Avatar of Tearstone


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Driving a sandworm through a pre-school...
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7 mos ago
Remember, punishable by fine means legal for a price.
2 yrs ago
♪♫♪ Don't climb up the rope. Dont haul up the mast. And if ya see a sailin' ship it might'n be yer last...♪♫♪
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2 yrs ago
Does yo' chain hang low? Does it hang down to tha flo'?
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6 yrs ago
I'm still alive, I promise
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Name: Tearstone
Aliases: Tearstone
Age: 33
Birthday: March 13th
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Location: Resides in western Oklahoma
Major/Minor: Associates degree in Occupational Studies - Massage Therapy
Occupation: Unemployed/Under-employed Cert. Massage Therapist, freelance writer
Languages: Fluent in English, Bad English/Profanity. Knowledgeable of Japanese, Spanish, and Latin.
Current Bio Theme: None
Years Rping: 20 years
Preferred Rp Section: Typically casual or advanced.
Rp Level: High casual to advanced.
Dedication Level: I don't know what yardstick to measure this with. It all depends on my interest, if I'm enjoying the writing and my partners.
Biggest Rp Pet Peeve: If you one-line me and use chatspeak where it doesn't belong, I will CUT you. Pay attention to lore and genre conventions. DO NOT fall silent on me. IF you're bored, say so. If something happens, freaking tell me. I want to get to know my partners out of character too.
Teach New Rpers Or Coach New GM's: Yes. Very much so. I love teaching and doing what I can to improve people's skills, and challenge their ability. I love fostering growth.


Height: 5' 7"
Weight: Overweight
Build: Ectomorphic, athletic. Built like a tank... or a tall dwarf
Eyes: Hazel-gray, but color shift with light and mood.
Hair: Chocolate brown, collar length currently. May grow out again.
Skin Tone: Light, tan decently in summer, but I live like basement cat.
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: No tats or piercings. Scar, right wrist (1 cun (3 finger widths), medial from hand crease.) Sits across radial bone on anterior, 45° angle, looks self inflicted, but is actually from fending off an attacker in middle school. Burn scar left knee, the size of a quarter. Stuck knee against hot muffler of lawn mower on accident around 2004. Burn scar torso lower right quadrant inferior to navel and one inch lateral, spilled hot-ass ramen on self last winter. Some of the liquid got lodged in waist band of shorts and caused burn.
Personal Style:


Intelligent * Procrastinator * Intuitive * Apathetic * Flexible/Adaptable * Cynical

Sexuality: Kinsey 2
Relationship Status: Semi-open longterm relationship/domestic partnership
Personality: INTJ/P, Turbulent quality. Swings to INFJ/P at times. Born a Pisces, much of Tearston's personality has been altered by their experiences, bu thtey still posses a deep emotional reservoir. Highly creative, great with abstract reasoning and special reasoning, Tear spends much time considering many problems. The overall personality has lead to a life of creative and intellectual pursuits.
Hobbies: Reading, writing/RPing, PC gaming especially MMORPG's, graphic design work. Trained in martial arts from the age of 7. Is a firearms and explosives enthusiast. Is enthusiastic about all things militaria, and has a keep interest in law enforcement as well. Music - listening, spinning records and live mixing, writing music and producing in digital audio workspaces such as FL Studio (Fruity Loops). Tear has been a musician since the sixth grade, and is self-taught on a few instruments not learned in school. Singing is another hobby band while somewhat skilled, they are terribly self-conscious about singing for others. Hiking, bushcraft and survival skills. Cooking is a joy and passion, and is considered to be an art form.
Fears: Tearstone has arachnaphobia to a moderate degree. Blame watching the movie by the same name when they were little. Fears physical trauma especially surgery. This gives them the heebie-jeebies. They don't care for needles but will endure some poking and prodding. Tearstone fears leaving behind a negative legacy for their loved ones.

Cards On The Table

Rp's Currently Gming: None on RPG
Rp's Currently Enjoying: None on RPG. Play by post Tabletop game on FB for Storm King's Thunder though.
Past RP's Enjoyed:
Other Places Of Interest:
Favorite Posts: Stay tuned.
Upcoming Works: The Raptor Company (a fantasy novel), Crucible, (a sci-fi novel)


What Brings You To Role Player Guild: Roleplay
Life Before You Came To Role Player Guild: Tearstone was a member of several play by post, forum RP's and chat RP's as well as in-game RP groups in various MMO's including World of Warcraft, Eve Online, Neverwinter Nights, Champions Online, and so on.
Life Since You Came To Role Player Guild: See above, not much has changed. Tearstone has made it through two major site crashes, but is still confident in Mahz.


Quotes or Sayings:
Theme Song: Really?
Advice To The World: Stop. Think about what you're doing. Think about the consequences and repercussions. Love each other.
Anything Else: - Nothing right now.

Most Recent Posts

Character Name

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~Quote from the Character~

Character Summary

Thora Sigrundotir

Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III
~"I am the storm."~

Character Summary

I volunteer as tribute.
In Maps! 7 yrs ago Forum: Articles & Guides
@Dynamo Frokane

Wellllll... First, are you using Earth as your realm?
Name: Zepheria ‘Zephy’ Daniels
Player: Hakai
Sex: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5ft 8in
Build: Athletic

Tanned and toned, with the physique of a life-long swimmer, giving her powerfully built legs from the waist down, with a tummy in a flat 4-pack, with well defined neck and very strong shoulders and upper chest. Her arms are fairly cut from wrestling with large fish on deep sea lines in battles that can last for over an hour. Living mostly on a marine diet has left her with little body fat, but does leave her deficient in some things.

Family - Status

Mother: Karen Daniels - Unknown
Father: Jacob Daniels - Deceased before Outbreak.

Personality: Independent, strong willed, a bit of a loner, without being anti-social.

Occupation Before: Self Employed: Sports Angler. Recreational Fishing Guide, Freelance Free Diver

Notable skills:
Spending most of her life on a boat she is a strong swimmer, is able to navigate the waters easily. She is able to survive in coastal and oceanic environments fairly comfortably. Fairly good cook when it comes to fish and other marine life.
Coastal & Oceanic Survival Skills:
Deep sea fishing, spear gun fishing, bow fishing. Able to set lobster and crab traps. Knows how to hunt for clams, oysters, octopus and squid. Knows some uses for marine life in a medicinal fashion.
Water extreme sports - surfing, windsurfing, jet-skiing, and water skiing.

Being the only child of her parents she spent most of her days with her father on the boat as he ran a small business of taking people out on the weekend trips deep sea fishing. Her mother worked out of the home, handling the office duties for the family business, even after Zephy took over. They were a happy family that allowed their daughter to grow and learn what she wanted. Growing up in Miami she was use to being out in the heat and humidity all the time, though the cooler air on the ocean was always welcoming.
As she grew from a child to a young teen her father gave her more responsibilities on the boat, mainly being in charge of making lunch for the men and women they had on the boat with them. Learning how to prep and cook fish as well as lobster, crab and clams gave her knife handling skills. She picked up free-diving while learning to inspect the hull and for doing minor boat repair. SCUBA diving, spear and bow fishing came later as she got into her late teens, and quickly became a divemaster, adding scuba-diving tours to her father’s business, which soon became her business. Her father passed away in an unfortunate incident on the water with a shark.
Not long after her father passed away, her mother and herself chose to sell their house and invest more into the family business by moving to live on the boat at the marina itself.

In her free time, she took to sport free-diving as well as surfing, windsurfing, and jet-skiing. Needless to say she is almost more comfortable in and on the water than she is on land. It almost doesn’t move right to her.

When word of the outbreak started, Zephy and her mother had pulled away from the marina to seek the safety in the open waters they were use to. After a few days had passed they headed back into the marina to be able to get a few things they needed but didn’t grab. During their resupply trip Karen and Zephy got separated, leaving Zephy to get back to the yacht herself. Returning every so often, hoping to find her mother. She makes a few runs now and again for supplies she can gather from other boats, using the tender boat and leaving her yacht anchored a ways away from shore.

Suffers from Diver’s Ear now and again. She has a healthy fear of large sharks, most over the 5ft she doesn’t tangle with.

Weapon of Choice:
Spear Gun, A dozen spear rods.
Compact Bow with adjustable draw poundage used mostly for bow fishing, generally having somewhere in the range of twenty to thirty fishing arrows at all times.


64' Viking Enclosed Flybridge “Tide Runner” - GM Has info on this
--Watermaker in need of repairs.
--400 Gallons of Fuel Remaining

Deep Sea Fishing Equipment:
6 - G.Loomis Rods, Graphite and glass light weight balanced rods.
Assorted Reels
Assorted Lines and Trolling lines. In assorted poundages.
Assorted Hooks, lures and weights.
Assorted pliers, wire cutters and lip grips for fishing.
Catch Nets of varying sizes
A few Gaff poles for hauling fish in.
Six Crab Traps

Free-diving gear: Flippers, Masks, snorkels and weight belts.
Fish bag for placing speared fish in when diving.

150 gallons Fresh water, stored in on board tank.
20lbs dried Rice
10lbs Dried Beans.
6lbs White Flour
6lbs Corn Meal

Several changes of Clothes

Always carrying a Mora stainless steel knife.
When off boat: A pair of bolt cutters, wire cutters, pry bar.
2 - 32oz bottles of water.
A dozen mixed snack bars, energy bars.
15 Assorted Arrows.

My apologies folks... I had to move suddenly and didn't really have time to get the word out to everywhere at once... But having just got internet back this morning...
@Foster - nibble nibble nibble
I think I am going to go with a more normal color instead of whatever weird almost fictional sounding (at least to me) color I suggested earlier.

I am thinking either silver or gold.

<Snipped quote by TheUnknowable>That is what I did for another RP I am in.

DC hero Guardian
*has the Guardian suit from Supergirl
*Captain America's powers but...
*given to him temporarily by a serum like Patriot from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
*the guy is paralyzed like the main character of M.A.N.T.I.S. (1994-1995 Fox TV show)

I just realized there is very little of him that is Guardian. Pretty much Guardian in name and appearance only.

I loved M.A.N.T.I.S. when I saw it as a kid. I wish I could find it again and rewatch!
<Snipped quote by Tearstone>

They were killed by Snart, so I am thinking not a lot. The Legends and Rip's new Time Bureau may have something to say though.

Ok, wasn't sure if we were using the continuity of the time masters being destroyed.... Also the Time Bureau thing is a spoiler.. I haven't gotten into Season 3 yet.

okay, so here's a question - What do the Time Masters have to say about this?

Also, I'm down for the idea. I've got some ideas to go with it.
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