Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Naoko's arm felt like it ricocheted of off Taidan's deflection. Naoko was amazed but immediately began analysing Taidan. He looked at his eyes, his body composure, stance and so on. He looked him up and down again before finally asking. "How'd ya do it?" Naoko inquired, throwing his arms up in the air in frustration. "I can't do it. What's your method T?" He further continued. Naoko had to know the secret to this technique. No matter what it took, not being able to use this kind of power was failure in his eyes, and he will never give up until he has every single tool he can acquire to become a great hunter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cobalt Chideta

Cobalt nodded as he listened to what Diamond said. He understood all those points. "I get it. It's hard to let go and let someone else choose for you." Cobalt smiled after she gave him a chance in the leadership department. It was far away from friendship but maybe there was still a chance in those regards too. That smile immediately went away after her following words. "I'll keep that in mind."

Suddenly she had a knife to his stomach and it took all his willpower to not reach for the handgun he had hidden in his left back pocket. "If you're gonna preach to me about self control, how about you don't immediately draw a knife on me." He called out to her as she walked away. Whatever. "I don't think we're going to ever be friends." Cobalt muttered to himself as he walked away. When was lunch going to end?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shuai Taidan - Aura Control Class

Taidan grinned, his face immediately becoming a visage of great cheer as he clapped his hands together, a clear sign of an incoming longwinded explanation on how he had exerted his Aura in a manner that had allowed him to counter his teammate's attack. The pretty boy closed the distance between them, moving to throw an arm over Naoko's shoulder.

"You know how you can sorta like, feel your Aura just flowing within you, all the time?" he began, materialising one of his ethereal arms to slowly turn and emphasise his point. "It's like, you gotta intensify that feel until you find what hits the spot, what point makes it real easy for you to channel it all to one bit."

He flicked back his pinkish-brown hair. "The hard bit is aim. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vixi Viridian

Vixi was never one for tours, planned routes or anything that required step-by-step guidance from someone at all, really. So as soon as she was able, she was striking out on her own, exploring Beacon at her own pace. This usually resulted in ajar-mouthed stares and moments of awe at the sheer magnitude and architecture. Another reason that the less people around her, the better: she looked like a simple-minded bumpkin. But on some level, Vixi didn’t care. She had finally made it.

Vixian Viridian had finally made it to Beacon.

Her time in between the training Academy and now had been a blur, for the most part. Even the ride here had only vaguely piqued her interest. Her father had a very “I won’t believe it until I see it” and Vixi supposed she got a bit of that from him, saving all of her awe and attention until the moment she touched down at Beacon Academy. Her meeting with the headmaster had been brief, something urgent taking his attention and she was left to wander on her own with her “Scroll” in hand.

The infernal device didn’t make too much sense to her so she simply stuffed it in her back pocket as she wandered around the school campus, taking in the air and light, the overall tranquility of the school. Vixi had been raised in a conglomeration of rigid and stiff environments. She was always training and learning the proper way to present herself to be on par with the boys. But that wasn’t her at her core. This place seemed more her style.

Now….if she could just find someone to help point her to…..where ever she should go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Deli N'Doul

Robert mostly just watched everything going on at the table. The large amount of people all surrounding a single table, no matter how large the table was, was a tad disorienting. It was amazing that in the large crowd he was able to make out a face, especially one that he barely knew. "Isn't that-" he thought aloud. The team leader of RVGD pulled out his Scroll and checked to be sure. "It sure is." The face he had seen was that of his new teammate who he had noticed been added automatically to his contact list as she was part of his team. "Vixi! Over here!"

If Vixi decided to join the rest of her team, Robert would be first to introduce himself. "Hey there. I recognized you from the team roster on my Scroll. My name's Robert and I'm your team leader." He would stick his hand forward to give the girl a friendly handshake as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Skyra stared. "Date? No, not really...", she stated matter-of-factly. "A date would be something where two people go out on their own without any company other than themselves..."
The cat girl had decided to not give too much room to Moku's fantasies and brain-ramblings, although, admittedly they were a lot of fun to watch.
"Also... I don't know if I like you enough for a real date, you know. I only know you for, like, a week or something." Skyra the realist had come out to play. She smiled as she stood up.
"Come on, though, let's get going and have a nice lunch together with my team mates. I can introduce them to you, too." As she looked at Mokuren, Skyra reached out her hand to help her up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mission Start

With Violet gone to break Volk out from his cinderblock hotel, the remaining members of Midnight Squad could begin their own operation. In no time at all, Amber, Valin, and Akashi were on their way to the hospital. Though hardly the most law-biding of men, they made sure to adhere to proper traffic laws, for to seek unwanted attention by driving erratically or neglectfully would be most unwise. As far as congestion went, the streets were passable. Workers of all kinds were commuting for lunch, but not with out density to provide a major obstacle. In midday, the city of Vale hosted a certain lively bustle that might have even been nice if not for the carriage of malicious intent surging down the road.

The hospital drew into sight. Their vehicle the agents left a half-block away from the actual area, for the sake of any future pursuit. Though this job constituted the first performed by Midnight Squad proper, none of its members were strangers to less-than-honest endeavors. Since the well-laid plan lay within them, there was no need to talk as they made the final stretch of the journey on foot. There, Amber and Akashi separated from their third. Just as the two infiltrators pushed through the front doors, the bus containing the class of the mayor's daughter rolled up, ready to disgorge its young passengers. Clearly, there was no time to hang around.

Abel Fulgurate

A nod came in reply to Krysanthe's affirmation. Abel followed quick on her heels, helping to shove another table into the massive and disfigured congregation already there. He pulled out a chair for his new friend before seating himself, not really thinking about it. When Shiro appeared from nowhere and visited a greeting dual parts wild and joyous upon Gren. Abel exhaled through his nose in short bursts—the extent of a somber man's laugh for an embarrassing teammate. While the guardian lauded Shiro for his enthusiasm, he nevertheless fretted that Shiro's excessive energy and impetuousness might cast his whole team in a bad light. Happiness and goofiness was all well and dandy, but Abel firmly knew that he would much rather be taken seriously. It would be a tricky path to both become Shiro's friend and avoid becoming as big a joke as he, but it was a path that Abel had sworn himself to.

Like the others, he listened to Gren's plans and found them acceptable. He didn't think much about transportation, figuring that as Gren's teammate he'd be getting a ride, no fuss. Instead, Abel requested Krysanthe's sandwich order, chose one for himself, and went over to the counter to pay for and get them. The whole layout of the tables and chairs, about as orderly as one might expect from a bunch of teenagers, proved problematic for him; his size and long legs meant that he nearly tripped trying to extract himself from his seat. After gathering the sandwiches and thanking the cashier, he returned to the table and plopped down Krysanthe's in front of her. “Bon appetit,” he declared, figuring it to be something cool people said, and proceeded the labor of seating himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Deli N'Doul

Sapphire was not feeling particularly comfortable. She didn't altogether like large crowds. Four or five people were already but this was shaping up to be a grouping of more than twice that. The azure haired girl ate her sandwich in silence. The door was very close, she could always make a run for it. As this train of thought was running through her mind Shiro appeared and tackled/attacked/hugged Gren. Startled Sapphire shoved her chair back standing and drawing her weapons quickly before she could properly realize what had happened.

Seconds later when she realized it was the furball acting the fool Sapphire sat back down with a notably sigh of contempt. Why couldn't he show some self control. It couldn't be that difficult. The pill bottle rose to the surface of Sapphire's mind again and she considered perhaps that for him it might be. Then again someone who relied on medication to be able to filter their actions had no business at a school for warriors.

As Gren started talking about having a night on the town after school that day Sapphire momentarily considered it. If everyone here was invited then she didn't really want to go. Of course the dynamic between her and the rest of her teammates was not exactly a good one. After her outburst on the airship and the fiasco of there first mission getting them to trust the fact that she did indeed know what she was doing might be more important than her personal discomfort. As much as she might not like to admit it her graduation from Beacon was reliant on these people for better or worse. However she had to draw a line somewhere.

"My Uncle's bar is a rather exclusive establishment. I don't think he'd welcome fifteen rowdy teenagers tearing it up." This was only a mild stretch of the truth. The Music Box was a hunters bar, generally speaking Daniel only let Beacon seniors and fully fledged hunters in but if Sapphire asked him to he'd admit her friends like he had for Oswald, Emerald and Diamond last night. The Music Box was a part of Sapphire's childhood, and at least for the moment she didn't want anyone else to see it. She'd trusted Oswald enough and he'd dragged half of his team with him. She wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

Now that she thought about it how did Gren know about her uncle's bar. Even if he was aware of the Music Box there was no familial link between Daniel and herself. It was known for anyone who was interested in finding out that Daniel and her father had a history together and that Daniel was a Rode family friend but Sapphire knew of no way that Gren would know she referred to Daniel as "uncle". That was unless someone told him. Gren wasn't exactly close with Team Codex, they wouldn't have mentioned it in passing she didn't think. Was Gren looking into her? That wasn't a conversation worth bringing up right now but Sapphire decided to keep a closer eye on the boar faunus. Something about him made her uneasy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Vixi Viridian

As Vixi walked, she began passing more students. She probably could have asked for help, but a part of her just like the feeling of wandering around in awe. A few moments later, she was beginning to wander just where she was when she heard her name.

"Vixi! Over here!"

Vixi turned around to the source of the sound, noting a rather large crowd of people and had to squint to see if she recognized anyone there. Which was nigh impossible. Everyone she had known was scattered across the world and much too old to be a student. She must have misheard and shook her head, prepared to walk away until she saw a face smiling at her and waving her over.

Vixi made her way over, immediately interested and smiling. Before she could ask, he introduced himself. Robert, her team lead! Vixi couldn't believe her wandering around had lucked out. All of her former trainers who had reprimanded her for her daydream walks could suck it now.

"Hi Robert!" She took his hand, shaking it a little overly eager, almost yanking him forward. "Sorry about that!" she let go of his hand. "I'm just really excited and a little nervous by all of the other students." She took a small step back, her smile growing once more and saluted. "I'm Vixian Viridian: Aspiring Grimm Hunter."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sarina Tala Dei – JSSC – Aura Control Class

Sarina opened up her scroll to getting a message from Sterling she quickly replied.

>I am in Aura Class, Vanhomorigh/Iderson taught us and demonstrated a new move called Pinpoint counter.
>You should be in class… I need a partner to try out this move.
>You are also going to have to explain your lateness to Vanhomrigh/Iderson…if you arrive.
>Good luck with that! (^∇^)

…Ending with a lighthearted kaomoji for what expected him if he would arrive, she considered how Vanhomrigh/Iderson will react to a late Sterling to class. Vanhomrigh no-bullshit cold demeanor and Iderson gruff/hard exterior, it would be spectacle to see how Sterling will have to face the two teachers.


Vega Venetia – VGNB - Deli N'Doul

Vega had selected her sandwich, an Italian Hero in wrapped in small plastic bag bearing Deli N’Doul on it. Vega then checked her scroll to reading Gratia comment…annoying her again.

>It is pretty obvious that the reason why I am like this is already known by you and cheese-man.
>Where are you right now?

She hit send sitting down on a chair in the deli.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Deli N'Doul

Robert ignored the pain from Vixi's overly eager handshake. Taking a step back after being pulled slightly forward by her, he responded, "It's fine. Well, let me introduce you to the rest of the team." Robert pointed toward Delta and said, "The guy in gray of there with the small familiar is Delta. The familiar is actually his semblance, who is named Eve. They're pretty nice." Next he pointed to Grane. "And the snake faunas is Grane. He seems nice, too."

He turned back toward their fourth, final member. "I've only known them for a couple hours so I'm sorry for not having more of a description. Anyway, everyone else here are just some of the various friends we've made in our... I think this is our second week of classes. Time seems to pass very slowly here at Beacon." Searching his mind for something further to talk about, he decided to ask, "Anyone here you want me to help introduce you to? I know most of everyone here since, unlike everyone else on the team, I've been here since the beginning of the year."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Jack Orpheus | Cafeteria

It would take Jack some time to check his phone as he ate, but as soon as he had his fill he was already walking outside to do whatever else until his next class began, which seemed to be Grimm Studies. It was that or Armoury, normally he would have chosen Armoury, but he instead opt for Grimm Studies. It would do him better if he knew weak points and it was also useful for scouting. In any case, he noticed his phone had a notification from almost 10 minutes ago.

"Next class huh...?", a simple question.

>I've got Grimm Studies next.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Sterling Johnson

>You are also going to have to explain your lateness to Vanhomrigh/Iderson…if you arrive.
>Good luck with that! (^∇^)

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, picking up his scroll mid-polishing session of Nuada. Of course it was Sarina who'd have the cheek to try and pull a fast one on him like that. Crazy girl...

>Hey, like I said, a day out. And it was family health stuff, I got excused already.
>You sure you don't need me to remind you how to do it instead?

He fired back thusly. On both accounts, little more than good-natured ribbing, without real weight behind it. Such was the way of the Jurassic.

>Speaking of, did you guys add the new girl to this?
>Clair something, right?

Luke Schwarz -- Networking

Grimm Studies, huh?

A fairly useful class to have. He'd taken Armory himself, hoping to perhaps learn how to better utilize and upgrade his drillfists, but knowing thy enemy...

To be fair, there's also "know thyself".

I believe that's how the phrase goes.

Maybe not.

Been a while.

Either way, the knowledge would undoubtedly prove valuable in future missions, whether espoused by Jack or by himself. And with Beacon's somewhat laissez-faire attitude on switching classes, he could always switch out. Best to taste both before deciding, though, so in the meantime...

>Armory here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gratia Mindaro - Cafeteria

>An ornithopter bound for Mistral seems like a fucking enormous piece of shit to shove up there.
>You must have practiced a lot to fit it in.

Gratia allowed her eyes to wander across the room. Sweaty, unwashed masses of the lesser surrounded her, their irksome chit-chatter filling the air around her lone table. It was utterly irking, annoying and completely unwanted. But that was the life of a student, to spend one's time amongst the inferior.

Like the beacon of a lighthouse surveying the night seas for inbound ships, the headphone-wearing girl's eyes scanned across the room with unwavering intensity. For all that she seemed bored out of her fucking skull, she was intent on studying everyone.


For example, one thing that piqued her interest was Mr Luke Schwarz, who was sitting alone at the table right next to her.

Specifically, that strange moving strand of hair.

What made it move?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Cian Kuze

Reading the message from Luke Cian thought to herself if she remembered correctly her next class was armory. Which she choose on the theory that she would be needing to get a better understanding of her own weapon and upgrade it eventually. "Sorry for the delay didn't see that I have a message Luke. Well beyond that my next class should be Armory." She quickly typed and sent it wouldn't hurt perhaps she could finally start on upgrading her weapon. Her pride and joy was her weapon a multi variable assault rifle Byakko still it did need a upgrade but she still needed time to figure out how she was going to do it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Valin - Vale Hospital

The car was pretty nice, it was pretty cramped due to the small size of the vehicle, but the aesthetic of the car made it look something very pretty to look at for couple of hours. And, it was just the car that Valin loved to destroy, the rich deserve to pay for it if it wasn't properly protected, even if it was in their home. Valin chuckled, destruction was an art, people like to make it out to be horrible and disgusting, and it was true to the people that destroy with no sense of taste. However, a true professional can make some good out of the bad, and that is what Valin specialized in. He glanced over to the other two with a slight frown, those two really needed to be less uptight about things, being playful and decent, it seemed to work wonders on people! Although Valin can be a hypocrite sometimes on that rule, he isn't always playful. Valin looked back out the window, ignoring the others for now, they would do their job, and he shall do his own.

Valin soon found himself outside the hospital, hiding in the shadows, waiting for his target to come around to the sanitary place. He glanced around, large parking lot, vehicles filling up those parking spaces, and some other things scattered around the place that would make for some decent cover. Oh, the noise shall be glorious when the firefight should start. He soon spotted the bus carrying the princess, or the princess's class. He smirked to himself, the chaos beings. Valin donned his mask, and pulled out his revolver, he inserted six random bullets into the chamber, and made his way over to the children.

The driver, noticing the masked man was immediately suspicious of the figure, reaching for his radio to alert the presence of the mysterious man, the figure pulled out his gun. "Get down!" The bus driver screamed to the kids. Boom. The driver soon feel from his seat, a hollow point entered the driver's arm, he had cried in pain from the wound. The kids screamed at the sight, and they began to panic even more as the masked man reached the entrance of the bus. Using the butt of the revolver, he smashed the glass surrounding the door and kicked it open.

"Calm down! Calm down! I'm just here to check the safety of this bus!" Valin screamed at the kids, but as they were still young, so many were mainly just screaming and panicking. "Ugh, kids, am I right?" He directed to the bus driver.

"Pl-Please, don't hurt them..." The driver moaned out, Valin chuckled at the statement.

"Why? Why should I not? Small, fragile, and easy to pick on. Why shouldn't I murder everyone in here, including you! Huh? Who's going to stop me? The bus driver for kids?" Valin goaded, "If you don't want these kids harmed, then you better do something about it." Valin raised his gun up to the roof, firing five more times to make most of the crying simmer down. "There... All nice and quiet, so, while we wait, who wants to play hangman? I'm very good at that game."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Luke Schwarz -- Coordinating

Glancing up briefly from his scroll as the incoming messages returned to their brief dry spell, he scanned his surroundings with mild interest once more. Maybe he's find a familiar face in the crowd.

But as things turned out, the familiar face had found him, instead. As intimidating as ever, Gratia Mindaro was one table away from him, boring holes into the general direction of his head. This must have been what the ability Pressure felt like, despite her not being a legendary Pokemon in the slightest. Was this her semblance?

No, it was something else, or else it'd have popped up earlier this morning.

But morning didn't matter right now!

Making an executive decision when it was most needed, he raised his hand in an attempt to play it cool, punctuating the wave with a casual enough "Yo."

Someone get me out--



Making a bit of a show of checking his phone, his eyebrows genuinely rose at Cian's response, as did, for but a moment, his ahoge, standing at attention and then returned to its default position as quickly as it had displaced itself.

>No problem. Looks like we can back eachother up against that class.
>.I get the feeling I might need it...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gratia Mindaro - Cafeteria

It had moved. Once again, something had simulated the strands of hair that spiked out of Luke's head, and they had changed position in response. What had it been? The timing was coincidental with the checking of the phone. The huntress bored her onyx eyes into her object of observation, scanning every crease of the other's skin with unwavering intensity. There had been the raising of the eyebrows too. Was it surprise that simulated the hair?

"Luke Schwarz," she said, voice cold and utterly lacking in any emotion. "Why the fuck does your hair move?"

Gratia wanted to know. It was so irksome, having to deal with a figure whose quirks were annoying and confusing. She would rectify that situation. Now.

In less than a second, she almost glided across the chairs, stopping right across from Luke. Yet her expression never changed, get gaze wavered not a single inch.

She would know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mokuren shrugged as Skyra said she didn't like her. It didn't affect the fox girl any, because she had already forgot it by the time it was said.
"Ok, we can go and eat with your team mates. And stuff. Sure" She said, without much enthusiam, or anything at all really. The way Skra had shut down her ideas of a date, and then denied any ideas of liking her, really would have heard a normal person. Mokuren, however, didn't have the proper emotional spectrum to be hurt, so she was simply in the void of absolute nothingness and no emotions of any kind except maybe cheese again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amber-Midnight Squad Warehouse

Amber shrugged off Violets threat. He didn't expect her to take him up on his offer but he wanted to she how she would react. Her threat did make him pause for a bit. Did they even have a human resources person? That thought about a group like them having a HR department made him laugh a little bit. Next thing he knows he'll be ask what insurance plan he would like.

Composing himself he started to follow his team-members. It looked like he was stuck impersonating some cop. It didn't sound to hard to do but sometimes things can take a weird turn at the drop of a pin.

Mission Start

Amber walked into the building and took a quick look around. A decent amount of people and some people from the press were here waiting for this thing to start. Amber made his way into a corner, and after making sure no one beside Akashi would notice, turned on his semblance.
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