior at heart, felt the weight of his actions. The teacher he loved. He couldn’t meet her expectations. He was born too young. Too young.

“Teacher, I never thought I’d be able to see you again.”

Ravel Livoria D’Arby

@Nanashi Ninanai

“Then if you shall accept me as a Master, I shall give you my all, Caster! I mean Himiko! I am glad that you were approachable. I have to say that i was a bit astonished by your beauty, but I am glad to see you are a nice person.”

A smile was plastered upon Ravel’s face.

Perhaps it was true. Ravel was a somewhat easily impressed individual. The sort of person to care much about the current position they found themselves within through its fantastical existence known as the “world of magecraft”. Simply put, an observer who watched those around her and their craft, and someone who wished to make a name for themselves in the magi scene as her family had long ago.

But idealism tended to lead magi to ruin, if not by their actions within the confines of creating enemies to simply understanding magic that is too dangerous to exist.

“Although a bit taboo, I will say that my family practices curses and spirits. I will understand if you are off put by such magecraft, and I will understand why considering the stigma against such, but it is still the magecraft of my bloodline which I respect. As the leader of the D’Arby house of England, I will make my family great once more!” .

Even if she was someone who was “idealistic”, she was not the sort to wish to ruin herself. Ravel was the only hope for her bloodline; a nasty group of degenerates who practiced arts frowned upon by contemporary magicians. She would restore their craft to its former prominence.

“However, I am a tad bit hungry from my arrival here, so I would like you to accompany with you meal if that would please you. I would love to discuss anything you would wish to speak about, but I don’t want to force you. I believe we are a partnership rather than a traditional “servant and master”, as you have said. It is merely the titles we draw. So long as you are willing to support me, I will wish to support you as well, Caster.”

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

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Richard Montag

@GreenGoat @Flamelord @Beloss
While the assurance that his Assassin was indeed not Jack the Ripper was a given, the ease with which he handled the knife still had Richard contemplating Victorian Era serial killer. It would not be impossible to think he had summoned the predecessors of the Ripper, Spring Heeled jack, which would have left Richard with a true terror for anyone for anyone that opposes him. Of course he had to concede that Spring Heeled Jack was always reported to be a rather demonic figure with sharp claws and fire breath, which just didn't mesh with the clean cut look of the man before him.

Considering that knives have long been the tool of cutthroats, chefs, butchers, physicians, soldiers, sailors, and housewives alike, Richard could have spent days hypothesizing as to his Servants identity, though this was time which would be better spent elsewhere so the magus was glad to have the spirit answer for himself.

However, before Assassin could properly introduce himself, Richard was alerted to their brief reprise from the masses being ended by the arrival of an armored Servant -Not to mention the veritable stampede of Berserkers and Cat Girls wanting to feast- with a noticeable accent, most certainly one of the knight classes judging by his form and manner. A brow rose on the Magus' face as the name of Nevsky's lord was spoken, Richard seemingly taken aback by the suddenness of such a proposal in the first minutes after their summoning.

"Ah yes, Lord Walgrave. Well I do believe we were off to the dining hall as everyone else is, but he is more then welcome to join us. With such prolific company like yourself and the other legends of old, it seems only fitting to discuss the future over a banquet."

Even as Richard warmly invited Nevsky and Walgrave to converse over food and drink, he tapped into the bond between Servant and Master to convey an amused message within the sanctity of their minds. "It looks like you are already a hot market commodity, Assassin."

Tamamo No Mae

@KoL @Raineh Daze @Nanashi Ninanai

Caster tittered giddily as her Master responded kindly to her forward advances, not making any effort to dissuade the amorous concubine from the proximity she had so desired. It was not like Tamamo would say no to the randomly chosen love of her new life, and nothing built up a relationship like direct contact for extended periods of time. Why else was Ananta laying her claim on her Master when confronted by the Grecian Witch, or that adorable child would then latch onto said witch for dear life? Tamamo could smell the budding romance in the air, and since she didn't have to kill each and every person in the room that opposed her Master, she had no trouble wishing them all the best of luck.

From her comfortable hold upon Seyrun's arm, she was beginning to take in those around her with more detail, vaguely recalling the stories of a few from her own homeland until a tremor in her reflector had her focus on one figure in particular. Regal in garb and manner, with a reflector to match Tamamo's own, was Queen Himiko. This was something of a pleasant surprise for the vulpine Servant, who knew well that Himiko was a devout follower of the very Goddess that Tamamo was an aspect of, therefor by Tamamo's logic, Himiko may as well be her priestess as well.

"Hey! Himi- Oh! Master!" She had raised her hand to cheerily wave to the potential friend in a foreign land, but before she could get a word in edge wise, Seyrun was off like a shot to chase after the Einzbern Master, supplicating before the clearly disinterested woman as though seeking favor. Svetlease covered for herself with a textbook deflection, but having served in the Imperial Court, Tamamo could practically see the homunculus looking down her nose at Seyrun. Despite lacking any knowledge on Seyrun's actual political standing among the modern days societal elite, Tamamo was assured of her greatness against all facts to the contrary and instantly came to dislike this noble Master.

"Master~" Knowing that confrontation this early would bring them nothing but a disservice later on, the imperial concubine thought it better to disengage and try again later once Svetlease was ready to beg Seyrun for her services. With a flutter of her eye lashes and eager wag of the tail, Tamamo pulled Seyrun into the room and towards a section of the long table not looking like a warzone as Servants tore about wild game, seating the both of them so they could see the door and try to wave down her priestess later. "Sooooo, my name is Tamamo No Mae, and I'm going to be beside you for this conflict. Can my great and magnanimous Master tell me about herself?"

There truly was no greater distraction then talking about oneself at length to an attentive audience.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Assassin of Black

...Warm. It was warm. The thing wrapped around her neck was... So warm... But not as warm as the embrace. Mother was so soft and... And warm... So, so warm...

"We... We don't... Need to kill anyone?" Wide-eyed, the young girl found her mouth curling in an odd fashion, one she wasn't entirely used to. Was this a smile? Mother cared for her, not like the others, not like the Mothers she'd left in Whitechapel. With this in mind and the promise of food, she put her trembling hand into Ghyslaine's.

It seemed as though Jack wasn't the only young girl summoned as a Servant, as a blonde girl clutching a doll approached her... And suddenly began babbling non-stop.

"We... Um... You..." Not exactly the best in social situations at the best of times, Jack could do little more than stare at the Caster in bewilderment. Her hand closed tighter, as she edged closer to Mother. "We are... Assassin... And we... Have never tried cake..."

Katenka Makiri

Katenka just couldn't stop staring, drifting off even as her Servant began talking. She was just so beautiful... Saber was just so-

...Wait, Saber? Really, definitely Saber?

There was no way she could've, but... There she was. Saber. Saber. Knight of the Sword, the Servant class that represented the greatest of heroes... There must have been some mistake! She couldn't have summoned Saber! She... She should probably be paying more attention to her Servant, really.

"Um... Right, um... Right, let's... Let's go, Saber." She mumbled as she gingerly took hold of the knight's hand, heading off after the others with her. As she passed by, she noticed some cockroachs scuttling about; she could tell they were familiars, and compared to the kind her family produced kind of shoddy ones at that. Oh well, if they proved to be a bother she could just feed them to her babies. They'd probably like that.

"A-anyway, um... So, um, Saber, um..." Katenka unconsciously squeezed tightly on Saber's hand, her nerves getting the better of her. "Um... If it's okay to ask, um... Just who are you? I mean I don't know of many female knights so I guess that narrows things down a bit but um... I mean you sound English so you can't be Joan of Arc at least I mean that would make no semse at all really but um."

Aaaah I'm making myself look like an idiot aren't I?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Arturia Pendragon, Saber

Saber fell silent, watching as her Master seemed to enter some kind of trance. For a moment, she wondered if, perhaps, this was some form of Magecraft technique. She was largely unfamiliar with magecraft in general, and therefore she could not help but question the possibility when faced with Katenka's silence and somewhat dazed stare. Perhaps it required focus and concentration on another matter rather then anything present? However, it quickly became apparent that her Master had become somehow distracted. For a few moments, the short blonde knight was surprised and confused when Katenka took her armored hand to guide her along to the dining area. To say the least, it wasn't exactly anything Saber had suspected, and for a few moments she dully followed, staring at the other girl's hand.

However, the matter was quickly put out of her mind when the dark-haired girl questioned her identity, in a rather awkward and flustered manner. The blonde girl paused for a moment when she heard the name 'Joan of Arc'. Unfortunately, the mention of Jeanne d'Arc made Saber recall a truly evil individual but only for a moment. Truthfully, it was only right that her Master know her identity. Indeed, secrecy was hardly an important matter when all the Servants were required to work together in order to surmount this strange 'singularity' threat.

Regardless of how deeply she had failed. Regardless of how she had lead to one of her closest knights falling into darkness... There was a simple, undeniable facet of Saber's identity. No matter how she believed she must erase it, for the good of all those who had suffered and died due to her rule, she was the Once and Future King. And so, that was how she would introduce herself.

"My identity is Arturia Pendragon," she began, even as she slowly followed Katenka to the dining area, "King of the Britons."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Ghyslaine Vinla-Meir

As she was prepared to lead Jack off to get food, another Servant approached... equally small and childish. Unlike the shy and alarming Jack, however, there was no way that they could be Assassin. She just kept talking and talking without getting to a suitable point to address everything she said. It was a little overwhelming, honestly, but the blonde child said so much that there was still more than enough to try and formulate a proper response.

"Well, then, what is your name, Caster? I'm sure it's a nice name for someone as energetic as you," the blood-using magus stated, offering her other hand after a tiny pause--but not enough for the girl to start going on a tangent again, "Do you and Gretchen want to come eat with us?"

As for her Servant...

"I will make sure that you get some cake after a proper meal."


Caster was, without a doubt, rather lost by what the girl said. Ancestor? That was something that she couldn't say was expected or entirely made sense to her... but after gatecrashing a wedding by setting it on fire, everything ran together in her memory. Even remembering her age or how she died. Maybe she had become a mother at some point--though in what service would that be giving people the evil they demanded of a witch?

Then the least qualified Servant to give fashion advice spoke out and suggested that she gets something else. Not that she would get other clothes for his sake but... not wearing these robes might get people to stop calling her a witch so much. What was wrong with them, though? They were practical for going outdoors in.

With Lancer now firmly interested in someone equally bizarrely dressed (what era of history even had such brazen outfits?) and his Master angry at him, an opportunity presented itself to deal with that... burning issue that had made itself apparent on being summoned. But if she was to tell her Master exactly what her plan was, there was a chance of being told to not do it. Fortunately, as Caster, there was more than enough reason to get a brief time to herself.

"Master, there is something that I must do to prepare us against further conflict," the Magus from the Age of Gods stated, walking away before getting the okay, and making a beeline to yet another random Irish man with a spear and his Master. Up this close, the source of the magical charming was obvious--yet weak and easily quashed compared to far more divine forces of love. It was still a disgusting effect to allow to remain, particularly on someone attractive from the start: it was entirely possible someone would choose to not resist. "Lancer, I believe that I can nullify your apparent curse of attraction... if you don't resist."

Getting attacked for stabbing him in the face would be awkward. There was no need to mention any other... side effects that could come with trying to disable the curse through such a blunt manner. That was partly why she asked for nothing in return for her services; charging for severing the bond between Servant and Master would backfire even if the curse was stopped.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Amalie Georg Faust, Caster

For a few, shocked moments, Caster stared in horror at the Assassin. No, that couldn't be true... what kind of terrible life must she have had? It must truly, truly been full of misery and despair, horror and loneliness... A life of nothing but soul-crushing sadness. After all.. she had never tried cake before! How awful! Clutching Gretchen firmly to her chest, Caster took a firm step forward, and with her right hand pointed upwards towards the little Assassin's presumed-Master.

"Your Master is right!" she declared, loudly, practically stomping her feet as she did, "You need to try some cake you need to try it soon it's wonderful and it makes you feel all great and I feel really really bad you haven't had any cake it's terrible and horrible and bad and you need to eat lots of cake lots and lots all different kinds to make up for it I'll learn how to bake a cake and then bake one for you and you can have some then and drink lots of milk and we can have a tea party you and me and Gretchen and Margarita and your Master all together and we can have fun and I'll invite all my friends!"

Yes, that was it. This was a firm plan within Caster's mind. There was no way she would ever be shaken from this, she now felt it was her sworn duty. To introduce Assassin to cake, and have a tea party with her. She had to. The poor girl had never had cake before! Gretchen agreed, too, that it was important to be nice to her! Gretchen also seemed a bit worried about the way such a girl qualified for Assassin, and what could have happened to her to cause that, but Faust wasn't worried about that at all! She'd treat her nicely either way!

Of course, Faust's rambling was paused for a moment when the Master asked her identity.

"Oh, that's right! We don't need to keep secrets!" she chirped, with a cheerful smile as she reached out and rapidly shook the Master's hand, "I'm Amalie Georg Faust!"

Althienna Ly Van Del Vanten

Barely perceptibly, Althienna relaxed slightly as the blue-suited Lancer relented. The most intriguing matters, now, were the nature of the little girl and her own Servant's relationship... and just why the Lancer had a bizarre fashion sense. Though she had to agree with him on one matter. It would be rather nice if Medea wore something cuter... Ah, but now was not the time for such contemplations, now, was it? Nor was it time for Althienna to take in the sight of the other highly attractive woman in skintight clothing that had just appeared from nearby. As much as it would be nice to take in that particular sight, of course, Althienna decided the best course of action as to attempt to keep an eye on her own Servant. After all, it seemed only proper to stay close.

... And, oddly enough, Medea was offering to solve a... oh. Yes, now she could tell what was happening... Thankfully, her interests lie elsewhere. Still, for others... oh, if someone allowed it to affect them, that could be quite hazardous... The Lancer would of course have to undergo some changes in order to effect her.

"My my, so many Lancers, all with such... unique senses of fashion~"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nanashi Ninanai
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Nanashi Ninanai Strange Bird of the Moon

Member Seen 5 days ago



Such a pleasant-sounding word was not something anyone had ever used to refer to Caster for as long as she could remember. Perhaps what prompted Ravel to call her that was simply the work of the tone she forced herself to use. Would she ever learn about Caster's true self anytime soon? How would the girl react to it? Humans would always be drawn to the nature they're born with, no matter how much they tried to change or distance themselves from it. A born killer would always have the lust for blood haunting them as long as they live, and it would also apply on other kinds of nature someone might have. Thus, no matter how much Caster tried to sound nurturing and caring for her Master, sooner or later the girl would know about her true nature.

Although, to tell the truth, it's not like Himiko herself was actually aware of what was her own true nature, something she admitted inside as she was having this thought. For the most part so far, what was thought as her true nature by her was really just her own assumption. A train of thought that contradicted itself, yet to the outside world, they could only see the fabricated image of a grand and charismatic ruler hiding behind a mask.

Shifting herself away from that overly long introspection to take more note regarding her Master as they left the room, Himiko was then elated to learn about the discipline of magic that Ravel practiced. Furthermore, Caster was having quite an interest in her youthful drive regarding the study of magecraft. This meeting perhaps had been fated to happen. The girl was still young, she had a lot of things waiting for her in the future. Familial glory was not something Caster held to high esteem for the most part, but from how Ravel proudly exclaimed it to her, Caster understood that it was a desire born out of oneself. Seeing her younger self in the girl more and more, her smile became wider as the glows from her clothing turned a sinister purple. The almost-divine aura she had earlier disappeared as she approached the girl once Ravel was done talking, replaced with a foreboding, pressuring aura.

"Your magic is quite a gift, my dear. If you may, I shall-"

Her mirror shook again. The sinister aura and glow faded in that instant as she noticed the vulpine Servant of earlier noticing her and halfway through called her. Caster was confused at first, her focus was taken by that occurrence for the time being. Who was that Servant? She felt both the feeling of reverence and oddly, shame as she gazed at her. That made little sense. There would be little reason why she would feel any of those emotions due to a mere fox demon, wouldn't it? Caster then recognized the mirror floating around the fox.

In complete denial, she turned around to face Ravel again, her conflicted and panicking expression was fully hidden behind her mirror cover.

"Let's eat then. It would be best to talk more once we're in a more lax condition."

Caster was trying her best to maintain her dignified tone, although it was clear from her voice that she wished to leave the summoning room as soon as possible. Inside of her mind, she was struggling to accept the reality of what had just happened. Himiko recognized the mirror. The exact same mirror as hers, manifesting from two separate legends. The only being that would possess such a Noble Phantasm would be her. Why was she summoned as that kind of flighty-looking fox demon was something Himiko currently trying to rationalize. Even ignoring that however, Himiko felt odd. Was she supposed to worship her? She had the feeling of utter reverence towards her, but she barely could recall any instance of her actually worshipping that goddess. Nevertheless, perhaps it would be best not to show her actual magic while the vulpine Servant was in close vicinity just yet.

Trying her best to cast those thoughts aside, Himiko went ahead towards the cafeteria, visibly hastening her steps. She wasted no time once inside, and prepared a place for both herself and Ravel in the midst of the chaos of Servants and Masters feasting. Yet, to her chagrin the foxy Servant was sitting not that far from her - Caster's hurried attempt to avoid the fox ended up making her miss her obvious presence. Caster started to be tense as she futilely tried to keep her stoic expression in front of Ravel. How should she respond to her when she inevitably greeted her again? In a desperate attempt to push the sudden rush of anxiety aside, Caster spoke once again to her Master.

"If you so wish to, I can offer my assistance in your study regarding your brand of magic. Despite my appearance..." She tried to make sure that the fox wasn't looking at her right now with an aside glance, and once she was sure, the dark aura from earlier momentarily flared back, as reassurance to Ravel on what kind of magic was she capable of. "I happen to be quite adept with such magic. I am quite pleased to be in a fellow practitioner's company."


Murdoch Lamalea

Murdoch silently watched the Einzbern magus left the room with her Servant, a flashy-looking Berserker. So far she didn't seem to be trouble, but when it's about this family, he couldn't be sure. Quite easily the most concerning Master from the group so far. Of course, as he was supposed to work together with the other masters, he would have to learn to trust the Einzbern magus. A difficult prospect for the time being.

More importantly however, was his own Servant. The summoning was a bit delayed compared to the others, but right now, he was watching as the pillar of light faded, revealing a figure clad in a menacing armor...had the Servant themselves weren't significantly shorter than him. The height was odd, and the armor and helmet was moreso. The Servant's appearance was far from what he expected from a Round Table knight. The knight then knelt before him, and asked the quintessential prompt that would seal their contract, with a distorted voice that made their identity quite a mystery.

"Indeed, I am. You can call me Murdoch if you so desire."

Murdoch continued to try figuring out the identity of his Servant. The only possible summons from the catalyst he provided were the members of the Round Table, but who was this figure? He had done his research about the knights before, but none of the figures he had learned about came across his mind. In the process of guessing, Murdoch immediately eliminated the figures that was obviously representing the classic knight in shining armor archetype, such as Sir Gawain and some others from his mind. Sir Lancelot would also be quite unlikely - no chance of someone with this kind of armor being him, no matter at which stage of life he was. The others also had little reasoning why would they be summoned in such a menacing armor...except for one. A name passed through his mind, and Murdoch shuddered at the thought of that name being his Servant now. After a period of silence, he decided that the best course of action was simply not to ask about their identity for now. Murdoch decided on something else to ask for the time being.

"If I may ask, with you being a proper knight, what kind of values do you follow as a knight? What kind of codes of conduct do you uphold? And lastly, do you believe in any kind of honor?"

Murdoch was visibly pressured with the presence of his own servant. Perhaps it wouldn't even be good if he tried to uphold the expected Master-Servant relation with the knight. Whoever the knight was, right now what was important would be to learn more about their nature and make sure that the two of them could actually work together.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Seyrun Leviathan

"Well then, we may discuss this once more when the chance arises." Seyrun sounded a bit disappointed with the Einzbern's reply to her approach, but let it go. More over she tried not to show it on her face that having her plans shut down was a thing she wasn't expecting in the least.

Fortunately Seyrun's servant seem to have read her mind and provided Seyrun with a quick and relatively painless way away from the Einzbern's glacier like gaze. "My, my, you don't need to be so hasty. It's not like I'm going to go anywhere and leave you behind." Seyrun's voice as soft as always when her Servant found a place for the two of them to sit at. Suspiciously away from everyone else and at the same time with a good enough view from the entrance.

Perhaps the fox girl wanted to wait for someone else? A related Heroic Spirit, maybe?

At the long waited revelation of her own Servant's name, Seyrun put out a faint smile and, once again petted the fox girl's head. "Tama-mo-Nomae, huh? That sure is a distinguished name. I'm sure that I summoned the best of the Heroic Spirits." She didn't wanted to admit it, but Seyrun hadn't the least idea of even how to spell her Servant's name.

Thankfully there was a much simpler way to acquire information on the days of the 21st century. While her tutor once had to take a case of books and other material's with him, Seyrun just needed to place her hand on her pocket and draw a hand sized tablet of silicon and glass, flick it on and let the internet do its "magic".

"Ah, I see, it's Tamamo-no-mae. Your life certainly seems like a colorful one." Seyrun said after a quick read of the summary of Tamamo's life. "You don't need to worry about that though. I'm here for you now. To answer your fist question, Tama... may I call you this, right?" Seyrun paused for a moment to confirm Tamamo's reaction to the sudden pet name. "I'm Seyrun Leviathan, last heiress of the Leviathan Household, from Norway and pupil to Lord El-Meloi II of the London's Clock Tower. But, these are all technicalities about the past that will hardly have any influence here..." Seyrun's eyes darted to the Einzbern, before getting back to Tamamo.

"As of this moment, I'm only Seyrun Leviathan, the one who summoned you, Tama, to this world. That should be the basis upon which our future relationship is built, right?" Seyrun bend forward, picking a bottle of wine and placing two cups before her an Tamamo. "Now then, why don't we take this chance and strengthen our bonds just a bit?"


Atalanta kept on eating despite the numerous eyes turned to her. It wasn't like she was being a complete savage to begin with. In fact, vigorous eating was supposed to be an exalted trait among Heroic Spirits, most of who were being from times of yore, from ages when only those who deserved it could feast to their hearts' contents. Perhaps the pampered humans from today wouldn't understand it, but for those who still recalled the past, famine and plague were very real things.

Soon enough, Atalanta's attention was shifted from her eating by a much more attractive subject. The sweet smell of caramelized apples being almost like a lure to Atalanta's sharp scent. "What's that pi thing, Keisuke? You better not be talking about those Athenians, I don't understand any of their witchery." Came Atalanta's unexpected reply to Keisuke's offer, even though she followed suit with his suggestion and dislodged herself from the boar table, leaving about half of it unfinished, to follow him.

However, before she could leave, a large man came to her, holding a bottle of wine and a cup, while talking about she passing on the drinks. "Hmm.. for a moment I though it was him, but that pelt is not a lion's after all. The smell is different too." In fact, where not for the difference in the pelts they wore over their shoulders, that Heroic Spirit and Heracles would be nearly impossible to tell apart, for anyone not acquainted with them personally, such as Atalanta actually was.

Either way, Keisuke was getting away and so were that apple pi he talked about, which was something Atalanta couldn't let go. "I'm Atalanta, Princess of Arcadia an a Virgin Huntress of my goddess Artemis. The bounty of the earth is all I need to sustain myself. However, I'll accept your offer to celebrate our allegiance on this expedition." Atalanta took the cup from the other Heroic Spirit's hand and drained its contents in a single breath, before returning it to him, like warriors used to do on old times. The only shame was that it wasn't a proper vessel for this kind of nigh ceremonial drinking, such as a drinking horn. That was a point were modern utensils fell short of a legend's expectations.

"We shall talk on a better opportunity." Atalanta said after waiting for the other warrior's reply. "For the time being, I shall reunite with my Master. You are welcome to join us if you and your Master so do wish. Otherwise, I bid you farewell." Atalanta was curt in her parting and soon enough she was sitting by Keisuke's side, looking him in the eyes as if waiting for something.

Diarmuid Ua Duibhne

Diarmuid still waited for the reply from the girl that approached him however, another Servant came in short succession. This one was in fact of a gorgeous, yet modest beauty, very unlike the childish features of the black-haired girl before Lancer. However, there was something in that newcomer's eyes that made Diarmuid faintly recall Grainne. Was he fated to meet women with such complicate personalities? To say the least.

Nevertheless, the proposal she spoke off was caught Diarmuid's attention immediately. For his whole life he sought of a way to break his curse, but never was successful. He knew that there would be bound to have the means to, but to have one just there in front of him was something Diarmuid hardly believed in.

Yet, no matter how tempting that was, there's still a problem. "I appreciate your offer, milady. And I surely don't doubt your skills for I know that there are Heroic Spirits able to do so. However, may I ask why is it that you propose to lend such help to someone you just met?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke glanced at Atalanta as she seemed to take his bait, and so with her not trying to stuff herself full of boar it was now freed up for others to eat from.
Kind of.
This worked well enough for his 'good deed of the day', right? It wasn't as if he did anything like that to begin with, though, but so long as nobody else looked at him or Atalanta with eyes of disdain, then all was well.
The Enforcer did take notice, though, when his Servant casually downed a cup of wine in a single breath. Though casual drinking was all well and fine, he preferred to take things like that at a slower pace. Savor the taste alongside food that paired well with it and all that.
This was probably where the culture gap started to become a bit clearer for him, even though it should have been clear the moment he had summoned a Heroic Spirit in the first place.

The internal monologuing and musing was brought to a quick halt, however, as his Servant promptly took a seat next to him. It caught him by surprise, quite frankly; he was expecting her to take a seat opposite of himself rather than the one she did. Even so, he didn't show any semblance of shock on his face, but instead gave a smile to Atalanta and passed the plate with the slice of pie over to her, a fork leaning against it as he did so.

"That's apple pie, a pastry dish in which apples are sliced up, mixed with a bunch of herbs, spices, and other such ingredients, then baked within a crust until fully cooked. It's a dish best served fresh, and I believe some people prefer to eat it with vanilla ice cream on occasion...? It is quite tasty, but I'll let you try it out for yourself. While it is in the shape of a circle, I'm pretty sure that you don't have to worry about doing any math to get the best out of it."

With his short (and honestly quite rudimentary) summary of the dish complete, Keisuke nodded towards Atalanta before beginning to eat his own meal. A balanced diet was nice and all, but if he was going into unknown territory with an unknown amount of resources, then maybe eating a bit more than usual was the best option.

Sakata Kintoki

"Ah, really? That actually-- Wait, we're in the middle of the ocean?!" Kintoki asked, staring at Svetleaze in disbelief as she mentioned their current location. "That... You serious? That's... That's freaking COOL! I guess we're not on a boat, though, since I ain't feeling the waves under our feet, but hey, the ocean's the ocean. Think that there are those giant squid or whatever outside, then? I'd love to see how they match up to the golden carp."

Casually talking away, Kintoki finished the last of his lamb chops before eyeing a trash can off to the side. With a casual flick of his hands, the Berserker tossed all of the bones straight into it before noting the half-eaten boar now sitting on the table--it had just been blocked by someone and looked as if someone had ACTUALLY bitten into it, to be fair, but hey, who cares? BOAR.

"Well, I guess they did it, huh? I'm gonna go grab some for myself," he said, walking off to look at what was left at the dish. Luckily enough for Kintoki, there was an entire leg of the boar that had yet been untouched. Gripping the bone firmly with one hand and the body with the other, Kintoki tore the leg off with enough force to cause the table to jump. Luckily, nothing fell off in the end, but his strength had been made quite clear now.

Laughing to himself as he eyed the slab of meat now in his possession, Kintoki made his way back to Svetleaze and took a seat near his Master--close enough to be within arm's reach, but far enough so as to not bother her when he began ripping through his food.
Like he had just begun to do, in fact.

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg

With every Servant now successfully summoned and no imminent threats to the facility at hand, Zelretch casually cracked his knuckles and began to walk towards the exit, only to pause as he noticed a few cockroaches scurrying out of the room after the Masters and Servants that had just left. His otherwise neutral expression now tensed into a bit of a frown, the Wizard Marshal took a look around before noting the only person who could have released such creatures.
Well, technically there were two, but the Makiri had no use for roaches when she had not only already left, but also had familiars that exceeded their potential.


Clearing his throat quite loudly as he approached Ruben, who appeared to have already sent his Servant out before him. Though he had thought the old man's experience would come in handy teaching the younger generation how to fight, he did not by any means expect him to try and treat this ordeal as if it was a standard Grail War.

"I recommend that you recall those roaches; as you may already know, this facility is spotless due to the insistence of the staff who maintain it. Roaches are not only thoroughly out of place as a result, but the fact that you are sending them off to a feast of food is a mistake in and of itself. Why not join them for a meal? Or would you rather remain here instead?"

Without waiting for a response, Zelretch quietly walked out of the room, slipping off to who-knows-where as the rest of the group did as they wished.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 1 day ago


Athena blinked twice, as she eyed her Lancer. At the very least he was offering an apology. And then somehow his cute comment made her ancestor mad, as she seemed to ignore her and her own servant and chase another Doggy with a Mole. Mole Doggy? She thought to herself, straining her little head as to think what was happening. She felt like calling her grannyancestor Medea, but from her attitude it was clear she wasn't giving a damn about her.

Plus that mole was funny. She could understand that. Moley moley mole. But even so, Athena was somewhat sad, as she felt like the attention she had once yearned had been cast aside like an used towel. Her cheeks inflated in an exaggerated pout, as she eyed Lancer once more.

"LANCER! I Need chocolate because my granny is after moley moley man!" She yelled as she glared at her own servant. And then it was when she noticed the other servant, with the lance.

"Are you his ex? He's my superdoggy now. So don't interfere, y'hear? Even if you're kinda pretty and have boobs and a red lance too." She said, staring down at the other servant, before beginning to stomp in a huff towards the kitchen. Chocolate healed anger and broken hearts, she had been told once.


El Cid

El Cid looked at his master for a few seconds, without emitting a single sound. He was pensative, judging how he stroke his beard, as pondering something. Then, he stretched slowly as he unsheathed his noble phantasms, still in a dormant position.

"Very well, master." El Cid nodded with his head, as he weighted one of his swords, Colada and threw it against the ground next to his master's feet, nailing it against the solid floor due to sheer force.

"Grab your blade." He added as he took a combat stance.

"EN GUARDIA!" He yelled as he charged his own master, faster than the eye could see. He moved at the speed of miracles, and before Cecil knew, the tip of the ominous blade of Tizona was gently poking the skin of his master's neck, without breaking it.

"Practice has no meaning for a servant, my Master. We all are exalted copies of what we were in our prime. As we are now, we are beyond human." El Cid answered. "Do not take me for a fool, Master. I know that your true intention was never ask about the amenities of my past life, but my actual power." He sighed, closing his eyes. "And for some reason, beyond the prying eyes of other magi and servants." He added, taking a few steps back.

It was then when he displayed both blades, clearly for his master to see. "Tizona, the firebrand. And Colada. These are my blades and my power. Know that you have before you what once was know as El Cid, Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar." He nodded. "That should give you an idea of my abilities." He answered, finally sheathing his swords.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Margarita Reynard

@VitaVitaAR @Raineh Daze @Rin

It was with equal measures surprise and joy that Margarita found her efforts bore pleasant fruit and her Servant latched onto Assassin like they were sisters. Assassin's Master was another victory on the diplomatic front as the magus was very accommodating, acting more like a responsible parent then a Master would typically handle things, and would likely have more energy to keep up with the both of the eccentric children.

Margarita was also confronted with the bewildering revelation of her Servant's identity. While there was little reason to lie in this regard, the Enforcer's mind was having trouble reconciling the child with the more common image of an aged man, or so she assumed Faust to be. While it wasn't to say that Margarita didn't have the time, she wasn't the most broadly read of woman in terms of literature outside the arcane works required for her lifestyle. Lacking any reason to reject Caster's identity, she pushed aside any concerns with same ease that the Master of Atalanta had in summoning a cat girl, and joined the trio in their contemplations of food.

"I do believe Faust would be glad to join Jack, though I hope they don't mind if their summoner's tag along." Margarita said as she rested both hands on the eager child's shoulders, keen on not letting a Caster bolt and roam the facility unattended. As cute as a playdate between Jack and Faust sounded, letting them play around or even run off ahead to find the cafeteria on there own sounded like a recipe for disaster. The kind involving lots of screaming, woman missing their ovaries, demons running rampant, and Zelretch awfully cross with the irresponsible Masters...or darkly amused at the chaos they would unleash in their quest for cake / maternal affection.

Then Margarita realized she had made a slight faux pas and directed her attention to Jack's Master with an apologetic smile. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm Margarita, Faust's Master. Perhaps it was presumptuous but I thought with Servants such as ours, it would be good to introduce ourselves early so they aren't alienated among the more, well..." The aged Enforcer trailed off with her eyes turning towards the trio of Irish Lancers in skin tight bodysuits, or the most recent figure in imposing silver and red armor. "Others."

"Care to lead the way?"

Tamamo No Mae

@KoL @Raineh Daze @Nanashi Ninanai

Tamamo had been validated in her vigil of the entrance when Himiko had entered with her Master close behind. For all the adoration Tamamo held for her Master, the resonance of her mirror with the Queen's was something wholly unexpected in even a War as bizarre as their present conflict, and there was genuine interest in meeting an actual priestess of the Goddess Tamamo was derived from. She knew that Himiko felt the connection too, it was impossible not to with their abilities, so witnessing the other Caster's subsequent arrival and dismissal was disheartening to say the least. Tamamo would have been left sulking with ears flattened against her head had Seyrun not been the beacon of warmth and compassion that she-

"Urrk!" There was an audible twitch from the Vulpine Servant who had the great displeasure of hearing her name mangled by her warm, compassionate, and foreign Master. It was almost enough to make her miss the compliment that followed right after, and the subsequent emergence of a recantgular device fitting in Seyrun's palm. Contrary to most modern Magi, she could correctly identify it as a cell phone thanks to the Grail's cursory information dump.

She should have been elated to hear the proper enunciation of her name. Should have, were it not for Seyrun saying she was researching Tamamo's own history, as written by her killers. Her kitsune features betrayed the horror that threatened to drown her in negativity while her face bore false exuberance, knowing that history bore her nothing but ill will and portrayed her in a very unflattering light. It was a small mercy then that Seyrun hadn't the time or was simply being polite at the table that she didn't read anything in depth, instead skimming the abridged notes and leaving the fictitious details for another time.

Preferably never, if Tamamo had a say in it

Bobbing her head to Seyrun's self introduction eased Tamamo out of the mental tail spin and solidified her tenuous hold on reality long enough that she felt capable of speaking without her voice cracking. Still, the offered wine was as good an excuse to hold off on testing that theory. Tamamo accepted the glass poured for her and raised it to her lips, eager to address the dryness in her throat that frankly shouldn't have been possible, but not before raising it in a private toast to her Master.

"T-To...our long and happy relationship."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Svetleaze von Einzbern

Fortunately for the homunculus's sanity, the other Servant managed to distract the Master and lead her away. Excellent, even if the Masters were going to be co-operating, Svetleaze had no intention of mingling and making friends here. Her skills and education didn't extend to the realm of casual relationships at all and a strictly work-based relationship would fit her approach better.

Whilst she worked her way through the soup, Kintoki had already jumped upon the idea of giant beasts in the ocean and, she assumed, fights with them. Not that there was anything truly that great nowadays--much like the Third Magic and the Servants themselves, the existence of such mighty creatures belonged almost wholly to the realm of the past. Though the depths of the Pacific would doubtless be a grand harbour...

Watching Kintoki's manners in ripping off the boar's leg and... well, ravishing it. Her Servant might have taste, but he was truly lacking in manners.


Was it really possible for someone to be so impossibly dense? To have an ability like that, there was no question that he would have been exposed to its effects--especially as a Heroic Spirit; love forced through magic was a cursed and one-sided affair that would only end in tragedy. To push away the opportunity to be free of a ruinous curse through a suspicion of ulterior motives... even she wouldn't be so stupid as to throw away that opportunity to avoid disaster simply because the bargain could include possible disadvantages.

There was an even more obvious reason to wonder if someone could possibly be that stupid, even with her identity unknown to this Lancer. "Do you think any woman with the ability to stop that mark would take a chance about such a thing?" Clearly written in Caster's face and tone was her displeasure at having to state something so completely obvious.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Alexander Nevsky

Rider nodded in understanding as Richard provided his response to the request that had been posed. It was reasonable in every regard that he could consider it, and given that Nevsky wasn't sure what his master had in mind it was what he expected from this encounter. Now it was all up to Walgrave to work out.

"Excellent," he replied as he followed along, joining them in moving for the cafeteria. There was nothing wrong with getting to know those they would be fighting besides, and he was also eager to see what sorts of foods existed in this modern world. for some reason, being reincarnated from the dead had left him surprisingly hungry, once he thought about it. So ultimately he had no reason to disapprove, and instead he moved after them.

At the same time he sent a message to Walgrave, to inform him of the success of his mission. 'My Lord, I have made contact with one of the Assassin's Masters as you requested. He is willing to treat with you, and is currently headed to the cafeteria. I have joined him for the moment.' Whether his Lord chose to attend was another story, but there was nothing he could do about it. He merely followed along as they went to join the others.


Cecil Lavernth

An eyebrow rose as Cecil found his Servant tossing him one of his swords, which he hadn't expected him to do. He played along though and reached down for the blade. Well, he hadn't really used a sword before, but he was confident that at the very least he wouldn't go and stab himself on accident or something. That was what magecraft was for after all.

He'd barely done anything past that before he found himself resoundingly defeated, the tip of Saber's sword poised at his neck, and he would admit that in that moment he did fear for his life. At this distance, there was no way that a Command Seal could save him in the time that it would take for him to use it. But he was left safe as Saber pulled back, chastising him at the same time while Cecil released a breath he didn't realize that he had been holding.

"You know I wasn't asking to practice against you," he pointed out once El Cid had finished his introduction. Yes, he was definitely impressed, and he would not forget the fact. But there were a few other things to handle too. "I just figured it might help you demonstrate what you can do better." He shrugged then, looking around the room. "It's not that I wanted to hide it from everyone, but more like I assumed there might be an issue with showing off all these skills and such in a room full of other Servants and Masters."

It had worked out though, so he didn't complain too much. Now he just had to figure out where the library was in this place....

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Beloss
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago



"We shall talk on a better opportunity. For the time being, I shall reunite with my Master. You are welcome to join us if you and your Master so do wish. Otherwise, I bid you farewell."

Sinfjotli watched the maiden leave with mixed admiration and vexation. Who was she to spurn him so quickly? Did she expect him to trail around at her heels?! But at the same time, what a woman! She had drained the offered cup in a single draught and announced her titles with the casual air of a queen. Princess of Arcadia! Huntress of Artemis! No doubt she was the chosen shieldmaiden of some savage goddess of a faraway people.

Watching her stalk away, her long golden hair trailing out behind her, Berserker was suddenly stricken by the thought of another maiden. His accursed brother had won the love of the valkyrie Brynhildr, another champion shieldmaiden of the gods. Would it not be fitting if...

He poured himself a drink, half formed plans swirling in his brain, and downed the drink in one go as well. A moment later he wished he hadn't. Blinking he looked at the bottle he had been pouring from and realized that this was wine. Ordinarily it would have been a delicacy to savor, but the knowledge imparted to him by his summoning informed him that wine was quite common these days. Shrugging he poured himself another cup and turned to locate his Master.

The girl was trailing not too far behind him, and he shoved the wine cup towards her while resting a mailed palm on her shoulder. He remembered vaguely that it would be considered impolite to offer someone a drink from something you had just drunk from, but it struck him as a silly custom, something his Master would undoubtedly be relieved to do away with.

"Amedea! Drink. Wine is cheap these days, but it's nothing that should get in the way of formalities."

He turned and clapped eyes on the golden haired youth he had lost sight of when he had gone to talk to the cat eared huntress. He blinked. At some point when his back had been turned the large man had moved over, ripped an entire leg off the boar that the huntress had been eating from, and returned to his spot by the now devoured rack of lamb.

Sinfjotli smiled grimly and shot him a steady look from across the room. Not hostile per say, almost friendly even, but unmistakable in its challenge.

"That is the other great champion in this room, mark my words. I will have to outdo him in something tonight, either drinking or wrestling or, if it comes to it, dueling. I recomend you find your mark in this room, one of the other masters and do the same before they establish their place in this raid without you. Whatever it is you seidr users do to compete with one another."


@Flamelord @GreenGoat @Lonewolf685

Walgrave leaned against the wall, gazing at the seemingly countless Servants and Magi that were gathering in this place from the low angle of his insect familiars. It was a captivating perspective seeing them all through multiple compound eyes. Or, it would have been if he had not been interrupted just then by a strident "A-HEM."

He opened his eyes, ready to express his anger at the interruption when he suddenly realized who had addressed him. Zelretch was looking right at him, seeming none to pleased.

"I recommend that you recall those roaches; as you may already know, this facility is spotless due to the insistence of the staff who maintain it. Roaches are not only thoroughly out of place as a result, but the fact that you are sending them off to a feast of food is a mistake in and of itself. Why not join them for a meal? Or would you rather remain here instead?"

Walgrave fumbled for a reply but before he could make one the Wizard Marshal had already departed, making for the dining area with the easy stride of a younger man. Watching him sent waves of bitter envy racing through his veins, but it was mixed with too much fear for him to disregard the Sorcerers orders.

Quietly he recalled his scuttling minions and began to make his slow painful way into the dining room. It seemed that the Marshal did not want him prying into the affairs of others, which in turn made him even more suspicious. What was he playing at here? This was an obvious attempt to curtail his use of familiars, after all, what would a vampire care about a few bugs? No, there was clearly something darker at work here, something hidden...

Walgrave was half way into the dining room when the telepathic voice of his Servant came to him.

'My Lord, I have made contact with one of the Assassin's Masters as you requested. He is willing to treat with you, and is currently headed to the cafeteria. I have joined him for the moment.'

Walgraves voice, feeble and dry in the flesh was an entirely difrent thing when broadcasted telepathically. It was steady, cold and cliped, nearly impatient.'Continue to accompany him, or pursue whatever reconnaissance you deem appropriate. I will join you shortly.'

Finally arriving at the banquet hall sans roach Walgrave stared at the gathering party impassively. The sight of food did nothing for him, his sense of taste and much of his ability to smell had been long ago destroyed in the process of drinking his pungent elixir. Such were the sacrifices necessary to prolong his existence. He regretted none of them.

Working his way carefully around the edges of the hall he singled out his Servant standing beside a pair of well dressed figures. One of the older Magi in a well fitted three piece green suit, along with what looked to be an even better dressed British gentleman of modern er, victorian era garb.

Gradually he made his way over to the trio and gave a faint bow to the two of them, tipping his hat. Dust drifted down from where he had removed it, the harsh smell of chemicals and crude oil wafting off him as he did so.

"I am... Walgrave. You are interested in, ahhhhh... entertaining my offer?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dr Jekyll

"It looks like you are already a hot market commodity, Assassin."

"It would seem so. Though what they need of us, I do not know."

The Servant who had met them was certainly a knight judging from his attire, though he could be wrong. No one needs the title of knight to wear armor after all. But the way he carried himself at least hints at some honor. The Master of that Servant was perhaps perturbed by the presence of Assassins amongst their ranks, perhaps because of the unsavory reputation Assassins tend to have. An Assassin doesn't need to be stronger than any other Servants after all, just patience and cunning to strike when one was unguarded and unaware. Well, perhaps he, Jekyll, did not need much opening, for if one was standing in hand's breadth of Jekyll when Hyde takes over, there would be scarce nothing that could stop Hyde from tearing one apart with his bare hands.

Jekyll, by now, had forgotten of his intent to tell his Master about his identity, and had instead opted to stay close to his master. Close enough to be able to deflect any threat, but far enough to appear nonchalant.

"I am... Walgrave. You are interested in, ahhhhh... entertaining my offer?"

It was an old gentleman, looking rather... tired. It was one word that could be used to describe him. Tired and old. He returned the greeting by the old man, smiling politely, giving no signs that he was slightly put off by the thick odor wafting from him. There was no need for him to answer, for that question appeared to have been directed at Richard.

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