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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Madalyne Crane

Location: NYC, Steps of the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

As she stepped out of the Sanctum she tried to use the cloak to will her to fly up to the Pentagram and try and save the babies that were trapped within it. However she could feel resistance coming from it for some reason, she thought for a moment whether or not to give up her demon half was a good thing or not. She would have been able to fly with the wings that she had, unfortunately she wasn't able to as she tried to will herself to fly once more. "C'mon and work." Madalyne said as she groaned watching as Max and Jack were able to take flight without any issue at all towards the pentagram.

However on the third try Madalyne was able to float off of the ground and quickly caught up to the others, if they could stop the ritual from completing maybe then they would be able to try and repair the veil. She turned towards Max and Jack as she drew out her soul sword and looked at the two of them. "So whats the game plan then?" She asked the two of them hoping that they had some idea to try and disrupt the ritual.

Carolina Reed

Location: NYC, Sanctum Sanctorum.
Skills: Divination

Carolina stood silent for a few seconds as she started to get various visions and scenarios that could happen, there were some where Runa was willing to help them, then there were other times that Runa refused to and let things happen. No matter how much she searched it was really hard to tell what would convince Runa to aid them. When the visions stopped Carolina stumbled forward slightly and shook her head slightly. She approached Runa as she looked at her friend, hoping to convince her one last time to try and help them as she gently rested a hand on her shoulder. "If there is anyway that I could take the curse from you I would happily take it for you if it would allow you to have some peace.." Carolina told her she would do it for Runa if it would convince her to help them save their world from burning.

"If Lance were here right now I think he would have wanted you to try and aid us, I know deep down that you don't want this to happen either. I know that I can't force you to do anything but the choice is completely up to you, I just hope that you make the right choice though.." Carolina told Runa as she turned to face Zelma, she unfortunately wasn't as gifted with magic like everyone else in their group was. If she had time to study some magic right now she would but they didn't have time with the world burning to the ground right now, Zelma luckily gestured nearby to a small arsenal of weapons. She looked around and ended up going with a sword and picked it up and started to follow the others out of the Sanctum. She knew that they did just about everything that they could with repairing the veil but they needed to stop the ritual from being completed she used the cloak to fly herself up to where the Pentagram was.

Bethany Bell

Asteroid M.
Skills: N/A

Bethany was still a bit out of breath as she watched some of the residents of the asteroid were now coming into the hangar, she wasn't sure what else she could do. She wasn't a speedster like Pietro was to help out really as Bethany started to think what to actually do, they probably had less than ten minutes to get out of here. She decided to go and try and help as many people onto the Blackbird as possible, and get them all seated inside.

She started to go over towards her fellow mutants who were coming in and gestured towards the Blackbird. "Everyone try and get inside we'll fit as many of you in as we can." Bethany instructed as she watched Ed trying to keep the area as shielded as possible and started to come up with an idea as she went over to try and help keep the area as structurally intact as possible. She could hear the sounds of an explosion nearby which was worrying.

Carolina Reed

Location: Asteroid M.
Skills: N/A

Carolina watched as some of their fellow mutants were now coming to the hangar which was good that they were listening to them and getting here, however she knew that it might not be enough to save them all. She didn't have any useful powers to try and help out with the evacuation.

She watched as Bethany instructed some of them to the Blackbird, and decided to help them inside while Bethany changed and tried to help with keeping them all safe along with Ed. Carolina headed into the Blackbird and turned to Guin seeing that she wasn't in the best looking shape. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Carolina asked Guin as she took her seat.

San Fransico, Sierra Trail:

"Lets get going then." Persephone said as she started to follow shortly behind Niah up the hill where they were in front of the massive structure that was Mount Othrys, there weren't any monsters waiting for them just yet but the goddess continued to move forward and headed into the building that was just below the mountain itself. The hallway was pretty dark the group would hear what sounded like wind or something along those lines.

Eventually they were led into a rather large room at the center of the room itself Niah would instantly recongnize that it was the god Terminus the God of Boundaries in New Rome. He was on his knees holding up the weight of the sky itself, and just behind him was a man wearing a rather fancy looking suit sitting on the throne of the Titans in his hand he was holding Zeus' Master Bolt. "What brings you all here?" Said the Titan Atlas as he stood up glaring at the goddess and the group of demigods before him.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: Spear Fighting

Kristin was still a little bit stunned as the monster tossed Cassian through the doors, but she quickly snapped out of it as the monsters quickly sprung into action and charged forward, a cyclops managed to punch her knocking her backwards and into a wall. She groaned slightly as Kristin slowly started to stand up again drawing out her spear and charged forward managing to stab her attacker killing it instantly. Another cyclops ran up to Zeke and knocking him down onto the ground and swung its massive club at him, hitting him in the stomach, breaking a rib or two. And then a third monster charged forward hitting Janelle with it's club as well knocking her back with a rather loud thud hitting her head slightly causing it to bleed.

The god Alexios was jumped by three cyclops as they attacked him knocking the god back slightly but he managed to get up and took the three out with ease. "You really are hurting my feelings, and some friend you are condemning her to the fate of being trapped in Tartarus." Leandra said and she started growling noise as Demi decided to wrap around her body restraining her, luckily for Nancy she would be able to disarm the traitor and use her own knife against her cutting her side slightly.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Madalyne thought for a moment, she was a daughter of Trivia however she didn't have any of the abilities of necromancy or the control of the undead and ghosts like some of her other siblings had. She wasn't sure what would happen in Leda's position as she reached over to gently touch her shoulder. She was physical to the touch and she did kill some of the monsters that were harassing her when she woke up, which was slightly interesting. "I honestly don't know, like how do you feel?" Madalyne asked Leda, when she asked her what would happen if she herself would die in here.

"I'm pretty sure i'm alive again, if I were to be killed i'd probably just rise again somewhere else in thus cursed place." Madalyne said as she leaned forward and looked down at the ground for a moment. She started to think for a moment as she looked at Leda getting a slight idea. "You can do that Iris Message thing right?" Madalyne asked knowing that the Greeks tended to use the Iris Messaging system for communications a lot. "We could try and send a message out somehow that way possibly it might be a bit of a far shot though.." Madalyne suggested, if they could get some kind of message out they can tell their friends and loved ones that they were okay somehow.

@Kirah Mandy's father smiled and waved goodbye to Millie as she had gone off to tend to her husband, his attention turned towards his daughter and nodded signing back. "A box of masks would be nice, and you might as well stock up on a bunch of toilet paper as well to." He signed the last bit was a little bit of a joke since everyone for whatever reason during the COVID 19 pandemic flocked to the stores and bought a bunch of toilet paper in bulk. "I'll stock up on some other stuff later today while you are gone and send some your way if you need them to." He offered his daughter.

@Theyra Robert smiled and nodded. "I'll be around for another hour or so if you need anything just give me a call." Robert said, he didn't live in the apartment complex himself and owned a place of his own just down the street. "Anyway i'll leave you to it, I got some other paperwork that I need to do anyway. Enjoy the rest of your day." Robert told Isaac as he started to head back to doing some other work that he needed to do before going home for the day.

@PatientBean "Thank you i'll let the ones who asked what they need to do." The intern said as they headed off to tell some of the others that they were free to go. Trudy came up to Verity and looked at her as soon as the meeting was over and done with and handed her some paperwork that Verity needed to sign. "Here are some papers that you need to sign off on, for contract renewals and what not. I also put in a call for someone to take your car into the shop and get it patched up for you, they'll send you a rental within the hour for you until then, I told them to also fax you the invoice once they have the estimate for you to." She said.

@Trainerblue192 "Your no fun, it's kinda funny to see your mom lecture you all day though." Hannah said sarcastically as she followed him into the building, she pulled out her school schedule and looked at him. "After homeroom we have gym class for first period so that will be fun, unless you want to skip that class." She said, Hannah was always a little bit of a rebel and did occasionally skip class every now and then. "Though I know that your crush is in that class to and I know you have the hots for him, and you want to stare at his bod all class to." She said teasingly.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, Subway
Skills: N/A

"I learned my lesson I won't do it again I promise." The kid said to Kali, as Kaitlyn then finally released him the kid quickly got up to his feet and rubbed his ribs and sides slightly where he had been kicked by the pregnant woman. He stared at the three of them before quickly running off and out of the subway. She turned to look at Kali she remembered the name she had been meaning to check out the new restaurant over by Central Park making a note to go there at some point. "I'm pretty late myself as well to. I hope you do enjoy the rest of your day." Kaitlyn said to Kali as she started to head off.

Luckily it wasn't that far of a walk from where she needed to go, she needed to get in before first period started as Kaitlyn made her way down the sidewalk. She eventually made it to the school seeing a girl and a boy just getting off of a vespa and into the school itself, Kaitlyn headed down towards the school's office to see where she was needed. She looked at Hermes and gave him a friendly smile and nod as she passed him and Hannah.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

Flynn would occasionally look at the officers as they did their usual thing and questioned the other guests who stayed behind his attention turned back to Becker getting his attention. "Nah I didn't see anything honestly my friend and I were planning on getting something to eat honestly." He said as he gestured towards the tow truck with the motorcycle strapped to the bed of the truck he wasn't sure what to make of the random person biting the victim and shrugged slightly.

"Maybe they were a druggie and they were unhinged or something while they were high or whatever." Flynn suggested having seen a few people acting weird and crazy sometimes while they were high. A few seconds later one of the officers approached the two of them turning towards Becker. "Mind giving your statement and we can figure out what happened?" He asked the two of them, as Flynn looked at the officer. "I just got here myself and didn't see anything honestly." He answered as the officer wrote it down as he looked at Becker.

Diana Novikova

Location: Otherworld, Avalon
Costume: Annabeth Chase
Skills: N/A

Diana stopped struggling completely as she let the Astarion looking vampire continue to drain the blood from her leg it felt so intoxicating and good, she figured it was something in the vampire saliva that was doing it or something but it felt really good for her to try and figure it all out. Her eyes wondered around the room seeing the twenty other vampires, when the door suddenly busted open and Kate quickly came in to save the day. The vampire nomming away at her leg turned his attention to Kate and tried to pounce on her. Then the vampire was dead, her eyes turned to the runes that were on the wall, she decided to take out her phone and snapped a photo of those runes getting the sense of dread from them.

Diana slowly started to stumble back up to her feet, seeing the other vampires and quickly grabbed Kate by the arm and started to drag her out coming to her senses. They needed to get out and into the light so that the vampires won't come after them she noticed that Buttons was gone now. "Hopefully they aren't like Blade or anything.." Diana said as she got out of the cantina as she looked over at Kate her leg still bleeding. "Thanks for the save there.." Diana said sounding slightly embarrassed for just going in there blindly.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Avenger's Academy, Stark Hall, Floor 6, Room 603
Costume: Castaspella
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne gently ran a hand through April's hair trying to calm her friend down and smiled at her when she felt the little squeeze from April's hand. "It's okay i'm here for you." Madalyne said to April, as she saw Dorian suddenly appear and then Danni not long after and smiled. She was glad to see that Percy was starting to stir again as he came to, he still looked pretty horrible. "Are you okay there Percy?" Madalyne asked him then she started to hear April breaking down and quickly helped her best friend back up to her feet.

"Lets get you back home." Madalyne said as she helped April back up the stairs and to their dorm, once they were back safely in their dorm Madalyne gently set April down onto her bed. "I'll get you some water." Madalyne said as she headed over towards her closet she had some plastic disposable cups. She went to their sink and started to fill it up pretty quickly once it had enough Madalyne quickly went back to April's bed and sat down next to her gently wrapping an arm around her best friend. "Here this should help." Madalyne told her as she handed April the cup of water.

Madalyne Crane

Location: NYC, Steps of the Sanctum Sanctorum.
Skills: N/A
Grimoire: N/A

Madalyne looked at Max for a moment. [color=7FFFD4["I'm better now, and going out there right now is suicide without some help I can't do that solo."[/color] She said to him, she wasn't sure how long she would last trying to stop the pentagram above them by herself, with her demon half completely gone now her magic wasn't as powerful but she could try and hold her own. It was going to be heavily guarded by the demons of Limbo for sure, she listened to Runa as she answered Klara's question why she would refuse to help them. A part of her did feel sorry for Runa having to witness her husband dying, just like how she witnessed her father dying at S'ym's hands.

Then Jack decided to do the unthinkable as he reached for her neck using his power and grabbed her by the neck and then used it to snap her neck. "What the fucking hell is your problem Jack?!" Madalyne said to him, then she heard Runa laughing as she started to come back to life somehow as she stared at her. "Well if Runa was going to help us she isn't going to help us now." Madalyne said as she rolled her eyes slightly and sighed as she looked over her shoulder and started to head out. "I'm going to see about trying to stop the pentagram if anyone is going to help come with me." Madalyne said as she started to head out of the Sanctum.

Carolina Reed

Location: NYC, Sanctum Sanctorum.
Skills: Divination

Carolina listened to Runa as she started to explain why she refused to even help them with repairing the veil or even trying to stop the pentagram from being completed. She wasn't sure if there was a way she could say or do to try and convince Runa to help them willingly, a part of her did feel responsible for not trying to save October from dying back in Coventry and becoming what she is now as Ananym. Her eyes went wide as Jack decided to try and kill her, she was pretty sure now that Runa wouldn't be helping them at all now. She was actually relived to know that Runa came back to life somehow.

Carolina quickly stepped between Runa and Jack and stared at him. "We need to be working together on this and not killing each other." Carolina said as she looked over her shoulder at Runa. "Runa we need your help, but letting everyone and everything die isn't right at all. Whats to say that your idea would even work, if you fail then everyone and everything will suffer including Klara." Carolina said hoping to try and convince Runa again.

San Fransico, Sierra Trail:

Persephone approached Mary as she looked at her. "May I take a look?" She asked her, whenever Mary did she looked at the wound, it didn't look that bad. For a mortal she would have needed some stitches, but luckily they had a goddess on hand she started to will a vine to come to life in her hand, and gently held it over Mary's wound. It started to wrap over the wound she gave Mary a friendly smile as a flower or two popped out of the vines.

"The vine will heal your wound just take it off in a few hours and it should be fully healed." She told Mary as she looked over at Jason and Damon. "Do either of you two need any injuries tended to?" She asked them as Damon shook his head slightly. "I'm good thank you for the offer though." Damon said as Persephone turned to look at Jason. "We should move out once everyone is patched up." Damon however did tell the group.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Las Vegas, Lotus Hotel & Casino
Skills: Spear Fighting

Kristin quickly drew out her spear and before she could even do anything she watched as Nancy quickly took action and killed her fellow demigod, ruining any chance that they had for any kind of answers. "Leandra one of the Romans who was apparently a traitor or something was here and Nancy just killed her." Kristin said to Janelle she could feel the tenseness of the air in the room waiting for something to happen. Some of the monsters quickly drew out their weapons all of them glaring at Nancy, however theu didn't attack just yet.

Leandra's lifeless body was now on the ground, however something weird started to happen, as Leandra slowly started to raise herself from the dead blood covered her clothes and body, as she glared at Nancy. Leandra cracked her neck and stared at Nancy as she quickly charged behind Nancy and knocked the girl onto the ground, drawing out her own imperial gold weapon at Nancy's throat. "Wow and here I wanted to have a civil conversation with you, and an offer to bring your friend back. I'm honestly still surprised that they gave you title of Preator." Leandra said pointing the knife at her throat.

She looked at one of the monsters and did a quick gesture, as the monster quickly charged at Cassian and grabbed the demigod and threw him across the room and through the Doors of Death and they quickly shut and locked behind him. "And don't worry your other friend that was tossed in there will be okay, so long as you all do what I say." Leandra said smiling down at Nancy, she looked at the rest of the group daring them to attack.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Tartarus
Skills: N/A

Madalyne watched as the Drakon took its time to eat it's meal of cyclops, it took a moment to pause and started to sniff around the air however it didn't pick up their scent at all luckily for them. Once the Drakon had finished it's meal it started to wander off the ground shook with every step it made. As it got further and further away from them the ground shaking started to lessen until it was completely gone. "Well at least it didn't smell us or anything." Madalyne said to Leda as she started to get up from where they were hiding and started to look around and approached the area where the Drakon had been moments ago.

She honestly had no clue where to even go or where the Doors of Death even were, she really didn't know what time it was at all really either. "We should find a safe place and try to figure out a proper plan to get out of here, and maybe get some rest or something to." She told Leda as she started to head out again and started to look around the area trying to find a suitable location to hide. After a few minutes of searching Madalyne managed to find a cave that they could use for shelter. "Here that should do." Madalyne said as she walked over towards the cave, luckily the gave wasn't that big and it looked like it hadn't been used in a long time as well to.

@Kirah Millie followed behind Mandy over towards the office, she remembered the mask mandates pretty well it was so hard to breath through them sometimes. She knew that some people could have some kind of medical exception from it way back then when it was all happening. Luckily for her she didn't go out much at all during that time really either, as Mandy's father tried to bring up the CDC's website it appeared that the site was down or something which was weird to Millie. She turned to Mandy and her father and started to sign to the two of them. "I should actually get going Howard is wanting to get some breakfast this morning. Just text me if you need anything or have anymore information." She said as she went over and gave Mandy a gentle hug. "Enjoy the cookies." She signed giving the girl a friendly smile.

@Theyra "I'm doing pretty good thanks for asking, just the usual tending to a few broken or leaky bathroom faucets here and there throughout the building." Robert said as he listened to Isaac giving a description of some homeless guy getting sick apparently, he really didn't want to end up getting sick either or passing the bug around to any of the other residents here within the building. "Just be careful you don't want to get sick." Robert said to Isaac as he reached for a bag of chips he had nearby and started to eat a handful. "Is there anything you need for your room or any problems with it?" Robert asked him.

@PatientBean The rest of the room started to go pretty silent as Verity went on a tangent towards them, some of them looked away while others sat and ate quietly. Once Verity was done speaking the most calm member of the team finally spoke up as he looked at Verity. "We'll get it done, is there anything else you need to inform us about?" He asked her, there was a knock on the door a secretary was seen through the window to the conference room. He was a younger guy looking like he was a college freshmen or something along those lines. "Hey uhm sorry to interrupt the meeting. Some of the other interns are asking to go home early, something to do with some their family members are getting sick or something, and were wondering if they could go home early?" He asked Verity.

@Trainerblue192 The police officer was the last to get into his police cruiser and started to pull out and drove on ahead of Hermes, once he was free to go. It didn't take to long for him to get to his high school, there were still a few busses that were there dropping off the last of their students. Some of them were outside still mingling amongst themselves, there was five minutes left before the start of first period to start. A friend of Hermes by the name of Hannah approached him, she lightly knocked on his helmet and quickly noticed the written warning barely hanging out of his pocket. "You are almost late man what did you do?" She asked as she quickly snatched it out of his pocket and started to read it over. "Oooh man you are so fuckin busted if your mom heard you almost got a ticket. Or your cousin Mandy right? She'd probably kill you to." She said teasingly as she dangled it over his head.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, Subway
Skills: N/A

Kaitlyn still kept a rather firm grip on the kid's arm as a loud groan could be heard, she turned to look up at Kali and gave her a slight smile. "I took some Judo lessens, still do actually in my spare time." She answered as the pregnant woman gave the kid a rather hard kick as she looked down at him and glared at the kid. "Doesn't matter to me, as long as I have my purse back." The woman said as she dug into it, and started to search through it before taking out two fifty dollar bills out and handed one to Kali and Kaitlyn. "Thank you so much." The woman said as Kaitlyn started to think for a moment maybe the kid was down on his luck and was just really desperate for some kind of money.

"We could probably just let him go, the purse is where it belongs anyway." Kaitlyn said she believed in giving people second chances, and the kid was pretty young as well to, and having a criminal record is really bad especially for someone who was really young as well to. "What do you think we should do?" Kaitlyn asked Kali as she accepted the fifty dollar bill that the woman had handed her.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

Flynn looked at his friend for a moment. "I'm gonna see whats going on, i'll be right back." He said as he started to head over towards the cafe and opened the door just in time to see Becker finishing giving her statement to her fellow paramedic. "Thank you for the information we'll get him to the hospital." The said as the other paramedic pulled out his first aide kit and quickly wrapped a compress bandage over the wound to try and stop the bleeding. Then they got him up onto a stretcher and started to head on out, Flynn then approached Becker and gestured to the guy that the other paramedic team who they were wheeling out.

"What happened to that guy?" Flynn asked her, as he heard a few more sirens were able to be heard as a police cruiser approached, one of the officers approached the victim while the other came inside and started to ask some of the other patrons who chose to stay behind to provide some statements. Flynn looked at the officer for a moment and started to tense up slightly he really didn't like cops at all really.

Bethany Bell

Asteroid M.
Skills: N/A

Personally Bethany would just leave Anne behind to her own devices and let the psychopath to make her own way to the hangar if she ended choosing to. But if Perry wanted to carry her back over there she wasn't going to tell her what to do. Bethany quickly bolted off in the direction back from where they had came from and made her way towards the hangar along with all of the others. Bethany was starting to run out of breath as she ran as fast as she could.

Eventually Bethany made it to the hangar and she stopped running she took a moment to catch her breath as she could see some of the others were coming back now, along with some the of the people who had been staying on the station. Ed was helping with making a shield to reinforce the hangar, along with Magneto.

Carolina Reed

Location: Asteroid M.
Skills: N/A

Carolina heard Guin's message through her mind, she knew that there wasn't really much that she could do at all really as she quickly started to follow the others towards the hangar wasting no time at all to get back there. Carolina could hear the walls rattling around them as she watched Magneto as he moved to reinforce the walls for the hangar. Hopefully it was more than enough to try and save everyone on the station.

No one seemed to help Cortez at all which was probably for the best then, he was a threat especially with everyone's powers could go haywire in such a small place. Eventually Carolina had made it to the hangar along with some of the others on the team as well as some people on the station as well to she was completely out of breath now.
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