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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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HellOfALife stare into the abyss

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Here at Kingsridge, we hope to have a wonderful year with all of the returning students this year, it was a long vacation, and we know that some of you are ready to find new experiences here."

To Reuben, the speech sounded like a familiar chant with all the upperclassmen seated in the auditorium, he hadn't expected all of them to even give half as much attention to the speech as they did when they first came here, maybe not even then, but perhaps it was nice to be reminded that they all had a purpose here, that the chance they were given to attend this school was something that should have been precious considering the circumstances prior. Reuben only had to look out at the crowd to see a few familiar faces and if he was right, every student that wasn't newly enrolled should have been there. His dark brown eyes followed the crowd before walking from the podium, after which the students were dismissed. For him, the auditorium and the stage had a familiar dint to it, the dint of 22 years gone past. Once he graduated, it took him on a journey across the world. Unlike some of the graduates from his year that went straight into the workforce and tried to survive in a world that disenfranchised their kind, he decided to travel. For that took him to the most dingy Burroughs of some countries, to the most beautiful mountains. For him, it was a time of growing, a fortune passed from him to his family. Yet, for all that traveling, he realized that he was essentially running away from his problems, from an early age, Reuben was ashamed to be a wizard, scared even, he would often masquerade as a human, and hope that he wouldn't be found out. Usually he wasn't, but when he came close to the flames of Civil War in a typically peaceful country, Reuben was reminded that he had to take the initiative to change this for both the Wizarding World and Muggle World.

When he returned to his home country, he found that the things were just a smidgen better than when he left ages ago, but even then people would rather spit, and mock magic as it was, people practicing street tricks getting assaulted, children who had yet to control their own powers growing out of the control of their Muggle superiors, abuses at every level to expose those who dared to practice magic in the general public. Here, Magicians were forced to be 'labeled', at the cost of having everything snatched from them. As far as Reuben could tell, this was a time when potential Wizards and Witches were kept from Magical Schools because of fear. Fear pushed the Muggles to their limits, and our kind pushed back. Reuben came together with the alumni he knew best form the Academy and even some of the very teachers who took the time to teach him all he knew, the point for them was to teach Muggles that there was no harm in Magic. That campaign led him to this very stage, to the survival of Magic, and Kingsridge itself, his actions and that of others secured the students safety here, and while it may not have nearly been as dangerous as it was in the past, he couldn't say the movement smoothed itself out incredibly. He took off down the small sets of stairs on the right, and while it was still the first day, students usually spent that reconciling with old friends, finding their roommates, or even preparing themselves for the first classes of the year.

That was simply how Commencement Day usually worked, and then by the evening, a nice little congratulatory supper for all students, a way to link the new and returning together before their studies started. The Headmaster once off the stage walked in the middle of the aisle, excusing himself and greeting the students who acknowledged his presence, he already received word that his his old colleague was seen drinking around campus, not that he was in a hurry to find him, but he hoped that he wasn't intoxicated, that could truly bring out the worst in the man, but even then Rueben knew he took care of himself. So it wasn't exactly a pressing issue or anything, as he made his way out into the Main Halls of the school, he found himself smack dab in a large expanse of students mingling with one another, others excited at having a new roommate and such, among other things teenagers were usually excited about. Watching the excitement made his journey rather slow, along with students wanting him to stop for conversation. Most notably some of the budding new Journalists from the newly formed Student Council.

"Sir! Mr Grayson sir? Do you plan on implementing any new changes to the Quidditch brooms being used this year, also we had reports of there never being enough paper towels in the girl's bathrooms?? Sir?!" A quill wrote at lighting speed as the students notepad was nearly shoved into his face, he said nothing, but he could tell that the utensil was probably writing about the expression on his face.

Ruben smirked at the comments, and stayed to talk with the students, something about the experience made him wondered if this is what it's like being President, making all the promises you can, while hoping to fulfill most of them.

Balthazar already had Scotch on his tongue, too early for his tastes, but it was always nice to feel a bit more relaxed before things got ahead. Not that he normally drank, not around his students, and definitely not around his superiors, but something had called him to the bottle more than anything else. For a moment he relished in the thought of his younger self, as an Agent, one of the best in the Congress of Magic, or maybe he'd like to think so. Those times having to rally behind people who wanted nothing more than safety from the humans they despised. Honestly, he wouldn't have blamed them, things became so hectic here in comparison to his stay in Europe, at least there before here Wizards had the decency to not care as much as they did. Hell, most Muggles laughed at the thought, and Casper would be right there laughing with them, hoping to ease off of their intoxication as he did his own. His years at the Congress were nothing but hell, nothing like his father used to boast about. Those times were simpler he always had to remind himself, everything he remembered left a taste more bitter than the liquor in his mouth. He raised his slumped arm over the chair he sat in, grimacing at the long scar on his forearm, the way the scar mismatched his skin tone, there were many others like it, but nothing caused more pain then this deep, gnawing injury he sustained from years past..This one gained after being tortured in some kind of muggle prison for Wizards, a place were inane experiments were born so humans could come to 'understand' just what they were.

Reuben would often comfort him by concluding that his past with humans would reasonably lead to unfathomable rage, and sometimes Casper caught himself off guard, hating Muggles and their world from a distance despite how integrated they all were now, but that hate was only kept for those purely human, a lick of Wizarding blood in anybody was for him at the time better than being that. Yet, even then, when the time came for him to support the uprising of Wizards who sought to be off with these weaker individuals, Reuben drug him off from a drunken stupor, literally, and figuratively. The stupor of anger, and the long battle he had with the bottle. After which, he taught him that the anger he harbored would lead to his death, and Casper found many reasons to believe him. Many would say that his colleague Grayson was like the calmest of storms, Casper hadn't a reason not to agree. He was perhaps too sober to be thinking these things, but as soon as he heard the entrance to the Lounge open, he laid his bottle of Scotch on the ground, and the cup slowly, he took maybe a shot before realizing his mistake and how easily he could be lead back if he dwelled on painful things. It was just another staff member, supposedly grasping some books they left before leaving the Lounge area. Casper had to suddenly wonder just where he got the idea to start drinking out of nowhere. Instead of even explaining why he was drinking like he could get away with it, he stood from his chair, dusted his pants and moved for the door, before mumbling a fairly unapologetic sounding,

"Apologies. "

For now, he would find other things to be worried about before the berating he would get at the hands of Rueben for drinking on school grounds, something about 'being a role model' for future students, and how he was "worried about his health' things he normally expected from the overly caring man. Casper just scratched at his scalp and began a bit of walk around school grounds, thankfully that small glass wasn't enough for him to feel any intoxication.

Rylan twisted her neck in mock display as Mr.Grayson finished his little speech, as if she'd just woken up from a nap and hadn't heard the same speech about three or four times before at the beginning of every school year. Cloud who was in her lap was also yawning with her, surprised this time that it wasn't yipping at every little living thing that moved this year, especially since Famillars became so popular at the school a few years ago. She twisted a lock of her hair as she groggily acknowledged that everyone was standing and leaving elsewhere, for here there was no need to rush into the crowds for anything that is until Cloud became far more motivated that she was to start moving, and then barking at the backs of students, and running straight into the crowds. Rylan thought nothing of it as she leaned back into her chair waiting for the canine to return, she even lazily whistled for it. Then she heard the very noticeable yelp of the dog, and a student struggle to free something from it's grasp, with all the students still filing out, she ran towards the scene, where a good number of students were too scared to pry the hyper active dog off the victimized bag. Cloud's teeth was ensnared on the students belonging, and it was long before Rylan got out of her slog and pulled her dog's small body away from the bag.

'Ah-Rr-Really Sorry! "

She struggled to say as her dog started to wrestle with the bag, and the other student was simply scared that their things would be spread across the floor for them to pick up, further embarrassed by the fact that attention had been brought to them that they didn't want. They recognized Rylan too, and from that it was easy to assume that maybe they were a target for some juvenile bullying. They certainly hoped not, the other students concern seemed genuine though. "J-Just leave it alone." with one final tug the girl, and the dog's teeth pulled apart, Rylan caught Cloud in her arms, as the other girl fell over on the floor, her friends helping her up as she looked at Rylan with a rather confused, and panicked look. Rylan never felt more anxious, but she had more people asking if her and her dog was okay, than the other girl, for that she felt sorry, she wasn't supposed to bring Cloud here anyway, but it wasn't as if most people cared about following the rules, especially not her. Even then, she put it in the back of her mind to apologize to that girl later if she ever saw, but she could see that her posse typically paid no mind to the situation, as the student rushed off as quickly as the situation died down. Cloud on the other hand kept licking her arm, the agitation gone from it.

"Goddamnit Cloud, if you keep doing this they'll force you to stay in the kennels, and I know you don't like it there."

Cloud whined slightly, knowing that what she said was a semblance of a threat, the dog knew better, but sometimes even it's own instincts trumped it, she petted it affectionately before putting it down.

" Rylan, you'll probably need a leash for that before it starts biting other people."

Yeah, no shit." she laughed before gathering her own things. "You think they're still serving breakfast right now?

Someone responded with a yeah, before Rylan had her stuff collected and ready. " Well, then I'll be there stuffing my face." she smiled brightly and walked her way out of the auditorium with the waning crowd, making her way to the Cafeteria with a small group of her old friends, reminiscing about past schools years and all. It felt good to be back.

A guitar strum, and a snake dancing next to him probably made Salem look like a peddler of some kind. He hoped the snake was dancing, or maybe it was having some type of seizure, he couldn't tell, although the reptile did tell him that it was enjoying the tune, all the while slithering around in the shade of the several autumn trees around campus. He was no snake charmer, but he could probably make good money if he became one. A worthless thought that passed through him as his snake slithered around. Salem wasn't one to listen to the same speech given to all the students, he liked Mr.Grayson enough but didn't think he could endure hearing him say the same thing he did nearly every year. For that, Salem enjoyed the peace he got from the nature around school grounds, the Autumn trees swayed slightly, and gave way to a beautiful swirl of multi-colored leaves, too bad that Salem was a summer type of guy, before he enrolled here he had no concept of just what snow was so, his first year here came with a few more surprises than he was ready for.

He put his guitar down and let his head rest on the tree for a moment, just appreciated the fact that he had some sun in his face, and not his relatives. It was funny how sour things turned once he was found to be a wizard, in that moment he swiftly became a liability, even his parents found to the time to blame must of their misfortunes on his powers, but what was he to expect from such a community of people? Superstitions played a strong role in his childhood and it still did today, and while most people were accepting of Magic in their society, smaller settlements like where he was from became an echo chamber of unadulterated hatred and supremacy. It was up to him to keep his mouth shut, and his hands off his wand during vacation. He wondered if this is what it was like back then for his teachers, if so, he could most definitely sympathize with them and their struggles. All that inactivity, usually made him rusty with his spells, forgetting basic things, even having spells misfire, but he took it in stride either way, and wasn't going to let old world views bring down a peg or anything, that just wasn't the way Salem was at all. Either way, after this year he was looking forward to adulthood, moving away from that wretched small town, and it's citizens to something far better. Here he would spend his last two years making sure that his degree in magical studies was put to good use, and hopeful that he would pass those frustratingly hard tests.

For him it was all a matter of time, and surely it would come, if he could visualize why shouldn't it happen?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Superfly


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Clíodhna Burns

"The summer went too quickly, it wasn't long at all," Clíodhna Burns said to herself after the headmaster made his departure from the hall. She rose from her seat and stepped over her bench to leave the hall. She waved her wand and muttered an incantation. Her large bag which was almost bursting with clothes lifted itself off the ground and trailed her every movement. Socks and underwear hung from the edges of the zipper, threatening to bring the entire case open.

It was quite the hassle to lug it around all day, but Clíodhna had a new roommate and room this year. Morrigan Cassandra Brighthill, the one with the famous mother. Many other students male and female would kill to have a room with the 'Deathwish Queen'. She was certainly attractive, Clíodhna could care less and her only hope that the Deathwish Queen didn't really have a deathwish by being the most annoying roommate possible. Clíodhna's last partner snored very loudly, causing great trouble for the teenager when trying to sleep. Sleeping wasn't even the biggest concern, she was so messy and more often than not Clíodhna would find her raven staring at her as she got dressed. It would mutter words like "You're developing well," and "The carpets match the drapes! Alert the paper!", so at the end of the last school year Clíodhna had enough and requested a transfer.

It made her feel equally troubled as it did relief, the reason being was because said roommate happened to be her closest friend. A terrible roommate, but a loyal friend that Clíodhna valued greatly. She hoped Charlotte would never find out that she requested a transfer and if she asked her Clíodhna would lie and say it must have been a mistake the administration made or "They must have thought you were a bad influence on me," and laugh it off. It would hurt Charlotte's pride if Clíodhna was honest, and the girl could hold a grudge.

She slowly turned the key to her new room which was much cleaner than her residence last year. Clíodhna dumped her suitcase onto her bed, the impact caused the suit case to snap open with a bang and spit clothes all over the room. "FUCK!" she exclaimed, hurrying to clean her neighbours side and stuff her unmentionables away. She stored her books in a small chest at the end of the bed, and kept her clothes in her wardrobe. The last thing she took out of her suitcase was wrapped in a dark sheet of cloth. Clíodhna was sure that no one was in the room to see her stuff it under her bed. If anyone found that it would be the end of her. Charlotte would have kept quiet if she had found it out of loyalty, but she could not say the same about Morrigan.

One good thing about the transfer (besides the cleanliness) was that she wasn't stuck with a muggleborn. Clíodhna had no dislike for anybody who possessed the gift of magic, but muggles confused her and their technology annoyed her. Why would any witch or wizard flip a switch when they could wave a wand? Muggleborns also had the habit of being noisier than purebloods in Clíodhna's opinion. Radios, 'eye-phones', the 'winter net' and hand-holding consoles were all terms that confused her. They sounded obvious, sure, but Clíodhna was always let down by the lack of eyes on the eye-phones and that their hand-holding consoles never actually held your hand to console you. It was deceptive.

Clíodhna was raised in seclusion from the muggle world. Her parents had set up barriers around their estate and everything they bought was bought from wizarding communities; which meant they rarely meddled into the lives of muggles outside of work. Clíodhna was raised to fear muggles, not that wizards were powerless to overcome them if provoked; but because as a group humans were very conservative and susceptible to mob-mentality. Her parents believed that muggles simply would never accept the wizarding world and that the simplest of troubles in the muggle world could be blamed by the magic world. It had happened a lot if the wizarding papers were to be believed. Some wizards were tortured, and some poor muggleborns were raised to believe that the gift they had was the work of evil. Some were purged of their corruption, never to expand the power they possessed and others were drowned at birth never to learn what they were. It was madness.

Clíodhna shook her head from such dark thoughts. She grabbed a brush and stroked it through her red hair delicately. If the day ever came where a muggle cornered her, she'd be ready.


Professor Jaylen Beckley

Professor Jaylen Beckley had arrived to Kingsridge in style and was a sight to see. The nimbus company was in the midst of designing a new broomstick, Beckley had enough contacts in the wizarding community to call in a few favours, and he was always investing parts of his small fortune into companies. So when he blew his horn and and swooped in the skies he had expected gasps and sudden surprise.

Unfortunately that was yesterday, and he had been mistaken when term had exactly started and mixed his days, so instead of rapturous applause at the sight of him he was greeted by empty air and silence. Beckley didn't mind though, it gave him more time to prepare his classes. He had planned them for the last two weeks, deciding how to enter classrooms (while keeping his students enthralled in transfiguration) and what to reward those few who had tried their hardest. All with a mid-term exam at the end of October.

He was present for when Headmaster Grayson made his announcement, it was the same speech as he often gave but it was just as inspiring as the first time he heard it. He had the voice of a leader, and one that kept many peoples ears glued to him. When the headmaster descended from the stage it was Beckley who started the applause and Beckley who was the last to stop.

After breakfast Professor Beckley went to read his mail, someone like him with a lot of contacts got mail often. He emptied a small tray of packages and letters, opening one with familiar hand-writing. His stomach curled at the sight of it. "What does she want?"

Dear Jaylen,
I hope you are well. I know you are probably busy with lessons and the like but I'm writing to express concern at your recent article in the After Moon about muggles. Our family has faced many hardships and we've only escaped a bad reputation brought onto by our elders hatred of muggles in recent years.

Such blatant discrimination in your article can only be seen as a reminder of past times when muggles were the victims of magic. When I inherit the estate from our parents (In many long years, I hope) I must warn you that I cannot condone such blatant hatred and I will not be associated with a bigot. They are your beliefs to have, and I would not ask you to educate yourself or change for me, but if you do not submit a retraction and an apology I will have no choice but to become estranged with you out of the respect of the circles I'm connected with.

I hope you consider this instead of ripping it up, and I sincerely hope you have a good year. Be safe, brother.


His face went red. It was just like her to push her fat pig nose into places where it didn't belong. She was superior to everyone and had very little respect for her heritage. The letter was well crafted to give the impression that she was being polite, but Jaylen knew better and he knew how to read between the lines of politics and true affection. He hated how stuck up his older sister could be. He was tempted to rip the letter up and forget about it, but he took a deep breath and began to write hastily.

Dear Sister,

You can't wait for mother and father to pass. When you inherit the estate you won't have to worry about cutting me out of your life; I have tried to forget you were ever my sister since I was eight. Keep your fat nose out of my business or I'll make your private story involving Aella Brighthill public knowledge to all.
I hope you get everything you deserve.

A simple 'fuck you' probably would have sufficed but it was too early to get worked up about it and he was ashamed he even bothered to reply. He sent the message immediately, and then proceeded to open the rest of his mail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nova wasn't one for sitting around and listening to speeches, and she surely wasn't one for crowds. However, since it was her second to last year at this little school, Nova thought it would be only right to humor herself and sit about for once. She would be lying, however, if she said that the entire ceremony wasn't painfully boring. In fact, the poor girl had almost nodded off half way through, which conjured up an array of strange glances from the students around her. Reuben's voice was just so... Calming. And Nova had always been the one to fall asleep in strange or important situations. Words jumbled in her head, something about long experiences and new vacations, and Nova tried her best to stay alert and focused but the heaviness of not getting any sleep and the warm auditorium was just too hard to fight. The fact that she was currently sat in the middle of at least one hundred plus people kept her semi-awake, though, luckily.

Once the Headmaster was done Nova stood, face as white as a sheet as her eyes groped for someone familiar like Toby, or one of her housemates to talk to. No one around looked familiar, though, nor easy to talk to, and the anxiety of sitting in such a large crowd was finally getting to her. She needed out, she needed quiet and clear air and no people. So, with quick movements she nearly jumped over the seats to her right until she was in the far aisle, walking swiftly towards one of the doors that lead to the halls. Once out of the auditorium, she retraced her steps, allowing her body to wander around the familiar building while her minds swirled with excitement for the new year. Sure, the classes were definitely going to get harder, and sure, there were a strew of new students who would be crowding the halls with their overzealous natures and touchy hands, but Nova did have a new roommate named Emmeline Lovelock, that's a cool name, and the Shamanism course she has been taking since day one was always fun, and that made up for almost everything... Maybe. Nova grinned to herself suddenly, pushing through another set of doors as a sudden gust of wind claimed her hair, throwing the mess of copper into a whipping motion.

The grounds of Kingsridge were painted gold and red and yellow, and the air was brisk and light with the promise of a chilling winter. Nova quickly pulled out of the door frame and danced about the outdoor, laughter spilling from her open mouth as the wind sent a flurry of leaves into the air. Fall wasn't Nova's favorite season, far from it actually, as the trees slowly began to die and cry out in pain throughout the entire months, but she couldn't deny that it was gorgeous. The sound of rustling leaves filled her ears, and she slowly approached one of the many sturdy trees, touching her hand to the trunk gently. Loud, hollow sounds filled her head then, cries of agony, and she frowned deeply before jumping up to catch one of the many low hanging branches, pulling herself up easily. The cries had quieted now that she barely focused on the tree itself, and in the calm non-silence of the outside world Nova climbed high into the tree, relaxing more and more with each branch behind her.

Soon, she was sat upon a high, sturdy branch, eyes scanning the half-covered grounds below. There was the slightest hint of music, a guitar perhaps, coming from under the tree to her right, the honking of cars coming from behind, probably from the city, and the familiar cawing of an owl coming from the tree to her left, but other then that it was quiet. Nice and calming. Nova leaned against the tree trunk and allowed her head to lean back, soaking up the rays that filtered through the golden leaves and branches above as she hummed a little tune, mind absolutely blank. The first day of her junior year was to be spent alone, and maybe that was a bit sad for some, but for the flower child it was absolutely perfect. Memories of Nevada and mom and day instantly filled her senses, the feeling of tree bark beneath her legs, the smell of winter coming from the ski lodge-covered mountains in the distance, the sound of rustling leaves and scuttling bugs. The essence of pure nature devoured her, erased the knowledge that she was still at school, and it was absolutely breathtaking. The sudden claws digging into her arm, though, was not a very pleasant memory to remember. Nova jolted forward as the sudden weight nearly dragged her off the branch, and she pulled her arm up to meet with the familiar face of Catcher, her owl.

"You scared me..." She muttered, smiling as the large bird snuggled up against the nook of her neck, warming the surprisingly chilled skin with a flurry of feathers. Nova sighed and glanced down at the earth below again. The guitar music had ceased, sadly, and the wind had calmed to a gentle breeze, bringing with it the smell of smog. Well, that made sense, thanks to the massive, air-polluting city just down the mountain. Nova rose a hand to scratch the head of her owl before she swung her arm upwards, throwing the predator into the air. Eight talon marks gleamed red against her tan skin, aching ever so slightly, and after taking a moment to rub at the wounds she stood, balancing herself quickly before beginning the climb down.

The cries of the tree were louder this time, even without Nova focusing in on the tree itself, and with each branch she descended upon the cries grew. At first, she thought there was a group of kids carving names into the trunk below, but she didn't hear any chit-chat. Then, as her feet connected with one of the last few branches, she realized the problem, but of course, it was too late then. The branch beneath her was rotten, creaking, though it appeared sturdy, and once more entire weight was centered on it something shrieked. The branch snapped, and Nova yelped once before she hurtled towards the ground. Colors, greens and golds and browns and blues swirled in her vision, and then her back collided with the soft earth below and her eyes closed, pain swelling from where she landed. Black dots danced across her vision, but quickly faded, and her mouth searched for air but found none. This used to happen a lot more back home, when she was younger, but her distracted mind today had cursed her. Nova knew she wasn't seriously hurt, just a bit frightened, yet she didn't move, and instead stared up at the hanging branch that had just dropped her and the sky beyond which held clouds and Catcher, blue eyes narrowed tightly.

She eventually managed to catch her breath and sit up, wincing slightly as her back pulsated with pain momentarily. The tree had ceased screaming so loudly, and Nova decided that it's pain was caused by the rotten branch. Catcher eventually dropped down to perch on her shoulder, but quickly leaped back into the air when Nova lurched against the talons that dug right into a sore spot. He came down again to rest on her knee, staring up at her with what might have been a look of worry. Nova smiled gently and scratched the owls head once,

"I'm fine, C." she whispered, scooting back a bit until her back was resting against the tree behind her. The owl screeched in response and Nova grinned before leaning back again, watching the school grounds, ignoring anyone who might have seen her fall. No need to show any weakness, no need to talk to any of them. Just think about something else, anything else. Like... Herbology and Charms and Dark Arts... And Nova allowed her mind to drift, wondering about school and if her back would bruise and about her roommate and owl and whatever that could be wondered about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Thomas was among those who opted out of listening to the start of term speech. It was just too crowded, it made him claustrophobic. Another reason why he disliked attending organized events. He could probably recite the speech by heart if he was asked to, anyway. Most upperclassmen could. If he was in the auditorium, his mind would be wandering. He may as well let it wander up in the sky instead.

He sat astride his broomstick, flying aimlessly, but quickly. Though he wasn't paying much attention, he still swooped effortlessly in and out of trees and pulled up from dives at the last second. Somehow the exhilaration combined with serenity in a way he couldn't describe. It wasn't often that he felt stress at a "close call" as long as he was on a broom he was comfortable. And that serenity, he found, opened his mind's eye sometimes. Or maybe it was the open air, or something indescribable that was the reason he took Shamanism classes.

As his mind opened, something intruded. Pain, and then a fall. The pain came first, followed by the fall to the ground. It was somewhere nearby, and before Tom had even made the decision to investigate, his broomstick was already pointing in the right direction.

He arrived a bit late to see what had actually happened, but he could take a guess. Nolan Parver was laying in the grass, a broken tree limb nearby. She had fallen from a rotting branch.

"Nova," he said, still astride his broom and floating lazily across her field of vision. "You okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athos
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Athos the Mountain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So many people....

Dozens of students had gathered into the courtyard and a sense of unease had began to set roots into Kwes. He always enjoyed Reuben's speech, even if he didn't pay attention half of the time to what he was actually saying. It was just refreshing to hear him talk about returning to school as if it were the start of a grand adventure. After all, isn't school just a grand adventure designed to teach students lessons along the way before they are thrown into the real world? Still, Kwes couldn't shake his discomfort and even Raccoon, Kwes' trusty familiar and ironically named friend, began scratching along the edges of his backpack. Which was strange since Raccoon was usually quite well behaved.

First day of school and I'm already uncomfortable.


Kwes walked out of the meeting without much ado and began trekking towards the cafeteria, taking a less than conventional route that seemed to wind like a spiderweb through the academy grounds. He noticed that many of the students began clumping together in social clusters but Kwes had never been very popular and found himself walking alone towards the cafeteria. He didn't know whether that upset him or not. He would of preferred some companionship to talk to but talking leads to questions and Kwes wasn't sure if he was ready for questions about his summer.

So instead Kwes walked towards the cafeteria, alone with his thoughts. Perhaps someone would join him, perhaps no one would. He wouldn't know until it happened so there was no use worrying about it. Unknowingly, he was approaching the cafeteria at the same pace as another KingsRidge student, Rylan Amalia Keenan. It would be up to chance now if the two parties would converge at the cafeteria at the same time or if another student would meet Kwes before then. Since the path that he was talking was awfully desolate, Kwes felt comfortable enough to let Raccoon out of his backpack and light up a cigarette. The nicotine calmed his nerves and gave him a false sense of a relaxed state, something that he desired deeply. Inhaling the toxic fumes deeply into his lungs, he sighed again and felt the smoke depart the same way it entered his lungs. Many wizards had a distaste for any product designed by Muggles, and cigarettes and other substances were especially frowned upon by the magic society and banned on school grounds. Not that it bothered Kwes very much, he just had to be careful when he indulged in his vices. Raccoon trotted along Kwes like a well trained beagle, sure to alert his master if another person was detected following them.

Perhaps this year won't be too bad buddy, perhaps not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bigg Slamm
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Bigg Slamm The Biggest Fish in the Sea

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Benjamin Teague let out a suttle yawn so not to insult the headmaster had he just happened to be looking Ben's way. Benjamin actually liked the speeches every year it just was that this year Benjamin's parents took him to India the week before school for vaction and he happened to be still jet lagged. It was then he stood as Mr. Grayson finished his speech and made his way toward the exit down the middle aisle. "Nice to see you again Mr. Grayson." Said Benjamin as his headmaster walked by. He wasn't answered directly which was fine as he saw almost every other student, new and old, try to converse with their headmaster. Once Mr.Grayson finally left the auditorium Benjamin tried to follow suit, but not before being held up by some kind of unseeable raucus.

Once in the halls he was free to go to the cafeteria where they were serving breakfast, and boy was he hungry. It had to wait though. He wanted to get his familiar first, a turtle named Michealangelo. He wouldn't want the little guy to miss out. Benjamin cut away from the rest of the pack of students and headed for his dormroom. He had arrived a minute later. opened the door and was greeted by his and his friend Thom Grimm's stuff. On the bed to the left was Michealangelo's tank with the "Lil' Dude" inside sunning himself under the UV lamp that Benjamin had charmed to come on and off according to actual daylight hours. Lifting the turtle from inside it's habitat it sort of squeaked in disaproval. "Awe now, you hush or you aren't getting cricket brittle after breakfast."

The threat certainly quiet the shelled reptile as Benjamin moved toward the cafeteria again. As he walked the halls he passed pictures of past students and teachers, trophies for quiddich and dueling, and awards for all kinds of academic acheivements. One day he hoped to have his name on one of those plagues or trophies. It was five or so minutes of walking that had passed once he arrived outside the entrance of the cafeteria. There he just so happened to see Kwes Powers about to enter. Benjamin hurried his pace and rose his voice, "Hey Kwes! Wait up!" A few long strides later he had caught up with his fellow house member, "Man did the summer fly by or what? Good to see you again." Ben extended a hand to shake, "So how was your summer? Anything cool happen?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phloem
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Phloem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

An old rustbucket of a Volkswagen Beetle puttered up to the school, the exhaust pipe spitting out less than healthy amounts of carbon monoxide. Right after the engines let out a horrible clanking noise, the vehicle shuddered to a stop, just shy of the parking space. A muffled curse escaped from its driver, and the door flew open. From the car, emerged Madison Cordell, his hair even unrulier than usual.

Standing there in his grey v-neck and jeans, Madison simply stared at the car and hoped that through sheer willpower, the engine would come back to life. It was actually kind of ridiculous. But then again, he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind. For starters, all he had for breakfast was cold, leftover chicken nuggets and a swig (okay, more than a swig) of vodka. Unfortunately, whoever perpetuated the myth of how drinking even more alcohol would cure a hangover was dead wrong. And the pounding in his brain was only aggravated by the sound of Pavlov's barking. The Rottweiler was scratching at the back of the seats, seeming like he wanted to get out of the car. Obviously, this wasn't a problem since the door was open, but he didn't seem to realise that.

"Alright, buddy." Madison sighed, crouching down and tugging slightly at Pavlov's collar. "Let's get you out."


"C'mon, we don't have all day."

Wooof woof.

The conversation would go on this was for an additional five minutes before Madison was finally able to coax Pavlov out of the car. Slamming the door shut, he made sure to keep an eye on the dog as he got his belongings out of the trunk. Now normally, Madison would have left Pavlov with his siste while he went to work. But this year, she picked the perfect time to go on vacation. Sure, he could've left Pavlov back home, but to be honest, he was actually a little bit scared of what his violent, old harridan of a landlady would do.

With Pavlov's leash in hand, and his bag slung over his right shoulder, Madison began to make his way to the main school grounds. As a cold gust of wind hit him square in the face, he was suddenly thankful he chose to wear a plaid button-up with jeans instead of his usual v-neck. Having spent most of his life in Tampa, he really wasn't used to any type of cold weather. But, the wind did have a positive effect of waking him up a little and making him feel a little less shitty. So, that was a good thing.

Looking around, Madison spotted a few familiar faces, and some not-so familiar ones. Both teachers and students alike were milling around the area, probably since the Headmaster's speech was over. Wait, shit. Was I supposed to go for that? Madison's brow knitted for a moment, as he tried to recall whether it was compulsory for staff or not. But he just as quickly realised that there was really no point in worrying about it, and he continued on his way.

As of right now, he didn't have a set destination. Briefly contemplating heading to the cafeteria to have a proper breakfast, he swiftly quashed that idea. With his head feeling like it was about to explode, Madison didn't really fancy being in an enclosed space with a horde of raucous teenagers.

Finally settling on the activity of sitting down and doing nothing, Madison located a steel bench off to the side of the courtyard. Pavlov trotted after him dejectedly, flashing literal puppy dog eyes at his owner when he sat down. Clearly, this wasn't the Rottweiler's idea of fun. The whole situation earned a smirk and chuckle from Madison, as he moved to unclip Pavlov's leash from his collar.

Faster than lightning, Pavlov bounded off in a random direction. Madison was sure he'd have to drag him off some unlucky freshman sooner or later, but for now, he leaned back in his seat and just watched.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Athos
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Athos the Mountain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Raccoon had warned Kwes that someone was not too far away from approaching him and Kwes took the extra time before Benjamin caught up to him to finish and then dispose of the cigarette he had been smoking. It was a nasty habit that he knew he should probably quit one day but today was not that day. Kwes was pleasantly surprised that it was Benjamin that had caught him however. He was one of the friendlier faces around KingsRidge and a fellow House Luna member. While he certainly wasn't exciting nor spontaneous like the other bubbly characters that attended this institution, Kwes appreciated his company.

"Ah, Benjamin. It's good to see you again as well," Kwes smiled and shook his hand as he Raccoon climbed back inside of his backpack. While Familiars were a common sight among the Academy, Raccoon had no extraordinary defining features that made him stand out from regular raccoons so Kwes preferred him to stay out of sight so he wouldn't be mistaken for a common rodent. "My summer was eventful but I'm more interested in hearing how yours went." Which was true, Kwes didn't like talking about his personal life out of habit and preferred listening to other people's stories. As the duo entered the cafeteria, a flash of blond curly hair bouncing struck the corner of his eye. "Looks like Rylan beat us here."

She was already surrounded by a posse of her followers however so Kwes grabbed a cup of breakfast coffee and an inordinately large muffin before sitting down a few tables down from Rylan. "So, tell me about India. Did you get to meet Aladdin?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chezka
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emmy had every intention of going to the welcoming speech, she really did. She even went overboard with preparation, stuffing her backpack with an assortment of items she liked to call Ultimate Time Wasters, things to do so I don't get restless: the latest generation of handheld consoles, three volumes of Marvel comic books (she took them randomly off her shelf, so she has no idea what she got), and two decks of cards—one muggle and one wizarding. See? It was all there, carefully chosen to last her all of two hours. Emmy liked Mr. Grayson, and she wanted to be a good student for him at least one day out of the whole school year. One day when she would be punctual, behaved, attentive… the whole enchilada. Commencement Day was the best time to do it; it counts as a school day, but without all the hassle of an actual one.

By the time she arrived at the auditorium, students old and new were slowly filling the seats, their greeting and catching up with each other coalescing into a cacophony of indistinguishable chatter. Emmy would have joined in gladly, but her eyes just happened to find the clock hanging by the left wall. Its hand seemed to move slower than usual, as though it was taunting her with a precursor to the next couple of hours, and she wavered almost immediately. She had every intention of going, but then the willpower she had mustered just for this day seeped out all at once, like when you go to the bathroom after holding in your pee for way too long (or, y'know, a more appropriate metaphor), and she was already running out the room, fighting the current of students filing in.

Emmy was out in the courtyards before she realized. The brisk autumn wind was a welcome change from the stuffy indoor air; it tickled her nose and lapped curly locks into her face, splaying the strands every which way. Ah, so much better. She always did appreciate the sense of mystery autumn brings as it covers the world in reds and browns. There was something inherently spooky about the season where everything starts to wither and die, its darkening skies leaving no trace of the energetic summer atmosphere. Smiling sheepishly, she gave the auditorium a fleeting glance and skittered off to a random direction, obviously unapologetic as she searched for things to do. About ten different ideas were already brewing in her head. She could check out the supposedly abandoned shack at the easternmost corner of the campus, where an evil presence is rumored to lurk about, cursing anyone who comes close with a spell that induces the symptoms of Vanishing Sickness. Or, she could drop by the Herbology greenhouses and look for the entrance to a passage rumored to lead to some sort of crypt. If it was true, no one has ever happened by it, even though it was said to be hidden in plain sight. There was also—

The familiar sound of the guitar made her ears perk up, immediately breaking her train of thought. Salem! She knew instinctively who it was. If she were a dog, her tail would have been wagging happily. Emmy pinpointed the source of the sound with frightening speed and accuracy, and she found him within a minute. She bounded toward him excitedly, practically jumping on him as she went in for a hug. There were a lot of things she missed about Kingsridge when she went home for the holidays—the feasts, the mysteries, the pranks—and Salem was at the top of the list. There was something about him that always puts her at ease, and she would be reminded of… well, no use dwelling on that now.

"Hey you! How have you been?" She gave him another fond squeeze before letting go to greet his familiar. She crouched down next to the python curling around the tree and stroked its head gently. "You know, I still don't know who'd win in a fight between you and Mr. Fredrickson."

To their left, she noticed Starbolt Tom (how fitting that he was on his broom) talking with—oh! Was that Nova Parver? She didn't want to intrude in whatever they were doing, but she made a mental note to talk to her later. She had yet to get acquainted with her new roommate, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Nova, you okay?"

Nova quickly jolted out of her thoughts, scaring Catcher back into the air as her eyes glanced about frantically until she caught the familiar sight of Thomas, gliding gently upon his broom with a slightly worried look glazed across his face. Her eyebrow rose slightly, but was quickly replaced with a wide grin as she realized it was her first time seeing Thomas in awhile. She slowly pulled herself up, brushing a few stray strands of hair as the pain in her back pulsated and faded with every slight movement. Eventually, she was standing and waving excitedly at Thomas, the grin from before never faltering.

"Tom! Long time no see!" Nova winced slightly as her back straightened, but the pain was nothing compared to the feeling of cheerfulness she felt from seeing one of her friends, "I'm fine, just took a tumble is all. Nothing serious." She gave a small chuckle before turning to face the tree again, slowly cambering back up the trunk until she was eye level with where Thomas was idly floating. Instead of seeing him, though, she saw a mess of golden leaves. The branch she was crouched on was sturdy enough to hold her until a certain point, but it would still be somewhat of a risk to move closer to the end. Still, Nova then inched across the long branch until she was able to push aside the leaves and see him clearly. Nova then rose her hands again, slowly lowering herself until she was straddling the branch evenly, waving hello to the broom-riding boy,

"How was your summer, Tommy?" She asked with a light, yet horribly tired-sounding voice, eyes gleaming curiously. Thomas was an interesting fellow, not just because of his cool broom-riding skills or friendly, easy-going personality, no, Nova was instead interested in his mysterious aura. Or, at least, the feeling he gave off. It was if he knows if something is going wrong at all times, and Nova just couldn't figure out how. Honestly, being with him made her extremely curious. And tired. But mostly curious. Nova smirked to herself, but quickly froze up as a gust of chilling wind suddenly blew across the area, shaking the leaves from the trees once again. Cries of pain, hollow and low, filled her throat, but she simply ignored them and instead focused on balancing as the branch swayed slightly.

"It's windy today, huh?" She said offhandedly, relaxing as the swaying resided. Her hair, however, was not so easily tamed, as the mess of red and brown completely shielded her face and tangled in the back, the once straight, tidy -do now reduced to a rats nest. Laughter spilled from her lips as she quickly combed her hair with long fingers, gathering the mess into a high ponytail. As she attempted to tie the tail into place, Nova caught sight of a somewhat familiar blonde. Emmeline Lovelock, perhaps? She smiled softly when she realized her roommate was conversing with Salem, and with no reason to interrupt them she returned her gaze to Thomas, awaiting his answers with cheerful eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Toby Kipling

As he was with most things, Toby Kipling was being serious. Standing there in the majestic auditorium of the school he’s been blessed to call his home for the last few years Toby stood in line with all the other students who had arrived for the year. Presently he was listing to Headmaster Grayson finish his opening speech. It was the same old speech just like last year and the year before that, but Toby still listened to the person who made the most magical times in his life possible.

When the speech was over people started to do their own thing and Toby was no exception to mob rule. Like everyone here he had his own things to take care of, but unlike others he was already busy. He would be living in a new room once again and like always he had to prepare. It is not to say that he was not prepared, but Toby liked to do things in very specific way when it came to his rooms.

His room back in Baltimore was the same. It was a small one-bedroom place with a fixed closet, a single mirror, low hanging lights, and a large barred window that faced a closed off street. As a student of the magical kind, he had a lot of stuff that would never fit in his room, but thankfully there was magic in Toby’s life. Using various extension and size alteration magic Toby managed to fit his many magical belongs tucked away in a single chest, a gift that belonged to his uncle. The sheer amount of stuff he had made unpacking and preparing for the year hell, but bearable as always.

Walking to his dorm room he saw a few of friends and exchanged pleasantries, but never stopped for a proper chat. When he arrived at his place luggage were piled up outside of his door. It did not look much given that he only had two trunks and a treasure chest, but on the inside was his entire room. Carrying it all would have taken him hours to just move it a few inches, but luckily enough he knew a spell or two fix that issue.

The door to the other bedroom was locked so Toby picked the one that was left open. He supposed that the person must have already finished and left or is inside asleep or worst, dying. Toby knocked to check in on his roommate to see if he needed help, but alas there was no response. Assuming the best Toby got inside in his own room, locked the door behind him and started to work. It would be a long day just to finish all of it and his body would ache later that night, but it was a free day today so there was no harm done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jayln Vance

It was hard to notice Jay in the auditorium. His hoodie covered his head and Gordon slept inside his pocket. To the naked eye, it would appear as if Jay was asleep. In truth, Jay was watching everyone around him. His head would tilt a little to the side every now and again to see more but Jay never let his illusion slip. As the crowds of people filed out of the auditorium, Gordon moved from Jay's pocket to Jay's satchel. It was a few minutes later when Jay rose from his seat. Those who were still in the auditorium were either the ones who had fallen asleep or stragglers. It was hard to tell that the man walk was Jay. The only way a person would be able to tell who it was would have been by looking at the pendant hanging from his neck and Gordon poking his head out of the satchel.

Jay was in no mood to chat but after leaving he could help but notice Salem and Emmeline conversing. It wasn't his place to interrupt their conversation. Of course, Gordon had other plans. Gordon hopped out of the satchel and ran towards the pair. A few people tripped over Gordon on his way over there and Jay couldn't help but to stifle a laugh. Jay advanced towards Gordon and picked him up before he reached the pair but it was hard for people not to notice the commotion caused by pair. Jay tried his best to walk away as quickly as possible.

Melissa Wallace

Melissa was already bored from having to stand around in the auditorium but it was made worse by the speech Rebuen was giving. Melissa wished she hadn't come in today. She could have been having some fun at a party with a few of her muggle friends. But, her job came before a party. The students were happy when Rebuen finished and so was Melissa. It meant that she could leave and find her office. It had been a while since she visited the place and she would need to do some reorganizing. Files would have to be organized to replace the old students with the new students. It would be tedious but required.

The office was small and packed but simple. There were two filing cabinets which held the files Melissa had on her students. There were atleast one hundred and fifty files in the cabinets but few of them held more than their grades and student profiles. A few of them still held assingments from the year before but they were generally empty. As Melissa opened the cabinets, she noticed files of students who had graduated. They were a reminder to Melissa that the students come and go but her job was to prepare them for life after Kingsridge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Toby Kipling

Toby was surprised when he finished rather quickly. When he first came to this school, it took him hours to unpack since he had too many stuff. His first year here he bought too many extra supplies that he never really got to using. He was slightly scared and paranoid, but mostly excited and happy.

The dorm room had been set up to replicate his room back home. His bed was positioned next to the left wall where the light from the stained colored window would bathe him when he would be sleeping. His favorite bed position was the fetal one wherein his face would face the wall. It’s been the way he slept since he was a kid.

At the food of the bed, he had his trunk. Inside of the old chest was his clothes. Naturally they were neatly folded, organized and arranged by season. It was how he did most things, methodical and precise. Next to his bed was a study table with his lamp, reference books, and studying materials. It was just a normal desk that his uncle bought with him during their first trip in the east coast’s local magic street. His first visit to that place was the real first time he’d gone into anything that really magical that was available only to full blown wizards and witches. It was really cool.

After getting his belonging organized, he decided to go get some food since he hasn’t had anything to eat since his arrival. Prior to leaving the dorm he left a note on a table for his roommate saying he was out in the event the guy wondered why he was gone. Toby didn’t need to be, but he;d been on the receiving end of worrying about people in your house being gone all the time and it was not a pleasant childhood, plus it was nice to be nice to people.
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