Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

BytheSpleen said
Jin picks up this small slip of paper, and also stuffs it into her breast pocket."I-if we came from there, then that place must be empty by now......should we go down the staircase? Maybe our friends could be around..."Just before she dies that, though, she goes up to the window, and attempts to read by the varying flashes of lightning."Did anyone come with you, Jinta?"

"No. When I woke up, I was alone. I walked for a couple minutes and then I heard screaming. Trailing that lead straight to you, and...well, you know the rest." Jinta replied with a sigh, following her down the stairs. "I didn't find anything or anyone up here, so... Yeah, we should go down."

The paper couldn't be read effectively between the flashes of lightning, though once Jinta realized what Jun was attempting he shone his flashlight onto the paper. The paper read:

"[Victim's Memoirs]"

"Ohtaki... Mitsuharu, I want to see you again. A ghost told me... Apparently, you were brought here too, but we're in different spaces. Even though we're in the same school, I can't see you. Why did this happen to us? I shouldn't be here! I should be in my Math 1 class at prep school! My sister's going to be really mad at me for skipping. I don't think she'd believe this excuse even if I told her, though! I feel like if I can ever find you, I'll be able to get out of here alive. I don't know why... ...but if we really are in the same school, then I know there MUST be a way of getting in contact with you. And I'm going to find it!"

"Wait, what? Different spaces...? The hell does that mean...?" Jinta thought aloud as he finished reading the paper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

LenKagamine said
The bearer of bad news huh... That could only mean they are in a bad situation. Kiku braced himself for what the teacher is about to say next. Yume seemed really interested in hearing this and she wasn't as scared as before now, she even moved a bit closer to him. Kiku thought of telling him to be careful, but Kei-sensei didn't really give off a dangerous vibe, more like the opposite. Guess having someone like Kei-sensei can be pretty relieving. Someone would be hear to answer their questions as well. Though, he still kept his guard on in case things go wrong. He doubt something would happen right now though.Kei-sensei then explained what is happening. They are in some kind of replica of Heavenly Host School which is a spiritual real that were made by lost souls. "A-Are you saying the truth?" His story was unrealistic for Kiku, but from what he saw and see right now, everything he was saying might actually be true. There's a high chance, and these information weren't being helpful. His vision gradually was blackening, things he saw slowly lost color, but he still managed to not let his condition devour him. He tried to control it by thinking of Yume and the rest. He held the scrap that is inside his pocket, it was somehow giving him hope.Yume moved closer, wanting to hear the man clearly. Kiku stayed behind to have full sight of things. Kei-sensei continued, answering his earlier question. He was a teacher at another school, Amazaki it seems. He had been at this for a while now and studied it the whole time he was here. Also mentioning that there were plenty of secrets in here and that he knew some.Moving a bit nearer to the two, he asked with Yume, "Will you please share those secrets?" Hopefully he would, but Kiku has this feeling that it won't be for free, and the cost might be high. He could be wrong though, he must be wrong.

"Of course!" Surprisingly, Kei was incredibly sincere. He flipped open his notebook and began seeking out pages, speaking as he did so. "But...I'd like you to help me with something. I'd like you to help me research this place, and learn it's secrets. My reasons are simple: so that future generations may have an easy chance at escape, unlike all those that died before them. This quest would be secondary to your own and is completely optional, however any and all information you gather here could help." As he finished, he flipped open the apparent page he was searching for. The page was titled "Heavenly Host Facts" and was almost completely filled with writing.

"And now I ask you this: what is it you'd want to know? Between me and my three colleagues, two of which are now deceased, I've accumulated enough knowledge to answer most questions you should throw at me. Something simple like 'Explain so and so' or 'Where am I in the school now' is preferable."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : Heavenly Host-As the girl made the suggestion of what to do, Eien pondered on what course of action the duo would make. As he ccontemplated on his decision, he wanted to take the route to the left, but he was rather interested about the light at the end of the hallway. He felt that maybe they should investigate the dim light down there first before going down the intersection, but had a bad feeling about heading down that route. He eventually decided to go down the intersection, however he needed to address what his main priority would be."We can map out the school as we go along. If we prolong trying to get bandages and such for your wound, it might cause you trouble later. We should try and deal with it as soon as possible... Lets try and investigate the intersection, as it could lead to an infirmary."Despite asserting his statement to the girl, he was willing to follow her wherever she would go, keeping a close eye on the events around them. If worse came to worse, he would take the liberty of choosing for the two, hoping that the best possible event could happen. Right now, he just had to make sure she was in good condition before they started exploring the seemingly abandoned and barren building.

And so Mayuri lead on towards the intersection, opting to take the right-hand pathway. However, she soon began to regret this decision, as a horrible, horrendous smell began to waft through the area, to the point where it was becoming unbearable. Yet Mayuri trudged on...

...only to find herself lost in shock as she turned a corner.

There, splattered against the wall in a thick coat of dried blood, was what one could only assume were to be the internal organs of a person. There was no sign to indicate that these were human, however if Biology proved to be correct then they looked a lot like it. Many of the guts that'd spilled to the floor were in the process of decay and were swarming with maggots, and the hall in which they were going had a long trail of dried blood. It was as though he or she were dragged against the floor and slammed into the wall at such a speed that the person was splattered...

Beneath a pile of intestines was what looked to be a student ID folder, though it was hard to tell as it was almost completely covered over in dried blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yume gave Kei-sensei a surprised look. In summary, she and Kiku had to go all around the corners of this abandoned place that even some say have 'Evil spirits'.
"What?!" She whispered to herself.
But as Kei-sensei continued, she understood that it was a research for 'survival', a way to escape from this place. Yume stood up and moved back to Kiku's side, clutching onto his sleeve. She couldn't help but feel anxious.
After his request, he asked the two students whatever they wanted to know about this place.
But then this flinched her. It was the main question she wanted to ask.
Was there any way to escape?
So guessing even Kei-sensei didn't know, no matter how filled his book was, but for now,
"Yes... where exactly are we? What is this place? We've heard that there are.... 'killings' here.... is it true?" she asked, as she glanced at Kiku with anxiety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As he expected, there was something they need to do for the information they need. However, it wasn't actually hard or something surreal. Since they're probably going to be exploring the school later on, they would also be kind of researching about the place. Basically, the only thing that they need to keep in mind is to report things to him, 'I guess that's alright...' He felt better after clearing his thoughts of what kind of dangerous things he'll have them do, but Kei-sensei was actually nice and all. Then again, exploring this place is dangerous and Yume didn't like the idea. So did he, but it's inevitable.

Though, future generations to escape? More people are going to be brought here? Kiku didn't like the thought and had an idea of trying to prevent such from happening. For now though, finding the others and escaping are still top priority. He also mentioned about people who died before. 'Is the one behind me one of those unfortunate ones...?' he hoped, no, he wished that they wouldn't meet the same fate as them. Everything about this place seems dangerous now. Kiku felt a bit dizzy, but he managed to suppress it, though his vision wasn't getting any better, still a little bit dark.

Yume went back and closer to Kiku, perhaps she was being afraid again. This made him become more brave as he thought he needed to be for her. She then asked the first question, where exactly are they and if the... killings are true. "I'm also wondering Kei-sensei. How did we get here?" Was it the charm earlier? The earthquake did happen once they finished it after all. "And what you said about dead people, are you saying that there's a killer here?" Kiku braced himself for the answer. Seeing as there's a corpse behind them, perhaps the teacher was telling the truth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Delta44 said
"No. When I woke up, I was alone. I walked for a couple minutes and then I heard screaming. Trailing that lead straight to you, and...well, you know the rest." Jinta replied with a sigh, following her down the stairs. "I didn't find anything or anyone up here, so... Yeah, we should go down."The paper couldn't be read effectively between the flashes of lightning, though once Jinta realized what Jun was attempting he shone his flashlight onto the paper. The paper read:"[Victim's Memoirs]""Ohtaki... Mitsuharu, I want to see you again. A ghost told me... Apparently, you were brought here too, but we're in different spaces. Even though we're in the same school, I can't see you. Why did this happen to us? I shouldn't be here! I should be in my Math 1 class at prep school! My sister's going to be really mad at me for skipping. I don't think she'd believe this excuse even if I told her, though! I feel like if I can ever find you, I'll be able to get out of here alive. I don't know why... ...but if we really are in the same school, then I know there MUST be a way of getting in contact with you. And I'm going to find it!""Wait, what? Different spaces...? The hell does that mean...?" Jinta thought aloud as he finished reading the paper.

"...Maybe there's different wings of the school," Jun considers after a long pause.

"Or...sorry if this sounds like a bit of a stretch, but maybe...like in those 'em-em-ou' games Takamoto-san invited me to play...well...it's like what the note said. I couldn't see Takamoto's character until he joined the same 'Insta-'

No. That doesn't make any sense. We should all be in the same place."

Jun looks at the stairways.

"We could try looking around up or downstairs."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

BytheSpleen said
"...Maybe there's different wings of the school," Jun considers after a long pause."Or...sorry if this sounds like a bit of a stretch, but maybe...like in those 'em-em-ou' games Takamoto-san invited me to play...well...it's like what the note said. I couldn't see Takamoto's character until he joined the same 'Insta-'No. That doesn't make any sense. We should all be in the same place."Jun looks at the stairways."We could try looking around up or downstairs."

"Yeah, that does seem a little far-fetched to me..." Jinta replied with a shrug. "Though it's still a confusing statement. If they wanted to say wings they could've just said so..."

The stairway actually only lead one way: down. From the window, it looked as though they were on the second floor, so it was safe to assume that below them was the ground floor and a possible exit. That was probably all they could be certain of at this point.

"Well, there's nothing for us up here... C'mon, let's go." Jinta began to lead, though checked partway down to assure himself that Jun was following. Once he was certain of that, they continued down. The pathway down was oddly straightforward and lead to the first corner without trouble, though they soon found themselves at a crossroads.

To the left of the two was a door. It was rather large and seemed rather brittle, though as Jinta tried to open it, it just wouldn't budge, as though it were fixed in place as a part of the wall. The remaining two passages lead either right or straight ahead. The pathway to the right got progressively worse in terms of structure, and one could spot more and more holes further into the darkness, however the extent of the damage was unclear. The path directly ahead of the two was perfectly fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

PokimKyOshi said
Yume gave Kei-sensei a surprised look. In summary, she and Kiku had to go all around the corners of this abandoned place that even some say have 'Evil spirits'. She whispered to herself.But as Kei-sensei continued, she understood that it was a research for 'survival', a way to escape from this place. Yume stood up and moved back to Kiku's side, clutching onto his sleeve. She couldn't help but feel anxious.After his request, he asked the two students whatever they wanted to know about this place.........But then this flinched her. It was the main question she wanted to ask.So guessing even Kei-sensei didn't know, no matter how filled his book was, but for now, she asked, as she glanced at Kiku with anxiety.

"It's...difficult to explain where EXACTLY you are without frying your brain, however I'll do as best I can. You're in a plane of existence neither reality nor fantasy, but a blend of both. It is it's own plane of existence, and it has it's own rules, boundaries and other such things, to the extent of which I do not know. Your friends all share similar planes of existence, yet theirs are all...different. This realm has taken up the form of a very dark and ruined Heavenly Host Elementary School, which is filled with souls and stained with blood. It's a very dark matter indeed. If this is too confusing, then think of this place as a bubble surrounded by a load of other bubbles. In this bubble, everything you see and do can be seen and done by those in other bubbles, however you have no direct communication with the other bubbles unless both are brought together."

"As for the matter on the dead...yes, there is a killer. Not just one, either. There are several malevolent spirits roaming these halls and one psychopath who goes by the name of Yoshikazu. There are three child spirits - Ryou, Tokiko, and Yuki - who are also incredibly deranged, however have the ability to come to their senses, unlike Yoshikazu. These children can all be appeased, creating a way for those inside your bubble to escape and bring together the remaining bubbles, weakening the structure, however appeasing them is no easy feet. There's also the matter of the fourth child spirit, Sachiko, who was the one who brought you here. She's a devious little one, so if you learn her name, don't trust her for a second."

"As for how you were brought here, yes, it was because you performed the Sachiko Ever After charm incorrectly, however it's certain that you did so unintentionally. One of my former accomplices, Naho, the one who first posted the Sachiko Ever After charm, did so incorrectly on her blog. The correct formula for attempting the Sachiko Ever After charm, as well as the way to escape Heavenly Host, can be learnt by retrieving her notebook, however I've been unable to get it as of yet."

Kei sighed and looked at his notes. "Anything else you would like to know? I'm running out of time here...." It wasn't hard to notice, either. As Kei spoke, it seemed as though his voice were getting more distant and his body was getting more transparent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yume listened to Kei-sensei's answers and felt her heart break a little.
"So this means.... we won't find the others 'here'? And... there are killers here too.... Kiku,.. we could die here! " and clutched onto Kiku's sleeve even tighter. She felt her voice shake as she bit her lips to prevent herself from crying, which is why she'd refuse to look at him.
"The charm... it was Mayuri's charm...." Yume dug into her pocket and reached out towards her piece paper and held it tightly. "Why, Mayuri? Why would she..." Tears by then little by little started to flow out from her eyes, but still tried her best to seize herself. She knew this was no time to feel weak.

"Anything else you would like to know? I'm running out of time here...."
Kei-sensei started to slowly fade away and turn transparent . Yume gave a gasp and turned to Kiku. Her face then turned serious and gently clasped onto his wrist. They had to act quick. She knew they had to act quick in order to survive along with the others.
One question. One last question.
"If ever we find something, how will we find you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

PokimKyOshi said
Yume listened to Kei-sensei's answers and felt her heart break a little. and clutched onto Kiku's sleeve even tighter. She felt her voice shake as she bit her lips to prevent herself from crying, which is why she'd refuse to look at him. Yume dug into her pocket and reached out towards her piece paper and held it tightly. Tears by then little by little started to flow out from her eyes, but still tried her best to seize herself. She knew this was no time to feel weak. Kei-sensei started to slowly fade away and turn transparent . Yume gave a gasp and turned to Kiku. Her face then turned serious and gently clasped onto his wrist. They had to act quick. She knew they had to act quick in order to survive along with the others. One question. One last question.

"Look for a purple light. Not an orange nor a blue, but a purple. You'll know what I mean when the time comes..." Kei replied, as his body began to dissipate. "Well, looks like this is goodbye, for now. One final thing..." He seemed to be struggling to talk now, as he began to strain himself as though in pain. "There are...people here...you never knew existed... Find them...they'll help you... They're...your fri...ends..."

And with that, Kei disappeared completely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Eien : Heavenly Host-

As the daring duo headed on to explore the confines of the building, the boy took a look around the building, studying his surroundings. The place create and moans with every step he took, sending a chill Dow Dow boys spine. The atmosphere felt malignant as he walked, and it felt like he was play chicken with death. He was still trying to figure out the truth behind how they ended up here and began to wonder on if they performed the charm wrong. If they did, why did they end up in such a dreary place? As he followed the girl, he kept a close eye on the hallways to check if anything hostile was coming their way. Keeping Mayuri safe for the time being was his number one priority.

"(What the hell? Ugh, this area smells repulsive! Its as if something decided to die and quickly wither away!)"

The putrid smell of death lingered around the two as they continued to traverse through the rotting area. Eien decided to investigate the area for any signs of the smell, seeing if he could identify the location of the smell. He couldn't see anything that could be the reasonable cause for such a disgusting smell. As they walked on, the smell reached the point of pure repulsiveness, which wanted to make the boy throw up from absolute disgust.

He didn't expect to see a rotten corpse when he turned the corner.

His eyes widened as he looked at the remains, as he wondered in terror about how something like this could happen. He studied the remains in horror, as he looked at the intestines and organs being food to the worms and maggots. The wall was splattered with dried blood, and from the looks of it, this person flew at the wall at high speeds... Which worried the boy even more. He was afraid of what the others might be suffering and what Mayuri fate would be if she stayed here any longer.

"What the absolute hell?... Who would perform such a horrendous act to this person... I... I wish I knew who they were so I could give my condolences to the person who suffered at the hands of such a dreadful fate... And if there's any one else who died here, I'll give my condolences to them too... No one should die in such a horrible and destructive way..."

"(Such a dreadful way to die... I need to keep Mayuri safe! If something like this could transpire, what will become of Mayuri and the others. I can't let them die... I'll keep them safe, even if I die trying... That is my promise and resolve.)"

As he looked at the corpse, he noticed something out of place amongst the blood stained guts. Eien saw something that looked like an I.D. folder, but it was difficult to tell due to the dried blood enveloping it. Eien quietly stepped passed the shocked Mayuri, he stared at the remains.

"Mayuri... Please don't judge me for what I'm about to do, but I think I spotted an I.D. folder that looks almost as similar to ours... But I'm not completely sure due to the amount of blood covering it."

Eien began to reach out to what he thought was an I.D., curious to as what it could be. His arm shook and convulsed in pure terror as he reached out to grab the item. He was anxious to know who it was, but he was filled with a certain dread as he inched closer and closer to it. Once he was within range, he swiped the crusty I.D., and began to scrape of the dried blood to find out who this person was. He was filled with remote disgust as he began removing the blood, loathing himself for performing such a repugnant task.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Delta44 said
"Yeah, that seem a little far-fetched to me..." Jinta replied with a shrug. "Though it's still a confusing statement. If they wanted to say wings they could've just said so..." The stairway actually only lead one way: down. From the window, it looked as though they were on the second floor, so it was safe to assume that below them was the ground floor and a possible exit. That was probably all they could be certain of at this point."Well, there's nothing for us up here... C'mon, let's go." Jinta began to lead, though checked partway down to assure himself that Jun was following. Once he was certain of that, they continued down. The pathway down was oddly straightforward and lead to the first corner without trouble, though they soon found themselves at a crossroads.To the left of the two was a door. It was rather large and seemed rather brittle, though as Jinta tried to open it, it just wouldn't budge, as though it were fixed in place as a part of the wall. The remaining two passages lead either right or straight ahead. The pathway to the right got progressively worse in terms of structure, and one could spot more and more holes further into the darkness, however the extent of the damage was unclear. The path directly ahead of the two was perfectly fine.

"I wonder if this place was torn up in the same earthquake..."

Jun takes Jinta's hand, and leads him onto the hallway straight ahead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : Heavenly Host-As the daring duo headed on to explore the confines of the building, the boy took a look around the building, studying his surroundings. The place create and moans with every step he took, sending a chill Dow Dow boys spine. The atmosphere felt malignant as he walked, and it felt like he was play chicken with death. He was still trying to figure out the truth behind how they ended up here and began to wonder on if they performed the charm wrong. If they did, why did they end up in such a dreary place? As he followed the girl, he kept a close eye on the hallways to check if anything hostile was coming their way. Keeping Mayuri safe for the time being was his number one priority."(What the hell? Ugh, this area smells repulsive! Its as if something decided to die and quickly wither away!)"The putrid smell of death lingered around the two as they continued to traverse through the rotting area. Eien decided to investigate the area for any signs of the smell, seeing if he could identify the location of the smell. He couldn't see anything that could be the reasonable cause for such a disgusting smell. As they walked on, the smell reached the point of pure repulsiveness, which wanted to make the boy throw up from absolute disgust.He didn't expect to see a rotten corpse when he turned the corner.His eyes widened as he looked at the remains, as he wondered in terror about how something like this could happen. He studied the remains in horror, as he looked at the intestines and organs being food to the worms and maggots. The wall was splattered with dried blood, and from the looks of it, this person flew at the wall at high speeds... Which worried the boy even more. He was afraid of what the others might be suffering and what Mayuri fate would be if she stayed here any longer. "What the absolute hell?... Who would perform such a horrendous act to this person... I... I wish I knew who they were so I could give my condolences to the person who suffered at the hands of such a dreadful fate... And if there's any one else who died here, I'll give my condolences to them too... No one should die in such a horrible and destructive way...""(Such a dreadful way to die... I need to keep Mayuri safe! If something like this could transpire, what will become of Mayuri and the others. I can't let them die... I'll keep them safe, even if I die trying... That is my promise and resolve.)"As he looked at the corpse, he noticed something out of place amongst the blood stained guts. Eien saw something that looked like an I.D. folder, but it was difficult to tell due to the dried blood enveloping it. Eien quietly stepped passed the shocked Mayuri, he stared at the remains."Mayuri... Please don't judge me for what I'm about to do, but I think I spotted an I.D. folder that looks almost as similar to ours... But I'm not completely sure due to the amount of blood covering it."Eien began to reach out to what he thought was an I.D., curious to as what it could be. His arm shook and convulsed in pure terror as he reached out to grab the item. He was anxious to know who it was, but he was filled with a certain dread as he inched closer and closer to it. Once he was within range, he swiped the crusty I.D., and began to scrape of the dried blood to find out who this person was. He was filled with remote disgust as he began removing the blood, loathing himself for performing such a repugnant task.

... The sight before him made the whole world seem...off...

A blood-splattered Kisaragi Academy High student I.D lay in his hands. As he stared at the I.D, Eien would probably feel some sense of déjà vu, as though he'd seen this woman before, though no memories came to mind. Still, the most shocking part of it all was that this girl was supposedly from his very class! Class 2-9 it read clearly in bold. There was no denying it. Could she have been one of those members his classmates said had died...? Nakashima and Shinozaki DID mention something about a certain 'Suzumoto'...

Meanwhile, Mayuri was now vomiting, apparently unable to take in all these senses at once. She shivered and shook violently as bile dropped to the floor in squishy slops, acting as a putrid refresher against the smell of the rotting intestines. She was getting weaker, especially with this setback, as she leaned against a wall and coughed, though soon came to her senses... She refrained from looking back at the body, though...

"We...should go..." Mayuri gulped. She hadn't seen the student I.D yet, though perhaps that was a good thing...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

BytheSpleen said
"I wonder if this place was torn up in the same earthquake..."Jun takes Jinta's hand, and leads him onto the hallway straight ahead.

The path straight ahead lead to two ways: one way left, towards a stairway back up to the second floor, and a short hallway that lead the two to a door. Jinta took the initiative to try the door, which, surprisingly, eased open without a problem. "C'mon," he nudged her onward.

Inside was a rather rundown-looking locker room. It was extremely dark, only being dimly lit by a lone lightbulb which constantly flickered on and off, providing little illumination. Lockers lined the left side of the room whilst to the right there was a row if showers, all rusted and worn through time. Beside these showers was yet another door, and there was also one by the lockers. Judging by what they could see through the windows, the door beside the lockers lead outside, whereas the door by the showers lead to another section of the school. By one of the showers was a relatively decomposed corpse with a small, student I.D name tag jutting from the students beast pocket. The body was thoroughly broken down and thus it was unable to determine gender nor age, though the name tag would've told them that should the two retrieve it.

"Man... I've only just realized how thirsty I am..." Jinta muttered quietly to himself as he eyed the showers and the rain outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Look for a purple light. Not an orange nor a blue, but a purple. You'll know what I mean when the time comes..."
Yume nodded to keep this information in mind.
Kei-sensei's arms and lower body started to completely disappear. It was high time that his face too will be gone by the student's sights. "Well, looks like this is goodbye, for now. One final thin-.....there are...people here...you never knew existed... Find them...they'll help you... They're...your fri...ends..."
And Those were Kei-sensei's last words. Yume's head ached and throbbed once again and she massaged her forehead. Not now. Now isn't the time.

Yume looked around the room, still clutching onto the piece that she tore from the charm. Nothing seemed useful inside the classroom they were in, so they had to start their journey.
"Let's go, Kiku." Yume causally commanded her partner.
She felt confidence rise up her spine, now that she's walking side-by-side with Kiku, but the pain on her forehead was still present.
Windows were attached at most places and all Yume could see was darkness, trees and the shining moon. She remembered Kei-sensei's words. There were people... no.... spirits who are considered as their 'allies'? Who? Where could they find them? Yume sighed, in hope that they'd find them and her friends sooner.

Along their way, a huge cupboard was standing at the side. Inside the sliding glass of the cupboard were broken rusted trophies, big, small, fat and thin ones stacked in a row and scratched papers which were supposedly to be certificates or some sort. Yume stopped to look at it to find if anything there were useful to give to Kei-sensei.
Sudden slow creaking sounds came and the cupboard somehow started to come near her face.
The cupboard. It's falling over!
"Kiku! Yume screamed out as she pushed Kiku at the side to prevent him from getting hurt.
The trophies started to slide frontwards from the inside of the cupboard which made the sliding glass shatter. Yume quickly ran to where Kiku was. She managed to escape, but a piece of sharp glass scratched her leg deeply and blood started to flow out.
"Gh-.. AHH!" She groaned out, as she tightly clutched her leg.
Who did that? It couldn't have fallen over just like that....
Gathering strength, Yume looked up to see a black whisp of smoke flying away from them. Was that... a spirit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

PokimKyOshi said
Yume nodded to keep this information in mind.Kei-sensei's arms and lower body started to completely disappear. It was high time that his face too will be gone by the student's sights. And Those were Kei-sensei's last words. Yume's head ached and throbbed once again and she massaged her forehead. Not now. Now isn't the time.Yume looked around the room, still clutching onto the piece that she tore from the charm. Nothing seemed useful inside the classroom they were in, so they had to start their journey. Yume causally commanded her partner.She felt confidence rise up her spine, now that she's walking side-by-side with Kiku, but the pain on her forehead was still present.Windows were attached at most places and all Yume could see was darkness, trees and the shining moon. She remembered Kei-sensei's words. There were people... no.... spirits who are considered as their 'allies'? Who? Where could they find them? Yume sighed, in hope that they'd find them and her friends sooner.Along their way, a huge cupboard was standing at the side. Inside the sliding glass of the cupboard were broken rusted trophies, big, small, fat and thin ones stacked in a row and scratched papers which were supposedly to be certificates or some sort. Yume stopped to look at it to find if anything there were useful to give to Kei-sensei. Sudden slow creaking sounds came and the cupboard somehow started to come near her face.The cupboard. It's falling over! Yume screamed out as she pushed Kiku at the side to prevent him from getting hurt.The trophies started to slide frontwards from the inside of the cupboard which made the sliding glass shatter. Yume quickly ran to where Kiku was. She managed to escape, but a piece of sharp glass scratched her leg deeply and blood started to flow out. She groaned out, as she tightly clutched her leg.Who did that? It couldn't have fallen over just like that....Gathering strength, Yume looked up to see a black whisp of smoke flying away from them. Was that... a spirit?

Whatever it was, it wanted to give a rather ominous parting message...

"Sachan..." The voice was hollow, like those heard in ghost movies, and would creep the living fuck out of anyone. It left after giving the two a parting glare...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Delta44 said
The path straight ahead lead to two ways: one way left, towards a stairway back up to the second floor, and a short hallway that lead the two to a door. Jinta took the initiative to try the door, which, surprisingly, eased open without a problem. "C'mon," he nudged her onward.Inside was a rather rundown-looking locker room. It was extremely dark, only being dimly lit by a lone lightbulb which constantly flickered on and off, providing little illumination. Lockers lined the left side of the room whilst to the right there was a row if showers, all rusted and worn through time. Beside these showers was yet another door, and there was also one by the lockers. Judging by what they could see through the windows, the door beside the lockers lead outside, whereas the door by the showers lead to another section of the school. By one of the showers was a relatively decomposed corpse with a small, student I.D name tag jutting from the students beast pocket. The body was thoroughly broken down and thus it was unable to determine gender nor age, though the name tag would've told them that should the two retrieve it."Man... I've only just realized how thirsty I am..." Jinta muttered quietly to himself as he eyed the showers and the rain outside.

"Jinta," Jun could barely speak.


She points at the girl's corpse.

"...how long...was...huh? There's something in her pocket, but...wait, an ID card?"

Slowly, Jun takes a few steps, and whilst looking away, takes the ID card. She then, with her eyes closed, bows to the corpse in respect.

"I hope you understand," she quietly whispers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Eien : Heavenly Host-

As Eien began scraping away the blood, he could only stare in such utter surprise at what he had just uncovered. His eyes widened as he began staring at the I.D. in sheer dumbfoundment at the name and where the students was from. His eyes flashed back between the splatter corpse on the wall and back to the I.D. he held in hand. Apparently this was a student from Kisaragi High who was in the same class as him, and yet he didn't recall any memories of seeing this girl. This event shocked and surprised him, causing him to ponder on if this was reality, and not some repulsive nightmare. As Eien questioned it, he scanned the area around him, a smelled the putrid air around him, causing him to gag a bit in his mouth. He couldn't deny the truth as the smells and sight of this place was too real. Even the item he had procured from the corpse didn't feel as if it was conjured up from thin air.

"(Why did I even bother questioning myself on whether I was dreaming or not?! What's wrong with me?!) I may have not have known you, but... I'm sorry you had to suffer such an awful fate Suzumoto-san."

As soon as he question his own morality and sanity, he took one look at the I.D. and quietly pocketed it. He still pondered on how he didn't remember her, but he began saying his condolences to the former human before bowing and pivoting around to face Mayuri who was now suffering from the secretion being forced from her body due to the revolting smell and scene. He felt they might of lingered around here for too long, and walked over to the suffering girl.

"Sorry for taking so long Mayuri... You're right, we should move on, there's no use in lingering around here... But..."

The boy kneeled down and began to use part of his uniform to wipe away any excess bile on her mouth. As soon as he finished the task he took a look at her condition, and felt it was best that she didn't tire herself. He felt he should carry the fatigued girl so she wouldn't waste herself away due to how much energy had expended.

"You don't look so good Mayuri... Here, let me hoist you onto my back. You just get some rest, and I'll take the charge ok?"

[Obtained Student ID : Mayu Suzumoto]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

BytheSpleen said
"Jinta," Jun could barely speak."...there's..."She points at the girl's corpse."...how long...was...huh? There's something in her pocket, but...wait, an ID card?"Slowly, Jun takes a few steps, and whilst looking away, takes the ID card. She then, with her eyes closed, bows to the corpse in respect."I hope you understand," she quietly whispers.

[Paulownia Academy High School]
"Hikari Shishido"
Age: 15
Class: 2-3

By name, Jun was able to determine that this was a female student. Her cause of death may have been hanging as, upon closer inspection, a short wire was wrapped tightly around her neck, though broke off. Also, around one of the shower heads was a similar-looking wire...

"Poor girl..." Jinta remarked as he surveyed the corpse. He sighed dryly. "Well, there's not much we can do about it... Rest in peace..." He nodded down at the corpse and looked to the door that lead outside. Testing it proved successful as the door slid open with some resistance, though it was mostly fine. "Hey, Jun! I'm gonna get a drink out here. You coming or are you gonna stay here?" He asked, though it seemed likely he wouldn't leave without her anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : Heavenly Host-As Eien began scraping away the blood, he could only stare in such utter surprise at what he had just uncovered. His eyes widened as he began staring at the I.D. in sheer dumbfoundment at the name and where the students was from. His eyes flashed back between the splatter corpse on the wall and back to the I.D. he held in hand. Apparently this was a student from Kisaragi High who was in the same class as him, and yet he didn't recall any memories of seeing this girl. This event shocked and surprised him, causing him to ponder on if this was reality, and not some repulsive nightmare. As Eien questioned it, he scanned the area around him, a smelled the putrid air around him, causing him to gag a bit in his mouth. He couldn't deny the truth as the smells and sight of this place was too real. Even the item he had procured from the corpse didn't feel as if it was conjured up from thin air."(Why did I even bother questioning myself on whether I was dreaming or not?! What's wrong with me?!) I may have not have known you, but... I'm sorry you had to suffer such an awful fate Suzumoto-san."As soon as he question his own morality and sanity, he took one look at the I.D. and quietly pocketed it. He still pondered on how he didn't remember her, but he began saying his condolences to the former human before bowing and pivoting around to face Mayuri who was now suffering from the secretion being forced from her body due to the revolting smell and scene. He felt they might of lingered around here for too long, and walked over to the suffering girl."Sorry for taking so long Mayuri... You're right, we should move on, there's no use in lingering around here... But..."The boy kneeled down and began to use part of his uniform to wipe away any excess bile on her mouth. As soon as he finished the task he took a look at her condition, and felt it was best that she didn't tire herself. He felt he should carry the fatigued girl so she wouldn't waste herself away due to how much energy had expended."You don't look so good Mayuri... Here, let me hoist you onto my back. You just get some rest, and I'll take the charge ok?"[Obtained Student ID : Mayu Suzumoto]

"T-thank you, Eien..." She said softly as she got onto his back, letting Eien piggyback her. Continuing down the hall, things got relatively straightforward with the exception of two things:

Firstly, there was a door to the left. Written in large, bold letters upon a plaque above the door read "Infirmary", the place they were looking for. Trying the door proved to be only half successful, as something appeared to be blocking entry from the inside. Thick strands of a dark, string-like material could be seen through the gap covering the door, oddly having a similar texture to hair. Cutting these strands would more than likely unlock the Infirmary.

Yet, further down was a staircase. From what they could see, the stairway was relatively clear, with the only exception being a small, glimmering light, much like that they'd seen before from the other hallway. Except this time, one could swear that it took the shape of a human. Distance and a lack of light made determining who it was a complete mystery.
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