TIMESTAMP: Friday Evening
After Rule Number One
After Rule Number One
@Hey Im Jordan Skatie @smarty0114

@LovelyComplex Koz @BrutalBx

@LovelyComplex Koz @BrutalBx
Pacing around in the living room, having already covered her coffee table with two large snack boards, glasses of water and virgin pina coladas, Kim could feel the somersaults in her stomach, the sweat in her palms and the nerves coursing through her veins. It was almost time for the arrival of her boyfriend, her best friend and her best friend’s boyfriend and she was so nervous. Incredibly nervous. Her pacing gradually shifted to a halt. Standing still, Kim gave the table a once-over, re-evaluating the snack boards, as if she hadn’t done so a million times already. One of her boards was intricately decorated with healthier options of snackage, such as veggies, fruit, cheese and meat, while the other was adorned with the not so healthy options like girl scout cookies, candy fit for a movie theater, chips and obviously, popcorn.
She was over prepared. Kim usually was. The wait game forced her mind into an endless montage loop of horrible scenarios of the night going wrong. Terribly wrong. Kim was a worrywart. Anyone that was close to her knew that even while she acted composed, she was worrying about something. In her worry though, a sudden and abrupt thought appeared, which was par for the course of her being creative. Rushing to the kitchen, she opened her laptop where a word doc was opened, with notes for her working title: Happily Never Ever (a highschool musical). She scrolled to the lyrics of one of her songs she was writing and typed:
How would I feel?
Given the spotlight.
Instead of a star
I’m a tiny firefly
Was this out of character? In her play, it was a collection of stories, molded in one big story. Simple enough, right? The protagonist within her notes on the page she was on had gotten lost in the background. Her name was Emma. There was one person who noticed her in a sea of many others. A crowd of thousands. He was different from what she knew. A boy who embodied anarchy. If she were honest to herself, being different was good. For her, different was great. He went by the name Fitz.
The invisible girl of this short story wished she could fly far away from the tumultuous climate that was her school. Her life had reached a point of lonely, cold isolation and since she was an observer, not an actor, all she could do was watch. Watch her best friends get distracted with their own affairs. One never wanting to leave her boyfriend’s side. A girl named Marnie who loved to hear herself talk and forget her friends existed. The other, a boy, distracted by his growing responsibilities and an unexpected infatuation. His gaze betrayed him when a boy passed him by. If only Milo shared with her the madness in his mind, just as much as she shared with him her stories and ideas. If only she wasn’t a supporting character. If only she was a star rather than a tiny firefly.
Childlike wonder, evening delight
A girl with bright ideas
Unable to journey to the sky
Counting moments, not months
Time is never enough
Where would I be
If I wasn't stuck in a dream?
When the doorbell rang, Kim hopped up, locked her laptop and closed it shut. Ritualistic and protective over her thoughts, not willing to share them until she was ready, Kim double checked to make sure she did indeed lock her laptop. When she was done securing her trove of ideas, she scurried to the door and patted her skirt down. Turning her head toward the mirror in the entryway, she checked the mirror not once but twice and made sure her lipstick wasn’t smeared and her make up wasn’t flaky. Only when she thought she looked presentable, as pretty as she could possibly be for an average canvas, Kim opened the door, already knowing who was waiting on the other side because of the tall silhouette with the large, curly mane.
“Hi, Meatball,” Kim greeted, thumb twiddling and trying her best to hide how anxious she was.
The house was a hurricane of chaos when he had left it. Vincent and Capri were busy in their kitchen, a safe haven for the aging lovers as their five children bustled around them, experiencing life to the fullest in their own specific ways. Despite this, the patriarch and matriarch of the Osso clan would still prepare a large feast for their offspring, even if they never actually sat down to enjoy it. They’d give the leftovers to Nduja the dog.
Bobby had to work because of course he did. All those McMansions and stores weren’t going to watch themselves whilst all of the Beverly Hills elite were at the big game. Clari had the babies to fuss over, ever the doting mom. Sissy was compiling a case against a big Colombian narco and Ricky was trying to style his hair in the mirror for the fourteenth time to impress Sofi. Oz himself was also busy preening but that’s because the night wasn’t just another night and he wasn’t thinking about homecoming.
Kim was going to properly tell those she loved about him. This was a big deal. Not so much for Anthony, as nice as it would be to be acknowledged, this was all about his girl. She needed this. She needed to step out from the opaque she had embraced and into the spotlight she deserved and what better way to do that than to announce to the world that you are dating the most metal motherfucker that had ever walked the pristine white halls of BHHS?
Kimber Benson was fucking metal, man.
Ozzy had washed his wild mane with his sister's hot girlfriend's shampoo, now it smelled like coconut and he had stolen a simple black button down from Bobby because he wanted to at least look somewhat presentable. He loved his all black wardrobe but if Kim needed him to be human for a night, then he would do it. The metal lord would walk barefoot through the fires of hell and drag his dick through broken glass if it pleased his good lady. Call him down bad, call him a simp. It didn’t matter because he was the one that got to close his eyes and dream of Kim Benson.
After walking Nduja, apparently it was Oz’s turn but he was pretty confident that the little shitstick Ricky switched the names on the fridge which had the schedule on it, he shot off on his Harley towards Kimi’s cul-de-sac. With Motörhead’s “Eat the Rich” turned up to eleven, the heavy metal hero rode through the streets like a modern day outlaw, unforgiven and unforeseen towards his waiting princess. Though he had to make sure to stop and not forget the pistachio cannoli’s that mama made. Arriving outside Kim’s, the neighbors peered out of their windows as they always did when Oz’s bike slid into their slice of white picket heaven; he flashed them the bird before grabbing the box and heading to the door and ringing the bell.
“My dearest lady.” Ozzy leaned and kissed his beauty’s rosie red lips. “I brought treats, as requested.”
Breathing in the tender kiss, her eyes half closed, Kim took in the notes of coconut layered on top of her boyfriend’s natural earthy scent. A scent that reminded her of the woods after a summer rain. When he pulled away, she grabbed the dessert from him and urged, “Make yourself at home.” Leading the way to the living room, she reasoned with herself, already having her doubts. “Katie might not show up! She hasn’t texted me yet so I am a little worried.” Finding a home for the cannolis, on the nearly fully covered coffee table, she explained, “I wouldn’t blame her. I’m sure she has better things to do than watch movies with me.”
“If she doesn’t turn up, that’s her loss.” Oz followed his girlfriend into the big empty house and specifically the living room which she had obviously spent the time and effort into crafting into a comfy den for a magical movie extravaganza for those she cared about. “And it’s my gain because it means that I get you all to myself.” He was aware that it just being the two of them wasn’t the point. The night was meant for Kim to finally be the self she always knew she could be and show her friend Katie that she was more than just a background player in her CW teen drama. He sincerely hoped that her friend would actually do the right thing and turn up so that Kim got her chance at center stage. “So what’s the plan babe?”
“We sit, we wait, and we scroll through movies until they show up, I guess?” Kim sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. Her timid gaze followed him as he joined her. Leaning forward, she brushed a strand of curl behind his ear and smiled, “You had a good day?” she asked, redirecting her nerves and focusing on the moment shared with her boyfriend. It was all she could do as they were in limbo waiting for Katie Callaghan and Scott Lyon.
Grabbing her Metalhead’s hands, she held them delicately and wondered to herself when she’d get to meet his family and friends. Was it too soon to think about those prospects? If things fell through with Katie, she could always properly introduce Oz to Niles. It was too bad that Niles didn’t have a partner like her because then they could go on a double date to Glitter City. To see Niles roller skate would be adorable especially if he had a certain… boy… at his side.
“Can’t complain.” Oz had spent his day going through his usual motions. After leaving Kim that morning, the dungeon master got together with his menagerie of misfits to discuss their own personal issues. Ozzy had elected himself as the problem solver for the downtrodden and down beaten. This began with the innocuous enough, posting love letters into lockers for the innocent freshmen who were desperately devoted to someone who didn’t even know they existed.
Second was something a bit more up Oz’s street. messing with some jocks for being pieces of shit to the non-conformists. Anthony Osso was no fighter in a physical sense but he was brave, some might say foolhardy and just a little bit stupid. With the honor of the geeks on the table, Ozzy Tp’d several cars, squirted stale whipped cream into some of the football players cleats and he superglued lockers closed. Harmless hijinks for the most part but nobody messed with Oz’s weirdos; the silly stuff was just a warning.
Adjusting himself next to his girlfriend, the thrash king placed his arm around her. Anxiety was radiating off of Kim and all he wanted to do was make it better for her, to give her everything that her beautiful heart desired. Was that not his job as a boyfriend? To make her happy? Gently caressing her soft brown hair, Oz kissed the top of her head. “And you? How many hearts did you break today?”
“You’re funny,” Kim rolled her eyes. Even as a joke, she couldn’t believe she had it in her to break hearts. “My day has been alright. Just been thinking about tonight.” Kim leaned her head against her companion and traced her fingers on his chest. “I want this to go perfect but I really don’t know how Katie is going to feel about you. And the fact that I didn’t tell her immediately, she might take that personally.” There were many possible avenues this could go and Kim hoped that the one that happened was a positive one, for all parties involved. One could never predict when it came to a Callaghan. “I haven’t even told her that I’m writing an original musical for spring… I feel like there’s so much I haven’t told her and I feel really bad.”
“It’s not like you haven’t tried to tell her babe,” Anthony caressed his girlfriend's soft locks. “Katie has always had her own shit on the go, for as long as I can remember anyway. I know you love the girl but she’s never prioritized you over herself.” He didn’t want to speak ill of Kim’s best friend, he knew how devoted she was to Katie but the fact that Kim was feeling the way she did, to Oz, that wasn’t comparable to a true friendship. “When she finally gets her head out of the clouds; she’ll see everything you’ve been doing, every step you’ve been taking and she’ll be so proud. I know I am.” The metal lord knew that it wasn’t the same to hear the words coming from his mouth but he also knew that Kimber needed to hear those words often, she needed to know that she was worth the world. To Oz those weren’t just words, they were gospel.
“That’s true, I guess…” Kim muttered in response, trying to ease her nerves with the calm that her boyfriend exuded. She wanted this to go perfect, without a hitch, and be the best night she and her best friend had in a long while. Sure, she was being optimistic but there was a time where it was them two versus the world. No boys to put a rift in their friendship. For the past couple of years now it’s been Katie and Scott, where Kim and Niles waited, patiently, for Katie to make time for them. The moment the blonde of the trio met Scott the rose colored glasses went on, which made her forget anything else existed. Especially her friends. Now that Kim had Anthony things could change and be a little less lonely. She’d hopefully understand what it means to love someone in a more romantic sense. It was time to stop thinking about things like her and Katie growing apart and focus on the memories to be made of their senior year. They were still best friends. They’d always be best friends. No matter what. Right?
Speak of the devil, and she shall appear. Katie and Scott announced their joint arrival with a press of the doorbell, both holding a Chick-Fil-A cup in one hand. When Kim opened the door, Katie let out an excited squeal, wrapping one arm around her friend as she stepped across the threshold. “Sorry we’re late babe, we had to–” a glance at Scott reminded her of the agreement they’d made on the way over, and she adjusted, “Actually, I’ll tell you later. What are we watc–” Katie stopped abruptly as she noticed a long haired, vaguely familiar boy. She squinted at him, equal parts suspicious and intrigued.“Who the hell are you?” It wasn’t quite aggressive enough to be rude, but it certainly wasn’t welcoming.
“Antonio Tiziano Osso, at your service ma’am.” Oz bowed his head and body like he’d just stepped out of Bridgerton. He didn’t much care for Katie or Scott. It had nothing to do with them as people, he didn’t know them and didn’t have a negative opinion of the pair. He just didn’t know them. The circles they ran in were different, he hypothesized that their views on the world were different. The only true bond that they could share was their love for Kimber Benson. He had no doubt that Katie loved her best friend but she hadn't been showing it lately. To him, Kim deserved to be worshiped every day. “Most people call me Oz. We’ve only had class together for a few years but who's counting right?” Ozzy realized that him making some sarcastic comment was not what Kim needed from him at that time. It was his default setting. “You must be Katie and Scott, Kim’s told me all about you both! All good things, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Katie said, bemused. She left hardly any opening for a conversation that she didn’t control. She looked between her shy, but determined, best friend, and the boy called Oz. It only took her another second to piece the puzzle together. The interloper wouldn’t be here if Kim hadn’t invited him, and if Kim had invited him, that meant he was important to her. The only questions remaining were how the hell Antonio Osso had gotten so close to Kimber, and what the hell were his intentions? “How’d you meet Kim?” she asked, after a sip of her frozen lemonade.
Oz looked to Kim for some kind of reassurance. He was usually so open and honest about every thought that crossed his mind, most had considered and settled on the fact that he probably was lacking the normal vocal filter that nearly everyone on the planet possessed. Though he didn’t want to say anything that would upset Kimmy, this night was for her after all. For her to step under the spotlight she so rightly deserved. “We actually met at the Drive In. You know how it is, someone under stress meets someone looking pretty and I was definitely looking pretty that day. Covered in grease, smelling like old socks and sucking on a lollipop.” He wondered if his humour would even reflect at all or if in the eyes of Miss Katie, he was already unworthy? He didn’t care regardless. The only opinion that mattered was Kim. “But yeah, I was doing some maintenance there and I saw Kim by herself, asked her if she wanted some company. No one should be alone at the movies.”
“It was the night you canceled on me, mid June and Niles was visiting his Chicago family… so I decided to go alone,” Kim meekly admitted, freeing herself from Katie’s embrace and gesturing for the group to follow her. She wasn’t intentionally trying to give her friend grief but many times Katie blew her off for other people and while Kim hid it behind a small smile, that did leave her a little bit disheartened about where their friendship stood. That didn’t matter right now though. She had a movie night to host! “Yepp, and since then he’s been insistent we spend more and more time together. And now we’re… boyfriend and girlfriend.” Kim’s voice turned into a whisper, hoping Katie didn’t focus too hard on that last bit. “Scott! How are you?” She asked swiftly, grabbing a Tagalong cookie and looking at Katie’s boyfriend worriedly. Unsure and on edge, Kim nibbled on the cookie and waited for the dynamite blonde to explode.
Up until the point that he was called upon by the hostess, Scott was kind of genuinely enjoying not being expected to participate in the conversation. He liked listening, especially when Katie was talking. Katie was a good talker. He thought she was the best talker in any room, and he was happy to just let her talk for him. Kimmy was cool, but Kimmy was her friend. Scott talking out of turn here would be like if Katie tried to talk about his car to his bros.
As Kimmy said his name to draw attention from what she’d said, Scott found himself feeling like a prop. This feeling, he thought, was only okay when Katie used the tie he wore to their debate team events to tie his hands together. When he turned his gaze onto Kimmy, he first wore ire in his gaze but it softened when he saw how worried she was. At first, he’d wanted to repeat the bit about boyfriend and girlfriend, but now he felt like he needed to help out. He would take a few boxes of girl scout cookies when they left, as payment.
“It’s been a long night. What movie are we watching tonight? I don’t remember if Katie told me.” She probably had, and as likely as admitting he didn’t remember was to get him in trouble, it was probably better than letting her go into Sherlock mode on the poor guy. He slurped at his cup. Frozen lemonade. The only beverage that he knew could ease the lingering emotions of an argument. His dad thought a Jack & coke did the trick, but Scott would argue that was not the case.
He did not give Kimberly enough time to answer before he turned his attention to Oz. “Nice to meet you dude. I’ve seen your bike,” he held out his free hand for Oz to shake. “A heritage right? It’s cool how they gave them a vintage look - but I prefer street bikes anyway. I wanna do the Isle of Man someday.”
Shaking hands with Scott Lyon; Ozzy didn’t expect that to be how he was spending his evening but it’s what Kim wanted and she deserved everything that she wished for; it was his job to make sure she got it all. “I love me a classic but having a modern bike with all the vintage props just speaks to me.” In some ways; his bike was a representation of Anthony himself, a modern take on an old classic. He was a 21st century boy with a 1980’s mentality. The rocker reached out and shook the racer's hand. “Your Honda is an absolute beast. Bet she drives like a dream.” Oz was a bike guy but he knew how to appreciate the finer points, curves and moments of a sexy automobile. He took a step back, his eyes falling on an obviously nervous and terrified Kim. He placed his hand on the small of her back for reassurance and smiled at the other couple. “Kim went all out tonight, let’s get this movie night a rocking!”
Katie was nothing if not a gifted actress. Questions like, ‘Why didn’t she tell me?’ and ‘Am I the worst friend ever?’ weren’t helpful at the moment. Right now, she needed to be the supportive best friend, not…whoever she was starting to see in the mirror. After a moment's surprise, she assessed the role she was meant to play, and played it well.“Awww,” she cooed, nudging Kim, “Our boys both like things that go vroom. Cute.” As Oz began to rally them, Katie leaned into Scott. “I don’t think you told me that either,” she said, wearing a grin that would win Oscars one day. “What are we watching?”
Relieved, Kim relaxed, not only because Oz was soothing her but because Katie’s reaction was better than she expected. She couldn’t help but feel grateful for Scott’s presence and assistance. Separating herself from her boyfriend, she scurried to the remote, which was left on the three person sofa and turned her TV on.
“Great question. I was thinking ‘Mamma Mia!’ Since it’s your favorite and it’s around that time we should watch it, since we watch it at least once every year. AND. I doubt either of our boys have watched it. I want to see their reactions. What do you think?”
“Good choice.” Katie wondered for a moment if she was being placated, and why she suddenly cared. Overthinking was Jamie’s schtick, and she was not enjoying trying it on. “I hope you like ABBA, Oz. We take ‘Mamma Mia!’ night very seriously.”
“Deadly serious,” the meek girl beamed at her boyfriend, excited that he was here with her and could enjoy one of her favorite things. Watching musicals with her best friend. All her worries, now buried.
For now.
She was over prepared. Kim usually was. The wait game forced her mind into an endless montage loop of horrible scenarios of the night going wrong. Terribly wrong. Kim was a worrywart. Anyone that was close to her knew that even while she acted composed, she was worrying about something. In her worry though, a sudden and abrupt thought appeared, which was par for the course of her being creative. Rushing to the kitchen, she opened her laptop where a word doc was opened, with notes for her working title: Happily Never Ever (a highschool musical). She scrolled to the lyrics of one of her songs she was writing and typed:
How would I feel?
Given the spotlight.
Instead of a star
I’m a tiny firefly
Was this out of character? In her play, it was a collection of stories, molded in one big story. Simple enough, right? The protagonist within her notes on the page she was on had gotten lost in the background. Her name was Emma. There was one person who noticed her in a sea of many others. A crowd of thousands. He was different from what she knew. A boy who embodied anarchy. If she were honest to herself, being different was good. For her, different was great. He went by the name Fitz.
The invisible girl of this short story wished she could fly far away from the tumultuous climate that was her school. Her life had reached a point of lonely, cold isolation and since she was an observer, not an actor, all she could do was watch. Watch her best friends get distracted with their own affairs. One never wanting to leave her boyfriend’s side. A girl named Marnie who loved to hear herself talk and forget her friends existed. The other, a boy, distracted by his growing responsibilities and an unexpected infatuation. His gaze betrayed him when a boy passed him by. If only Milo shared with her the madness in his mind, just as much as she shared with him her stories and ideas. If only she wasn’t a supporting character. If only she was a star rather than a tiny firefly.
Childlike wonder, evening delight
A girl with bright ideas
Unable to journey to the sky
Counting moments, not months
Time is never enough
Where would I be
If I wasn't stuck in a dream?
When the doorbell rang, Kim hopped up, locked her laptop and closed it shut. Ritualistic and protective over her thoughts, not willing to share them until she was ready, Kim double checked to make sure she did indeed lock her laptop. When she was done securing her trove of ideas, she scurried to the door and patted her skirt down. Turning her head toward the mirror in the entryway, she checked the mirror not once but twice and made sure her lipstick wasn’t smeared and her make up wasn’t flaky. Only when she thought she looked presentable, as pretty as she could possibly be for an average canvas, Kim opened the door, already knowing who was waiting on the other side because of the tall silhouette with the large, curly mane.
“Hi, Meatball,” Kim greeted, thumb twiddling and trying her best to hide how anxious she was.
The house was a hurricane of chaos when he had left it. Vincent and Capri were busy in their kitchen, a safe haven for the aging lovers as their five children bustled around them, experiencing life to the fullest in their own specific ways. Despite this, the patriarch and matriarch of the Osso clan would still prepare a large feast for their offspring, even if they never actually sat down to enjoy it. They’d give the leftovers to Nduja the dog.
Bobby had to work because of course he did. All those McMansions and stores weren’t going to watch themselves whilst all of the Beverly Hills elite were at the big game. Clari had the babies to fuss over, ever the doting mom. Sissy was compiling a case against a big Colombian narco and Ricky was trying to style his hair in the mirror for the fourteenth time to impress Sofi. Oz himself was also busy preening but that’s because the night wasn’t just another night and he wasn’t thinking about homecoming.
Kim was going to properly tell those she loved about him. This was a big deal. Not so much for Anthony, as nice as it would be to be acknowledged, this was all about his girl. She needed this. She needed to step out from the opaque she had embraced and into the spotlight she deserved and what better way to do that than to announce to the world that you are dating the most metal motherfucker that had ever walked the pristine white halls of BHHS?
Kimber Benson was fucking metal, man.
Ozzy had washed his wild mane with his sister's hot girlfriend's shampoo, now it smelled like coconut and he had stolen a simple black button down from Bobby because he wanted to at least look somewhat presentable. He loved his all black wardrobe but if Kim needed him to be human for a night, then he would do it. The metal lord would walk barefoot through the fires of hell and drag his dick through broken glass if it pleased his good lady. Call him down bad, call him a simp. It didn’t matter because he was the one that got to close his eyes and dream of Kim Benson.
After walking Nduja, apparently it was Oz’s turn but he was pretty confident that the little shitstick Ricky switched the names on the fridge which had the schedule on it, he shot off on his Harley towards Kimi’s cul-de-sac. With Motörhead’s “Eat the Rich” turned up to eleven, the heavy metal hero rode through the streets like a modern day outlaw, unforgiven and unforeseen towards his waiting princess. Though he had to make sure to stop and not forget the pistachio cannoli’s that mama made. Arriving outside Kim’s, the neighbors peered out of their windows as they always did when Oz’s bike slid into their slice of white picket heaven; he flashed them the bird before grabbing the box and heading to the door and ringing the bell.
“My dearest lady.” Ozzy leaned and kissed his beauty’s rosie red lips. “I brought treats, as requested.”
Breathing in the tender kiss, her eyes half closed, Kim took in the notes of coconut layered on top of her boyfriend’s natural earthy scent. A scent that reminded her of the woods after a summer rain. When he pulled away, she grabbed the dessert from him and urged, “Make yourself at home.” Leading the way to the living room, she reasoned with herself, already having her doubts. “Katie might not show up! She hasn’t texted me yet so I am a little worried.” Finding a home for the cannolis, on the nearly fully covered coffee table, she explained, “I wouldn’t blame her. I’m sure she has better things to do than watch movies with me.”
“If she doesn’t turn up, that’s her loss.” Oz followed his girlfriend into the big empty house and specifically the living room which she had obviously spent the time and effort into crafting into a comfy den for a magical movie extravaganza for those she cared about. “And it’s my gain because it means that I get you all to myself.” He was aware that it just being the two of them wasn’t the point. The night was meant for Kim to finally be the self she always knew she could be and show her friend Katie that she was more than just a background player in her CW teen drama. He sincerely hoped that her friend would actually do the right thing and turn up so that Kim got her chance at center stage. “So what’s the plan babe?”
“We sit, we wait, and we scroll through movies until they show up, I guess?” Kim sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. Her timid gaze followed him as he joined her. Leaning forward, she brushed a strand of curl behind his ear and smiled, “You had a good day?” she asked, redirecting her nerves and focusing on the moment shared with her boyfriend. It was all she could do as they were in limbo waiting for Katie Callaghan and Scott Lyon.
Grabbing her Metalhead’s hands, she held them delicately and wondered to herself when she’d get to meet his family and friends. Was it too soon to think about those prospects? If things fell through with Katie, she could always properly introduce Oz to Niles. It was too bad that Niles didn’t have a partner like her because then they could go on a double date to Glitter City. To see Niles roller skate would be adorable especially if he had a certain… boy… at his side.
“Can’t complain.” Oz had spent his day going through his usual motions. After leaving Kim that morning, the dungeon master got together with his menagerie of misfits to discuss their own personal issues. Ozzy had elected himself as the problem solver for the downtrodden and down beaten. This began with the innocuous enough, posting love letters into lockers for the innocent freshmen who were desperately devoted to someone who didn’t even know they existed.
Second was something a bit more up Oz’s street. messing with some jocks for being pieces of shit to the non-conformists. Anthony Osso was no fighter in a physical sense but he was brave, some might say foolhardy and just a little bit stupid. With the honor of the geeks on the table, Ozzy Tp’d several cars, squirted stale whipped cream into some of the football players cleats and he superglued lockers closed. Harmless hijinks for the most part but nobody messed with Oz’s weirdos; the silly stuff was just a warning.
Adjusting himself next to his girlfriend, the thrash king placed his arm around her. Anxiety was radiating off of Kim and all he wanted to do was make it better for her, to give her everything that her beautiful heart desired. Was that not his job as a boyfriend? To make her happy? Gently caressing her soft brown hair, Oz kissed the top of her head. “And you? How many hearts did you break today?”
“You’re funny,” Kim rolled her eyes. Even as a joke, she couldn’t believe she had it in her to break hearts. “My day has been alright. Just been thinking about tonight.” Kim leaned her head against her companion and traced her fingers on his chest. “I want this to go perfect but I really don’t know how Katie is going to feel about you. And the fact that I didn’t tell her immediately, she might take that personally.” There were many possible avenues this could go and Kim hoped that the one that happened was a positive one, for all parties involved. One could never predict when it came to a Callaghan. “I haven’t even told her that I’m writing an original musical for spring… I feel like there’s so much I haven’t told her and I feel really bad.”
“It’s not like you haven’t tried to tell her babe,” Anthony caressed his girlfriend's soft locks. “Katie has always had her own shit on the go, for as long as I can remember anyway. I know you love the girl but she’s never prioritized you over herself.” He didn’t want to speak ill of Kim’s best friend, he knew how devoted she was to Katie but the fact that Kim was feeling the way she did, to Oz, that wasn’t comparable to a true friendship. “When she finally gets her head out of the clouds; she’ll see everything you’ve been doing, every step you’ve been taking and she’ll be so proud. I know I am.” The metal lord knew that it wasn’t the same to hear the words coming from his mouth but he also knew that Kimber needed to hear those words often, she needed to know that she was worth the world. To Oz those weren’t just words, they were gospel.
“That’s true, I guess…” Kim muttered in response, trying to ease her nerves with the calm that her boyfriend exuded. She wanted this to go perfect, without a hitch, and be the best night she and her best friend had in a long while. Sure, she was being optimistic but there was a time where it was them two versus the world. No boys to put a rift in their friendship. For the past couple of years now it’s been Katie and Scott, where Kim and Niles waited, patiently, for Katie to make time for them. The moment the blonde of the trio met Scott the rose colored glasses went on, which made her forget anything else existed. Especially her friends. Now that Kim had Anthony things could change and be a little less lonely. She’d hopefully understand what it means to love someone in a more romantic sense. It was time to stop thinking about things like her and Katie growing apart and focus on the memories to be made of their senior year. They were still best friends. They’d always be best friends. No matter what. Right?
Speak of the devil, and she shall appear. Katie and Scott announced their joint arrival with a press of the doorbell, both holding a Chick-Fil-A cup in one hand. When Kim opened the door, Katie let out an excited squeal, wrapping one arm around her friend as she stepped across the threshold. “Sorry we’re late babe, we had to–” a glance at Scott reminded her of the agreement they’d made on the way over, and she adjusted, “Actually, I’ll tell you later. What are we watc–” Katie stopped abruptly as she noticed a long haired, vaguely familiar boy. She squinted at him, equal parts suspicious and intrigued.“Who the hell are you?” It wasn’t quite aggressive enough to be rude, but it certainly wasn’t welcoming.
“Antonio Tiziano Osso, at your service ma’am.” Oz bowed his head and body like he’d just stepped out of Bridgerton. He didn’t much care for Katie or Scott. It had nothing to do with them as people, he didn’t know them and didn’t have a negative opinion of the pair. He just didn’t know them. The circles they ran in were different, he hypothesized that their views on the world were different. The only true bond that they could share was their love for Kimber Benson. He had no doubt that Katie loved her best friend but she hadn't been showing it lately. To him, Kim deserved to be worshiped every day. “Most people call me Oz. We’ve only had class together for a few years but who's counting right?” Ozzy realized that him making some sarcastic comment was not what Kim needed from him at that time. It was his default setting. “You must be Katie and Scott, Kim’s told me all about you both! All good things, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Katie said, bemused. She left hardly any opening for a conversation that she didn’t control. She looked between her shy, but determined, best friend, and the boy called Oz. It only took her another second to piece the puzzle together. The interloper wouldn’t be here if Kim hadn’t invited him, and if Kim had invited him, that meant he was important to her. The only questions remaining were how the hell Antonio Osso had gotten so close to Kimber, and what the hell were his intentions? “How’d you meet Kim?” she asked, after a sip of her frozen lemonade.
Oz looked to Kim for some kind of reassurance. He was usually so open and honest about every thought that crossed his mind, most had considered and settled on the fact that he probably was lacking the normal vocal filter that nearly everyone on the planet possessed. Though he didn’t want to say anything that would upset Kimmy, this night was for her after all. For her to step under the spotlight she so rightly deserved. “We actually met at the Drive In. You know how it is, someone under stress meets someone looking pretty and I was definitely looking pretty that day. Covered in grease, smelling like old socks and sucking on a lollipop.” He wondered if his humour would even reflect at all or if in the eyes of Miss Katie, he was already unworthy? He didn’t care regardless. The only opinion that mattered was Kim. “But yeah, I was doing some maintenance there and I saw Kim by herself, asked her if she wanted some company. No one should be alone at the movies.”
“It was the night you canceled on me, mid June and Niles was visiting his Chicago family… so I decided to go alone,” Kim meekly admitted, freeing herself from Katie’s embrace and gesturing for the group to follow her. She wasn’t intentionally trying to give her friend grief but many times Katie blew her off for other people and while Kim hid it behind a small smile, that did leave her a little bit disheartened about where their friendship stood. That didn’t matter right now though. She had a movie night to host! “Yepp, and since then he’s been insistent we spend more and more time together. And now we’re… boyfriend and girlfriend.” Kim’s voice turned into a whisper, hoping Katie didn’t focus too hard on that last bit. “Scott! How are you?” She asked swiftly, grabbing a Tagalong cookie and looking at Katie’s boyfriend worriedly. Unsure and on edge, Kim nibbled on the cookie and waited for the dynamite blonde to explode.
Up until the point that he was called upon by the hostess, Scott was kind of genuinely enjoying not being expected to participate in the conversation. He liked listening, especially when Katie was talking. Katie was a good talker. He thought she was the best talker in any room, and he was happy to just let her talk for him. Kimmy was cool, but Kimmy was her friend. Scott talking out of turn here would be like if Katie tried to talk about his car to his bros.
As Kimmy said his name to draw attention from what she’d said, Scott found himself feeling like a prop. This feeling, he thought, was only okay when Katie used the tie he wore to their debate team events to tie his hands together. When he turned his gaze onto Kimmy, he first wore ire in his gaze but it softened when he saw how worried she was. At first, he’d wanted to repeat the bit about boyfriend and girlfriend, but now he felt like he needed to help out. He would take a few boxes of girl scout cookies when they left, as payment.
“It’s been a long night. What movie are we watching tonight? I don’t remember if Katie told me.” She probably had, and as likely as admitting he didn’t remember was to get him in trouble, it was probably better than letting her go into Sherlock mode on the poor guy. He slurped at his cup. Frozen lemonade. The only beverage that he knew could ease the lingering emotions of an argument. His dad thought a Jack & coke did the trick, but Scott would argue that was not the case.
He did not give Kimberly enough time to answer before he turned his attention to Oz. “Nice to meet you dude. I’ve seen your bike,” he held out his free hand for Oz to shake. “A heritage right? It’s cool how they gave them a vintage look - but I prefer street bikes anyway. I wanna do the Isle of Man someday.”
Shaking hands with Scott Lyon; Ozzy didn’t expect that to be how he was spending his evening but it’s what Kim wanted and she deserved everything that she wished for; it was his job to make sure she got it all. “I love me a classic but having a modern bike with all the vintage props just speaks to me.” In some ways; his bike was a representation of Anthony himself, a modern take on an old classic. He was a 21st century boy with a 1980’s mentality. The rocker reached out and shook the racer's hand. “Your Honda is an absolute beast. Bet she drives like a dream.” Oz was a bike guy but he knew how to appreciate the finer points, curves and moments of a sexy automobile. He took a step back, his eyes falling on an obviously nervous and terrified Kim. He placed his hand on the small of her back for reassurance and smiled at the other couple. “Kim went all out tonight, let’s get this movie night a rocking!”
Katie was nothing if not a gifted actress. Questions like, ‘Why didn’t she tell me?’ and ‘Am I the worst friend ever?’ weren’t helpful at the moment. Right now, she needed to be the supportive best friend, not…whoever she was starting to see in the mirror. After a moment's surprise, she assessed the role she was meant to play, and played it well.“Awww,” she cooed, nudging Kim, “Our boys both like things that go vroom. Cute.” As Oz began to rally them, Katie leaned into Scott. “I don’t think you told me that either,” she said, wearing a grin that would win Oscars one day. “What are we watching?”
Relieved, Kim relaxed, not only because Oz was soothing her but because Katie’s reaction was better than she expected. She couldn’t help but feel grateful for Scott’s presence and assistance. Separating herself from her boyfriend, she scurried to the remote, which was left on the three person sofa and turned her TV on.
“Great question. I was thinking ‘Mamma Mia!’ Since it’s your favorite and it’s around that time we should watch it, since we watch it at least once every year. AND. I doubt either of our boys have watched it. I want to see their reactions. What do you think?”
“Good choice.” Katie wondered for a moment if she was being placated, and why she suddenly cared. Overthinking was Jamie’s schtick, and she was not enjoying trying it on. “I hope you like ABBA, Oz. We take ‘Mamma Mia!’ night very seriously.”
“Deadly serious,” the meek girl beamed at her boyfriend, excited that he was here with her and could enjoy one of her favorite things. Watching musicals with her best friend. All her worries, now buried.
For now.