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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Penny closed her eyes and seemed to take a moment or two to compose herself. Her phoenix songs were always beautiful, some hauntingly so, and she had to close her eyes tight. The last time she'd used her song... The memory still haunted her. Solias... I know it was what you wanted... but it still effects me so... She licked her lips, leaning back in the seat, "It can do quite a few things." She said softly, deciding that Jasmine did not need to know about the death song, just yet.

"healing is by far my favourite use of it... but it can put people to sleep, making large battles quite harmless... Phoenix Fire is also more potent than my normal fire." she explained, looking away for a moment, before looking back to Jasmine, seeing that she was distracted. She paused a moment, before continuing, "I... I have a theory about what your magic could be, Jasmine."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii


"There are several things wrong with what you just said but I'll just stick to the main one: I aint a damned butler so I won't be carryin' your bags anywhere. I will, however, keep her company so that she doesn't have to stare at you all the time. You can fly and carry things, so you can take the bags to a cabin of your choosing. Sides, it's best she stays above deck and near the rail incase her last meal decides to come for a return trip. If would suck is that happened on the floor of one of the decks." Joshua said before sitting down next to Amaya, placing a hand on her shoulder. He placed his bag next to himself but kept a strap around his wrist so that it didn't go tumbling off the edge if it decided to grow a pair of legs and run around."If there anything I can do to help you that you think might help. Wanna use me as a pillow or something?"

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia frowned upon being told she would need to get more rest since she was still sick. She didn't want to, but she knew if she wanted to be helpful on this little excursion, she would need to be in the best shape possible. So, even after her father offered to give her a tour of the ship and show her how it worked, which was something she was genuinely interested in and hoped to do, she shook her head.
"No, you're right. I need to rest incase I'm needed on the island." She said, her disappointment even more evident in her tone. "So I guess I'll need to find some place to lie down. Can you show me where that might be?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jasmine Lockwood

Hearing Penny talk bought the younger mage back to reality. As she thought, Penny's Phoenix Slayer magic had a variety of uses. Healing, already a versatile power, putting people to sleep, to name a couple. It was semi-obvious that the Phoenix Flames would be stronger than that of normal ones, but it was still an interesting fact to confirm.

It made her wonder even more just what she could do. All she knew was that she could sneeze enough water for a small village on people. Which sure sounded useful, but honestly what use did that have? Penny's even created beautiful music....

At the mention of what Jasmine's magic could be possibly be however, that certainly bought about a reaction from the water mage. Leave it up to an S-Class wizard to be able to deduce the nature of someone's magic so quickly! Even without knowing much about it, or the user herself knowing much.

"You do?" The blonde asked, looking Penny dead in the eyes. So obviously there was more to her magic than just being water magic. Penny seemed either unsure, or perhaps even nervous, about her magic. Well, whatever Penny's theory was it wouldn't hurt her to hear it. Besides, she was beyond anxious to learn exactly what her magic was.

"Is it anything...bad?" Surely Jasmine was just a bad reader of people, but the pause Penny made did make her wonder. It made the younger girl automatically assume the worst.

Ashlyn Johnson

Ash hadn't expected the Oni to *actually* be seasick at the same moment she had joked about it. Wow, she had expected more from Enma from everything she had heard and observed of the 'man'. She visibly grimaced in disgust as the Oni turned her way, wiping some...well puke was the only word Ash could think of to call it, away with his sleeve.
Doubly gross.

His subsequent answer kinda disappointed her too. She had heard he was a energetic, robust sort of guy. Rough and gruff and whatnot. So to see him under the weather like this was....well, she didn't see what was so interesting about him. Besides the fact he was an Oni, she guessed.

"Huh. Is this sort of 'crazy shit' the usual sort of crap you light guilders have to put up with?" Ash said with a yawn. Stretching, she put her arms behind her head before leaning on the railing. She didn't seem to notice what her words indicated about her. After all, to her knowledge only Indigo and Master Sanders knew her history. Not that she had been trying to hide it or anything, just that it never came up in conversations ya know?

"So we essentially just need to bash some skulls in then?" Closing her eyes as she asked, the faintest of smirks began to form on the pyromancer's face. "Perfect. I needed to vent some frustration on something I won't get in trouble for breaking. It's such a pain having to hold back, ya know?" Sighing, she turned and looked at the Oni for some sort of clarification or agreement to what she said. Surely someone like him had been forced to hold back at times as well, she heard that his magic was something akin to that of an earthquake. One had no idea how much she wanted to fight against the Oni, to test herself against this magic.

But alas, now wasn't the time nor the place to fight. Despite how much she was itching for one, then again when wasn't she craving a fight, but just the knowledge that there was a guaranteed fight up ahead kept her in check. Barely.
"I mean, it was only the training hall. How was I supposed to know you weren't meant to go full out there?!"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Sailing to Tenrou

After her encounter with Ethel, Ariel had been returned to normal thanks to Jarvis' assistance. Or what counted as normal for Ariel anyhow. Losing quite a bit of her own magic the young woman was feeling somewhat lethargic upon getting on the ship. Having gone below deck she took a nap before anything else.

Though she'd been permitted to join everyone on the trip she was going to try and stay out of the way as best she could. The trip should be fairly uneventful for her given she'd been around most of the passengers at her guild to know that she wouldn't be picking up any surprise magic. There were a few other people from other guilds though that might have some effect. But at the moment for some reason she wasn't sensing any magical draw like normal. There was something, but she couldn't place her finger on what it was. It did however feel unusually natural unlike most other magics that had a foreign sensation to it.

Whatever it was she didn't possess the ability, or perhaps the control, to pinpoint the source. It was one of the frustrating aspects of her magic absorbing ability. It just happened and she didn't know how to focus or stop it. After getting some rest she shuffled her way onto the deck of the ship. Fittingly she had her water magic and she leaned against the side to watch the waves. There was some commotion going on not that far away but she didn't feel like getting involved right now. One of the people in the group was the one she'd noticed along with Ethel. Though it was hard to tell why she had been drawn to him. Plus things seems to have become civil again. Sighing to herself Ariel shut her eyes and let the sea air rush by as they sailed.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Ferrin became aware of someone approaching.

A female laugh drifted out. Oh, great.

”A fair question, and if I still carried the souls of my shape shifting counterparts, well it would be a rather larger number.” An amused voice said.

"Jamie." Ferrin greeted his guildmaster with a shallow inclination of the head. That was about as much deference as anyone could get out of the arrogant young wizard. Most were lucky if he even remembered their names. Her presence was going to make eavesdropping a little bit harder. Carefully and tightly, the aether wizard controlled his active telepathy magic to not brush Jamie's mind and give him away. He was very careful not to reveal that he had some ability with that branch of magic, for it gave him a tremendous advantage both on an off the battlefield. With it, he might sense if someone planned him harm or he could glean extremely valuable secrets. Telepathy, combined with his superior magic sensitivity and enhance-able senses meant that sneaking up on him was as difficult as possible, he noted with pride. It was one of the reasons he was alive, after all and he wasn't willing to give it up. Unfortunately, his telepathic range and clarity were not the best, though it shamed him to admit it. His range was limited to a few meters and people's thoughts sounded like whispers in a noisy room, so he only could catch a word in three, but that was usually enough. On the upside, the magic working was so weak, unless someone knew what they were looking for, it would be nearly unnoticeable, masked by the numerous enchantments he carried with him and the usual magic aura give off by mages.

It was extremely rude to listen in on another's mind without their permission, if people knew it would probably earn him enemies. Ferrin knew that. But he did it anyway. Not always, but whenever he was unsure about a situation or simply didn't trust people's motives he would cautiously eavesdrop. Though who he tried it on varied. Most people who were competent knew how to habitually guard their thoughts, and would instantly notice the brush of an unfamiliar mind. Jamie, he could tell was one, as her mind was an iron-bound fortress, while the other two...four before him were much more free with their 'private' thoughts. He caught snitches of the two soul's conversations and he was getting a good feel for their 'voices'.

He let the exuberant/edgy pair talk themselves out while he considered what he was going to say next. The mention of Edolas and possibly alternate versions had peaked his interest. But so had Jamie's mention of herself...

"Yes, I am familiar with people bearing more than one soul in their body. I once met a pair of siblings who shared a body, and before them, a man who clamed to have fourty-two different personalities, although he might have simply been insane." Ferrin said slowly and distractedly. Jamie or Edolas, what interested him more? The second Karn seemed disinclined to share, which Ferrin absolutely did not fault them for. Even he had enough tact not to poke at raw wounds.

Speaking of, his jaw still hurt. Although he could feel it mending. What other powers did this shapeshifting-two-souled-slayer wizard have? Healing magic was a lost art and could be useful in any number of situations. Another line of inquiry to be filed away and brought up later.

He turned to Jamie, a politely quizzical expression on his face. "What do you mean by that?"

@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow@Demon Shinobi
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ship to Tenrou Island


Prince hummed at the noise above, rubbing his chin a little but gave a shrug with a cheerful chuckle. "Oh my dear I'm sure we don't have to worry too much. You know how our guildmates are, a little rambunctious fellows. But Jamie is still up there to keep the children from getting too out of line so we don't accidentally sink this ship after all~" the red haired catman purred as he gave a soft hum.

"As for the engine room... It's quite possible this ship doesn't have one." Prince purred, tail flicking side to side.


Ship To Tenrou Island

@Crimson Raven@Demon Shinobi@MarshiestMallow

Karn giggled as he snuggled the dragon slayer before letting ago and rocking on his heels at Ferrin's question. "Well I can tell you there's only two in this body but it would be so exciting if there was more!" he chuckled before eagerly waving at Jamie with both of his arms wildly in the air as she approached.

"Hiiiiiiyaaaa GM!!! ....Urgh...." Karn started with energetic joy before seeming to fall flat faced on the ground with a loud BAM. Giving a whimpering groaning sound as the wave of intense nausea returned that rocked his feeble body.

Soon enough, the blonde got to their feet, left eye glowing a ethereal green constantly as Edarn took more control of the situation. Brushing herself off and rubbing her face, expression now back to its mute neutral while slowly rubbing her temples.

"Elly I told you to slow down. You're making this situation more difficult thanks to your magic." Edarn scolded, the Edolan giving a sigh before crossing her arms over her chest as she stood tall. The nausea was still there, she was just better at handling it.

"Sorry Sorry!" Karn chirped with a brief cheerful expression before it returned back to neutral as Edarn took back control.

The blonde took a breath, slowly turning the green gaze toward the Guildmaster, fingers slightly clenching as her vision warped briefly with burning and blood. She felt her throat burn and choke at her, trying to crush her windpipe but her posture refused to reveal any discomfort. The voices continued to buzz and she wanted to look away but knew she couldn't do that at this moment.

"......Why did you abandon us? Why did you let them all die? I trusted you... but you failed us all... be glad that you're gone. I don't ever want to see your face again."
"Who would really?"
"No one would."
"Maybe it would be better if she did die."
"Or maybe she could just disappear."
"Get a nice little rope and.... SNAP!"

Ignoring the voices, Edarn kept calm and looked at the Guildmaster Jamie of this world, expression unmoving. "Apologies GM, I don't have too much control of your Karn's magic. And it's sorta the type that if misused, you get burned." she said, shrugging jokingly before turning away to rest her arms on the railing of the ship, now not looking directly at the Guildmaster. Honestly, Jamie was probably one of the ones she have a hard time looking at properly, besides Sasha.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos
Ship to Tenrou

"Ah, that's right. The guildmaster is also here..." She hadn't forgotten, so much that it just hadn't really sunk in. She still had moments where it was strange to be traveling so openly with people. It made her wonder about their plans... Huhu, grounding and, er, confiscating their airship must have been quite a setback.

Which returned her to the matter at hand. A working engine to study. Which apparently there were a shortage of on the ship. "No engine? Not even a backup? How..." She sighed crossed her arms, trying to put it politely, "... traditional. I suppose the shipwrights back home would love it, actually. They love traditional, cultural design. Though, they also like big engines..."

"Well, if there is no engine here, let us away. We could have been up on the deck, enriching the atmosphere this whole time. Unless you'd rather avoid the crowd? I did find you in a room alone with a bunch of crates quite by accident."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

“Come on.” Gabriel said, smiling, “lets find somewhere to go, sit.” His brother was here, and to Gabriel, that meant more than anything in the world. Even if he had to put up with leo, and the Spirit King, finding the long lost Zodiac keys. It was all worth it, to see his brother again. They’d never spent more than a few days apart since they were born, these last few months… it had been hard, and Gabriel was glad for the chance to catch up.

Leo, however, seemed to have other plans as he sauntered across the desk, towards Zev, flopping down easily beside him on another crate, and before Gabriel could do anything, was speaking him. Mortified, Gabriel hurried over, knowing full well just how annoying Leo could be. He tried not to subject him on anyone.

“Sorry, he has a mind of his own and… I can’t close the gate.” he admitted, although Gabriel had tried plenty of times to do so. Michael trailed after his brother, hesitantly.

Jamie looked over at Zero and Zenoram, giving a small chuckle, “Not exactly as you are, no. I… sacrificed the souls I carried and kept safe for my daughter.” She said, falling silent as Zero/Zenoram continued speaking. Turning her gaze to Ferrin, Jamie paused a moment as she considered how to answer. “My shape shifting ability relies on souls. Capture in Lacrima’s, unforunately the lacrima’s needed for it are quite rare. In fact, there is only one person to get them from. Jarvis. Sometimes I wondered if we were drawn together because of how we complement one another, or something else.” She said thoughtfully.

“The Lacrima is… an odd one. Similar to Slayers the gain their abilities through Lacrima’s, mine were… like an extra organ. THe souls I carried were… special to me, and Jarvis, in one way or another. All knew what we could accomplish together and when they were gravely injured… it was a way for them to keep us safe. I… I have never come across another person who can do what i do, perhaps it is a lost magic, or an entirely knew magic. I’m not sure.” She frowned, knowing that it was probably more than a little confusing. “Well, that’s for another time.” She stopped, her gaze drawn to Karn. She smiled, but it faded as he seemed to… fall. Reaching out to him, she let her hand drop back to her side, seeing that the Edolas Karn was in control. Or as in control as either of the karns could be.

She watched with concern, nodding. They needed to find a way to help them… ‘Well, yes.” She said, with a smile, “I am always here to help, my dear.” She said softly, her smile fading slightly, a rather serious look upon her graceful features.

“Amelia.” Jarvis said,”I did not say that you had to retire. Merely that I wish you to take it easy.” He said, reaching out to her, to give her a hug, “Did you wish to look at the ship?”

Penny shook her head, “No, no… It’s… “ She hesitated, knowing she should put the younger girl at ease. But… she had never had to do anything like this before. “No, I… there’s a trait that is common among slayers- or rather, Dragon Slayers. No one is sure why.” She said softly, keeping her gaze on Jasmine as she thought on each word. The gently swaying of the carriage was more comforting to Penny than she suspected it was for Jasmine- her body automatically healed any sign of distress even before her brain could understand it. “Slayers are often plagued with Motion Sickness, so crippling that it is almost impossible for them to move. I’m not sure if its for all slayers, or just Dragon, and asking Nolan doesn’t seem wise.” She suspected if they were forced together again, one or the other of them would end up hurt.

“My body heals itself, and thus even if all slayers were affected by it, I wouldn’t know.” She continued, “But… I think it’s safe to assume your magic is a slayer type.”
@Silver Fox@Crimson Raven@Joshua Tamashii@Hatakekuro@Demon Shinobi
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jasmine Lockwood

Penny seemed rather quick to shut down that line of thinking from Jasmine. So if her magic wasn't bad news, then why did Penny seem so hesitant? So unsure? The sudden mention of slayers though just earned a confused look from the water mage. She was familiar with slayer magic, well as familiar as she could be. It was magic that was used to, obviously, slayer creatures from a bygone era. Vampires, dragons, phoenix's, those sort of mythical creatures. Ah Jasmine wished she could meet a one such creature, once she got over the no doubt crippling fear she would feel once meeting the powerful creatures of course.

However she wasn't prepared to hear that slayers, wielders of magic designed to kill some of the most powerful magical creatures to have ever existed....were in turn crippled by motion sickness. Dragon slayers in particular. That was kinda, well, lame. Kinda shattered her whole illusion of slayers being almighty beings.

Oblivious to Penny's constant magical checks to keep the motion sickness at bay, her mind began to connect the dots as to what Penny was saying as she talked. Why else would she have bought this up? At the mention of Nolan she tensed up considerably. He was a slayer?! Oh god, she really was in hot water wasn't she?! Seriously, could she have picked a worse person to get mad at her?! She honestly, really, really, really didn't want to run into him again anytime soon. Thankfully she was going on this mission with Penny.

"I...I can't be a slayer. T-there must be some kind of mistake!" Shaking her head like her life depended on it, she denied the idea just as vigorously. Didn't slayer magic have to be taught by whatever the creature was meant to be slain by it? She had never met a phoenix, nor a dragon and especially not a god! She would've remembered such powerful, rare and beautiful creatures!

Looking down at her lap, she noticed her fists were clenched so tightly that her knuckles had begun to turn white. "I..I just can't be. How can I? I-It's not like it's a magic that just manifests...." Otherwise, why weren't there slayers of all varieties just running around in the same numbers of conventional magic, like Celestial magic or fire magic? Mixed in with the disbelief however was also a certain factor of fear. And who wouldn't be, to most Dragon slayer magic was evil. Taboo. Jasmine also holding that belief. So if Penny believed her to have such terrifying, powerful magic and that the Dragon Slayers were in particular affected by motion sickness then....then....


Then it was only logical to believe she was a dragon slayer, something she had been raised to fear and loath. "I'm...I'm not....I don't want...." Trembling, the younger girl buried her face into the Phoenix slayers shoulder as tears ran down her face. She was obviously afraid, more of herself than anything else now. She had always wanted a magic, it was almost humorous that she had gotten the one she arguably feared the most.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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James Hunt|A Test of Honor


The walk for several moments had been silent, the pair more absorbed in making sure that they weren't ambushed than being interested in talking. James himself was busy looking for more signs of the arrogant gangsters that they were tracking, wanting to make sure that there weren't any unexpected deviations in direction. But, eventually the silence was broken as Cody asked the Paladin a question that he, well, he didn't know if he had an answer the young man would find satisfactory. Still, as he stopped to face his student, he decided to do his best.

"I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask for information on such a thing, but to me, it would mean that you would do anything to protect them or provide for them. To care for them without question and help them when they needed it and to let them be happy, to put them before yourself. Why do you ask?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Zenoram and Zero

> On the Boat to Tenrou Island <
Phoenix Wing
@Silver Fox@Crimson Raven@Burthstone@MarshiestMallow

"More than one soul huh?" Zenoram asked softly as he looked from Jamie to Ferrin and back again when she began speaking herself. He was curious about it.

"Bit of a stretch. I mean, they're all different people. We're just crazy on paper."
"But we're together."
"Heh true."

They were quiet as Jamie explained. Zenoram opened his mouth to speak, some form of condolence or anything, but Zero urged him not to.

"You don't always need to say something."
"Everyone has a little darkness in their past. Everyone has something. Besides, we can hardly understand the magic and we don't know everything. Besides, we don't know her that well."
"Now, let's see how long til we finish. And watch out for this guy.

When Zero said that Zenoram became quiet. He glanced at Ferrin for a moment. Zero didn't trust him. That was clear. But he didn't trust almost anyone. Still, he found that following the Dragon Slayer's gut could be the best course of action, most often it could keep them alive. However, before he could ask he noticed the shift in Karn. "Oooooh, you're Karn's roomie huh?" He said with a bright smile. She was quick to turn around though. "Karn is really cute, so I bet you were too." Zenoram with as he hugged her. Still, he let go quicker. She wasn't Karn, so she might not be big on the hugging.

"Come on Zenoram. Ask about the ship."

Zenoram sighed and turned back to Jamie. "So... Um... How long til we reach the island GM?" he finally asked Jamie.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ship to Tenrou Island


Giving a soft hum, Prince chuckled a little bit in amusement. "Well a traditional ship is less likely to be manipulated with and less likely to draw too much attention. Most engines are mostly reserved for airships. And with as many powerful wizards that are here on this ship, I wouldn't find it too surprising if someone would wish to take advantage and sink it. But that's not too likely since most of this little adventure is kept quiet." the feline hummed before patting the back of Trinity's back.

"Ah I do not mind at all! I was just enjoying a little nap is all. Mikey is out enjoying sometime with his brother. Seeing how the others doing wouldn't be so bad. With so many wizards and personalities, it'll be a interesting spectacle to say the least." Prince purred before striding toward the deck, humming a soft tune.


Ship To Tenrou Island

@Crimson Raven@Demon Shinobi@MarshiestMallow

Edarn flicked her glowing ethereal green gaze towards Jamie at her words, taking a moment to collectively think. "It doesn't appear you really have the time to." she said, though it was mostly a mutter. Glancing back to the water and resisting the urge to touch her throat that throbbed and burned, knowing it would give something away. A part of her wanted to blame this Phoenix Wing for keeping her here, taking her away from Edolas to be strapped up as a sacrifice for their Karn. However, she knew it wasn't really their fault. She could whine that her Guild helped them immediately but her logical side understood that was different circumstances. Helping the Earthlanders coincided with helping Edolas as well so it worked out. And that was for the entirety of their country. Here, the stakes weren't quite the same. It was two people. And there were problems that were bigger than that.

So she didn't discuss the possible further problems that arose in the pass three months. It would only damper spirits and cause more worry. Perhaps it was Edarn's bad habit of locking up her problems so others don't worry. However she did believe she had a good excuse back in Edolas since they had more important things to worry about, she was just going to use the same one here. There were more important things to worry about. Things that needed attention. She'd just have to handle it on her own like normal.

"You got me!"Earthland Karn chirped up within their shared mind.

"Yeah..." Edarn thought but mentally sighed.

Her attention was then turned toward one (or two) of this world's Karn's friends. Zenoram and Zero and by memory it seemed Karn liked them. Not like there was many people Karn didn't like but this one and Mithera are ones Karn seemed fond of. Blinking a little at the embrace, Edarn turned her green gaze on the taller boy and gave a amused grin.

"Ah yes, I've heard quite a bit about you." the blonde hummed before moving her gloved hands over Zenoram's cheeks and gave him a peck on the cheek before pulling away with a sly smirk. "You're quite the cutie yourself. I'm sure we'll have a great time together." she teased before one ethereal green gaze turned to a regular green as Karn took over.

He gave a girlish giggle as he held his cheeks between his hands. "I can't wait to get there! We'll have super duper lots of fun!" the blonde boy cheered gleefully. Sorta stumbling a little as the wave of nausea returned as he came out again.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ferrin Astra

Ferrin seemed taken aback. Souls bound in Lacrimae? Was that even possible? He half hoped for a response, but none came. He knew the answer: obviously it was, but how? Ferrin tried to imagine what it would be like to be trapped, suspended in a crystal, unable to move or speak. Just able to wait. Only his self control stopped him from shivering. He could sympathize.

“That is a fascinating magic, Jamie. Being able to tap into the power of other’s as your own. Could one utilize that with an animal or beast?” He ruminated, growing more and more animate as he spoke. “Of course, that begs the question: do animals have souls? Take Over magic suggests this is so, but how do we know the essence that you or a take over mage calls upon is indeed this thing called ‘soul’? If one could trap this soul in an inanimate object, such as a lacrima and supply it with magic, could one make themselves immortal? To stave off death, that is the ultimate in acheivement for any wizard to...” Ferrin trailed off, realizing that he was saying all this aloud. He immediately pulled a small notebook and a pencil out of his many pockets and started recording his thoughts.

”My apologies,” He said without looking up. “A fascinating thing, Magick is.” He emphasized the k, his voice sliding into a old, high class accent. “My life, I have dedicated to it’s study, as have my family before me. To learn of new, never before recorded magic, well.” He finished the notes with a few lines on Karn’s transformation, what it had felt like and the speed it had occured. He resolved to put in a sketch of the chimera-like form when he has the time. He shut the book with a thump and tucked it back into a pocket. “To make the task more difficult, is that many wizards with the truely incredible magics tend to be a cagey, secretive lot. Not that can I blaim them in the least.” He paused. “In fact your guild here, Jamie, has been a goldmine of new magics. I can honestly say that never before have I seen such a collection of wizards, magic, and talent all concentrated in one spot, as if they drawn together by an invisible force. It is notable enough that I theroize there must be a reason for these ancient magicks quite literally popping out of the woodworks. Mayhap could it have something to do with what we sail out to face?” He studied Jamie’s face for a reaction. “All mearly theories and guesswork. I, sadly, have nothing as of yet to substantiate such a claim. Now then, if you boys are done flirting,” He turned to the Karns and ZnZ, addressing them both, with nothing more then a raised eyebrow at Edarn’s behavior. “As it so happens, I belive the four of you may be able to help me out. If you do not mind me asking, how did the you come to share a body with an other? I ask, not for myself, but for another whose condition resembles each of yours. Only they do not know the machinations by which they came to be that way. I would hope that I could glean some information that might be of use to them from your stories.” The question was phrase politely, if roundabout and delivered in the same, matter-of-fact tone that Ferrin habitually used.

Doubtless, Jamie had already heard them herself, and, Ferrin realized, having a magic that produced a similar effect she would be an expert on such things. But Ferrin wanted a firsthand account. In his experience people leave out all kinds of little details that could be important. It would be better to witness the events himself, but since he could not, a firsthand account was as good as he could get.

@Silver Fox@MarshiestMallow@Demon Shinobi
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Penny kept her gaze on Jasmine, watching her with concern. She knew that this was massive information- and Penny wished she had all the answers, but she didn’t. She didn’t know how any of this worked, she barely knew anything about her own abilities. She didn’t want to fail Jasmine… but she suspected that she was going to. ”You don’t need to worry about Nolan, Jasmine… I won’t let him hurt you.” she promised, falling silent once more, watching her.

”I don’t think there is a mistake, Jasmine… “ She said, almost regrettably, seeing that this was distressing news to the younger girl. ”I… Most slayers are trained, yes… but I was born one. It happens.” She said softly after a moment or two, not sure how to explain. When jasmine leaned against her, Penny put her arms around the younger girl, keeping her close and letting her cry herself out, giving her what comfort she could.

”Jasmine… it’s going to be okay, I promise you.” She said, after a while, her voice soft. ”I’ll do all that I can.” She didn’t register the passing scenery, keeping her attention on the distressed Jasmine. ”We’ll figure it out.”

Jamie frowned, watched Karn/Edolas Karn, and sighed. She had ideas on how to help them, but there was no way to test them… she could see how that could appear to be doing nothing… she would help the duo, when they were back from the island… Things should, she hoped, be normal then. ”Some time. No one really knows where the island is.” She said, looking to Zero/Zenoram, before her attention was drawn back to Ferrin.

Jamie shook her head, ”Perhaps soul is too strong a word. Memory might be better. The memory of them, my… friends, my family… I would summon them, and… become them, for a period of time.” she said softly, ”All gave me their permission for it… “ she trailed off, clearly upset by the topic at hand, but willing to talk about it. She shook her head, ”Never apologise for seeking knowledge. Knowledge is a weapon against ignorance.” she trailed off thoughtfully for a moment.

”I think the magic has always been there… and is gifted randomly. The new magics- or perhaps they are simply old, lost to time- that have appeared… perhaps it does have something to do with the island. But I believe it was all there, merely waiting to be unlocked.” As Ferrin turned to foursome, Jamie excused herself, letting Ferrin speak uninterrupted with them.
@Crimson Raven@Silver Fox@Demon Shinobi@Lunarlord34
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Trinity Stratos
Ship to Tenrou

"We don't sail the sea, where I come from. It's an old superstition, maybe, but... It's dead water. Cursed, some say. Others say there used to be a country there. No one wants anything to do with it. So, no boats. Cars, landships, airships. This whole 'boat' thing is weird, but not hard to understand. And now you tell me it has no engine. I suppose the concept is ancient..."

"To the deck, then." Trinity joined Prince, using a percussion and brass combo to conjure a certain theme as they made their way to the deck, leaving room for Prince's fiddle to fill in whatever melody he liked

She was getting her sea legs well enough, as they got to the deck. The occasional off toss threw her, but for the most part, it was a rather regular rocking that went well with music. If she thought of it as a metronome, it was easy. It was strange, suddenly being at the mercy of a constant rhythm that, seemingly, from here, ruled the world.

As she stepped through the door to the deck, she caught sight of a stumbling Karn. Thinking about it, she had to wonder how he was doing on this little piece of wood in a giant puddle of water. Though, she couldn't just ask, either, he'd hear it and freak out. She'd just have to assess, herself. She looked at Prince for a moment, not sure if she'd seen Karn get nauseated before.

"Are you doing alright, Karn? And Karn?" She came over and put one hand on Karn's shoulder, her body stilling as she offered support. Her free hand conducted her instruments, though the music dimmed. "Do you..." Don't lean Karn over the side of the ship, "want a bucket?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jasmine Lockwood

Despite Penny's comfort, Jasmine couldn't quite ease her fears. She wasn't strong enough to wield such a magic, this had to be a mistake...it had to be! She wasn't like Penny, who was strong and kind. She on the other hand was meek, weak and useless. Her encounters with Jackson/Jacqueline had reinforced that fact, their words and actions affected her still. Their ruthless display of strength frightened her, yet they too were kind to her.

She had wondered why, but maybe they had known about her dormant magic? They were such a hard person to read, one moment kind and considerate and the next a murderous, ruthless machine hellbent on causing pain and misery. Who honestly knew. But these thoughts, coupled with Penny's comforting and one could only cry for so long, soon bought her sobbing to just a sniffle. With red, bloodshot eyes she looked up at the older girl.

"Y-you...you really think I can do it?" Her voice came out as a soft mumble, but the uncertainty was obvious. This was all a complete mystery to her, as it would appear to be for Penny as well, but if the older mage seemed so confident and assured with her words how could Jasmine doubt her?
"B-but...why hasn't it happened before?" It was an obvious and logical question to ask. If she had been born with her magic like Penny had, then wouldn't she have shown signs of it before? Anything at all? She thought long and hard, yet nothing surfaced. She couldn't remember shooting water, or anything of the sort before today. And she defiantly didn't remember meeting any dragons, gods, etc. That she would remember surely.

.....or would she? Her memories had been patchy and fuzzy ever since she had met that mothman and butterfly woman. Most of it made sense, but she still felt like something important was missing. If only her parents were still here....
"If...if I had known sooner...then maybe...my parents..." She could feel the tears begining to return at the thought of her parents. If she had magic this entire time, she could've saved them. She wouldn't have been abducted by those weird people who had turned her into a sword. She wouldn't have been so afraid and useless in that alleyway. Had they known? Had her parents known? Nothing could be ruled out anymore.

"Can...can I stay like this for a little longer?" Mumbling, the younger girl buried herself into the older girl's shirt. Penny was so warm, Jasmine could almost doze off to sleep...Which she did.

Cody Bloodstein

"I...see." James' response didn't quite satisfy Cody's thoughts. That would've been the answer he himself might've even used, maybe not quite as long or the same wording, but the same sentiment was there. Taking a moment to make sure he hadn't been distracted, and that he was still looking for tracks or had missed any, he quickly turned his attention back to the conversation at hand when he was convinced he hadn't missed any clues.

"That woman's words, the one from the alley. They've just been bothering me is all." With a simple shrug, Cody answered with blunt honesty. No point skirting around the issue, he was the one who had bought it up after all. "Amongst other things..." He added in a quick mumble.

He hadn't mentioned the dreams to James, or the visions he had whenever he closed his eyes. Thus far they hadn't affected his training after all, he was used to nightmares and the such by this point. One particular one haunted him to this day after all. But these were...different. Sometimes they contained people he knew, while most contained people he had never met before in his life. Almost all of them ended in some sort of bloodbath, or other gruesome scene. Whether he find himself to be in a position too powerless to help them, or the one covered head to toe in their blood.
And when those nightmarish images weren't on his mind, a much more serene if not as confusing and confounding one took it's place. That of the Ice Dragon Slayer, Amaya. He had seen so little of her since the Grand Magic Games, and just thinking about her now made him subconsciously grip at his heart as he felt it tighten.

"I just don't understand what she meant by 'break my heart' is all. I might just be overthinking it, but I just can't grasp what she means. And for some reason, I can't shake Amaya from my head when I dwell on it for too long....am I strange for thinking this?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Wow, Ash certainly made no effort in trying to hide her disappointment in meeting the currently seasick oni. She probably heard the stories of him being an unrestrained, rough, boisterous man of boundless energy, but at that moment, that was not what Ashelyn had found. It was quite pathetic. He, a warrior from a proud race of oni and a nobleman, was defeated by the rockings of the ocean. Oh, how humiliating, but he took it all in stride...When he was not throwing up of course. Jeez, don't look disappointed Red. I still yet to have gotten my sea legs yet. The oni quipped as he pushed himself off from the railing, trying his best to not look like his insides were being constantlyed churned around. Then again, at this point there probably was nothing left in there for there to be churned.

Light guilders huh? That was an interesting way of putting it consdering she was apart of said light guild. "I wouldn't know. I only joined a few months ago and no offense, you humans are confusing beings." When he said that, he glanced at Karn talking to Ferrin and some other mages and back out to the ocean. "Very confusing beings." The oni grumbled at the last part though his attention was brought back to Ash when she was talking about needing to bash some skulls in to vent and ended up whining about how she was punished for something she was not told about. Now that was something he could relate too.

"I hear you on that. When I took the entrance test, I destroyed the arena in my second bout and then I got restrained for doing that, since apparently that was a rule." Yeah, that was something he was still slightly bitter about though it really was not worth holding against the guild


Zev just looked at the strange fellow who just approached him and sat down on a nearby crate, eyeing him silently, which of course made him slightly uncomfortable. "Uh, hi there." And the flood gates opened. This guy just kept on talking up a storm and it probably would have not ended if it was not for...Not Michael? It was some very curious fellow that looked a lot like his guildmate though he acted far more demure than his counterpart. Actually, now that he thought about it Zev did find something about Michael having a brother when he was snooping around. "No, it's fine. Say, are you Gabriel?"
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Location: On the road to Shirotsume Town-> Shirotsume Town
interacting with: Jasmine @Lunarlord34, Lurdes Arriola (NPC, Shirotsume Town Vet)

Penny didn’t know what she could say or do that would help jasmine. She didn’t know the right words, or even the right thing to do. Had her mother ever comforted her, at all, after the man who had beat the shit out of both of them, the man that her adoptive mother had let beat her? Penny couldn’t ever recall. When her adoptive father had died… Penny suspected that her adoptive mother had perished with him, had merely been a walking shell of a woman. She tried to think how she had been, before… but she had been too young. She remembered being happy, with her adoptive parents, and then… misery. She gave a soft sigh to herself, her arms around Jasmine still.

Perhaps she didn’t need to actively comfort her. Perhaps being there was enough, keeping her safe. Or as safe as she could. Jasmien was asking her to believe in her… and Penny did. The girl might not be the strongest, but she had a good heart. As her sobbing became mere sniffles, Penny closed her eyes in relief. Jasmine was pulling herself together, and that was a good thing. Yet Penny knew that it was going to be a rough ride… She hoped she could make it easier for her.

"I do. You're stronger than you think you are, Jaz," At her further question, Penny hesitated. She didn’t really have the answer, not for that at least. She sighed softly, hesitating before saying, ”I don’t know how it works, Jasmine. It… sometimes I think it’s just when you’re ready that it unlocks. I was Sixteen when I first started using Phoenix Magic. And that was after I learned Fire Magic. But… I was in a bad position, before it burst out of me when I most needed it.” She gave Jasmine a gentle squeeze, ”I don’t have the answers as to why now, Jasmine… I wish I did. I worked hard to learn fire magic… Phoenix it just came to me. Perhaps because of my training in Fire.”

As Jasmine continued speaking, Penny shook her head, ”No, no! It isn’t your fault what happened to them, Jasmine. It isn’t. You can’t blame yourself for what happened. You didn’t know you could do this, and you wouldn’t have been able to then… It isn’t your fault, and I won’t have you believing that.” She said, her voice soft but strong- to make sure that Jasmine would never have a doubt that it wasn’t her fault. As the younger girl fell asleep, Penny fell silent, closing her own eyes once more.

She’d do everything she could for Jasmine. She just hoped that she didn’t end up screwing her up. She let her thoughts flow, trying not to focus on anything. The ride was quiet, peaceful but to Penny, right then, it was filled with worry, dread and fear. Her mind, and heart, inevitably went towards how she had left, her breath leaving her in a shaky sigh.

She shouldn’t have left the way she had… She’d let her anger get control of her… But she wasn’t scared… She just didn’t want to hurt people. Going to the island… getting herself mixed up with Dragon’s, with so much other stuff… that chance…

No. She wasn’t scared. She was bloody terrified. Terrified of her magic, of the way it had changed, of just about every aspect of it. She could kill with a few beats of song. What if she accidently used a wrong spell? She closed her eyes tighter, to stop the tears that wanted to fall.

She failed to stop them, and reached up to brush the tears away, trying to be quiet, not wanting to wake Jasmine. The girl needed sleep. And that was something Penny could give her.

As Shirotsume Town came into view, forests began to appear, the road became smoother as they neared civilisation, and there were signs of people living there. A farm or two, some animals- cows and horses- splattering the land, some workers could be seen amongst them. Penny shifted, not yet waking Jasmine, as she got a look at the land around them. It looked normal, and happy on the surface, and Penny would have been content with that, but she noticed things that weren’t quite right.

The fences she could see bore damage- marks and scars on the wood, and what looked like blood. There were scars in the earth, and she could see that the workers were moving frantically about, as if terrified. She frowned, studying them. Were the Hane-Sakana that deadly? Letting her thoughts linger on that, and just how they were going to deal with this problem, she watched as the town drew closer. Here there were other signs of the damage done by these flying fishes, more damage to the buildings she could see, blood staining the streets, windows, doors, signs. And injured people. People with bandages on their arms, legs, hands, faces. Bloodied, and hurting, and Penny suspected that under those bandages, there would be severe damage. Perhaps even missing fingers.

She would do whatever she could to help, Penny knew that, with all her heart. She couldn’t let this destruction, suffering, go on any longer than was necessary. As the cart drew to a stop in the town centre, Penny gently reached out to shake Jasmine away, ”We are here, Jaz. Time to show them just what Phoenix Wing Mages are made off.” She gave her a smile, ”I know you will be okay. I’ll be with you, every step of the way.” As the driver came around, Penny opened the door, reaching into a hidden pocket to take out some jewel’s, paying for the trip before getting out.

Waiting for Jasmine, she glanced around trying to find any sign of the Animal clinic. The vet was their client, and she wanted to get this job started as quickly as possible. She looked to Jasmine to make sure the girl as okay, but didn’t get to say anything else as someone came barrelling towards them. The man appeared to be late thirties, early forties. His Dark brown, nearly black hair was patchy- but it didn’t look like he was going bald. Perhaps he was simply pulling his hair out- perhaps in frustration or fear. His beard, closely shaven to his face that did appear to usually be neatly cared for, was a little unruly.

He had a healing cut along one cheek, a bandage over his right arm- she could see it peeking through his lab coat, that was splattered with blood, torn in places. He appeared to be very disheveled, and frantic.
”Phoenix Wing Mages, Phoenix Wing Mages!” His voice sounded fearful, frantic and a little crazy like. Penny shifted in front of Jasmine, not quite sure of this man.

”Yes, that’s us. I’m Penny and this is Jasmine. We’re here for the flying fishes… are you Lurdes Arriola?” she asked, keeping her voice calm, suspecting that if she let anything else into her voice, this man would fly off the handle. He seemed one crisis away from a mental breakdown and that wouldn’t do anyone any good.

”Yes, yes! You have to help, you have to do something! I’m running out of supplies, the doctor’s running out of supplies and now she’s out of commission, the flying bastards tried to slash her throat! I’ve never seen anything like this, in all my life! Please, do something!”

”We will, do not fear. For now, it would be best if everyone stays inside, keep doors and windows locked, animals inside. We will deal with these creatures, have no fear.” She assured the man. He seemed skeptical, but Penny made sure he knew she wouldn’t budge, and while he hesitated, he went back the way he had come. Watching him retreat until she was sure he wasn’t coming back, she let out a slow breath. ”That is a man on the edge of doing something drastic.” She said with a soft sigh, turning back to Jasmine. ”So we should get started. Are you okay?”


Location: Ship towards Tenuro Island
interacting with: Zev @Hatakekuro and Gabriel

Michael, mortified, gave a small nod. Gabriel had never really explained why he had Leo, the Spirit that really didn’t act like one, nor had he ever explained to Michael why he couldn’t close the gate. Perhaps it was simply that they hadn’t spent much time together, in months. Since they’d joined their guilds… he missed his brother immensely, these last months had been hard without him. Before, they hadn’t spent more than a few days apart in their entire lives. ”Y-yes-. T-This is my b-b-brother. Gabriel.” he said softly to Zev, as Gabriel tried, and failed, to get Leo away.

The spirit merely threw his arm around his brother and pulled him close, chuckling at Gabriel’s attempts to break free. ”Yes, and this is my rather annoying spirit who seems to think he is my guardian”

”Well, I mean, I am.” Leo said with a roaring laugh, reaching up to rub Gabriel’s hair, much to the boys embarrassment

”I… uh… “ Michael started, trailing off, not sure what he could say.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Lunarlord34
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Lunarlord34 Totally not a vampire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jasmine Lockwood


Ashlyn Johnson

"Oh? I only recently joined a couple months back myself." So that meant that Enma was effectively a 'newbie' like herself. Yet, he was A-Class and she was C-Class. She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at that fact, I mean it seemed like he too had destroyed the training hall after all! She nodded her head in approval at what he said, quite eagerly actually as a wide grin formed.

"I know, right? The least they could've done is put a sign up for us newer members. Or someone could've warned us. Not just reprimand us for something we knew nothing about!" While it probably should've been common sense not to destroy guild property, it was still pretty annoying to Ash that no one told her that setting it alight was against guild policy or something. Some warning before it would've been very nice.

"I didn't even take an entrance test." The pyromancer admitted sheepishly, shrugging as she did so. "They let me for helping out during that whole undead city saga. Some chick called Riona and myself just wanted to go at it ya know? Settle a score, since she was meant to be my entrance test opponent. I mean, she damaged the place too...but I uh...well..." She didn't seem all too keen on finishing the explanation. The pyromancer scratched the back of her head and looked away, a sheepish grin beginning to form.

"Anyway. I hope she's ok ya know? She played with fire, and well kinda got burned for it. Badly. I actually haven't since her since.....eh I'm sure she's fine. Seems like the tougher breed to me." Waving off the somewhat serious matter of badly beating and burning a fellow guildmate aside, she quickly turned back to Enma. "But yeah, they should make a newbie's manual or something. Maybe a pamphlet, Indigo is pretty keen on her paperwork isn't she? Just something with a quick rundown of important rules ya know, make sure people don't go breaking them without prior knowledge."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Phoenix Wing Guild Hall

Elena nodded at the two's story. "Well. I thank you for your help. I may want to visit this facility later. Perhaps I'll find some fun magic to add to my repertoire." She stood from the table and bowed before starting to walk off, but pausing momentarily. "By the by, whom would I need to speak with to get into this guild? We were thinking of planting our roots here." She then reached a hand to her head.
"Uh oh. Looks like Perry is waking up. I better change before he gets suspicious." she says, waving a hand over her body as it becomes Perry's once more, his armor and weapons returned. "Ciao." she said before a wave of surprise washed over the boy's face.
"Huh? Wha-?" Perry asked looking around confused. "I was at the counter earlier, then I fell asleep. his face dropped as he turned away and whispered to himself.
"Elena, you didn't do anything did you?"
"No, I just sat down and spoke with the person you see at the booth. Colt and Claire." she chimed in his head.
"I only see one person." he whispered harshly.
"Oh, they are kinda like us, but not for the same reason."
"Wait, what?"
"I'll fill you in later. You were thinking up a plan?"
"Oh right!" He said nearly jumping. He then cleared his throat loudly, turned towards the majority of the crowd and...
"Members of the Phoenix Guild!" he began, "I am Perry Grungust and I-" his voice slowly died and squeaked.
"You can't do it can you? Here."
"No, Elena you don't-" his lips moved on their own accord, interrupting his complaint, "My name is Percival Grungust! I have been traveling the world hunting Dark Wizards to protect the people from them! However, I have found recently that I need somewhere to place my roots. Would you all do me the honor of allowing me to join your renowned Guild?"
Perry's face was a tomato.
"You're welcome." Elena said smugly to him.
Perry simply awaited the next thing to come, hoping that Elena's speech through him would work.

@Crimson Raven and any other character in the guild still.
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