Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago


Season: Late Fall/Early Winter
Time Of Day: Mid Morning on the 2nd day
Weather: Storm has hit - Mid winds, heavy rain
General Ambiance: Quiet outside of the storm
Location: North of Salarn in the region of Gorlf. South west of the Orc Settlement of Yzewz
Setting: Gorlf Northern Territory

Okay, move out folks you're burning what daylight you cannot see. Ash is still with Sona and Sat - growing his ass off at Cal when he smiles at him. Teeth bared like he will eat him for lunch. A small fire can be built in the little cave - there won't be an animals at this point. Most are trying to get out of the area currently because of the constant uproar of battle. But bugs, they love caves when it is wet - there are a lot of bugs Zack

Kyra Altham

Location: Gorlf Northern Territory
Interacting With: Someone pitching a bitch fit in the middle of the road.


Kyra grumbled to herself as she leapt from branch to branch; with the rain using the tree road wasn't exactly the fun time it usually was but she really didn't want to go trudging through the mud if she could help it. Sheathing her sword after a while she continued on her way at a faster pace. Having both hands to help grab a hold of things was better than one, no matter how good ones agility was. She kept the pace up for a while until she was sure she was several miles ahead of the main group. After that she slowed down and took her time. The rain was still pouring down and even the canopy from above wasn't helping much anymore. The leaves were soaked and bent down at this point.

Kyra stopped as she heard something out ahead of her. Looking around she couldn't yet see through the rain and slowly made her way, still keeping to the high road until she came to a sight that could only be described as a grown woman acting like a possessed two year old throwing a temper tantrum. Her head tilted from one side to the other as she watched her talk to herself, scream to herself, scream back at herself, fling herself, throw herself, kick and just all out throw a hissy fit. After watching the woman for a good while she finally hopped down from the tree and landed at its base, her boots sloshing in the mud as she reached up and pulled the hood of her mantle back.

"You are not from around here are you?" she said as she stepped out from the side of the woods and into plane sight. She just looked at the woman before shaking her head a bit, maybe she should have sent someone else to scout today. Oh well, too late to turn back now. 'There are Orcs around here that would love to make a meal out of someone like you. They think the insane taste better than the rest."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Location: In a cave off the road, between Sarlarn and Yzewz
Actions: Exploring the cave

Malkus shambled onward, trying his best to stay out of the rain but accepting that slogging through a ditch wasn't any better. He kept sneezing every few feet because he was cold, and he was starting to feel ill. Or at least worse than he already was. He was getting some feeling back into his fingers, but not enough to play his flute. He kept whistling his tune until eventually he just grew tired of having to try, and kept his mouth shut. As he walked through the rain he swore he could hear mad rantings in the distance, even over the storm. Not wanting to get involved in crazy, Malkus chose this time to try the off-beaten path.

Malkus knew he was treading dangerous ground trying to go into the forest rather than sticking to the road. But if his times in the thieves guild were any indication, the roads were a trap: even the most well protected caravan can and will be torn apart by anyone with a sliver tactics, and those tactics were deadly in narrow paths like this one. So yes, while Malkus would risk a lot heading into the woods, the roads weren't any safer. Sure he kept getting bit by bugs, but that's not exactly anything new to the city either. Druids and their like think that the city is devoid of nature's touch, but Malkus can assure them that while they don't have pretty trees or oasis hiding fairies, they at least still had wild animals, swarms of diseased insects, and poisonous plants that just love to ruin your day. So Malkus was no stranger to getting eaten alive as he finally saw something promising: A cave.

While most stories would tell you that monsters and vicious animals lived in caves, Malkus new better. Caves were often wet and devoid of warmth, food, or even silence. Plants can't exactly grow somewhere where there is no sun, and edible moss was a crapshoot. Wind blows through caves and unless there is another entrance or lots of holes, that wind made noise that can be rather creepy. Sure some animals might make burrows or hide in a cave in a storm like this, but he doubts anything lives there. So while Malkus made his way to the cave, he grabbed a few branches and sticks that were reasonably dry. That is to say, he could probably carve off the wet wood if they weren't soaked to the core. All he after that was some tinder he could make a fire.

Malkus entered the cave with an armful of wood underneath the poncho. To his surprise however, there was already a small fire going. Malkus immediately dropped his wood at the entrance and took out Mr. Slashy. It seemed like he wasn't the only one who chose to take shelter here, but Malkus didn't like the unknown. He wasn't about to give up this opportunity to finally get some rest, at least unless whoever was here was stronger or more numerous than him. Surely there was no wild animals, but then again wolves weren't known for their fire-making skills. There could be orcs or humans in these caves. Either way, Malkus intends to find out who they are and... Maybe hope they won't kill him? Malkus didn't have a plan after "finding" them. He'll figure something out once he gets to that road.

Letting Skinny out of his bag so he could hunt, Malkus ventured deep into the cave with his poison-soaked blade. He was going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by zackattack279
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zackattack279 That one guy that keeps the party alive

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location:Inside the cave
Interactions:Spiders and some knife-wielding stranger

Afruccio continued in the cave, with no sound other than the pouring rain reverberating on the walls giving off a dull roar behind him. All he could think was there at least didn't seem inhabited, at least his luck seemed to be on the up side. He kept shaking his head back and forth swatting at the damn bugs flying everywhere, "Why did it have to be damn bugs! I'd much rather face a bear...wait what is that!?" he says till he almost walks into the biggest spider web he has ever seen, with spiders the size of baseballs sitting on the web he then decides to, in a manly way yell, No no no no no no! as he runs back the way he came.

The next thing he sees is a disturbingly skinny, what seems to be orc or maybe half-orc, which also elicits surprise to Afruccio. "H-hello, uh..whom might you be? he'll say to the stranger keeping his right hand free, and close to the handle of his rapier. "Are you perhaps a lost person in the storm such as I?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Valona “Norsa” Norsys

Location: Middle of the road somewhere in the Gorlf Northern Territory.
Interacting With: A nosey, white haired person that smells like dog.

Valona was taken by surprise when she heard an unfamiliar voice speaking to her. But instead of looking around for the source of the noise like a normal person, she stared directly into the sky and watched something above her that clearly only she could see. “Did you find a new way to torture me? No… That sounded too far away to be you though. SHUT UP! I can’t hear anything if you keep nattering away at me!” Her hands were holding the sides of her face before slipping to cover her ears.

Screwing up her face as if to close every single part of it, Valona began to hum a song that was occasionally interrupted by her screaming “NER NER, I’M NOT LISTENING!” before she continued humming again.

She swivelled on her damp little spot on the road, her buttocks making a significant dent in the mud before she stopped spinning long enough to actually see the source of the voice she had heard. She jumped up to her feet but soon slipped face first into the mud. Her hands scrambled in the soft earth as she got herself back to her feet. Her hands gripped her quarterstaff firmly as she regained her feet and she actually hissed at the woman with the white hair.

Flailing the staff in front of her, Valona did the trick she had learned about bears that didn’t involve setting them on fire. Holding her staff above her head, she began to jump up into the air (almost like a jumping jack motion) and made herself look as big as she possibly could to try and scare this person away. She managed to successfully bounce up and down a couple of times before she landed on her rear end yet again.

Sighing, she wiped some muddy hair out of her face and glared at a spot just above the newcomer’s head. Not that she would know that Valona wasn’t staring at her but, hey, this is a narrative. “Why don’t you just go fly into the sun already?!” Her face was indignant, her jaw jutting out in what was clearly anger and her eyes shone like golden watering pools as she growled under her breath.

Then she ducked her head down and began swatting at the air all around her. “I AM SICK OF YOU!!!” She continued to rant and rave, waving her staff around at absolutely nothing before she suddenly stopped and looked around in utter surprise. “Wait wait wait wait wait…” Her voice was loud and trailed off before she whispered “Wait for it…” She held a finger up at her audience member and looked around as if everything she was looking at she was really just seeing for the first time.

Her face broke out into a bright smile and she jumped on the spot like a jack rabbit. “IT’S GONE! IT’S ACTUALLY GONE! Hold on, who in the world are you?! DO NOT COME ANY CLOSER OR I WILL HAVE TO HURT YOU!” She braced herself in a defensive position as she eyed the woman in front of her. White hair wasn’t all that common and it intrigued Valona. Peering at her, she wasn’t sure what to do next. She was so used to being alone, she had forgotten basic human interaction but she knew one thing; she didn’t like this woman’s face. Not one bit. It was too… clean and yet she smelt really bad. "Why on earth do you smell so strongly of dog?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Location: Road North of Salarn, Camp
Interacting With:Cremwise, Cyneburg, Calanon

The brash and straightforward Pugilist pulled back his hood and ran his fingers through shortish hair, batting an amount of accumulating rain from it in a futile attempt at keeping water from running down his face. He twisted his pinky into an ear, diverting a drop or two from getting too far inside, and re-raised the hood of his armor-quality hide coat. Protective and practical.

For a brief moment, he missed his last coat. It was a mid-length black item made of thick wool with dull, brass buttons. Functional, but not exceptional in quality, it was still an item generally too expensive for a man of his background to afford through normal means. As it turns out, the urban laborer's coat was a gift from his mother, purchased with savings from monies Keystone actually sent back home, early on in his career as a bareknuckle prize fighter. It was the last gift he would receive from her, before her passing.

Regretfully, both it and he caught on fire, after hammering the (assisted) killing blow into a very large Hellhound; the eruption of bioinfernal flame teaching him very valuable lessons in both the nature of lower planar creatures and critical procedures in treating burns wounds on a budget. Keystone flexed his right hand, mostly covered by a fingerless glove.

Aside from scarring, Keystone retained the buttons from his coat a small amount of preserved Hellhound blood as souvenirs.

Memory lane sufficiently traveled, Keystone assisted Cremwise in leading the horse and wagon back onto the road. "Alright, you lot. Come if you're comin'. If'n you're with, you're here to help guard. Otherwise, make with the sodding off, nowish."

When he was reasonably sure that no one else was following (yet), Keystone slowed his pace to allow one of their newer companions, Cyneburg, to catch up with him. She had asked a him a question earlier that was interrupted by circumstances. If memory served, it was "Excuse me, but what exactly did you mean by 'my lot doing their business in the woods?'"

Keystone addressed it with as much of his genteel nature as he could muster despite his underclass accent practically singing. "Yah, 'bout that... It's a 'spression, y'see, meanin' certainty. Havin' never been in spots where I could hold down words with a bear on the issue, I'm figurin' you're the next best, get me?" The broad man cleared his throat, continuing, "I do 'ate turnin' a phrase all sidewaysey. So, Sometimes-Bear, you lot shit in the woods, or is it just an 'orrible rumor started by folk in Team Squirrel?"

A sudden nagging feeling struck Keystone. He perked his head up, stopping his walk forward altogether. Turning to meet their most recent tagalong, he stopped directly in his path and folded his arms in a faux casual stance. "Somethin' bothers me, chum. You ain't told a one of us who you are, nor why you're in the middle of a warzone in the first. 'Fore you or me take a step townward, we're havin' a meet'n'greet. Name of Keystone. I hit things. Me 'n mine're making sure Cremmy's wares get where they're goin'. You are?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Afruccio & Malkus

Location: In a cave off the road, between Sarlarn and Yzewz
Actions: Resting and Waiting

Malkus looked at the poncy human who seemed who had screamed all the way to the half-orc. He defensively raised his dagger up expecting him to strike, but instead he asked Malkus if he was lost in the storm too. Truth be told, Malkus really didn’t want to fight, but he couldn’t exactly trust a stranger. He didn’t even trust the stranger with his real name. ”Name’s Orchid.” Orchid was one of Malkus’s many fake alias, with so little history behind it that he didn’t bother to make up a reasonable backstory for it. It was just his code name’ back in the Thieves Guild. ”Lost… Not really. Don’t really have anywhere to go. I just wanted to get out of the rain.” Malkus wasn’t too certain what to do from here. He didn’t want to be the first one to put his weapon away (Even though right now he was the only one with a weapon out). He needed to know that this guy wasn’t going to stab him in the back the moment he turned around. Not that it wouldn’t be justified for the human; Malkus did decide to introduce himself with a big poisoned knife after all.

”I’ll get to the point. I’m staying in this cave to dry off and rest. And I don’t trust you. Give me a reason why I shouldn’t try to kill you right now just to make sure you don’t stab me in the back.”

Afruccio was taken aback by this near declaration of fighting intent. All he did was shrug his shoulders and lower his hand from his hilt, “I haven’t taken my weapon out yet haven’t I? Plus I would hope the same from you, I would rather live on then have the potential to die here. How about we move along back to my fire, side by side, I don’t mind sharing my fire, but I do mind having a weapon pointed at me, you know what, here” Afruccio puts a hand into his bag and takes out some dried meats towards Orchid. ”Let us try to befriend each other over a meal, now please take this into your dagger hand and I’ll hold my bag with my sword hand to show my sincerity” As he grabs the whole bag with his right hand with the torch in his left, showing no ability to fight back.

Malkus wasn't sure if he should be offended or just take the offer. On one hand, this human handing him food like some sort of animal was worth stabbing him over. But Malkus was also pretty damn hungry and rather not have to fight on an empty stomach. Malkus put his kukri away and took some of the meat, but didn’t entirely obliged to the deal. ”I’ll hold this, but you take the lead. In the meantime I’ll deal with this.” Malkus began to eat the dried meat eagerly, quickly finishing his handful in a matter of seconds. Briefly, he wondered if maybe this meat was poisoned.

Afruccio shrugs and walks forward past him towards the fire that he built. Arriving at the small fire he frowns at how it is starting to lower quickly. ”Looks like we won’t be having the warmth for long, you want some fresh water?” He says after reaching into his bag for his waterskin and taking a drink out of it. He offers it to Orchid with his left hand while scrounging around in his pack for more rations. He laughs slightly and says”If I knew I would be feeding two I would have packed some more food. Still, I wish it were a pretty lady that found me instead of you, Orchid, but I’m sure you think the same about me He laughs again, bringing out nearly what is left of his rations as he rests he pack down with a *clink*. ”Please, go ahead and eat more, it isn’t much but it will be better than nothing." Affrucio says between bites of food he left for himself, while Orchid’s share is near the other side of the fire. He looks out into the rain again and attempts to make small talk. ”So, what brings you out here? I was attempting to make it to the town up the road, maybe find some beautiful women." He says still smiling like a fool.

Normally Malkus would be hesitate accepting food from a stranger. Hospitality was one thing, but considering their first meeting Malkus’s mind was ablaze with paranoia. That is, if it wasn’t so damn hungry. He ate the food and drank the water with great vigor, feeling a bit of his strength come back with each bite. It’s been days since he had actual food, and he was still hungry for more. However, Malkus was certain that this stranger probably didn't have an infinite supply of food. As much as he hates to, Malkus had to control his hunger. The last thing he wanted was to become dogged to get this human’s morsels.

While he was eating the human said some stuff, but honestly Malkus didn’t hear much of it. Something something pretty lady, something something beautiful women. Now Malkus was a horn dog, no doubt, but even he was able to think about more than just women. Of course not that food was, for the moment, not an immediate concern Malkus did think back to Sona. He still didn’t know why he felt this close to her. In hindsight, it’s not as if he’s never seen a prettier elf, or one who could play a flute better, or even one who fought harder than Sona. Malkus figured it was just because he’s been so far from civilization, that he’s lowered his standards and fallen for the ditsy elf. Because the alternative, that he had fallen in love with Sona, was a much more frightening prospect.

Malkus tried to dry out the wet wood he brought, but the minuscule flames of the fireplace wasn’t going to be enough to do more than make the wood slightly warm. Sighing, Malkus figured that he could at least make due with being inside a cave instead of the rain. Now to respond to the human. ”I got my own reasons, stranger. I already told you, it wasn’t as if I was going nowhere in particular. I’m just a… Drifter. Vagrant. Homeless. Though if I knew I was getting in the middle of a war-zone, you can bet that I would have gone the other way.” A fundamental flaw of traveling alone with no destination in mind; without knowing where he was going, there was no telling what sort of trouble Malkus would find himself in.

Now that he answered some of the human’s questions, Malkus shot a few of his own. ”Just who are you anyways? Don’t know why an human would be traveling alone in orc territory. Not unless you just like the danger.” Orcs were also a go-to foe for an upstart hero to slaughter en masses to show off their prowess. Malkus would have pitied the orcs if they didn’t bring it upon themselves for their warlike ways.

”As I said before, my name is Afruccio, and...I wonder why I’m here myself. I guess I just didn’t feel comfortable at home, maybe I’m searching around to be of use to others to satisfy something inside of me I don’t know of. But as you put it before for yourself, I seem to be a drifter myself” He laughs again ”You and I may be more similar than it seems” His smile nearly falters thinking back to the family he left behind, sure they were not his birth family but it is the only family he had since that one fateful night his life was put on its head. ”I apologize for not being more prepared, I would offer you some tea but I don’t really have everything together to make it happen.” He searches for thoughts looking into the rain again, trying his best to keep the conversation going. ”So, when I mentioned women before, there seemed to be a small gleam in your eye, friend.” his usual smile turns into a playful smirk, ”Has some wonderful maiden catch this drifter’s fancy? I’m no stranger to love friend, and I know something when I see it.”

Malkus grunted at the man’s, Afruccio’s mention that they may be similar. Many had said the same once… The similarities are superficial at best. Being a vagrant wasn’t unique enough that Malkus would consider it something to bond over. Indeed, Afruccio’s claim to being a vagrant actually irked Malkus, because he also said he left his own home to pursue this life. If Malkus had the option he would stay in a home and grow old and weak in the comforts of a warm bed and food, instead of slumming it everyday in the weather and being limited to handouts. Afruccio at least had a home to go to; if things turned out badly for him, there was someone who he could turn for help. For someone like Malkus, he died the half-orc would be blessed if the first person to come across his corpse at least lets him keep his clothes.

At the mention of tea, Malkus also grunted in lieu of a worded response. Though he won’t admit it, Malkus was already thankful for what little good Afruccio already offered. It was only because of Malkus’s own distrust of the human that he hasn’t thanked him properly yet. There was a short moment of silence before Afruccio, quite the talkative one, seemed to have noticed Malkus reflect about Sona. Malkus glared and snarled at the human, but his snarl slowly turned into silence.

”... I don’t love. I lust. If I lay eyes on a woman it’s only for sex, nothing more, nothing less.”

Malkus said honestly. That’s just how things have been with him. Granted, most of the women he’s talked to were either prostitutes or women he was robbing, so it’s not as if he had a wide range of experience with the other gender. Besides that, Malkus wasn’t about to tell Afruccio, still a complete stranger, about Sona. Malkus didn’t know why exactly since he was trying so hard to disregard Sona as anything else but another target of his libido, and yet resist telling the human anything about her. But his willpower was weak, and he let slip something.

”Besides, I couldn’t keep her company. She already has others to care for her…”

Completely ignoring Orchid’s grunts of ignorance and/or displeasure of conversation Afruccio’s grin widened, ”Ah, “lust” you say, while true it seems like that at first these things will grow on you. And she having others to care for her you mean family? A lover? Usually nothing will stop me in telling a girl my feelings….well usually. I have a girl back home myself that I never confessed to, maybe that is another reason I’m out here, I ran away from the things I knew. One day I’ll return and hopefully she found someone better than me at least. Still smiling he asks Orchid, ”So, what’s she like? This girl you fancy?” He looks out into the storm again, ”Hopefully this storm lets up soon so we can get to the city, and have a real fire.

Staring at the embers, Malkus didn’t really want to talk about Sona. He was trying to forget about her. And yet… He spoke. ”I don’t know. Barely know her. We met yesterday when I was walking through the forest. We… Spent sometime together. Nothing happened.” Malkus didn’t mention that the two spent some time playing the flute with each other, knowing that it was a setup for an innuendo and Malkus didn’t want to spoil the memory with perversions.

Realizing this thought, Malkus sighed and hugged his knees. He was a liar, but he couldn’t trick himself into believing it. He loved Sona and wanted to be with her, but he couldn’t bring himself to grow out of his fears. ”She… Is an Elf. Maybe a half-elf. I didn’t ask her. Hair like gold and eyes like as blue as the skies. She didn’t seem afraid of me and… Well, because I wanted her, I didn’t hurt her. Thought maybe, we would have a tussle in the bush and go our separate ways. But we talked and…” Malkus choked up. He didn’t know what he was doing, talking like this. He sighed and leaned against the cave wall. He just wanted to see Sona.

”Rain like this won’t let up. Even this cave won’t keep us protected for long; the floor would get flooded within the day. I’m going to sleep, and if I wake up I’m leaving.” Malkus also took the time to replace his bandage. His wound was festering, and if the fire was big enough he would have heated one of his blades and cauterized the wound. Alas, the best he could do was find a dry cloth, try to clean his wound, and make a new bandage.

”Is that so...well then I’ll keep watch for the two of us. You look like you need the rest. And if I could say one last thing, you should go after her. You seem to be fighting some predefined destiny of yourself that has no reason to exist, let your heart speak and not your head at some points, friend, it will do you a lot of good in the long run. You’ll have less regrets that way as far as I’m concerned.” He again looks off into the rain seeing if any dangers pass by, keeping his sword close if action arises. He waits for Orchid to fall asleep before he gets up and starts in an unusual stance and whispers to himself ”Alright, 1...2...3” as he flies into a flurry of different dance moves, some seem rather rough, mostly looking self taught but in the middle of his routine he picks up his rapier and begins his special combat training involving his dancing steps and quick, subtle movements as made to look as a feint or disarming motions. After his bout of practice he tests his cloak to see as it is mostly dry and drapes it over Orchid trying to give hopefully a new friend some well-deserved warmth after he was warm enough for now. He then hums a small tune that his mother would sing to him to sleep as he started to count the flashes of lightning crossing the skies waiting to move out.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: The caravan
Interacting with: Calanon, Keystone

"...I still don't quite understand what you're going on about. Bears live their lives in the woods, but sometimes end up in plains areas, especially if they're following a river or stream. So I suppose that in general, they do 'do their business' in the woods. But not 100% of the time. I don't really see what squirrels would have to do with your question. In general they're too busy feuding with each other over tree space and 'maintaining their turf' to care about the business of other animals, let alone spreading rumors about where they defecate."

Cyneburg took a moment to pause when Keystone stopped. She did suppose the elf never did actually state who he was, which tended to illicit a lot of suspicion. She didn't think it all that important in the middle of the woods since everyone here had seen his face, a great amount of his gear and would be able to identify the sound of his voice (perhaps barring some magical shenanigans interfering). Unless the witch had the ability to use some hexes involving people's True Name, the elf stating his name wouldn't reveal much more information other than perhaps he was willing to give a name, even if it was false. The druid would prefer disregarding such niceties until they were out of the rain, rather than standing around in it asking for strangers to tell their names.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Wagon.
Interacting With: Calaron(kind of)

Satilla had not even acknowledged Calaron’s presence as she was already half asleep. She was incredibly tired and his appearance wasn’t noticed by the witch as she ventured into the lands of dreams. That said her cat, Skittles raised his head up from his hugged position and looked intelligently at Calaron, studying him. After a lil bit, the cat relaxed back down, seemingly satisfied with it’s study and not really minding the elf anymore.

As the storm was in it’s full rage, Sat’s sleep has turned somewhat restless, constantly disturbed by the sounds of the nature’s display of power. In the end of the day, she did not mind the exhaustion. She loved her work as healer despite the fact many did not like her witch nature. Still she had lucked out big time with finding this group. She may have been sleeping relatively soundly now in the safety and shelter of the wagon, but had she not been in this group, she would have to suffer the rage of nature on her own, in the woods, without shelter, fire and even proper food. Also the two animals, Skittles and Ash, kept her warm in this worsening weather.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 21 min ago

Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:The Forest, The Campsite
Interacting with: Ash, Keystone, Cyneburg

Calanon took no offense to Ash's growling, and he stood back with his hands up disarmingly. "It's ok." he said reassuringly, and still unable to help his smile. Beasts caught his tender heart whether they were docile or not. He knew this wolf was only protecting those whom he loved, and he didn't blame him. "You're ok. It's an honor to meet you." he told the Wolf, now standing paces back and appearing as nonthreatening as he could.

His pointed ears twitched as he heard approaching footsteps. It was the burly man he'd heard named Keystone, and the Half Orc. "Somethin' bothers me, chum. You ain't told a one of us who you are, nor why you're in the middle of a warzone in the first. 'Fore you or me take a step townward, we're havin' a meet'n'greet. Name of Keystone. I hit things. Me 'n mine're making sure Cremmy's wares get where they're goin'. You are?" Calanon looked to the Wolf once more before nodding to the man. He had a right to question him.

"Sorry, I've not been around people for awhile." he said, his gaze turning to meet Keystone's eyes. "I'm Calanon Aenarion. I'm just a ranger passing through, before I found the Orc tracks. I'm not with anyone else, save Brogach here." He patted his mounts side, making the Elk turn to look at Calanon. It nickered and shook its great antlered head. "I'm curious on the lay of the land and on how this is a War zone, unless you're referring to the Orcs."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Location: Road North of Salarn, Camp
Interacting With: Calanon

The wagon kept moving up the road, along with the rest of the people associated with Cremwise's guard. Far from caring, Keystone's stood in the pouring rain, eyes staring hard into the Elf. He took a second to memorize the details of the new guy's face, but also used the moment to look for indications of anything ulterior or shady. Convinced, at least for the meantime, the brawler nodded and let his face soften somewhat.

"Right then. That'll do for now. Yeah, warzone. Men an' Orcs've been under a treaty for a while. Somebody decided they didn't like it, an just recently the town south of 'ere got attacked by a bloody war party. Dunno why. Not my issue. What is: Getting Cremmy's wares next town over."

'Member, if you're with us, you're a guard. You got other obligation, get to steppin'. Not full certain how a single Elf's gonna fare in Orc claimed lands during wartime, though. Best to stick close. I like the name though; Colcannon. Good, starchy name, that."

Keystone turned and trudged back to the still departing wagon, moving to retake his place near the front. Along the way, he glanced back at the newest addition to the team, motioning to the Elk at his flank. "Ah yeah, many thanks for bringin' supper with. Not sure if we can get a fire goin' tonight, though. It was not clear whether the broad pugilist was serious, or trying at humor.

The merchant, Cremwise, was driving the wagon as usual. Just prior to taking position near him, Keystone poked his head over at their two semiconscious companions. They seemed ok. Hell, they seemed to have the best spot all to themselves, minus the large wolf. Yeah, they'd be fine, for now anyway. Hood still raised against the pressing elements, Keystone hoped that the weather would keep the Orcs' overland travel to a minimum. The rain was an irritant. Getting pincushioned by black hafted arrows or surrounded by a clan of pissed-off greenskins would be much more upsetting. Still, nothing to do but keep moving forward, engage in light conversation, and remain watchful for anything out of place.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago


Season: Late Fall/Early Winter
Time Of Day: Late Morning on the 2nd day
Weather: Storm has hit - Mid winds, heavy rain
General Ambiance: Quiet outside of the storm
Location: North of Salarn in the region of Gorlf. South west of the Orc Settlement of Yzewz
Setting: Gorlf Northern Territory

Alright folks, the weather is still a problem. The rain is not letting up it seems anytime soon. While this is great for covering your tracks - the cold and wetness it not making things fun. Infact the wagon gets stuck in the mud about an hour into your journey. Over in the cave things seem calm, still bugs and such. While the fire is holding it has dwindled a bit - thankfully there doesn't seem to be a draft in the cave and you are able to remain dry. And over in the middle of the road where the hissy fit was being pitched - well look below, you will see.

Kyra Altham

Location: Gorlf Northern Territory - About 90 minutes a head of the wagon, about 30 minutes from the cave.
Interacting With: Someone pitching a bitch fit in the middle of the road.

"Calm your tits woman, if I wanted to cause you harm I would have a weapon drawn or better yet would have put an arrow through your skull before I announced myself," Kyra said as she shook her head a bit and crossed her arms over her chest. This one was going to be interesting to deal with that was for sure. She seemed to be dealing with some sort of mental problem, why she had been batting around in the middle of the road like she was under attack was beyond her but since she had now stopped at least that was over with.

"Kyra's the name," she said before anything else and her head turned slowly. Out of the woods from the other side of the road from where she had come from was two Orc scouts. Krya rolled her eyes as they stood there eyeing the, one with a crossbow aimed at them, the other with a great axe; both were standing next to each other about twenty feet from the women at Kyra's six o'clock. She did not need this right now.

"You are in our territory humans, penalty is death," the one with the Axe stated. They both were close to seven feet tall and armored as a scout would be; why the fuck did they always have to be so tall?

"Shall we hold off on full introductions until after we deal with this?" she asked with a coy smirk playing on her lips as her hand held to her blades hilt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 3 mos ago


Location: The caravan
Interacting with: The Caravan in general

The mysterious elf's name was Calanon and he'd not been around people for awhile. This would be mildly suspicious had that not been the exact same situation last night. There were more important things to think about anyways, like the fact that everyone could be walking into a party (as in a celebration, not a group of travelers/adventurers. Although that party could also have parties within it) full of undead at any moment, or stumbling into another group of orcs, or something other than how much it sucked to travels through the current conditions.

She was soaked, and cold. The winds blew at her back and made her colder. The water got into her boots and made really annoying squishing noises with every step on top of making her feet feel like two big blocks of ice. Bits of rainwater kept finding their way into her mouth by sliding down her tusks. Goose bumps covered every inch of her flesh, which would probably be the case for everyone else. Except maybe the elf. Did elves get goose bumps? She was 32% sure that elves were hairless aside from the tops of their head and eyebrows. A lack of hair would suck in cold weather. Although it would probably be nice in a desert.

Cyneburg really missed being a bear. At least they were big. And the goosebumps would serve a function.

"Is it really such a good idea to keep travelling in these conditions all day?" the druid asked out loud but to nobody in particular. Cyneburg reached back and wrung out her hair to get rid of some of the excess water, even if it would be soon replaced. "Surely if we would have to deal with more hostiles, it would be better to try fighting them without the illness we're likely to catch walking through the storm for the whole day. The weather isn't going to let up any time soon."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Location: the outside world
Interacting with:Satilla, Ash, Calanon

Sona looked around and just let her thoughts drift away as Satilla decided to have her little nap. She looked to the white witch and smiled softly as she thought of something in her head. Even though she may not be from the west. It just felt right just mumbling it silently as the rain crashed upon them.

Oh, come crashing rain. Pour down on this beautiful but good witch of the west. Let the rain drop on her soft, supple skin. And let her beauty be shown during the peaceful times…

She decided to let things be for now and she looked to Ash before snuggling into him again. She couldn’t stop talking about how much of a fluffball he truly was. But suddenly he growled. And Sona couldn’t help but look to the directed male with her curious, blue eyes. Her blonde hair only getting wetter and wetter from the dancing water subtly smacking her skin ever so lightly. Who was this male, why did he appear so suddenly. Did he decide to tag along while she was fainted?? Whatever, he apologised and that’s all that matters.

“No, it’s ok. Apology is accepted.” She smiled softly to him.

She spoke no more as she merely smiled softly at Satilla once more as Ash protected the two of them in all his might. Maybe her and Satilla can become the best of friends? She hope she can be best friends with Satilla regardless.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Location: In a cave off the road, between Sarlarn and Yzewz
Actions: Whistling and whittling wood

Malkus didn't have a dream as he slept. Between trying to get comfortable and making sure Afruccio didn't stab him in the chest while he slept, Malkus had only a few winks of sleep before his body began to ache. He knew the feeling well; it was the natural call for the wild. He had a bit of food and drink, and now his body wants to get rid of all of it. Malkus began to stir, noticing that Afruccio had put a cloak over him. The first thing Malkus did was see if the cloak had any pockets, and if they did, take anything that was inside of them. Then Malkus draped the cloak over his body and stood up. He noticed that Afruccio had been sitting there the entire time whistling, which Malkus couldn't hear over the rain. Wordlessly, Malkus left to go further down the cave.

Along the way Malkus spotted Skinny slithering on the floor. Based off the bulge in his midsection, Malkus figured that Skinny had just eaten. "Hmph. Lucky snake." Kneeling down Malkus picked up his pet and put him in his bag, allowing the snake to rest up while he did his business. Malkus ended up at the end of the cave, where there wasn't much but bugs, dirt, and a bit of moisturize. Aside from cave mold and the occasional weed, there was no signs of life anywhere here. He supposed that maybe this wasn't a bear's cave, or any creature's really, so he could rest a bit easier knowing that no animal was going to come by. Still, he was in the middle of a war zone and the rain was heavy. It wouldn't surprised Malkus if orcish scouts came seeking shelter here, and if that happened Malkus wasn't certain what he'd do. He might try to bluff them into thinking he's one of them, but if these orcs had any sort of discipline they'd know for a fact that he wasn't aligned to their army in any way (No uniform or information to prove he was with their forces), and would likely kill him for his stuff. Afruccio would surely be killed or at least taken prisoner if he couldn't kill them; at least since Malkus was a half-orc they might let him join, but Afruccio was human.

Putting those thoughts aside, Malkus reached into his bandolier and took out his Traveler's Anytool. It looked like a piece of iron about a foot long, with some nobs and wedges on it. To a casual on-looker it looked like a ingot bar that didn't settle completely into the mold, but Malkus knew what he needed to do with it. First, he swung the tool out, causing it to extend up to four feet. Then on one end he took a little over a handful of the iron and bent it, creating a right angle. On the other end he grabbed one of the little nobs and pulled it out, suddenly revealing a ten-inch wide shovel head. People who'd watch would think it was magic, and it was. Perhaps one of the most useful things Malkus had ever stolen; a magic object that can turn into any tool imaginable.

Using his new shovel, Malkus dug a small hole for him to do his business in. Normally this wasn't something he cared to do, but if he was going to stay in this cave for longer than an hour, he didn't want to have to smell his own waste while waiting. Once Malkus had finished digging his hole he stuck the shovel into the ground, went about his business, and proceeded to cover up the hole. After that he collapsed his shovel back down to a humble iron rod, placing it firmly into his bandolier and returning to the dying fire. The rain looked like it had gotten worse. He couldn't see the sun in the sky, nothing but clouds and water. Malkus extended his hands out into the rain to wash them, wiping them dry on the cloak.

"Dammit. I said I was going to leave when I woke up, but there's no way I'm going out in a storm like this... Maybe it'll let up soon."

Of course, even if the rain stopped, the forest was still going to be muddy. That's what worried Malkus the most; the mud was going to leave tracks and slow him down, two things that a good rogue doesn't want to have to deal with. But he wouldn't survive in the forest for much longer. He was still hungry, tired, and his mood was going south. If he could just get to the city, he'll be safe. He would be in his element. And until then, it would be best for him to stay put and wait out the rain. Sitting down back to his spot near the fire, Malkus could barely feel anything off the embers. If he had any more tinder or dry wood he then he could resurrect the fire, but the wood that Malkus had found was still soaking wet. Putting a knife into one of the branches, he could feel how soggy the wood was. Sighing, Malkus tossed the log to the side and looked outside.

Minutes passed. Malkus quickly got bored. He took his anytool back out and turned it into by separating the tool in half, as if it was just a knife and sheath. He took one of the wet logs and started carving from it, tossing the bits near the dying flame, but not on it. Maybe if he was lucky the smaller shavings would dry out faster and catch flame. As Malkus carved, he couldn't help but wonder what Sona was doing right now. No doubt she was still with her friends and the wagon. She must have been part of a caravan. He wondered if they would travel during a storm like this. That seemed like a horrible idea considering that there were no paved roads as far as Malkus could remember; their wagon would get stuck in the mud. And if their wagon got stuck, they would be sitting ducks for orcs...

Malkus continued to whittle wood in relative silence, though after he finished carving one piece into a twig, he picked up another and did the same. This time, he whistled a little tune, the same one that he whistled when he first met Sona. Maybe... Just maybe, Sona would hear it and find him. Malkus doubted it of course, but in this world of magic and mystery, anything could be possible. Like the chance that this fire would get bigger with the more wood chips he put near it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Charnobylisk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Valona & Kyra
Two Nasty Orcses

Location: On the road where the bitch fit was being pitched; Storehouse - Gorlf Northern Territory - About 90 minutes a head of the wagon, about an hour from the cave in the other direction
Interacting With: Each other, Two Nasty Orcses
Mention Tag: @Lady Amalthea

Valona's face looked like she was sucking on lemons when she listened to Kyra's "threats" on her person. "Try it, human! See what happens!" A growl erupted from her tiny little frame and it was honestly a very amusing and disturing sight. She soon stopped her growling as the human then introduced herself by name. This was peculiar, usually humans were more judging than this but this one seemed different. Valona still didn't trust her.

Before anything else could be said, two orc scouts came wandering out of the woods and made even more threats on her person. This would not do. The human offering her help in dispatching these smelly beasts was a surprise but not one that Valona was going to turn down. Without a word to her new acquaintance called Kyra, Valona turned to the two orcs and stuck her staff in the mud in front of her while she glared at them despite their being two whole feet taller than she was.

She spoke in their guttural, native tongue and pulled something from a pouch on her belt as she did so. "Nalkren nice ro lat avo ukubmiav avo your deaavh penalavausan. Graaviavudeuk avo lat boavh." She grinned and watched as they began to fall around laughing. She looked up to the skies and gave a thumbs up before she ran forward in the slippery mud and let it slide her along another 10 feet or so as the orcs were preoccupied with laughing. She slapped her hands together before aiming them towards the two orcs that stood side by side as she drew closer and closer to them.

Kyra was not one to wait, taking a few quick steps she moved over to the side and darted passed them while they laughed. Her body dropping low as she slid through the mud, turning and whipping around as she came to a stop at the edge of the tree line behind them. Her fingers tensing on the hilt of her blade as she drew it from its sheath. Crouching down low she smirked a bit as the water dripped from the strands of her hair. They're laughter would stop soon enough, granted she had no idea what the woman had said to make them fall out like this. She would have to ask; once they were dealt with.

"Haselan's grip!" Copious amounts of spider's web flew forth from her hands towards the two laughing orcs and began to encase them in the sticky, stringy substance that limited their mobility to an almost complete stand still. Rolling backwards away from the orcs, Valona looked towards Kyra and nodded her head towards them. "I believe the choppy-choppy duties go to yourself!"

"On it," she stated with a chuckle as she pushed forward and drove her blade through the backside of one of the orcs. The sound of metal slicing through leather, flesh, and bone emanating around the scene before her blade came out through the archer orcs chest. Blood pooling in the monsters mouth before it began to drizzle down over his oversized teeth like some demented waterfall. A swift kick to the orcs backside sent him sailing forward as her blade was pulled from the internal place it had rested.

Valona was quite happy with the outcome as she watched the first orc fall. She would be making the most of this kill once the other was down for the count. So many components and pieces to be sold... A wicked grin spread across her face as she thought about tearing the body apart. Norsa appeared to be coming out to play. Valona shook her head and staggered on the spot as she had an internal fight with herself. Grunts and groans and squeals could be heard if one was to pay attention to it.

The other orc was not going to go down so quickly, his axe blade caught in the webbing quickly sliced through it after a few grunts before his arms flew out and the axe beard headed for Kyra's throat. Arching her back, she quickly flipped out of the way and landed down on one knee about ten feet from the beast. "That's no way to treat a lady," she taunted.

Valona had lost the battle... Norsa was out to play. "Oi, ukmelpak ukhiav. Lat'd avhink lat'd ukmell beavavas afavas gith avhiuk waavas pouraumn ovas lat, noav woruke!" Norsa walked over and grabbed her staff out of the mud and walked forward confidently towards the orc's back that was still partially stuck in her web. She began to smack at his head with her staff as soon as she was close enough and she grinned as he tried to spin around to get to her but was unable to move. At least until he began hacking at the web around his legs. Krya perked a brow as she watched the scene unfold, well this was an interesting mess she was in. One Orc left and one psycho. What a day.

Norsa squealed in surprise and began cursing at herself. "Dumb woman! You can't do that without getting swatted like a fly! Let me out!" Grunting and staggering back, Norsa held her head and moved out of reach from the orc. "NO BITCH! I AM HERE TO STAY! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SMART, FOR FUCK SAKE." Norsa spat on the ground then and wiped her mouth with the back of her sleeve as she pulled her sling out and began firing rocks at the angry orc. "Trausan agh fuckaumn nauk-ach alnej, lat no ukack waukave ro weaponuk!" Then a terrifying smile spread across her face. "Or do lat have lul gijak-ishi..." Krya kept wondering what the hell this woman was saying to rile up the orc so much, whatever it was he was not happy.

The orc roared a ferocious roar and swung it's axe more and more at the web holding it in place. It was almost free and it's full attention was now on Valona/Norsa who was backing up while still firing small rocks at the beast. Oh well, his back was to Krya now, freaking idiot. Yeah, get all mad at the little woman talking to you and forget the one with the sword behind you. Fucking dolt. Standing up she simply walked over to the orc and with one quick clean swipe of her blade his head went toppling to the round and rolled a few times in the mud before it stopped. The look of anger still plastered on his face as his body began to slump, his knees buckling. Knees hitting the ground before his remains of his body fell forward and chest planted into the mud. Shaking her head she wiped the blood from her blade on her pants leg before sheathing it.

Seeing the human putting her weapon away again, Norsa decided it was in her best interest not to pick a fight. Especially since she'd just killed the two orcs for her. Slipping her sling away and grabbing her staff, Norsa walked up to Kyra and held out a very muddy hand while she squared her jaw out, trying to make herself look more intimidating (yeah right, like that'll ever happen). "I am Norsa, you've already met Valona. She's a bit of a whiny bitch but she's good with magic at least. I'm the one that does all the dangerous work! She'll be out later, right now I've cowed the dumb wench into submission and she's hiding. Also, just between you and me, she's a little crazy but shhh. That's just between you and me. I still don't trust you as far as I could throw you, and that ain't very fucking far, you're a bit of a big lass aren't you?" She tilted her head and poked Kyra's backside a little with her staff before shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, a whole four inches taller than you. I tell you I am a fucking giant," Kyra stated flatly as she crossed her arms over her chest. Just how crazy was this woman? For fucks sake, maybe she should have stayed with the group today and let this one alone. She had to wonder if dealing with her was going to be worse than trying to mate with them two dead orcs on the ground. Letting out a long breath she just continued to watch the crazed one. Ones? Oh fuck it, one body, so on.

"Anyway, Valona is more than a little unhinged and likes to talk to herself and sometimes to me, usually she's talking to herself though because I really don't like her as a person. So thanks for the help with the orcs and I'd like to say nice meeting you but I don't like you so fuck it." Norsa spat at the ground to the side of Kyra's feet and dug a finger in her ear to clear out some of the water that was pooling there. "Be seeing you, human!" Norsa began to walk away from Kyra backwards, not keeping her eyes off of her face as she retreated to the orc bodies. She ducked down and began to hack off their ears and rifle in their pockets.

"Well aren't you just full of yourself and them," she said as she took a few steps towards her and noted her cutting the orcs ears off. Great, this was just getting better but she didn't think it was a good idea to let this one out of her sight. "You don't have many choices right now. Stick with me in case more orcs show up; that was the second group I have dealt with today. Head south, where you are just going to run into a group of folks who aren't as friendly as me, or maybe they are more friendly than me. Some reason I think you would like that even less. Or I can leave you here gutting these two and let you take on the next batch alone. Which would you prefer?" she asked in a flat tone as her hands dropped to her hips.

Norsa made mocking motions with her hands, like two mouths flapping gums at one another before she blew a raspberry out at Kyra. "What are you? My mother or some shit? Can't you just let me gut them and then I'll follow you off to whatever happy-go-lucky land that you want to live in since you're so fucking obsessed with me?" She threaded the orc ears through a small bit of string that she had and tied them onto her belt. She stood up and then staggered backwards, holding her head.

"You were the one that said toodles and no I ain't but if I was I would bend you over my knee and give you what she should have. A hard smack on the ass. Keep it up and I will anyways."

"NO YOU CANNOT BLOODY COME OUT! I SAID NO NO NO NO! I can't... no you don't... why I oughta..." Her body crumpled to the ground and she began to shudder in the spot as she continued to spout profanities at herself. This went on for a good ten seconds before she sat upright, her head shaking like a wet dog and she looked up to Kyra, her cheeks positively rosy. She looked at the orc bodies in front of her and looked taken aback. "Oh... uhmm... did I do that?"

"Oh bloody hell..." Kyra muttered under her breath as the other side of the woman came out. This was going to get on her nerves. Shaking her head she just shrugged. "Kind of. Come on, let's get out of here before anymore show up. Come on," she said motioning down the road as she pulled the head of her mantel back up and started to walk north long the tree line. Today was going to be a long day.

Valona stared down at the orc bodies and rolled her eyes. She knew she hadn't been responsible for it really but she didn't want this strange human knowing that she was aware of everything that Norsa did when she was kept prisoner in her own mind. She muttered to herself as she followed along behind Kyra, her hood left hanging around her shoulders since every inch of her was covered in rain water, mud and orc blood. She was surprised she wasn't falling onto the ground with the weight of it all on her really.

Glancing over towards Valona, Kyra sighed a bit. The girl looked miserable. Glancing around she motioned with her head a bit and stepped off into the woods towards the west on the other side of the road from which she had appeared from before the fight. The canopy still wasn't helping really and it seemed Valona was as soaked to the bone as Kyra was. With the weather, they would need to find a place for camp early. She knew the wagon would be slow going today and they really would need shelter tonight. It was time to find some.

Mumbling and muttering to herself, Valona glanced down at the orc ears and shuddered. She had no idea why Norsa even wanted these damn things, they weren't any good for spell components! She worried then that Norsa perhaps wanted to eat them and she felt herself throwing up in her mouth a little. That was a disgusting thought. She huddled her cloak around her more and realised how foolish it was. They walked for some time until Valona was sure that she saw a small structure in the distance. "Human! I mean... Kyra! There is a building a way to the West of us. Not too far away though as I can see it from here even through this horrendous weather. Shall we see if it is water tight?"

"Sounds great to me," Krya said as she gave a faint smile over towards Valona and pushed her way through the brush towards the building. Getting to the door she looked around a bit as she drew her sword. The last thing she wanted was to get caught off guard right then. Looking over at Valona she placed her finger to her lips before moving it over to the handle and pushing it open slowly. Inside the place was mostly dry, only a few leaks near the walls. It was large enough inside, seemed to be some old storage place from the scattered bits of grain on the ground. It was large enough and there was a long dead hearth in the center that was dry and some wood piled up next to it. "This will work nicely I think."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: Wagon.
Interacting With: Sona and Ash

Satilla had a surprisingly comfortable ride on the wagon. Despite the storm it provided shelter from the rain and the big flurry direwolf at her back kept her warm...(despite unnerving the oblivion out of her). Still she was dead tired so even the big probably not as scary as she thought Ash was unable to keep her awake with his presence. What's more the small kitty purred softly against her chest, providing her even more warmth.

She probably would have continued to sleep for a while longer, but mother nature seemed to have another thing in mind. The witch was suddenly and rudely pulled away from her sleep as the wagon came to a sudden halt. Her sleeping body rocked from the sudden change in motion and she woke up in a slight shock.

Satilla's eyes were unfocused for a few moments before she started to recognize what was going on around her. They were not moving, that's fore sure. She couldn't feel the vibrations from the wagon... and the scenery was also not moving.” Did we just get stuck?” She asked as the only logical possibility in this weather. Now that she was awake, the witch pulled a few inches away from the direwolf and looked at Sona. The elf was with her in the wagon, so that was something at least. Sat now felt uncomfortable that she got to ride in the wagon while most of the others had to walk through the rain. She even considered, switching places with Cyneburg for example in the brief moments she had, before she realized there was yet another elf. That guy was not here when she fell asleep...

“Hey, are you feeling better now, miss Sona?” She greeted Sona with a smile, noting the color on the elf's face had returned mostly. After that she made a very slight nod towards the newcomer with a questioning expression. Her cat had not woken her up earlier so it must have meant the newcomer didn't cause any problems at the very least.

“I feel uncomfortable knowing that the others are walking outside in the rain while, I'm in here...” Satilla said to Sona and started putting on her cloak. She was planning to go out and walk for a while, leaving her bag in the dry safety of the wagon of course. Wet herbs weren't a too good thing most of the times.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Location: Road North of Salarn, One hour north of Camp
Interacting With: Cremwise, Wagon

The rain hammered down on the earth and everything upon it, mercilessly and seemingly without end. The white noise sound of the troublesome weather still reminded Keystone of a steak sizzling or bacon frying, reminding him yet again that he had a substandard supper the previous night and no breakfast this morning. It was a matter of creature comfort, anyway; Keystone was accustomed to hardship and missing meals. Didn't mean he was happy about it, though.

Looking at the situation through the faintest veil of optimism, it could be worse. True, there were Orc corpses back down the way a bit, probably a lot more that would be very unhappy to see a group of non-Orcs traveling down a road they claimed as their own. Also true, Mother Nature was being particularly unkind that morning. But, they all could be dead. Point of fact, a very hostile group tried to make that very thing happen about an hour ago. Plus, Keystone's coat kept the vast majority of the rain off of his body.

Sadly, it was far from the first time that someone wanted to kill the stalwart Pugilist. In a way, it was almost comforting. Whenever someone wanted him dead, Keystone took it as a sign that just might be doing something right. Granted, it wasn't a foolproof litmus of his moral choices. Just happened to work out that way.

Keystone's optimism took a slight hit when the wagon lurched to a sudden stop. The rain was excellent at washing away tracks. It was also excellent at saturating unpaved roads and turning them hazardous to laden merchant conveyances. Or, to put it in plainer, more Keystonespeak, "Bloody wankmuffin's stuck, it is."

Front left wheel, sunk a third of the way to the hub. There must have been a rock or some other obstruction underneath the surface as well, because that horse just couldn't seem to get the proper angle to put one more revolution on the wheel. Indeed, the bloody wankmuffin was quite stuck.

"Oi, 'less one o' you lot's got some magic what can un-frig this, better let me on it."

Keystone probed the wetness and silt of the ground around the wheel. Lots of squishy dirt, gravel, and a couple of largeish pieces of flat stone. It could be some time if they stopped to dig out the rock and fill in the hole with gravel and packed dirt (the prescribed but temporary fix of wagoneers everywhere), but time was not their friend. Not with a tribe of Orcs that wanted to use their faces for drum skins. Instead, Keystone ambled up to the cart backwards, grabbed the bottom of the wagon bed in his hands, and did his best to raise that one corner of Cremwise's wagon over the stone that held it fast. For good measure, he planted a bootheel on the offending rock, hoping to use the same effort to push the ornery lump of minerals downward.

"Nnneeerrrrrraahhhhh..." grunted Keystone, straining to get whatever purchase he could from he wagon. "Gravy's Sake, Cremmy, get yer fongin' horse forward, eh?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 21 min ago

Calanon (& Brogach)

Location:The Forest, The Campsite
Interacting with: Sona, Keystone, Wagon

Calanon listened to Keystone with an upraised brow, taking everything he said in stride, and comical wariness. "Many thanks friend." "Ah yeah, many thanks for bringin' supper with. Not sure if we can get a fire goin' tonight, though." The Elf looked a bit worriedly as Brogach. "I'mma just..." he mumbled, and mounted his Elk steed to make sure there'd be no mistakes about his friend just in case. As soon as he leaped, he felt the small purchase his feet got on the mud. The rain wasn't seeming to let up, he noticed. He'd lost his cloak in his last battle within the forest, but no matter. He was used to harsh conditions. He wouldn't complain at least, as he noted not for the first time the feeling of his thick, matted hair against his scalp.

“No, it’s ok. Apology is accepted.” he heard from the wagon, and his dark blue eyes flicked to the lovely Elf girl nestled against the great Wolf. Her smile made him smile, returning the warmth. She seemed a kind soul, and it was nice seeing a fellow Elf as well. He'd enjoy speaking with her perhaps, once they made it to...wherever it was they were going. He realized now that he would be sticking around. So, guard duty it was, like Keystone said. He remained silent for the next while, sharp eyes looking this way and that for any signs of danger.

Unfortunately, danger came in a different sort of way. Not an Orc axe or Gnoll scimitar, but a stuck wagon. He sighed, realizing there would always be some sort of problem on any journey. Eager to be seen as trustworthy, but also out of the decency of his heart and necessity of the situation, he leaped off Brogach and approached Keystone. He almost rolled up his sleeves, before he remembered it would reveal his cursed mark. He might not be muscle bound like the pugilist, but he was fit in body, and his legs were powerful. He got next to the burly man and placed his hands under the wood, doing his best to lift it up with his leg strength.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by IcePezz
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Location: On the road, nearing the caravan
Interacting with: Whoever approaches her first ((the caravan group))

The morning sun had been hidden by the thick unforgiving clouds, looking to smother the earth in its overcast. The weather was unrelenting, and had only gotten worse as she continued on, the rain slamming into her as if to beat her down into the ground. Lerraina trudged her way up on the muddy road. Her cloak was clenched tightly around her, the bottom caked with the dark substance as it dragged behind. Normally, she wouldn’t have complained, but this was getting ridiculous. Grumbles and grunts accompanied by slew of colorful words fell from her lips.

Her dark blue cloak was colored a few shades darker, her hood hung low, drops of water dripping from the tip, only adding to the saturation that sat atop her bosom. The veil she would normally have attached, hung to the side, out of fear of suffocation. She held her bow out, ever at the ready. It was more out of habit than caution. But you never knew what could jump out at you.

She’d only stopped at the town for a few days, but there was more than enough to tell her it wasn’t worth the trouble to stick around. But despite that, all she could think of was the nice warm bath she left, the dry bed linens, and fluffed up pillow. She loosed a muffled breath through the layers of cloth that had clung to her. ”I could kick myself for leaving when I did… fucking barkeep, why did I ever trust em’.”

Allowing the trees to give her cover, she kept to the side of the road. Perhaps not just from the rain, but any opposition she might find upon the road. She hadn’t been up this way yet, but she heard stories. She might have been in a foreign land, but she was no stranger to orcs or the damage they could do.

It felt like hours that she had been on the road, staring at the same heap of brown muck that trailed for miles ahead. The only thing to bring her a shred of joy on the agonizingly wet journey was the silence, save for the pitter patter of the rain on her cloak and the sound of her boots sloshing through the dirt road, crushing pebbles and twigs beneath her feet.

But the silence and serene view of an empty road wouldn’t last for long. Lerraina slowed her steps, creeping off the road and in between the trees that lined the beaten path. She ascended on the caravan, and several others that seemed to be guarding it. Any paying attention to their surroundings would have seen a silhouette among the tree line, approaching with caution. She shouldered her bow, hoping not to stir any suspicions. Her head still ached from the three rounds of drinks the night before, the last thing she wanted was confrontation.

Quickly … say something before they draw their weapons on you … ”Need an extra hand there?” her voice carried over through the rain.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Location: At a build west off the road, between Sarlarn and Yzewz
Actions: Waiting outside the door

Sighing, Malkus stood up. This rain wasn’t going to let up and he was getting hungry. He was only a little be less tired than he was before, but he still wasn’t in any shape for a fight. Still, he was going to leave this cave. It wasn’t safe nor very comfortable. The rain and mud was going to be a problem, but better that he deals with it now than when it can get worse. He could at least improvise something to help him with the rain: taking out his traveler’s anytool and taking off the cloak from Affrucio, he extended the metal rod to about three feet long, with a shorter set of six sticks protruding outwards at one end. They had small clamps at the tips, just as Malkus wanted. Hanging the cloak over the tool and securing it with the clamps, Malkus made himself a makeshift umbrella. He took advantage of the cloak’s wide cloth to make a fairly huge umbrella, though he also made sure to add good grips onto it. He knew that with winds like what’s outside, there’s a chance that the umbrella, as well as his tool, could be flung out of his hand. Just in case he included one more simple mechanism to the umbrella; a release. If the winds were too strong, he’d just let the clamps go so he could keep the rest of the tool and only lose the cloak.

”I’m leaving. I doubt we’ll ever see each other again, so… Farewell.”

Malkus left the cave protected by the umbrella, and even with it he could hear the pummeling of raindrops against the cloth. The group was, sure enough, extremely muddy. Malkus was glad he was used to walking lightly, because a heavier footstep would sink into the ground a good few inches deep. And even with Malkus’ light steps, the mud left a notable foot trail. He did his best to cover his tracks by walking on the tree roots, but they weren’t always an option.

He didn’t really know what direction he was going aside that he was trying to find the road. If he could find the road he could follow it to the next city. But he’d have to be careful to avoid any patrols or scouts along the way. He still could get attacked by soldiers or robbers, and in which case his only hopes were to run and let nature take care of his pursuers. As Malkus walked through the forest, he came across a nasty sight. Two dead orcs. He supposed he shouldn’t be surprised considering the war going on. He couldn’t tell if these two orcs were part of a warband or just bandits who got unlucky. Didn’t really matter to Malkus; he was going to loot them.

He rifled through their pockets for coin or other valuables, but whoever killed them first must have already gotten it. He did find some meat, but taking a swiff he could tell that it was rancid, so he tossed it away. He noticed that they seemed to be covered in some sort of spider web, so perhaps it was spiders who got them. Or someone who could control spiders. He tried not to worry about it and just kept looking, but aside from the clothes on their backs the only thing they had worth taking were their weapons. There was a greataxe and a crossbow, with a few bolts still useable. Malkus only took the crossbow; the axe was too heavy for him, and even if he could use it, Malkus doubt he could find someone to sell it to. A crossbow he could sell to a merchant or even peasant, but a great axe required a more specialized customer.

One thing that Malkus did notice that disturbed him were the fact the orcs were missing their ears. He was no doctor, but he could tell that the wounds were fresh. Whoever killed these orcs not only had spiders, but a thing for collecting trophies. It sounded like something another orc would do, so perhaps these orcs ran afoul with a witch doctor or shaman? Something along those lines anyways. Either way, Malkus took what he wanted and left.

He found the road soon enough, but he also noticed some tracks in the mud and a building in the distance. To no surprise, the tracks were heading in the direction of the building. This worried Malkus because he couldn’t really tell if the tracks had more than one person; it looked like it was just two, but he was no ranger. They could have all stepped into the same footprints, or simply had taken a different path just a bit away. Malkus would have used the footprints and go any direction they weren’t, but that building was promising. Certainly seemed more homely than a cave, and possibly had supplies. Whoever these tracks belonged to may have also gone to the building hoping the same. If Malkus was fortunate, the building would be locked and the owner of the tracks would have turned away. Or…

Or maybe the owner of the tracks also owned the building. Which means if he followed the tracks he may walk right into a witch’s den. Or whoever in their right mind would want to collect orc ears. Malkus had no doubts that he had the ability to break into the building so long as it wasn’t magically sealed, but he wasn’t so certain about his skills against mages. His tactics against them were either to run away or get them in their sleep. At least with a warrior Malkus knew he could outspeed them, but a mage had too many tricks up their sleeve for his liking.

But the prospect of a good shelter and food were too good to pass up. Malkus honed his eyesight on the building and made up his mind. ”Doesn’t matter who’s in there or what they’re doing… Time to make a robbery.” Malkus made his way over to the building, pass the road and through the forest. Once he was close enough he took the cloak off his anytool, turned it back into a small rod, and put the cloak on. The building appeared to be some sort of storage house, considering how large it was, but it was entirely made of wood. There were a few high windows that Malkus won’t be able to jump to, probably for ventilation. The building didn’t seem particularly old or damaged, and it certainly didn’t come across as some sort of witch hut. Still, it was large and probably big enough to shelter more than a few people. People such as… That caravan Sona was with.

Malkus gulped. What were the chances that whoever killed those orcs were with this group? It had to be slim. Malkus couldn’t imagine why they would be here… Then again, they were also the only people he knew were here. And they had plenty of strong people, probably mages too. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense than orc witches. The group probably had a guard or two scout ahead and found the orcs. They killed the orcs, looted their bodies, and continued to look for better shelter from this storm. And then they would run across this building, a perfect place for a wagon and it’s caravan.

This made Malkus completely reevaluate his original plan. While he still intended to rob the storehouse, he didn’t know how he’d confront the caravan. On one hand, he wanted to meet Sona again, but if they were the ones who killed the orcs and stole their ears… Malkus gulped. He suddenly wanted to go elsewhere. Anywhere but here. He wasn’t going to go find trouble. However he wasn't going to last much longer on his own. If those orcs don’t report back, they’ll send more orcs looking for them. Malkus couldn’t handle himself against more orcs who’d likely capture, torture, and then question him. If he didn’t die by the time they were done torturing him. And these caravan people… They had some crazy strong people, and probably some who are just crazy. Malkus doesn’t mess with crazy. But it was a choice of two evils he supposed. A gang of orcs or a gang of strangers… At least with the strangers there was a chance they might not kill him.

Swallowing his fear before it came back, Malkus went up to the door and knocked. Knocking was a polite thing to do, right? It showed that he wasn’t just going to barge on in. He saw the girls go in so he knew they were there. Though just so they didn’t shoot arrows or fireballs through the door and fry him, Malkus stepped back and stood out of the way of the door. If he heard arrows hit the door or lightning come out, he’d just run. But by knocking, he’d be asking if he could come in. ”What the hell am I doing, asking to come in…” Malkus whispered to himself as the storm continued to pummel him.
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