Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Naruto: Sengoku Jidai (Age of War)


From ash, industry grows. From the earth grows shoots of bamboo. Two concepts that lead to a rise. Yet the village of Ash and the Village of Bamboo couldn't be more at odds.
Situated far off the coast are two islands known as the Isles of War. On each island is one of these two villages, and it is their acts of violence that have led to the naming of the Islands. Constant war rages between them, often going on for generations without rest. And yet, they are truly formidable.


1) No Power Playing, God Moding, Auto hitting or any of the sorts.
2) GM Word is all, if you want to argue outside OOC, bring it to PM's.
3) If a user hasn't posted within 2 weeks without heads up notice, your character may be controlled by other players.
4) No creating a new faction/village. You can create a group inside of a group, but not a totally new group. This will be erected until we move further into the plot when more villages or factions are necessary.
5) No excessive swearing or sexual romancing in the IC. If it is higher than PG-13 than take it to PM's.
6) Your character can and most likely will die whenever combat erupts. As long as the battle is moderated, and the death is logical and plausible, the result will be swift.
7) There will be a 3 warning system. Upon the third warning you will be banned from the RP.
8) General RP rules etc.

Reflection, Kal-el

Player Ban List:


Villages and Locations:

Village of Ash: The village of Ash is going through an age of industry and revolution. In order to combat the superior training of the Village of Bamboo, The Village of Ash focused on superior weapon crafting. The industry of the age has led to the invention of many wonderful machines of steam and coal.
But this age of industry has done damage to the land. The forests are charred, and the air is thick with smoke. Civilians rarely go outside with some sort of breathing apparatus and the mortality of the village's youth is always in question. Orphans rarely live long on the streets of the Hidden Ash, and those that do are often hardened killers.
The village is separated into three zones. The industrial zone, where the factories and weapons are made. Each factory contains a set of small houses where workers are corralled for months on end. The workers leave only to run the machines of war.
The second zone is that of the people. The people live in this area. Of the three zones, this area is the closest to the gates of the village and are most likely to die in case of invasion. Shows you how much industry cares for the common villager.
The final zone is in the center, protected from all sides. It is the zone of the Kage. The Kage's zone also functions as an emergency bunker where citizens can hide in a large underground area to protect them during attacks.

Village of Bamboo:
Village of Bamboo. The Village of Bamboo is living in an era of Peace and Enlightenment. The Village of Bamboo thrives of the land and the natural resources it provides. Agriculture and cultivation provide for the villages food supply. The lands are lavish and filled with natural borders and great bodies of water. The Village of Bamboo deeply relies on the prestigious and efficient militaristic teachings. Children are chosen based on aptitude at an early age and those with the proper scores will be evaluated and shipped to a prodigious academy. The ones who do not make it into the strict and systematic ninja corps are made farmers are in charge of providing for the village in harvesting and farming crops. The Village of bamboo is surrounded by chakra hardened bamboo, creating dense forests that can receive information of assault or any other enemy approach. Bamboo is incorporated in everyday life as it fulfills the necessity for wood, paper, textile industry, food industry, etc…With this they village has had general technological advances and run on organic power such as wind turbines and other elemental infrastructures.
The village can be found deep within a forest of bamboo that upon exit is greeted by two massive bodies of water with a bridge leading to a massive village. The village is separated by three massive buildings positioned in a triangular scheme. The two foremost are the Ninja Academy, adjacent to it is the Research & Development Building. Finally in the back of it all is the Kage Mansion. Outside of these three buildings are shops and lavish homes for the citizens. The Ninja Academy has its own barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

(Village Hidden in Bamboo)


(Village Hidden in Ash)


(Village Hidden in the Sky)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I am interested in playing a character in this ^^. I was thinking someone who only uses ken/taiutsu...plus perhaps a bloodline limit...if that's okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reserving. I have an original idea already. C:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Character Deleted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Shard said
I am interested in playing a character in this ^^. I was thinking someone who only uses ken/taiutsu...plus perhaps a bloodline limit...if that's okay.

Indeed it is

Shard said
So this is my attempt! ^^ I hope it's alright.======================================================: Lin Ney: Knight: 21: Male: Jounin: Lin is a rather adventurous young man confident in his abilities. While he isn’t quite the reckless type, it wouldn’t be a far stretch. He enjoys challenges and leaps headfirst into danger if such is needed of him. Loyal would describe his relationship towards friends quite well as he is incredibly protective and quick to draw his blade against a threat. Against his enemies, Lin can be rather ruthless and is known to ‘make sure’ that the fight is over. Sloppy executions are enough to piss him off quite majorly. ‘Make sure the other guy is dead before you proclaim victory.’ People full of themselves, letting their guard down in the process, deserve what they get. Overall, Lin is a very fun loving individual who doesn’t seem to have any problems with close contact. Sometimes it has been stated he needs to learn the concept ‘personal space’. It’s correct to assume him a rather huggable person who enjoys being around others, meeting new people and of course, testing his mettle. Sparring is the best way to get to know someone. Lin knows that wisdom is to be found in both wins and losses, but also understands the difference between a friendly fight and a serious battle. Despite a ruthless demeanour towards foes, Lin is quick to forget and forgive. He doesn’t dwell on things, revealing a very laid back attitude towards his surroundings. He’s hard to anger unless the right buttons are pressed and seems to be able to handle stress very well. Lin is terrified of loneliness and feeling powerless. He tries hard to keep friends but doesn’t always succeed as the world of ninja is a dark place. He is also claustrophobic and afraid of spiders. : Bamboo: Lin grew up in a free roaming environment and has since childhood been rather wild. His story isn’t one of tragedy and loss, though at the age of seventeen his parents passed away in the line of duty. Lin took the news badly and buried himself in missions and assignments in an attempt to dull the pain. He has always been a social individual and followed in his parents’ footsteps since he could walk. He was given a sword, a few words of encouragement and pushed off into the ninja academy where he did quite well, not counting the utter and miserable failure he’d suffer every single time ninjutsu was involved. Lin’s Kekkei Genkai revealed itself quite early but has been relatively slow to develop. Apart from excelling at martial arts, Lin proved to be a splendid team player but was sometimes considered to put his team’s well being over the success of the mission. It wasn’t very professional of him, but it was something he stood for. As he grew older, Lin realised that the mission was always more important than both his and his allies lives, though he still has a hard time accepting that. Overall, Lin has lived a life considered rather everyday for a ninja. He has high hopes and dreams of becoming a powerful S ranked combatant one day and is well on his way. : : Wind: Steel Release:Lin is able to transform different body parts to an organic, indestructible steel alloy. He is not strong enough to transform his entire body yet and keeping body parts transformed for too long will leave him quite drained. When transformed, however, his strength, speed and resilience is increased exponentially. : Lin is a master of Kenjutsu and Taijutsu. He does however seem unable to manage even the simplest forms of ninjutsu. This has lead to Lin relying a hundred percent on his martial and sword arts.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yay ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ouroboros


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Interested in this, just not sure what kind of char I want to play
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I might be interested, but I have one question, why did you already have people on the banned list before even starting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I think it's because they've caused problems in Syn's past RP's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yog Sothoth said
I might be interested, but I have one question, why did you already have people on the banned list before even starting?

Savato has it right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sheet forthcoming
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Syn said
Savato has it right.

why isn't Beta on there? he's started arguments in rps because people disagreed with him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yog Sothoth said
why isn't Beta on there? he's started arguments in rps because people disagreed with him

Right, I was forgetting about him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Syn said
Right, I was forgetting about him.

I'm not complaining, I was just curious since you seemed like the type of GM who really didn't want arguments to break out in your rp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaliforniaState
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CaliforniaState Biologist

Member Seen 3 days ago

Yog Sothoth said
I'm not complaining, I was just curious since you seemed like the type of GM who really didn't want arguments to break out in your rp.

I value your input. I can control what happens a majority of the time. It's just there was long running problems with one of those banned players that was unnecessary. Hell we made it to 300 pages IC on our first Naruto RP on the old site before those players ruined it for the rest of the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Syn said
I value your input. I can control what happens a majority of the time. It's just there was long running problems with one of those banned players that was unnecessary. Hell we made it to 300 pages IC on our first Naruto RP on the old site before those players ruined it for the rest of the group.

that sounds like a very bad experience. anyway do you plan on having Co-GMs? because my experiences with Naruto rps have shown that they suffer from not very good management and confusion
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Character Theme - Scars


Name: Eikou Savato

Alias: The dandy man

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Rank: Kage assistant

Personality: Eikou is a very odd man, the kind of man you'd see dressed in classic 30's suit in the 21st century streets of Washington DC, but of course his bizare trends wouldn't end in just clothes. Indeed, we can consider his behavior as eccentric, with his foremost difference from the general mass being his high interest for the current villages at war, despite not being part of their population. He actually doesn't seem to fear the possibilities of being persecuted for entering villages at war or walking through a current conflict caused by inner or outer tensions of the villages. Oh no, he actually appears quite careless at times, as he always kept his own good time to do things, and in style. Yes, style is also something important for the man. If he were to serve someone a drink or massacre a bunch of foot soldier shinobis, he would always attempt his best to do it in style with impressive timing and elegance. Bonus points for getting zero stains on his black clothes.

Many would qualify Eikou as a good man, he usually smiles when adressed and never mistreats those who are not a threat or are a problem to him in some way. In reality he is very genuine when it comes to this characteristic, he isn't a sociopath - far from it, he truly cares and is happy to be of a joyful presence to the innocent. But this is never reflected in his fights as he doesn't hesitate to butcher his opponents for the "beauty of the climax". He is indeed ruthless, especially when he's given the ordre to dispose of certain individuals. When it comes to superiors, he's very obediant and gives priority to manners before anything else. Some might compare him to a butler, others think he's just a maniac hiding behind a civilized shell. In the end however, he's one hell of a creepy man.

Village: Soragakure

History/Background: Mister Savato is originally from a rather small country far away from the bamboo and the ash conflict, where everything was simpler and war never was in the benefit of their neighbors. Despite Eikou's inner joy of being in a sfae place where Shinobi had but a very weak importance due to the poor rate of criminals and international conflicts, he was bored of the same old train of life. Hence why at the age of fourteen, after graduating basic academy and trainee degress in his village's shinobi education system, he went off to discover himself. When he was in training, it was obvious he had poor shinobi talent, though he gave enough effort to manage to pass most coarses. He was too frail for taijutsu, didn't seem to have much of an affinity with genjutsu and his ninjutsu was crippled by his weak chakra stamina and his poor control at the time. But one thing helped him: Detail. He was veru precise with things and always won contests regarding shuriken jutsu and other things regarding reflexion and accuracy (both physically and mentally). So he was considered bright, but of poor use in higher tier categories.

During his journey, he became an actor with a passion for different cultural art. He simply loved to re-enact certain historical events and folklore as well as fictional litterature or even his fellow actor's improvised little scenes just for the heck of it. Indeed, as he traveled with a constantly growing group of gypsy-like wanderers, he became more and more keen with social interaction and understanding how to communicate with individuals from different origins. And this is how he discovered puppeteering. As his presentations became more and more packed with innovation. His poor ninjutsu expertise came into play as he discovered that puppets also offered interesting shows which would more than please people away from the deserts and whom have almost never seen these objects act as if they were alive.
Despite Eikou's dislike for the complexity in the machinery of the puppets, he managed to handle the basic functions, though after a few trials he quickly understood that he had a better comprehension of the human body and how to apply such a concept on it rather than on machines, like a child who would have a hard time with maths but be a complete master when it came to biology practice. He was just like that, and thus as he innovated more and more, he made his actor's actions much more "alive", sometimes over the top and sometimes perfectly natural, things that alone they would have a lot of trouble to prepare.

At the age of 19, Eikou's little travels ended for some odd reason, leaving his crew out of the blue apparently in ordre to accomplish something he had never talked about. Some say he wanted to try something else in life, others say he's desperately searching for something important, but the truth is nobody knows what he is truly doing other than those hidden in the shadows of what many people consider of a divine world. He is still seen traveling alone from time to time, but only to reach specific villages involved in things that can be linked one to another. His abilities have so far allowed him to remain completely harmless to the eyes of anyone who knew him in the past and would meet him in the present.

Organization: N/A


He has a vast arsenal of basic stuff thanks to this shit. Thi ranges from kunais to explosive tags to simple scrolls. Glory to the aristocrates.
He does cherish however a selection of five identical katanas he has named "Elsa Maria" which have the exact same black design with petal-like patterns on the hilt and sheath. They aren't particularily good at anything and he's never seen with them as he summons them too. These are usually used to give weapons to his clones or even himself if he's down to a certain point. With Eikou, the use of tools can be very different from one would expect.

However he does wield a specific tool which appears to ba rather practical for combat purposes, and that would be monocle. Indeed, this item allows Eikou to perceive chakra as an Uchiha would with the sharingan without the sight enhancement. It also prevents weak genjutsu from affecting Eikou's left eye, genjutsu from non-specialists or generally weak ones which involve sight.

Chakra Nature: Lightning

Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Hone
Description: Although not specifically a bloodline limit, this is a kind of ability that isn't possible to attain unless one would be both apt at doing so and having the motivation to go through tough self improvement. But the fact that very few people can hone chakra this way makes it a form of Kekkei Genkai.
Chakra hone "sharpens" one's chakra to a point where it is "very thin". This has two effects, the first is very general and affects the entire chakra reserves of the user. Their chakra is so refined that it isn't detectable by traditional means (sensory and such), making the use appear as if he doesn't have chakra at all.
The second effect is very unique to Eikou as it allows him to use the chakra threads in a way that they can be teated as monomolecular razor wires capables of slicing through almost anything with rare limitations (usually with chakra or UNBREAKABLE items). However in ordre to slice, both edges of the wires must be stretched in ordre to bind a target and completely cut. This can be done in multiple ways. It must be said that blunt approaches and non-precise ninjutsu (usually elemental) attacks will not affect any of the threads used, such as it will easily "slice" through fire or wind and barely be affected.
The wires can be cut by strong blade but can easily regenerate. These wires are also visibly blue and can thus be seen by the naked eye. Like the chakra threads, they are like an extension of the user and don't have too many limitations to their movements.

Special Traits:
+Perfect dexterity
+Immense chakra contol
+High intellect and culture
+High speed (slim body too)
-Low physical strength (threads help though)
-Below average chakra
-Physically frail

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fucking Center. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad. I hated making this char because making it look nice was so annoying.
And sorry for double poste.
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