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International Refugee Coalition (IRC)

Location: Current whereabouts pinpoint the main fleet somewhere within the North Atlantic. Smaller fleets are located in the Pacific and Arctic Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea.

History: The world's forgotten victims of the ever-growing threat of climate change were always forced to rebuild on their own. But the idea of branding together truly never stuck on until the beginning of the 2030s. The subtle collapse of the global market, along with the changing climate, led to millions being displaced from their home country. Approximately one billion were climate refugees and lacked the proper representation on the international stage. So, in 2032, the International Refugee Coalition was founded and began assisting refugees who accepted their services without fear of going into debt.

Shortly after the foundation, the IRC began buying off decommissioned ships from various countries that tried to maintain their economies. Container ships, cruise ships, fishing vessels, and tender vessels were common purchases made with the banking accounts of refugees (the ones who willingly volunteered). But they weren't the only types of ships brought. A year later, the decommissioned USS Freedom and HMS Severn became the first naval ships under IRC ownership. And then, they made their biggest purchase with the INS Rajput for four billion US dollars. But then came the Space Wars.

Although far from the continents (where nuclear hellfire was unleashed), the fleet was still left vulnerable once the satellite infrastructure collapsed. In a matter of weeks, things that ships once relied upon were forever lost, reverting back to 18th-century techniques as a means of survival in this brave new world. Millions sought out the IRC in the midst of total collapse, which soon strained the already limited resources. So, the Universal Council for the Displaced (UCD) voted unanimously to cut communications with the outside world and limit their presence to the Arctic Ocean. Their last communication was in 2040 before vanishing seemingly from the face of the Earth.

But in secret, they collaborated with remnants of the United Nations to gather and perverse human knowledge and culture, becoming unofficial conservators of human history. Shortly after losing contact with the UN, they secured and raided the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. Then, cut all forms of communication with the remaining world governments. The IRC remained hidden and isolated, with occasional visits to the mainland for refuel and resupply. However, a rapid change in leadership recently forced a unanimous vote to re-engage with the outside at the beginning of the 2100s.

Culture and beliefs: Life onboard ships was always going to have its challenges, especially in the wake of societal collapse. Ration cards for food and medicine were implemented to maintain the survival of its crew and passengers. While knowledge of ship maintenance and repair was a mandatory learning course for everybody, not just exclusive to the crew. A captain was responsible for the everyday affairs onboard their ship while communicating with the various departments, managing all personnel inventory, and being a representative of the Universal Council for the Displaced (UCD).

Much of the old understanding of seafaring, along with its professions and ranks, survived and was modified to better suit survival. Access to remaining human knowledge and culture allowed for a better understanding of the old world and its numerous issues than arguably any other in the world. That left some to speculate that the International Refugee Coalition was one of the few direct descendants of old-world governance, while the council was more than willing to remain silent on the matter.

Science and technology: The IRC relied heavily upon preserving old marine technology to actively survive in the open seas while adapting gardening and solar power.

Character names: Spokesperson Noémie Mahieu
I won't mind giving this a shot.
Nicholaus Lemaître

| {Full Name} |
Nicholaus Lemaître

| {Age} |

| {Species} |

| {Gender} |

| {Class/subclass} |
Knight-Enchanter Mage

| {Appearance} |
Standing 6' 2" tall, Nicholaus stands alongside others rather with a sense of pride from being an olive-skinned Orlesian. His long, wavy, dark brown hair is complicatedly styled, often in different hairstyles depending on the occasion. While his impressively long, trimmed mustache isn't too touched upon with wax and other products. And often wearing battlemage armor formally from the Orlesian Army, modified to appear similar to armor worn by Inquisition forces. Out of combat, Nicholaus wears casual clothing made originally by manufacturers from Val Royeaux, either brought or gifted to him.

Nicholaus has trimmed eyebrows and dark brown wide eyes with measured, wearing round glasses for reading. His pointed chin, long face, and full lips are defining features in addition to his wide hips. His short torso lacks any chest muscle tone while maintaining his weight to a certain degree.

| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |
Enchanter Staff
Battlemage Armor

| {Skills} |
Advisor of the Magi - Having been nothing more than a plain old advisor to those illiterate in magic, Nicholaus flourished throughout the years learning much about the practices.

Survivor of The Game - Growing up amongst the nobility of Orlais, it's almost expected that one has a deep understanding and appreciation of The Grand Game. Nicholaus often found himself in the middle of such challenges quite often.

Knowledge Curator - Given there wasn't much a mage could do while stuck in a tower, Nicholaus took to reading history scrolls and books to relieve the boredom.

| {Talents} |
Spear Handling - Despite being a mage, a Knight-Enchanter was expected to engage in melee combat. Nicholaus chose to treat his stave like a spear, unlike a sword, to maintain as much distance as possible.

Nomad - Given his job required constant travel, Nicholaus quickly adjusted to temporary living, always ready to move to different locations without much difficulty.

| {Spells} |
Winter's Grasp
Spirit Blade
Combat Clarity
Fade Shield

| {Home/Family} |
Montsimmard Circle Tower, Orlais.

| {Flaws and limits} |
Calculated Bastard - In order for one to survive the Game, Nicholaus had to be one step ahead of his enemies. That meant doing whatever it took even if it brought forth death to those that crossed him. And even after leaving that life behind him, old habits were still around and often reared its ugly head regardless of the circumstances.

Aging Body - Nicholaus was not getting any younger, and it was beginning to show when his eyes started to get weaker. So far though, he was in decent enough condition to continue fighting for the Wardens.

| {Personality} |
Being from the countryside originally was something engraved into Nicholaus, even as he was sent away to the tower at the unusual age of five. His intense desire for a family was quickly used against him in The Game, where compassion could easily be discarded without remorse. It was something that was quite difficult to let go especially when he got more familiar with the dance. But it could never be crushed. His mask was a deliberate one, in which his clients assumed him to be a calculated, distant mage. Someone who wanted to break free of his confines in the tower and be amongst the nobility. And even though his freedom came with his work, taking off the mask in front of anyone was impossible.

And he paid accordingly when he did let the mask down ever so slightly. Nicholaus relied on his training as a Knight-Enchanter to push through the mental pains alongside his work as an advisor. Combat also provided thrills and the adrenaline rush to his otherwise dull life, though he did not enjoy taking away life from any life form. His mask was now a tightly held safeguard designed to never be let down even at the slightest inconvenience in front of him. But with his time in the Inquisition and the Grey Warden, the mask began to show cracks (age also played a major factor). Nicholaus was facing a dilemma that couldn't be solved with clever tactics or a simple spell trick, and that left him baffled for the first time in decades.

| {Background} |
For much of their early adulthood, Nicholaus Lemaître served as a traveling arcane advisor to noble families across Orlais. They often remained beside their patrons for a few weeks to months, depending on the severity of the commission. But given the usefulness of a knight-enchanter, they mainly dealt with protective roles or the occasional wildlife hunter. It was well-paid and respectable enough to keep the Orlesian Chantry and its Circle of Magi off of their back. That was until the War of the Lions brought forth chaos to the homeland, forcing Nicholaus to get involved.

The Knight-Enchanter was cautious to not align with the crown nor the rebels, an attempt to play both sides of the conflict. It was at this point in Nicholaus' life that the Game was truly dangerous. Lies and deceit were common tactical decisions made to protect their bottom line, which was an occurrent feat to achieve on a daily basis. And after a year of keeping up with the charade grew ever tired of the civil war and the inconvenience it brought forth to the lands. So when news came of the Inquisition and their efforts to secure a truce, it was an opportunity of a lifetime for Nicholaus, a talented mage capable, to offer their services to the cause.

The Breach was more of a threat to the whole world than the Orlesian noble ever could have realized. Nicholaus was part of the platoon that attacked Corypheus and his forces of Red Templars. Not long after it was sealed, and with the world seemingly saved, Orlais soon descended into a new kind of war from the shadows where The Game was ever so essential to one's survival. In the hopes of finding a new sense of normalcy, Nicholaus chose to remain in the Inquisition until it was publicly disbanded by the Exalted Council. So, with no desire to resume their previous occupation, they sought out purpose in the Grey Wardens alongside their fellow comrades.

Nicholaus survived the Joining and quickly adapted to life, having been transferred over to Wheisshaupt to assist the mage teachers with their lessons.
Still here. Just started school, so been dealing with that.
I've been busy, too, but I'm working on my post bit by bit.
I lowkey kinda (really) wanna do a teenage mutant ninja turtles sheet a superman sheet if seconds are allowed.

Washington D.C.

A harsh winter was still descending upon the nation's capital with seemingly no end in sight. Although there hasn't been a blizzard, snow still persisted throughout the holiday week. But today, of all days, there were clear skies and relatively warm temperatures. Amanda Waller chuckled to herself before heading to her sedan. Mother Nature was such a cruel tease somethings. At least the traffic on the sixty-six wasn't too congested til she reached Roosevelt Bridge. There, she saw the Triskelion looming over it. The headquarters building of S.H.I.E.L.D. emanated the New Formalism style akin to the Kennedy Center close by. But to your average tourist, it was quite daunting with its three twenty-two-story office buildings.

A security guard approached the car and asked for the common access card, which she handed over willingly with a soft smile. It was a quick scan before the guard handed the card back and allowed her to pass.

And when she started to drive away from the checkpoint, that smile faded instantaneously.

Amanda was badly burnt. Being here at the Triskelion made that obvious. Everything she did—no, sacrificed—to find a purpose in this world was all meaningless now. She found herself trapped in a glorified desk job until she retired in her early sixties. It was quite literally her personal hell. One she earned. Amanda got too intrusive, too ambitious and was severely punished as a result. Just like poor Icarus. Icarus was emboldened by his wings and soared into the air, ignoring his father's warning. Then his wings were burnt by the sun, and he plunged into the sea. Now, both he and Amanda were drowning due to their own arrogance; but unlike him, she was going to fight like hell to swim up towards the surface.

So, Amanda begrudgingly got out of her car and made her way towards her new job, calculating a new path forward.

The atrium was quite vast with some folks heading over to their destination while others were taking a short break over at the food court. Amanda just made her way to the reception desk, where receptionists were either on the phone or speaking with someone else. Of course, she waited for her turn to talk to an assistant. It was only a minute before someone approached to help. But then, they were interrupted by a slightly younger woman wearing a black trenchcoat with Ray-Ban sunglasses walking up to the receptionist. There were streaks of grey in her jet-black hair, and yet it didn't look like it was dyed in the slightest. It was all natural. The stranger spoke up in an authoritative manner to the worker, "Has she arrived yet?"

"She's standing next to you, agent."

"Oh." "You must be Ms. Waller, correct?"

Amanda nodded. "That's right."

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