Avatar of NarcissisticPotato
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2710 (0.73 / day)
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    1. NarcissisticPotato 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current I'm not usually fussed on these things but this actually hurts. youtu.be/Gs0t8LXH6lw A good listen if anyone has the time .
7 yrs ago
Casual reminder that it is still gay frogs week - keep your eyes on the skies so those chemtrails can't poison our water
7 yrs ago
Cut down the tall trees!
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7 yrs ago
Hope you guys all enjoy your Internet providers selling off your smutty 1x1s to the highest bidders!
7 yrs ago
That last episode of RWBY - ohhh boyyyyyy!


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@Archmage MC
In my mind, support was always like healing and buffs etc while utility would be be more making items that the group needs; i.e. arrows, food or potions.
Bumpity bump!
I... am interested in this. Not a huge fan of SAO, and that's putting it lightly, but I enjoyed Log Horizon a lot (maybe even enough to go ahead and finish watching it some day), and I absolutely fucking adore Overlord, so this sounds like my cup of tea. I'll try to get something resembling a character sheet up in the next day or two.

EDIT: Question. How advanced is other technology in this future? Do they have space elevators, orbital cities or off-world colonies? What about asteroid mining and/or interplanetary commerce? Could PARIAH be played by someone living on Mars or in the belt?

The first part is up to Gowi because I'm not all that familiar with the extent of technology in the outside world but I can answer the second part. It would be a yes and a no (assuming these colonies exist). Yes, there could be servers for Pariah on these colonies but can they interact with, say, someone on Earth playing the game? No, it's more than likely impossible. It takes light something like 4 - 20 minutes to get to Earth (depending on positions in orbit) so if you wanted to say, move your character, you'd have to send an input to the server then wait for the server to move your character then send that information back to you. Unless FTL communication is developed, it would be impossible.
Working on my character now! Once I finish drinking... And playing video games... Yeah - but should be something along the lines of battle alchemist!
Literally biggest penile shaped object I know

Sent a PM to Gowi to discuss this!
Yeah Im gunna be a let down compared to that... Ill back out... Sorry

Hey! Get back here! >.<

Listen, I wouldn't even be able to write that amount (you'll see when I put my character sheet up) and you should never measure yourself in the length of your writing. How about this - you make a character to the length you usually write to but try to make them as interesting as high hell so the length of the CS doesn't matter, what will matter is what they're like IC!

If you need some help, we can exchange ideas! I know this world a little more than the other guys so I might be able to help!
Give it a shot! We won't say no, we'll just balance things if they need balancing. To me, she sounds like an agile bard with high DPS. There would obviously need to be weaknesses but give it a go!

@Archmage MC
I'd say give a new character a go! It's always good to broaden your horizon and I don't think a demon would fit in, lore-wise. Feel free to PM me or Gowi if you want to discuss though!

QQ I need more alcohol and more time
@Archmage MC
Light definitely will not work here but thanks for throwing your lot in, Arch! x3

I'll put the kettle on!


In some sort of introduction, I believe I should mention that this isn't my roleplay. It belongs to our glorious leader, @Gowi. I just sorta make tea and tell Gowi the ideas look pretty but for now, I'm doing some intense interest checking! Without further ado, a word from our leader:

"Pariah (or Pariah Online) is a semi-linear collaborative story based around the concepts of anime serials like Log Horizon, Sword Art Online, Overlord, Familia Myth, and the grandfather of the “trapped in a game” framework, .hack//SIGN. You’ll notice there is only one real outlier in these influences in that of my mention of Familia Myth, which I’ll admit has more to do with me liking how that particular serial looks at things like guilds, dungeons, and progression in an interestingly designed way. Anyway, as you can imagine the central idea of this roleplay is the whole “trapped in a game” plot device and the hurdles that comes with it. But as with inspired settings, this is wholly original— this is not set in any fandom and is not an amalgamation of them.

But with that said, I definitely still have ideas for Pariah— and I hope for those who are newly interested and those who have put up with me are interested enough to invest their time and energy into writing collaborative stories in this setting."
Glorious Leader


Pariah is not like conventional virtual reality modules and as such does not use traditional levelling systems. Instead, Pariah holds a framework that is designed to allocate things with a state of the art progression system that revolves around benchmarks, achievements, and attributes. With this it can be simplified generally in an easy context— if you want to be skilled with a knowledge, item, or weapon then you need to put forward effort into experiencing the world with that aspect. With this system, level becomes simply a number used to mark progression and not an extent of a character's power. A character's power is entirely defined by the actions they took to reach a higher level. If the character spent most of their time using a sword and killing monsters then they will become proficient in using swords and killing monsters. Alternatively, if the character chooses to spend all their time baking bread then they'll make the best damn bread around.

The character will initially start with a basic level in all skills which will remain hidden. When the character begins to specialize into these skills by using them (i.e. swinging a sword, baking bread) the skill will become visible. Much like in real life, proficiency stems from practice and abilities are learned through experiment. With abilities, pressing a button simply does not work. The character must independently swing the sword or cast the spell and if the system registers their attempts correctly, it will perform the act.

This system heavily favors independence and allows characters to be specialized how the user wishes to specialize them. It might not be efficient or even good but it is possible. Want to be a plate armour-wearing mage? Go for it. Want to be a rogue that drags aggro, sure! Point is, the player is free to build their character how they wish to.

In terms of threat assessment given the nature of the augmented reality that is Pariah, there are no visual statistic boxes of the people or the icons within the world. But Pariah’s creator sees it more as another reality than a video game and as such doesn’t expect people to assess threat beyond their own common sense, research, and observational skills. Essentially the lesson is be wary of your environment, monsters, and hostile icons or players.


A pathos represents one of the several virtue-oriented fraternities in the world of Pariah and serve as factions that the player affiliates with to not only serve as the central sanctum that provides shelter as well as esoteric information regarding the path the pathos represents. These pathos are conventionally defended and led by their followers.


There you have it - that was awful fancy! Anyways, if your interest has stayed fairly constant through all of this then just pop over to our OOC and say hello! Thanks for reading!

Guess I'll go make some tea now...
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