Avatar of Neziul


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2 mos ago
Current Happy Humility Month! 😊
2 mos ago
I want to live a more alive life. I want to love. I want to overcome strife. I want to wake one day and no longer have to fight my ancient enemy. The one who noone else can see. A demon inside of me
4 mos ago
🌞core? I prefer Solarpunk!
4 mos ago
Everything is always so dark. Why does everyone have to be an edgelord all the time?
1 like
5 mos ago
I used to write. I used to love writing. I used to have alot to say. Now I'm rendered shy and frail. And I miss my bold old ways.


Just a starfish alien trapped in a human body on Earth.

In the language of my people, Neziul means Noone, Nonesuch, or Noname. It is a word similar in flavor to your earthlings' "Nemo".

Most Recent Posts

I would like to eat a big breakfast for energy and then go out into the surroundings and do what I came out here to do. Start looking for Bigfoot.
Here's the thing, my original concept was a staked and torpored medieval ventrue who had shamed his sire over a dalliance with a lasombra, to wake up in modern nights. But then looking at the power levels and the vibe that your going for, I figured it'd be safer to just make it all in his head instead of actual backstory.

Because if my original character idea did wake up in modern nights he'd be on the road of heaven instead of humanity, hed already have been taught an outdated sense of the basics of being a vampire like it was just yesterday, and he'd be much more tempted to turn antitribu and join the Sabbat. And he'd probably be afraid of technology.

But I know the clans and their stereotypes. Everybody knows that even the most normal seemingly malkavian is completely messed up in the head somehow. In alot of the old WoD rulebook and sourcebooks, breaking those stereotypes for the sake of creating unique characters and having fun is encouraged though. And the trope of "insane rulers" makes ventrue, lasombra, tzimisce, toreador and tremere decent candidates for characters with derangements as well as any malkavian.

The true faith I thought of as balancing it out because of merits & flaws. But it's really just the idea of something positive (Faith in the Christian way) having a possibility of making things happen in the game, to balance out an overall negative (being insane isn't fun, even if it can occasionally be portrayed as funny or interesting) that might limit his ability to make things happen with the ease that other characters would have. P

Idk. Maybe I should just try a different concept for this. Because I really would rather preserve my original idea. And I don't know if he'd fit well into the family of vampires idea that your going for.

What do you think???
I have a concept for a bit of a mad ventrue who's an outcast because the embrace broke his hold on reality and sort of convinced him that he was living in a medieval parody of the modern world. I was hoping to balance his madness out with true faith if you'd allow that?
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