Avatar of NeoAJ


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1 yr ago
Current Happy new year. Yes I am still alive. Bleep you 2022.
2 yrs ago
You need to chill, girl. ;P
4 yrs ago
I still don't know why I'm awake.
4 yrs ago
I have no idea why the hell I am still awake right now. I blame my brother.
4 yrs ago
Today, I have added "people who don't wear masks" onto my shitlist. Oh wait, I did that months ago...


I'm a 32 year old woman just looking to keep those writing muscles in whatever shape I can. I'm also Canadian, so fill the rest of this bio with every stereotype you can think of. I've also been single for over a year now, so clearly I'm a catch.

"She's horrible and stuff" - @BangoSkank

Most Recent Posts

Given my avatar is my avatar because of a character from this universe... yeah... I'm thinking I'm back.


What If: Before the Party || Featuring: Danilo Belmonte & Jillian Belmonte

In their pristine, white mansion, a haven of safety and serenity, but also completely minimal in design (aside for the man of the house’s closet and gym), Danny Belmonte, shooting guard #7 of the Boston Celtics, had blasting out of his bluetooth speakers Here We Go by Lightmuzik. He had been up for hours now, seeing how he had a regime he couldn’t break even if this was supposed to be a day of relaxation.

He was in the kitchen almost done making breakfast for himself and his wife. A nice, hearty breakfast. Omelets, English muffins topped with raw honey and a pinch of ground chia, and plenty of blueberries. In his activewear, he swayed around the kitchen, grabbing their filled plates and bopping to the dining room table. Regardless of what he and Jillian were going through, he wanted to remind her that he still loved her and would always be there for her, in whatever way she needed him. That’s what they promised in highschool and he was someone who never broke his promises. If he said he’d always be there for someone, through thick and thin, that’s exactly what he’d do. Be there.

For a good while now, he had been battling creeping thoughts of his own happiness and debating if he was where he wanted to be. The more he and Jill climbed, the more it felt like they weren’t where they needed to be. Everything went according to their design and yet, as perfect as it all seemed, he knew deep down, he couldn’t love Jill in the way she deserved. He loved her. Of course, he loved her. But that love was of a man who watched his best friend blossom into a beautiful and strong woman. That love wasn’t passionate. That love was simple. Easy. It was safe. That love wasn’t the kind that made him want to run back home. That love was that of friends not lovers. And they’ve been married for a few years and nothing’s changed. If anything, the one thing that has changed was they couldn’t pretend anymore and their life was made for pretending.

Today he had more bounce in his step and that was likely because they were going back home. Something they didn’t do often even if they lived only an hour away. In the calm of the morning, in the privacy of their humble abode, Danny and Jill could be their most authentic selves, putting the masks down, talking about anything and everything that was forcing them to lose sleep. Danny had noticed lately that Jill had been distracted. Just like she planned, she went from BC to Harvard Law. Just like she planned, no one asked when they’d have children. Jill had a way of shutting others down the moment they even asked too personal of questions. Just like she planned, no one tried to unravel their secrets, like the arrangement of them having an open relationship to satiate their urges, so long as it was kept locked tight.

It helped that she was friends with Kylee Grimm and no one wanted to make that girl their enemy. To this day, Kylee scared him. He couldn’t tell if she was heartless or she actually cared which is why she was ruthless. Regardless, Jillian Belmonte always had a solution for all their problems. Recently though? She could barely keep her thoughts straight. She was scattered and lost in the depths of her mind. Danny wanted to know what was up and if they were on the same wavelength, they just hadn’t discussed it yet. Quietly, he poured orange juice for both of them and then proceeded to make Jill’s morning coffee. Just how she liked it. Briefly, he glanced at his wrist watch, expecting her soon and finished setting the table. Soon she’d be here and soon they’d get to talk. He eagerly waited for his wife to exit the bedroom, all dolled up and ready to conquer her day. He eagerly waited for Jill.

The wait wouldn’t be long given the smells that were wafting through the halls and up through the second level. The aroma and honey and blueberries were already mingling in while Jillian was touching up her hair. She prided herself on her looks. She wasn’t going full Elle Woods during her law degree, but she would make Reese Witherspoon turn around and give her a knowing nod as if her life depended on it. It was down to a science at this point, and the routine never wavered while she was in her palace in the Boston suburbs. Some carefully brushed shadow, one thick run of liner, smudged into the lid, the big mascara, the ruby red lipstick, her skin already perfect, the porcelain untarnished, she made it look effortless. Her hair had already been brushed to a fine wave, her light white cotton top was a perfect fit for the warm weather, and her butt looked damn good in those jean shorts. It was a shame she had nowhere in particular to go today, but that would certainly not be the case in an hour or so. Olivia would have something. Or Kylee. There would be somewhere to be, someone to impress. Even on the slim chance that it was an actual day off though, she could at least look good for her husband.

The off-season was one of her favorite times of the year, since it meant she would have Danny all to herself. The road trips for basketball business were kept to a minimum and all the places she wanted to go were on the docket. Not many law school students got to take breaks by going to the Maldives or Ireland or Italy. But even still, there was something about their respective schedules that did allow them to focus on what they needed to do. Danny’s NBA career was on the upswing and she was breezing through Harvard. They were a true power couple on the rise, with brighter things on the horizon.

So why wasn’t she happier about it?

This is all she ever wanted, right? Sure, was Danny on her radar as that potential Prince Charming in high school? Not really. Not until junior year did he officially cross out of the friend zone and into something much more. She followed in Allison’s high-school footsteps heel for heel, controlling the Clovers and the control of information with a bit of help from her friends. She was top of her class at BC. She was on the fast track to the state house and beyond. But there was still a hollowness to it. Maybe the long lonely nights from the fall to the winter were getting to her more than she let on. It did seem like she took greater joy in telling her girls about her latest triumphs than her husband. Even on her wedding day, which was a lovely occasion back home that started at the lake and ended in a reception room filled with catering from every business in Edenridge (even if the Belmontes insisted Italian had to be front and center), it felt like it should have been something more than it was. Like Danny never truly left that zone, with the memories of being kids keeping something in check. Those feelings had been growing during her time in Belmont. Maybe that name just had connotations she didn’t take into account when she picked the place out. Jillian was increasingly distracting herself with her friends’ business. Olivia and Kylee were in constant contact updating her about things. Same with Lanie, and Allison, although they weren’t as frequent. Hell, even Mei was keeping her abreast of her latest developments with Devi… So why didn’t it feel like she had the same passion that they did?

All those thoughts stayed in the mirror though as Jillian gave one last kiss to herself before sauntering down the stairs where the breakfast awaited. As she blesses the dining room upon arrival, she got a glimpse of Danny in full and had a smile plastered on her face. “Mmmmm, morning Danny. Everything smells just right. What did I do to deserve such a breakfast… and such a man?” She was really laying it on thick today.

Stoic as can be, learned behavior from his father, now that he was no longer alone, Danny finished setting the table, which included their espresso shots, orange juice, and water, turned the music off so there was nothing but silence surrounding them and pulled out Jillian’s throne, “Only the best for my Queen.” He volleyed back, knowing this dance all too well. These kinds of sweet nothings and pleasantries were not a sign of happiness for Jillian and Danilo. No. Even if they didn’t say anything, they knew each other long enough to feel that their chosen partner had a lot on their mind. That they weren’t happy.

After she took her seat, he kissed her cheek and whispered into her ear, “You look beautiful.” As always, he complimented her, which she didn’t need to hear but it was a habitual routine of theirs. It was his way of outwardly showing he cared. They didn’t have any prying eyes but the more he did it, the more it would become true, right? She was very much beautiful to him and she deserved the world, and Danny had promised himself, since the beginning, he would show that every day. However, he also knew that he wasn’t the one that should be giving her this treatment. He knew these words and these actions all felt empty because she didn’t want them from him. A coffee can be made the same by two people but the one made by the person you loved tasted ten times better because that was a necessary ingredient to life. Love.

Both Jillian and Danny loved each other but not in the way that set their hearts ablaze. He loved her, but not enough to make her dream and think of him and that was the same for him. He loved Jillian but he knew, deep down, that he settled because it was the perfect life, the ideal painting, everything he could and should ever dream of. She was the perfect choice. The perfect partner. The perfect wife. Jillian O’Brien was perfect and to the outside world, she was perfect for him. Once he was done pushing her in, like any gentleman would, he went to his seat, across from her. Grabbing his table napkin, he flapped it open and laid it on his lap.

With his knife and fork, he cut a piece of omelet and tasted his cooking. Somewhere from highschool and now, he learned how to not burn a kitchen down and maybe it’s because Jill pushed him to greatness and made him want to be better, or maybe after the loss of his mother, he wished he had learned sooner. Regardless of how he learned to cook, a small smile did creep on his face. It wasn’t half bad. He was getting better. “So,” he finally started. “I checked your calendar and it looks like you’re free today…” he took a moment to take another bite, chewing in silence. “I was thinking we could do something together.”

As Jillian tucked into the sumptuous breakfast bounty laid out before her, she nodded. “Mmhmmm, yes, I don’t have any meetings on the docket at LLC today,” the redhead confirmed as she enjoyed some of the fluffy omelet. It was certainly a better job than some of Danny’s previous attempts. Thankfully their downstairs bathroom had the ability to digest what she couldn’t from back then. “I think they’re finally starting to let up a little bit.”

She did like those days when it was just the two of them. As helpful as having Maya and Kendall around the house was for cleaning and cooking, they couldn’t talk to Jillian the way Danilo could. Although talking wasn’t coming very often lately. Sure, they talked about the things in front of them, but it was so different from the conversations they had when they were teenagers, or even kids. Just able to meander in each other’s company, without a care for what the other would think or what the topic’s importance was. Everything now was tight and almost functional. A byproduct of their respective paths, but it was difficult to bear without the presence of the Belmonte man for the majority of the year. Especially the cold New England winters. More often than not, if he had a game, by the time he was done with the press and the cooldown rituals and back home, Jillian was in bed. The 8 am classes required her full attention, and while her makeup game was practiced as Danny’s jump shot, it still took time. So a rare day like this could be exactly what they need to make sure there was still a spark of something there.

Or determine if it was extinguished for good. Sure, they would always be friends. Danny had done nothing to convince Jillian that anything would change that. The worst thing she could think of would be sleeping with her sister, but Grace actually held to her word as far as she knew. Danny was never touched. Instead, Jill got that honor in senior year.

However, maybe it was because Danny was basically the only man Jillian had ever known that made the ennui more present. Was she missing out on something? Olivia had been around with a few men before settling on Quinton Woods as her partner. The two were planning another rendezvous to Paris in the fall to celebrate their two years of marriage. Of course, having to choose between Olivia and Mei in regards to who she sided with in regards to Q and his previous relationship with Miss Midnight left a sour taste in both Jill and Mei’s mouths.

And it was that taste that she thought about during those lonely nights in her bed, trying to drift asleep to the sounds of Danny’s exploits lighting up ESPN Sportscenter’s nightly recaps. There were times when there were thoughts in her head, thoughts that she had shared before under the unbreakable pacts of slumber parties with the girls that would eventually team with her on the Clovers and beyond. Thoughts that she even expressed physically a couple of times. Kat was a willing partner, as was Mei, but the second Danny confirmed things, those thoughts had been quelled. Recently, they were back. The loneliness was the subject of a few conversations with Olivia, Kylee and Allison lately. This could be a chance to remedy that. Or at least take something off the full buffet plate her mind had been the past few months.

Speaking of the plate, a bite of muffin was next, washed down with some water. “I would love to have a day together, just you and me. Did you have something particular in mind that you wanted to do?”

His question was a test and it looked like Jill had failed it, clearly having forgotten about the importance of this day. They had plans and it was on the door of their fridge being held by a magnet, in the form of an invite and a picture of Beau smiling like he had just written a bestseller book. “Yeah, I do, but the likelihood of us having me and you time is very unlikely, Jillian.” He said matter-of-factly. Grabbing a couple of blueberries, he tossed them one by one in the air and started catching them in his mouth. Once the mild distraction came and went, Danilo never having grown out of his childish tendencies, he focused on his wife, once again giving her his undivided attention (which wasn’t really all his attention, his mind as of late rarely on her), “You really don’t remember, do you?” His expression was perplexed, as if this was surprising news, but it immediately shifted to acceptance and a shrug, like he should’ve known better, “I guess that’s to be expected since you’ve been a busy girl chasing a feeling but that’s why I made sure to get your schedule adjusted so you had today open. There’s no way I’d miss this for the world.”

It was a rare instance when confusion appeared on the face of Jillian O'Brien, but when it did, it was tough to hide. She was used to seeing it on Danny, but those remarks combined with the face brought it out of her. She stopped eating for a moment as she tried to think about what she could have possibly missed. Was Nat back in for a visit? The Belmonte family had plenty of events to keep track of, and even Jill had trouble keeping up. There wasn't much for the O'Brien household to keep tabs on with everyone fanning out after her father's death. No, it couldn't be a familial event.

As she struggled to come up with the answer, finally it dawned on her. Allison had mentioned a big event some time this month. A big gala that the community was coming together for. But what would Allison be worked up enough about to… "Oh… OHHHHHhhh. Oh right! Beau's retirement party! Wow. I totally forgot about that…"

It made sense for Allison to want to give the man a proper send off. It could be argued that if Beau hadn't broken up the party on Carlisle Street that night, Allison would have ended up in the hospital. Or worse. In all honesty, Beau did a lot for his adopted community. Jillian didn't discuss much with the former English teacher and now cafe owner, but he was always willing to listen. Still, his retirement didn't really register on her mind. That's what happens when a person is hyper-focused on something else.

"I didn't know if you wanted to head back to Eden tonight or not. I mean, I am definitely able and willing to go! I'll have to pick out a better outfit than this, obviously, but yes, totally. We can do that. We can have a date night another time."

Danny nodded at his wife, both coming to an agreement of their duty and making an appearance in Eden which had become less and less each year. He had barely touched his food, which wasn’t something he usually did; always keeping up with his health and wellness, making sure he stood in tip top shape for his career. He couldn’t help but search Jill’s expression and see if she really did want to go or if this was all just her forcing herself because he wanted to. He could keep the conversation going. He could ask her if she was sure and bring up the elephant in the room. The clear tension between them because of their lack of lust for one another. He could do a lot of things. He could be happy. Instead he chose to keep things as they were and asserted, “It’s decided then. We’ll head there tonight.”

Putting his fork down, he grabbed his phone and began texting a few people, his attention having already left the dining room to think of better things. As he texted Mikhail, his co-captain and dear old friend, to see if he wanted to meet up at some point, he firmly suggested, “You should wear your tiny black dress. It looks hot on you. You gotta’ remind everyone why you reigned supreme. But also,” he stopped typing for a moment to lock eyes with his wife. “Black suits you,” he smirked. “You don’t wear it enough.”

A wry smile cracked Jill’s facade as she chuckled softly. The ginger goddess was not exactly known for her blackened wardrobe, but she had worn it well in previous eras. For a time in sophomore year after her dad passed away, she draped herself in enough dark shades that Mei even told her she had to lighten up a bit. No one could mourn forever, even for someone as integral to the community as Shane O’Brien. But the Celtics (the NBA ones) made black and green look damn good together.

“Well, between all the red for Harvard and the green for the Celtics, black hasn’t had many chances to get in there,” Jill admitted. “But if the Bruins can make it work, I suppose I can as well. But I don’t want Beau to think I’m there for a funeral. It’s his retirement party, right? It should be a celebration.”

A celebration that had slipped her mind completely. Was Danny right? Did Jillian lose touch with her Edenridge roots already? She hadn’t been in Boston that long. Sure, BC was a wild ride, a chance for her to prove herself to the greater Massachusetts area that she was more than just a pretty face and a worthy cheerleading captain. But just because one rises from the mud to be put on a pedestal doesn’t mean she can completely forget what shaped her?

“The right accessories could make it pop though. Maybe that emerald necklace to show that I still have the heart of a Celtic? I’m starting to get some ideas. If Olivia is going tonight, I can coordinate with her and Kylee to make sure the outfits are on point. Show that the queens are still in control of things?”

“Is Jillian Belmonte asking for my permission or telling me how things are going to go tonight? If you go green, we know I have several ties to match.” After pocketing his phone, he checked his wrist watch, a clear sign he was about to dismiss himself from the table. Ready to go off and focus on his strict schedule, leaving his wife to her own solitude, Danny thought of the hour drive they had ahead of them and all the catching up he’d need to do. Standing up, while wiping his fingers on his napkin, he chuckled to himself, “I think tonight I’ll try to fit a game in with Mikhail. It’s been awhile since he and I shot hoops together. Bet I still can kick his ass though.” Tossing his napkin on his plate of unfinished food, he cracked his neck, and gave the beautiful redhead a genuine suggestion, “You should try to meet up with some old friends too. Who knows! Maybe it’ll give you a moment to breathe, from all that studying...” His voice trailed off once more and his gaze was back on his phone, which was now out of his pants’ pocket. As he scanned through sports alerts and social media notifications, he started to clean the table, disengaging and truly believing he did enough to be present and attentive for his dearly beloved. At this point, the two lovers were completely disconnected even if they were great at playing pretend.

An eyebrow was raised from the other end of the table at the question that responded to her rhetorical statement. There was no asking. Danny knew that. Jillian was in control of the relationship from the second the childhood friends made it official. It seemed like that was the way things should work, but it was more of a drain on the Head Clover than she let on. She was managing so many things at Harvard, at home, with Liv and Kylee, and she had been doing so for so long. While Jill was thankful for the support she had through high school with Allison setting such a sterling example, Lanie and Olivia being her right and left-hand women, Kylee being the digger, now it seemed like those avenues were blocked off and everything was on her. Danny was supposed to step up in Boston, but aside from the breakfasts he seemed more distant than ever. Even now, in regards to the party, he was talking about what he was going to do with other people, not even interested in her. Jill should be offended…

But was she? It was tough to tell. Maybe too much of Danilo Belmonte was a bad thing after all. Or too little in her case. They were almost less than friends. More like roommates. She saw him less these days than she did her neighbor at BC that first year, and she was certain he flunked out because he was conducting “chemical studies” in his room way too much. It was sad in a way, but she also couldn’t feel the same things she thought she felt in all those conversations when they were kids. They were supposed to conquer the Bay State, but instead it was more like they were splitting the path to other kingdoms. Hell, she was certain she heard Danny mentioned in trade rumors through the grapevine.

“Well, like I said…” Jill started, an air of annoyance in her voice. “I know Liv and Lanie will likely be there, Kylee is probably there, most of the people I want to talk to at the party I talk to on a regular basis…” She was trying to think if there was anyone else who would have her attention. “I don’t know. I’ll figure something out. I hope Grace is still off on one of her ‘art tours’ or something. I’d prefer not to rehash things there. I don’t know. I’ll probably find someone to talk to. Maybe Allison is there with some of the older Clovers.”

“Don’t sound so hesitant, babe,” Danny chuckled, amused at how uncertain Jill sounded. “You’re a socialite and a top dog at what you do. Finding someone to talk to is easy for you. And hey! Maybe you’ll meet up with that crazy ass goth chick you vibed with in highschool.” As he brought his dishes to the sink, he tried to bring a name to a face but couldn’t recollect.

Anyways, it didn’t matter.

He had plans and Jill was bright enough to figure out her own. They didn’t need each other to enjoy their hometown. Danny had better things to do and other people to catch up with that weren't his wife. He loved Jill but at this point in their relationship she was less than interesting to him. Same-o, same-o. Unchanging and always there. Rarely wanted to change things up. And usually so stressed. Uncool and totally not his vibe a lot of the time. Once he cleaned up his area, he made his way to his wife and put his arms on her shoulders, gently massaging her, “Seriously. You need this. Stop thinking about school and use this opportunity to chill. Okay?” He leaned down and kissed the top of her beautiful red hair before his gears went to something better. Himself. “Now!” He exclaimed, squeezing her shoulders with a bit of force. “I have to make a call but before I go, are you done? I can clean up so you can focus on taking a nice scented bath and do all the things you girlies like to do. Shave… self care… whatever.”

Whatever. That unprofessional word certainly summed things up in their relationship. Danny didn’t really care what Jill did. Each member of the household was so laser-focused on their own path, their own way forward, the other person could do… whatever.

It was so frustrating for Jill. Every time Olivia and Q gushed about their plans it was always as a tandem. As much as Jill tried to loop her right-hand woman into what she was doing, Q always came in at some point. The synergy there was not present in this house. The redhead could feel it in her shoulders as they tensed under Danny’s touch. It wasn’t an embrace, it was a death grip.

And it was keeping her locked in place until Danilo released her. It dawned on her that maybe Belmont, as well as the last name that was just one letter off, were both one and the same thing. An empty boxcar, keeping her locked in this railway to her goals, but leaving her with nothing in between to hold on to. Did it matter the destination if the journey left nothing to be desired? Maybe that was something she could talk to someone about tonight. But who could she trust? Olivia would tell Quinton. Allison would tell other members of the squad. Kylie? It was possible she could tell everyone. There was a lot to think about.

“A bath sounds nice,” Jill confirmed as sweetly as she could. “I can relax a little bit and fully picture the ensemble for tonight. I’ll be ready for showtime… and for Beautime.” With that, she cleaned the rest of her plate and left Danny to the dishes.

Alone again.

Early Morning - What If
f. Sabrina Aviles, Clay Costigan and Lilith Aviles-Costigan

The house was relatively cheery looking from the outside, a bit surprising given its position on the Edenridge landscape. With the imposing Aviles mansion just down the road, the relatively modest split-level with the white siding and the red door looked more like it belonged in Hawkins, Indiana, than the Upside Down that the manor inhabited. However, the nefarious deeds that were done in that seemingly innocent house were on par with those in the more notorious place down the way.

One such spell was being concocted this very morning, a witch at work with deft hands easily manipulating the various ingredients necessary to make this particular effort a success. The molten sludge in the cauldron served as a welcoming base for the various powders that were being thrown into the mix, dissolving within the deep, dark muck. The levels had to be just right in order for it to work. Next, an offering of an unborn animal, binding the powders to the sludge, giving the spell cohesion. Sustenance for the child that would never be, curdled far beyond its time, the age giving it power. Then a black liquid, still piping hot, poured into the cauldron, melting the sludge, allowing it to accept the potion within the rest of the concoction.

“Soon…” the young witch gloated. “Soon, I will summon the demise of those who oppose me. Soon, they will know that they have been vanquished. Soon, they will taste death!” Evil laughter rang out in the witch’s domain, knowing that everything was coming according to plan. The kiln was ready, locking in the forbidden secrets that would bring everyone around her to their knees. The cauldron was emptied, the mold prepared, everything would be locked in place. There was nothing that could stop the witch…


The witch turned, startled by the noise behind her.

“Mommma, is it time to go?”

The witch smiled. “Soon, Lilith. Soon. It’s only 9:30 after all.” With that, Sabrina Aviles slid the cake pan into the waiting oven, the batter now complete and set to bake for an hour.

It was strange at times, this feeling of contentment that washed over Sabrina with even the simplest tasks completed. In high school, she would have loathed this version of herself that stood in the kitchen, a white cotton t-shirt and a pair of black shorts completely given in to the domestic lifestyle. Sure she still had a job, but it was secondary to her tasks around the house, in the community, and most importantly, to the four-year-old that was standing in the kitchen, ready for another session of daycare.

Lily seemed to get the best of both her parents. She had her father’s looks, down to the immaculate Aviles jet-black hair that feathered as it went down from her head. She had her mother’s brains though, and everyone agreed that was probably for the good of the child. She was already reading above her daycare classmates, able to hold distinct conversations while showing off the latest drawings, she was going to be able to do whatever she wanted in the world and take it by storm. She had the power. It was willed to her. Every thunderstorm that rolled into Edenridge, Sabrina would take her husband to the designated room and do her best to make sure that everything was aligned. If she was going to have a child after all, it was going to have to be in line with the beliefs she never fully shook from high school. Hard as her husband tried, Sabrina still was an Aviles, and she still embraced the dark side. And he was usually willing to go along with things. It’s part of what made him fall in love with her after all. That and a late night car ride in senior year that seemed to confirm that maybe there was more than just an odd-pairing friendship there.

Sure, Sabrina got a lot of stick from her younger siblings. Samara never let her hear the end of how she got Stepfordized, the second Aviles after her aunt Marina to embrace the normie culture and move into the town, even if it wasn’t that far away. Lucien usually tried to say something, but was met with a punch or a threatened drowning. Her mother was very pleased though. She doted after young Lilith the way it would be expected for a grandmother to look after her first grandchild. The gifts weren’t the same, but the emotions held true. Plus, Sabrina had to admit, it was going to take someone of immense talents, a steel will and an ability to find light in the pitch black to get her to come willingly into motherhood.

If only he could get his ass ready to go on time.

“Clay?!?” she shouted down the hall, hoping that her husband would hear her. “You said you’d take Lilith to daycare today, right? I still have this cake in the oven, and if you want this chocolate to be deadly, I need to make sure it’s glazed at the right time!”

Yawning and stretching his arms out widely, Clay Costigan shuffled down the hall of his home towards the kitchen which smelled suspiciously and decadently of baked goods. “I got her, babe, I got her. Don’t you…” His words were interrupted by another yawn as he entered the kitchen. “Worry.” He said as his agape mouth finally began to close. “There’s my girl.” It took less than a second for Lilith to sprint across the kitchen and into her father’s arms. He picked her up and smiled as he booped her little nose.

Clay had never seen himself fully as a father type. He had always wanted kids but as his high school years wore on, he began to wonder if he was even built for it. He had searched for love in too many places and he had seen first hand that the world around him did not encourage people like him to become fathers. All he ever wanted was to find someone that he could share his soul with and start a future with. Very few people ever truly realized just how lonely Clay Costigan was. Even with his Elite and Foundling status, even with a bevy of beauties at his beck and call; the boy was scratching and clawing for something more. He was desperately searching for someone to fill a void, a hole in his life that he just couldn’t quite figure out.

Then he got a phone call.

It was supposed to be a great night. The Celtics had just won their state championships and Clay had a date with a hot-as-all-hell Pinehurst girl. Basically everyone was at a party on the Southside when Beau broke it up and helped prevent Allison from od’ing on some bad coke. Clay himself was elsewhere when he got a call to help out someone he knew only as a friend, Sabrina. He didn’t know what it was about that particular night but there was something in her usually monotonous if not disdain filled voice that was telling him that she needed him. Clay dropped his date and went to pick up Sabrina straight away. He didn’t take her home immediately, she said she didn’t want that. Instead, they just drove around town all night, talking. It was just little things at first but then it got deep and by the rise of the sun they found themselves sharing a kiss so electric that it likely would’ve raised Frankenstein's monster from its slumber…or knowing Sabrina, her grandfather Julio.

They had been together from then on, and despite the looks and the glares and the world around them’s misgivings, they found happiness in one another. They shared vows and eventually welcomed their daughter into their lives. Clay had finally found what he had been searching his whole life for and he’d be damned if he let it go. “It’s not a problem. I’ll drop her off on my way to do…whatever jobs I’m given. I don’t really know what I’m doing but it’s fine! It’s all gravy.”

Sabrina smiled as she heard Clay confirmed yet again that he was going to be up to the task. “I know it’ll be gravy. It’ll be freakin’ dijon mustard.” She walks over from the oven to where her immediate family stood. “But if you want gravy on this cake, you say the word, babe.” She kissed Clay quickly but sweetly on the lips.

It was a pale imitation of that first kiss in Clay’s car during that December night, but trying to recreate that moment would be like trying to repaint the Mona Lisa. Even Sabrina herself didn’t really know how to bring the separate facets together that led to that fateful liplock. Learning what had nearly happened to Allison, how she nearly met her end at that party on Carlisle, it affected her more than she actually cared to admit. Like it or not, Allison was the one who brought her onto the cheerleading squad in the first place and took her out of what she realized soon into the beginnings of her relationship with Clay was a rather unhealthy obsession with the despair and dark tendrils of the town that settled in after the death of her older sister Bianca. The head Clover saw something in the raven-haired girl that Sabrina herself couldn’t see through the haze and smoke. By the time that party rolled around, the macabre Aviles princess was a model member, taking Mei Ramsey under her raven wing and actually contributing to the senior squad.

In her own dark way, of course. She was still an Aviles after all.

But Sabrina couldn’t fathom what would have happened to her if Allison had actually died that fateful night. The emotions were overwhelming, forcing her to confront the buried trauma that she thought rested with her sister underneath that tiny tombstone in the backyard. It almost consumed her… until she reached out with her phone. With the rest of the squad at the party still reeling from Beau’s actions, there was one noticeable absence that she hoped would have been rectified. And it was. Clay was a doofus, but he was reliable. To this day, he was just that, but on Dec. 4, he was above and beyond. He was the pair of wings she needed.

She doesn’t fully remember the conversation in Clay’s car, but it was more emotional than she had been in years. No one in her family had been able to pull the thorns out of her soul like the Costigan boy with a cocksure glance and a friendly ear. Clay had been one of the athletes she had gotten along with, him not judging Sabrina for her stylistic choices, or Allison for having an “emo girl” on the sidelines. He just… was good. A beacon of light to counteract the darkness she used to put into the community. It made for an odd yin-yang friendship… that moved into a yin-yang relationship… and now a yin-yang family. With Lilith, who was only called that by her mother’s side of the family as her father and everyone else usually went with her nickname Lily, the perfect combination of both. Sabrina also moved to give her daughter a loving peck on the cheek.

“I just wanted to make sure you remembered,” Sabrina finally told Clay. “She doesn’t have to be there for another 45 minutes, but she can go whenever you’re ready.” She booped Lilith’s nose. “And don’t worry. If Daddy wants gravy on his slice of cake, he can have it, but I’ll make sure you have the full amount of chocolate required for death to take hold, my sweet.” Lily giggled at the consecutive boops.

As Clay gazed upon his wife and child, a feeling of love washed over him, a feeling of thankfulness. He had long and always considered himself a lucky man. It was never lost on him just how better he had it growing up in Edenridge, Massachusetts as a Foundling in comparison to many of his compatriots from elsewhere in the town. He was white, rich and athletic, a WASP dream child. There was an underlying guilt that he often could not shake, that he had no right to the troubles that weighed heavily on his heart because there were so many more people who had it far worse than he could even possibly imagine.

Sabrina was one of those people from the upside down of Clay’s white picket world. Laughed at, mocked, drowning in heartache from what he would come to learn was her older sister's passing. The Aviles family held strange beliefs and basically worshiped within their own private religion, facts which people would use to torture Sab. Still, for as long as he could remember, all Clay ever saw was the cute dark haired girl at the back of the class who just seemed sad and lonely so he would start every morning by offering her a smile. It took a while but eventually she would smile back and that smile of hers would change his life forever. Sabrina became yet another part of his being which he could thank his blessed stars for.

“You are as literal as a hammer sometimes, babe.” No luck but what we make. It was a common theme for a Celtic but Clay didn’t subscribe to that theory like the O’Hara clan did. Someone up there, or maybe down below considering who the woman that gave his life meaning was, was looking out for the idiot and had gifted him a raven-haired lady of the wood and a mischievous little sprite to be the family that he had sought for so long. “I love you.” Clay couldn’t help but lean and kiss his wife again, blessed or cursed he be.

With Lily still in his arms, he made his way over to the fridge to grab his daughter a juice box. “I just had a quick call with Laura, she said she and Prim are happy to take Lilith for the night whilst we’re at Beau’s thing. She’s got Jasmine too, so Lily will get to play with her. Would you like that baby?” As Clay handed his daughter her juice, he immediately saw the darks of the eyes light up just like her mothers often did when she perfected a spell or decided to torture her brother Lucien. Lily loved spending time with her aunt Lamb but she also loved causing mischief with Clay’s cousin JJ’s daughter Jasmine. He worried for the future of Edenridge when those two grew up, especially considering who Jaz’s father was. “Maybe do her a protection charm just in case.”

"To be fair, my white magic isn't nearly as good as my dark magic, so it's just as likely I protect Lilith from good things instead of what you want her protected from. But I trust Lamb can definitely make up the difference, especially if she has Prim as backup. And Lilith’s little coven with Jasmine will surely yield great results when they enter school. The jungle gym will be theirs!”

Sabrina smiles and laughs, punctuated with a happy sigh, so different from the huffed expressions of annoyance she was known for in the early part of her Clovers career. She swore she could already see shades of her older sister in what would have been Bianca’s first niece. The sparkle in her eyes, the curiosity in her surroundings, the penchant for sweets. A lot of things that she thought were lost given herself and her younger twin siblings. However, more and more of those things were starting to surface in her lately. It was… weird.

“I love you too, doofus. I’ll talk to Allison and see what she’s thinking. We can do a little coordinating. I’ll cut the cake up and have that ready to go whenever we head over.”

“There’s gonna be so much cake.” Clay proclaimed as he dusted a small bit of food from Lily’s charcoal hair. “I know David said CeCe was doing the majority of the main baking but you already know you and I aren’t the only ones bringing extra food to this thing.” His dark eyes glanced down at his daughter as he placed her on the floor to play with some of the million and one toys she had scattered around their suburban gothic homestead. “We’re gonna go from the most haunted town in America to the fattest town in America in the span of forty eight hours.”

Just as Clayton had finished speaking, the kitchen radio which had been playing adverts during the husband and wife’s conversation burst into life with the familiar sounds of Mei Ramsey, DJing on her morning show, the Dawn Patrol with Jade Taylor. Mei and Sabrina had a history which was even to this day steeped in mist for Clay. He knew that his wife and the radio host were very close, to the point where Sabby had insisted on making Mei Lilith’s Godmother but there was still much about their relationship he was not aware of and probably didn’t need to be aware of.

Like his fathers band, Gallows, used to say, that’s Witch Shit.

“I’ll give your girl her due babe.” Clayton made his way over to his wife as music began to pour out of the VAL speakers of their home stereo. “She’s got amazing taste in music.” He wrapped his arms around Sabrina and offered those big, expressive and mesmerizing eyes a stupid Clay-grin. “Even better taste in women.” He winked as he pressed his lips to Sabby’s. Blessed be he for another day in paradise with his girls. “Any other jobs before I head out with the demon spawn?”

“I’ll give you a better taste of a woman,” Sabrina whispered to her husband, making sure that her daughter was out of earshot for that one. Clay had mentioned Mei, and hearing Miss Midnight’s voice on the morning radio was certainly strange, but she had to admit that her and Jade had a lot of chemistry together. Maybe not as much as she did. A part of her thinks that maybe she could take a more public role in the community now that she was somewhat out of the shadows. At least she was offering to do things again. Childbirth had taken a lot of energy out of her, but it was worth it every time Lilith looked up with that devil-may-fear grin of hers. “And there won’t be that much cake. I told CeCe I would take some of the baking off her plate so she wasn’t being completely overloaded with cooking for the whole town. But, a few slices will be Aviles and Costigan property only, so don’t worry. At least one of those pounds gained will be solely yours.”

Talking about weight and caring about damaging children’s brains with sexy talk were just the latest signs that while the outward veneer of Sabrina Aviles remained somewhat dedicated to the images of high school, she just didn’t feel it fully in her soul anymore. It wasn’t black anymore, it was… almost an Oreo by this point. She remembered how much losing her sister hurt, how all she wanted was to contract the demons to bring her back, but as she enveloped herself more in the Clovers and in her relationship with Clay, it felt almost like Bianca’s spirit was soothed seeing her siblings in better places. Sure, she was probably the most well-adjusted of the three direct descendants, with Samara still committed to her dark witch act (although Amy Robinson had asked for help finding the right city to get Taylor Swift tickets in, and that girl didn’t have a boyfriend as far as Sabrina knew, so confirming that she had that ammo against her sister was a nice surprise), and Lucien was… still Lucien, but she felt so much more at peace with her position in Edenridge, and in life. Maybe it was time to crack the dark cookie a little more.

“I don’t think we need anything else for the party. I believe there are a couple bottles of wine in the fridge still, although we could probably use one more in case if you want to grab one…” Sabrina trailed off a little bit. The tiny thought in her head wanted out. “Clay… how do you think I would look as a blonde? I just… I thought I might try it. Sam has those silver streaks in her hair, but I can’t do that. But the blonde… I don’t know. It’s stupid. Never mind.”

“Oh shit.” Clay was somewhat taken aback by his lover's words. Sabrina going blonde, now there was a thought. “Lilith, daddy owes for the swear jar. Go get a dollar from my wallet.” The youngling didn’t have to be asked twice as she sprinted to the other side of the kitchen and began to rummage through the pockets of her fathers brown leather jacket that was hanging on the back of the door.

Sab had always had the strikingly dark obsidian mane for as long as he had known her (which was from diapers at their current point), which perfectly matched the tar pits of her eyes where he often found himself trapped, sinking and loving it. As Sab had suggested, only her younger sister Samara had ever ventured beyond the dark to add some color to their infamous locks. Sab, Sam and Luci all were pitch black, their still hot as hell mother Drusilla still had a full head of raven hair, their father Dorian was a silver fox but which had grown out from his jet black roots. Hell, even their stupid sexy uncle Felix possessed a mane that was as black as the ace in a deck of cards.

Blonde would be a change.

“Babe if it’s something you want to try, you know I’ll always support you.” Clay made sure that his grip around her waist was comforting and not too tight. “Personally, you know whether you have these lovely locks..” He pushed a strand of the topic of conversation behind her ear. “Or if you’re blonde, ginger, green, red, blue, candy floss or whatever the shit…” the sailor cupped his wife’s face in his hand and looked deep into her eyes. “That I will find you the most beautiful woman on the planet. Sexy as all fuck and I will love you anyway, eyeballs to entrails my sweet.”

It was a silly thought. Blonde was the color of light, of summer, of bleach that wasn’t being drank. It was seemingly everything Sabrina wasn’t for so many years. Would she actually go through with such a thing? Maybe. But not today. Not as much as one of the Lucastas would probably love seeing an Aviles turned towards the bright side. She wouldn’t go that far. Samara and Marina had the right idea, with the streaks in their hair proving as a nice contrast to the jet black they boasted. A colorful flash in the night.

But as Lilith dropped the dollar bill in the jar on the counter that was to be used for the child’s entertainment, Sabrina let that silly thought go. Why did she need to change so drastically if she didn’t want to? Clay loved her. LOVED. She’d never forget the day she heard that from him. Family love is one thing. Aviles stuck together, no matter if they had the name or not as her cousin Karina taught her. Not only was Clay stricken with her entirety, it was clear that he was already absorbed into the culture her clan fostered. She was certain that Clay Costigan, one of the princes of Edenridge High, would never have tried that line on anyone but her. Would never have dreamed uttering it. But it made her love him even more

She darted her head forward and pecked sweetly at her husband. “Mmmmm, maybe I just wanted to hear you say such perfectly suited words to me.” She smirks. “Or maybe I just wanted clearance in case I have to try and make a bet with Samara to get her to babysit one of these nights. I don’t think I can be ginger, CeCe would not stand for it. Or Jill if she ever came back. Hope that girl doesn’t get turned the wrong kind of evil at Harvard.” She shakes her head. “I mean, my evil is fine, but that?” She laughs. “Satan damn it, Clay, you got me giggling again.”

“It’s what I do, Sabby.” Clay savored the brief moment his wife’s lips were pressed to his. He also understood her trepidation of the young Jill and her potential evil. In a town such as Edenridge, to be branded a Foundling comes with the unbearable weight of expectation. This was a weight Clayton and his sister knew all too well. Going to an Ivy League school or making something of yourself in an accepted and respectable way was the norm for people like them. Failure to do so was almost unheard of but it had happened. Nepotism was alive and well in Massachusetts and it was eating away at the souls of the youth.

Clay leaned down and picked up his daughter, flinging her over his shoulder much to Lilith’s delight based on her fluffy giggles. “Alright Gremlin, we gotta get outta here so Mom can mix her potions and bake her cakes without either of our sticky fingers stealing the Butterscotch.” He glanced down at the watch that Sabrina had gotten him for their last anniversary, it was a beautiful chronograph style piece, probably an Uncle Randy special. Watching the hands move and feeling the weight of his child on his shoulder, Clay said a silent prayer to himself. He wished that Lilith wouldn’t grow up too fast. For all their jokes and for the deep beliefs of Sab and her family, there was always darkness in this town, a different kind of darkness that crept along its borders at night, waiting for open doors to invite itself into unsuspecting lives. He prayed that Lilith would keep her door closed.

With his free hand, Clay caressed his wife’s face before reaching behind her to pick up a soccer ball that was on the side. “Can’t forget this!” The ball itself was a gift from Clay’s cousin Emerald and Lily worshiped it. “Stay in touch today? Let me know if you need a hand with anything or if you just wanna take our clothes off and stare at each other. Maybe touch butts?”

Another giggle. Happy Sabrina was clearly in charge today. It was very easy to give in when Clay was continuing to be as goofy as he was. A source of infinite jest in the dead seriousness of this town. "Oh, I think we can potentially touch a few things. I shall be summoning you when I have everything in place for tonight." She booped her daughter on the nose. "Now you be good at daycare, young witch! No hexing the boys or anything, OK?"

Lilith matched her mother's giggle and nodded. "No heck-sing."

"Good girl." Sabrina smiles again. "See you later, doofus."

featuring Sandra Sonnett

"Mom! Have you seen where I put that yearbook? I wanted to be able to have it for people to be able to take a look back!" The brunette started to ransack the area, trying to confirm she wasn't going crazy. She knew that she had put it on her childhood desk, a luxury for her given that her sisters' rooms had been converted into a workout space and an potential future nursery. But that was a day or two ago. It couldn't have sprouted legs and walked off! Was it on a shelf? A chest?

Finally the Class of 2013 yearbook appeared in a hand, but not the hand of Lindsey Sonnett. Instead, it hovered in the doorway in the grip of the matriarch of the Palm Beach household. While she was not the tour-de-force she was in her younger days, known to be able to go toe-to-toe with anyone at Kings, Sandra Sonnett was still nimble enough to spring a surprise on someone who looked at her and underestimated what they were facing. Including her youngest daughter. "It's right here, Lindsey. I got it. Don't tear the place apart."

A sigh of relief escaped Lindsey's lips as she took the book from her mother. "Thank you, mom. Where was it?"

"On the kitchen table, where I left it after looking through it."

"MOM! I thought I was going crazy!"

Sandra laughed. "Can't help it if you got me feeling nostalgic, sweetie. Hard to believe it's been 10 years since you graduated. I can still remember watching Megan go off to kindergarten, and now all of you are grown, with your own lives. It makes me appreciate just how far you all have come."

Lindsey was still pouting a little. She tucked the book into her backpack and finally zipped it up, sealing it. Her change of clothes weren't that different from what she was wearing. A sleeveless blouse, orange as the Gators' end zone, and a black skirt down to the knee, with bare legs until a pair of black leather flat sandals. Her dad joked that she was ready for Halloween, not for her reunion, but Kevin Sonnett didn't land Sandra Darby for his style. A simple palm tree clip sat in Lindsey's hair, tucked back into place after she frantically looked around for the book, and a necklace, a shimmering silver feather, slid back around, but both paled in their ability to command attention like that million-dollar smile that she finally flashed.

"If you wanted to come chaperone, mom, you probably could. I'm sure there is enough space on the yacht."

Sandra waved her daughter off. "No, no, this is your night. I'll be fine. Just make sure Matty and Beck are taking care of themselves."

"I will definitely let you know how Matty is doing," Lindsey affirmed. She too wanted a better picture of how her ex was holding up a decade after high school. The talk with Matty about needing to do something about the drinking problem was one of the hardest things she did prior to her time in Haiti. Thankfully, her boyfriend was receptive, but she hadn't heard much from him since she returned to Gainesville.

Speaking of Gainesville, it was going to be interesting to see if Kenny Price could break away from his talking head gig to make it. He did RSVP yes for the event. Funnily he was one of the only Kings' students she was closer to outside of high school given they both went to the Swamp. And as her mom mentioned, Beckett would be there. And Kole, Kai, Trevor, so many people! It was going to be a great event.

"And I promise I won't get too crazy."

"Now where is the fun in that?" Sandra asked. "Go crazy! Do whatever! You only get one 10-year reunion! And we didn't get a boat! Enjoy it!"


That was the take away as Lindsey Sonnett parked her Rogue in the designated lot in front of the Thousand Sunny. Even if her mom stopped just short of giving a war cry. It wasn't a long drive but it promised to be a long night. A good night. It had to be. Lindsey was back among her people. She was ready to get caught up.

As she made her way up the gang plank, she smiled at the crew. "Hello, everyone! Let's make some magic tonight!"


@BrutalBx & @NeoAJ

With one of Fleetwood Mac’s most hidden gems, Isn’t it Midnight, blaring out of the speakers as the The Roadster, one hundred percent a little bit over the speed limit, screeched down the highway towards the Pier, where a yacht of bountiful plunder awaited, Ziggy glanced from behind their Top Gun aviators at the single passenger of their convertible; one Kainat Qureshi.

Ziggy had known Kai going on fifteen years, since their family arrived in Florida from Baltimore. She was an early friend for the owner and proprietor of the Dead End Lounge AKA the hottest fucking club in Miami, baby. When Zig first made their way into the social hive that was King's Academy, they initially struggled to find their way. There weren’t many people who were willing to reach out to the non-binary kid in a sheer flowing dress who had the mouth of a sailor and the temperament of a porn star. Kai was one of the few that was willing and Ziggy always made sure that she knew how much they appreciated that. This was why when the sun-kissed wandering angel contacted them and asked for a place to crash prior to whatever the hell was about to go down at their ten-year high school reunion, Zig couldn’t refuse.

To say they weren’t intrigued by the prospect of catching up with some old faces would be a lie. Ziggy had stayed in contact with a few of his fellow alumni from Kings over the years, with many making their club a port in the storm over the years. Others they had only been able to see via social feeds and lifetime movies. Zig had always been a people watcher, an instigator when it was time to solve the problems of their compatriots, even if it was as simple as throwing a party to make sure two people who needed to hook up were locked inside a closet for seven minutes of dry humping. Zig wanted to know how everyone turned out and selfishly, they wanted to know if they were right about certain people all along.

“Penny for your thoughts, KQ? You look like you’re confused or in desperate need of a shit.”

That was Ziggy. You could say a lot of things about them, but they were always quick to the point with just the right splash of inappropriate. At least for the old Kai.

“Well, if it was the latter, I’m not sure I’d risk it at one of these gas stations, but I will admit, I don’t know how this is going to go for me.”

For someone who has had to relieve themselves in some uncomfortable places, it was strange to think that the… Thousand Sunny could top them all. However, since her arrival in Miami a day earlier, it was tough for Kainat to think about anything else. It had been ages since she had seen the majority of her classmates. Only a select few had contact with her since she left for her undergrad at Princeton. How the hell were they going to perceive her now that she was merely a Bachelor of Science as opposed to the doctors and lawyers and successful people that were surely going to have emerged?

Kai-Q tried to keep count of how many people might know that the hijab had been long abandoned for the life of a vagabond, aside from the trips to the locales where observing the local customs was the right play. The driver of the vintage vehicle serving as her ferry to the yacht obviously knew. It wasn’t the party lifestyle that linked Ziggy and Kai during the Kings’ days, with the Pakistani-American abstaining while under her parents’ roof, but they were both excellent students and both headed off to the Ivy League. So when Kai started breaking down in senior year, Ziggy got a lot of her attention, as well as the girls in her classes. Ziggy tried to get her to come down to Miami at that time, but instead, she accepted Kristen’s offer to travel to Morocco, and that was that.

But Ziggy was also a safe haven for her. As the channel was starting to grow and Kai was trying to figure out what she was going to do, Ziggy always had a spot at their place, a meal at their table, and a bit of green to calm things down. Now that she was a bit more open-minded, Kai was able to see the point of certain things and enjoy more of Ziggy’s talents. It was a huge benefit heading into this party.

And Asher would be there. Asher was her business manager, in a sense. He negotiated the money coming into her accounts from the various sponsors and made sure the contracts were on the up and up. He had that level of trust with Kai. But who else? Trevor, maybe? Matty, if he escaped from whatever shack he was staying in? And then after that, who would there be? A lot of people probably expecting the buttoned-down cheat sheet that stuck to her after-school activities and went home right after.

She struggled to think about how she would handle that revelation, and she still did. Her hand rested in the purple-streaked hair she sported for this party, a royal purple for the Kings’ reunion. It didn’t completely hide her natural black tones, but it was still a welcome contrast. She liked the freedom to change her hair color as she pleased. As the wind was hitting it, cooling her brain down, she still wasn’t coming up with a cogent plan.

“Trapped on a boat for a night with a bunch of people probably expecting me to be doing something else… shoot, I don’t even know how many of them will even recognize me at this point.”

"You’re kidding right?” Ziggy shook their head as they pulled into the next lane of traffic. "Sweet, sugar, my baby lollipop princess.” Reaching out with their bejeweled fingers adorned with rings of high value, the club owner pressed their fingertips onto Kai’s shoulder and gave the young woman a reaffirming squeeze. "Listen to Mama, ok? Cos she did not just get dressed in her finest Stevie Nicks flowing dress just to drive through these muggy Florida palms and turn back before anyone sees us looking this sexy.” Zig glanced towards their friend whilst trying to maintain eyes on a steadily growing traffic problem.

Ziggy for all their flaws had over the years somehow taken on a more parental role amongst the reprobates and miscreants that called Kings their alma mater. Zig, a heavy drug user, corrupted genius and usually fabulous bitch was dishing out advice, meddling in love lives and making sure that their friends, loved ones and randoms were always happy and feeling themselves at their best. It was a strange sensation, being a protector when one considers themselves toxic to begin with.

"Nobody is expecting you to do shit, ok? Like you realize who some of the people we went to school with are, right? The expectation on them is far worse than the one on us. We just two illustrious bitches coming to fuck shit up and maybe get ourselves fucked. Open bar on international waters? Sissy the world is ours, and so is everything in it.”

“I’ve certainly been able to see a lot of that world the past few years,” Kai concurred as she patted her driver’s hand, rubbing the ring on top of it for that extra bit of silent praise. “And there are definitely some nice things to take. You should make it up to my place in East Point sometime when I’m not out and about. I can show you even better stuff than I’ve brought you down here.”

She was wearing a bit of it to the ocean affair. As Ziggy pointed out, they did look sexy. At least Kai thought so. The playful she was wearing for the evening was a pickup from a quaint little shop in Java that she couldn’t help but give some extra rupiah to ensure would be hers. It also showed more skin than she was ever allowed to show in the halls of Kings, lest her dad be informed how much of a harlot his youngest was being, as well as a couple of new tattoos that she added to her look. In truth, her father had mellowed a decent amount in the 10 years since she was in high school, realizing how much pressure he was putting on both his daughters. It wasn’t full acceptance, but it was something.

Still, Kai at least knew where she stood with her family. Aside from the handful of people she kept in touch with, she still had no idea what anyone from her teenage years would think of her now. That was part of the joy of traveling. Sure, if she went to some place in the States or the odd European excursion, she might get a fan or two nowadays, but for the most part, there were no expectations of her. Every person that she met while off on one of her whirlwind trips had no knowledge of Kai-Q and her cheat sheet service, or the girl with the Princeton degree. They saw someone entering their world and they would judge her right there on how they would talk to her and interact with her. It wasn’t always a positive interaction, but it was far less stressful and more enjoyable than anything she would have done in a hospital or a courtroom.

Maybe that’s why Ziggy ended up her closest friend out of the high school collective. She knew there was no reason to judge them back then based on their appearance, just as they didn’t judge her. It started as mutual respect and then evolved into so much more. They were a hotly-requested guest on the channel, even if they had their clear preferences for locations. Besides, who else had a ride this fly ready to roll to this party?

“Maybe I’m more worried for everyone else about having their mind blown when I show up? I mean, if you didn’t know what I’d done after high school and just guessed based on those days, I’m pretty sure this is not the occupation or look you would expect to see me sporting. And don’t lie to me Ziggy, I can tell when you’re lying.”

Zig placed a hand on their chest in a feigned shock with mouth agape before returning it to the steering wheel. "Me? Lie? Oh my little caramel square, I don’t lie. I just don’t always tell the truth.” Their outburst of laughter was devilish and dirty. "But of course you’re right. We all expected you to have cured cancer by now but here you are, a foxy millionaire with umpteen million followers and abs you can bounce a quarter off. Speaking of, what is it with you travel types? You seen Trev Moreau lately? Doctor Jones but on some BEEF. Daddy History can dig around in me any time.”

Kai looks down at her stomach. “Oh I don’t know if my abs are that good. But I did see Trevor recently. I can confirm he looks pretty good for an archeologist. Probably going to swing in on a vine and land on the deck.” She hadn’t spoken with Trevor before the party, but they had collaborations on a couple of things given they were both crisscrossing the world. Still, she wasn’t much for keeping tabs on people from high school. That was her driver’s forte.

Unlike some others, Ziggy had kept a lot of tabs open for their high school friends. It was their business after all, knowing what people needed and desired. It had been that way from the moment Chester Patrova first walked into the halls of Kings. At the time, they were still using He as a pronoun but knew that they were non-binary. It didn’t take the would-be Zig to figure out how to survive the Academy’s Serengeti atmosphere. Rich kids were primal in their instincts, they wanted and they were gonna get it one way or another; so it only made sense for Chester to be the one to get it for them. It started small, candy bars and homework answer sheets, that was easy enough they grew up on the mean streets of Baltimore. As time progressed it became weed and then eventually the hard shit.

Ziggy didn’t particularly mind being called a drug dealer in the same way that they didn’t mind someone fucking up their pronouns. At the end of the day, they didn’t care what others thought about them but put much value on how they viewed their services. Zig was a businessperson born and if they weren’t providing the required service then what was the point in trying to do business? To survive Kings, Ziggy knew that they had to adopt a mantra which even to this day they still live by. As Gordon Gecko once said in Wall Street: “greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.”

In the distance in front of the roadster, Zig could see the docks where they would depart, and in its bay sat the yacht that would be their home for the weekend. Seeing such majesty did not make Ziggy miss the harsh dry docks of Baltimore. They didn’t miss seeing a bunch of sweaty bearded polacks cuss out each other or weep in hidden dark corners when they lost hours and struggled to feed their families. No. Zig didn’t miss that hellhole one bit. "Almost there, get your game face on, honey.”

As much as Ms. Qureshi wanted to posture for her friend, the yacht still looked imposing in spite of the name. The massive boat was growing larger by the second, but still, Zig was right. She had no reason to be worried. She was going to be fine! She had backup! No matter what happened! And if people were shocked by who she had become, then they could learn themselves! For all the teaching and answers she gave in high school, it’s the least they could do!

“Good thing I don’t have to apply any war paint that I didn’t already put on at your place, Zig,” she remarked. “I’m ready for action. Let’s get in there and show off. I can’t promise I’ll match your talents in that regard but I’ll give it my best efforts.”

Ziggy giggled as they spun the wheel of the classic motor car which was guided by their hand then pulled into the parking area of the marina. "Oh my Kai…” Zig stopped the Jaguar in an available space and turned to face his friend once more. "Nobody can show off like me because I am the whole fucking show.” The master of the nightclub booped Kai’s nose with their painted fingernails before turning the engine off.

They glanced around, trying to absorb the surrounding faces and process the information. Zig never had any enemies and everyone owed him a favor but that’s not what the weekend was about. The weekend for them was all about seeing where everyone was, what they had become, and crushing them for forty-eight hours under the weight of long-held desires. Ziggy couldn’t wait. They stepped out of the car, a soft breeze blowing their flowy black dress around them, and tossed the car keys to a waiting valet. "Scratch her and I’ll use your dick as an umbrella for my cocktails. Mmmkay? Thanks lovey.”

Ziggy waited for Kai to get out of the other side and watched as some employees took what bags they had brought with them from the boot of the Jag and began to carry them onto the boat. Of course, being who they were, Zig had brought some “party favors” much like had done oh so many times in the bygone days of King's Academy. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Lacing their fingers with Kai’s, Zig moved their gaze to the people that were already at the yacht, faces that had aged from when last they were seen but were still as obvious as Tom Cruise’s height. "Come on Mama, let’s go say hi.”

Kai let out the breath that she was holding unbeknownst to herself. Despite all the psyche ups, this was still uncharted territory for her. Especially let her former classmates see her at her most vulnerable, with a beverage in her hand. Zig’s hand kept her tethered to reality, making sure she knew that this was real. This would be fine. It would probably be uneventful. A murmured hello, a quick “what are you up to?” that a half-minute on socials would solve. That was the Occam's Razor situation. However, it was that unknown chance that it was going to be something else that would catch her by surprise that gave Kai those butterflies in her stomach. She took a breath in and nodded at one half of her friendship triumvirate from a decade ago. "Ready to mingle, Zig. Let's dive into this place." And with one of her catchphrases uttered, Kainat Qureshi would do just that.

In Edenridge 11 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
TIMESTAMP: Sometime in another world...
Introducing: King Wilson, Verity Roy-Wilson, Emerald Moore
& friendly neighbor, Philip Michaelson
Including: Adelaide Davies-Drake, Elysia Fable & Devika Balakrishnan



Angelic humming, that of a celtic melody, could be heard in the front yard of the small home of King Wilson and his beloved wife, Verity Roy-Wilson, or Vez to her friends and lovers. On Grove Street, they resided across the street from the Kingsnake and a couple houses down from the Quinns. They also had a new nextdoor neighbor, Phillip he introduced himself as, who bought the haunted house that is said to be where the Wilting Flower Suicides took place.

The once upon a time white colonial home for the beautiful Lively girls — Cordelia, Patience, Geradine, Agatha and Dorothy — now had a resident. A steal with its condition, far cheaper than it ought to be because of the ghost story that plagued it. He was a writer, he told them and he explained that ghosts were simply memories with so much hurt and so much pain. He believed the reason why he told convincing ghost stories was because he chooses to embrace their presence, their humanity and accept that ghosts were all around us. They’re not haunting us, we just refuse to let them go.

His words resonated with the redhead as she applied fertilizer around the base of her dahlias. They were growing splendidly and soon enough would make a nice flowering hedge, supporting one another. She thought back at the day of the shooting, her birthday, and how for the first time in her life, she was scared. Verity wasn’t someone you could scare easily, scary stories never fazed her, but that day, that moment, she was terrified.

She had something to live for. Someone she knew who was her soulmate, who she had the rest of their lives to spend with. And she learned the hard way someone could take that away from her in the blink of an eye. That someone being a boy who let his ghosts take over. She never thought someone that young, someone in her year, would have that in him and yet, she was proven wrong and her mortality was so delicate, so fragile like the flowers she tended to.

All that aside, what Verity liked about Grove Street was it truly felt like the least exclusive area in all of Edenridge. The north, the south, the east and the west. Each catered to those that made a certain amount of income. On Grove Street, which wasn’t too far from the railroad tracks, had this weird appeal, a clear ambience of peace and history that attracted even the likes of Vivia Belmonte. A Scott Street princess. This whole town was haunted by ghosts but here on this little street, Vez felt home. She could see those suffering deeply from their ghosts, both ReyRey and Vivia especially and clear as day. Even so, they all had a silent understanding. This was a place of rest and support, and they all looked out for each other, one way or another. Nothing like the ruthless gossip moms of Scott Street.

Glancing up and across the street, Vez frowned. She had growing concerns of Vivia, who she could’ve sworn was in the house, this very moment but she still hadn’t come out to paint on the porch. That was odd since by now, routinely, Vivia would be painting. ‘I hope she’s okay,’ Verity silently thought to herself before examining the sun and breathing in the summery, flowery scents that surrounded her and her husband.

When she heard a door close, she turned her attention to their next door neighbor and waved at him, “Good morning, Mister Phillip.”

“Good morning, Verity! King!” The older man, wearing activewear, smiled widely, always one to be immensely upbeat and outgoing, full of vigor and energy with each step. “Today is literally the most beautiful day I’ve ever experienced.” He put his arms on his hips, soaking in the beaming sun.

“You said that during the storm,” Vez chuckled, clearly happy with this new Grove Street addition, no matter how crazy he was to live in a cursed house.

“That too was a wonderful day,” he nodded, agreeing with his past self, before looking toward the two, young lovers, and commenting, “Even on your day off you plant. That is so amazing and admirable.”

Brushing her gloved hands with one another, sitting on her knees, Vez shrugged, “What can I say. It’s what I love. Kind of like your writing. You can do that practically everyday too.”

Clapping his hand enthusiastically together, Mr. Phillip agreed and resounded, “You’re absolutely right!” There was no hesitation from his reaction. Randomly, he started jogging in place, preparing to go on his run, little quirks he had now that he’s lived there for two weeks, “I’m about to go to Swerve, see what they have in stock. Maybe get an espresso from Beau and a sandwich from Cat. I sure do love it here and can’t wait for my son to see how Edenridge is literally the best place on Earth.”

King raised his eyebrow behind the book- ironically Phantom In The Field by the very man standing in front of him- he had in front of his face at Phillip’s enthusiasm and words. He’d expected whoever was going to move into the house next door to be leaning more towards the likes of the Aviles family, so when this ball of energy and positivity moved in, practically helping Vez’s flowers grow with his sunshiny disposition, he was more than a little intrigued. Especially with the fact that this man was one of the best Horror Novelists in recent memory. Even the man’s thought process surrounding the spirits that continue to wander on earth seem to differ from the expected norm, and the man has definitely left the ex-serpent intrigued for whatever comes next. He closed his book respectfully and smiled at the older man while adjusting the umbrella beside him so Vez was still shaded while she worked, not even taking his attention from Phillip while he did so.

The best place on earth. He loved his hometown and all his family that lived here, but he has never once in his life been able to see it with such fresh and bright eyes as Phillip Michaelson. He’d never be able to see this town without the dark veins that run through it, pumping with the blood of all the lost innocents sacrificed to the continuance of the town’s curses. He couldn’t see beauty in the town, but he found beauty in the people within it and that had always been enough for him; his family and friends, his wife Vez, and his girlfriends and paramours in their relationship. As a lover of literature of almost any genre, he was more than interested in getting his hands on whatever book Edenridge inspires out of Phillip Michaelson while also getting to know the thoughts and feelings of the man behind the words. He wondered if he could actually come up with anything as horrific as what has actually happened in this town.

“Your son’s coming into town?” He asked the man, his mind flashing to a certain pale and lanky friend of his as a small grin took over his features. Dean would lose his everloving shit if he found out that King lived next to Phillip Michaelson, let alone that Miles Michaelson would be hanging around eventually as well. Out of respect for his neighbor, he hasn’t let any of this information slip to Dean despite knowing how much he’d love to know, but it’s not like the man’s banned from his house so he’ll find out on his own eventually. King is prepared for the eventual fallout. “He’s got a lot of fans here, might need to pull a superhero and do the hat and sunglasses routine,” He joked. “Especially with the Dread comics rollin’ out.”

“He does?” Mr. Michaelson beamed at the avid reader, intentionally not answering the question of when his son may or may not come to visit. “I could’ve sworn his friend had more fans! I go into Swerve. It's all about Spike Langley. Then again, me and my boy did choose a niche market. Everyone loves superheroes! What we write is less super and a bit more grotesque and creepy. But I will say,” Phillip stopped jogging, meeting King’s gaze and not the book that was obviously one of his classics, “Superheroes and their stories can be quite horrific and damned tragic! Spike and Miles? They’ll make a great team.”

Speaking of his son, he needed to check on him and see how filming was going for Dead Man’s Wish. That boy kept himself busy, never taking a moment to stop and breathe. Why was he in such a rush? Phillip would never know. And honestly, the horror Legend never expected his books to go on the big screen but he was exhilarated by how ambitious his boy was and so talented too. He was a proud father who only wished his wife were still alive to see their boy surpassing him in every way he could. She called it, after all, and Phillip could hear her giggle and tease, all the while giving him that look that said: I told you so.

“What makes a hero, what makes a villain. What makes a monster and what makes a man. It’s all rather subjective and I think that’s what makes storytelling literally the most beautiful art ever to exist. Ever. Pencil to paper is more worth something than them separate. When together, ideas are created. Ideas are everything. Remember that.”

“We will,” Verity answered, even if the comment was more directed to King than her. “And you need to remember to sleep! I feel like I see your lights on and you walking around at odd hours all the time. Maybe it’s me, but you don’t seem to get much sleep.”

“Such is my life, Verity,” Phillip admitted, not going any deeper than that.

King wisely chose not to comment on the fact that both he and his wife were also awake at those odd hours, meaning that they needed just as much sleep as their new neighbor. What they were doing up at those odd hours varied, but it didn’t mean that they shouldn’t be asleep anyway. Unfortunately, when inspiration or anxiety hits, they’re out of their bed or their napping place on the couch, King off to sculpt the dreams he can’t describe and Verity to whisper her broken secrets to whichever plant needed extra attention.

“Sleep will find us whether we want it to or not,” King gave his two cents, taking the mention of neglected self care to pick up his water bottle and nudge his wife’s arm with it. She needed water just as much as her plants. “We all tire out eventually.”

“Oh King. Death will find me long before I tire out,” Phillip chuckled, as he watched Vez take the water graciously, amused at his neighbors and how aware they were of his sleeping schedule. He was intrigued by how intelligent many of the young adults and teens were in this town. Promising and with a bright future ahead, if only they believed in themselves and combated the darkness that tried to consume them.

As the neighbors talked and gabbed on about things that couldn’t be discerned from a distance, eyes were watching even still. Trying to see when the conversation would end. Trying to find the safe opening to emerge into open space. Those eyes were very skilled at such a task. Usually it was done at a more frantic pace, with bodies flying every which way. It wasn’t done from the reclined front seat of a 2018 Impreza with taught muscles kept in check. The hair was the same though, tamed from its usual wild state, held back in a ponytail so the dyed-blonde locks wouldn’t attract attention. As the third-year striker for THE Boston University Terriers tried to gauge if the conversation was over enough to come out of her hiding space, Phillip jogged onwards, leaving King and Vez to their own devices. And those devices would soon involve another member of their… unique relationship situation.

It was King who had initially won over Emerald Moore. Sure, there had been some sapphic dalliances in the various locker rooms through high school, but Emmy was pretty convinced that she was straight as cheap spaghetti and King Wilson was the only person she wanted to get cooked by. However, when it became clear his eyes were only for Verity Roy, she dialed back a little bit, found out the dalliances were far more than that thanks to Elysia… only for King to approach her while the two were out and propose more than Emerald was expecting. The forward was fine with the arrangement, but kept it hidden from the town, especially after learning that her ex-teammate was also involved.

Maybe it would have been fine if it was Juliana or Teagan who were a part of their growing love family, but Addie Davies-Drake was a whole other tempest in a teapot. The girl was a seething dynamo of love, lust and innuendo, and Emerald had to do her best to temper the girl’s expectations when they were in the locker room at Edenridge, but now that they were both at BU, things had opened up in that corner of the sextet to the point where Emmy actually had to pull herself away to come back home. And coming back home meant being careful. The saga of David O’Hara was a cautionary tale when she was in high school, and it meant she had to keep Addie at arm’s length when they were in Eden's borders. However, some new developments had made their way through the grapevine to the former Celtic, and she had to go back to town to hear about it for herself.

If Addie was at the Wilsons though, that could ruin everything they had hidden for the last two years. It’s why Emerald waited before finally strutting out of the Impreza and towards the main fortress in the kingdom. Content that she wasn’t spotted, she finally approached the man and his book. They would soon be disrupted. “Nice to know I left here last time with your nose in a book and I come back to the exact same sight,” Emmy remarked as she came into the King’s radius. “Must be a damn good book.” She looks over at Verity, still in the garden. “At least I can tell time has passed somewhat. Plants sure are growin’.” The glance returns to King. “You two sure you’re in your 20s? Look like you both could be hanging with my dad, tellin’ stories about what it was like before the internet.”

“Jewel! Welcome home,” Vez was hyper focused on her gardening, having only heard bits and pieces of information. Bruising the dirt off her gloves, having finished the task at hand, she glanced at the older woman. Once she was done taking her gloves off and placing them on the ground, she reached for the water bottle offered by King, realizing she got distracted by Phil and forgot to grab it. “Want something to drink?” Taking a sip, she stood up before continuing, “We got freshly squeezed lemonade. I could spike it if you’d like? Oh and if you’re hungry, I’ve already prepped finger sandwiches and watermelon. Summer lovin’.” The redhead grinned, already thinking about hosting a dinner for their little family. With Emmy and Addie in town, she didn’t want to lose the opportunity of all of them being together. She loved her little family.

King for his part had lifted his legs up and dropped his feet on the ground on either side of the cheap lounger, sitting up a bit and putting down his book to give Emerald both space to sit and his attention. “Also there’s nothing wrong with reading a ton so long as I give myself time for the every day tasks. I’ve already cleaned the house and agreed to cut the Digari’s lawn later for some cash,” He stated, patting the space in front of him to indicate that he’d cleared the spot for her.

He knew Emerald was always nervous about being open when she came back home, but sitting down with him in full view of his wife just so she didn’t have to be standing wasn’t some insane romantic gesture. Also, Grove Street does not gossip and spread rumors around like Scott Street did. It was more dangerous when most of the people that lived here were Serpents or Serpent adjacent with some Angels thrown in, and minding your business pays off, because the others mind theirs in return. It was one of the reasons that their little fixer-upper had become the main base for their not-so-little group of lovers.

“Welcome home, Hotshot, take a seat.”

Emerald smiled as she spotted the offered side of the lawn chair. “Thanks, King,” she replied as she sat down. Her eyes were still darting around a bit, even with Phillip having left. Sure Grove Street was relatively safe compared to the uppity houses in the Scott Street area, but you could never know who could be trusted. Even as much as King assured her any trips she took to the fortress would be between the poly. Sure, she hadn’t gotten any more call-ups to the national youth teams yet, but it was always on her mind.

She looked up at Verity, now leaving her plants behind. It was weird that the woman who was younger than her was essentially a mom figure in her life. Vez was too happy to offer that level of kindness whenever she returned to Edenridge. Sure her father could try, but it wasn’t really the former football player’s forte. “I’ll take some food for sure, and some non-spiked lemonade. Still going to be driving later.” She looked back at King. “Mostly back in town because I heard through the grapevine about some shit going down but I haven’t gotten confirmation on any of it yet.”

“Sure thing,” Verity immediately responded, before leaving King and Emmy alone to chat for a little bit. As much as Vez wanted to be a support system, and most of the time she was, King always had a better knack for paying attention to what goes around in town. The redhead would much rather talk to her plants than people, her lovers and their lovers aside. Even if she had much to say on whatever topic Emerald was curious about, she didn’t think it would hold much weight. If anything it would be a casual comment in hopes someone else would talk instead. She would certainly do her best if any questions were directed to her, though.

“If that shit going down relates to Charlie’s letters or David O’Hara and sirens on Scott Street, your info’s good,” King provided, eyebrow raised at the woman who sat before him with her shoulders squared and tensed. He wished Emerald didn’t always feel the need to be on the lookout, but he understood, and there were even times where he was able to sufficiently distract her from her near constant worries, but in plain view of others was rarely a place where he could. He held his hands out in front of him and mimed digging into shoulders with his thumbs, silently asking the girl if she wanted him to work at her coiled muscles while they talked. “Or are we talking about some other shit that went down?”

Emerald was not going to say no to a King massage, not now not ever, and she quickly moved into position to get her back worked while she unloaded. “I didn’t know about the Scott Street sirens, but the other stuff got back to me. Had to get a recap on the David stuff though.” She leans into the hands of the only man in their poly, the stress relief a big draw in keeping her in place. “How is the community handling it? I remember the shitshow when he turned up dead.”

The Moore girl frequently cited the demise of the Duke as the reason why she wasn’t willing to do anything in public with the group. At least in Edenridge. Boston was definitely opening up some avenues with Addie at the school. It was nice to be able to go out onto a patio with one of her girls and not worry about being judged. Here, there was always the fear that with Addie in the relationship, the same fears would be dredged up, and no one in her family needed that heat on them. Not her father, not Garnet, nobody.

“Well, the sirens tie in, but brace yourself,” King offered the warning as he sat up fully and settled his hands on the muscles of Emerald’s neck and shoulders, immediately digging his thumb into a knot he found. “Jamie Lord stabbed her husband after he jumped your cousin Clay, who had found out Jamie was the one sending the letters. Guess the guy thought he was protecting her by almost killing her friend, but she didn’t like that much. Clay was first on scene, I think, so he had a rough go of it until ambulances and more cops were swarming all over for a while. He’s recovering at Sinclair Health as we speak if you wanna visit. Wild times,” He leaned over and grabbed the sunscreen from beneath the lounger so that the friction from the massage didn’t rub her skin raw, immediately distracted from the debrief by his own jumping thought process. “You know, I should really invest in some oils or something, your muscles are always so tense. Not that I mind an excuse to get my hands on you, but it’s the principle of the matter.”

The news of what happened to her family did not make Emerald’s muscles any less tense. “What?!?” She knew her cousin was a bit of an idiot, boldly rushing into places he shouldn’t. It’s why it made sense he was a cop. But running into a domestic situation, getting jumped and almost killed over it? That was dumb even for Clay. “Oh my god, oh hell, Clay!” She wanted to jump up and shout loud enough for him to hear it from whatever hospital bed he was stuck in, but she also didn’t want to leave King’s working hands. It made sense David’s sister would be sending letters trying to clear him, she appreciated Jamie for that and she heard about the name in the letters being Caitlin Cleary, but ending in a stabbing? For a town that was known for violence, even that was something else. “Ugh, dumbass.” The massage was helping her calm down. “I swear, if it wasn’t for those hands, King, I don’t know why I’d keep coming back. Well, that and the family, I guess.” Emerald knew she was being facetious, but right now the kneading at her muscles was keeping her from flying off the handle a little bit.

“Oh yeah,” King laughed lightly, following her attempt to lighten the subject by adding his own sarcasm to the mix. “I guess family is important or something, I don’t know anything about that, estranged as I am with mine.”

He was, of course, anything but estranged with his family of five other siblings and their mom and dad. His older brothers both stopped by or called him out for a boy’s night out every week or two, his oldest sister was busy but they make sure to get in bonding time when their workout schedules align, his other sister lives right down the street with her two giant dogs while the youngest of their clan pops up regularly on her skateboard, begging for a drink or snack before she’s rolling away again on her next run or errand. He had no idea when his little sister slept between all her different responsibilities both in and out of the Serpents, but he’s been known to begrudgingly keep a pack of energy drinks in the back of his and Vez’s fridge for her on the bad days, just in case. Family dinner- including Vez, auntie Kamilla, Maliq, and Jonie- was a monthly affair. King understood how important family was, and he knew Emerald felt that as well, which is what made their little exchange being said with straight faces so ridiculous. He rolled his eyes and smiled fondly despite the fact that Emerald was turned away from him.

“I’m starting to feel like handing out free massages is my thing here, you all love it so much that I’m starting to regret that I can’t give myself a massage just to see if it’s really that good,” he addressed the first part of her comment a bit belatedly, having caught on more solidly to the latter. “Do I just need to find a guy to give me one or is it my hands specifically?”

“Do you want a guy? We can sign you up on that dating app your brother is working on,” Vez announced her presence carrying a tray of everything she said she would bring out, from small sandwiches to watermelon, and of course the lemonade. Not spiked. She had gotten distracted because one of her plants needed a little more love and attention, and they were practically calling her name. Her poor coleus needed a little pruning and she was a little upset she had neglected it the past couple of days. What kind of plant mommy was she?

Going on her knees, she placed the tray beside King’s lawn chair before crawling closer to Emmy. Adjusting herself, where she was sitting on her knees, she gave Emerald a little kiss on the cheek. A friendly peck. Nothing too sensual or romantic. “I’m really glad you’re home… Have you told the others? That you’re here?” She inquired, as she gave her Jewel her undivided attention. “I know Ely would be stoked and Addie would straight up rip your clothes off.”

“No,” Emerald answered. Her eyes cast down a little as she did, blunting the lifting effects of Vez’s kiss. With Devi always off doing something and Ely always busy with her art, it made it easy to slip away as she pleased. But it was tough to hide from Adelaide Davies-Drake. With all the hidden feelings that were apparently present during their time on the Celtics together, there was more resolve to keep things out in the open once things started growing in Boston. But it was still a city romance in Emerald’s eyes. It was too dangerous back home. The latest discussion had occurred right before Addie left for Eden. Emerald was still uncomfortable and had decided to sit this trip out to try and take some time for herself, preparing for her junior season. Instead, the rumors proved too much and she snuck her way back into town. It was something she would probably have to answer for at some point, and Addie would demand answers with her mile-a-minute mouth. If nothing else, she would demand penance that she knew the Jewel could provide.

“This was a spur-of-the-moment visit,” the Terrier continued as she leaned into King’s hands once more. “I haven’t even been home to see Dad and Garnet yet. The Castle was the first place I came to.” One of the sandwiches also made its way into her hands and the taste of the homemade chicken salad was dancing on her tongue. Vez knew her spices better than anyone. “I didn’t even take Ely up on the offer to see the new place yet. I know Addie was all excited about that, but you send an exorcist in there first before I go in there. Get Clay’s friend with all the books and shit, let her have the demons.” She lets out a soft moan. “If you really want I can try, King, but I’m pretty sure my massages don’t hold a candle, as much as I’ve been trying to learn from what Brionna’s been doing to my legs on the table.”

“I’ll survive for now,” King responded to the offers from both of his lovers, laughing lightly as he focused on a knot right beside Emerald’s right shoulder blade. “I think you need this a little more than I do right now. Also, given our circumstances, the day I need an app to find a man will be the day I stop believing I have game face to face, thank you very much,” he joked while waggling his eyebrows at his wife. It was a nice thought though, the idea of another guy being around during their gatherings just so when the conversations end up leaning towards girl talk he could turn to someone for an alternate conversation instead of turning to the nearest book until one of the girls noticed and pulled him back in. King shook his head, turning his focus back to the two before him as he released Emerald’s shoulders to shake out his tired hands a bit.

“I don’t know about you, Em, but I’d let Addie know soon that you came home. Unless you want her to track you down and pop up at a random time to ask why you didn’t tell her.”

That put a worried look on the striker’s face. “I know. I swear, the girl has freakin’ plot armor powers or something the way she just manages to teleport into a place at times. If she had that on the field, she’d be joining me in getting national team looks.” Emerald took another sandwich in her hand. “I just… needed to make sure what I was hearing was good info before I risk Addie being Addie and trying to jump me in the Palermo parking lot. And I know y’all been trying to make me more comfortable here and get me to show up more, but it’s still going to take a little bit for me to get to that point.” She smiles at Vez and King. “But I’m getting closer now. Hearing that the whole David thing is blowing over is a big load off. Even if it does mean I gotta go pay a visit to my dumbass cousin to make sure he didn’t get his dumb ass beaten down too much.”

“EXCUSE ME!” A playful voice called out to bring the trio of lovers attention to the sidewalk and a pint-sized pixie standing there with her hands on her hips. “Who said you three could have an orgy and not invite Addie?” The summer sun above their heads bounced off of Adelaide’s blonde lion's mane of hair as her plump painted lips curled into a smile. She unburdened herself from and then tossed her leather bomber jacket through the passenger window into Ely’s car, which she had just got out of and took off sprinting down the lawn.

With her personality being what it was, it was easy for one to forget that Adelaide Davies-Drake was a high caliber and highly decorated athlete. Serving as the defender for the Edenridge Celtics and Boston U Terriers it was incredibly difficult to get past her towards the goal mostly because she was a pocket rocket. Addie was small but she was quick and she was unafraid to go hard. Her feet carried her swiftly across Verity’s pristine front garden to the trio sitting around King in his lawn chair where she slipped out of her shoes mid run and pounded into the beautiful woman in the middle of the threesome, her jewel, her Emerald.

“Hiya!” Addie beamed as she leaned to one side and kissed Vez deep on the lips whilst simultaneously patting King on the head. The married couple of the sextet were very much their Addie’s keeper. Everyone within their group filled roles and had different relationships with one another. For Addie, King and Vez were her sounding board, like guardians who she just also happened to be having fantastic sex with. She and Verity even shared a birthday. It did make the young botanist wonder if she and her redheaded lover were laid next to each other in the postnatal unit of the hospital.

Emmy was a different story altogether. Addie had yearned for Emerald for years. She had flirted, she had thirsted, she had been borderline inappropriate, all of her hallmarks and nothing worked…at least not until college. When Adelaide arrived at Boston U, something had changed and within weeks she and Emerald were sleeping together. The older woman wanted to keep it private out of fear of what might happen to her prospects. Addie hates this idea immensely but she wasn’t going to force someone she cared deeply for to come out until she was ready. She loved Emerald too much for that. Placing her hands on Emmy’s mocha cheeks and tightening her thighs grip on the soccer player's legs, Addie lingered her mouth over the curly haired terriers lips. “Kiss me like you missed me, stud.”

It took a little bit for Emerald to have the wherewithal to respond. When Addie decided to dive into something, she always did it full force. Opposing attackers learned that. People who shared hobbies with her learned that. Emerald already knew that and still had to use every bit of her newly-relaxed muscles to tense up and keep from being flipped over the lawn chair by the impact of ADD against her body. And of course, her belief that Addie had main-character powers or something just got another bit of proof given her ability to appear immediately after she was mentioned. Her eyes darted around for a moment to make sure no one else showed up that wasn’t in their loving collective before finally relenting to the onslaught and returning the kisses back to the blonde. “Tough to do if you lay me out flat on the lawn without me being ready, Rabbit,” she offers back once her lips are free. “But I guess you caught me coming in to surprise you. Don’t know how you do it sometimes.”

“Didn’t you know, baby? Addie is magic.” Adelaide joyfully flicked her tongue out with a scrunched up face and licked Emerald’s lips. She ran her hands through the striker's curly blonde hair, straightening out what her pounce had messed up before climbing off and starfishing her body across the lawn. The feel of the fresh grass between her fingertips and on her soft skin gave Addie a warm feeling. Being around her chosen family gave her a fuzzy feeling. Her red coloured lips raised themselves up onto a smile as she realized just how happy these people made her. She was no fool, she knew she was a lot. She knew that dealing with her moods and whims was a chore and only so much of that could be pawned off on her various mental diagnoses. It made Addie thankful that she found people who accepted her particular brand of madness. She was deeply in love with all of them and she hoped that they loved her just as hard. “Hello! Why am I lying here and not a single one of you is on top of me? Not cool guys!”

“We should go inside!” Verity chirped, already picking up the food and drink, placing everything back on the tray. “Mr. Phillip will be back from his run in fiveish minutes unless he finds something or someone to distract him. That man is like clockwork but he is also a very curious fellow. We don’t need him asking too many questions, right?” The redhead picked herself up and the food. She waited for everyone expectantly.

“You heard Mama,” Ely approached the lawn, having parked her car across the street. Her arm rested over Devi’s shoulder as the beautiful caramel skinned girl held the photographer’s camera to capture this canon moment. In her free hand, the one not holding Devi close, Ely spun a lollipop between her fingers. Really what she wanted it to be was a cigarette. She promised them she’d cut back on smoking though so candy was the next best option. Placing the red sucker back in mouth, she motioned to the door, “Ándale, ándale. Epa, epa.”

King smiled at the group now gathered on his and Vez’s lawn before pushing himself up and holding his hand out to Emerald, the only person still sitting, and helping her up. He was more than happy to leave the wrangling to Ely and Vez for the moment, focusing on folding up the now vacated lounger and picking his book up from the ground. He should have expected Addie to arrive as soon as he and Emmy mentioned her, the girl was magic like that, and Devi and Ely coming in to complete their group just meant the day was going to be more exciting than his plan of finishing Phantom In The Field. You certainly weren’t going to catch him complaining, as the times when their house is filled to the brim with love and laughter were the times when he felt most at peace. He’d grown up with a full house, of course, so while he treasured his semi-solitude and quiet, it didn’t always feel quite right. Looking over to the most chaotic of their group, the one he more often than not had a mostly platonic relationship with, he found himself rolling his eyes affectionately at the look on her face.

“Adds, are you seriously pouting?” He asked while trying not to laugh at how adorable the pout was. “It’s for everyone’s benefit, right? Think of all the things you could do once that door closes.” He held his free hand out to her to help her up from the grass, keeping his book and lounger in place under his other arm.

Addie’s plump and painted lips stuck out like that of a child that couldn’t get her way. Although King made a valid point about the privacy of their castle, it still wasn’t what the pint sized pocket rocket really wanted. There was a secret she kept from her lovers and loves. The Sunken house, her “ancestral home”, the place where her mother lived before she was an orphan, the place her grandmother died. Addie wanted that house to be their home. When she had enough money, she was going to buy it and she was going to move her family there. Not her Mom and Dad, not her sister, but this family, her chosen family, the ones that each held a piece of her heart, even King. It was much larger than the Castle and Adelaide had plans, girl did she have plans.

“Fiiiiiine.” Addie did a backwards roll from her prone position until she was on her knees, she didn’t care that her skirt had rode up. That neighbor girl, Vivia, was hot and if she wanted to look, the pixie would let her, though they didn’t see her too often. They only ever saw that Gonzalez guy around the house and his little pissant gangbangers. “If this is your way of trying to get a blowjob, K, it’s not working.” Her big blue eyes drifted down the muscled body of her male companion down to his crotch. “Though he is looking top today, I must say.” She popped up to her feet and offered him a smile. “I just set up my cousin with a guy, maybe it’s time I do the same for you so I can keep mama Vez all to myself.” She teased King as always before spreading her arms wide. “Time to play Carry the Addie. Who's taking me over the threshold?”

Emerald had brushed herself free of the remnants of Adelaide’s affectionate attack after King helped her stand up. While she appreciated the help, much like many of her teammates offered her once she was fouled by an opposing defender instead of this instance of her own defender, she was more thankful to Vez starting to move things inside, especially if the nosy neighbor she spotted earlier was set to come back at some point. The mother of the group truly knows what the others need to hear.

As she looked around for the moment, Emmy realized this was the first time she was in the presence of all five of the other members of her collective in a long time. She didn’t join the holiday dinners, with Costigan and Moore family offerings taking precedent. She didn’t travel into town with Addie very often because of her misgivings about being seen and starting up the whisper mill. It was unfair, given she was willingly seen with Ely in town often enough, and Vez got the cover of being with King, but while Emmy and Devi didn’t do much together, Addie got all the attention in Boston where Emerald felt freer to embrace this new life. Maybe it was time she started embracing the family.

“You burn yourself out with that entrance?” Emerald finally quipped as Addie knelt waiting for someone to carry her. “All right, fine, but you gotta get up here if you want the ride. I’ll tell you when I want you on your knees.”

“Ooooh mama, make it inappropriate.” Addie teasingly fanned herself with her hand at Emerald’s words. It made her sad, heartbroken even, when she saw the look in Emmy’s eyes. The fear and the loneliness when she scanned the area for prying eyes. Adelaide couldn’t help but wonder and feel at fault. She was a lot, she knew that. She knew that her energy and her bedlam would be too much for any one person to bear. Emmy probably got more of her than any of the others, even Ely. At Boston, she, Emerald and Devika were tucked away in their own little world, away from lurking stares and Emmy was happier there and in the grand scheme of things, all Addie wanted was for those she loved to be happy. She had to ask herself the question whether or not she was the one that brought happiness into all their lives or if she was the one stealing it away?

Masking her sadness with a cute smile as she always did, Adelaide jumped up to her feet before leaping into Emerald's strong arms. She wrapped herself around the premier athlete like a spider monkey, her arms and legs gripping tightly. “To the dining room! And make sure you slam me into a few walls on the way!” Emerald obeyed as she moved to get the bundle of energy inside the castle walls.

Quiet but observant, Ely watched her friends interact, her apathetic, green gaze falling on the manic pixie dream girl that everyone couldn’t help but love. Rarely did Addie have to say anything for Ely to undress her emotionally and read her like an open book. While pushing her lollipop to the side of her inner cheek, the platinum blonde released Devi from her tender yet possessive grasp and started casually following Vez’s gentle command. Verity might’ve posed them going inside as a suggestion but everyone in the area knew better. A suggestion from Verity Roy-Wilson was a command. She simply softened her words to mask her bossy tendencies. It was all with good intention, seeing how the tiny redhead was constantly looking out for them, protectively, devotedly and firmly. Just like a mother would. One day, Vez would make a great mother.

With her intro being short, chaos always appearing when Addie was around, Ely started doing her rounds, prioritizing the two girls entangled with one another. Taking her lollipop out of her mouth, Ely brushed Emmy’s hair to the side with her free hand before giving her a greeting kiss, right on the neck. That same hand found its way to Addie’s ass, as Ely squeezed it and gave the cute but sad girl a wink. It was her way of saying, get out of your head, without saying it outloud. If there was one love language that outweighed the others for Adelaide, it was physical touch. She proceeded to walk forward, past the two athletic queens, putting her lollipop back in her mouth. She threw her arm around King and grabbed his book, observing the back with a picture of their next door neighbor on it. She smirked, “Got his autograph yet?” Her question was followed by a quick call out “And oy! Vez, I hope you made enough sandwiches. I’m fucking starved.”

King’s answering smile and eye roll told her all she needed to know, but he easily replied anyway. “I’m not going to harass my neighbor for autographs, I’ve got more control than that. Man is here for rest and inspiration and I’m letting him have it,” he adjusted the lounder under her arm so it didn’t bump any of their group as they crossed the threshold. “‘Sides, I’d never sell my books so no need to up the market value,” with the arm he’d thrown around her, he pulled her in lightly to knock their heads together affectionately before asking, “How was the studio by the way?”

“The studio was absolutely stunning, although it reaaaally needs a cleansing ritual,” The energy that passed over Devika as she stepped into the studio that morning was certainly not a positive one, and Devika wouldn’t even call herself adept at reading energies, despite her spiritual inclination. Even Vez and King’s little haunted nook felt only slightly bearable after Devi performed her energy cleansing ritual as a housewarming gift. That was before she and Addie then christened the living room with Vez in an entirely unspiritual way.

Now, Devi stood happily amongst her lovers with Ely’s camera. She was no professional like Ely when it came to photography, but her subjects compensated for her amateur skills with their breathtaking beauty. She felt a wave of joy wash over her as she fervently captured the affectionate moments between her partners. Each of these relationships had a special corner reserved in her heart, and she found herself reminiscing while snapping photos.

Her connection with King had blossomed from working alongside his sister at the vet clinic. She admired his warm and caring nature, always willing to lend a helping hand. Devi loved the way he could make her laugh with his witty remarks and playful banter. King's presence brought a sense of comfort and stability to their polyamorous family, and she cherished their deep bond.

Vez, her classmate from school alongside Addie, had transformed into something more than just a friend over time. Vez's fervent approach to life, full of love and vigor, deeply moved Devi. She respected Vez's nurturing personality, always caring for others, and finding happiness in the most trivial moments. With Vez by her side, Devi felt protected and cherished, unable to visualize her life without the redhead woman. King and Vez both claimed the role of the parental figure, with their endless comfort and wisdom (despite Vez being younger than Devi), as well as beautiful lovers Devi cherished.

Emerald was a special addition to their polyamorous dynamic, brought into Devi's life through Addie. They shared a unique understanding of the challenges of hiding their true selves from their families. Emerald's presence brought a sense of understanding and empathy, and Devi found solace in their shared experiences. She cherished the moments they spent together, knowing that they could be completely themselves without fear of judgment. Thus it saddened Devi that she could only witness the real Emmy, the radiant gem of their group, shine within the secure confines of Boston University.

Putting Ely’s camera away, so she could indulge in the moment of the entire poly being together in the same space, Devi began to speak. “Soooo I was thinking, how about we do a group photoshoot in Ely's new studio? We could celebrate Ely’s new space AND all get to hang out, so like a double bonus. What do you guys think?” She beamed eagerly at the suggestion, already envisioning the laughter and silliness that would ensue.

“I mean if that’s not an invitation for an orgy, then I don’t know what is.” Addie giggled as she hung off of Emerald like a koala latched onto the tree it called home. “I’m fucking in.” Her smile had recovered after Ely had grabbed her behind. She always knew just how to make the tiny botanist happy, “Though I say, we definitely need some practice before we go all Zoolander. So let’s all go inside, take our clothes off, stare at each other and then eat whatever amazing meal Mama Vez cooks off of each other's butts and boobs.” Adelaide was never one to wait for an invitation as she knew the world was meaningless unless she had her family with her. “Ooh and after that, Addie needs to tell you about this guy that has been checking King out at the art studio. I seen it with my own big blue eyes. He’s cute. King could get himself some dick. But first, we must eat.”

Theirs was not one would call a conventional family yet it was the best that any one of them could have ever asked for. Each member of their little unit has a distinct and completely different relation to another, some romantic, some platonic, some familial but all meant something, all of them were special. Yet it was always changing, always shifting. They had said from the start that they were open to more people entering their lives and becoming part of their bonded lives. That was the beauty in it. Despite what was going on in their own personal situations, the good, the bad and the ugly, they would always have each other, they would always have that support. It was love, just pure unselfish love.

The pixie raised one arm triumphant in the air before dropping it down to point towards their Castle. Her wild blonde bangs hung over her expressive eyes and her painted lips were pursed, ready to take on the small army that she had amassed in her cult of Adelaide, “Let’s go fucking eat. ADDIE HAS SPOKEN.”

After Dear David 'Scott Street' saga & Alone In the Maelstrom
Introducing: Amaranth "Mara" Harding, Kylee Grimm's cousin
FT: Jillian O'Brien, Vivian Lucasta, & Mei Ramsey



Eden Lake is a violent body of water that belies its calm nature. Despite the grassy plains, the muddy but gentle slopes that carry no hidden rocks to jab at the soles of those alongside, and the picturesque views it offers of a rare unincorporated slice of Massachusetts wildlife, it boasts one of the highest kill counts per square mile of any oversized puddle this side of Lake Mead. Or at least that’s how it always seemed. Every Edenridge kid grew up hearing the tales of the weeping Nipmuc child. Everyone alive knew the tragedy of Original Queen Clover Karen Nowinski, sacrificed by the jeering crowd of her peers to Loony Greg Mooney and his drowning hands in the reeds by the shore. Everyone in the newest generation of graduates knew the resting place of David O’Hara due to his various demons, and even if people just arrived in the town during the last three years, they certainly knew now.

However, it was the confirmation that David’s lover wasn’t part of the doomed chorus of the lake that led to the lost soul on the grassy shore to contemplate joining that harem of the damned. While Caitlin Cleary unburdened her soul of a secret that was years in the making, the additional weight on the psyche of Jillian O’Brien drove the girl back to the cursed waters. A bottle was present in her hand, a pint of Russian Prince that had been conspicuously thrown in the back during one of her many trips to the convenience store during her time back at her parents place. It had survived in the trunk of the CR-V, had a stay in the apartment on the shelf for a bit, but it was ever present, as if it was waiting for its chance to lure the redhead back into the drink. Now that Jillian was in the state she was in, the prince had the opportunity.

The former head Clover had her knees tucked up under her chin, one arm wrapped around her legs, the other gripping that vodka bottle for dear life like a tether to reality. And yet, it could easily be her portal to the land beyond. “If I drain this… I could walk into the lake and not feel it. My tolerance has to have gone down since I haven’t been drinking all the time. David had to have done it the same way. It would be apt. It’s what this town wants…” The dark thoughts that had emerged with a vengeance during her self-pity party while listening to the broadcast were now crushing her, forcing her to consider a path that promised the end of the pain. Even the months spent with her new girlfriend weren’t present on her mind at the moment. Just the desire to pay for her perceived crimes, serving as her own pitchfork-wielding mob.

Her vehicle remained stationed at the end of Scott Street, some residents possibly remembering it from when it was regularly parked two houses down at the Madden residence during the better part of a year. Olivia was one of the people on Jill’s mind at the moment. “You’d be with them again. Liv. Kat. Ally. Dad. They must all be stuck there. You can help them. You can’t do it here. You can’t atone for what you did. You can't apologize to those you hurt.” She looked up at the surface of the water and swore she could see the shadows of David and Karen, as well as a little girl in pigtails dressed in white that she couldn’t place. All seemed to be trying to help her find the solution.

Jill looked at the bottle again. Russian Prince wasn’t the best choice to go out on, but it would probably work. What did it matter in the end? She twisted off the plastic cap and took a long swig. She wasn't as great at handling straight vodka, especially since she had been on sodas and beers for the better part of the last few months and Russian Prince tastes exactly like the price you pay for it, but she was managing, downing a few shots worth of liquid with ease. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol was like riding a bicycle. You never forget how to do it if you really want to pick it back up. She looks out over the water, focused on her own final process. "I'm coming soon, girls." Another sip to chase the first followed.

“Where are we going?” A soothing yet regal voice broke the coldness in the atmosphere, piercing the veil. Not too long ago, Amaranth Harding had landed on American soil, where her cousins, Kennedy and Lincoln, picked her and her sister up. She had texted her girls immediately to tell them she got to Boston safely. When Jill didn’t respond, a deep-seated feeling began to boil inside her, making her incredibly uneasy. She called her and texted her once more.

To some this would’ve been seen as silly. To worry about someone the moment you land after an incredibly long flight. Mara would like to think she knew her friends and when Jill didn’t acknowledge her message, giving a thumbs up or sending an emoji at least, she knew something was wrong. Distance gave them a reason to hold each other accountable with communication. The fact that Mara didn’t live in America gave Vivian and Jillian more of a reason to keep her updated with their lives. She tried her best to be available to them and she knew if she needed them, they’d be ready with open arms.

Luck seemed to be on her side when she saw a familiar car near the Madden house. She frowned knowingly. Jill reminded her so much of her mother. Her mother to this day struggles with the monsters of her past. What makes now different than then is she has a support system in the form of her band and two reasons that gave her strength to fight one more day. Two daughters to live for. If not for herself, certainly for her daughters. Evelyn Harding was an ethereal woman, who once upon a time was ice cold to all those that tried to connect with her. Underneath all the ice, all the beauty and magic, was unbearable sadness and unruly individuals trying to control her every move. That was her mother in a nutshell and that’s what she gathered simply by watching and listening.

On pure intuition, Mara knew her friend was in the process of relapsing. Something happened that felt too heavy to bear or carry on her own. Something happened that forced her back into her dark place, with no visible exit door. While Mara knew she wasn’t the person that could get her out of the dark, that seemed more like a Mei job, she could sit with her and help her feel a little less alone. “It’s good to see you, Jill,” Mara added when she didn’t get an immediate response. Cautiously, she took a step forward but not too close. She didn’t want to breach Jill’s bubble, not without her permission. When she was away from the woods and close enough to her friend that she didn’t need to project her voice as much, the raven-haired girl politely offered, “Mind if I sit with you?”

Jill probably shouldn’t have been shocked as she was to hear a voice behind her while starting the process, but to hear a voice without the static of a microphone or the aggravating tone of a FaceTime disconnection was at first puzzling, but then at least something consoling. In all the misery of the Dear David discussions, she had forgotten that Amaranth Harding was coming to Eden.

She should have remembered. When she divulged to Mei that she was friends with the daughter of Eve, one of the founding members of East of Eden, Miss Midnight glowed like the brightest noon at the prospect of access to one of the most progressive rock bands in English history. She knew some of the inside stuff from Mara's recent conversations. How her mom and her best friend Bex Crosby would spend hours binging to numb the sensations while she tried to get through school. Despite the warnings, Jillian followed the same path of destruction.

Another person I owe an apology to.

Mara certainly looked like she fit in with this newer version of Jill as opposed to the high-school edition she first had contact with. All Jill could do for the first few moments was look over at her while the vodka stung the inside of her mouth before it was swallowed. Finally, the redhead gasped for air and spoke. "I don't mind." Jill motioned to the grassy seat next to her. She dug her phone out of her thrift-store purse and saw the notifications in there. "I guess I missed your grand entry back into America. I'm sorry about that." A shorter sip from the bottle follows to ease the pangs of the opening apology. "How the hell did you find me?"

“A premonition, like That’s So Raven,” Amaranth joked as she knelt down, sitting perfectly erect on her legs and knees. She didn’t impose or correct her friend’s behavior. Drinking, that is. The addiction that she personally didn’t partake in because of her mother. She hated alcohol and what it did to the people she loved but she knew that was her opinion and some people truly did enjoy it in moderation. Some people could control their impulses.

The more time someone spends with the eldest Harding, the more they realize that Mara isn’t as stuck up, uptight and shrewd as most people assume. She was confident and assertive, sure, but beneath all that, beneath the natural born leader she would one day be, she was a tender, loving and caring soul, who felt deeply and loved with all her heart. That’s why she didn’t open up easily. She knew once she gave pieces of her heart away, there was no turning back. These individuals would forever be part of her and if they wanted to, they could hurt her because she opened up to them, being her true, authentic and vulnerable self. They could hurt her badly and it would be her fault because she let them in. Even with that knowledge, Mara knew there was no point in fearing the unknown. If it comes to it and she loses people along the way, she has faith she will have someone there to lean her head on. If not her friends, she would always have her mother and sister. “In all seriousness, I saw your car. That led me to Mrs. Cortez which led me here. Easier to find you on Scott Street than anywhere else in Eden, I imagine.”

That line got a laugh out of the O'Brien girl. Ever since Liv and Kat were taken, Scott Street hadn't felt like home. It never had. The O'Briens were always the odd ones out of the founding families, staying on the Loop nearer the common people, but close enough to keep in touch with the elite. However, her beef with the Belmontes left the Maddens as the only link, and losing Liv meant losing the reason to be on Scott. "Easier maybe, but unlikely. Of course, I don't know how many people are going to be looking for a monster like me." Another put-down to her soul brought another sip. "I'm surprised you were willing to look. Almost wish you didn't find me."

“And if I didn’t find you, what would you do? Kill yourself?” Mara replied rather bluntly. There was no malice in her words. There never was. Not toward Jill. Not toward Vivian. Those two got hard truths but it was always laced with undoubtable love. “You remind me so much of my mother…” The dark haired beauty admitted. “Every time I think she gets better, something happens that makes her want to forget all the pain.” Like her father dying. “I will never claim to understand you but I will speak for myself and say, you are not a monster. Sure you have monsters living inside you, I do too, but if you were a monster do you think I would’ve come all this way just to be here with you?” Mara caught Jill’s gaze, as she held her hands together. They rested on her lap. The sun soaked her olive skin while she felt the dampness in the grass. She could tell there was a storm recently. The night before. It was a beautiful day to be sad. A beautiful day to be sad with company.

Sighing deeply, Mara shook her head, firmly disagreeing with her friend’s nonsense, “Monsters embrace the self they shouldn’t enjoy, but do, and yet you want to drown yourself. Is that really what monsters do?”

The fact that her plan was so transparent to someone who had to be jet lagged from the transatlantic flight made Jillian at least drop the hand holding the bottle to her side as opposed to continuously locking lips with it. In that moment, it was tough to feel anything but more shame. Not the remnants of the rain soaking through the small black pair of cotton shorts, nor the slight breeze rustling the oversized white tank failing to hide the neon pink bra underneath. Just a friend calling her out within 10 minutes of sitting down.

"If they know just how much of a monster they are, maybe," she replied sullenly before looking up at Mara, the red under her eyes matching the jacket of the frowning man on the bottle of alcohol. "I hurt so many people, Mara. I said so many things. I was so caught up in myself I ignored people killing themselves and hurting themselves, while I just spread lies and cared about my social status. And for what? In the end, I couldn't even protect someone inside of me!" Jillian stares back over the dark waters, finally taking another sip of the vodka. "I know that you weren't here for the stuff I didn't talk about online, but I did a lot of horrible things. I don't think I can make up for the pain I inflicted on this community, and I can't take the karma that's coming back on me. It's too much." The redhead finally meets Mara's gaze again, the tears starting again. "So what's wrong with making everyone else's life easier and getting rid of the problem?"

Her hand was shaking, as if she knew it was a bad idea, but the pressure in Jill's head was overwhelming at that point. A part of her knows that it isn't the answer. It's just a final way to inflict hurt on those who dared get too close to the toxic Clover. But as she told Marco all those nights ago, she just couldn't be that support structure any more. Not with so many scars on her soul.

While she didn’t say anything immediately, Amaranth did grab her friend’s shaking hand, cupping it in between hers. Like she had said earlier, there were some things she couldn’t understand even if she tried, like losing a child and having to live with that grief. Mara, however, could understand doing bad deeds and spending your life making up for it. Neither Jill nor Viv knew how Mara was at school. All they knew at first was her online persona and when their friendship blossomed, she was reformed and doing better. Trying to at least.

Her dad would say that Grimms preferred the dark but he believed, God willing, that people, regardless of their namesake, could become more than their circumstances. Foundling or no foundling. Money or no money. We choose to take all the bad and turn it into good. We choose our path, and learn through experience, that walking forward isn’t always in a straight line. Sometimes you have to backtrack because there’s a better turn to take. Jill couldn’t protect her daughter because she was pushed down the stairs. She blamed herself when it was obvious who was to blame. What Mara could relate to was using her words to harm. She did and she knew it got someone to commit suicide, right at her campus. She knew the person too and their ghost will forever haunt her, until the day she dies. That was her burden to bear. It was her sin to confess and ask forgiveness for. It was her grief to live with to become a better person. “Easy for who? Me? The fuck it is.” the usually polite Harding brought out her aunty Bex, the grace flying out the window as she firmly held her friend’s hand. “I don’t think that gets rid of the problem. Not really. That’s just you choosing the easy way out.”

The grip on Jill's hand and the swear word flying from Mara's lips jolted her back slightly towards reality. However, it wasn't enough to bring the O'Brien girl back from the edge just yet. "Then what do I do, Mara? What can I do to make this up to people? How the fuck do I undo the damage I did?"

For a few minutes, Vivian Lucasta was just standing from a distance. Not that she meant to be a creeper, but when she got the text that Mara sent and when she took her lunch break under the impression that Dawn would expect her back within the hour she had, there was a high chance that she wouldn’t be. She didn’t even go home to change into something that wasn’t her uniform. It was all kinds of pink (not that Vivian minded one bit). The urgency that was in Mara’s text was one of those situations where she knew she couldn’t waste time picking out an outfit or worry about how she stood out. All she could do was drive her ass to the lake. And when she did, Vivian was the silent witness to the whole exchange, her heart breaking more and more the longer it went on, yet she was almost frozen until she wasn’t.

“You don’t need to do anything!” The blonde abruptly shouted, taking steps forward. There was some part of her that thought if it would be best to take slow steps or if she should proceed with caution, but Vivian wasn’t that kind of friend. She respected boundaries, of course, but Jillian needed her. She needed to know she was loved and that nothing that may have happened in the past is her fault. So she didn’t even think as she took a place on the opposite side Mara was and took Jill’s hand, squeezed it and literally clung to it, hugging it as the blonde needed one of her two best friends in this world to know just how much she was cared about.

“You don’t need to do anything because you have nothing to feel guilty about, Jill! We all love you so much and no matter what, we are going to be here for you through it all!” Her voice was cracking, full of emotions and love for Jill. She was a hot mess with that and tears falling down her face. Vivian never was able to keep her emotions in check. Not when she got her heart broken by Lucky Quinn and especially not when one of two of her best friends in this world needed her.

If Mara was the whisper in the wind that started calling Jill back from the bottom of the lake, Viv Lucasta was definitely the gale force blast trying to push her back from the depths. She came in like a hurricane to the other side of the redhead, dropping the bottle from Jill's hand and spilling the contents on the ground like the Russian Prince's blood a hundred years ago. Jillian never even saw her coming, the pink blur suddenly at her side as red as she was. A cursory glance could confirm that. Vivian was one of the most empathetic people she knew. Capable of blasting a room with sunshine, and yet shouldering the burden of someone's emotional stone instantly. Looking from the blonde Bubbles shedding tears like Niagara to the raven-haired Buttercup cursing and pledging confidence, she felt like a broken Blossom sitting there, a leader with no ability to take control.

The tears were still flowing on her end as well. "I… I have to do something, Viv," Jill sobbed. "I can't… I can't make it up to the people I hurt. I can't tell David I'm sorry… or Quinton… or Ally. Shit, even the people that are alive, I'm not even sure I can apologize. Would Caitlin even listen to me, let alone forgive me? I…am so useless."

Vivian was absolutely gutted hearing Jill blame herself for things that, for everyone knew, weren’t even her fault. She hated not being able to just hug the pain away. But she also understood some part of it all. She hugged her ginger bestie’s arm even tighter, her tears falling on the girl’s pale skin. She hugged so tight that a thought of accidentally snapping it off entered her mind. “You’re not useless! You’re not, Jill!” She muttered somewhat clearly, her voice rich with the raw emotions she was feeling. “Who we were in high school doesn’t define the person we are now. If it did, well just ask Mara.” The bubbling mess of a blonde looked at Mara. “I would be a naive, boy crazy fool who couldn’t spot a red flag even if I was a bull from Spain.” She thought about who she was and who she would have been if she never met Mara and Jillian when she did. The trajectory of her life was different now.

“And I wouldn’t have been friends with either of you two,” Mara admitted, not looking at them as she spoke. She still held Jill’s hand but she was staring off at the lake, dissociating, lost in her own mind and the events that transpired prior to her arriving in Edenridge. “Jill, if you’re going to hell, I’m going with you.” She could see her family, Eve and Aster, and how much her father’s death severed the bonds they had together. She knew her mom meant well, as did her sister, but it did hurt to see all the people around her drowning. She needed to be strong for them, which also meant she needed to own up to her own wrongdoings. “I was raised with a silver spoon, and I knew I was better than everyone. I suppose you two are more fortunate to have gone to public school. Private school is an entirely different beast.”

Glancing over to her two friends, both deeply shattered because of their own personal experiences, Viv letting boys steal pieces of her soul, Jill blaming herself for the sins of her family, her ex and this town, she searched their eyes for connection, a silent way of saying she wasn’t doing okay herself but she was trying, for them, “Up until I met you two, I wasn’t a good person. I don’t talk much about my life outside of the band, my sister and my dad. Or well, when he was alive I talked about him, like how when we traveled we would throw a dart on a map to decide our next destination. Small things like that. I find the simplicity of what you two go through far more interesting than my life. I will never claim to be good.” She squeezed Jill’s hand, understanding her more than she’d ever realize.

“But I do know I’m actively trying to be better. I am who I am, no excuses. What I can control is what I do from this point on, if not for myself, then for you two, and all those who would be at my funeral. You understand, Jill?” Mara sharply gazed at the redhead. She wasn’t going to promise her life will get better. What she will say is if she changed the way she thought and the things she did have control over, like forcing herself to apologize to those she felt she wronged, then that is a start. All she needed to do was start somewhere and from there the rest will fall into place. She already did. She just didn’t see it. Jillian O’Brien was changing. She was reflecting on her past, she wasn’t constantly turning to the bottle and she smiled more, she was open to talk, she was receiving the love given to her and not hiding from it, afraid to get hurt. That was likely all thanks to Mei Ramsey.

Jill was still crying as this was going on, the salty tears rimming the vodka cocktail swirling in the mud. At her lowest point, it felt like she had no friends in the world. That there were more enemies and blank faces than allies. Certainly post-Ally. Most definitely after hitting the post of the Barrie staircase. There was even that time when she wasn't sure if Mei was just tolerating her presence as thanks for the support in the high school wars. But the high-school era Jillian O'Brien was never truly coming back. There would be bits and pieces brought forth, but never the alpha queen that ruled the class. That was a rule of fear. Machiavelli said it was better to be feared than loved, but once no one is afraid of you, and there is no love to fill that void, it becomes clear that all that's left is the darkness.

Even as Jillian figured that being a ghost was all that's left, it was amazing that the friends that she swore she never would forget had to remind her there was still a reason for that body to reject the sickness. Hell, they drained their hearts to make sure she wasn't joining the dead.

Today had forced her to relive the past through new eyes and she hated every bit of what she saw. And the memories of the past few years usually drove her to the drink for all the wrong reasons. But Viv and Mara were more recent additions to her friend circle, and while she didn't consider them as part of her support system, they were definitely pulling their weight now.

"I think so," Jill finally confirms. "I know I'm not the person I was in high school. But what am I? Just a waitress then? I don't know what else I can do. I can't erase the past. I don't know what I do for the future." Her hands tense against her friends' own. "I don't know if I can go back to school, or if I'm just going to be working and stuck here. I know you think your mom traveling around is rough, but I am so jealous of being able to do that, Mara. Shit, if Mei and I, if she still wants me, if we…" Jill's mind was racing way too far in the future now. It was an improvement but she still had to shake her head to get herself back into reality. "Sorry, emotions and shit. Mara, I'm sorry I made you run out here right after a 12-hour flight, and Viv, I'm sorry I made you… clearly ditch work. I… appreciate the help with the pain."

Vivian vehemently shook her head. “Don’t even sweat it, Jilly! This was more important. Besides!” She couldn’t help but become a little giddy thinking about her excuse of getting out of work. “I took my lunch break! I’m sure Dawn hasn’t even noticed I’ve been gone…though, it’s probably swamped right about now…” As painful as it was here, she just knew her big sister would have some words for her whenever she returned, be it at their apartment or when she returned a couple hours later than she was supposed to…

"At least you have people who might be noticing you're gone," Jill noted. "And who want you back for good reasons. That was part of why I was out here. I didn't think I'd be missed."

”Bitch, you better be fucking joking!” Mei had heard enough. Standing directly behind the Powerpuff Girls with her hands on her hips and tears in her eyes, the goth girl’s face was paler than normal, incensed by what she was hearing. When she had returned home from the studio after Caitlin’s confession, she found the apartment empty and more specifically, her shelf of liquor missing a certain Russian prince. Mei knew better than anyone that the Czar was Jillian’s drink of choice when it came time to fall into the depths of her wallowing soul. This was why when she saw it was missing that she immediately tracked Jill’s phone to the shores of Eden lake. The Wiccan girl immediately hopped into the Comet and sped with reckless abandon to Scott Street and the cut back between the O’Hara and Cleary homes.

Mei stormed a circle around the trio until she stood before them, the cold water that housed a thousand lost souls beneath its surface washing away at her Doc Martens. “You really think I wouldn’t miss you?” The dark priestess wanted to feel disbelief but she knew better. She knew that Jill had demons that even she couldn’t fight away, not with magic or words. She hoped her love would be enough. “Jillybean.” Mei dropped to her knees in front of her Ashes and could feel the vodka and tears mixture seep between the gaps in her fishnet tights. She placed her hands on Jill’s pale face as she looked into her big brown eyes. “You’re a fucking cunt!” With an almighty wallop, Miss Midnight slapped her girlfriend square in the face. As she did she shot the other Puffs a menacing look, daring them to try and intervene.

“Get your fucking head out of your ass. Jill O’Brien, I have loved you since our days in the fucking sandbox. I have been with you every day, giving you everything, every part of me. And you have the audacity to say you wouldn't be missed? I should kick your beautiful stupid sexy fat fucking ass!” Mei could feel the warm salted tears begin to well up as she ripped away the choker she always wore around her neck to reveal the large scar on her throat. “Everyday I wake up and I look in the mirror and I see this. And I go back to that day. I go back and I remember that as I lay in a pool of my own fucking blood, I remember thinking, ‘I hope Jill got out’. I remember Roddy fucking Callahan pulling my ass out of that room and asking him ‘Is Jill ok?’ Don’t you dare, ever, say that you won’t be missed. Cos the only reason I didn’t die is because I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from you.”

Well, that’s one way to get Jill to listen. Amaranth released Jill’s hand so that she was free from her grasp and able to react in whatever way she pleased. She sat there quietly, adjusting herself so that she was no longer on her knees but sitting sideways. She watched this storm of a woman come whirling in to give her girlfriend a wake up call. Mara tilted her head, observing the lover’s quarrel. She smiled to herself, recalling her parents. Evelyn Harding and George Grimm. They were passionate lovers. George would never hesitate to remind Eve why she mattered, even if his words weren’t always the softest. He loved her with all his heart and would never let her fall, even if sometimes it did take a toll on him. He loved her and now he is gone. If Jill couldn’t live for friends, perhaps she could live for love. Not many people are as lucky to have a girlfriend like Mei Ramsey. Not many people are as lucky to be in a relationship. Not many people are as lucky to understand how it feels to love and be loved in return. Jill was lucky. Mara hoped she saw how lucky she was.

Like the hurricane she was, when Mei Ramsay had come rushing in, Vivian felt all of those familiar feelings of her muscles tensing up. Mei was sweet and a force, but this was Vivian's own reaction to aggression in general. She never did well with it and for one reason or another (mostly following Mara’s suit), she released her tight, clinging grasp on Jill’s other arm and stood up, dusting whatever particles ruined her work uniform. Jillian meant so much to them all. She was loved by them all. Mei was just the kind of abrasive, in-your-face reminder of that. Vivian just hoped and prayed on her metaphorical knees that Jill could see that.

Jill should have expected this would happen. Mei was never one to take perceived slights lightly, and listening to her chastise her for her abrupt trip to the lake was proper punishment. Even the vicious slap to the face, adding her cheek to the blotchy red skin around her eyes, was warranted in Jill's eyes. That passion that defined Miss Midnight was always there, and she was going to take what she deserved, world be damned.

But Jill still didn't know how or why she was at the top of that list. The scar on Mei's neck was a grisly reminder of the pain of that day, when she knew she lost two of her friends and very nearly lost what would eventually be the whole pack. Hearing Mei confirm that her thoughts weren't to her family as Roddy dragged her away, but to Jill's queen-bitch entitled ass? Even back then?

"Mei," the redhead finally spoke, soft enough for all three of them to barely hear it over the rustling wind. "Why do you love me?" She could probably leave it there and hope for an answer but the efforts of Vivian and Amaranth had only gotten Jill to around 60% of her restored levels of confidence post-Carlisle Street. "You say you've loved me since we were kids, but I was a horrible child. Like you said, my head gets so far up my own ass, I can't see anything else. I tried to solve other people's problems, but only when it served me. I destroyed so many lives with a casual flick. I ignored Ally's problems, blinded by hero worship. I made Quinton even more of an outcast. I shoved so many beneath me into the depths of the social pool. I drove CeCe away. I… helped push David into that lake… " She couldn't bear to look her girlfriend in the face. "...And I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same to the senior who fucked you when you were a freshman."

When Mei made the admission on air, Jill didn't have to think all that long and hard about who the likely candidate was for that relationship. It didn't take a Kylee-level investigation to figure out that as Allison Davies was a guiding figure in Jill's cheerleading career, Mei had found her senior soul sister in the darkness when Sabrina Aviles took her under her raven wing. United in magic, death and rock music. High school Jillian would have loved to take a shot at denting that family's seemingly impervious armor. Sabrina would have been burned at the stake, and honestly, she probably would have enjoyed it if it wasn't metaphorical. But that was just a sign that the monster Jill sought to slay still dwelled within to a point.

"Mei, I ignored you for all those years, oblivious to the full scope of your feelings while being so hyper focused on Danny and the rotating cast of guys and Mike. Fucking Mike. I ran my way through the male roster of Edenridge High, running away from any feelings that being 'outside the norm' could make me happy. Even after everything, hitting rock bottom and watching you drag me back up from hell, I doubted. I doubted the power of your love because I can only think of my own pain. You can argue that I've hurt you the most of anyone in this town. So why, Mei?" Jill finally looked Miss Midnight in the eyes, blurs obscuring both visions as the tears continue to cascade to soothe the pain of the slap and try to wash the emotions away. Her voice held no anger like her partner, just a weary disbelief at the world. "Why do you love an absolute monster like me?"

”Why do I love you?” Mei repeated her girlfriend's words as she couldn’t hide the knives that Jill was stabbing onto her heart. Q had always been a sore spot for the DJ and even to this day she worshiped the ground that Sabrina walked on. She was under no illusions about the type of person Jill was back then and had no qualms with telling her as much but Mei herself was no saint either. ”Why do I love you?” She said again before forcefully grabbing a tight hold of Jillian’s face. ”Let me count the fucking ways. How about because every time I look into those beautiful brown eyes my entire world melts away? And all that’s left inside of me is a warmth and a desire that literally leaves me breathing only for you?

The inner rage that was sweeping through the midnight girl like previous night's torrential storm was palpable. ”Or maybe it’s the fact that my entire life I have tried to be alternative and different and the weirdest fucking twat in the room and in spite of all that, even at your prissiest bitchiest, you were the only person that supported me? Ally? Reagan? Don’t make me laugh.” Mei couldn’t stop the tears now, this was her at her most vulnerable. This version of her was and always had been reserved solely for Jill O’Brien. ”Ally killed herself. David, killed himself. I have no doubt, at all, that Quinton mouthed off to Charlie and that got him killed. You didn’t do any of that. Not alone. I did that. Viv did that. Lanie, Beau, Principal Paine? The entire fucking universe did all that. We’re all fucking monsters. Jilly, I cast spells in my spare time. And if you’re a monster I summoned, then I will never ever let you fucking go because, you absolute mental patient, you fucking complete me.”

Those brown eyes were certainly melting. Jillian always had explanations for everything in high school, but there was one that when Olivia or Kat asked her, she never truly had an answer for: Why, when she helped confirm that so many other outcasts would stay trapped in the caste system, did she keep fighting to make sure Mei Ramsey stayed out of that same set of boxes? Even when she wasn't following her heart to its true north heading, Mei was always a part of her life. No exceptions. There were thoughts swirling as answers in her mind, but they wouldn't do any good trapped in that battered brain. They needed to be released. Even in the presence of her fellow Puffs.

"Mayday…" Jill finally started. "Your eyes give me hope. Freedom. The thought that with a simple flick, there is something coming that may be unexpected, but it will always be worthwhile. I loved that. Love that." She had to correct herself. That mischief certainly wasn't gone. "I still do. Your scars give me resolve, even when my own seem so overwhelming to deal with. The thought of losing that fire even for a moment drove me here. Your artwork gives me joy, seeing it in whatever medium you choose, including your own skin. Hopefully soon mine as well. Your hands give me courage, knowing that when I'm in trouble, battling whatever I am battling, there's a second pair as backup, waiting for a chance to get in there and lay some hits. Even if they need to be used against me. The tears were still flowing against the palm mark on her face, but Jill couldn't feel it for a second. The emotions were too strong. Emotions that were shoved aside for too long but were now overflowing again, like their first confession to each other. She was still in Mei's hands, but her own were now firmly rested on the dark-haired girl's shoulders. "Your body gives me comfort, finding that warmth you don't say is in there, but I know it is. Your brain gives me everything I need, even before I know I need it. And your lips…" Jill leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on those painted lips, tasting the mixed tears on both their faces, a salty blast of the emotional tea being spilled between the two. The redhead pulled back after a couple of seconds. "Those lips give me life. In so many ways." The woman who just delivered a university-level soliloquy, at least in her mind, let her head collapse against her lover's body. "I'm sorry, Mei. I'm sorry for everything. For causing you pain, for stealing and wasting the vodka, and I'm sorry for making you wait for this."

”Well now you’re just getting sappy. Toughen up cupcake.” Mei smiled from ear to ear. She knew that with those words Jill would be ok. Perhaps not right away or any time soon but she would get there and the young Ramsey would help her. Maybe once all was said and done, Jill could attend a few sessions with Mei’s mother? She knew that if anyone else could get through to the once and former foundling it would be Shannon. As much as she hated to admit it, Mei’s mom had a talent for getting in peoples heads and hearts. ”I’ve got you, baby. I’m never going to let you go. No matter how much of a pain in the ass you are.”

Jill didn’t want to move her head from Mei’s shoulder in that moment. She wanted to cling to her liferaft, keeping her safe above the waves. “I’m sorry, I’m going to keep being a pain in the ass. I… drank too much of that vodka before it hit the ground. I’m going to need a ride home… and then a ride back here tomorrow to grab the car again.”

Mei’s dark eyes shot around the Powerpuffs that had guided her Jill through the fog and into her arms. ”Thank you both for helping her. It means absolutely everything.” The tattoo artist's words were dripping with sincerity before her face scrunched up once more. ”Say anything about this to anyone we don’t want you to and I’ll kick both your asses and fuck you with some garden shears. Am I clear?”

Jill finally lifted her head and looked back and forth to her two friends, one online, one often busy, but both here in the moment, filling roles she didn’t know she needed refilled, but appreciated nonetheless. “That’s just Mei speak for thank you very much… but seriously, don’t tell anyone. She does not keep those garden shears clean.”

At this point, Mara went from attentive and focused to exasperated and irritated. Picking herself up, seeing the mud spots on her jeans, she gave her best winning smile, “No problem. Clearly I’m just like my cousin, Kylee.” A little passive aggressive. She needed to tone it down. “Sorry… jet lag and all. On that note, I’ll see you lovers later,” Mara dismissed herself, not one for physical touch. Instead, she nodded at Jillian and her girlfriend before leading the charge, clearly uncomfortable from the massive display of PDA.

“Vivian? You coming? I want to play tennis,” the Mayor’s niece said matter-of-factly, not slowing down for anyone. One could say Amaranth Harding was not someone who simply rested. No, she had to do as much as she could before she decided to call it a day. She was on a plane for hours and did not feel productive. At most she was able to write her paper for an online summer course but other than that? Nothing. She was dreadfully behind and it stressed her out.

Seeing and hearing and watching how Jillian had someone like Mei to hold her hand as she walked out of her own abyss brought a smile to Viv's face but also just a little jealousy. She wanted that kind of romance. The kind where when she was down, she could have someone that would hold her hand like that. Someone to call her out on her own stupidity. However, that didn’t change how utterly happy and relieved she was that Jill had someone so perfect for her like Mei Ramsay. She found her person and she knew she would find hers. Some day. “I’ll text you later, Jill.” She gave the redhead a smile that lingers for a few moments as Jillian returned a nod.

And then Viv immediately tagged along with Mara when she could sense her eyes staring into the back of her head. She couldn’t explain it but that’s just how Mara was. “Yeah I’m coming! Can we stop by my place before? Kinda wanna change out of this—” She stopped herself , thinking about the possibility that Dawn might be at their apartment. “— Or I can just stay in what I have on.” She walked into the abyss with Mara and Jill and yet the wrath of her big sister still made her tremble more.

“We can stop at the Manor. I need to change into my tennis wear anyways, I have several if you want to keep any. Like the pink one, I know how much you love pink. Or pastels in general.”

She giggled. “That’d be great! You’ve always had the better taste for anything physical related. Most of mine isn’t even that well-equipped for tennis.” The two left the Lake area, their work done.

With the departure of the Puffs, Mei moved herself out of the mud and water and dropped down on Jill’s side where Mara once sat. Posh Spice had a warm ass. Before turning to her girlfriend, the goth goddess tied her choker back around her neck. It had been nearly forty eight hours since Mei had slept. Between drinking and dancing, hosting the Midnight Frequency to training and helping Jilly prep for her interview with the strange entrepreneur they met under the neon of the Afterlife, the Ramsey girl had finally started to feel the crash. She leaned back, her palms digging into the mud behind her, her dark eyes looking at the redhead she loved. ”If you want, we can try and get you some sessions with my Mom. If you think that’ll help?”

As Jill saw her distant friend and her sunshine friend depart together, she felt the adrenaline start to come down a little. Her emotions were starting to return to their usual balance. It wasn't a great balance, but it was better than it was over the last year. As Mei sat upright, Jillian could see the toll that the last two days was taking on her girlfriend. And yet she was still trying to find solutions. Jill had to do more for her.

The redhead nods as she looks into those pools of black. "Yeah," she agrees. "That might be something… I need. Hopefully there is a steep family discount on sessions." She nervously laughs. Therapy was not something that was talked about in her family. Her father was adamant that a lot of mental health issues were hogwash and excuses. Of course, it was the physical health that ended up being his problem. "I trust your mom, so it should be OK. But I need you do something for me tonight."

“I need you to get some sleep, love. The last two days have been rough, and I know they have been rough on you, but it's been rougher watching you try and be a freaking superwoman when it's just not possible to pull off. Trust me. I miss having you in bed with me. I want you to take the night off and get some sleep. I can host the Frequency for you. I've heard enough songs that I am starting to get a good ear for them. Lauren Babic's new one totally slaps."

A smile from Mei Ramsey had to be earned. It was reserved for the rare few and Jillian O’Brien. From their days in the sandbox, to slipping each other notes in Beau’s class and shaking their tight asses at basketball players at Celtic games, Mei always had a smile for Jill. ”That it definitely does.” The dark priestess moved her hand to lace with her lovers. ”You know me babe, can’t stop won’t stop until I’m dead and even then that’s pushing it. But for you…” Mei gently kissed Jill’s shoulder and turned to look at the dark lake. ”I’ll do my best but let’s not worry about that right now. We’re here, we’re together. Just be with me, you fucking slut. Just be with me right now. Tomorrow can be tomorrow’s fucking problem.”

Tomorrow. Jillian O’Brien was a half-pint of cheap vodka and a few muddy steps away from having no tomorrow. And 30 minutes ago, she would have welcomed the prospect. But with her girlfriend… her partner, leaning against her, finding solace in just the touch of her body, she couldn’t be selfish enough to deny Miss Midnight her pillow, her rock… her everything. Mei said it herself. Even knowing the monster that high-school Jill was, she stepped up against the ghosts’ siren song. Her friends did too. She still had them. “All right, Mei. In the words of Avril Lavigne, I’m with you. I’m with you. I’m with you.” She softly sang the last two, knowing it would probably get a rise out of her significant other. But that could also be another problem for another time. For now, to quote another song from the Canadian songstress, she had her head above water… and maybe there will be a meeting at an altar in the future. At the very least, she would fall down on her knees for this woman.

“You know I’m playing Avril tonight, right?”

Mei was scared of only a few things. Losing Jill was the top of that list and had been for as long as she could remember. She was only seconded by the loss of her family, clowns and the destruction of everything she had worked so hard to build for herself in her few short years on the Goddess’ planet Earth. ”If I wake up and you’ve played Avril, I am going to drown you in this lake my own Damn self.” the Midnight girl teased her lover before planting a soft kiss on her pale cheek.

"Says the woman who Wonderwall'd her audience," Ashes giggled and fired back.

For years together, Mei Ramsey and Jill O’Brien were known as fierce and unstoppable forces of nature. Recently, the jagged sword they once wielded had been filled by pain and suffering of their own. No more. It was time to sharpen their blades again and show Edenridge that they hadn’t gone soft. That despite the sadness they carried that they would not allow the Hellmouth to swallow them up like it had so many others. Not Jill and Not Mei. They would burn this town to the fucking ground before they were done.

”This place ain’t ready for us yet, baby.”

"It doesn't matter if this place is ready for us or not. I am."

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