Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
2 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within.

I run a Star Wars based Meme Page on Facebook (Migs Mayfield - Core), and live my best life right now.

Active Roleplays:

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

Loretta Raidne
Cryo lab 53B

Loretta was in a one of the smaller Cryo-labs, much like the one she had sealed off from everyone except herself. The difference was while hers was full of vials, test subjects, cages and medical equipment that had questionable appliances this one was empty. In the centre of the room there was the dias for the pod to sit in, a terminal in the corner which she currently worked at and a medical droid was in its charging cradle in the side of the wall. This was ridiculous, she had known about this moment for months. Though she wasn't even going to be part of it. Instead some lower level technician was going to be present solely for religious reasons.

The first person in one of her cryopods, to be woken up in her bay. Well, the second if the empty pod was any indicator. However this was the first to be woken during the defrosting process, and rather than all the battery of tests she would usually have ran the occupant was going to get out of the pod straight away and then walk away to some religious ceremony. She would have thought the people of Earth would have moved beyond such silliness by now, though she supposed religion seemed to persist even with the existence of reason. She had seen the shift in recent years following the Three Day War, and it made sense. In times of uncertainty people turned to something that made themselves feel safe, secure.

She wasn't really one for it all, but so long as it didn't interfere with her work she had never really cared.

This counted as interfering in her work.

She looked up at one of the religious fanatics who worked her way around the room setting it up in preperation for her leaders awakening or rebirth or whatever it was they called it. Noting that she wasn't being watched she input a command protocol into the medical droid to have it scan and record everything that happened during the ceremony.

After all, what happened here may aid her own experiments. Once she was able to return to them at least, though she couldn't afford the security agent from finding out and sticking his nose even further to where it didn't belong.
@AndyC My question is... how? Smallville and Metropolis existed before Supermans appearance, so surely his rewrite from history shouldn't cause them to disappear. What about the town and city before Superman came to Earth? Did everyone abandon them or did they somehow get erased?

It was bad and you should feel bad too!

Thanks @Byrd Man. Appreciate the feedback.
As per usual, still breaking in Jay. So any criticism is accepted.
P A S T - P A R T O F T H E W O R L D A T W A R S T O R Y


August 24th, 1940 - 11:39PM | A Small Pub in Portsmouth

Jay sat in a quiet bar, the room full of smoke and old men sitting drinking beer. Some of them had initially been wary of the American that sat in their midst, a winged helmet sitting on the bar in front of him and wearing a red shirt with a lightning bolt on the front in contrast to his blue 'trousers' as they called them. He sat sipping a pint of beer, not that the alcohol had much of an effect on him ever since the accident though it did have a nice psychodelic effect in calming his nerves. He tended to stay in these towns in the south of England, technically he could easily run home though it was a long and tiring journey so he tried to do so sparingly. Joan understood what he was trying to do, and while France had surrendered two months prior there was still a lot of death and killing going on. A lot of work for the fastest man alive to do.

That said he had been hearing rumours of late, of other powered individuals acting out against the invading forces. He hadn't met any of them yet but then maybe that was a blessing, he feared the day that they had to be in one place together. As that would indicate facing a foe far stronger than anything he had faced to date so far. Just when he considered retiring from the night he heared the droning sound of an air raid siren. After the French had signed the treaty the Nazi strategists had turned to bombing the United Kingdom, he had first noticed it when running across the channel and saw the Luftwaffe bombing a supply convoy heading out of the country. That was just the start, since then he had a hard time dividing his attention.

Every life saved was a treasure, and each lost was a vacuum that would never be filled. He couldn't be in two places at once and the hardest part of what he was doing was deciding what lives had to be saved. As people ran out of the pub, no doubt to head to their shelters. Jay just looked up to the bartender, placing a handful of coins on the counter. "Keep the change, gotta run." With that he picked up his helmet, spinning it between his two hands before placing it on top of his head. Standing up he felt the power surge through him, as he ran out of the door, taking a sharp turn he headed towards the harbour where he could look out towards the ocean. The cloud cover was heavy, but he could faintly see the planes as they moved from one cloud to another.

Then he heard it, the faint whistling sound.

The bombs were dropping. Now, evacuating an entirely populated town was simply out of the question, and he had no way to take down the planes so that left him one option. Running to the nearest house he passed from room to room. Empty. With little hesitation he ran out, and straight into the next. Empty. He kept repeating, the high pitched whistle of the bombs getting louder and louder, by this point the searchlights had been turned skyward in a bid to try and spot the planes for the anti-aircraft batteries. Of course to everyone else these were quick actions. To him they were slow. As he approached another building he came across a family hiding under a table, likely one of the families who couldn't afford or were yet to build a shelter. He made several stops, carrying them all to the edge of town. In minutes, which to him seemed like hours, the first bomb struck. Decimating a street as the explosive tore a hole in the ground sending debris flying.

That's when he noticed something odd on his second pass through the town someone running towards a building, he could see the bomb falling towards the roof. No-one would go back with a bomb so close. Not unless there was someone inside the building. He took off, his limbs feeling electric as every part of him moved in sync. Entering the house he tore through the bottom floor, his wake pulling lighter items in the room out of their place. Next he turned his attention upstairs where he found a mother and her three children huddled together in the corner of a bedroom. Swearing to himself he ran over and pulled one of the children into his arms, running the child out of the house and down to the end of the street outside the blast radius. Running back he looked up as the explosive neared the roof. Pushing himself on harder, he tore into the building. Grabbed a second child. Turned, and literally had to fight against the drag he had created to keep his speed up towards the end of the street. Barely stopping he dropped off the second child, then the third. As he ran into the building for the mother the explosive made contact with the roof.

The combination of substances in the bomb gave him a split second, which was all he needed. Grabbing her he picked her up and ran down the street dropping her off with her children.

Stopping, there was a look of confusion upon all their faces and only the mother spoke out. "What the..?" Then her face turned to horror as she looked up the street at the bomb impacting their house. Her husband standing outside. Her voice burned itself into his very brain "Walterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" The last letter of the name seemingly dragging on, as Jay figured out what was going on. He turned as he ran down the street towards him, the explosion had already went off. Scattering pieces of house outwards, while being followed by a raging inferno. Lightning flew out behind him as he raced down the street, he was going to make it. He just had a little bit further to-

Then he noticed the shards of glass. They said that you were lucky if the explosion killed you, as it was quick. Near painless so long as you were caught in the middle of the blast. He reached out with his hand, though it was too late. He grabbed the man by the soulder, and twisted his own body around to shield the man. He felt the impact on his back from the heat, to the debris. Stifling the urge to scream, his wounds would heal after all. He turned his attention to the man in his arms and his heart stopped. Blood covered the mans face, centred on his left eye where the glass had impacted before shattering even further.

He just knelt there for a moment, he couldn't see it himself but the lightning coursed through him as his anger boiled and became concentrated. He sparked slightly, lowering the mans body to the ground he took off.

This time he had been too slow.

Never again.
@Sep, little late for that isn't it?

You wound me sir.

I guess a little Time Travel will fix that right up...
@Lord Wraith but I don't wanna be hated.
@Lucian Problem is most Marvel Magicians are also A-Listers. The only way around would be to have Zatanna as a Titan/YJ member.
<Snipped quote by Roman>

Sad to see Ghost Rider go, but welcome aboard Constantine (I assume he'll be accepted.) He's always fun. Magic is sadly lacking right now, so this is good.

I was kinda thinking of going the Magic Route, but trying to think of someone who isn't an A-Lister.

As I like someone more 'street' as well as having a big hero.
Due to Guild issues, I have made a Google Doc backup of the Roleplay. If you want to read the Roleplay all at once, and there is a lot of awesome stuff (Past and Present) feel free to open the doc, though due to GDocs not liking all those pages... I'd recommend downloading it instead.
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