Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
2 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within.

I run a Star Wars based Meme Page on Facebook (Migs Mayfield - Core), and live my best life right now.

Active Roleplays:

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

I love you @Nexus Prime.
@Sep: Which Queen Bee are you using for the Legion of Doom?

No idea, the one @Lord Wraith put on the roster, which I can only assume is the DC one from Bialya.

"My methods are a means to an end, no different than pruning weeds in order to let an orchid flourish. Those who stand in the way of my vision oppose me because they fear me, but more than that they fear what I represent. Change."
V I C T O R V O N D O O M 2 3rd J U L Y 1 9 7 5 ( 42 ) [color=]♦[/color] M A L E L A W F U L N E U T R A L

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

My plans for Doctor Doom transcend your comprehension, simply as Doom is free and not controlled by a measely writer such as myself. If I did control him, what I'd say is that I intend to play the political game, too many people throw Doctor Doom away as some second rate supervillain, though its more complicated. I am playing Doom as he should be (IMO). He actually cares for humanity, with Latveria one of the healthiest countries in Europe (albeit in a dictatorship). He cares deeply about his country and wants to rule the world, not for power, but instead to make the world a better place.

The Legion of Doom factors into this in two ways. First he, Savage, Queen B and Luthor are the core group and the ones he can actually stand. The more recent expansion to include criminals Doom has allowed begrudgingly, though he sees that they have their place. As one of the De-facto leaders of the Legion, Doom will be using them to further his own plans. Though don't think he trusts them, as he has plans to promptly get rid of each and every one of them (similarily to how Batman has a plan for taking out each member of the JLA)

In this Doom has never done anything 'obviously' or 'stupidly' evil, which is why he does not allow known criminals into Latvaria, meaning much to the chagrin of others who would use his diplomatic immunity to hide from the authorities. Though he has a reputation to maintain.

N O T E S:

This is a W.I.P. Need to speak to @Lord Wraith about a few things, and will do the timeline tomorrow.

It's a short post, but it serves the plot.

Venator Star Destroyer 'Majestic'
Dalonbian Sector

The Keep under the transponder signal 'Infinity' dropped out of hyperspace. Before them sat the Venator Star Destroyer, the Majestic. Once upon a time these vessels were symbols of hope in a Galaxy in Turmoil. Then they become weapons of fear as the Galactic Republic reformed into the Galactic Empire, rarely seen in active service these vessels were still formidable in combat. Which was why the Rebellion wanted one so badly. A Star Destroyer capable of fielding more Starfighters than any one ship in the fleet, and standing toe to toe with an Imperial Star Destroyer. When the Rebellion heard that Governor Lorne was keeping one as a private Museum to the 'good old days', not in Imperial Service, poorly staffed and looking for memorabilia a plan was devised that only Rancor Company could complete.

Nae sat in the cockpit of his X-Wing. [PUTTING THROUGH SYSTEM SCANS NOW.] Nae looked down at his readout, as the officers on the Keep transmitted the system scan through to him. Two Imperial Light Cruisers as well as four Imperial Freighter. That could mean a total of eighteen TIEs to combat, he liked those odds. Two TIES separated themselves from the main group, as two LAATs squeezed their way past the ready fighters and out into space. Now it was just a case of watching what was going on.

Nae hit the transmit button, putting him through to all squadron leaders. "Steady, be ready to go boys and girls. We've got our launch order, the second the command comes through punch it."

As the Keep swung around to the port side of the Majestic the docking tube extended, sealing the two vessels together. Though the doors did not open yet, no doubt the Governor thought that was part of the negotiating strategy. Instead it was just allowing the Commandant time to prepare his forces within the Keep as well as move the makeshift boarding tubes were moved into position. While they weren't perfect, they would at least allow the Commandants forces to board the Imperial vessel without them needing enviromental suits. The main bay of the Venator opened, the massive doors sliding open splitting in two allowing the LAATs to land in the middle of the hangar. The TIE fighters slowed behind them, and once they had safely touched down they broke off to return to flying a patrol.

The Hangar bay was relatively empty, at least of personnel. There were only around twenty armed individuals patrolling the hangar, with a further five moving towards the LAATs to greet the 'delegation'. Despite this there were a number of mechanics around the hangar, some repairing walkers and starfighters while others busied themselves with repainting these vessels in the colours reminiscent of the Grand Army of the Republic. One of the larger mercenaries, a Besalisk, stepped towards the LAATs. Banging on the door, before speaking up. His voice rough, this was definitely no Imperial.

"OI! Open up! We got' get this deal goin'. My boss has places to be."
<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>

Not accepted, it doesn't use the provided formatting.

@Byrd Man you failed.

I'm not going to have supper ready for you!
@Hillan I know @Lord Wraith is a Ghost and all, but pretty sure he put @Wade Wilson in charge not you.

Character Name: Superman

Character Proposal: Fuck you.

This is the most beautiful Character Sheet I have ever seen.

It's like seeing the face of God.
Dude, Byrd could write "fuck you" in the concept box and you would accept it.

@Byrd Man it is your social obligation to do this now.
@mattmanganon You can try, but try and not be shot down.
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