Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The introduction from the white-haired samurai girl- Youmu, was it?- was a bit too formal for his liking, but at least he and Last Order had something to call her by other than 'misfortunate fool who faceplanted into the roof of a building.' Well, that was just him, really, but it was true enough that the little girl would find some way of twisting that into something else. The blue-haired girl... Aqua? That was... Water in Latin, right? Explained the hair, at the very least. Before Accelerator could put forth his own introduction, though, the little girl by his side immediately jumped into the conversation.

"'Hooray! Misaka is Misaka, and this is Accelerator!' says Misaka as Misaka confidently jumps off the ground and poses!"

"...Yeah, sure, whatever. Accelerator will do fine for me, but most people refer to her as Last Order. It's convenient... For reasons that I'm not allowed to disclose." he followed, a sigh escaping his lips as he turned to Aqua. "Anyways, for the sake of gathering information and discussing... Things... All I know is that we're in Akihabara, a... Well, I guess if I was to explain it to people who don't know, it's a city-within-a-city in the middle of Tokyo, Japan. Center for otaku culture or something like that. As for your other question... Assuming you asked about getting onto the building, I jumped with Last Order; Greenie here ran up and smacked face first into me. Yeah, let's go with that. Otherwise, no fuckin' clue."

Well, that about summed up what he knew. At least Last Order wasn't--

Aaand she was trying to take that Konpaku girl's swords now. What the hell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

At the blue-haired woman's question, Youmu paused for a moment before proceeding.

"I was training in the Hakugyokurou gardens," she said, simply, "I closed my eyes briefly, and when I opened them I was here. I... I have to get back there. It's my duty to tend to Saigyouji Yuyuko-sama. I have to return as soon as possible..."

She listened quietly to the boy, who she now knew as Accelerator, explain where they were. She had heard that there was a city in the Outside World called Tokyo, but... Akihabara? She'd never heard of such a place... wait, did... did this mean they were in the Outside World?! Needless to say, the idea of suddenly being brought to the Outside World with no explanation put Youmu into something of a panic, but before she could do more then look intensely distressed, Accelerator proceeded to deride her again! But... she... she couldn't just take that, she was a proud member of the Konpaku family! She hadn't been training and honing her skills just to be insulted like that! To put it simply, Youmu felt the need to immediately explain herself and tell him just why that comment was so rude!

"... It's nice to meet you, Accelerator-san, Misaka-san," the white-haired half-phantom began, myon drifting about behind her, "But I have to protest! I was attempting to-ah!"

She felt a light tugging on Roukanken's sheath, and immediately drew back, realizing that Misaka Misaka... or Last Order, as it seemed she was referred to, was attempting to take the sword! Placing one hand on the sheath, Youmu drew back, shaking her head.

"I... I am sorry, but I cannot allow you to handle either of these," she began, attempting to speak gently to the girl, "They are very dangerous, and they are also heirlooms of my family."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Japan, Akihabara, Hakugyokorou... needless to say, Aqua was familiar with exactly none of those locations. She couldn't say that 'otaku culture' was a thing she had heard of, either, though the keyblade master hid her puzzlement behind a stoic expression. Still, all of them had just been suddenly transported to an unfamiliar world, though the reason as to why, and how, was still unknown. It was quite worrying to say the least.

The little girl, apparently named Last Order, had taken an interest in the warrior's swords. Aqua watched, ready to assist if necessary, all the while pondering their predicament. They had to have been brought here for a reason, after all... as a Keyblade wielder, Aqua could only assume someone was looking to use her power, but then why drag innocent people into this? Was the masked boy involved, somehow?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Last Order pouted at Youmu's comment, still trying to get a better look at the two blades. Swords, after all, weren't common in Academy City--or, at least, not ones that weren't used for sports or adjusted in some way. And oddities were oddities, so she had good reason to be curious...

Which, of course, annoyed Accelerator. Before Last Order could make another jump up after the blade that the white-haired swordswoman had taken from her reach, Accelerator pulled her back and sighed.

"You know the saying, right? 'Curiosity killed the cat' or something like that."

He didn't need to say any more; Last Order stopped trying for the weapon. Thankfully.

"Look, you got your damn sweets, and now we're in some kind of stupid mess. I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to actively put your life in danger. Got it?"

"'Misaka understands.' says Misaka as Misaka quietly pouts and crosses her arms in annoyance."

Well, it would do for now.

"Okay. that aside... Guess you two are just as clueless? Figured as much." he complained, rolling his shoulders. "Seems people seem to know who Last Order is, which is an... issue. Thought that fuckin' Superintendent meant to keep that project under wraps..."

Muttering to himself, Accelerator walked back over to the edge of the building's roof and glanced at the ground below. Crowds formed and dispersed, it seemed, but one remained constant in that mess. A performance...?

Eh, not his problem.

"Oh, and to Greenie over there: Why are you being so defensive if nothing big happened? There shouldn't be a reason to freak out over something if it's as small as you say it is."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

Youmu relaxed a little as Last Order left her katana alone. It truly was nothing for a child to be messing with, that was for certain. While Hakuroken could not harm her, Roukanken was incredibly sharp, forged by youkai and capable of slaying phantoms. Before she could really do anything else... the boy was criticizing her again! Youmu didn't understand why such a thing was happening! Where did he get off making so many comments like that?!

"It is a matter of the Konpaku family's honor!" she asserted, nodding her head firmly and folding her arms across her chest. That was indeed the reason, it was important to clarify that there had been nothing strange that had happened. It had been a mere accident that had no effect on her or her family. "The fact that there was an accident when I believed you were in need of rescue was not my fault! I... still don't understand what happened, in fact. But my intent was to push you away from the edge, so you didn't fall!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Green Rhapsody
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Green Rhapsody Green Is A Creative Color

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Koishi Komeiji

"No, no, it's not 'that thing', it's Koishi!" The youkai replied, cheerfully oblivious to any insult being called a thing would be. She blinked between the two blond heroes. War? What was that? Were the fairies picking fights with eachother again? They were such funny danmaku matches. She would occasionally come across them and find herself unconsciously watching them.

The female blonde then approached her with a stern expression, telling her this was no place for young girls. Koishi looked around. Lots of people, shops, and other places but nothing that seemed especially dangerous. "Shopping districts aren't for young girls?" With a tilt of her head, she questioned the other girl, "Then we should get the little Scarlet out of here~"

The satori then proceeded to cup her hands over her eyes. Now, where was that tiny shut-in. It seemed that Koishi had completely forgotten where she had last seen the girl.

Chamo Rosso

The young saint attempted to make her way through the throng of people. Such huge crowds and big strange buildings, all the flashing lights and chatter were giving her a major headache. She could silence it all, get rid of it one fell swoop. All she had to do was stick that foxtail into her throat. However, a voice in the back of mind, a voice that sound distinctly like Adlet (or maybe Hans?) was telling her to actually be patient.

With a scowl, she continued to walk through the crowd instead doing what she actually wanted. She wasn't actually paying much attention where she was walking. So, it wasn't much of a surprise when she ended up bumping into a red haired boy in glasses.

"Hey, watch where you're going! You almost made Chamo fall," The green clad girl demanded as if it was Negi's fault and not her own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Tch. Honor this, honor that, shit ain't gonna matter when you're riddled with bullet holes these days." Accelerator shot in return as he once again made his way from the edge of the building's roof to stare at Youmu. "Why is it that every person I come across seems to idolize that? Seriously."

With that, Accelerator took a few slow, casual steps towards the white-haired samurai and, with his ever=present scowl on his face, sighed.

"Not like you're gonna listen or anything. Well, whatever; I don't particularly take it as an insult that you thought I'd be stupid enough to actually be in danger there, seeing as how you're just about as clueless as they come. But hey, just for the record: it's better to try and catch people when they start falling, not before."

Okay, that was probably enough of that; kicking the girl's pride to the ground and grinding it to dust wasn't fun, but it certainly drove the point home whenever he did it. But... Then again, that was in Academy City, every everyone knew who he was and what he could do.
Well, whatever.

"Anyways... I'm gonna go see if I can't get any reception here..." he trailed off as he pulled out a cellphone and started flipping through it.
By some miracle, the internet seemed to connect for him, but...
"...Huh. Never seen these articles before. Or this site..."

"'Ooh! Ooh! Misaka's seen that site before!' says Misaka as Misaka quickly steals the phone away from Accelerator to go search the web!"
"Oh, for the love of- You know what? Fine. Not. Even. Gonna. Bother."

With that, the little Misaka clone began to clumsily type out a few phrases in the search bar.
Like 'Academy City.'
Or 'Sisters Project.'

The first one, Accelerator wasn't too worried about; the second one, a tad--no, quite miffed. Didn't she know--

"'Okay, everything makes sense now!' says Misaka as Misaka shows Accelerator a wiki page dedicated to everything related to Academy City!"
"Wait... Those exist? Gimme that..." Accelerator spat as he grabbed the phone and took a closer look.
Well, shit. She was right. Everything that had happened, summarized on a single page, open for all to see...

"Alright, that's it, I'm going to kick that Superintendent's shit in once I get back. No way that confidential info could've been leaked; even the Sisters didn't dare speak a word of what happened with that fuckin' Imagine Breaker that night..."
"'Oooor something stranger is going on here!' suggests Misaka as Misaka takes away Accelerator's phone again to play Misaka's mobile games!"

With the little girl swiping the phone out of his hands again, though, Accelerator sighed and backed off. Once she started on those, there was no getting her off of them.
But she did have a point; there was no way all of that information would've been willingly leaked by that test-tube weirdo. Something was amiss, much more so than he initially anticipated. But interrogating the local populace would likely get him nowhere. Who would gain from dragging the two of them here in the first place? Needless to say, the other two strangers were probably in the same boat, as well...

"...You think that reconnaissance work may be in order? I can only tell where we are, but nothing else..." he said, turning back to the two he had been ignoring up until just now. "And hey, surprise surprise, you two actually don't stand out here! Well, except for those swords of yours. Those are banned here. You'll get arrested."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

Youmu frowned more deeply. Honor was of deep importance, both her own and the honor of the Konpaku family as a whole. Besides, simple bullets wouldn't be able to defeat her. It took more complex patterns every time she had met defeat, full-blown spell cards. Regular bullets would not be able to touch her! She did not practice constantly just to still be defeated to such a simple attack! Not at all! "Bullets aren't a danger to me, it takes much more then that. The speed of the Konpaku family is far beyond such techniques!"

She gave a firm nod. Certainly, Accelerator's words were much like direct, repeated punches aimed at her pride, but... at this point she had to try and stand firm. And she could certainly assert that mere bullets were of no consequence to her! Before she could really continue on about her point, however, and attempt to defend her actions further, Last Order grabbed some small device away from Accelerator and pointed out... a lot of very confusing things. Youmu tilted her head, confused. She didn't exactly get what was going on.

However, the comment about her katana immediately elicited an absolutely necessary response.

"I can't part with Roukanken or Hakuroken!" she said, taking a step back, "I don't know why I would be arrested, in any case. I haven't been forced to disarm no matter where I've been before."

It didn't make any sense to the half-phantom girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

With his attention concentrated on the tense winding down as it were, he could be forgiven for not reacting fast enough and having a tiny girl meet him in a most physical manner. "W-wha... B-but you're the one that walked into me..." Adopting a hurt pouting look that could make a puppy jealous, Negi nonetheless stumbled backwards and fidgeted as he looked over the girl to see if she was alright. Upon finding that there was no harm done from her all but smacking into him, the boy heaved a sigh of relief as he scrambled forward and held out a hand to help Chamo get back on her feet while holding his staff in the other. For some reason, the girl reminded him of those pink-headed twins from his class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"You know, a lot of people say that, but they never get away with it. You should know that law's been in effect for ages now, right? Swords banned ever since the Meiji Restoration. You get spotted with those and they turn out to be... You know, actual swords like you've been acting like they are, then... Well, good luck to you. I'm not gonna get mixed up with the police force or the SDF anytime soon, okay?" he shot back. "Don't know where you've been up until now, but I'm really not in the mood to get chased around by law enforcement while searching for info. So if you're gonna help search, then do so."

With that, Accelerator took Last Order in his arms and, quite casually, walked off the edge of the building. The intense wind was only aggravated by the two rapidly reaching terminal velocity, but there was no 'splat' or any sort or damage to the pavement. Letting the little girl hop onto the ground, Accelerator noticed that he had landed in the middle of that crowd from earlier; or, rather, right next to two weird foreigners... And what seemed to be a basket case. So much for not drawing attention to himself.
He could pass this off as a magic trick, right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

"... Meiji... Restoration?"

What, exactly, was that? Youmu frowned. This wasn't making any sense. Provided she did not use her blades on anyone undeserving, what was the problem with her carrying them around? Regardless, she barely realized what was happening until Accelerator stepped off the building. Abruptly she was at the side in a bid to stop him and the little girl from meeting a grisly end, but it seemed unnecessary when they landed safely. Really, Youmu felt somewhat embarrassed about this, now. He had some kind of ability, shouldn't she have figured? She lived somewhere where people possessed all kinds of powers...

Without a second thought, she stepped over the side and rapidly shot down the side of the building. Already-confused bystanders would be even more baffled when she almost seemed to simply appear on the ground.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


Breaking off from the tense staring contest, now that a fight to the death had been averted, the hero formerly known as Archer continued to take in the sights. It wasn't much different from his expectations and the blithely unaware monster had pointed out the obvious to Saber. Though getting tunnel vision and failing to see through the dense crowds in his presence was only to be expected.

Then more people decided to literally fall from the sky, adding yet more fuel for pictures to be furiously taken of the group. A girl carrying around swords that were almost certainly in violation of some modern law, another girl of even younger age, and someone with all the physique needed to be a mage, but an expression that matched his own. None of them, then, were responsible for bringing the lot of them here. But they definitely had a better view from the rooftops.

"You were brought here like I was," Gilgamesh said, stating the rather... obvious. The people around them were nothing special, "Did you see the one responsible?"

The Courier

Unlike the rest that were in the way, the Courier didn't get much in the way of recognition. There was some attention given due to her height and obvious foreignness but for the most part, she was having to force her way through... when people didn't notice the abomination of nature trotting at her heals. Or the glowing heat on one of her fists.

who knew that so many people existed... well, anywhere? This must have been what the world was like before the bombs fell, where everyone got to run around without a care in the world and armed to the teeth. She'd thought New Vegas was something, especially after the fighting died down and order was restored, but this was on a completely different scale. If it weren't for the fact that she'd been going to get some Deathclaw eggs and thus avoiding anything hallucinogenic, the Courier would've chalked it up to her imagination.

Instead, she ended up breaching the perimeter around a handful of odd people. Some girl with a parasitic growth problem, two blondes... and then others came from... up? The one with the swords looked really out of place. Then the blonde man asked if anyone had seen anything. Seems like she wasn't the only one who was inexplicably lost, which was nice; the first time everyone else knew where they were and the second time she was alone.

"I haven't seen nothing yet... but if you see any floating brains in tanks, it might be them? Though they're not supposed to abduct me any more..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Ah? So I guess you're just as deep in this mess as we are, then." Accelerator complained, glancing at the blonde foreigner who seemed to be directing his comment at the three of them. "Nope, not a clue in hell as to what the hell's going on here. If someone dragged us here on purpose, though, I'm gonna make sure that bastard's gonna go through hell and back."

Shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders, his statements seemed particularly ordinary when compared to those of the... Admittedly strangest out of all of those gathered. A new arrival, it seemed that this woman was about as 'foreign' as foreign could get. Not to mention, her physique seemed to be... Well... Abnormal at best and thoroughly out-of-place at worst.

"Well. I'm pretty sure that whatever the hell it was probably doesn't matter as much if we stand around gawking like idiots while letting OTHER people gawk like idiots at us. If we don't get out of this damn spotlight soon enough, we'll have the entire section of the city all over us." Accelerator sighed as a young girl cautiously made her way to Gilgamesh for his autograph. Oh, boy. if this was going where he thought it was going...

"Yeah. You know what? I'm not dealing with this attention. Whoever pulled this off wasn't flashy about it, which is why we're garnering more attention then they are. I'm gonna-"

Immediately after, though, he was cut off by a pair of girls trying to take a picture of him (and Last Order, whose arm he was clutching with his spare hand). As if things couldn't get any more...

"Oi! Move!" she shouted, though the girls seemed to pay him no heed as they ran around, flashing their cellphone cameras at the pair... And of everyone else (minus the newest crazy of the bunch). Biting his lower lip and tightly gripping his cane to refrain from blowing everyone a half a mile from their current location, Accelerator sighed and moved back to the rest of the group, where he wouldn't be cut off.

"Well, we're more or less stuck here unless we want to injure people. Unless you wanna get back on the building, of course, but that'd probably just make the situation even more annoying to deal with."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Saber opened her mouth, to try and clarify what she meant. It wasn't that the shopping district was inherently dangers, but rather the circumstances were. She hardly trusted Gilgamesh. However, she was interrupted when further individuals seemed to just... fall out of the sky, descending to the Earth out of no-where. There was a pale boy, a little girl, and a short young woman with a pair of Japanese blades, one extraordinarily long, sheathed on her hips. There was also some kind of hazy... thing drifting about around her. Saber was immediately of the suspicion that these people may have been under the same circumstances as Gilgamesh and herself were. After a moment's pause, and a brief, sidelong glare at Gilgamesh, one last look of contempt before abandoning that vein, she focused on the matter at hand.

"I have no idea what has brought us here, though I doubt it was... brains" she began, glancing at the other newcomer, "But the ideal course of action is to remain together and attempt to coordinate our moves as such. And I agree that we should move out of such a crowded location, as-"

Suddenly flash went on, far too close to her eyes. Saber blinked several times, green eyes watering slightly as she did. There was a stream of hurried apologies from a pair voice nearby, both a young man and a woman. That flash had been far too strong or far too close... or both.

"... We must leave before that happens again. Please."

Konpaku Youmu

Myon drifted about Youmu's shoulders as she stepped forward. The... incredibly regal blonde man seemed to know... something, though not very much, as did the... incredibly regal blonde girl. The other new person, some muscled woman with a dog... thing...? Mentioned brains... did brains do this? No, brains couldn't teleport people... At least, Youmu thought they couldn't. And she thought she saw... saw... memory came quickly flooding back to her as she realized it was the younger Satori, Komeiji Koishi. How had she forgotten her, exactly? Well... regardless, there was one major thing at hand.

Youmu stepped forward, clasping her hands in front of her, and went into a low bow as Myon drifted around above her.

"I am Konpaku Youmu, Guardian and Gardner in Service of Saigyouji Yuyuko-sama," she began her introduction, "Heir to the Konpaku family.

The white-haired girl straightened quickly, with her hands returning to her sides, near her blades. Though she was not really anticipating a fight.

Before she could speak, however, a taller man suddenly approached her and asked for an autograph.

"... Eh...? Wh... why? I... er..."
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