Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tachyus was vaguely aware that his face must have looked odd, his expression changing swiftly from the pleasant surprise at Juno's unexpected compliment, to a gradually dark, and even angry, frown. Magnus was predictably belligerent, but there was more. There was an animal fury that seemed to pull taught the man's corded muscles and draw his hands into balled fists. Tachyus considered this carefully. The usually meek Kass weighed in in agreement with Magnus' assessment that Tachyus' handiwork was in fact, not impressive.

"No. It isn't. Dummies don't hit back." The wolf-man had said in response to Juno's complimentary remark.

This was no real surprise, but Kass' remarks crossed a cognitive line that Tachyus' honor simply couldn't permit. Not only had she compared his venting in the training room to striking children, she had implied that his motives had been to impress them. To make up for his failings in the battle before. He gritted his teeth as the atlantean girl asked Magnus something, but he wasn't listening. He nearly cut her off in his anger.

"It is a good thing then," He began, attempting to keep his voice calm, but nearly shaking in his building indignant rage, "That I didn't actually do this to impress any of you, Mirage." He spat her name with obvious distaste, but shifted his glare to Magnus, who was bristling with a fury that seemed directed at Tachyus specifically. The beast seemed to be singling him out. Was it because he had shown weakness? Just like a wild dog, Tachyus thought. He'd have to prove he wasn't the weakest link in order to regain his place in the pack, in Magnus' eyes. "As for you, If you truly think that my being taken by surprise in our last battle will make me an easy snack for you, then I welcome you to make the attempt." Tachyus balled his own fists, barely aware that he had let loose the floodgates of the Godspeed. Wreathed in a golden aura, he smirked at Magnus, a mirthless half-smile, and cracked his knuckles.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

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It was all Juno could do to keep from cupping her face in her palm and sighing. As it was she simply rolled her eyes as Tachyus and Magnus began the alpha male posturing that seemed endemic to young superheroes. She had been expecting this from those two for some time now, it had been inevitable given their personal dispositions. Rannik and Andy were peaceable and easy-going, but those two were both too different and too similar for confrontation to be avoided. If it hadn't been the Jokerz, it would have been something else. But Juno had to make sure this petty rivalry blew over or this team would be ripped apart before it even began. Kassy suddenly deciding to get snippy didn't help matters. Juno always thought she needed to grow a spine, but not like this. She had to suppress a smirk at Kassy's assertion that anyone could have done what Tachyus did. Juno definitely could have, so could most of the team, but somehow she doubted that Kassy could have.

Tachyus and Magnus were still squaring off and Juno did not put it past either of them to actually start getting to blows. That was exactly the last thing they needed and Juno stepped between them, holding them apart as she glowed white, "Enough. You're heroes, not squabbling children. Act like it. We're a team and we need to start working like a team, or else the next time we head out someone's gonna get hurt. So you two can dislike each other as much as you want, but you will act like professionals. That goes for all of you." Juno pointedly looked at Kassy and waited for each of them to back off, which she knew they would eventually, even if they grumbled. She wondered if their rivalry had some other ulterior motive, just because of they way each of them acted around her. She wasn't dumb after all, but right now she didn't have any time for that.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

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July 3rd, 2020 | Mount Justice, Rhode Island

When the runt had first approached him he had been ready to ignore her. His blood was already up, and he had doubted there was anything of worth she could possibly of had to say to him. More than likely she was going to say something foolish, which would make him lash out in anger, which would make the others, soft fools that they were, turn on him. No great loss, but Shayera had asked him to do his best to ‘make friends’, and he was loathe to let her down. So he had decided that it was better by far just to turn his face from Mirage’s, and show her that she was, at that moment, beneath his consideration. Hopefully that would make her realise her place in things.

His course decided, he deliberately rotated his whole body from the girl in an obvious dismissal. Annoyingly she didn’t seem to get the message, and carried on regardless. He readied himself to snap at her, to make her realise the folly of bothering someone she should be showing her subservience too. Only then did he hear her words. Only then did he realise that she agreed with him. He paused in surprise, reappraising the strange girl anew. She may have just been agreeing with him as a survival tactic, the weak allying themselves with the strong, but somehow he doubted it. There was a real conviction in her tone, a fierceness, an iron belief in her own words. He realised that even if he hadn’t voiced his disapproval of Tachyus, she would have voiced hers, even if it set her against the whole group. The runt had suddenly become far more interesting.

He kept his silence while she asked her questions, studying her with a close, intense scrutiny, his storm-grey eyes fixed upon her, the way the vigilant wolf watches the heedless herd of deer. The answer to Mirage’s question was a far more personal one than she could have ever expected. It was one linked inextricably with his past, a past of blood and pain that he was unwilling to share with her, or anyone else for that matter. His past was his, and his alone.

“I have been hurt worse. Many times. While my body is still capable of moving, it will move. If I can fight, I will fight.” And that was all he was willing to say on the subject. If she felt he was being oblique, then good. Perhaps that would dissuade her from trying to pry too closely into his affairs in the future.

And yet he could see in her the need for an answer. This was important to Mirage, that much was clear. Maybe she felt that if she knew the secret to his strength she’d be able to use that to bolster herself. He approved of the runt trying to better herself, but he would never subject an other to the things he had to go through to become the man he was, but perhaps there was another way. There was more than one path to strength. After all, Hawkwoman was one of the strongest people he knew, and yet had she not used a different route to arrive at her greatness than he had? Maybe he could help Mirage find her path.

“It is not something I learned, to keep fighting. It is something that was forced onto me. Inflicted upon me. I do not know if I can teach it. . . But I can try.” He fixed her with his gaze, trying to make her make up for the lack of eloquence in his words with the earnestness he felt in the pit of his being. “I doubt I will be a good teacher, but I would not give up. That is all I can offer.”

Kassy was initially unnerved at Magnus and his focused glare. She knew he didn't like her. None of them did, but at least he was upfront about it. She almost regretted asking him anything, but there was no taking back the question.

From his tone, she'd obviously overstepped some invisible boundary. It was suddenly all too clear why, and she kicked herself internally. Of course! Not all of them could be like Juno and Connor, handpicked because they were the best and brightest. At least he was like her - tossed into this collection of guppy heroes because there was space to fill. The apology was springing to her lips, but before she could speak it, he spoke again.

“You.. you’ll help me?” Her whole face seemed to light up. “I- I can’t promise that I will learn fast, but if you won’t give up, I won't either. I'm very tired of being a useless little guppy. Or worse-” She stopped, shaking her head briefly as if forcing a thought from between her ears. “Nevermind.” She stepped close, and very carefully touched his arm. “I'm sorry you were hurt too, Magnus. But maybe we can make something good from it.”

Then she smiled, and it was probably the first genuine grin she’d displayed since the team had come together.

And then the light in her eyes was very suddenly snuffed. Tachyus was close and yelling, and Kasy seemed to fold into herself. She flinched visibly at the rage in her teammates voice and shrank back.

“I- I- I’m so- I’m sorry, I - “ There was fear painted all over her posture as she backed away. As her gaze dropped back to the floor, there was something else in her face. Not just fear, but resignation. Of course, she’d messed up. Of course, she was being yelled at, of course, next would be-

Juno was speaking but Kassy couldn’t hear through the rushing in her ears, and she started edging backward further.

Magnus watched Kassy’s humiliation in silence. A part of him, a surprising large part, wished to leap to her defence. However he would never be able to teach her to fight if he waded into all her battles, fought all her wars, took all her injuries and won all her victories. Better to let her taste this small defeat now, for it to serve as a prod to drive her towards greatness in the future, and a painful reminder of what happens when you merely gave up. It would hurt, but it was ultimately for the best. A learning experience.

Then Tachyus challenged him, and things changed quickly. Fenrir’s rage was swift and all encompassing, forcing out any rational thought that he may of had. He became deaf towards any calls for patience or temperance. He was dimly aware of Juno demanded peace, but she may as well have been telling the sea to stop being wet. All he could hear was a howling in his ears, hollow as winter and hungry as a forest fire. There was an ache, such a terrible ache, deep in his bones, in his muscles, in his very core, twisting at his every fibre. He knew that there was only one way to stop that ache, to cease the howling. It was the call of the Beast, and the Beast demanded blood. Even if he was inclined to refuse the call he wouldn’t have been able to. The arrogant fop may have been able to cow the guppy, but he would quickly come to regret challenging Fenrir.

Without preamble the feral teen’s fingernails lengthened into talons, and he took the first step towards the Godling, a wordless snarl upon his lips and and an bottomless hunger in his eyes.

Collab between @Mistress Dizzy and @BlackSam3091
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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July 3rd, 2020 | Mount Justice, Rhode Island


He stared at the meeting chamber wall, his eyes glazed over as he stared at some unseen corner of his mind. The Team had left a while ago, Andy saying something about “the best chicken parma in the world”, nudging Steph as he mentioned that he’ll need an assistant. His demeanour was as upbeat and personable as it had been before the mission; the others seemed to express a dejectedness that Conner knew well, something he’d experienced many times with Teen Titans. The failures he’d gone through back then were often worse than this one, but he still understood why the Team felt as they did – although they were still a rookie team by all accounts, they believed that they should have done better. He could see it especially in Tachyus, rushing out ahead of everyone else, his ego visibly bruised despite his efforts to hide it. He didn’t blame him. It was a special kind of bruise, to be one of a group’s most powerful members, yet being the only one to get knocked down – and yet, it wasn’t really Tachyus’ fault. No, the true blame lay on Conner. His amateur leadership failed to prepare them for a bunch of wannabe clowns, to the point that they were the ones at a disadvantage. The team with a demi-god, Dr. Light’s daughter, a human sun and an Avatar of all animal life, drew the short straw against a gang of rabid circus performers. It was inexcusable.

“Conner,” repeated Dinah Lance-Queen, and this time he snapped out of his thoughts, his gaze flicking back to her.

“Sorry,” he said. “I… zoned out for a bit there.”

“I noticed,” said Dinah, the sternness in her eyes failing to mask her concern. “I said that your training – the Team’s training – should focus on building trust with one another. Working together as a single unit, not as individuals. There were moments today when you did that, but they were outnumbered by the times you each went off to do your own thing. That can’t happen again.”

Conner met her gaze, his eyes hard. “I know.”

“I know you do,” she said. “Look, I’m not trying to knock you or the Team down a few pegs. That won’t help, and it’s not what I’m here for. But I saw your suit-cam footage; you all trust yourselves more than you trust each other, and that’s what’s stopping you from being great. You need to come together, and team building exercises will help you get there.”

Conner stayed silent, letting her words sink in. You all trust yourselves more than you trust each other. That may be true for the others, but no – not for him.

“Why am I here?” he asked. The hardness had left his eyes. They pleaded now.

“In this room?” said Canary.

“You know what I mean,” he said. “Why am I here? Leading the Team? Why not Tim, or Cassie, or – or Bart? I’m completely out of my element, Dinah. Why was I picked to lead?”

She looked at him, her sympathy more visible now that her sternness gave way. “That’s a question for Bruce and Clark,” she said softly, “But I can give you my opinion.”

Conner’s silence was his consent.

“You were chosen because people look up to you. The Team happens to fall under that demographic.”

He scoffed. “People look up to me? In Metropolis, maybe. Fenrir hates me.”

“Fenrir’s lived a life of isolation and has more skeletons in his closet than I can count. He “hates” you because he perceives everyone as a threat until he’s satisfied that they’re not.”

Conner raised his brow. “And you got that after two weeks?”

She gave him a small smile. “No. Shayera gave me the basic rundown.”


“My point is, people look up to you. It may not have started out that way, but they do. You’ve been with the Titans since you were born, and you’ve been partnered with Superman for about that long. The experience shows, but only if you let it. And you haven’t been. You’re worried about being a leader the Team can trust?”


“Trust has to start from somewhere. Be their friend first. Leading them will come naturally after.”

“Batman’d say differently,” Conner said.

“But I’m not Batman,” said Dinah, “And neither are you. You’re Superboy. Try to remember what that first part means.”

He sighed. “Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Dinah.”

“This is my job,” she smiled, “You don’t have to thank me. Take the night off, if you want. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Conner managed a small smile, nodding. He walked out of the briefing room, walking down the hall towards the elevator. Pressing ‘0’ for the dormitory level, the lift began descending. The Team were probably finishing dinner up by now, getting ready for whatever they had planned next. Somehow, Conner doubted that it was sleep. He’d noticed their restlessness earlier, exuding out of them along with their dejection. How they’d deal with it, he didn’t know, but as thoughts of checking on them started to take shape, he realised just how exhausted he was. The day had drained him. As a ding resounded overhead, the elevator doors opened, and Conner began walking to his room. Food could wait until the morning.

He wasn’t hungry.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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July 3rd, 2020 | 7:21p.m. | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island - A collaborative post featuring @BlackSam3091

Somehow Steph had gotten dragged into helping Andy prepare dinner. She wasn’t exactly sure how this had happen, let alone how she ended up helping him prepare chicken parm. Steph had put forth the perfectly reasonable and enjoyable suggestion for waffles at IHOP but did anyone listen?


Andy didn’t even try to compromise, together the pair could have prepared a Southern dish, waffles and fried chicken. They could have even kept the salad, but no, alas they went Italian. Andy got his way, just like back in Gotham.

“Good to know, some things don’t change.” Steph muttered to herself suddenly realizing she was the only left in the dining area. Looking up at the screen as Tom Holland unmasked, Steph felt a small swoon swell in her bosom before she began to clean up the table. Loading the Kord dishwasher, Steph gave the table a quick wipe before making her way down towards the training room.

Entering the room, Steph felt like she could practically cut the tension in the air with a butter knife. It was obvious from where she was standing that she had walked into the middle of an argument with Fenrir and Tachyus being the respective heads of the counter-arguments.

But something seemed particularly off about Fenrir. Steph had gone up against Man-Bat and Killer Croc enough to see when an animal is enraged. Making a beeline into the center of the room, the spunky blonde suddenly addressed the group.

“Hey guys, you’ve all been down here quite awhile, anyone in the mood for dessert? Ice cream maybe? Maybe ice cream on waffles?” She turned to Fenrir, her body language calm but her voice assertive.

“I know you do, big guy. You must have worked up quite the appetite with the hit you took earlier, I know you can go for dessert.” She said with a point.

Fenrir was mere feet away from Tachyus, his clawed fingers reaching out towards the Demi-God’s throat, hungry for carnage. There was no other thought on his mind other than the need to make the Godling regret his decision to stand against him, to cow the usurper, beat him into submission, to break his bones and rend his flesh. It was a low urge, primal and raw, almost beyond conscious thought, though not beyond human understanding. He was lost to the animal now. He hadn’t began the transformation from Man to Wolf, not yet, but it was inevitable now, like the rolling tides, or the falling and rising of the sun. The call of the wild was thick on him now, the need to change thick and heavy, like the need a drowning man has for oxygen. There was no stopping what had to happen.

Or at least, it should have been inevitable. It always had been in the past. But then, no one had ever asked him mid-rage if he wanted ice-cream before. The Beast wasn’t sure what to make of it, but the Man seen his chance to wrest back control.

He stopped in his tracks, arms still outstretched towards Tachyus, but his blood-lust momentarily allayed. His head cocked towards Stephanie, his face screwed up in what could have been a mixture of pain and surprised, almost like he’d just stubbed his toe. Words came thick and heavy, his mouth so recently fix into a snarl no longer quite suited for forming words. His tongue was to long, and his teeth to sharp.

“Not want desserts. Quiet now.” He returned his attention to Tachyus, though with some visible strain, and took another step forwards, a menacing growl rising in his chest.

“Oh please!” She exclaimed dismissively. “We just haven’t found you the right dessert yet.” Steph said taking care not to move. Inside she was terrified, Fenrir was easily way above her weight class, most of the other members of the initiative were, even with her Batsuit, which she notably was currently without. But her exterior remained calm and ready.

To drop bombs, but she keeps on forgettin’

“You strike me as more of a savoury kind of guy, bacon s’mores might be more to your liking?” She paused, taking a measured step forward. “And if, Captain Tightpants over there can break the rules without ripping a seam, maybe we could even get a drink of some sort, a nice daiquiri for me, a good beer for you? Eh? Whaddya say Fenrir?” Steph asked, moving in close enough to drape a friendly arm awkwardly over the taller man’s shoulders.

If Steph knew how close she came to losing that arm she might not have been so quick to get close to Fenrir. His whole body shook violently for a moment, his gray eyes deepened in pitch to the verge of inky blackness. For one terrible moment even he wasn’t sure if he was going to turn on the Batgirl. The Beast’s desire to rend, to rip, and to shred was almost overpowering.

Almost, but not completely. With a last ditch effort of will, the Man surged within, and wrestled control from the Beast, forcing the savage spirit back down to the depths of his being, where it would remain caged, brooding and vengeful, until the next time it felt it could force itself back to the fore. A sigh of relief escaped Magnus’ lips.

“Try not to kill any of your new teammates,”

It was one of the last things Shayera had said to him before he had left for Happy Harbour. She had meant it as a joke. He wondered how funny she would find it now, knowing how close they had come to disaster. Magnus had no control of the Beast during a transformation, no say on who it directed its fury towards, no halter to try and stem its rages. He would have become an unwilling passenger in his own body. If the Beast had decided to assault the rest of the team he would have been powerless to stop it, and all their blood would have been on his hands. He still needed to put Tachyus back into his place, but not like that. He would do it without surrendering himself to the wild.

But then, Shayera had also told him to make friends. Would breaking the Godling really help with that? Probably not, judging by the expressions on the Team’s faces. The last thing they wanted was a contest that ended in blood. And even if he did humble Tachyus now, would the demi-god accept it as a fair win, so soon after his spectacular failure during the battle? If Fenrir did beat him now - which he surely would if it came to blows - the arrogant Olympian might argue that his injuries from earlier slowed him down, and refuse to accept it as a fair victory. Magnus had no interest in beating him twice. No, it would be better to save this confrontation for later, and beat the Godling at his best. Then there would be no quibbling about the victor.

The wolfman hesitantly shrugged Stephanie’s arm from around his shoulder, though didn’t turn away from her.

“Fine. Let us have bacon.” His tone was blunt, but measured. He would stay his hand, in acquiescence to the groups will, but he was not happy about it. A sign of his willingness to work with them, if nothing else. This turn of events sat uneasy with him, though it would only be for a little while. He and Tachyus would their reckoning, sooner rather than later.

Relief washed over Steph has Fenrir reluctantly submitted to her request. With a small smile, she took a step away from Fenrir before addressing the rest of the group.

“You heard the man! Let us have bacon!” Steph exclaimed, her bubbly demeanor almost brightening the room as she made her way back towards the dining area.

“Hope we have bacon.”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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July 3rd, 2020 | Mount Justice, Rhode Island

Watching the scene unfold in front of him, Andy couldn’t help but be reminded of his mother. Not because she was a chiselled demigod with a connection to the Greek Speed Force, or because she was a wolfman that could tear you limb from limb if she wanted to – no, she was none of those things, and would probably react to them with a level of disdain that could only belong to a disillusioned (ex-)cop. No, the reason why Magnus and Tachyus’ little pissing contest reminded him of her was in the way they both carried themselves. The defiant swell of their chests, the anger etched on their faces; they oozed a confrontational demeanour that Andy had seen many times in his mother during her one-sided arguments with his dad. It was bully-ish and aggressive, and Carlissa Hughes had carried it with her constantly, every minute of every day until her driving had killed her infant son. The sight of it in his teammates triggered a pang in his gut that he couldn’t quite determine. Annoyance, sadness, anger… hate. Not for Tachyus and Magnus, he liked them well enough, but for the memories they’d brought out into Andy’s mind – ones he’d tried to bury somewhere deep and dark, along with any notion of the woman he’d come to despise.

He’d been about to step between the two, Juno’s attempts at mediation ignored, when Steph walked through the gym’s doors, beating him to it. Her approach was decidedly different to what he had mind, and he had to admit… he liked her style. Steph’s genial manner was endearing, almost infectious, and to say that she was Andy’s favourite member of the Bat Bunch wouldn’t be too far from the truth. He didn’t understand Bruce’s reluctance when it came to her – the reservations he seemed to hold – when to him, the fact that the original Batgirl gave Steph her blessing was more than enough to give some merit to her ability. That she didn’t seem to like him all that much was a bit of a bummer, sure, but it was no biggie. He could live with that, as long as they got past it one day. But man, the way she handled the situation.

With bacon.

Andy didn’t know what was more surprising – that she’d actually suggested pork as a solution, or the fact that it worked. When Magnus said, “Fine. Let us have bacon,” his mouth hung slightly open in awe, slowly turning into an impressed smile as Steph jubilantly led the way to the kitchen.

Andy glanced at Juno, giving her an apologetic shrug, before shifting his eyes to Tachyus. A friendly smile on his face, he patted the demi-god lightly on the shoulder before making to follow Steph. As he passed Kassy, he couldn’t help the quizzical look that crossed his features, meeting her eyes for a brief second as he exited the gymnasium. Out of everyone present, she’d surprised him the most. The way she’d taken Magnus’ side was interesting, if not disheartening – he felt a fraction of his respect for her fall away at the notion that she might have done so to make herself appear stronger than she felt.

Stepping back out into the dining area, Andy made a beeline towards the fridge, feeling its cold chill wash over him as he opened it. Finding two vacuum-sealed packs of rashers of bacon, he allowed himself a fist pump in silent celebration, laying them down on the bench behind him. That a crisis had been averted through the promise of food was miracle in itself, and the way he saw it, there was no harm in rushing to make good on it – not if it meant keeping the floor clear of any wolfman and demi-god blood.

He looked at Steph, still smiling that smile of his, any dark thoughts of his mother dispelled for the time being. “Anything I can do to help?”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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July 3rd, 2020 | 7:21p.m. | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island

"You could toast the marshmallows," Steph answered as she playfully stuck out her tongue and threw Andy a quick wink. She was mostly joking as it was a rather mundane use of his abilities but it would be quite helpful. "Could you actually get me down the brown sugar and the black pepper, Andy?" Steph asked, pointing to a cupboard above the large double door refrigerator.

"Why is there a 'd' in 'fridge' but not in 'refrigerator'?" She muttered as she laid the bacon out before sliding it into the oven. Setting a timer for ten minutes, Steph suddenly turned to Andy a look of shock and excitement on her face.

"OH!" She said loudly. "My mom texted me earlier, you'll never guess who walked into her emerge room the other day!" Steph stated giving Andy an elbow in the ribs. "Your frikkin' father. Apparently, he decided to play hero while you were out of town, helped an older woman with a purse snatcher and insisted on taking the woman to the E.R. to get checked out. Would-be-thief left a pretty nasty bump on her head, but hey, that's Gotham." Steph said with a shrug before leaning over the counter. "She said he was cute, how gross is that?" She added, making a gagging motion before straightening up and addressing the group before Andy had a chance to process what she had said. Steph had to hope Andy agreed, but perhaps that was her own selfish feelings talking. Her mom deserved to be happy, she was sure his father did as well, but so did Steph.

And Andy she supposed.

She had initially taken the spot on the team because Andy had as well. Gotham would have been lonely without the hothead and after things had fallen out with Tim, Andy was really her only friend left in the 'Cave. Perhaps something more, Steph had always been confused about her feelings towards Andy. More often than not, she felt envious of him. The Bat liked him more, respected him even, he had powers, he wasn't born of a supervillain and his costume was cooler than hers.

Realizing she had spaced out in front of the group, Steph shook her head and glanced back at the oven timer. There was still eight minutes left so she needed to stall for time.

"Alright, icebreaker time." She exclaimed excitedly rubbing her hands together as she made eye contact with each member of the team. "Who, in your most solemn opinion, has the best costume?" She asked her finger hovering in the air in front of her before finally landing on a new face as Rannik entered the room.

"You! Who has the best costume and why?"
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Architect
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Architect Rebellious Ass Kisser

Member Seen 5 mos ago



Not Here

I open my eyes and I am home. The sea of blood before me, warm and sticky beneath my feet, reaching out across the horizon and further yet. Mounds of bone spiralling up into the sky, grotesquely beautiful architecture that scrapes the orange-yellow veil of clouds. Trees, crafted from tissue and flesh, throw thin shadows that crawl across the ocean surface like the legs of a spider, trunks of muscle bursting from beneath the sloshing waves. I listen to the chittering under that crimson cloak, feel the hum of a heartbeat beneath its veneer, hidden from sight but nothing else. There is life there, everywhere, in the branches, through the waves, above the clouds, sewn together in a quilt that is noise and energy.

This is the Red.

And in the centre of it all, upon their thrones of ivory and skulls, sit the Parliament. Ignatius, the Sphynx cat which towers above the bone mountains and purrs with a power that resonates in your flesh. Orion, the fleshless ape, broad and sturdy with a lipless grin and burning eyes. And Primus, the lithe man-goat, leaning on his staff of arteries and cartilage.
Others sit, too, numbering in the dozens, the hundreds, thousands, reaching further than the past and future. A Parliament of Limbs.

"Rannik Telo of Korugar," the hircine ancient bellows to me, through me, and I feel the voices of thousands of others behind his.

"I seek counsel, fellow Totems. Counsel for... Troubling visions."

The flesh trees shake quietly, and I hear a disquieted rumble in the distance.

"Visions," purrs Ignatius, and I feel the tissue leap off my bone for a sweeping moment. There is something in his word, something... Wrong.

"I see blood. So much blood. And I feel.." I pause, the words balling in my throat like bile. "I feel so much death. So much fear, anger, pain."

My hands tremble, and I ball them into fists, trying to steady myself. The blood sea begins to sway.

"Yes, youngling," Primus reaches forward with his staff, thrusting the bottom below the surface of the sea and sending ripples outward towards me. "We understand these visions. These dreams. We live them through you."

"What do they mean?" There is a desperation in my voice. I know what they mean, deep inside me, and I am suddenly aware of an acute warmth surrounding me.

"They are signs of things to come. Things you cannot change. Things you will try to fight, but fail."

The ripples, they crash into each other, again and again and again and again, and the sea becomes restless.

"But... But am I not one of your avatars? A conduit of the Life Web? How can I not hold back this... This tide of death."

A crack above me. The sky is bright now. So bright it hurts to gaze into. A wind erupts and slices at me with a primal ferocity.

"Life," Primus murmurs, but you cannot mishear him. "Is about blood. It is about struggle. It is about overcoming that which will cause you harm, to become better, stronger."

The blood pulls at me, and I am being pulled down, to my knees, my waist, and the branches of the flesh trees shudder violently. I hear cries hidden within their bone branches.

"As life does, you will have to overcome what is to pass. You will lose much, become tempted to stray. And you will blame others and yourself. Do as life does, Rannik Telo..."

There is a desperation, a fear I don't quite understand in his words, and my chest is tight as I am drawn into the waves, the bubbling heat around my ears, my mouth. "Wait--"

"Evolve or die."

I am beneath the surface. There are shadows with me. Claws hooking into my chest, puncturing my lungs, my heart, and I scream out, tasting the copper of the blood sea, and the light begins to die out around me.


July 3rd, 2020 | 7:16p.m. | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island

Rannik hit the floor with a thud. The cool vinyl flooring was a relief against his skin, burning hot and damp with sweat. Wincing, he felt the thumping of a headache behind his eyes, sitting up and surveying his surroundings.
His room. Empty and grey, excluding the bed and computer he had been assigned. He had flipped off the lights to help him concentrate, to focus his connection with the Web, and now found himself sat in a dark and empty room. A shiver ran up his spine; the quiet and loneliness usually weren't his favourites on good days, but after that communal with the Totems...

He slowly picked himself up off the floor, clothes damp with sweat, and quickly decided to change. Tee-shirt and black shorts. Strange human garb. Walking over to the door, the familiar swish as it slid open, he looked back at his room.
Nothing. No warmth. No light. Nobody.
His gaze lingered for a moment longer before he walked, briskly, over to the elevator...


July 3rd, 2020 | 7:24p.m. | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island

"You!" Rannik jumped, startled at the voice, and caught himself in the doorway. "Who has the best costume and why?"

Confusion. Something the Korugaran had become accustomed to on Earth.

"Uh," he murmured, quizzically gazing at the other earthlings in the kitchen. "I don't really... Know..."

Hostility. It tasted like bitter leaves of the jarnas tree, felt like needles of a p'aaran dungworm beneath the skin. It was a sensation Rannik had also become accustomed to on Earth. With Fenrir as your partner, it was difficult not to.
He reached back out into the Web, subtly brushing across the sensations around him, and quickly realised Stephanie's goal.

"Well," he began, stretching his red arms wide and smiling broadly, his yellow eyes lighting up. "On Korugar, this is the norm. The more color, the better. When people notice you, it means you stand out, it means you are special. So, really, our "costumes" all look quite similar to me."

He wandered over to Andy, the fiery light in the image of the Web, and slapped him on the shoulder.

"Except you. You are exceptionally boring. Like the Batman."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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July 3rd, 2020 | Mount Justice, Rhode Island

“I – wait, what?” was all Andy had to say, rubbing the spot where Steph had elbowed him in the ribs as mild bewilderment crossed his face. She was telling him that his dad, Samuel Hughes – silent, pacifistic Sam, who would sooner be caught asleep at his work desk than doing any form of exercise; Sam, who had no knowledge of the Brown family whatsoever, not even Andy’s connection to Stephanie – not only ran to the rescue of an old lady’s purse, but also took her to the E.R., where Steph’s mum was conveniently working? And she found him cute?

Hope and confusion and annoyance all mixed into a strange cocktail as he tried to process this, stumped that someone would find his wiry, bookish dad attractive, and both happy and infuriated at the thought that Sam might find some romance, too. He couldn’t even consider the chance that his mum might one day run back into his dad’s arms – the thought made him want to take the place of the bacon that was slowly cooking inside the oven, despite the fact that nothing would actually happen to him there – but at the same time, he felt strangely repulsed by the idea of his dad ever replacing her. Which was stupid, really. That woman should be replaced, and his dad deserved a second chance with someone who’d actually treat him right. But Andy was getting ahead of himself. Sam and Steph’s mum had only had a chance encounter at the hospital. Who was to say that anything would come of it?

Steph had turned her attention elsewhere by the time he snapped out of his thoughts, leaving his question hanging in the air. She might have been joking when she asked him to toast the marshmallows, but having already retrieved the sugar and pepper, he turned his attention to that task instead, mentally reminding himself with some extra urgency to call his dad in the morning.

The neat part of having a somewhat outdated gas stove was that Andy could toast away without using his powers – something that would likely end in catastrophe, probably to do with his clothes burning off and everyone in the room taking cover from the unbearable heat. With a bag of gelatinous blobs lying open in front of him, he pushed a few onto a skewer he’d taken out of a drawer, turning on the stove with a series of clicks. Whistling, he held the skewer above the small flame, pushing the thought that he looked ridiculous to the back of his mind. His specialty was chicken parma, not marshmallows.

“You! Who has the best costume and why?” exclaimed Steph, startling poor Rannik as he walked in.

Andy had decided early on that the red shapeshifter was cool, and he was yet to be mistaken. He had a calmness to him that Andy often tried to picture Magnus with, to no avail; a chillness that just made the Korugaran seem completely, utterly cool.

“Well,” explained Rannik, “On Korugar, this is the norm. The more color, the better. When people notice you, it means you stand out, it means you are special. So, really, our "costumes" all look quite similar to me.” He slapped Andy on the shoulder. “Except you. You are exceptionally boring. Like the Batman.”

And just like that, Rannik’s coolness was gone.

“Words hurt, Nick,” Andy joked, grinning. “Next thing you’ll say is that Mags’ costume is interesting.”

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago



July 3rd, 2020 | Mount Justice, Rhode Island

He was beginning to think that allowing Stephanie to lead him from the training room had been a mistake. Tachyus and Juno were probably both mocking him for his spinelessness, while the rest of the team were no doubt questioning his right to a place amongst them. And right they should be. What had he been thinking? Backing down from a beta male? For bacon, of all things!

You’ve proven yourself little more than a trained dog, he thought, rolling over to show your belly as soon as someone throws a treat your way.

If he wasn’t so worried that it would show a lack of conviction in his decisions – which would no doubt just exacerbate his weakened position in the other youth’s eyes – he would have marched back to the gymnasium and finished what Quickling had started, then and there. Instead he was left with the bitter taste of his mistakes, wondering where he had gone wrong and how he could rectify the situation. It would have to be something drastic, that much he knew.

Stephanie and Andy were discussing a meeting between their parents, but he was hardly listening. Even if he didn’t have his own problems to address, he wouldn’t have been listening. There weren’t enough hours in the day for him to start caring about that particular topic. Thankfully the alien entered, the one who claimed to be connected to all life through something called the ‘Red’ entered, and with his appearance the conversation moved on.

Magnus didn’t know what the Red was, or what kind of creature Rannick Telo was, exactly, but despite himself he felt that he liked the strange creature. He couldn’t put his finger on just what it was that he found so agreeable about Avatar, he only knew that he did. There seemed to be an aura about the alien, some indescribable sensation that was beyond the ken of his senses, that spoke to the wildest and most animal parts of him, and somehow quieted them. He, like Tachyus, seemed Maybe it was a by-product of Telo’s connection to the Red, or maybe his own calm was just contagious. Whatever it was, the wolfman just felt more comfortable in Avatar’s presence, more able to relax. So much so that he found himself chortling aloud his response to Stephanie’s question, a dirty, hacking cough that doubled in volume at Andy’s hurt expression, though it cut off quickly when the boy made his interesting crack.

Shayera had made the costume for him, designed it herself even. He didn’t appreciate her efforts being undermined by some foolish youngling, and was about to make his feelings known, when he caught himself at the last moment. A moment revaluating Hellfire’s comment and he was forced to accept that Andy had just been making a joke - a good natured one at that. For that Fenrir had nearly quarreled with a teammate for a second time that night.

For a moment he marvelled at Hellfire’s ability to respond to insult – if Rannick’s joke could be called that – with humour, and wondered if it wasn’t a kind of strength, an ability to deflect that robbed a remark of it’s power. He wondered how he could claim that strength for his own. If he could, he didn’t know how to even start going about it. He didn’t consider himself to be particularly witty, and his tongue lacked the necessary swiftness to make jokes. To him it seemed to be a magical ability, mystical and unknowable. If he couldn’t joke with the group, the least he could do is respond to them. That would have to do for now.

“Costume is not supposed to be interesting. It is effective. Frightening. Stretches to fit form. Easy to wash blood from.” He nodded to cement the point. There were few smells worse than old blood. Function over form. What good was style, if it stopped you from taking to the shadows and stalking your pray? Though there was one of them whose costume had managed to marry the best of both worlds.

“I like Batgirl’s costume. Cape is bad, too much drag. . . but purple is pretty.” His face turned from the group, slightly embarrassed to have voiced that thought aloud. He was suddenly worried that if he hadn’t lost all of their respect earlier, then this would certainly be the moment to finish the job.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago





July 3rd, 2020 | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island - A post in collaboration with @Mistress Dizzy

Kassy inhaled. This was significant, because she'd spent the last minute or few holding her breath and being almost impossibly still. Even now, there was a little voice in her, screaming dontmovedontblinkdontbreathedontbe in an overwhelming cacophony. Her fear had gotten the better of her, and in the face of both Tachyus anger and Magnus’ blind rage, she'd gone back to her old habit. The room had quieted somewhat, though, and she blinked a few times upon looking up. Only Tachyus and Juno were left. She really should just leave. But her mouth opened of its own accord.

“I'm sorry. I really am, I didn't mean to be nasty! What I wanted to say was that destruction is easy, but building is hard and we're supposed to be the good guys, and I'm really sorry you were hurt, Tachyus, it could have been any of us, probably should have been me moving people away and getting hurt, and you fighting because you can actually fight and- and I'm sorry.” It all came tumbling out in a torrent of words, half mumbled as she made eye contact with a speck on the ground.

Juno was only party paying attention to Kassy, lost in thought after watching Magnus and the others leave. She had seen how enraged Magnus- no Fenrir, had been. In that moment, Magnus the man had been gone. There had only been Fenrir. The monster. Juno had looked into his eyes, saw what made someone human twist and churn into something infinitely primal and ferocious. A black hole of rage and fury, swallowing up all else. And Magnus had just barely pulled himself out of it. Perhaps if it hadn’t been for Steph, he would have lost it completely.

And then Juno would have had to fight Fenrir. In his enraged state, it would have been incredibly daunting. Juno didn’t know what the upper-limits of Fenrir’s power were, but she feared that in his bestial state she might not have been able to subdue him without severely injuring him or worse. And in that moment, Juno hadn’t been sure if she could have done that. Not after what happened with Leo and Intergang. That kind of uncertainty was almost wholly unfamiliar to the young hero. It made her a little afraid. It made her angry. Angry that she hadn’t been able to contain the situation, angry that her resolve had been frayed. And angry that everyone else had practically abandoned training.

The young hero was starting to think that this team they had really wasn’t one. And she began to cynically wonder when they’d rip themselves apart. If Fenrir didn’t do it first. That was the state of mind Kassy caught Juno in when the hero finally took full notice of the Atlantean and her apology. Juno only smiled ruefully and said, “Sometimes we all say things we don’t mean or say things without really thinking about it. Just don’t do it again. When you’re working with strong personalities like you do in this kind of work, miscommunication kills. Literally.”

“Yes. Of course. I should be more respectful of everyone’s strength.” She still had the look of someone ready to take off running, but she picked up her head. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face. “So… what was it you were going to train us on? As I’m sure you’re aware, I’m very behind everyone else. So if it’s not wasting your time to teach me, I’d like to learn.” Tachyus’s lack of response was weighing against her mind. She was certain that this would come back later. There would be retribution.

Juno smirked slightly and said, “Well I was going to try and train everyone a bit more in team-based tactics. That was our main deficiency in the fight today. But you’d need a whole team for that and apparently bacon is more important.” Stephanie may have stopped Magnus from a rampage, but Juno couldn’t help but be disappointed in her lack of decorum. She had expected better from a protege of the Batman. Then again, Andy was little better.

Not for the first time, Juno lamented the fact that there was a scarcity of trained professionals on the team. She’d have to change that, however long it took. She wasn’t going to let them drag her down to the B-list. Juno then said, “But since you’re here, I suppose I could teach you a bit of hand-to-hand combat. Powers are nice. But you need to know how to fight without them. Tell me, what kind of training do you have?”

Kassy shifted from foot to foot. “I have a little bit of training. The basics, don't punch with your thumb in, wrist held straight, that sort of thing. They said I'd never make it as a front line fighter, but apparently I'm good at defense. Taking blows.” An odd expression passed over her face, like a mix of humor and disgust. “I can grapple, too, and use my staff as a weapon if I needed to. Honestly, the king’s tutors were far more interested in my power more than anything else.” She smiled, but there wasn't a speck of joy in the expression. “I know I don't belong here. But I will try.”

Juno looked over Kassy with an appraising eye as she spoke. Not entirely hopeless then. She definitely didn’t belong here as she was. But at least she knew that and wanted to do better. That Juno could respect. Maybe they could make something out of her yet. Juno said, “Well you’re better than a raw rookie then. Tachyus is probably more an expert at grappling and staff-work then I’d be, but I could definitely help you out with the fundamentals. Whatever your tutors said about it before, forget it. Anyone can be a holy terror in the right circumstances. Dinah can probably help you out further, being an MMA champion and all. But let’s get you started.”
Juno’s hands became covered by glowing pads, and she extended them before her towards Kassy, “Let me see how you hit. Go ahead, go wild.”

Kassy sighed, looking at Juno’s hands with a moue of discomfort. She flexed and shook her hands, then formed fists. Then she punched. The form was right, she looked sturdy, and there was nothing particularly wrong with her strikes at first glance. Her form was set and very sturdy, her feet firmly planted. But as Kassy punched again and again, building rhythm, something would become very clear. Kassy was hesitating just before the point of impact, never hitting at full strength. There was concentration on her face, and she seemed to be trying. After about twenty punches, she exhaled and looked down.
“So. Tell me the worst.”

Juno replied with a thoughtful expression on her face, “Not too bad Kassy. Decent power, decent speed. Room for improvement, certainly, but nothing you can’t work on. You have the basics down at least. Once we get further along, you’ll need to make sure you can be light on your feet too, not just as firm as a rock. But there is one thing. You have a… strong frame. You can hit a lot harder than that. Easily. It’s not a question of physicality. It’s a question of mentality. You’re holding yourself back. And on the topic of the mind, you’re thinking too much. Concentration is good. But you have to be able to rely on your instincts, to act quickly and decisively.”

Juno continued, “It’s a difficult balance to be sure, but one that has to be maintained. There’s no room for hesitation or doubt in a fight. You get that into your head, and it doesn’t matter how strong, or skilled, or fast you are. You’re already dead. You, your teammates, and civilians.” In some ways Juno saw a bit of herself in Kassy, from the very early days, before she had fully committed to this life. She had been hesitant at first. She had been afraid even. But she had learned and adapted quickly. She had to. And so would Kassy.

Kassy kept her gaze down at the beginning, but slowly started to look up. It looked like she was actually taking in what Juno said. “You… you really think I can do better, don’t you?” She exhaled, slow, closing her eyes. “I really don’t want to actually hurt anyone. Not even the people we fight. I suppose I’m weak like that. But at the same time, I would let myself be hurt before anyone else. So…” She stood firm again. “So I just have to say that… if I don’t fight, someone I care for, someone important will suffer. I don’t like that.” She breathed out, and indicated for Juno to raise her fists again.

Juno nodded, understanding of how Kassy felt. She had felt the same way once. Long ago. Or was it? Juno had been a hero, or trained to be one, for more than half her life, but sometimes she forget that she technically wasn’t even old enough to drink yet. Sometimes she wondered how different things would have been. Juno shrugged it off. Kassy’s confusion was bad enough. The last thing anyone needed was for one of the only veterans to be confused too. Instead Juno replied, “Of course you can. Everyone can do better. You think I started off where I am now? No, I get here by hard work. Well, hard work and teaching, and really good genetics, and- but you get the point. Everyone in this business starts off somewhere, but they last because they keep working at it. So can you.”

“And I get not wanting to hurt people, even villains. It’s part of the code that people like Kal-El and those in his generation instilled in us. But that code also means being able to do what’s necessary to protect the people. If a hero can help it, then nobody needs to get hurt. But if they have to, make sure it’s them before you or those you’re protecting. That’s the dedication that the world needs to be protected. It’s the sacrifice that we need to make, our own comfort and our own trepidations, that we need to give up in order to protect them.” Those were words that Juno had heard from her mother, and others from the old guard all her life. She believed in them. Perhaps Kassy would too.

“Okay. Okay. I can do this.” She started up, the same as before. But now she was focused, and she knew it was just the same. Her mind started in. Weakling. Failure. Her hands faltered, almost losing the rhythm. You don’t belong here. Give up. Go home. Someone worthy should have your place. Her strikes were starting to get stronger, but her hands were shaking. Why did you ever think you could do this? She was right. She was right! You should have just-

Kassy inhaled and struck at full force, hissing as she executed a neat one-two, stepping back and weaving away from an invisible strike, then hitting again, hard. “She’s wrong…” There was something dark in her eyes, and there was a sudden absence of hesitation in her movement.

Juno’s eyes widened in surprise as she blocked the punches from striking her right in the face, just barely. She had sensed that something wasn’t quite right with Kassy. But now it was undeniable. Kassy was somewhere else, and it wasn’t a nice place. Internally, Juno sighed. The second time in less than half an hour where one of her teammates was having a freakout. Another part of her was curious. Curious where this was coming from. Who is the she, Kassy was talking about?

The rest of her was concerned. Kassy may have been the least dangerous member of the team, but living among metahumans had taught Juno that even the most unassuming metas could still be more lethal than a rifle company. She couldn’t underestimate Kassy. Especially when she wasn’t in her right mind. Who knew what she could and would do?

Juno dodged Kassy’s next strike and raised her hands, keeping her voice calm and steady, remembering everything they had taught her in the academy about calming an unhinged assailant, “Kassy, it’s me Juno. It’s ok. Nobody’s going to hurt you. It’s going to be ok. I need you to calm down. Relax. Talk to me.” Juno kept her stance relaxed, watching Kassy’s eyes, finding something utterly unlike the meek Atlantean she knew in them. Juno just hoped Kassy would snap out of it before she’d be forced to restrain her.

Kassy hit again and again, and then blinked several times. The cool, glassy look in her eyes cleared. It seemed she wasn’t nearly as far gone as Fenrir had gotten. “Juno? Why are you looking at me like...“ The look on Juno’s face, somewhere between concern and aggravation, combined with her stinging fists, let Kassy know what had happened. She stumbled back, horrified. “Oh no… oh -” She clapped both hands over her mouth, but not before letting slip something profane in Atlantean. There was pure shame written all over her face, like she’d been caught naked. “I didn’t… I didn’t hurt you, did I? I- I’m sorry! This is… this is why I don’t…” She looked like she was about ready to burst into tears, but they went unshed. Instead, she stood very firm and straight, as if talking to a superior. “Juno, I appreciate your taking the time to look after me. I apologize for any…” She paused, searching for a word. “Outbursts you had to endure.” The formal tone of her voice deflated into a nervous whisper. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

Juno felt a number of different emotions, but the only one she let form on her face was one of concern, “No you didn’t hurt me Kassy. I had a good teacher. Just like you did too apparently.” Juno tried to smile, make light of it like how Andy or Steph would have. But it wouldn’t work and Juno knew it. “I’m fine. Really. But are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?” This kind of counseling was really not Juno’s forte, but she figured she’d have a better shot of it then Tachyus at any rate. And damned if she’d let this night deteriorate any further.

A brief chuckle escaped Kassy, a laugh half-forced just as much as Juno’s ‘joke’ had been. “Am I okay? No, not in the least. I appreciate your wanting to comfort me, but,” She stared at her stinging hands. “You wouldn’t understand. You’d say something pithy and safe, and pat me on the back and that’s all very nice, but I really don’t want to drag you down into... “ She gestured to herself, unable to find a word for it. “Just tell me - did I say anything this time?”

Honestly, Kassy’s directness was pretty refreshing for Juno in that regard. She was a liability but at least she knew it and had no illusions about it. Juno could see she didn’t need babying like some other young heroes might have. She needed confidence and directness. That’s what she’d get then. Juno replied, “All I heard was you saying ‘She’s wrong’, until you came back.” Juno didn’t say anything, waited for Kassy to speak. If she elaborated then she would. No point in needling her. As she looked at Kassy, how obviously distressed she was, how guilty and ashamed she was of coming close to hurting somebody, Juno saw another reminder of her past in the young Atlantean. And she didn’t like it.

“I see.” She exhaled, pushing her hands through her hair. “Well, she said I was dangerous and that I would be the death of someone, so…” She shrugged, something brutal and bitter sliding into her tone. “She is wrong. For now, anyway.” A tiny teardrop hit her bare foot. “..damn everything. I am… going to compose myself, and then I am going to find out what bacon is. I’ll thank you for your tact and silence about this. Unless I do that again, in which case, do what you must.” She nodded and then turned as the discussion was very much over, and took off striding quickly down the hall. To her credit, she made it into her room before crumbling, leaning against her door as she started to cry.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tachyus didn't respond to Kassy's pleading apology. The young demigod was too worked up and combative due to Fenrir's advance, to say anything worth saying, and so, in a moment of surprising wisdom (even to him) had chosen to say nothing and turn away, rather than simply lose his temper at the meek atlantean again. Better to be alone for now. He strode into the locker room, and grabbed an athletic set of civilian clothes. While he preferred his usual garb, he didn't actually mind some of the clothes he had found. The shirt was form-fitting enough not to get in his way, and the shorts were of a loose mesh which not only allowed for a pleasant breeze on occasion, but also a full range of unhindered movement. A necessity for Tachyus. The obvious benefit, of course, was the ability to blend in with mortal society, which was a useful gift on occasion.

Change-of-clothes in hand, Tachyus stripped and showered, taking a few extra moments to wash away the sweat, but also to soak out the tenseness in his muscles. He was still on edge, and still walking the line between flooding himself with the power of the Godspeed. He needed to be away from this place for awhile, he decided. Time alone with his thoughts. Time to think about recent events. He turned off the steaming water and stepped out. Toweling off was a chore. On Themyscira, he had always been able to air-dry. However, since coming to Man's World, he had been made aware of many different practices in modesty which were simply not present on the island. Though, having seen the way mortals treated their bodies, he was beginning to think maybe he understood the sense of shame they seemed to possess at the naked form. He found himself briefly wondering how his teammates felt about it, then abruptly decided this was not a train of thought he wanted to follow at the moment.

Dried and dressed, except for his messy hair, which was still a bit damp, Tachyus walked back into the gymnasium slowly, hoping he'd be alone. He sighed audibly as he saw the two women still there. This was abruptly changed, however, as Kassy pulled a one-eighty and walked rather brusquely into the hall, leaving Juno watching her go. Tachyus had the sudden urge to slink back into the men's locker room. Of all of the team, Juno was the only one who actually made him feel nervous. Sure, Fenrir could apparently piss him off easily enough, and he felt a weird mixture of pity and frustration for Kassy, a sense of awe at Rannik and his alien strangeness, but none of them even came close to the same effect. Not only was Juno competent, professional, and powerful, but she had actually saved his life, though it pained him to admit this. All of this, and she was mortal. A so-called metahuman, sure, but otherwise there was nothing special about her, save perhaps her lineage. Yet, her presence alone seemed to tease out his inadequacies. The young demigod decided not to let the awkwardness hang in the air, so he walked toward her, his bare feet slapping softly on the floor mats.

"Was that my fault, her leaving?" Tachyus asked, running a hand through his drying hair as he made a mental note not to stare at Juno in any way that could betray how he really felt, which just ended with him staring at the floor.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago





July 3rd, 2020 | Happy Harbour, Rhode Island - A post in collaboration with @MrDidact

Juno watched Kassy go, wondering what was going through her teammate's mind and feeling both concerned about what Kassy might do as well as vaguely guilty that she had some role in the Atlantean's breakdown. Then, as always happened lately when she was feeling gloomy, she began to think of Leo. And her mood soured even further. Images and sensations and scents began to flash through her mind. Things she hated to even think about. But things she could never forget.

And so Tachyus caught Juno unawares when he stepped up in front of her and snapped her out of her reverie. Juno looked up at him suddenly, taking in the casual loose-fitting civillian clothes he wore. Juno hadn't even thought about what Tachyus might have been doing during the whole exchange with Kassy, but evidently he had missed most of it. His model perfect hair was still damp from the shower, and he looked like he just stepped out of an ad for the gym.

Juno didn't know much about the demigod. But there was an undeniable allure to him, beyond his perfect physique. Beyond his charming demeanor even. He had the very air of someone who held great power and knew it. Many of her teammates were potent, but most were unsure of themselves or were beholden to that power. Tachyus was far from completely in control either. But his usual confidence and surety of his command was appealing, reminding Juno of the professionals she had grown up with and fought beside for most of her life.

But now he looked forlorn, almost like Kassy. But then Juno was sure she looked little better. It had been a hard day for everyone, that was clear. Juno shook her head and replied, "No, it wasn't you. If anything it was my fault. I was coaching her with some boxing and... something happened to her. I don't know what. She wasn't herself."

Juno smiled ruefully, "Kind of a recurring theme today I guess. They really should do more psychological assesment before they send out a bunch of teens and young adults on life or death missions." The smile passed and Juno said, "But seriously. Something's wrong with Kassy. And something's wrong with Magnus. If we're not careful, we'll rip ourselves apart before the villains even get a chance to. We need to come together."

The young heroine noticed Tachyus wasn't meeting her eyes. "How are you holding up? Magnus was pretty harsh to you earlier. It was uncalled for."

Tachyus wasn't sure how to answer her question at first. It clicked suddenly that she may have thought his behaviour had to do with the almost-fight with Magnus. In reality, Tachyus was more perturbed by the prospect of approaching her in conversation, particularly the conversation he was about to start.

"Oh, yeah." Tachyus started, dismissively waving his hand, "I'm not worried about him. He's a beast, but nothing the Amazonians haven't faced. I suspect I'll just need to prove that my uhm... demonstration of weakness earlier today wasn't my modus operandi." The demigod paused for a moment, then sighed and shook his head.

Juno replied, "You made a misstep. But so does everyone. Even Magnus did, today, he even got tenderized by a clown hammer for it. Making a mistake is part of the job from time to time. We just have to learn from them so they don't happen again. And I'm sure you will. With your powers and training, you're a big asset to the team already." Juno had heard the same words spoken to her before, and it wasn't hard to repeat them. A cliche perhaps, but cliches formed for a reason and Juno had seen them work before.

At the very least, she was fairly sure she wouldn't make Tachyus launch into a homicidal rage. As she spoke, she recounted some moments she had been less than optimal in her performance. How humiliated she had been. How much she effort she had spent to make up for it. Tachyus didn't need any more criticism then what he was already giving himself. He needed a show of support. For all her icy tendencies, Juno knew that much.

"Well, thanks. I'm holding up just fine thanks to you, anyway. I've never been poisoned before. Most of the bouts I've been in were more honourable affairs. I don't know how my body would have reacted if I didn't get help, regardless of my parentage," Tachyus grinned suddenly, a slight crooking of the right side of his mouth, "Guess I owe you one. Having a god in your debt is a pretty nifty trump card, I'd wager."

Her perfectly formed and proportioned teammate had a photogenic smile too, and Juno found herself smiling slightly in return, even though his statement also caught her somewhat by surprise. She managed to keep that from showing on her face however as she said, "Villains often don't hold to things like honor, and the Jokerz even less than most. I've had one or two hits like that before, and it's never something to laugh at."

Juno remembered the incident too, when one of the many Copperheads had managed to get the drop on her before her shield had come up. If it hadn't been for her mother, she probably wouldn't have made it. She was seventeen, and after that her mom had tried to stop her from pursuing a heroic career any further. It had only driven Juno's drive to improve. To never be caught off guard again.

"You're welcome, Tachyus, but I was just doing my duty as one of your teammates. I never leave anyone behind. And damned if I'd let one of those clowns hurt someone on my team. I know you would have done the same for me." Her smile, turning into something of a sly grin, Juno said, "Though I think in the knight and damsel dynamic, I actually enjoy being the one to do the carrying. Very chivalric."

She chuckled slightly and said, "And a favor from a god does sound pretty nice. But I thought you were a demigod technically? Is that like a promotion kind of deal? Being worthy and all that? Or just whoever hits the smiting quota the highest?" Juno smiled to let Tachyus know she was just teasing him. Men enjoyed teasing to some extent she found, but not so much it hurt their egos. And it felt good to banter with someone after everything that happened today, to get her mind off of enraged teammates and rivalries.

Tachyus gave an exaggerated mock frown, furrowing his brow and pulling the corners of his mouth down. In truth, he wasn't sure if the pantheon would actually allow any change, set as they were in their ways. Could he actually earn his place among them? Something to ask his father during his next visitation.

"Maybe if I'm charming enough, Aphrodite will take me on as her ward." He gave his best seductive wink, then ruined it with a chortle, "Honestly, I think it is a kind of promotion. From everything I've read about past demigods, that seems to be the case. Hard to tell what's legend and what's truth though. Of course, even if I can't join my father and the other gods, there's another pantheon here on earth that I can still strive for. They call it the Justice League. Perhaps I'll get the honour of standing next to Juno, Goddess of Light in the photoshoots, eh?" He finished with a wry smile.

Juno smiled back, just as wryly. He really was a charmer. Not like the sedate, collected, even melancholy Conner. And much different from the brooding, tense, combative Magnus. All of them had their own appeal, but Tachyus' was somewhat more conventional for Juno. Fairly uncomplicated. Though she was sure he had some sort of personal baggage he had to sort out. Everyone in this business did.

Juno chuckled, "I'm flattered. Not that I haven't heard that one before. Fans can get quite intense. As for the Justice League, that's my dream as well. Being part of this team is the next step for me before I join. This team has a lot of potential to fill the void the Titans left. I think you'd be a good fit as well. As for photoshoots, well you could do those now. Capes are huge on the social scene. If you want, I could make some calls. Introduce the public properly to Quickling. Interviews, photoshoots, the whole deal. You have the right look for it. A few months and you'll have a horde of fangirls. And fanboys of course." Juno smiled again. She hadn't told him that she was on the team to redeem her career and not just pad out her resume, but he didn't need to know that.

Tachyus' grin widened into a genuine smile at the prospect of being rocketed into the spotlight. He found himself wondering if, like a true god, his powers would increase based on his devotees. Was worth a shot.

"I'll have to take you up on the offer. Could use some good publicity after the Jokerz fiasco. We can maybe discuss it over lunch or something?" The demigod offered, but he was too nervous to await a response, so he cut the tension.

"Anyway, we should get back to the others. I was gonna' go for a stroll, but I'm starving, and I can almost smell the bacon from here." As he finished speaking, he turned and started walking towards the hall. He really was hungry, though his awkward nervousness in regards to Juno drove him to walk a little faster than was warranted.

Juno was no fool and she could almost always pick up on when a guy was feeling nervous. It was subtle, but the way that he hurried out a bit faster than he needed to was a big clue. He definitely had at least a bit of a thing for her. She smiled a bit too herself. His nervousness was actually kind of cute. Juno called out to him, "You go ahead. I intend to get some training in tonight. But we should do lunch. We can take a quick hop over to Metropolis and I'll show you one of my favorite places. Just let me know when is good for you. And save some bacon for me."

The young heroine watched Tachyus walk away. Even in a bit of a hurry he had a stride that belonged on a runway, which made an... interesting view as Juno looked on for a moment. She quickly looked away in case Tachyus decided to look back. The Amazons really did have some good exercise regimens, evidently. Juno laughed to herself. She knew some girls, and guys, that would go absolutely crazy over him. But she wasn't quite sure what she felt about her teammate yet, feelings that were almost as muddled as they were with Magnus.

She sighed. A few weeks on this team and it was already turning into a soap opera. Juno tried to put it out of her mind and casted up a hardlight training dummy, throwing herself into a rhytym of strikes and kicks as she tried to get the day's events, her dysfunctional team, and her perplexing comrades off of her mind.
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