Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was morning, and Bluemoon Academy was just starting up for the next year. Stone and the other teachers were already there, waiting for everyone to arrive. They knew that it would be soon, and as always, new students were joining as well as old. After a few hours went by of preparing everything for the day, Stone finally opened the gates and the students that had arrived slowly entered. Stone appeared in front of everyone as he stood in the main hall. Of course, Young Justice was already there now, Kusuna standing in front of Jake and Tyson as she listened carefully to Stone.

"Welcome everyone to Bluemoon Academy. I do hope you enjoy your stay. Please don't get comfortable with the people you are with, as you may be separated very soon, Here, is the grand hall, where I will be making most of my announcements, I hope you enjoy your stay. It is nice to see new faces, as much as old. Now, for those who are age ten to thirteen, place move on up to the middle building. That is where you will be, you will sleep, eat and work there. Those who are fourteen to sixteen, please make your way to the building to the left. Once again, that is where you will be staying, sleeping, eating and working. Those who are seventeen to nineteen, please make your way to the building on the right, and let me tell you all while you leave, the building to the top is our detention centre, if you are sent there, then you have been very bad. Please, do not let that happen."

He then walked away slowly, as he did, Kusuna looked to Jake and Tyson. It seemed they were splitting up. This was bad, she sighed, and made her way to the left building with everyone else. Dixon and Dixoz made their way to the middle building, Ruby made her way to the left with Kusuna. Cyber made her way to the right. Stone just watched everyone closely as they moved to their proper area. Soon enough everyone had gone in to their rightful place. He nodded to the three teachers, knowing they could take it from there. He then closed and locked the gates. If anyone came now, they would have to wait until next year. As the gates would stay locked, no matter what.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tyson looked to Kusuna and Jake when when Stone had finished talking. It seemed that they were going to be separated. He didn't like that. They needed to stick together. If they were separated, then it would mean that they wouldn't be able to communicate. He walked with Cyber going to the building to the right. He knew that there was no point in arguing, it would only cause suspicion as well as it wouldn't work. He had a bad feeling about this. He just hoped that they would find a way to communicate to each other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jake, Betty, Jean and Luna

Jake and the others had gathered in the grand hall to hear stone welcome the back the old students as well as the new students after he had finished Jake and the other simple went to their designated areas as they where walking Jean noticed Kusuna as she walked up to her with a smile she said

"hello my name is Jean your new hear right i can normally tell right away since i have been going hear for a few years so if you have any questions just ask and i can give you a tour if you'd like? anyway nice to meat you so whats your power if you dont mind me asking? i am a Psychic who can generate and manipulate all kinds of energy but dont worry i dont read other peoples minds with out permission"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Kusuna looked to Jean with a confused look, she had no idea what she meant, although when she walked into the main building of her section, she soon realized as she saw some guy using some sort of psychic powers on his hair to make it levitate, and it seemed he had some how made it extremely hard and sharp. She slowly turned around and gave a small smile.

"My......power? Well, my power is that I can wield and use any melee weapon by instantly knowing everything about it, to how to use it. It isn't much, but it's something. So, you can control energy and your psychic? Cool"

She was tempted to ask for some prove, but she was afraid she'd read her mind, and if she did, that would be bad.

Ruby Kiyiya

Suddenly, Ruby walked past Jean and Kusuna covered in blood, she reeked of death itself. She didn't care what everyone thought, but those who had been here before would know she had been hunting again. She sighed and sat down on the bench, then took a huge piece of meat out, from the looks of it, the meat seemed to be actual human meat, and she bit into it. Kusuna turned to Jean and the only thing she could say was, 'Who the hell is she? Is she eating human meat?' She then turned back and watched.


Cyber walked through the entrance of her section and sighed. She sat down on the bench and opened her bag. She would have to sign in soon, but before she did she grabbed her gamma oil then used it to fuel her armor and weapons and everything else really. Once she did, she put the oil away and went to the reception. After signing in she grabbed her key. She wondered who'd she be roomed with, she hoped it wasn't anyone annoying.

Dixon and Dixoz

The two twins ran in their sections happily, they were as always carefree and smiling. They knew they would be together, as they never separated and so they got their room key together. Then they watched looked to Sekhemi who forced them down, but they didn't care. In fact they found it fun. To be honest, they didn't respect Sekhemi, nor anyone. All they cared about was having fun.


Finland walked into his section and went to the gardens. He sniffed the plants and swayed his tail happily. He loved the gardens a lot. After a while, he flew over to reception and grabbed his room key. He then sighed, great. He was in room #314 He hated that room. He shook his head and flew over to the dorms. He decided to put his things away now, and wait for his room mate.


Dante seemed to be the most normal person around so far. He walked in and looked around. He was new to the area, just joining. He didn't care about the detention center, it didn't really scare him. He walked up to reception and grabbed his key, he then walked into his room and threw his bags into the room. Great, he would be bunking with somebody it seemed. He sighed, and began to unpack his bags while he waited for whoever.


Fianciona flew to the reception right away and grabbed her key but she didn't plan on going to her room yet. She wanted to meet some new people. She smiled and looked around and transformed back to her normal form. She wanted to make a good impression, she liked making friends and she wanted to see if she could get to know anyone and help them.

Korto Konah

Korto Walked into her section and immediately signed in, grabbing her room key. She then sat down to rest. It was a long journey and she was tired already. She had been here before though, so she knew the place quite well as well as the rules so she didn't have to worry about that. She smiled, and stroked her pet Daénix who sat down beside her. Just looking at her markings told everyone she wasn't normal.


Sekhemi walked into his section as he controlled the gravity around him, making everyone bow to him as he went pass him. He then stopped and looked to Jake in the eyes, he was knew, he would of recognized him if he wasn't. He turned around for a moment with a serious look on his face.

"You're new, aren't you? Well let me tell you this, I rule these parts. You listen to me, understand? If you don't, you will regret it."

He then walked away and signed on, grabbing his key and then walking into his room.

Sapphire and Jade

Sapphire walked past Jake without a care, she grabbed her room key and walked off. She knew that she would not be in the same room as her sister, but she didn't care honestly. As long as whoever she was with stayed away from her, then she would be happy. Jade ran at Jake, and helped him up with a gently smile, she then looked to him happily and stood back.

"Hello, my name is Jade. I can see you are new though. I am sorry for what just happened, Sekhemi can be like that. Best to stay out of his way. I can shapeshift and control some of the elements, if you don't mind, what can you do? Hey, walk with me while we I get my key to my room, you should get yours too, you may be lucky and be my room mate"

She smiled and then walked with him to get her key.

Zero was currently practicing his power by using his psychic to control his hair and his density to make it hard and sharp. He used it to cut discs that he threw into the air. He was new here, but that didn't bother him. After a while of training, he went to get his room key and nodded. He didn't care who he was with honestly, he just wanted to get into his room and get settled now.


Mordred walked into his section, he was curious about the detention center, why did a detention center need such a huge building. There was more to it than that, but, he didn't care. As long as he behaved he wouldn't be sent there and it wouldn't prove to be a problem to him. He yawned, he was bored already. He walked up and got his key, he then headed to his room.


Henlong was also practicing. He was using his elemental control to shoot down targets with lightning in the training arena. After a while of shooting targets, he began to use his earth manipulation to send spikes at them. He kept going at this for awhile, until he decided to get his room key. After looking at it for a few minutes, he nodded to himself, then began to walk towards his room.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue walked into the gardens and then took all the life force of every plant there, killing it. She then smiled and waved to the gardener, after which, she left. She knew that the gardener could restore life to any plant life, so he let her take life force whenever she wanted. She collected her room key and then looked at each, then gave a small nodded and walked to her dorm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tyson walked into his section and looked around, already he could tell this was no ordinary school. He called his pet eagle and stroked it softly, then walked up to get his room key after seeing everyone else get theirs. He didn't know if this was going to be an easy task, everyone here seemed to have some sort of power. For now, he would call them 'evolved' as he didn't know what else to call them.


Kuro walked into his section as he swayed his tail happily, Yoruichi sat on his shoulder while she looked around and took note of everyone and their powers. He came in after the pharaoh guy to see him push everyone down to the ground, he was going to help the new boy out, but somebody did it first. He was knew too though, so he wouldn't of been able to do much. He went to get his room key and smiled at Jake.


Slade came through his section and looked around. He was also pretty new around. He covered his face as much as he could, but knew that it didn't really matter before, but anyway, he kept his hood up either way. He slowly walked further in, and saw that they had a training area. He would have to use that at some point. He walked in and got his room key. After looking at it for a moment he nodded and went to his room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jake Foley

Jake began heading to collect his key, he already knew where everything was because he looked over the building's blueprints and memorized them all before his mission started. He was a little suspicious about the detention center, wondering why they needed such a huge building simply to put students in detention. He decided that was the first thing he would check out but he would wait until night when everyone was asleep. Then suddenly he felt the gravity increase around him as he fell to his knees. He knew he could simply use his anti grav boots to get up but he didn't want to draw attention to himself so he stayed down and let the guy walk on when suddenly Jade came up and introduced herself and started asking a few questions. Jake was a little annoyed, he was hoping to stay unnoticed for awhile but already two students had come up to him. Jake put on a big friendly as he said,

"Thanks for the advice, I will definitely stay away from him, wow, those powers sound awesome. I just have enhanced strength. Not much but it's something at least. Yeah, ok let's go get our keys together, but how about we make it a race?"

He thought to himself, this was definitely no ordinary school but at least if she accepted the race, he could lose her by pretending to get lost otherwise he would be stuck with her.

Betty Ross

Betty immediately headed to the training area where she saw Henlong practicing a few spells. She began practicing a few moves on the punching bag. After a few minutes the bags split open pouring sand everywhere. She sighed while scratching her head thinking maybe she hit it a little too hard but she wasn't even using her hulk strength as she was in her normal form and the only powers she could use in that form was spider mimicry. Either way she couldn't continue with the punching bag so she decided to go get her keys.

Jean Grey

Jean noticed she looked a little confused when she mentioned her powers but she didn't think much of it yet. She listened to her explanation of her powers and replied,

"Thanks, so, you can just pick up a weapon and know everything about it, and be able to use it perfectly? Well it might not be the most powerful power I ever heard of but it is pretty cool and I can imagine it would come in handy in a number of situations."

Just as she finished talking Ruby smelling and covered in blood eating what appeared to be a human leg. She listened to Kusuna's question scratching her head as she replied.

"That's Ruby, she is a werewolf who patrols the school at night, helping to keep the school safe. Yeah, she must of come back from hunting, other than that I was always taught if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all."

Viper Blade

Viper went to visit the gardens, she loved the plants and even the insects that they attracted, she always appreciated the gardeners hard work. He was really good at his job and it was clear he loved his job. Then she saw Rogue enter the gardens and absorbed the life of the plants. She knew the garden would fix it, but that didn't mean she had to like it. She is still killing the plants even if she knows the gardener can bring them back. She only knows that because he brought them back the first time she drained their life energy meaning she really didn't care weather she killed them or not. The fact that the gardener can bring them back was just a continent excuses. She then left to get her room key when she overheard the room Rogue was getting. She wasn't too happy that she was getting paired with Rogue but she would have to make due. She headed to her room to get settled.

Shade Zoldyck

Shade was new to the school and didn't see anyone he might be interested in making friends right away. He didn't mind because he knew there was a lot more kids that went here. He went to get his key and headed to his room to meet his room mate. Once there he saw a kid about his age white robe and a hood. He immediately noticed his Dagger as he walked over to talk to him.

"Hey I'm Shade. I'm new here but it is nice to meet you. Just wondering, how old are you? I am just asking because you look around my age."

Elsa Snow

Elsa was heading to her area when she saw Sekhemi using his power on a new kid. She simply shot a ice blast at the floor where he was standing, making him slip over, as she walked over to him while he laid on the floor, she simply bent over and looked at him in the eye as she said,

"We both know you don't rule anything around here. You might be a big shot pharaoh where you from but that doesn't mean you can just push people around. I mean I'm a queen of my own country now but you don't see me pushing people around declaring I am some ruler. Why don't you just grow up already and realize the world doesn't revolve around you."

As she walked away, she knew Sekhemi wouldn't like what she said or what she did but she didn't care. She then saw a young neko with a pet cat on his shoulder, she knew he was new because she would of remembered somebody that cute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Kusuna nodded slowly and looked back to Ruby again, already she didn't like her, she gave her the creeps. She then walked up and grabbed her key, she smiled, and then looked back to join with small bow.

"Sorry, but I really must unpack all my things now."

She then went off to her room and opened the door, she walked on in and unpacked everything. When she did, she shoved her suitcase under the bed where her swords would be staying. She then pulled out her phone and sighed. There was no signal at all. She couldn't talk to the others. She placed her phone away and then laid herself down. This was going to be hard.

Ruby Kiyiya

Ruby got up and then put away some of the meat, she wanted to save some for later. She then walked up and got her key which she then proceeded to her room. After unpacking everything she sat down and yawned. She had a free day today, no lessons until tomorrow although whoever walked up the hall towards the room would be able to smell the blood and death coming from the room.


Cyber went to her room and unpacked everything, she placed her gamma oil on the draws. She was running low on supply, if needed she might need to download the oil into her system. She sighed and then shoved her suitcase under her bed. She knew everything dangerous and such would be taken off her, so she didn't bring anything important like that. She laid down relaxing for now.

Dixon and Dixoz

The two twins went to their rooms and began to play with each other and talking happily. They liked the school so far, the people were kind and friendly. They kept their door open so they could see any passers, and as soon as anyone passed, they would shot at them and greet whoever passed their door. They couldn't wait to make new friends and play with them too.


Finland got into his room and unpacked everything, once he had he smiled happily. With him being in his room, and nobody being here for the moment, he was a little more free. He transformed into what seemed to be a pink dragon of some sort. He smiled, and sat down as he swayed his tail. His new appearance though would make him seem like a girl now. He had a collar around his neck which glowed with magic energy, it increased his powers and made them stronger in that form, since it was his most used.


Dante just stayed in his room for now, just relaxing on the bed. He had a whole day of doing nothing, it was actually pretty boring to be honest, but oh well. He just stayed on his bed relaxing himself and doing nothing as he yawned in boredom.


Fianciona walked into her room to see her room mate on the bed, she unpacked her things as she greeted him and then smiled gently, her room mate didn't seem to be a bother, but he also seemed like he wanted to relax for now. She decided to give him that and relaxed on the bed herself now. Her pet floated her, waiting for any command she may make.

Korto Konah

Korto walked into her room to see her room mate unpacking everything, she noticed the two swords but didn't mind much, she knew they would be taken from her and if she didn't reveal them herself, then she would have to. Korto told Kusuna this, not saying much other than that. Once she was done she unpacked everything and sat down on her bed as her pet sat next to her.


Sekhemi fell to the ground suddenly, then looked up to see Elsa. He slowly got himself up and clenched his fist. He would make sure he'd get her, somehow. He wasn't sure yet but he would make her pay. Nobody spoke to a pharaoh like that and gets away with it where he was from. He demanded respect, and if respect was not given, then he would force it out. He grabbed his room key and then went to his room, unpacking everything and then waited, wondering who would be his slave this year.

Sapphire and Jade

Sapphire went to her room once she picked up her room key and unpacked everything, she then laid on her bed and sighed. She closed her eyes, she felt like sleeping the whole day off. She opened her eyes slowly, she might just help Ruby patrol the night this year. After all she could shapeshift too. It would make it more interesting, maybe she would be entertained. Jade though, she nodded to what Jake said, and then thought for a moment, shaking her head as she grabbed her keys.

"No, we can just walk. We don't need to rush, but, it seems we aren't in the same room anyway. What a shame. Well, I will see you soon then."

She smiled, and then went to her room then she unpacked everything and waited for her room mate.


Zero went to grab his room key and then went to his room, he unpacked everything quickly and then settled down on his bed, he didn't care much who his room mate would be, he simply wanted to relax and do nothing for now. He would probably train later.


Mordred got his key and unpacked his things in his room. He wasn't much for the social type, so he ignored the girl. Unless she spoke to him, he wouldn't care and he kind of hoped that she wasn't going to. When he was finished he sighed and laid himself down.


Henlong got his key and then went to his room. He unpacked his things in his room. He wasn't much for the social type, so he hoped that whoever he was with wouldn't talk much or something. He sighed and wondered what he would do for the rest of the day.

Rogue Shiruba

Rogue didn't care much who she was with. She went to her room and then unpacked her things. After doing so she grabbed the plant on the window and stole it's life force, after which she took to the garden. When she had she went back to her room and relaxed herself. She had more than enough life to last her a life time now, but, she could never have too much.


Arkanite knew it was time to collect everyone's things. Once everyone was in their rooms, he went door to door and collected any swords, necklaces, phones and anything else, as he greeted the students, he greeted them with a friendly hello and announcing his name. He also told them of the school rules and the general boring stuff. Once he was done, he went to his own room and placed all the items away, then relaxed himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonKingUk
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Tyson collected his key and walked into his room to see what looked to be some sort of human robot unpacking, he didn't want her to see all of his gear, so he unpacked everything but made sure to keep his gear in his suitcase where it would be safe for now. He smiled to her, she would probably talk to him if she wanted anything but for now he would just relax and wait. As far as he knew, he had the day off, he wondered if he should try and make contact with the others.


Kuro looked around as he began walking, when he collected his key, he turned around to see a young girl. He swayed his tail happily and walked up to her. He knew that he had to go to his room, but he decided to talk to her while they walked up. He approached her happily with his cat and waved at her for a moment.

"Hello, my name is Kuro. Nice to meet you. I think we need to go to our rooms now. I don't mind talking while we walk up. It won't be long, but, at least we can get to know each other's names and talk later."

He then began to walk up to his room while he talked to her. Once he reached his room he smiled to her and gave her a sway of his tail, Yoruichi nodded to her gently as she stayed on his shoulder.

"Good afternoon Elsa. I haven't introduced myself yet, but I am Yoruichi. We can talk another time maybe."

She then smiled, and Kuro went in to see Jade. After introducing himself he unpacked his things and sat on his bed.

Slade unpacked everything and then got settled down when somebody walked into his room, after looking at the other bed he nodded. It seemed he had a room mate. That was a little annoying, he was hoping to be alone. But he didn't mind too much. He gave a small smile as he listened to Shade.

"My name is Slade, nice to meet you, and my age, well, it's fourteen. That is a strange question to ask though. I'm new too. All I know is we have a free day. We got no lessons and we can do whatever we want."

He gave a small smile then laid in his bed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Jake Foley

Jake listened to Jade it seamed his race idea didn't work but at least they where in different rooms he smiled at her as he said

"oh well it would have been fun well maybe next year anyway see you around"

he then went to his room to unpack when he got their he saw what appeared to be a pink dragon it realized it was likely someone who could shapeshift meaning it was ever a young girl or a very girly young boy he put on a smile as he said

"hello my name is Jake lets be good friends ok"

he hat to maintain his cover and the best way to do that it to make himself look like just another dumb friendly kid he then started to unpack and got settled once he was done he sat on his bed and said with a smile

"oh i dont think i asked you your name? anyway so what are you going to do tomorrow?"

he put on a fake laugh when he said this

Betty Ross

After getting her key Betty headed to her room to unpack she saw Henlong unpacking his things and just left him to it as she did the same once she was done she simply lay on the bed and took a nap ready to tomorrow

Jean Grey

Jean waved good bye to Kusuna as she shouted


She then went to her room to unpack as she got closer she could smell blood she realized that Ruby's room must be around hear but she hoped she wasn't her roommate as she got closer to her room the smell got stronger Jean shied as she realized this likely meant she was shearing a room with Ruby once their she saw Ruby sitting on her bed Jean simply went to her side and punt up a Psychic between the two half's of the room this would keep out any smells from crossing over into the others sides then she she put up one around the door so the smell of blood would stay in Ruby side of the room once she did that she got out some air spray and sprayed her side of the room after she did that she unpacked and went to bed

Viper Blade

Viper got her key and went to her room. She unpacked her things, ignoring Rogue, and when she was done, she just laid down and relaxed.

Shade Zoldyck

Shade listened to Slade he was right they where the same age he then thought about what he said as he unpacked he took out his Katana and put it on the bed anyone who knew about swords world know this was a high quality blade and was worth a fortune it was actually made hundreds of thousands of years ago by man who is skill coincided the beast sword smith in history it was later fortified by magic the spell insured that the sword would never rust and the blade would never get dulled and the steel would never brake he got it from a famous Ninja who he killed a few years back once he was done unpacking he tuned to face Slade

"well i like the fact we have a free day today it gives us time to have a look around and get to know the other students"

Elsa Snow

After Elsa had finished dealing with the asshole that cute guy came up to talk to her as they walked to get their keys she listened to him she was a little surprised he knew her name as she looked to him she said just before they split up

"well i guess i dont need to introduce myself any way it is nice meting you but before you go you should know that it can be dangerous being around me people tend to get hurt"

She then went to her room and started to unpack and then saw Sekhemi, she simply ignored him while thinking to herself, 'This was going to be interesting.'

Luna Kiyiya

Once everyone was in their rooms Luna knew it was time to collect everyone's things. Once everyone was in their rooms, she went door to door and collected any swords, necklaces, phones and anything else, as she greeted the students, she greeted them with a friendly hello and announcing his name. She also told them of the school rules and the general boring stuff. Once she was done, she went to her own room and placed all the items away, then relaxed herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After everything was taken from the students, hours went by. The free day eventually ending. Neither Kusuna, Jake nor Tyson could gain any contact with each other that day. As everyone slept, Kusuna got herself up. She decided to go check out the building. She smiled, and slowly snuck out of her room and then out of her section. She knew that Ruby would be patrolling the night which was why she covered her scent in dirt before she came out. Only a few minutes, and she arrived at her destination. She slowly peeked in to see that it was heavily guarded. She also had no idea, that Jake was up to the same thing tonight. As she slowly went inside she ran into cover, making sure she could not be seen. She needed to find a way in, after looking carefully, she saw what looked like a vent. She sighed and began to run to it, when she got there, she quickly began to crawl through it. It didn't take her long before she reached the end, she looked down below, it seemed she had come across an empty room. She smiled, and quickly dropped down quietly. Then she looked around, seeing the security system. After taking a quick look at it, she saw Jake trying to sneak in. It seemed he was at the base of the section, this was bad. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder, she slowly looked up and saw Stone, who was looking at the camera, seeing Jake.
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