Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"I..... I don't know... I just still think Odin doesn't care, even when I have been ill in the past, I do not remember him by my side,not even sure hes been there when I have been at my worst." Loki just looked sad. "Ah and I know hes been by your side when you got ill or hurt anytime.'
He wasn't sure if there was something he just didn't remember.
Loki tried to cheer himself up. He didn't want to cry more. He was trying to find reasons not to. But his brother had asked what was wrong.

He sneezed and turned away from Thor. "Ugh." He groaned "OH please kill me now." He was feeling awful and being dramatic. "Though I know that did happen Thor, the healers said you might not remember much because your fever was so high then, That and you did bump your head then too." He smiled gently, "Oh and you don't brag too much? And well yeah I know you can't sit still. I doubt you would with a movie."
He grinned. He really was glad to be able to joke with his brother. "Is that another reason you took off home yesterday?" He teased. LOki knew it was hard to not pick on THor.

He looked at Tony "Alright... I think I will need help." He coughed. "I feel as if I may fall over." He wasn't sure he could stand up yet. However he was still afriad of a replase of illness. "I am afriad my illness might relaspe It happens..,"
He knew Thor would be able to comfirm that. LOki just knew that was normally when his illness could get worse. He coughed a bit. Unaware his fever was creeping back up on him. He closed his eyes and then opened.
"Fresh air would be nice, I feel like its such a rare thing for me now. After being locked up and then sick." He sighed a bit. Loki was lost in thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

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"I am sorry, Loki," Thor replied in return. He didn't really have anything to say. "And I would rather not, brother, I am enjoying the time in your company." His smile was slightly teasing. "That would explain it then because I definitely do not remember that." He looked slightly confused then just shrugged. "No I do not brother," Thor replied with a smile. "Not any more. And I would not be able to... Jane tried to make me watch one once and it did not go so well. She ended up sending me out of the house." He looked a bit like a sad puppy at that. "And yes, I left because I couldn't stand watching a movie or remaining in the house of Stark any longer," he replied so seriously, before laughing.

"Geez, thanks Thor," Tony rolled his eyes. "And I'm sure Thor will be able to help you. And I'm here if needed, of course. Though Thor is the stronger one. Obviously." He frowned. "I hope not... That would be pretty terrible." Poor Loki, if that happened. If he or Thor got ill or something... It could be pretty bad. There would be a lot of miserable people in the tower. "And yeah, fresh air will probably do you a lot of good. And me. I feel like I haven't been out for a while." He shrugged. "If you guys just follow me." He opened the door, waiting for the two of them. They would take the lift up. It would definitely be the easiest. Thor put his arm under Loki's and around his back, helping his brother stand up as he did. He was prepared to carry him if it was needed.

(Sorry its short, I'm tired)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Ohh so your going to leave your poor brother to suffer from the misery of illness just because you enjoy my company." Loki was grinning. He seemed to be teasing him right back. He knew his illness wasnt so bad, but he did honestly feel like being dramatic. He knew Thor would never kill him because of that. He knew his brother would never probably ever want to kill him.
Even when Thor had sometimes threatened it when they fought, Loki had only found it amusing as he knew Thor never would. "Ah yeah no matter anyways, Even if you don't remember I was just enjoying teasing."

"Ah poor Thor, been sent out of the house by Jane." He chuckled. He did enjoy teasing his brother. He knew sometimes Thor was just too easy to tease and took it too seriously at times. He hugged him.
"Hey whats so wrong with Tony and his place" He pouted. He would have agreed with his brother in the past. But now he seemed to not mind being with Tony. Infact he did quite like it.
He was very happy here. He was looking at Tony and then back at his brother. "I'm not sure now... But how would you feel if I never wanted to come home and stay on earth... I mean I would visit , but I cant see any happiness at home."

He lets Thor and Tony help him outside. Once they are outside. He is coughing and sneezing more. He was seeming to feel the cold with being outside. He stayed close to his brother and Tony for warmth. His fever was high again.
His legs were shaking. He tried to not make it noticable. He tried to act like he was fine, though he could feel like everything was getting bad again. The god knew if any of the other two fell ill, it wouldn't be good if his illness relasped.
"Ah its nice out here." He replied. He smiled a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Maybe I will," Thor replied with a laugh. "But I couldn't, I would just worry... I will only leave if there is some seriously urgent matter." He knew perfectly well that Loki was being slightly dramatic, but he played along. Loki was still ill and he was allowed to react to it in whatever way he wanted. If being dramatic made him feel better then that was fine.
"You enjoy teasing me about everything," Thor sighed with a good natured smile. He didn't mind at all. He was used to it all, Loki had always liked to make fun of Thor. Although who didn't tease their older sibling?

"It was a terrible turn of events and I have nothing to do but wander the streets for what seemed like eons!" Thor proclaimed dramatically, quite shocked when Loki just hugged him. He smiled, hugging his brother back. "Well... This place is too technological. I do not like all the... computers? That is the word. And the televisions. but it is decent enough, I guess." He grinned. He was partly serious but mostly joking. "If it is what you think will make you happiest, Loki, then I completely support you. As long as we organise some kind of visiting, so we can see each other." He nodded.
"If you want you can stay in the tower, or I can set you up with a flat," Tony shrugged. "Though we may have to clear things with SHIELD and such..." He frowned at that. That would be difficult, but it was a problem for another day.

Tony took a deep breath of the fresh air upon reaching outside, bathing in the sunlight for just a few moments. It was nice to be outside, for once. It was something he didn't do too often. "It is, isn't it?" He smiled at Loki, turning to look at him. Though Loki tried to make his shaking legs unnoticeable, Tony just about spotted it. "I'll get us some chairs." After a bit of a search around the roof he found three chairs from another time on the roof, dragging them over to where they were.
Thor was silent, predominantly concentrating on supporting Loki and making sure that he was okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki coughed rather badly, He tried to hide it, as it sounded very bad again . His eyes had dark shadows underneath. He was looking at Thor "Uh huh." He said in reponse to Thor's words, He knew Thor was mainly playing along.
He really did feel awful, it was cause enough to be dramatic for him.
Plus sickness was something that annoyed him.
He had gone paler. He was glad for the chair, He sat down in it.

The god looked miserable. He didn't want them to know he was feeling really bad again. He was trying to hide what he could. He wanted to not have them worry about him. He felt terrible really.
The god was shivering, He knew they would make him go inside if they noticed he was feeling bad. THe god's fever had gotten higher as well. LOki coughed again cover his mouth. The cold air seemed to be getting to him as w ell.

"Ah poor Thor." LOki teased. He grinned looking at him. He knew that Thor wasn't so used to technolgy and such. He smiled amused. Loki still found it all confusing as well, but he did seem interested in it too.
He smiled and looked at him "Oh Thor I would still visit you, I just at this stage don't know how I feel and what I want to do, I know when I feel down , I think stuff that I don't mean, although I am sure I am unhappy at home."

The god knew he should wait until his mental state was better to decide. He was feeling miserable "I like staying with you Tony, but that is only if you ever wanted me to stay, I Mean I don't want to be a problem."
He frowned "But there is SHIELD yeah...," He shrugged a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"It really was terrible!" Thor sighed, sitting down with a smile. "And I'm glad that you would visit... And I understand if you don't know what you want to do and of course if you are unhappy at home and do not want to return." He truly did. He just wanted to see his brother, as much as possible.
"I can also visit you and such. As long as we see each other." He smiled. It was obvious he never wanted to lose his brother again. Not after the last time. Definitely not after the last time.

"You wouldn't be a problem," Tony replied as he sat. "It's not like there isn't enough room, the tower is big enough and there's plenty of room in my malibu house as well. And, you know it can get a bit lonely even with JARVIS to talk to." He frowned slightly, watching Loki carefully. "Yeah, SHIELD, the irritation that they are. Saving the world my ass," he muttered, shaking his head. He was worried again, Loki had definitely gotten paler. Tony really hoped Loki wasn't relapsing... As he was pretty sure he had the beginning of something. Just a cold, probably, but still.

(sorry its short, still feeling sick so you know...)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

It had been awhile since Loki was able to talk like this with his brother. He seemed to be enjoying it. Teasing his brother was so much better than fighting.He had never really had the time to speak with his brother normally in awhile.
"Its been awhile since we have chatted like this and teased without having one of our big fights."
Even if Loki's urge for world domination was over, he knew they might still fight over other things, but in a less intense way he hoped. He knew that all siblings did have some kind of fight. He coughed and was looking very miserable. He wanted to stay outside.
Though he was starting to wonder if that was maybe a bad idea. His head was pounding as well.

"Really?" Loki had never thought Tony would let him stay. Expecially since he didn't think Tony would want to risk that in the long term. Though he knew that Tony seemed to consider him as a friend at least so far.
"I am thankful of that and yeah SHIELD doesn't seem to be as good as they claim."
He had been there and knew of that. He was also not very trusting of them. He was looking around.

Loki coughed a whole lot more. He was soon leaning over and coughing very hard. He seemed to be trying to settle himself down. He felt his chest tighten as he was coughing. He seemed to be quite miserable. He wondered if the others would notice.
Before he could continue to act like nothing was wrong he fell off his chair passing out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Yes..." Thor paused, looking thoughtful. "It has been." He frowned slightly. "That is one thing I did not enjoy. I dislike fighting with you, brother, even if it did happen so much in the past. Let us try not to in the future?" He turned his sad blue eyes on Loki, looking quite a bit like a puppy dog trying to please. He really didn't want to have any more of those. The one thing he wanted in world, more than the throne, maybe even more than Jane, was to be friends with his brother once again. He knew it would never be the same as it had once been. He just hoped they would be able to keep some kind of healthy friendship. At least Loki acknowledged him as his brother again.

"Of course," Tony smiled. "You know, it would be nice. And its not like I don't have the space." Or security. The tower was the best place to protect Loki from SHIELD, and the world from Loki if it turned out that way. He certainly hoped not.
"Yes, they certainly aren't. Wouldn't trust Fury as far as I could throw him." He shrugged.

Tony had noticed a while ago, though had just watched carefully without saying anything. When Loki passed out it was Tony who leapt forward to catch him, softening his fall to the floor. Thor jumped up suddenly, looking panicked.
"JARVIS, check Loki's vitals," Tony commanded, voice slightly panicked. At least Loki seemed to breathing. Oh, please be okay Loki. He really should have said something. He guessed that the god was too used to keeping everything a secret and trying not to hurt others.
"All are fine, sir, he seemed to faint from his illness. I would recommend moving him back inside."
"Thor, you'll have to carry him," Tony looked up at the god of thunder from where he was sitting on the floor, having caught Loki. Thor nodded, bending down to lift his brother up in his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Loki was moaning in his sleep. His fever was back. He seemed to be quite pale. He coughed and moaned. He seemed to have relasped a bit. He was breathing deeply and looking very miserable. The god was feeling miserable.
He shivered and seemed to be having bad dreams. He cried out in pain as soon as woke up.
"THor... Tony..," He whimpered.
He hoped that he would be ok though he wasn't so sure. He coughed more.

He was laying there. The god was feeling miserable and sick. He had no idea that Tony was starting to come down with anything as well. The god shivered and moaned a bit. He shivered more.
It was going to take him awhile to recover again it seemed.

Loki was looking scared.he shivered a bit. "Ughh I think its replased... just my luck. " he cursed a bit. He really did seem to be miserable. He had hoped that he would recover fast and not relaspe. He was groaning a bit.
"I was hoping that I would be feeling better soon." he said.
The god was coughing badly. His fever was high. He knew that Tony was going to be worried about him.
It was clear that his brother would be as well. He shivered and moaned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thor had rushed Loki inside, lying him back down on the couch. Tony had headed into the couch, grabbing a damp cloth and the recently cleaned bucket. He returned to place the cloth on Loki's forehead, hoping to bring down his fever if only just a little bit.
It probably wouldn't work but it was worth a try. He placed the bucket beside the couch, just in case Loki vomited. It was best to be safe rather than sorry. This wasn't good, though. He had hoped Loki wouldn't relapse but it seemed it had been inevitable. Tony wasn't too happy about it. He had thought Loki was beginning to recover.

Thor looked worried, pacing about the room a bit. He looked at Tony, frowning. "I must return to Asgard and talk to the healers. Maybe they will know something that will help Loki get better, or just make him feel a bit less miserable. It is worth a try."
"That would be a good idea." Tony turned away to cough into his hands, hiding it from Thor. "Hopefully there is something. That'd be good."
Thor nodded. "I will be back soon." With that he was off.

Tony had went to sit in the small space left on the sofa, beside Loki. He tilted his head as Loki woke, watching him carefully. "It certainly seems so... You should have said something when we were outside, Loki, instead of... You know fainting." He bit his lip. It had caused him to worry. He had though Loki might of had a heart attack or something much worse. Trust his brain to jump right to the negatives of course.
"Me too..." Tony sighed. "You're such a grouch when ill." His smile was mostly teasing. He turned his head away to cough again. Just a dry throat, nothing more. Maybe he should get himself some water. "Would you like anything? Water? A blanket? Some good company? I may need to call someone else for that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

LOki was laying there looking pale. He coughed into his hand to avoid coughing onto Tony. "I know... its just I didn't want you and Thor to worry." He said "And I was liking being outside." He held his head feeling dizzy. He noticed that his brother was gone.
"Thor?" He asked. He wondered if Thor was freaking out and wanting to find a way to help him. He knew his brother really cared for him and that was probably likely his brother had left to find a way to help. He wished his brother didn't worry too much.
The god was coughing and he leaned over groaning. He tried to catch his breath.

The god looked up and noticed Tony was coughing "Are you ok Tony.?" He wasn't sure if Tony was getting sick. He didn't like the sound of that and tried to get a closer look at Tony's face. He groaned from his headache.
Loki could see Tony was very worried "I'm fine... I just got lightheaded, Honestly you and Thor worry too much."
THe god's voice sounded croaky as he was coughing alot. He sniffed and grabbed tissue.
"I'm glad you care though." He sighed.

"Oh you think I"m a grouch when sick?" Loki smirked "Clearly you havent been around Thor when hes not well then." He said sounding amused. He started sobbing a bit as he coughed more. He was clearly misersble.
The god tried to regain control of his emotions. His stomach lurched and he grabbed the bucket vomiting.
He had hoped that wasn't going to happen again.
"Water would be good and a blanket. and Your company is fine Tony." He sneezed again.
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