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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Year Is 1979, on an alternate earth filled with crime, war and poverty.

Through recent technological advances, accidents and other such things has caused the worlds first Super Heroes. Along with the few Super heroes Vigilantes have also taken to the street to fight crime in the big cities that have become over run with organized crime. Its up to these men and women to save the denizens of America, to protect the innocent, the weak, and the enabled. To Enforce Justice and peace.

Or to Destroy those who stand in their way to total world power, to stomp out all any resistance, to become the richest people to walk to earth. With the aspiration to become the strongest and most power human beings on the earth.

The choice is yours.

This is a super hero/ Vigilante roleplay with the planned goal of everyone creating their own unique super heroes and having a great time.
I'm going to sort of make these like comic books in the way that there will end up being several roleplays. The first one being the protectors. This Roleplay will establish your super hero/Hero and fight a main villain that I'll cook up in a little bit.

All the main cities will be named differently and I'll put out the five possible starting locations for you.
1. Empire City (New York)
2. Sunset Strip (Miami)
3. HighRise (Detroit)
4. Daughten (Chicago)
5. Dobes (Boston)

More than one character can be in the same city, but eventually you'll have to meet up.

History: 1945: Atomic energy was discovered
1950: Korean War
1951: Atomic bombing of Korea
1951: Ban on Atomic Weapons
1953: Atomic Energy Industries formed
1960: Coal no longer an energy source.
1960: JFK Lost election against Richard Nixon.
.1961: Final stage of Atomic Energy used as nations power source.
1964: JFK Elected
1960-1978 Vietnam: Fought continuously until American forces prevailed. Propaganda campaigns ran well, and cash backing from Atomic Energy Industries
kept the war popular until the end.
1979: Current President JFK, Slowly became corrupt after 15 years in office. Major ties to crime families, entire government is corrupt.

1. Respect one another
2. No Figting
3. If I establish a Under GM listen to them.
4. If you have a problem with some one take up with me in PM
5. You're not a God
6. If I see something wrong I'll correct it, no arguing.
7. Give constructive criticism where its wanted and where its needed.

Any further questions about history or anything just PM me!

Character Sheet

Full Name:
Alias Appearance:

How you got your super Powers:
Super Powers: ( At most Four )
Weakness: (Two)
Character Flaws: ( One. Example "hubris (pride), non self-importance, disorders, phobias, drinking, flirting, aggressiveness, and being vain or naive)
Home City:
Stance on Crime: ( Eye for an eye, justice by trial, over the top)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name: Gary William Campbell

Age: 38

Alias: Butcher, The Butcher of Huế, OverWatch, Kennedy's Dog

Appearance: Roughly 5'10 muscular, he has shaggy brown hair that is kept sloppy, with untamed facial hair. adding to the bed raggled look. His eyes are brown also. He has no visible scars. His jaw line is slightly squared but nothing too heroic.He can usually be found in blue jeans, and a t-shirt representing his local energy provider Atomic energy industries.

Alias Appearance: He slicks his hair back, and trims his facial hair giving himself a thick mustache and goatee. He ops for an eye mask, to help conceal his identity. His normal wear consists of a flack jacket and vest, that is painted in Red White And Blue. His back supports a large American flag. He wears his bates combat boots, and army issued green cargo pants.

Weapons: 12 Gauge Shotgun, 1911 colt, baseball bat painted red white and blue.

Alignment: Neutral

Personality: Off duty he's a bit of a loner, seeking his own company rather than others. He often dwells on the Vietnam war, his mental condition less than stable. He tries to do the right thing but frequently finds himself straying.

Super Powers: Zero
Weakness: His Dark Past, Patriotism
Character Flaws: Alcohol addiction.
Home City: Empire City
Stance on Crime: Justice payed in blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


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Full Name: Hanna "Sparks" Leigeber

Age: 22

Alias: Echo or The Crimson Banshee

Appearance: 5'4'' when not wearing her platform boots, her sandy blonde hair stretches down just past her shoulders. Hanna possesses a svelte build, though her muscle mass builds up around her calves and arms due to routine exercise. Her piercing blue eyes are deep like the sea, and near constantly in motion. Her complexion is fairly pale, her cheeks dotted with freckles here and there. Her day to day attire consists of knee length skirts and simple blouses, though on weekends she'll cut loose with loose t-shirts and jeans.

Alias Appearance: Pulls her hair back into a pony tail and dons a set of welder's goggles and a deep red bandanna worn to cover her face beneath her eyes. A spandex suit the same shade of red as her bandanna covers most of her body, leaving her arms exposed along with her neckline. A pair of modified platform boots with weighted heels adorn her feet, worn in to allow her to run. Around her waist is her utility belt containing metal ball-bearings, a set of binoculars, several home made flash bombs, and lock picking tools.

Weapons: A wrist/fore-arm mounted sling shot on her right arm.

Alignment: Good - Chaotic

Personality: Hanna is a warm and energetic woman, nearly constantly in motion. Whether welding at work, or tinkering at home, Hanna must be doing something productive. Though that same energy applies to her short temper, leading to more than one shouting match, which she often wins due to her powers. Still, she's the first to admit she's done wrong, even if it takes a few hours. (or days) While those older than her will lament at the state of the country, and the downfall of society, Hanna doesn't hear a word of it and faces life with blind optimism.

How you got your super Powers: Hanna's parents had been part of a German breeding program with the goal of creating genetically superior super soldiers. Rather than remain in Germany and have their child taken from them, they fled to the states and several years later, Hanna was born. At first she seemed like an ordinary girl, but upon hitting puberty, her powers began to manifest.

Super Powers: Sound wave manipulation, slightly enhanced strength (equivalent to two football linemen) and the ability to safely fall from thirty feet without injury.

Weaknesses: Still young and naive, hot headed and impatient.

Character Flaws: Workaholic and caffeine addict as a result.

Home City: Daughten

Stance on Crime: Catch the bad guys, let the Justice System do the rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HounderHowl
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What do you need help with in the Character Flaws?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


Member Offline since relaunch

Never mind, I figured it out ^_^
Edit: Also, there's two locations for Boston. Is one of them meant to be Chicago? :D I'd be pretty hyped if it was and would change my starting location.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Full Name: Jonathan "Jack" Jaggers
Alias: The Blue Streak, The Blur
Jack has turquoise eyes. His straight dirty blonde hair is short and is worn similar to a military style. He is tall and has a muscular build. His skin is tanned. His daily clothes are usually a polo shirt of some color and cargo shorts since they are so easy to change out of should he need to. Jack always seems to have a smile on his face.
Alias Appearance: He wears a full blue suit that helps him move faster. In the center of the suit is a white symbol of a lightning bolt. However very few have ever seen the suit. He never stays still long enough for anyone to see him. It is possible to see him.
Alignment: Good -Heroic
Personality: Jack is always smiling and laughing about jokes that only he knows. Unless something is threatening his city. If that is case the smiles and jokes are gone. He can be quiet should the scenario need it.
How you got your powers : He got his powers from a mutation that his father got before Jack was born. His father was an attempt to make a super soldier project similar to the one made in Germany. However this one was not even close to as good. Many of the children from these tests got powers but there were side effects. Many of these can be either some sort of insanity or similar negative effect.

Super Powers: Super speed, a bit stronger than the average person and fast reflexes.
Weakness: Moves to darn fast , literally. That and slippery surfaces are not his friends.
Character Flaws: Flirting with anything he can. That and he is a bit dense. His powers have weaknesses of their own. He needs to eat a lot to use it. That and he can trip when using it. Also attacks such as sound or anything that changes the friction makes him trip.
Weapons: None
Home City: Sunset Strip
Stance on Crime: The System works. ((He tries to help the system.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name: Rachel Banks
Age: 21
Alias: Wisp

Appearance: Rachel is of average height (around 5'5") with a hard muscular build that she hides or downplays by wearing wooly sweaters and skirts which cover her knees. She has long black hair which falls loose halfway below her shoulders, dark green eyes and a slight tan. Her face is fairly well-proportioned and she has fine features, but she never wears make-up beyond a thin application of lip gloss.

Alias Appearance: As Wisp, her black hair is done up in a braid and she wears a grey domino mask, a black long-sleeved top, dark brown cargo pants and black boots. Her taser and knife are holstered in a belt at her hips, with an expandable baton in her right pocket. In contrast to her civilian appearance, she uses lipstick, giving her lips a vivid red colour. Due to her powers, this is the only detail that remains somewhat consistent in rumours of her.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Rachel is extremely intelligent and highly driven, but only when it comes to her vigilante activities. In every other area of her life she is content to do the bare minimum to get by (pay her rent and bills, keep her job and so on). She also has a rather flippant attitude towards most things, though she covers that up with an air-headed demeanour in her civilian identity and relentless sarcasm in her vigilante persona. While she despises most criminals, she has a notable hatred of those who hurt children in any way.

How you got your super Powers: Rachel was raised by a single mother after her father walked out on the family when she was two years old. Her mother went through a succession of boyfriends who were varying degrees of deadbeat or abusive until she met someone different when Rachel was six. He was loving towards her, doted on Rachel and had a stable job with a six-figure salary, though he never told her what he worked as. Her mother was smitten and they got married after two months. At his insistence, they moved into his penthouse apartment and Rachel transferred to a prestigious private school nearby. Life had become far better than she could have ever imagined, up till she turned fourteen. Her parents began to argue more often, and her mother confided to Rachel that she was certain he was having an affair. Three weeks later, they divorced and her stepfather gained custody. It was only then that he told her why: he'd been in love with her all along and wanted her for himself. He also had strong connections to one of the most powerful crime families in New York. Her powers surfaced one night six months later as she lay in bed, and she used them extensively on herself to remain sane.

Around the same time, her stepfather began to forget things. It started out small, simply misplacing his wallet and keys more often than usual, but gradually escalated to the point where he lost entire days. Eventually she realised that they only happened after they'd touched in some way and tried removing his memories of the crime family he was connected to. It worked, and he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. She was old enough to move out and rent an apartment by then, and in a fit of rage at herself she deleted every memory of his abuse. Her anger remained, though, resulting in her decision to do what the justice system obviously could not: punish criminals. That was three years ago.

Super Powers: Complete control over her own mind and mental state, memory editing (momentary touch: thoughts temporarily scrambled, ten seconds: minor changes to a recent memory, thirty seconds: edits to memories earlier the same day, over ten minutes: major edits to memories from the past month, thirty minutes: wholesale memory editing.)

Weakness: She cannot create memories out of whole cloth (both for herself and others); memories added must be based on pre-existing ones. She cannot use her power to restore her own memories after she has deleted them (connections must be rebuilt normally).

Character Flaws: Completely unwilling to think about her past, distrustful of others, dislikes silence and unexpected physical contact.

Weapons: Expandable baton, Bowie knife, taser.
Home city: Empire City
Stance on crime: Eye for an eye
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Full Name: Logann Kenelm.

Age: Thirty-four.

Alias: Black Bolt, previously known as the teenage hero, Orion.

Appearance: With unkempt hair, and a face unshaven for a few weeks, Logann simply looks like anyone else who doesn't have the time for personal grooming. That's not to say he isn't a physically imposing man, standing at just under six foot, two inches and weighting nearly one hundred and sixty three pounds, he towers over some people. Though, considering the nature of his 'powers', if they could even be called that, he is far more athletic, than he is a bruiser. Preferring to be quiet and fast, than slow and heavy.

Alias Appearance: 'Black Bolt' doesn't really have a costume, he simply prefers to be known, but not seen. When in the field he'll wear anything that obscures him from view, and allows him as much maneuverability as humanly possible. That said, basically anything can be his costume, since he carries his Bow with him at all times, whether it's in his hand, or hidden in his backpack simply depends on the situation.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Personality: Logann is a objective driven man, who believes the ends justify the means. That anyone who stands in his way, needs to be moved one way or another. Once upon a time, he was a young idealistic young man who thought donning a mask, meant he could make a difference in the world. But now he understands that no matter what he does, no matter who he kills, theres always someone worse to replace them. It has gotten to the point where he no longer cares, he sees no reason to continue doing what he does. All he wants now is to go out in one grand act of glory, the only problem is such an event is only once in a lifetime and he's yet to find such glory.

How you got your super Powers: It's safe to assume that Logann doesn't known how, or when he developed his powers. All through High-school he was able to do anything that required throwing, kicking or generally propelling an object to a precise location. Naturally, he was a great football player, able to score from any distance, charge through the opposition to score a touchdown with a finesse rarely saw in such a game. But he found the game to be unfulfilling and boring, he preferred something more mentally taxing than running around with a ball. As such he took up Archery full time, something he had tried some time ago and actually enjoyed.

He never intended to become a vigilante, but one day while walking home after practice with his bow, he managed to incapacitate a fleeing mugger at fifty metres. Hitting a moving target at that distance was by far no small feat. This small insignificant event led him to take up a life of crime fighting, 'Supers' had yet to make themselves abundant, but there was a few masked heroes who made the news and inspired him enough to take up the mantle.

His most current incarnation, 'Black Bolt', stems from the part where he is a wanted criminal for invading the US draft for Vietnam, and the small fact he's killed far too many people to not be a criminal. He considers everyone he kills to have deserved their death, and maybe they did. However, the US Justice System doesn't exactly agree on that front and thus he is a wanted criminal, who operates of his own volition. As a result, this has caused him to become unnaturally good at killing people, he isn't the most proud of that fact, but needs must.

Super Powers: Hyperkinetic

Weakness: Both his hidden identity, and his alias are both criminals. Logann is wanted for escaping the US draft, while Black Bolt is wanted for his tendencies for murder. This makes it understandably hard for him to live a life.

Character Flaws: He is a loner, who works on his own, not able to understand how working in a team can benefit him, his lack of empathy for others means he cares little for anyone else, but himself.

Weapons: His main weapon is a retractable compound bow, he carries with him exactly twenty-two arrows. Said arrows vary in design, some are meant to outright kill, other penetrate armour, while some are there to only cause a great amount of harm. He used to dabble with trick arrows, but he strays far away from that scene nowadays. He carries on his person a collection of throwing knifes for when an encounter is too close for a fairly large bow.

Home City: Empire City.

Stance on Crime: The ends justify the means.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


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The more I read over everyone's character sheets, the more I realize i'm going to be Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes going, "We're the GOOD guys! We do not KILL people!" XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BakerClanEmpress said
The more I read over everyone's character sheets, the more I realize i'm going to be Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes going, "We're the GOOD guys! We do not KILL people!" XD

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


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It's detrimental to a role play to have a character dead set against killing people >.> But, it is possible to jade characters like that, we just have to meet REALLY bad people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nothing saying we can't be redeemed, but let's not forget that even Batman used to use guns and kill people.

He's also known for riding T-rexs, but let's not bring that up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


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Laufey said
He's also known for riding T-rexs, but let's not bring that up.

And he wore rock'em sock'em hulk gloves to fight superman.

Edit: Also, here's what I imagine your character looks like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BakerClanEmpress said
And he wore rock'em sock'em hulk gloves to fight superman.

Should of used his pocket Kryptonite spray.

Sliver-age Batman is just straight up crazy, which just makes the character better.

EDIT: I think I need to redesign my character to be a Bow and arrow wielding John Constantine,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'd like to think that my CS is now finished.

EDIT: Mah bad, double post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've noticed my guy is the only guy not from Empire City. Sunset Strip is cool you guys... Also I think I'll make Jack younger than the lot. THe kid of the group if you will.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laufey


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Heh, I hadn't noticed that. Wouldn't be all that surprised if Empire becomes the central city anyways. New York always was one for hogging the limelight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ultimate Spidey
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Ultimate Spidey

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Also, there's two locations for Boston. Is one of them meant to be Chicago? :D I'd be pretty hyped if it was and would change my starting location.


Are PCs allowed to be aliens, (demi)gods, spellcasters, or mutants (born with powers)? I'm not saying I'd go with any of these, I'm just curious to what all the options are. =P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Full Name: Nikolai Arkaden
Age: 23
Alias: Reverb
Alias Appearance:
Alignment: Vigilante/Villainous (He can be changed into a Villain if he agrees with the cause of whomever attempts to persuade him.)
Personality: A fun loving ex delinquent capable of both good and bad things, he has no problem using weapons or harming people to the extent of hospitalization. He cares for his friends greatly though he may not show it.

How you got your super Powers:
Super Powers: Sonokenesis (The ability to manipulate sound into force/energy, the ability to increase how loud something is, or to speak on a lower frequency/hear on a different frequency
Weakness: Rooms devoid of sound, general human physiology.
Character Flaws: Can be aggressive on the battle field even overly so, has a tendency to drink, troubles sleeping.
Weapons: Retractable bow staff on his back, metallic glove covers.
Home City: HighRise
Stance on Crime: Any criminal action can be met with as much brutality as he feels necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wow someone else not from Empire! The number is growing! Still no other Sunset people...
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