Avatar of fledermaus


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2 mos ago
Current its been 7 days since dion said something in the status bar
2 mos ago
there are no bad days in the landadafree
1 like
2 mos ago
the crazy part was that there were spies to begin with
2 mos ago
I think RPG would be better if we all acted our age โ€” none of this shit y'all fiending on matters like AT ALL. What really matters is that it's been 4 days since Dion said something in the status bar.
2 mos ago
not the status bar drama lmao yall be doing too much for something that aint that serious ToT


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is this still accepting?

phobos is accepted. sorry, i thought i accepted him a few days ago!
i'm gonna withdraw from this RP. I was really excited for it but my inspiration to write has unfortunately been low. I'm sorry!
i plan on getting a post up today or tomorrow! i just havent been in a good enough mood lately to write
Genny and Hanna probably know each other through house parties. It seems like the most likely places that they've sort of met, or rather Hanna taking note of Genny's partying habits. That vodka barf on the quarterback would've put her on Hanna's radar for sureโ€”as a fun thing, though.

Genesis and Hanna had probably run into each other during their party hopping. I imagine that Genesis might've been a target of Hanna's friend group once or twice throughout the years due to Genesis's hot temper and surly attitude. Genesis probably doesn't have that high of an opinion on Hanna due to her friend group and her obsession with status.

Genesis: Probably didn't talk too much, but definitely gained a lot of respect for her when she threw up on the QB.

Genesis probably didn't have much an opinion on Meir other than being the quiet, nerdy kid. She mightve pitied him a bit if she saw him being bullied, but wouldn't care enough to step in to stop it.

Genesis @fledermaus
If Genesis was the one chugging vodka on the table, Sara was the one wiping the shoeprints off afterwards. Sara secretly prided herself on knowing how to avoid trouble.

I can kind of see Genesis and Sara being unlikely friends during high school, Genesis being drawn to Sara for her reliability, intelligence, and kindness. They could've lost touch after graduation, though, and Genesis still feels guilty about not being there for Sara during her time of need. What do you think?

HERE ARE SOME OTHER RELATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS! If you guys have other ideas, let me know :D


these were some pretty tough decisions to make and we did actually raise the cap by 2 from an originally planned 6 admissions as we saw more and more solid sheets roll in. i would like to thank everyone who applied, and state that this was really more of who we wanted more than who we didn't want. if we could accept everybody we would, and if you would like to be contacted in the future in case spots free up and we can find a way of introducing new characters then please let me know.

so im gonna assume we can move character sheets over?
@Akayaofthemoon Pas is accepted!

@Danvers Hebe is accepted!
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