Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Isaac smiled at Jargon's good humor, glad that he hadn't offended him. However, he raised an eyebrow at the comment about the cold, wondering why that would make a difference, then suddenly remembering back to a moment previously with the whole fiery snot thing, using these as clues, Isaac deduced that this particular dragged at the very least, could spew forth fire, and that cold probably had some sort of enhanced effect on him. Putting that into the back of his mind Isaac answered the young Dragoids next question while also addressing his previous statement

"Thanks, sorry about that, I get a little awkward sometimes" Isaac chuckled slightly as he continued "As for what Elite Class I'm taking, the elite combat class, the elite tactics class, and I'm actually helping teach swordplay, soo mostly anything that doesn't involve magic, I, um....I uhhh" Isaac scratched the back of his head, his tell that he was slightly embarrassed, but he also used this time as a chance to glance at Rain, seeing her pick up a first year and dust him off, whispering something into his ear, he gave her a small smile, maybe this year she had finally learned her lesson about how to treat the first years, we would see, the first week would decide if she had earned his trust or not...

"I'm not so good with magic" Isaac confessed to the second year, as he returned to his conversation with the Dragoid, his thoughts having taken that entire journey in amount of time it would take a normal being to look slightly embarrassed, but Isaac's mind tended to work faster, mostly because he had trained it to do so, with no small amount of help from the Academy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Ellise, nodded as the boy introduced himself properly, she didn't give any sign of confusion or of disapproval, she just smiled warmly, and listened intently.

"Well I think it's a fine name" she said trying to make the boy feel better, he seemed to be tense, and that was never very good, Third wanted all her students to feel welcome and at home at her school.

Just as she was about to say something else, a voice from behind interrupted her, another boy had found his way into the arena.

"Hello there Victor, it's nice to see you as well" she returned his smile and looked between the two boys, "Victor, allow me to introduce you to my new friend here, his name is Guy" she gave an encouraging nod to Guy, hoping he would take the incentive to come out of his shell, though she didn't make any sign that she was about to leave.

She would help him along if he needed, and she would allow Victor to hopefully gain something as well from this conversation. Perhaps seeing someone who is more nervous and discouraged then oneself would be somewhat...uplifting?

At least, that is what Third told herself would happen, she was prepared for much less though...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Essence


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Rain caught a snatch of words from Issac's conversation -- "elite combat class." Without hesitation, she promptly broke away from the detritus that was the rest of the third-year class and made her way up to Vladimir.

"You're teaching elite combat this year, right?" She smiled charmingly. "I'm feeling...like I need a challenge. What do I have to do to get into the fourth year's elite combat class?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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James smirked. he could sense her fear. Organic beings were too predictable. A pulse, breathing, sweat glands. So unnecesary, and a teltale sign in situations like this. He decided it was interesting to answer her questions for the time being. Although he doubted she would be all that interesting, he had nothing else to do. And after all, it was not every day he met someone who did not know of the Undead.. "I teach Survival. An optional class, by Third's decree."
As he spoke, James was looking around the group, not bothering to glance at Freiya. He didn't need his eyes to speak. he already crossed out most of the students as either dead meat, or fir for his class. He looked at their strength, their physical looks, but he also looked for something else. He looked at the eyes. Although he wasn't an avid magic user like his current conversation partner, he was a skilled judge of people. And he then, found something rare. One with spirit. He knew that student would be in his class, and he decided he would make sure that student got in. He had no doubt that he would survive the trials ahead of him. He smiled, something known by many of the schools older students and teachers to be a rare thing indeed. This was the first smile he'd had since twenty years. This was a rare trasure he'd found.
Not bothering to excuse himself, he propped himself up, taking long and meaningful strides towards his target. he made no sound as he moved, a habit learned from years of stealth. He closed in on them easily, as most students carefully opened a path for him, the first years following the example of the older people. Fear had a potency. He stood behind the child, no breath in his lungs, as he slowly reached out, and grabbed the child's shoulder. He already knew the child's name - he'd done his research carefully. This would be his prize student, and he would forge him into a great warrior. This was the first time he'd actively spent effort into getting a student to join his class, but he'd decided he wouldn't leave it to fate.
"Hello, Victor. I've come to ask you to join the Survival class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Nice to meet you Sir Stratonfol!" Rhea said immediately after he said his name. She was quickly caught off guard by his quick counter apology, she had run into him. Nevertheless, he even came to the conclusion he owed her something of an apology. "I'm fine!" She blurted when asked. "W-well, you don't owe me anything really. But I wouldn't mind checking out that stall over there with you." She said smiling. The idea of making her first friend here, on the first day no less. She was simply elated.

Not before Beaux ran off, a large towering Orc let out a very distinct laugh. He approached and asked if anything was wrong. What!? I-it's an o-orc? Is he a teacher maybe, that certainly sounds like a brutal class. Rhea thought before finally managing to spit up something of a reply. "U-um... N-no! N-not a problem here s-sir!" She stiffly bowed to the large Orc. "I-if you'll graciously e-excuse me, I n-need to catch up with my friend. Farewell g-great sir!" She bowed once again before running after Beaux. She quickly caught up to him, taking great care not to trip again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KradKazumi
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Sir, he was called sir for the first time in his life. It seems that Rhea was really nervous. "Uh... You don't need to add 'Sir'. I do not think I'm older than you anyway." She looked about just the same age as him. Being called 'Sir' by someone of the same age would be quite awkward. "Just call me by my name, Beaux. May I call you Rhea?" Then he continued to the stalls with her. However, he stopped right after he started walking as he heard a mighty voice behind him. There stood a huge orc. This almost made his heart stop due to surprise "OH... That made me jump..." he mumbled. Perhaps the orc was a teacher as he had that feel to him, looking familiar with the surroundings and all. If he was a teacher, it would be questionable as to how and what he teaches. Beaux had hoped that if he becomes one of his teachers, he wouldn't be very brutal. "We're fine!" he replied to the orc as Rhea did the same, but she seemed frightened as she was stuttering. As they were about to leave, he bowed as well and walked towards the stalls. "That was quite the scare. Never thought I'd see an orc here too." Though, it wasn't really much of a surprise as he already saw plenty of races in the academy.

When they arrived at the stalls, he made Rhea pick herself "Now, choose what you like. I will buy something for you. Think of it as a nice-to-meet-you present." he said with a smile. He opened his bag and pushed the daggers aside. He had brought a bag that would be enough to bring a few daggers. Leaving them at his home wouldn't be so good as he'll have problems transporting them through his ability. Taking out some money, he closed his bag and waited for Rhea to pick. Once she did, he'll just head to where she is and purchase for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

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Survival, eh? Seemed like a worthy class to be learnt in an academy like this, though it still struck Freija as the tiniest bit odd. Survival was something she believed came naturally, and was about luck as much as anything else. She would make it a point to ask Third about these classes, and if she could perhaps maybe sneak a tiny peek sometime, though she knew that would be just as much invasion of privacy as disruption of class, so she dismissed the thought with a shake of her head. Blinking up at the man again, he seemed ever distant, and this elicited a little sigh from her. She was even about to open her mouth to say something, when he effortlessly picked himself up and the distance between them grew. She was the slightest bit grateful; the man's presence left an unnatural chill in her bones. Just disliking a person was one thing, and so was being afraid of a person, but the strong sense of decay that he radiated gave her a premonition that chilled her bones even further, and she had to blow into her hands to warm them. Especially unlikely on a nice, warm, sunny day as it was outside. Though something struck her as she noticed the man walk away. He didn't seem like the type to smile. Something interesting must have happened, but looking in the direction which he was going, all she could make out were the silhouettes of three people, one of them being the near-familiar one of the headmistress. Two of them were much taller, soon to be joined by the fourth on its way there. She couldn't help but trail along behind the undead man, though not by direct route, she aimed to make her way there somehow.

Wandering aimlessly through crowds of students and teachers alike, and having a decent number already reach the point of almost tripping on her gown, she continued to fawn internally over all the different races brought together by the institution. A young lady of some Satyr origin stood speaking to the man she'd seen earlier with the sword, and the human and dragoid from earlier were still at it. Though one of them seemed a little distracted. Curiosity made her stop and study them for a bit. Fine lads, like the rest of the school. There were so many different aura signatures, it was like each radiated a little differently. And even if she didn't look, she could feel the magical energy from some of them, reaching out to mingle with hers and with each others. Anyone versed in any kind of magic could have told if their magical energy was given off.
It was pretty much a given, as well as the magical ability, to anyone even interested in the art. And if taught, one of the first lessons would have been to learn to sense it around them.

Regardless, she kept her distance from the little group consisting of the headmistress, two boys and James. Her lips came together in a thin line a little, at the stealth with which the man moved and came up behind the unsuspecting boy. Though he was definitely a frail thing, she thought. He seemed to be smiling, but there was something about those eyes that gave something away. Sadness? No. Forcing something, more like it.
Approach the group? Keep a distance? Maybe just a little bit...I want to know what's going on. I want to ask Third about the classes. I want to get answers, I want to meet these people. Will they be my students?
Her thoughts guiding her, she found her legs walking of their own accord, as casually as she could, over to the little group of people that had gathered. For precaution, she hung close to third, excusing herself and introducing herself to the two boys there. "I'm starting to think walking around asking students if they've opted for the magic classes here miiight just get me killed." she laughed, a dry, half-serious laugh in the presence of the undead man. It was ironic. It was funny. She just couldn't force it out, though. "Hah...name's Freija Kiraiian. Rather, perhaps Miss Kiraiian for the two of you. Pleasure to make your acquaintances." she let the Teachers' ring she wore on her right ring-finger catch the light and glow a pretty shade. "Teacher of Magic Mastery."
She puffed her chest out. Each time the title left her lips, she felt a little prouder, and surer of herself and her presence at the academy. And who was to blame her? For a first year teacher, even more than being a student, it was going to be quite difficult and she'd need all the self-confidence she could get.
"Either of you unlucky enough to be stuck with me for the next few semesters?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alexjits


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ar'Kar raised his eyebrow as he saw the two walk off shrugging slightly "I guess...They thought I was angry?", Ar'Kar shrugged once again making his way to his classroom to prepare his very physical lesson as he was alone he just started to warm himself up ready for the students to walk in
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Victor didn't flinch when the cold hand touched his shoulder - if there was one thing he trained himself to do it was to not show his insecurities and his fear around others - though skilled senses could see his eyes widen a little, his voice crack a tiny bit, and his pose become less filled with the confidence he chose to display as he turned around to see the teacher he had already expected, doing his best to keep his gaze straight while he looked into those cold eyes. "Hello there, sir. And... yes, you know, um, I was wanting to join that class either way." It wasn't quite true, but it wasn't a complete lie and he certainly hoped it would pass to the teacher - indeed, his parents were adamant that he joined Survival classes, but he wasn't keen on it himself - James' reputation as a brutal teacher with brutal lessons preceded him, and he had enough trouble as it was. Refusing the undead man or his family was equally unthinkable, however, and there was always a slim chance that this was the one class he could excel at to finally make people proud, and he resigned himself to his fate - surely it couldn't be that bad. Victor put on a bit of a forced smile as he replied. "Thank you for the offer, sir. I'll definitely join your class." He looked at the elven teacher for a second, not daring to take his eyes off the undead one for long - something about his presence demanded attention, and he responded to her almost as an afterthought. "And for that matter, yours too, Miss Kiraiian "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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James thought for a moment, and then nodded, his smile havng something of hunger in it. He was done for the moment. He had to go grab a snack, and prepare the next day's lesson. He already knew just what to do to test whether he had been right about this kid. If he was wrong, the kid would most certainly die, but then his death would be of no consequence. His parents would mourn, and blame themselves for pushing him into Survival, and maybe they'd accuse him of murder, but he was used to that. The entrance forms had a half-hidden clause that made it legal for him to kill and eat students, which he'd managed to work into it. He turned, and walked away, without another word, already planning the events of the next day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 16 days ago

Third had seemed to be expecting more visitors, as either teachers had made their way to the group she had turned slightly, to allow them into the circle.

She allowed James and Victor to have their exchange, though she give a somewhat stern look to the undead as he prompted the student into taking his class

though she did not stop him.

She gave her attention after a very short amount of seconds to the newest member of staff.

"I'm sure if either student is in your class you will both do just fine" she did not allude to who "both" meant, whether it be students, or student and teacher.

She watched James as he left, not making any move to excuse his somewhat rude leave of the conversation, or his chilling demeanor.

"It's a dangerous class you know...you will have to work hard, but it will be worth it when you finish"

She gave a smile of assurance to Victor and looked back to Freija, "I believe there was something you may have wished to ask?"

If one had paid attention, they would know that no one had mentioned anything about asking questions.

Third simply smiled and waited, for either Victor, Guy, or Freija to take initiative in the conversation.

She was certainly busy today...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rainmaker


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The tall student smiled back at his headmistress and nodded his head slightly, confirming what she just said as well as excusing himself - he had to think about this class, and what it would truly be like - he hadn't heard exact and detailed stories, but from what he picked up around the academy it was not only harsh, but outright deadly in parts. Best to come up with a plan for that class now rather than later. "I always have to work hard, Third. And i'll try my best... I always have to do that, too, after all. Now, I hope to see you later. Headmistress, miss... friend." He nodded his head towards the two of his superiors again, and then towards the other student who was still standing around, likely in awe at the undead's imposing aura, and walked off in a slow stroll. If nothing else, he could at least savour the bit of time he had before classes began.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Jargon nodded at Isaac's description of the classes. He said," about the same." He tilted his head at the uncomfortable and embarresed look on his face. After he told what was embarresing him Jargon chuckled," not to worry, I also have difficulty with magic. The most magic I can do is breath fire, and even then that's just because it's part of me, as well as the resistance to fire. I'm more for physical things." He then chuckled," we should probably talk to some more people don't you think?" He raised an eyebrow at him, his tail flicking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Finally gaining courage, guy went to shake the new man's hand "h-how do you do sir?"
he was scared out of his skin, He wasn't ready for a 3 person conversation, he barely got down a 2 person talk. he sighed, "I'm ganna have to deal with it if I am to go here" he thought "to bad, I was really hoping I could do this easily like dad"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Leon waded through the crowd of students. Everyone was talking to someone it seemed. Greeting new people, or old friends. It was all the same. all the "hi how are ya's" were plentiful and yet Leon couldnt honestly say he knew any of them. A few familiar faces here and there in the crowd but none he could put a name too. Even he had to admit it was kind of sad. This was his second year and he knew no one, had no friends. out of the corner of his eye he saw something almost strange. a tail. He turned his head to see who,, or who it was attached to. a young man. Leon let out a deep sigh and went to the dude. He was talking to someone else but Leon and his lack of social skills didnt care. He simply Spoke "Hello there. names Leon, nice to meet you"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thedreadpirate


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, that was certainly on cue, I'll leave you two to it then" Isaac chuckled at the strange coincidence, not feeling, or giving off a feeling of being, the least bit offended by the sudden intrusion "If you'll excuse me, I think I hear the food calling me to liberate some of it" He chuckled, and, his social senses having been satisfied, left the two second years to converse. Making his way to the food stands, Isaac picked himself out an apple, took a large bite, poured himself some drink and leaned in the shade of a nearby tree, looking around the courtyard, scanning, he could see the Headmistress up to her usual tricks, in a conversation with three others just sitting there, almost feasting off of the palpable awkwardness, He shifted his head slightly and saw something that interested him, Rain, the girl that he had meant to keep an eye on, appeared to be discussing something of, at least of what she thought, was great importance with Vladimir, though Isaac couldn't make out what they were saying.....

Isaac took another bite of his apple as the warm wind, the melody of the birds and the wind through the leaves slowly rocked him back into the recesses of yesteryear, he glanced around, suddenly everything seemed nostalgic to him, there was the patch of non-grass, that he had somehow managed to sear all life from attempting a freezing spell during his second year, over there the battlements, where he had felt the need to teach a group of first-year bullies what happens to those who belittle those with less talent than themselves, ahhh, for the first time in months Isaac felt something that he rarely felt, at peace, in harmony, in layman's terms, he felt at home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Jargon chuckled at the coincidence and said," cya Isaac." He turned to the newcomer, Leon. He said," pleasure to meet you. I'm Jargon, the sole dragoid of the school." He bowed this time, his scales clacking a against his armor. He said," you are a second year am I correct? You look familiar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"yes i am. I think i remember you as well. " Leon didnt return the gesture "i dont mean to be rude but...whats it like being so...." he paused trying to think of the right word. "unique" He slid his hands into his pockets to not seem stand offish or offensive
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Jargon tilted his head," what's it's like? It's difficult to explain." He struggled to find words that would describe it. He said," Hm... I don't really know. It's just a larger difficulty to get people to trust you, and people to understand you. Most people look at you strange when you end of breathing fire when you sneeze." He grinned, still as humorous as always. He then just decided to say," I'm use to being unique,"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"i can see why sneezing fire would cause the stares but not the lack of trust. your here for the same reason everyone else is right. to learn and to defend the land and all that other stuff on the scrolls hung all around the academy. unless you eat people then i can see why they might not trust you.... you dont eat people right?" he might have been joking.....might.
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