Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I just finished it, I hope it is acceptable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's all good. St. Michael is accepted. Although the name is the League of Heroes, I'm trying to do a minimal rip-off :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

MrDidact said
It's all good. St. Michael is accepted.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Finally! I really hope it's okay. ^^;

• Name: Natsumi Aida (western order)
• Codename: Eldritch Knight Shiranui
• Age: 21
• Gender: Female
• Place of Birth: Unknown location in Japan. Currently operates out of Arkham, Massachusetts.
• Affiliations: The League (due to their close proximity, she occasionally teams up with Strix), Miskatonic University, the White Fellowship of Sorcerers (technically, due to her position as Eldritch Knight, although the relationship is a rather strained one).
• Occupation: Assistant Librarian at Miskatonic University; this is mostly an excuse for her to be close to the vast collection of occult books, though.
• Appearance:
•• Natsumi: Here we go!
•• Eldritch Knight Shiranui: And here we go again!

• Powers: Natsumi is highly skilled in magic, especially spells that invoke the power of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods; it is assumed that the Eldritch Knights believed in the concept of fighting fire with fire. Her most notable spells are as follows:

•• Elder Sign: Both the simplest and most important spell in Natsumi's repertoire, the Elder Sign is a sigil comprosing a flaming eye at the center of a warped pentagram. It is a protective ward that guards against supernatural malevolence and evil magic. By drawing it onto a surface, it dampens the effects of harmful magic used on the surrounding area, in addition to warding off hostile magical creatures like a cross wards off a vampire; however, trying to use a simple Elder Sign to hold back the most powerful magical beings would be like trying to block a tsunami by simply standing in its way. By drawing a larger than usual Elder Sign on the ground, Natsumi can use it to either bind a summoned entity so that it does not lash out in hostility, or use it as a barrier to keep somewhat more powerful creatures out; notably, she has one of these larger signs painted around her bed at Miskatonic University.

•• Tindalos Traverse: A teleportion spell that copies the bizarre transportation abilities of the Hounds of Tindalos. By casting this spell, Natsumi is able to travel to and from any corner with an angle of 120° or less, her arrival being heralded by smoke billowing from her destination before her body materializes starting with her head and working down. If someone is holding onto her at the time, she is able to transport them with her, although she advises that they close their eyes beforehand as the space travelled through can be quite distressing and disorientating to some. However, there is a rather major drawback to this spell, that being that if it is used too often in rapid succession, it will attract the attention of the Hounds of Tindalos themselves. The Hounds are ravenous hunters, and once one spots a target it will never stop pursuing them until either they kill them, or are killed during the pursuit. The Hounds are no pushovers either, and thus attracting their attention is not something Natsumi wishes to do, making this spell far more suited to single long distance trips rather several short ones.

•• Incinerating Ire of Cthugha: Quite possibly the least subtle of all of Natsumi's spells, by invoking The Living Flame she is able to summon fire. She can use this in two different ways; either as a fireball around the same size as a football (soccer ball) which she can toss at her enemy, causing a small explosion on impact, or as a short burst of flames akin to a flamethrower.

•• Twisting Tendrils of Cthulhu: By invoking Great Cthulhu, Natsumi is able to summon small facsimiles of one of his most notable features: his tentacles. After chanting a short verse, several (between three and five) black tendrils emerge from a surface of her choice and do her bidding; most often these are used either to restrain an enemy or for a whipping attack. The tendrils are not unbreakable, however, and someone of above average strength will be able to break them if they struggle enough; those with superstrength don't have to do much more than flex to break them. The tendrils will dissapate on their own after about three minutes.

•• Conference of the Crawling Chaos: Whilst being a relatively simple spell, this is also technically one of the most potentially dangerous spells Natsumi knows. For this spell summons one of the many avatars of the Outer God Nyarlathotep, allowing the summoner to ask him any three questions. The Crawling Chaos has a vast wealth of knowledge, and sometimes it can be well worth the risk to interrogate him on several subjects. However, Nyarlathotep is a capricious being, and is the only Outer God who both possesses a personality of his own and revels in acts of evil; he will often only half-answer a question, leaving out otherwise important information, or otherwise twist the truth until it becomes indechirable from lies. He takes great joy in driving humans to madness, after all. He could very well answer much more than three questions, but he considers this a formality that he refuses to change. As a god with other a thousand avatars, there is no telling just what he will end up looking like, although when dealing with humans he seems to prefer taking human form; his most favoured avatars are an opulent Egyptian pharoah, an infamous European dictator, and a silver haired Japanese schoolgirl. Before this spell is cast, proper precautions must be taken; Natsumi must draw a large Elder Sign on the ground where she intends to perform the summoning, otherwise the avatar will be free to do as it pleases until stopped. Thankfully, the avatars are an immensely distilled shadow of the true Nyarlathotep's power and thus are not godlike; they are still at least somewhat superhuman and all share the Creeping Chaos's maliciousness and utterly nihilistic worldview, leading to rather unpleasant things happening if they are set loose. As his avatars almost invariably take the form of humans, they can be killed like one, and doing so will negate the summoning.

•• Threshold of Yog-Sothoth: A rather useful utility spell, allowing Natsumi to store various items (most notably her sword and armour) in subspace until she needs them. She is only able to store ten items at a time in this way, and her sword and armour automatically take up two of these spots. When storing an item, it simply blinks out of existence, but when retrieving one an iridescent globe descends from a small crack in space/time which quickly seals up; as soon as she touches the orb it shatters into countless pieces, revealing the item inside. The only difference is when she summons her armour, in which case the globe will appear around her, before shattering to reveal her now wearing the armour.

• Skills: Natsumi is a highly skilled combatant, both unarmed and with her sword. Whilst she's by no means the best in the world, she can hold her own quite well in a fight. She is in excellent physical shape, taking care to make train her body in order to be prepared for combat at all times. She also possesses above average intelligence, especially when it comes to literature, mathematics and languages. She is fluent in Japanese, English, Arabic and Latin, as well as knowing a few phrases of certain dead languages (mostly for the purposes of spellcasting). As she has been trained to battle creatures who could easily flay the minds of all who so much as glance at them, reducing them to a quivering pile of gibbering insanity, Natsumi has mentally conditioned herself to resist such things. As such, not only can she stare down the very faces of insanity without so much as batting an eyelash, but she is also naturally resistant to mental interference, mind control or other unwanted telepathic effects.

• Equipment/Resources:
•• Dragonrend: Natsumi wields the magical sword Dragonrend (although she occasionally calls it "George", as it contains the spirit of her former teacher and surrogate father). It is seemingly unbreakable and never loses its edge, although other than that against most targets it acts just like you'd expect a regular sword to. It has no super cutting edge that can slice through anything, or any other enhanced abilities like that. However, it is rather adept at harming the supernatural; any wounds caused by it to inherently supernatural beings such as demons, the undead or cosmic horrors will heal incredibly slowly, no matter what supernatural healing abilities the target may have. Larger, more powerful versions of these creatures can easily shrug off more than a few wounds like this.

•• Eldritch Knight Armour: Natsumi's armour is usually stored in subspace, and she only even reserves its usage for the toughest of opponents. Whilst it is being worn, her pain sensors are dulled and the limits her body subconsciously imposes are slowly broken down, giving the impression that her strength and speed are steadily increasing to superhuman levels. However, prolonged usage of the armour will lead to her limits being broken done completely, and these limits are imposed for a reason. Eventually, her body will begin to break down with every hard blow she throws, and eventually after that any movement she makes will shatter her own bones and cause her muscles to burst. Through sheer force of will and the lack of both psychological limiters and pain she will continue moving until her body disintegrates within her own armour (note: in his final battle, George did not fight in his armour for this long, even if he still fought in it for long enough to exacerbate his fatal wounds; otherwise Natsumi would not have had a body to bring back). Whilst the armour is strong enough to provide her a noted increase in durability to begin with, eventually the strength will begin to backfire as it only makes the situation she faces whilst wearing it for a prolonged amount of time even worse. This is not only the reason that she reserves using the armour only for the toughest of opponents, but why she usually limits herself to only using it for three minutes at a time if possible during the rare occasions she does use it.

•• Miskatonic University: Natsumi generally operates out of the prestigious Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachussets, and lives in a room on-campus when she's not out of town. The Miskatonic University library, for whatever reason, contains one of the most extensive collections of occult works in the world; most notably, it contains one of the very few genuine copies of that most infamous tome, the Necronomicon, as well as copies of such notorious volumes as the Unaussprechlichen Kulten, the Book of Eibon, the Alice Grimoire and the King in Yellow, amongst many more. As such, it is an almost indispensable resource to the Eldritch Knight.

• Weaknesses: Aside from what has been noted already, Natsumi is physically a regular human. A well trained, atheletic human, but a human none-the-less, and is a mere mortal who can be killed by conventional means.

• Psychological Profile: A stoic, no-nonsense kind of person who treats her role as Eldritch Knight with utmost seriousness. She is a woman of few words, although this is only partially due to her stoic nature; she's actually not very good with people and thus tries to avoid prolonged conversation. If she ever actually gets going, however, those who talk with her will discover that despite her seemingly dour nature she actually possesses a rather dry sense of humour, no doubt picked up from George. She can also be rather sarcastic, although she is usually more upfront about this. As a knight, she believes that it is her duty to protect as much human life as possibly; not only does she go to sometimes extreme lengths to save others, but she outright refuses to kill another human unless all other options are exhausted, and even then she will end up even more dour than usual for quite some time afterwards. Natsumi has little love for the White Fellowship, as she (admittedly somewhat irrationally) blames them for the death of her surrogate fater, George St. Maurice.

Natsumi is an avid reader, and it seems like she goes nowhere without a book. Most of the time she doesn't care much which genre she reads as long as she's reading something, although one thing that she will insist on is that she reads novels only from a printed hard copy. She dislikes e-books, and refuses to read from them. In addition to reading, she also picked up a love for classic rock from George; her personal favourite bands are Blue Oyster Cult (in fact, Fire of Unknown Origin is her favourite album), Queen, Black Sabbath and basically any band Ronnie James Dio even sang for.

It is not rather apparent and doesn't exactly come up much due to her general nature, but Natsumi is in fact bisexual. It's nothing that really bothers her much, and she's perfectly comfortable with it, but she usually believes there are more important things to attend to most of the time.

• Biography:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well done Rin, well done Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

wow server errors
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Huzzah! I was a little worried that it was too long and rambling, or that she wouldn't fit in well, but I guess I worry too much. ^^; Guess I have an intro post to write later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

My god server.

And that sounds lovely Rin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Falkon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Okay, I'm pretty sure there wasn't anyone with a Fair Folk themed hero already, so...

-Name: Caleb Suburu(True name is Llofrudd)

-Codename: Changeling

-Age: 23

-Gender: Male

-Place of Birth: Tehachapi, CA

-Affiliations: None

-Occupation: None

-Appearance: Caleb is mildly unearthly in appearance. He stands at a height of 6'6", and has a slender build. His skin is deathly pale, and his eyes are bright blue. He is bald, and his ears have a subtle point. His costume looks like this.

-Powers: Enhanced agility, dexterity, and strength, flight, semi-immortality, illusion magic.

Using the magic of the Fay, Caleb is capable of flight, however, his costume's armor significantly weighs him down, so as Changeling he is limited to unusually large jumps.

Being a Fay, Caleb is also semi-immortal, meaning that he will not age, nor will he die of sickness or a lack of sustenance. He is also highly durable, capable of taking most attacks(with a few exceptions) without noticeable damage.

Finally, Caleb has limited illusional abilities, being capable of forcing people to hallucinate if they are in a state of sensory deprivation.

-Skills: Caleb is an experienced knife fighter and archer, and is capable of retaining mobility in heavy armor. Outside of combat, Caleb is a skilled(if amateur) B-Boy.

-Equipment/Resources : As Changeling, Caleb wears steel plated armor as a part of his costume, carries a bow and 30 armor-piercing arrows, as well as two daggers.
Caleb has very little in the way of wealth.

-Weaknesses: Although Caleb's Fay blood has granted him extensive boons, there are a few drawbacks. His usually high durability levels are worth absolutely nothing against iron weaponry, which can hurt him just as easily as it can hurt a normal human.
If one were to somehow discover Caleb's true name, and were to say it in his presence, Caleb would be forced to do the speaker's bidding, until he is released, or his master dies.

-Psychological Profile: Caleb is driven by an insatiable desire to be a force of lasting good in the world, and a constantly nagging worry that whatever he's doing isn't enough to achieve such a goal. Although he tends to keep relationships relatively distant, he also tries to be as polite as he can. He finds untidiness very bothersome.

-Biography: When Llofrudd was born, he was taken to the human world, where he was switched with another baby, the newborn Caleb Suburu, born to two loving parents in Tehachapi, California. The Suburus accepted Llofrudd without realizing what had occurred, and from that day forward, he was known as Caleb Suburu.

As a child, Caleb had a mostly average life, he learned social norms, went to school, developed friendships, and tried out extracurricular activities. One such activity, breaking, became a passion, and that became his focus for a years.

It was not until after the Awakening that Caleb discovered he wasn't human. At first, the only changes were a sudden access to strange powers, and Caleb was among those people who worked to bring order to the Awakenings aftermath.

After that, things did not settle down. Caleb had begun to change physically, going through massive growth spurts as his skin continued to grow paler, while his patents worriedly watched, helpless in the strange situation.

Finally, Caleb was contacted by a Fay, a magical being from another world, who explained to him his origin and what exactly he could do. This resulted in a period of research, where Caleb looked into everything the human world had on the Fay, or fairies. Unsettled by his species' historic cruelty, Caleb became determined to serve as a force of good, and so he moved away from home, training in combat arts and eventually taking on the code name "Changeling" in his personal crusade against evil.

Recently, Caleb has become interested in collaboration, feeling that a team might be more capable of doing good than lone vigilantes. For that reason, he is interested in joining the league.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Very good Falkon. Changeling is in. You can put yourself as part of the training group now. Although I do have to wonder what happened to his human substitute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I am very interested in this and my friends are in, so... trying my luck, eheh. ^^.

*Name: Ran Hokuto

*Codename: Stryker Grey

*Age: 21

*Gender: Female

*Place of Birth: San Francisco, California

*Affiliations: She knows Eldritch Knight Shiranui somewhat and is apparently involved with a group of people called Strykers, who seem to operate the most in Japan.

*Occupation: Electrical Engineer

*Appearance: Kinda had my hero done in an anime style, um sorry.

*Powers: Stryker Grey is a person whose body was modified with mechanical parts and nanomachines to bolster her natural abilities somewhat, the most noticable being her endurance and healing factor which is ten times faster than an average human's. She can also hit harder and run faster than the peak of an ordinary, but it's not too much. All in all, the tech inside her body is just one half of what enables Grey to use her true abilities, dubbed the Stryker Frame which needs to be used in conjunction with the Stryker System attachments to fully activate her powers.

*Skills: Ran is rather good with her hands and creative, able to draw and create various electrical devices (though nothing too outrageous, mostly tracking and communications devices) due to her tendencies towards inventing. She is also well versed in the art of aikido and self defense, which serves to help her out during her bouts as a hero.

*Equipment/Resources : Stryker Grey carries into what is perhaps the most important things that she could bring; the Stryker System and Cartridges- armor and casings made of a strange metal that is much tougher than regular steel. These are blackbox level tech attachments that fit over her hands and feet, allowing her to achieve superhuman strength and reactions as well as the ability to levitate and manipulate electricity in various ways by inserting the Cartridges into it and releasing the respective "ability" that the system is capable of, called "Stryker Drives". They are...

Shusui: Channels the power of electricity into a blade for the wielder. This can easily cut through normal stones and metals.
Hyaku-Shiki: Compresses plasma around the fist to give the impact power of a Stryker to the equivalent of a heavy tank gun.
Shinden: Gathers ambient electricity in the atmosphere and concentrates it about a general target or area in the form of a giant lightning strike.
Tenrai: Fires off bolts of plasma at the enemy with adjustable power outputs ranging from stun to much stronger.
Senden: Increases transmission of electrical signals about the body to achieve a state that allows quickens reaction times and overrides muscle activities' limits to perform at a higher level.

Stryker Grey also believes that there are Drives she has yet to unlock, which means she is unable to currently use the Stryker System to its fullest potential.

*Weaknesses: Grey is rather reliant on the Cartridges she has on hand to activate her respective abilities, which means whenever she changes to another mode she has to use up another Cartridge. Seeing as she has a finite amount, she has to be very careful of what she uses. Without the Stryker System, Grey cannot access her flight or superhuman abilities above a certain level, and certainly not her electricity manipulating techniques.

*Psychological Profile: Grey is a person that while has several faults, generally wants the best for both herself and people around her. She is rather blunt and somewhat stubborn with certain ideals, but she's also able to realize whenever she's at fault. Her dream is to eventually find out how to duplicate the Stryker technologies she gained from Dr. Tanegashima and use it to better the world, since they are pretty miraculous things that can do things that normal equipment cannot do. Peppy and cheerful most of the time, she tries to inject positivity into everything she does.

*Biography: Grey was a person who grew up in an average family with both parents and two younger siblings, being a third generation Japanese American. Her grandfather served in the much vaunted 100th Infantry Batallion of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War 2, which was what made her want to be a hero due to the tales she heard upon his lap growing up as well gave her that strong sense of morality and justice that was rooted deep in her psyche. Due to this, she doesn't hesitate to call out things she doesn't find quite right, though she will apologize if she found that she was mistaken. Her heroes are strangely enough inventors such as Albert Einstein and Tesla and movie stars with martial abilities such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan.

It was around her twentieth birthday that she legally died when she pushed someone out of the way during a psychopath's bullet spewing rampage and took the hit instead. When she came to again, she found that she was in a strange room and that her body was now part machine and that she was gifted with incredible powers as well as technology that was so far beyond her comprehension that it almost seemed magical.

In reality, the Stryker System was pioneered by one Dr. Toru Tanegashima during World War 2 after he escaped Imperial Japan and migrated to Europe where he fixed up his prototype of the Stryker Package, allowing an ordinary human to become an extraordinary fighter. Having beem close friends with the girl's grandfather and the one who operated on the very first Stryker, the good doctor took it upon himself to save the life of his blood brother's descendant and repay his many debts to the man since too much of the girl's organs were damaged for normal surgery to be a success. With that done, good doctor then proceeded to mentor the girl in the ways of a Stryker, like her grandfather fifty years ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Falkon
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yay, I'll get on it!

As far as the original Caleb, I haven't given it much thought, but traditionally he'd probably be made a servant or a foot soldier for the Fay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grey, I'd say tone down the power level some and put in a bit more detail then "Woke up in a room with powers for no reason", there may be some other stuff but those are the main things right now.

Falkon, I Imagine something far more... ambitious :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Generally speaking, she'd be quite a bit weaker than someone who's a true flying brick. She could at best break stone or dent regular steel. She could also take a few hits, but she'd not have the pain tolerance of someone that's also that archetype, making her "someone with decent powers that has to rely more on techniques then brute strength to win her fights". As for the Cartridges, well, at the moment she's rather clumsy with them and they should generally act as "one shots" rather than a continuous state at the moment.

As for the room thing, it was her pushing someone out of the way that convinced someone to give her the powers. I was hoping to gradually build up on who gave her the powers in the first place, eheh. If that's not good enough, I'll change more, okay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok, I'm satisfied with the power level then.

At the very least could u PM me with your plans for that plot thread?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 2 days ago

Wrote in a new power and a new weakness for Oni. Only since I made use of said power already IC, and now I want to make use of the weakness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

All of your changes are good with me, I look forward to your post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name:Andrew Anders

Codename:The Nox

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland


Occupation: Police Detective.


Powers: Can manipulate shadow into various shapes, sharp tipped claws, spears, tendirls, walls and add mass to them to use them as weapons. Can also use them to cushion sound to make him able to sneak around in shadow with less chance of being detected. These shadows that he use cannot be affected by light however a shadow must be removed before he manipulates it in order to prevent him from using it. He also has a range at which he can no longer control shadow, the further away from himself they get the less mass they have until they cause no damage what so ever. When the Awakening happened he could only control shadows up to 5 metres away before they began to dissolve, now he can control them up to 20 metres.

Skills: Basic hand to hand combat, good tracker and follower of clues. Modest interrogation skills.

Equipment/Resources: One .45 Revolver(Not Standard Issue). Handcuffs, Mobile Phone.

Weaknesses: He has only had modest training with his abilities so the range isn't as good as that others possess. They also require a lot of concentration so it is hard to multitask or use these abilities when he has taken head injuries. He is also offered no extra protection with his abilities except when he can consciously use them to protect him.

Psychological Profile:
He is witty and a quick thinker, with a deep regard for other people no matter where they are from or who they are. Not to mention he has a dislike off violence and would rather avoid it if at all possible. He tends to find that he is one of those people whom others cannot help but to trust and tell things which sometimes can leave a heavy burden upon him. Despite this he will always strive to do his best to help people and feels down heartened when he is unable to help. Despite his caring nature if he is telling someone something he doesn't like about them, or something that he feels they need to know he will just go out and say it rather than beating it around the bush.

He doesn't like getting Angry and has two real stages, Angry-regret where he almost gets upset as he is so angry and just plain anger. If he ever gets so peeved off to get to the second stage he will simply resort to violence preferably physical without the use of any abilities.

Biography:Andrew had a normal upbringing in Scotlands Capital. He lived in a normal household off five, his parents didn't do drugs nor were overly abusive and neither of them died in a heroic way. It was just an average life. However from a young age he always had the yearning to help people. always. He would stand up against bullies or speak to people about their problems. When he turned 18 and left school, he didn't go into university however he took out a year to travel abroad in Australia. Upon his return he enlisted into the RAF. Where he performed basic training and became a member of the military police.

Shortly after graduation was when the awakening happened. Many people left the military as they did many other organisations as many felt they had another calling somewhere else. Some tried to become heroes and failed, some became villains. He himself remained in the service, before his initial plan was to serve for only several years before joining the Scottish Police Force however with the current situation and the fact that there were a lot of tensions in the world he felt it would be better if he remained with the military, it also allowed him to remain travelling and to see people with extra-ordinary powers. However, then he discovered his own powers.

It was nothing major, a knife was dropped and though he could not catch it he stretched his hand out by instinct and tendrils of shadow coiled themselves around the knife and caught it. Surprise shook him and the knife dropped to the floor but it was done, his powers now discovered. In his spare time, when not filling out reports he began to hone his powers to learn what he could do. He had limited range on them however so always refrained from using them in his line of work, however as he felt he had too he did inform his officers in charge off the situation. He was monitored to ensure that like many others this power did not change him psychologically to the point of being a criminal. Years went past and he was raised to be a Police Detective in the RAF. More and more cases came his way and required work on and off base.

His powers began to be part of his work, he could strike without his weapon drawn and could silence his movements. With all this practice his range began to expand exponentially until he found he could control shadows well up to twenty five meters away. This was when he heard about the meeting of "SuperHeroes." He didn't so much go to enlist, he went to go and see what all the hubub was about. When he got there, hundreds of... well people, mutants, supers. Everyone was waiting, it didn't take him much to get in to see what was going on. Most people didn't have an invitation anyway...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I like it. The Nox is accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Right um... So am I in? ^^.
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