Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : Heavenly Host = 1st Floor, East Hall-((I'm just going to assume that this is in the west hallway when he turns to the left.))As the boy shuffled down the stairs, he took a brief look outside of the window. He glanced at the trees and the dreary landscape, before wondering if he could escape by going into the woods. As he contemplated, he dismissed it wince this was a supernatural area of some sort, and felt that leaving through seemingly logical means would be futile. Eien shook his head, and learn out a soft sigh before walking down the wooden stares, which creaked with some unknown horror as he descended to the first floor.He took a look around, and noticed nothing out of the ordinary so far, and there wasn't another human in sight so far. He couldn't be careless in a situation like this, but felt rather safe right now, despite his current situation. What if he ran into another spirit who was evil just like that other girls alternative side. He shuddered mentally at such a thing, and kept his calm composure, despite the rising few inside of him. This place was almost like a nightmare he had as experienced as a child. The problem was that this was a horrid reality in which people were killed by spirits of different types, qnd died a horrid death. As he began turning the corner, his eyes widened in dreadful bemusement of what he saw. He quickly dashed back and took a peek behind the corner, hoping they wouldn't notice the boy who recently appeared.There were two people occupying an area down the hallway, one of which who was armed and seemingly deranged. The girl who wielded the weapon was surrounded by a physical manifestation of some malignant aura, and was very hostile towards the boy for something he did. She stared in anger at the boy as she began her assault on the boy, her emerald green eyes filled with pure spite as she unleashed a barrage of slices that missed the boy. She screeched something in hatred at the boy, before shooting her arm forward to stab him. The boy was able to easily reverse the attack, and forced her own hand to strike her fatally in the stomach. He wasn't done there, as the girl screamed, he began to brutally mutilate her body watching as the died a horrid death.From the looks of it, the weak looking boy could easily fend for himself, despite how emancipated he appeared. There were bags under his eyes, and he was covered in even more blood than he was previously. There were bags under the boys eyes, as if he hadn't slept for days. This warranted Eien to wonder how long the boy was stuck here, and saw how mismatched his clothes looked. He worried about what might happened if he tried to approach the boy, as he brutalized the girls body with not a tinge of remorse. Maybe this was what would happen to him and the others if they stayed in these accursed halls any longer. He dismissed the thought, be for returning his attention to the boy who was scrounging around the dead girls body. He wondered what exactly he was looking for, and decided to wait in secret to see what he would withdraw."(What the hell is wrong with this place?! That guy just murdered the other girls as if he didn't have a care in the world! Oh no... What if he finds the infirmary and the others?! I need to find that name tag post haste!... But first I need to wait to see what this guy is going to do next. If he starts getting near my location, I need to run.)"Eien swiftly turned his head to check for any abnormalities by the stairs from which he came, and then quickly redirected his attention to the malnourished boy. He anxiously awaited his move and prepared to day up the stairs in case he came this way. He had a plan laid out in his head on how to deal with this, depending on how things turned out, and hopefully his idea would go off without a hitch.

The stairs were completely untouched, and didn't show any signs of changing like the hallway.

As he stared, he could see the boy pull out a large knife...and do something horrific. Without a moments hesitation, the teen set to cutting off certain parts of the girls body. Eien could clearly make out the grunting noise the boy was making, and perhaps even...sobbing? It wasn't easy to make out from the squelching of the girl's limbs being cut off as muscle peeled from bone, however it was still there...

The boy continued to cut up certain parts of the young girl's body for about a minute before revealing a small, brown bag, to which he stored several dismembered body parts: fingers, toes, ears and even her breasts all went into the bag. The boy immediately zipped up the bag after he'd dropped it's contents inside and gulped loudly before letting out an ominous sigh. He kneeled beside the girl once more, beside her face, pulling his hand over it as though he were resting her eyes like in the movies. After he was done, the boy picked up the girl's weapon and pocketed it.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. Clearly he was talking to the corpse. "But you gotta do what you gotta do to survive... I wish it could've been different, Kohnako... But believe me, if I hadn't done this now, bad things would've happened in the future... Ah, you wouldn't understand..." With a sigh, the boy picked up his bag and continued down the hall. Shortly after he was out of sight due to the darkness, the sounds of a door opening could be heard before his footsteps faded completely...

(Btw if at any time Eien decided to attack, the boy would run down the hallway and into the shower rooms. Just a heads up ^_^)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kafka Komedy said
"Naomi" Yosuke said, running his fingers through his hair apprehensively. "I want none of that. I never, ever want you to change. You're so... Brave, and cool, and cunning and smart. I fucking abhor those brainless clods that hang onto their boyfriends' arms, that's why I like you. You can keep up, in fact, your better than me in most cases! Do you know how often I say that? Never! I never say that crap, except when I mean it. Honestly, I'm confused on how I want you to treat me as well. I like it when you assert your dominance, but, being treated nicely is, well... nice. I'm... I'm so confused right now Naomi. I don't know what my emotions are, I don't know where I am, and I know I'm not going to live. I need your help Naomi. I'm lost, and I'm afraid, and I'm scared. But I'm willing to try god damn it. Please, let's figure this out, okay? I..." Yosuke paused as he felt warm tears start to stream down his face. "Am I crying? God, this is where it all comes out, isn't it? Hehehe." Yosuke said, laughing and sobbing all at the same time. "Just please, help me with this Naomi. Do whatever you want, I'll always be by your side As long as you want me their." Yosuke said, wiping his eyes and jogging to catch up with her. "I wanna work this out with you."

When Yosuke began to complement Naomi she just stayed silent, and stopped, she listened to him say she wasn't like any of the other girls that he'd known and he didn't want her to be like any of them, when he began to cry, Naomi watched him cry and laugh as he pleaded with her to help him with the situation they were in, when he said " I wanna work this out with you," Naomi hugged him.

But the show of affection was brief and she let go of him," Wipe away your tears. you look like a coward." Naomi told him before she turned away from him," You'll lead the way, if we find more bodies I'm collecting the I.Ds. Also I have to ask this but do you still have your scrap of paper from the bullshit ritual with Mayu ?" she asked, she gave him a straight face as she showed her scrap from her I.D holder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Spriggs27 said
When Yosuke began to complement Naomi she just stayed silent, and stopped, she listened to him say she wasn't like any of the other girls that he'd known and he didn't want her to be like any of them, when he began to cry, Naomi watched him cry and laugh as he pleaded with her to help him with the situation they were in, when he said " I wanna work this out with you," Naomi hugged him.But the show of affection was brief and she let go of him," Wipe away your tears. you look like a coward." Naomi told him before she turned away from him," You'll lead the way, if we find more bodies I'm collecting the I.Ds. Also I have to ask this but do you still have your scrap of paper from the bullshit ritual with Mayu ?" she asked, she gave him a straight face as she showed her scrap from her I.D holder.

As brief as it was, the hug from Naomi was all Yosuke needed to pull himself out of the emotional gutter he placed himself in. She cared enough to hug him, not just let herself be hugged. Even if it was a tactical decision, she hadn't recoiled or anything. Besides, sometimes it's nice to be lied too. Anyways, Yosuke wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt, and began walking ahead of Naomi. She asked him about the scrap of paper he lost, and he simply replied "Nah, dropped it before I even fell down that giant-ass hole in the middle of our classroom. I think I saw it fall down with us, but that may have been my eyes playing tricks on me." Yosuke said, looking back at Naomi. "Why? Do you think it's important? I thought we weren't getting out of here alive?" Yosuke asked with a grin. "Or, has my infectious optimism finally taken hold?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Eien : Heavenly Host = 1st Floor, East Hall-

As Eien watched the boy began doing something even more horrific to the body of the girl. His eyes widened in sheer horror at what that scraggly boy was doing and felt powerless to stop him from further desecrating her body. He couldn't do a thing against him if he was unarmed and would most likely end up getting murdered by him too in the same grisly manner. Eien pondered in curious dread what he was going to do with this body parts, and he swore he heard something that sounded like sobbing coming from the general area. Was that boy... remorseful? Eien couldn't exactly tell as the corpse squelched even more red ichor from its mutilated body. He gagged to keep himself from throwing up out of fear from the nauseating scene he just saw. He swallowed the bile back down, before hearing the boy finish taking the body parts. He watched as he began putting the body parts into a strange brown bag, before saying his condolences to her about survival, and leaving the body to rot.

That feel of dread turned into one of anger as he discern what the boy was going to do with those body parts... Dane cannibal. He felt he would need to keep a look out for him when he neared infirmary as he didn't want to walk in on him dissecting Mayuris body. He put that out of his mind as he moved from his hiding spot and stared at the girls body. He slowly walked towards the body, doing his best not to make a sound. As he got closer to the corpse, he stared at the butchered body in sheer sadness that he didn't even try to stop him. He was filled with regret, and pushed those feeling out of his mind. Eien had to keep a courageous mask on his face, along with a determined and clear mind. Even when thinking about it, he would never do something as horrible as eating his own friend for survival. He would rather die from starvation than perform such a horrendous task as that. He continued to walk towards the body, and staring down at the girl, feel in a bit of languish as he looked at her corpse.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't stop him from doing this to your body... Please forgive me Kohnaku for my cowardly act... I should of stopped him. I... I may of not known you, but I'm sorry that you had to fall to such a horrid fate."

As he said his words of sympathy to the dead, he gave a brief prayer to the girl be for moving on. There was nothing he could really do at this point, except complete the tasks that he laid before him. He traversed down the hallway, and into the west part of the hall. He took a look back at the corpse before continuing down the hallway, keeping a look out on if the school began to change how it looked. Eien began looking for another set of stairs that he could use to ascend to the second floor so he could possibly make it to where Seikos ID was. He wouldn't make a repeat of what he did previously and constantly kept a sharp eye for any inconsistencies. Once he found the stares, he would slowly walk up the stairs instead of quickly walking up in case he noticed something out of place.

((Eternal sharp eye ftw! Stupidity shall not be the only option!))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kafka Komedy said
As brief as it was, the hug from Naomi was all Yosuke needed to pull himself out of the emotional gutter he placed himself in. She cared enough to hug him, not just let herself be hugged. Even if it was a tactical decision, she hadn't recoiled or anything. Besides, sometimes it's nice to be lied too. Anyways, Yosuke wiped his face with the sleeve of his shirt, and began walking ahead of Naomi. She asked him about the scrap of paper he lost, and he simply replied "Nah, dropped it before I even fell down that giant-ass hole in the middle of our classroom. I think I saw it fall down with us, but that may have been my eyes playing tricks on me." Yosuke said, looking back at Naomi. "Why? Do you think it's important? I thought we weren't getting out of here alive?" Yosuke asked with a grin. "Or, has my infectious optimism finally taken hold?"

Naomi kept a straight face before she spoke out " No, I'm not, I just wanted another reason to kill Mayu really. And I never said we weren't, but they won't be getting out alive, I'm gonna finish our classmates here.." Naomi told him sounding very cold when she spoke about killing them all. she took out her knife and spun it around in the palm of her hand before catching it on the opposite end and licking the blade ," I know that you won't get in my way, but right now is your time to prove to me that you know how to kill more than just garden animals and bugs."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Spriggs27 said
Naomi kept a straight face before she spoke out " No, I'm not, I just wanted another reason to kill Mayu really. And I never said we weren't, but they won't be getting out alive, I'm gonna finish our classmates here.." Naomi told him sounding very cold when she spoke about killing them all. she took out her knife and spun it around in the palm of her hand before catching it on the opposite end and licking the blade ," I know that you won't get in my way, but right now is your time to prove to me that you know how to kill more than just garden animals and bugs."

Yosuke snickered to himself as Naomi explained to him the fact that she really just wanted another reason to kill Mayuri. I mean, she could just straight up say, 'I want us to escape, and we both need the paper pieces', but baby steps, I guess. Or maybe she really did want more of an excuse to kill Mayuri? She did have trouble murdering her in the past. Yosuke decided if Naomi needed it, he'd give her time to think it over, work out the issue, and finally kill Mayuri. He didn't want to steal her kill, especially one so emotionally impactful. Naomi also stated she never said they weren't getting out of here alive, which he was pretty sure was a lie, but at least he had brought her spirits up a little.

Yosuke thought he and Naomi were on pretty even terms, murder speaking. Naomi was experienced, but had a busted leg. Yosuke had never really killed something that fought back with more than claws, but he was, generally speaking, much better off than Naomi. "Alright." Yosuke said, pulling out the pair of scissors and slipping his index and middle fingers in the holes where the fingers went. A spiked glove claw thing. Sweet. "So, should we just keep walking down this hall until we hit a dead end? Or do you wanna see if we can trick Blue Psycho Asshole and get to the Infirmary?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : Heavenly Host = 1st Floor, East Hall-As Eien watched the boy began doing something even more horrific to the body of the girl. His eyes widened in sheer horror at what that scraggly boy was doing and felt powerless to stop him from further desecrating her body. He couldn't do a thing against him if he was unarmed and would most likely end up getting murdered by him too in the same grisly manner. Eien pondered in curious dread what he was going to do with this body parts, and he swore he heard something that sounded like sobbing coming from the general area. Was that boy... remorseful? Eien couldn't exactly tell as the corpse squelched even more red ichor from its mutilated body. He gagged to keep himself from throwing up out of fear from the nauseating scene he just saw. He swallowed the bile back down, before hearing the boy finish taking the body parts. He watched as he began putting the body parts into a strange brown bag, before saying his condolences to her about survival, and leaving the body to rot.That feel of dread turned into one of anger as he discern what the boy was going to do with those body parts... Dane cannibal. He felt he would need to keep a look out for him when he neared infirmary as he didn't want to walk in on him dissecting Mayuris body. He put that out of his mind as he moved from his hiding spot and stared at the girls body. He slowly walked towards the body, doing his best not to make a sound. As he got closer to the corpse, he stared at the butchered body in sheer sadness that he didn't even try to stop him. He was filled with regret, and pushed those feeling out of his mind. Eien had to keep a courageous mask on his face, along with a determined and clear mind. Even when thinking about it, he would never do something as horrible as eating his own friend for survival. He would rather die from starvation than perform such a horrendous task as that. He continued to walk towards the body, and staring down at the girl, feel in a bit of languish as he looked at her corpse."I'm so sorry that I didn't stop him from doing this to your body... Please forgive me Kohnaku for my cowardly act... I should of stopped him. I... I may of not known you, but I'm sorry that you had to fall to such a horrid fate."As he said his words of sympathy to the dead, he gave a brief prayer to the girl be for moving on. There was nothing he could really do at this point, except complete the tasks that he laid before him. He traversed down the hallway, and into the west part of the hall. He took a look back at the corpse before continuing down the hallway, keeping a look out on if the school began to change how it looked. Eien began looking for another set of stairs that he could use to ascend to the second floor so he could possibly make it to where Seikos ID was. He wouldn't make a repeat of what he did previously and constantly kept a sharp eye for any inconsistencies. Once he found the stares, he would slowly walk up the stairs instead of quickly walking up in case he noticed something out of place.((Eternal sharp eye ftw! Stupidity shall not be the only option!))

Eien easily made it to the stairs without incident. Upon his ascent, there wasn't anything out of place nor did there seem to be anything shifty. Both unease and safety seemed to combine around this area, giving it a certain neutrality - a sharp contrast to the rest of the building. The stairs were relatively clear of debris and, aside from the window showing the onslaught of rain outside and the trees, there was nothing really in the staircase. Although, there was a faint, white light coming from deep within the forest, though it disappeared before Eien could get a proper glance, should he have chosen to investigate.

As he ascended the second set of stairs, he found himself in a hallway that lead straight north from his position. It was a long hall, and, due to the darkness, it was impossible to determine the length of said hallway. There were several pieces of paper attached to a wall near the staircase, with each containing messages like "You can't trust them" and "She's going to kill you" and plenty of other ominous passages. Further up the hall, Eien could make out a door, most probably leading to a classroom, though from this distance it was hard to tell. Just like most other areas in the building, the place showed heavy signs of wear and decay, as floorboards creaked with age (some of which were missing or 'uprooted') and paint peeled from the ceiling and walls.

There were no bodies to be found in this part of the hallway, however a lone, purple light flowed dimly in the distance. It appeared as though it were moving away from him, as the light got smaller and dimmer over time until it was finally lost in the darkness.

(You're in the west hallway on the second floor that leads to the three classrooms and the staircase which takes you to the third floor, just so you know)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Soft and loud melodies entered Yume's ears as she slowly fluttered her eyelids open. She saw herself beside chairs and desks. Looking up was the ceiling lights flickering and making sparks.
A bit of pain was still present at the lower part of her body once she hauled herself up into a sitting position. Panic at once entered her body when she suddenly noticed that she was not in the place she once was with her two partners...
"K-Kiku? Shirako? She hoarsely called out. No answer. Only continuous sounds of soft ballad tunes playing non-stop.
Yume shakily stood up, but it was obvious her stamina and energy was already draining out. She looked around and could have assured that she was in a hallway, not inside a classroom. Moreover.... her friends! They were not with her. She was alone.. or so she thought....

Before she could go out of control, she looked at the front center of the classroom where she found a grand piano in where a little figure sat, playing it. On the floor were scattered and torn pieces of paper.
She slowly moved to the side to take a better view of the figure to make out it was a little girl. She then remembered the children, the spirits. Could she be... one of them?
Yume's legs started to shiver in fear. She covered her mouth to control her breathing. What if that girl does something to her? Like that one....

Yume ducked down and hid herself behind the scattered chairs and desks, enough to peer the top of her head to look at her surrounding. There were 2 doors; one more further away from her reach and seemed tightly shut and one somewhat more closer to her reach, but yet, it was still far, but the good news was that it had a gap. It was open!
If I make a sound... it might go ballistic on me!... I need to make a sequence.... and the timing....

The melody particularly sounds the same, as if it is endlessly repeated. The tune of the music goes highest and loudest to slowly slowing down, making a slow pace and fading. The little girl might be putting much more focus by the loud part of the tune, making her unable to notice Yume.
Yume timed her movements by the melody. She had to wait for a few minutes for the whole music to reach the loud part. What was tricky was that she had to pass through the chairs and desks without attempting or making any small noises.

Almost there.... almost there.... Annnd she reached the finished line!
The music of the piano at the moment was the slow part, so Yume had to wait a bit more for the loud part. Once it commenced, she slowly stood up and reached the door knob, keeping her eye on the little girl. Throughout her plan, she hasn't noticed a speck of Yume's movements. Yes!
Yume then opened the door slightly but....
Oh no...
The door gave out a loud creak sound.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Naomi watched as Yosuke got ready for a fight in case they encountered anyone or anything, Naomi didn't keep her eyes completely on him and was wondering something, it was kinda strange to her, for the most part of this gory sojourn, they both encountered dead bodies and what she could only guess was a ghost or spirit, but now they weren't encountering anything, just hallways with nothing but the derelict floors and walls for them to look at.

When Yosuke mention trying to get by the blue spirit that stopped them before, Naomi thought about it." The only way I believe we could get past him is if one of us gets left behind or we take him on, but I don't believe either of those would work, then again we could try to run around him or lure him away." Naomi suggested," It beats just staying down here." she continued.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Spriggs27 said
Naomi watched as Yosuke got ready for a fight in case they encountered anyone or anything, Naomi didn't keep her eyes completely on him and was wondering something, it was kinda strange to her, for the most part of this gory sojourn, they both encountered dead bodies and what she could only guess was a ghost or spirit, but now they weren't encountering anything, just hallways with nothing but the derelict floors and walls for them to look at.When Yosuke mention trying to get by the blue spirit that stopped them before, Naomi thought about it." The only way I believe we could get past him is if one of us gets left behind or we take him on, but I don't believe either of those would work, then again we could try to run around him or lure him away." Naomi suggested," It beats just staying down here." she continued.

"Does he ever leave those stairs?" Yosuke asked Naomi, as if she somehow had answers that no one would probably ever know. "Anyways, I think non-physical negotiations will work best on this guy, being a ghost and all. We could offer him up a body and slash or promise him one if he lets us pass, if you're willing to pass up a kill." Yosuke suggested, turning to face Naomi. "He'd be useless without that damn knife, maybe one of us could distract him while the other sneaks up and disarms him? Here, let me see what I have in my bag." Yosuke said as he opened his bag to see what was in it. Pens, pencils, paper, and various other school supplies littered his bag. He could draw something offensive, or crumple up some paper and throw it at the spirit? "Whatever you wanna do, I'm with it Nay. Is that cool? Can I call you that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

" Physical attacks would be stupid, we won't be able to touch the the guy." Naomi listed to Yosuke give other options that they could do to get the spirit away from the stairs," Let's just see if he's still there, if not we just go with another plan, I've never really fought a ghost before and I doubt I can kill something that's already dead by someone else's hand ." Naomi told him, she ignored the short nickname that Yosuke gave her and began moving back to the stairs where the ghost was earlier.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Spriggs27 said
" Physical attacks would be stupid, we won't be able to touch the the guy." Naomi listed to Yosuke give other options that they could do to get the spirit away from the stairs," Let's just see if he's still there, if not we just go with another plan, I've never really fought a ghost before and I doubt I can kill something that's already dead by someone else's hand ." Naomi told him, she ignored the short nickname that Yosuke gave her and began moving back to the stairs where the ghost was earlier.

"You know, if you didn't like the nickname, you could have just said." Yosuke mumbled with a slight frown, before jogging a little to catch up with Naomi. Once he was a small bit behind her, he slowed down to a regular walking pace. "Yeah, alright, I'm good at improv." Yosuke agreed before asking Naomi "So, any idea what that guy's deal is? Do you think he got killed here, or was he a creation of the thing that created this place? I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter all that much, but if he's just a creation then there might be a better chance of him being gone, because the creator person could just zap him out of existence while he wasn't needed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kafka Komedy said
"You know, if you didn't like the nickname, you could have just said." Yosuke mumbled with a slight frown, before jogging a little to catch up with Naomi. Once he was a small bit behind her, he slowed down to a regular walking pace. "Yeah, alright, I'm good at improv." Yosuke agreed before asking Naomi "So, any idea what that guy's deal is? Do you think he got killed here, or was he a creation of the thing that created this place? I mean, I guess it doesn't really matter all that much, but if he's just a creation then there might be a better chance of him being gone, because the creator person could just zap him out of existence while he wasn't needed."

" I thought not saying anything ment that I didn't mind it, call me what ever you want really." Naomi said sounding apathetic about the nickname, she put a hand on her chin and thought about the spirit guy," He could be either or, but my money is on someone who was possibly killed here. I don't know about what ever owns this place would use ghost to fight for it." Naomi said giving her open thought about Yuuya," Also I'm not afraid of some ghost who probably died falling down the steps with a knife like a dumbass." she continued.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Oh. Cool." Yosuke said, allowing himself to smile after Naomi revealed she didn't care what he called her. He also made a mental note to himself to mumble quieter if he didn't want Naomi to hear. Yosuke then nodded at Nay's sound logic, and snickered at her joke. If it was a joke, I mean, the not afraid part obviously wasn't, but the... Yeah. Yosuke reorganized his thoughts while he made his way to the stairs, trying to be stealthy so that if the ghost was still there, he had less of a chance of being noticed.
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