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6 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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Also yes, creating a God-type account would be ideal.
Because the answer to your first question would be 'No' bahaha.

It could still be a MV, just taking place in a single part of it.
Let's say you guys use a mix of the two ideas. An old fantasy world, where warring factions are engaged in a battle to determine the ruler of said world. Henceforth known as LeeMel, the Republic of Skallandia.

There would ideally be no more than two or three factions, tops. Any more than that and it gets messy. Depending on the amount of people, maybe only two. One led by an NPC charismatic rebel leader named, Shin, and one led by the vicious fist of an NPC robot named Clockwork.

Each skirmish would take place in a predetermined land. Where the victor would gain some type of overall advantage. Perhaps Shin sends two of his lesser leveled rebels out to the crimson badlands, where they run into trouble with the tyrant, Clockwork man's equally leveled soldiers sent to set up shop.

Now you have an overall conflict. What is your goal? Is it for Shin's men to esscape? Is it for Clockwork's to wrangle up any rebel supporters? Is the sin condition capture or escape? Win by defeating the opponent? The GM decides such things and the players play it out, with the GM providing some commentary and background as the battle occurs to help flesh out everything.

Well, what is the prize? For the rebel leader is it more men for his cause? For The tyrant is it the decimation of his foes, conquering more land as he proceeds?

Let us say, for this, Shin's men are captured,after a ruthless game of car and mouse. The thread is awarded to Clockwork and his faction. What are the reaults of such, again. Up to the GM, but for this:

A marked increase in Clockwork soliders in the area, making future camapigns. Harder for the rebels in the area. Clockwork's presence is further felt in surrounding lands he may not have reached yet.

I foresee the map, if there is one, being colored based on who controls what, the beginning it is slanted towards Clockwork by one, a lot of unclaimed land, etc. Each had a xerttain number of victories needed to be claimed by either party. For instance, The Dreamers Forest would require three wins by either side to be claimed, while the Olde Wood needs only one
@MelonHead Did you honestly expect different?
Malaria, is, Allaria's cyberpunk esque cousin.
Essentially, yeah. Like how Malaria as meant to run and all.
Has anyone considered doing a more structured, we'll call it, style of multi verse. Lemme preface by saying I'm not savvy to the current going on of the Arena.

What I mean by a structured style is instead of, 'Hey, this is the overall story, go in and have at it.' It would be something like, "This is the world, in this thread the story is -insert story- and each character would play a role. for instance. One group would be trying to retrieve a mystical artifact from a ruined temple, while the other side is either attempting to do the same. Or trying to defend it.' story over. Thread ends.

The main problem I've seen with our versions is that they tend to be open ended, no apparent end game, so they just taper off. People are able to create their own stories, and hope that someone comes along and competes with them.

In my suggestion, the stories are provided, rules are set by the GM(either an overall one or the thread creator), and the story progresses. Results get posted in a large timeline, so it's easily followable.

This is just the gist, as I am currently on a small break at work.
What I would not give for the time to participate.
Translation: Dance monkeys, dance!

Exactly this.
What's a Baron?
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