Avatar of Yidhra
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    1. Yidhra 9 yrs ago


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@Spinosaurus He is fine!
@PKMNB0Y There is a map on the way! It should be done in a bit!
A New Day in Phoria

Phoria was quiet, still, as if it was a dead city, and all the noise it usually had was gone. It was nighttime in the city, naturally it was engulfed by the darkness of the night, with a bit of lights here and there. The New Moon couldn’t shine any light upon this darkness. It was a most terrible sight, the darkness making any sort of activity in this city nearly impossible and the terrible quietude of this city. However that didn’t last long, two hours after the sun set, a most glorious light appeared from the sky and shined on the whole city, dispelling the the terror of the dark.

The light was brighter than the moon, it was as if a Sun God passed by with their magnificent chariot. That light was not only enough to illuminate the city, but to also blind it, at that moment it was a city of Light. The light that saved the city from the shadows was that of a comet, naturally it was impossible for a comet to give such light, however despite all logic and natural laws, it did so. It was something worthy of the realms of the gods, nothing in the mortal realms could have been bathed by such sublime light . Despite that, panic was everywhere in the city, was this comet a punishement of the gods against the city? Otherwise why would they send such upon this heretical city? Some however saw that as salvation, there can only be rebirth after dead.

The comet would continue for the entire night, only losing visibility as the sun rose up. It was beauty incarnate, but every thing of beauty must meet an end. Dawn had come to Phoria, but the city was still quiet, it’s citizens still asleep. It should have been a typical morning for Phoria, but there was something off about this Dawn, the comet was a signal of that, maybe it was something a message from the gods or the beyond, of the dark and monstrous creatures that roam outside of the boundary of Phoria. In any case, it was clear that new change will come to this eternal city.

You, who enter Phoria, be careful, lest you fall into a bottomless abyss.

@thewizardguy@Supertinyking@Wraithblade6@Lmpkio@Kyuubey@Spinosaurus@CorpusMundus@PKMNB0Y@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze@Weird Tales@Meiya@Hylozoist@RolePlayerRoxas@Nerevarine@Gutshot@Kafka Komedy@Burning Kitty
@PKMNB0Y We'll be starting soon!
@Kafka Komedy

Already approved him!
Here is the OOC! To those I've already approved, feel free to place your characters in the character section!

Convergence: The Restoration

Within another realm there lies a city, one which stands alone amidst a strange sea of maddening dimensions and geometry. Many years ago, it was the seat of an empire unlike any other the world had seen. It was a city controlled by great miracle workers known as the Evocators. So great was their pride, and unchecked their ambitions, that no price was too high for power. Not even the lives of their people and their own dominion. Calling upon strange and otherworldly entities, they sacrificed the lives of thousands in exchange for secrets which would make them the envy of gods. The jewel of their empire, the capital, was torn from the world and overnight the empire fell. Stranded and abandoned by their once beloved masters, the people cried out in vengeance against those mages that were left among them. Order was slow to return, and the study of magick abhorred for centuries.

Despite all this. the inhabitants continued on, reforging their once great city and protecting themselves from the dangers of their new world. Perilous landscapes, epidemics of madness and lunacy, and horrid beasts lurking at every dark corner have plagued the people of Phoria now for over half a millennium. But for all these dangers and pitfalls, the people survive, and at times have even prospered. The arts and high sciences have returned, and the study of magick finally allowed after so long, though sanctioned heavily for the people’s safety. Now the Phorians, still a shadow of their former glory, continue to search for some way to tame the land they have known as home for long.

Despite their attempts at conjuration, astral projection, and scrying through the veil of that vile plane, the Phorians have had no success. Indeed it seems that contact to entities and places outside of its borders is all but impossible. As such, it was no great loss when the practices of conjuration, demonology, necromancy, and similar arts were banned. Yet by the will of some unknown entity, divine providence, or mere chance, there have been strange occurances of late. Rumors abound of strange beasts and men stalking through the city, with unusual garb and sometimes great wonders to share. They say that the mages have seen glimpses of other worlds, some beautiful, others desolate, and many strange. Some have even began to claim a return to the old world might yet be possible, but many simply dismiss the rumors as simply that.

Whatever the case with these supposed outsiders, Phoria in itself holds even greater secrets. Through half a millenia, war, corruption, and infighting are inevitable within any society. Yet somehow the city still stands, and steadily progressing at that. The people can recall no great wars, nor any disaster which had rocked the core of their society, even the most dedicated historians would be hard pressed to find such an occurrence. The truth of their apparent prosperity lies in the city’s strange ability to reset itself. Should a series of events play out which lead to the fall of Phoria and its people, some force or entity returns the city-state to a time before such events began, and will do so until variable factors create a more beneficial scenario. What’s more the Phorian’s themselves have no knowledge of this, and entire lives are erased and restored when the city is reset.

Hiya! I'm Yidhra! This is just a multiverse RP I've wanted to do for awhile! It is going to be very sandbox, and I really want the characters themselves to be a driving force! Feel free to mold this RP how you like, though within reason!

Phoria is entering a Renaissance on your arrival, where will you be when the New Age ends? In The Heroes Guild? A College Magician? A Captain of the Town Watch? An ally of the government, or its mortal enemy? A Mercenary for the Rich and Elite? Or perhaps one of their number?

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