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4 yrs ago
Current Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics.
4 yrs ago
The highest, most decisive experience is to be alone with one's own self. You must be alone to find out what supports you, when you find that you can not support yourself.
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5 yrs ago
One cannot live from anything except what one is.
5 yrs ago
The slave to virtue finds the way as little as the slave to vices.
5 yrs ago
The core of an individual is the mystery of life, which dies when it is 'grasped'. That is also why symbols want to keep their secrets.


The Harbinger of Ferocity

Agent of the Wild, Aspect of the Ferine
Nature, red in tooth and claw.

"There is, indeed, no single quality of the cat that man could not emulate to his advantage."
- Carl Van Vechten

I am, at my core, a personification and manifestation of those things whose blood and hearts run red with the ferocity of the animal world. It is this which convicts and controls my works, my writing, my being; the force and guidance in which I gain wisdom from. It is what inspires me as a creator and weaver of words, the very thing I admire as an author.

My leanings, savage as they are, are of the feline sort as there exists no greater lineage of beasts whom can be drawn from. No others captivate and motivate my talent and skill as the greatest of cats do.

Most Recent Posts

An added element to keep in mind with premade plots is that they, depending on the partner, can become exceedingly rail-roading, to borrow a tabletop term. In essence, you are stuck to your plot's progression with little to no time or opportunity to err off it and when you do there are always those sorts who become immediately infuriated that you are not playing out their exact wishes with each action, or go out of their way to "correct" the manner in which you portray or play out a character.

To date, the best experiences I have had in roleplaying were collaborative efforts combined. The initial posting person might have the majority of the work done, but shuffling out the inclusions, ideas or desires of the other participant or members does not bode well for longevity. A starting point and background, as others before me said, is a fair way to meet the desired objective.
Just to throw a bit of added information in for the sake of argument and reference before I step back again.

But may I point out, Muslim is not a race. It is an ideology. No matter what every stupid front page of google has to say about it. Arab would be an accurate term. And how does that kid come to thinking about bombs? Is it just out of thin air? Does his brain unconsciously come up with that specific excuse as an instinctive defense mechanism? Or is it more likely based on learned ideas from the news story talking about ISIS? (The proper label there is “Islamophobic” but really, you read the Koran and what sharia courts believe and actually current enforce and then tell me their on par with religions like Taoism. :P)

This in its entirety is accurate. Radicalized terror fought through a religion has nothing to do with a "people" but a group of believers regardless of race who adhere to an ideal, one that has become exceedingly violent and widespread. Coming from a counter-terror element, there is repeated evidence to suggest that the moderates who do not police their own extremes and or work against them do inadvertently, or even knowingly if even remotely aware of the bystander effect, contribute to how terrorism is waged against a populace. It is neither racist nor phobic, as the former is not a race and the latter is "an irrational fear". Terror as a weapon is not an irrational weapon, it functions exactly as it is intended to and its effects on civilian populace are fairly measurable, especially now. It is chosen explicitly because of its ability to cow those without a willingness to fight or resist and single out the enemies who are so more coordinated or consistent attacks can be made all while putting out a call to arms for a large number of those of the faith to join in on.

You might ask, "How is this related to a child talking about improvised explosives?" and again, it does not even require extremism, it requires motives as simple as "Resist the nonbelievers." or "A true believer aids his brother, even if he disagrees." It too can evolve from there, which it often does with self radicalization; an increasing number of Islamic terrorists no longer visit known states for training, many acquire it online, in religious education in some cases, or in person through more radical places of worship. The latter of which in some cases do even exist in locations like the United States. In fact, there do exist even printed magazines that have been recovered that outline and highlight the "holy warrior lifestyle", to put it kindly, covering everything from beheading to how to and where to attack, to even some of the more modern attacks your are seeing like vehicle ramming sprees rather than explosive devices. A number of these individuals are indoctrinated by their religious sect into believing everyone who is not of their belief is their enemy, amplified by the ongoing conflict against factions like ISIS or Hamas; the moderate culture is part of this by not fighting back against their own people. Worse yet, it is considered a "duty" to do these things or assist in them, making your "non-combatants" into a passively resisting, pervasive entity that you cannot engage.

The media in many cases often refuses to acknowledge or focus upon the reality that these people, those who act on radical motives, are in fact terrorists. You can see in the countless efforts made to down play and humanize these individuals, rather than hold them or their communities accountable. More alarmingly, you are seeing an increase of support for these people in extreme political activism where they are gifted the shield of victimhood, rather than the actual victims themselves. You see them more concerned with the "twenty women and children who died", rather than the target who knowingly and willingly was using them as a shield while orchestrating hostile actions. Unfortunately the reality is, is that many of these people willfully and knowingly embrace this danger, whereas most Western peoples do not understand that these people will and do house the enemy force out of religious or regional obligations instead of their own conscious, even if they disagree; usually because they would be murdered or at best exiled.

Point being, terrorism and radicalized Islam isn't what you might remember it as during the early 2000s. It has again evolved and is more dangerous than ever, ranging from its newfound "right" to create non-norming cultures in established societies like much of Europe, to riot, rape, destroy and terrorize again in Europe, or just that it is continually undergoing a process of "norming" in other cultures, where people are told random acts of indiscriminate harm or injury are just "part of life now", namely everywhere in the First World. To be exceedingly blunt and direct, no, that is not accurate or acceptable and no, acting against those perceptions or understanding is not Islamophobia.

I will close with the fact that this is not an official statement or endorsement either. Just some personal experience.
Thankful for the surge of healing that had radiated from the new company, the strange priest in particular, the great cat kept a close eye upon the entire entourage as they made their way quietly through the forest. Fortunate for them all, the beast that was Lorenthar knew this area well enough to avoid the more obvious dangers and nuanced in detail to lead them to a safe place for the night. However, wandering through the thick of the woods, winding and weaving, following natural paths as they meandered was no mundane work. This all came with reason, after all, that which perhaps they would come to realize in time; it was intentionally disorienting. If for whatever reason the tremendous pantherine beast felt its company were as much a threat as they were a boon, it did not debate for a moment on disappearing into the wild and leaving them vulnerable in these hours of twilight.

Much to all their benefit, they seemed to mind themselves and the forest's approach from all angles. The reward for this was of relative worth, a grounds for resting during the night to come. A hovel, mostly fallen in on itself, laid on the grounds here alongside what was its crop many years ago; the plants having gone and grown wild, thick and lively. It was reclaimed from whoever had owned it and a unique landmark the beast took interest in as it made the best site for outsiders to venture to if they ever found themselves in the woods.

Although today, as night drew nearer with its efforts to convert the sky to purple and navy, it was also inhabited by the hunter of these woods; the cat itself. And without a word or direction, as it led them to this place of relative safety, it began to rend some of the bark of the trees present with its vicious claws. Bits of splintered wood and debris cascaded from them as it went about, making its mark. Perhaps they would know the purpose, perhaps not, that really mattered none to it in honest. What did matter to the predator was that other creatures now knew it was here and was to be avoided.

A fight not fought was often a fight won.

@Ermine@JBRam2002@Landaus Five-One@Ms Ravenwinter@Big Dread
The brief smoke and flames grew brighter as did a wave of heat that followed it while the men were finishing off the kobold aggressors. By the time Brannor had turned to confront the source, the mage was but casually shaking his hands out; his work well done at this point, spurring him to add his remark. Not a surprise to behold given this, the enemy was reduced mostly to badly charred casualty. Yet, with that ferocious fanaticism that laid in his heart, Brannor overlooked that they were almost assuredly dead for the fact that if they so much as moved in slight, his blade was set to dive deep into them.

There were to be no chances taken, not with these stakes and the seeming turn of fortune. So when the priest Falconmoon appeared with the women and the entourage of survivors from the doorway of the temple, the moonlit hunter and his smoke obscured company were awaiting them already. Mr. Lake had ensured that much at least, that the most pressing danger was well and done. Other threats were not far despite this triumph, so urgency was still in place.

"Orchid," Brannor began as he observed the situation, speaking in his low tone and keeping hushed at that, "When our troop leaves with the people, keep your eyes open to see if we are being followed since you will protect the rear."

Shifting the greatsword slightly in his leathered palms, the menacing weapon and its unusual engravings threatened the seemingly dead kobolds. However, Brannor continued as his nature absent mindedly kept watch of the situation at hand; "If they're foolish enough to follow, we can lure them into the woods and force them to fight us in person than afar."

The huntsman hoped the half-blood was wise enough to know to drop low if they began pelting them with projectiles at a distance; it was harder to see a man hidden in the grass, let alone fire at him, all at night. The same reason predators were so fond of lurking out of sight in it and striking when their prey knowingly or unknowingly drew near. Breaking into the cover of the woods would have the same effect. The people could hide while the defense was mounted just behind them, using trees and undergrowth to conceal and cover their presence. All the wilderness was, was a great advantage for the aspirant of the ferine realm; he knew how to fight in it, where to fight in it and best of all, how to hunt in it. Man or kobold, it mattered none, he sincerely doubted they knew how to approach such a defense.

They were as much prey as they were anything else and there was a particular joy to be derived from turning the tables upon the forces of darkness.

@Hekazu@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@Gordian Nought@Norschtalen
While it might mean little coming from an outsider @Frettzo, it is unfortunate to hear that is the state of things. Wishing you the best of luck is unlikely to do much, but my sentiments are still there.
The intent was indeed for a non-traditional female character, so that itself does make sense. She's a bit more robust, masculine and notably inhuman than what one would expect after all, given just how much she has adopted the mantle and identity of a primalist. Making body, mind, heart and soul more savage and true to natural form has... unusual consequence, but nothing to be unexpected. As for the name, that does surprise me some. Arthera sounds more feminine just by the ending suffix, which was the intent through design. Needless to say, it was all written with feminine pronouns.

I am sure that error would go over well given her personality.
I am at a loss for which avatar could have led you astray, @Mistiel. I am indeed playing a female character as a male, but gender is not the deciding factor of her person. A core element, given her backstory, but she could easily have been a male with a slightly different story. This said, what was the source of the confusion?
@Mistiel's Ceria is the most likely one for Arthera to encounter, given they share a few story similarities. I could imagine them encountering @Ermine from there or @Turbowraith, then crossing paths with the warlock of @Oraculum.
Chain riding against his leather armor with a distinctive albeit subtle jingle, the powerful hunter closed the gap as effectively as he could and neared the scene before him. By some miracle it had all gone so swiftly, so smoothly, be it the mage's enchantment that befell the kobolds or the distraction that the young bard managed so that the flighty ebony form and its master could down the last enemy. Even the half orc's aim had been true through the smoke and the enemy as a whole laid scattered and motionless. Brannor did not so much as exhale before his vicious weapon made a decapitating strike at the nearest kobold, his hand about the sword's binding as it fell with deathly ease like a headsman's axe.

The blow almost assuredly liberating a kobold's head from its shoulders, the aspirant gave no pause before motioning to the others, namely the priestess to advance into the smoke. With but one hand he withdrew the weapon from its target and walked, far more stealthily now, to the next kobold, leveling his blade and preparing to fall another of the beasts.

"Priestess, go with Parum and our newest member. See these people out of the temple." He directed, not out of authority but reactionary thinking.

The old man and his feathered follower were an excellent source of unexpected tact, as was the half-blood. If the enemy was to begin any counterattack, they would need first do so without the notice of the bird and then fight through the obscuring smoke into the building, right into the awaiting blades. No less, the youthful Parum had... rightfully not handled well her experience with death. All too much and too violent for one endeavor. She wanted to help others, so this was her opportunity to convince however many survivors remained huddled in Chauntea's temple that safety was possible, as was the company of Mr. Lake. Hopefully between him and the young cleric their friendly faces would encourage and rekindle the ember of hope in them.

However, the beast of a man needed only give Orchid a wordless look to the man and then back to the idle kobolds. The subtle gesture was overt and hopefully the orc too would descend upon them like Brannor had in the slaughter. These creatures were too flighty to let live; there was no ounce of his person, not one moral fiber, that suggested to fail this quest to free these people from terror just on the grounds of killing a helpless enemy. These kobolds were reaping their rewards for the evils of this night.

@Hekazu@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@Gordian Nought@Norschtalen
With a flick of both dark, cupped feline ears, one before the other and a low proud snort, the great cat dug at the earth with a paw and let the rest of its body do the remaining communicating. If the Meenlocks, those that seemed to narrowly escape as they did, could understand the gesture, it would come across as something between territorial and arrogant; a direct challenge that they were too busy withdrawing to care for and perhaps even think of at all. Yet, there was no time to celebrate much further. They, the outsiders and the cat itself, were more taxed than they were before by the attackers, who now disappeared back into the brush, making noise before their hurried sound vanished completely.

This all settled, the tremendous animal withdrew, padding past the majority of those present only to pause and look back to them from over its shoulder. The emerald eyes suggested they best keep moving, if not outright following. Wandering the wood was an unwise tactic for anyone unfamiliar to them. The Syldran were as much a threat as the monsters were, but it appeared that things had escalated further. Meenlocks were uncommon, twisted fey that were rightfully hated and reviled by anything, but to have them appear so suddenly and boldly was more concerning. Side to side the tip of the woodland beast's tail twitched in thought, mulling over the events; it had looked away for a few moments then back to them expectantly.

The three women and the dragon-kin.

What an unusual collective they were... and familiar to these "Servants of the Fiend". Certainly not allies of them, that much was certain to the powerful beast; its once deep wounds had mostly staunched themselves from its invigorating roar at this point as they idled in the forest. It stung even yet, but not nearly as much as the draw to find out what had happened to the Gate. Someone or something had debts due, not just to the land and realm itself, but the higher heavens abroad. They needed a place to recover for the time being, a haven in the wilderness. There truthfully existed no shortage of these, but the tremendous tiger-like feline doubted they would be content to camp in hiding around a den, let alone have the knowledge who to keep themselves out of sight and mind. There had to be somewhere close suitable for them all...

But first they needed to leave this place and recover themselves before attempting that venture.

@Ermine@JBRam2002@Landaus Five-One@Ms Ravenwinter@Big Dread
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