Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The first thing you notice as you begin to wake up is the sound of roaring flames all around you. All around you, you see the wreckage of the ship you had all booked passage on strewn for hundreds of yards in every direction, with a deep trench dug in a straight line leading up to the main hulk of what was once a ship. Among the wreckage you see other former passengers and crew, lying horribly twisted and misshapen, though some appear to be moving. looking around you see a large empty plain, barely above classification of a desert, with the odd tree and shrub breaking up the sparse grass. Off to the northeast you think you can make out signs of civilization, such as it can be called out here on the border planets.

Among the wreck a grizzled older man is walking among the other bodies, checking for signs of life with an expression of grim determination on his face. You recognize him as Otis, one of the crew members of the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BelatedGamer
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BelatedGamer King of Rags

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After letting his head clear, Arnow begins looking through the warped wreckage of the ship for his sword and any emergency supplies he can find. He checks any bodies he comes across for signs of life.
Do I remember details about what may have caused the crash?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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"Ma de, I hurt."

Mia slides a large chunk of sheet metal off of her legs and pulls a smaller bit out of her hip.

"Anyone else alive over here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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"Here we go again," Lucas mutters, wiping at the trickle of blood from a forehead cut that is trying to get into his right eye. His first priority is digging through the twisted mess that used to be his cabin looking for his spacer's bag, which contained most of his worldly possessions. Once he finds it and drags it out, he gets out his first aid kit and starts combing the area for survivors and applying bandages and splints.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

"DAHH! My FREAKING leg! ARRRGGHH" cried David as he looked at his leg which was scraped and scared pretty badly. David heared someone ask if there was anyone still alive to which he replied " if ya can't tell I'm not a yelling dead body!" He yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BelatedGamer
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BelatedGamer King of Rags

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'm alive too!" Arnow shouts, shifting through the wreck, "And unhurt, if anyone needs help I'll see what I can do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Mia pulls herself to her feet, wincing as she puts weight on her wounded leg.

"Well, nice to see I'm not alone here. Hope one of you's got some medical training, because I've got some parts that need fixing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BelatedGamer
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BelatedGamer King of Rags

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aronw drops the warped metal and wipes the ash from his hands onto his pants, and rushes over the debris to Mia.

"I didn't exactly go to medical school. ."

He grimaces upon noticing the gash in her hip.

"I'll get you someplace more comfortable though, how well can you move your leg?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Otis looks up and jogs over to Mia, and begins efficiently looking over her injuries. "Not too bad, nothing seems to be broken" Looking up at Arnow, he reaches into his bag, and slaps a bandage into his hand, before gesturing off to the side, away from the wreckage. "Put that on her and take her over there, we don't want to risk injuries from secondary explosions. I'll be over to check up on you shortly."

With a minor wince of effort, he stands up once more, and makes his way over to David. "Hmm, your injuries appear lightly more serious. Not to worry though, we'll patch you up, right as rain." Looking around he spots Lucas and waves him over. "Over here sonny, need a hand! Help me get this one out of the danger area."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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Lucas raised an eyebrow at being called "sonny" but he threaded the tangled wreckage with long strides and pulled David into a fireman's carry with practiced ease. "Are you a medic?" he asked Otis as they made their way to the nearest clear area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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James groaned from under ruins of the cargo bay pulling himself up, out of the rubble he picked up his bag 'Well at least it didn't set off my grenades, I'd be dead otherwise' he thought as he looked around sighing he went over to were the wounded lay pulling out some of the strawberries he had received from his last job. Looking at those who had been hurt and those who were helping he smiled extending the small metal case of berries out "Hey, I've got some food if you guys are hungry!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by geminironin
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Mia shuffled through the wreckage until she found her "special" toolkit, the only one that had survived intact and the one that mattered most to her. She climbed up a bluff and took a look at the surrounding area, then rejoined the group in the clearing.

"Can't say for sure how far, but there's some kind of town on the horizon. Figure we could get some proper help there, maybe get on our feet a little better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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"We could do that," Lucas said tightening a final cinch on a splint for David's leg, "but I'm thinkin' that until we know why the ship crashed, we oughta keep both eyes peeled."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Otis inclined is head back towards the wreck "Used to be ship medic, not much of a ship left. I want to see how many survivors we have all together before we move out. Not a bad splint though, you had training?" He looked up at Lucas' forehead and pulled a cloth from his bad to wipe away the blood. "Doesn't look too bad off, gimme a sec to apply a bandage and you should be good to go." He pulled the canister out of his bag and gave it a quick shake before applying a light coating to the wound.

Standing up once more he surveyed the wreckage and the horizon. Shaking his head mournfully he hoisted his bag over his shoulder again, walking among the survivors, double checking wounds and treatments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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"Training," Lucas said, "and a lot of practice in the field." Having done what he could for the wounded they had found so far, he sought out a piece of wreckage he could use as a vantage point, clambered to the top, and pulled out some small field glasses. He was slightly annoyed to find one of the lenses cracked but they would do to scan the general area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Through your cracked lenses you see large patches of empty land all around, the town off in the distance seems relatively small, but you spot no movement in it, which is unusual, considering the crash that just occurred nearby is probably the most exciting thing to happen this month.
Otis climbs up the wreckage to stand beside Lucas "See anything interesting out there?" With a careful look around, Otis quickly adds "Best not to loiter, we should get moving"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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"I'm not seein' anybody movin' around in the fields or even in the town," Lucas said, sliding off the tilted hull fragment., "do you know anything about this planet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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"Looks like it's you and me Doc," Lucas said after the sudden, inexplicable death of the other passengers, "We need to find some cover to get in before someone comes to investigate this little incident."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Otis looked around little, confused. "Doesn't appear to be much around here except that town, feel like a march?" Without waiting for a reply, he hoisted his bag up on his shoulder and set off at a brisk pace towards the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Glendrine


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"I was thinking in terms of the nearer future," Lucas called after the retreating medic. "This crash even if it was an accident, will draw the attention of scavengers. And usually there are first to arrive: the ones who caused the crasj, and those who saw the crash and don't want to share their loot."
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